Potential Contributions of South East European Local Governments to the Regional Economic Area (MAP REA)
2.3. Financial Diversification (Ch II 1.5) Table 5: Financial Diversification Local Concerns
Financial Diversification (Capital market development, financial access) – Ch II 1.5 Not covered by Map Rea
Legal/ Regulatory Attempts/ Measures Basic Institutional Settings Governance, Service Performance
Financial Facilities Innovative Levers
Endogenous Potentials
Local level not Local level sufficiently sufficiently covered covered
--Fairness in raising revenues/ fees for users of local utilities supply Implementation by LGs Inter-municipal burden balance/funds compensation Implementation by LGs Promotion of local venture capital systems National government rules, participation of LGs Participation in PPP Joint Research Centres Implementation by LGs Co-funding of incubators Implementation by LGs Special credit lines (access) for local SMEs National government rules, participation in implementation by LGs Crowd funding for smart facilities National government rules, participation by LGs