Word of Life Christian Center | September 2013

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Word of Life | Releasing Lids & Labels



September 2013

Releasing Labels & Lids


Read & Study The Word


Here Am I. Send Me! Spotlight on a Sista


Grace Giving


Faith That Finishes


Words of Life from Pastor G

Christian Education

Upcoming Events


Back To School Prayer Tool


30 Ways to Pray for Students


Disciplined Disciples Devotion


Inside Out

Word of Life Christian Church 460 W. Atherton Rd. Flint, MI 48507 (810) 232-5944 www.thewordisalive.org Word of Life | Releasing Lids & Labels


Words of Life from Pastor G

Word of Life Church Family, This month we will ponder how to handle and disperse the labels and lids that are self imposed and this world places on our life. God consistently informs us that we have exceptional capability; however, He expects us to be responsible and disciplined to overcome the anchors of labels and lids in our life. In scripture we often mention the great disciple Peter, he had a few labels and lids that required the Jesus makeover. Peter a fisherman accepted Jesus’s invitation to follow him. Before they met, Peter was known as Simon, a rough fisherman who needed a lot of work on his character and relationships. You see, Peter was labeled: HOT HEAD, IMPULSIVE, HEADSTRONG. He rubbed people the wrong way, shot off his mouth, did things his own way even when it caused hurt to himself and placed a lid on his potential. Jesus saw the labels and He ignored them because He recognize who Peter really was. He didn’t see Peter as he was in the present. Jesus saw Peter as God had made him to be, and as Peter was going to be when he got through with him. Jesus labeled Peter: PASSIONATE, DETERMINED, STRONG. He sees us the same way, He calls those things which are not as though they were. Jesus told Peter, “You are Simon, son of John. But you will be called Cephas, which means Peter” (John 1:42). Jesus was saying: You are my rock. Your life may be like sifting sand now, but as you grow in me you’re going to be solid as a rock. That’s what Jesus does for us. He takes who we are and embraces us. He loves how God made us and He sees what is best and calls that out of us, ever-shaping and sharpening our best qualities like the potter does with the clay to create something beautiful and enduring. As we go forth this month, pray and ask God to relabel you and give you a new name. Ask God to lift your lids and allow you to stretch for success and operate with excellence on a daily basis to glorify Him in word and deed.

Be Blessed, George D Wilkinson Pastor G Word of Life | Releasing Lids & Labels


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Word of Life | Releasing Lids & Labels


Christian Education

Week 1

“Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.” (Daniel 6:10 NIV)

Week 2

“A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume. As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.” (Luke 7:37, 38 NIV)

Week 3

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you:‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.” (John 15:18-20 NIV)

Week 4

“As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.” (Romans 4:17 KJV)

Hear & Obey the Word Sunday Worship Service 9:00 AM September Theme Releasing Labels & Lids Week 1 - Loosed to Live Week 2 - Lift Your Lids Week 3 - Lift Your Labels Week 4 - Defined by the Divine Study the Word Christian Education Reconvenes!!! Every Tuesday 6:00 PM September Theme Don’t You Know Haven’t You Heard We will be discussing the promises of God and how we govern ourselves accordingly; standing on His precious promises! Study the Word Some More Christian Education Every Sunday 8:00 AM September Theme Living in the Last Days Understanding the signs of the times; end time events Morning Manna Every Morning 6:00 AM (805)399-1000 Access Code -293922

Word of Life | Releasing Lids & Labels


Spotlight on a Sista

In a small church on Kent Street, Pastor Lindell Brady instructed his congregation in the things of God.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said here am I. Send me! -Isaiah 6:8�

Among those people was a teenager by the name of Marlene. During this 9me she received spiritual education in 9thing, studying, Godly Type to enter text love and evangelism. Marlene Smith is currently a wife, mother of 3 and has 3 grandchildren. She is employed by the University of Michigan as a human resource manager. These are all great accomplishments, but there is so much more. Love was the bait that lured her to become a member at Word of Life. The year that her mother passed away she found herself searching, without

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Page Title a permanent church home. During her 9me of bereavement she called Pastor Wilkinson. The love of God that he offered to her and family during that 9me secured her heart and touched her beyond measure. She has been a member for 5 years. Proverbs 22:6 reads “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Sister Smith is still motivated by the things she learned in her youth. She has developed into an excellent resource for research in Christian education, she works with the Prayer Ministry, Evangelism and Finance at Word of Life Christian Church. She serves on the Betty J. Wilkinson-­ Galloway Scholarship committee and has worked on the boards of Whaley Children’s Center and Big Brother and Big Sisters. For many years she has managed the College Outreach Ministry. This particular ministry is very dear to her heart as she works on a campus daily. Location is not the only factor it’s her memory. She recalls all the care and love that was shown and needed when she was a child and desires to extend that to the next generation. When the seeds of the Word of God are planted they are like perennials and not annuals, they come back year after year. Marlene hasn’t lost her love of learning about the word of God, and enjoys being around her brothers and sisters in Christ because iron sharpens iron, which in turn helps her as she ministers on Morning Manna. The love and fellowship from Pastor and the congregation is exposing gifts within her that she didn’t realize that had been lying dormant for many years. The atmosphere makes all this possible because where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. Her prayer for Word of Life is that every man, woman, boy and girl in the body of believers would seek God for their gifts and use them to the benefit of the Kingdom, our congregation and community, so that the church will always be vibrant with those we have mentored and equipped to serve in the future. -Lisa Magee

The Power of God In you and through you

We’re all people, God’s people, a chosen generation. We all have beating hearts, blood coursing through our veins, a name, a face, and a soul. Still many of us struggle with labels that have been placed on us early on. Sometimes we spend decades trying to live up to the label or often times we desperately try to leave it behind. The effects of labels can be acute and longlasting. But stop and ask yourself... are they accurate? Let’s not let live our lives based on someone else’s label, but instead look to Jesus to help us manifest and realize the potential God has given each of us.

You Can’t Hold Me Down

Just the other day I laughed so hard I started to cry. Funny when just moments before I felt I could die. I’m finally feeling love, not hate. I’m living day to day, Not worried about my fate. I’m excited for life, No longer scared. I’m going to be me. The me that God has called me to be. I have my scars, yes that’s true, but I’ve turned them over to the ONE who can wash me and make me anew. You tried to stop me, beat me, and label me but guess what? I serve a God who protects me, restores me, and loves me. So disappear with your hateful sneers, You’re done causing my tears. When I cry, It’ll be tears of joy. Not sorrow. I’ll live in the moment, for I know who grants my power and holds the future of my tomorrows. -Michelle Hill

Word of Life | Releasing Lids & Labels


Grace Giving

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant or to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain... Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and - I Timothy 6:17-18 willing to share.

It is important to know that God does not start anything that He does not finish. He is the author and the finisher of our faith, and that is why I believe that our “Faith that Finishes” campaign will accomplish and do what has been identified. God will do what He says He will do, however, He always gives us an opportunity to participate in His work. What an honor it is to be involved in and have a role to play in what God is doing. Saints, do not succumb to the tactics of the enemy by believing that your role is insignificant - you are on the team because you are important to God! Therefore, do your part, play your role and score for Jesus! Our Faith that Finishes start has fallen short of the designated goal as indicated in the chart below. We can’t allow this to continue with the next giving opportunities. I am not requesting anyone to go beyond what has been specified, we will stay the course, but if you have not given, play your role and do your part to assist us in achieving our goal. 2013 Faith that Finishes Purpose: Receive funds to accelerate the retirement of the mortgage and to provide additional funds to improve the facility - sanctuary air conditioning, parking lot sealed, building renovations. 2013 Faith that Finishes Plan: - 150 individuals contribute $125.00 quarterly beyond regular giving. 2013 Faith that Finishes 2nd. Quarter Results: Goal: 18,750 Contributions - 5,000.00

Word of Life | Releasing Lids & Labels


Faith That Finishes




In Person Sunday Service Cash or Check

Online www.thewordisalive.org Credit or Debit

Grace Giving August Monthly Tithes & Offering Results $26,000

Faith That Finishes 2nd Quarter Goal $18,750

Faith That Finishes 2nd Quarter Actual $5,000

Word of Life | Releasing Lids & Labels


Upcoming Events

Fit To Be Tied

A Marital Enrichment Seminar Hosted by Word of Life Christian Church Saturday, November 9, 2013 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.� (Ephesians 5:31) Save the Date! When marriages are committed to serving Christ and each other, relationships thrive.

Study and Roll

Teen Bible Study & Bowling Event Hosted by Word of Life Christian Church Saturday, September 7, 2013 10:00 AM Free Event! Youth will be transported to Galaxy Lanes from the church.

Winter of Warmth A Winter Wear Drive & Dinner Hosted by Word of Life Christian Church Saturday, November 23, 2013 11:00 AM Give the Gift of Warmth this Holiday season and donate a coat today. Donations will be accepted now until November 16th. See Sis Claudine Jackson or Sis Julie Price for more details.

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Yes indeed, it’s that time of year again. A time filled with clothes and shoe shopping, a time of wondering how many mechanical pencils one should buy, a time of accessing will the book bag my child had last year still function. You guessed it, it’s time to head back to school. As our children head back to school and our anxiety starts to rise, I would encourage you to relax, keep calm, and pray. Below is a back to school prayer tool to guide you as you pray for you child and a successful year. Pray for safety of all in the school day. Whether you teach your children in a homeschool setting or send them to private school or they attend public school, safety and protection from the Lord is needed. You could also use red to remember any “warning” areas you want to remember for your specific child. For bullying issues. For peer pressure problems, etc.

Thank God for your child’s imagination and ask Him to use people to channel that creativity. Ask Him to bless your child’s mind and talents and believe that He will funnel your child into the exact fields of expertise and education in which they should be. Ask for God to bless your child’s teachers with creative ways and imaginative hearts.

Pray for social communication and attitudes. Children encounter all types of personalities from the crosswalk guard to the bus driver. No matter the school setting, attitudes can make or break the day.

Brown is a down-to-earth color and often signifies work. Ask God to give your child a strong work ethic as you work to model and instill character. Pray that everyone involved in caring for your child or teaching your child would be a hard worker- whether others or yourself.

Pray for the intellectual and emotional stability of your child. Learning is difficult if you can’t focus or don’t feel well mentally. Pray for your child to remember that God is always with them and never leaves them. Pray for your child to feel the strength of God in them throughout the day as they study and learn. Pray for your child’s growth- that the school year would be a steady stream of growth throughout the year. That God would keep their learning atmosphere balanced in order to promote growth.

Pray for God to keep your child from becoming confused or insecure. Ask the Lord to keep your mind clear as a parent when you teach. Pray for your child’s teachers and administration that God would guide them towards wise choices in the classroom and provide clarity for focusing on their positions. Pray for the Lord to reign because He is not a god of confusion.

Ask God to give your child a sense of peace no matter where they are in their day. That their spirit would feel free and loved in Him and that peace would radiate to others. That their environments would be peaceful and conducive to learning.

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Day 1: Pray that our students will grow spiritually by developing spiritual disciplines. Day 2: Pray that our students will guard their hearts. Day 3: Pray that our students will seek wisdom and understanding and will fear the Lord. Day 4: Pray that our students will be humble. Day 5: Pray that our students will have hearts that are tender toward the voice of the Lord and quick to agree with God about their sin. Day 6: Pray that our students will love righteousness and hate wickedness, especially the evils of the culture. Pray they will recognize and avoid wickedness in their own lives and take clear, strong stands against evil. Day 7: Pray that our students will serve the Lord. Day 8: Pray that our students will cultivate strong integrity and not compromise their convictions. Day 9: Pray that our students will be genuine. Day 10: Pray that our students will find their strength in the Lord. Day 11: Pray that our students will have humble,

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teachable spirits and servants’ hearts before the Lord. Day 12: Pray that our students will serve unselfishly. Day 13: Pray that our students will speak words which build up their families and reflect hearts of love. Day 14: Pray that our students will be imitators of Christ. Day 15: Pray that our students will choose friends wisely. Pray that God will bring friends who will encourage their accountability before God and will not lead them into sin. Day 16: Pray that our students will choose healthy, odhonoring activities. Day 17: Pray that our students will have an eternal perspective, living in light of eternity. Day 18: Pray that our students will reject materialism and temporal values and put God first in their lives. Day 19: Pray that our students will be patient. Pray they will not give in to anger but will allow the Holy Spirit to control their responses. Day 20: Pray that our students will yield their minds and thoughts to the Lord.

Day 21: Pray that our students will practice forgiveness in relationships. Day 22: Pray that our students will live balanced lives. Day 23: Pray that our students will be courageous in their stands against evil and injustice and stand for truth. Day 24: Pray that our students will discover and live out their God-given purposes. Day 25: Pray that our students will offer all their dreams to the Lord and pursue only those goals which bring God glory and count for eternity. Day 26: Pray that our students will understand the importance of taking care of their bodies for the glory of God. Day 27: Pray that our students will not be conformed to the world. Day 28: Pray that our students will be prayer-minded. Day 29: Pray that our students will serve God and others with pure motives. Day 30: Pray that our students will seek the Lord continually.

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Inside Out

When viewing groceries in the store or in your cabinet you can identify what you are searching for by the label that’s on the outside of the package. When you see the dough boy there is no doubt it’s Pillsbury. When there’s a Tabasco sauce symbol, you know it’s Frank’s hot sauce. Even though all cola looks the same in the bottle, you know you’re drinking Coke by the distinctive red and white label on the can. Can you picture the chaos if someone came to your house and removed all the labels off every item in your kitchen? You reach for a can a green beans and it is not until it’s opened that you realize this is a can of corn! The content was much different than you imagined. We treat people this way. Without holding a conversation and judging from appearance only, we label them by what we see in our own limited vision, what we heard or think we know. Thankfully God is not this way. “For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7 B). The one thing that is worse

than what people call or consider you, is when you start accepting it or answering to it. My name is not the sin that I have committed or situation that I’ve gone through. In the English language, once you add a suffix to some words, it makes you aware of what a person does for a living, or is consistent in doing. Telling a lie and being a liar are 2 different things, just as sewing and being a seamstress are not the same. I can sew on a button or hem a pair of pants, but it’s not something that I do daily for a living. In other words, I’m inconsistent. We all find ourselves in situations of sin, but that doesn’t define who we are or change our name unless you unpack your bags, take up residence and get comfortable in sin. When we repent that serves as an eviction notice, that I no longer live in this situation. Make sure you call yourself and answer to what God calls you, like son, daughter, redeemed, righteous, chosen, apple of his eye, branch of his planting, elect of God, the work of my hands and friend.

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