The Equinox Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
The student voice of Keene State College
Vol. 66, Issue #22
Thursday aprIl 3, 2014
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Voices end the silence JULIE CONLON
Managing ExEcutivE Editor
Managing ExEcutivE Editor
Keene State College senior Cameron Haggar recalls meeting KSC employee Eugene “Gino” Vallante in 2010. Haggar currently serves as the student manager of the Night Owl Cafe at KSC. Haggar said Vallante became a friend to him when he had none. “Coming into college alone, with no friends—having Gino as a mentor and a friend really helped me,” Haggar said. “I’ve had a dark past, I’ve been through some rough patches. My dad hasn’t always been there for me…I don’t know where I would be without that man [Vallante]. He’s done a lot for me, and he was like a father to me.” Similarly, KSC sophomore Bentley Reif met Vallante as a freshman as he sought a job in the NOC. Reif, now a team leader in the NOC, said Vallante was his supervisor, and an advisor— someone he looked up to. Reif said, “I went to him for class scheduling and I would go to his
Since Eugene “Gino” Vallante’s termiState College has retained McLane Law Firm to conduct an independent review, according to an email statement made by the college. The statement continued, “USNH [University System of New Hampshire] has retained former Attorney General Michael A. Delaney, a partner in the McLane Law Firm to conduct a system-wide review of the policies, procedures and compliance protocols related to the reporting of misconduct for the purpose of ensuring student safety.” Vice President of Student Affairs Andrew plaint regarding Vallante came in February of According to Robinson, he heard the allegations in the form of a “heads up” from the Keene Sentinel newspaper before the newspaper ran a story in February reporting claims made by a New England College alumnus. The alumnus made allegations of misconduct against Vallante to the Keene Sentinel. “It’s plaint,” he said.
if I needed to talk to somebody about something—he was always there to
contact human resources and let them know, and to strategize how we needed to approach that and deal with it,” Robinson said. Robinson, accompanied by Kelly Ricaurte, media relations manager for KSC, would not comment on the allegations made against Vallante, but said, “I can say that they were of a concern that we felt we needed to look into them and to do that carefully and thoroughly.” When asked whether he has heard spe-
more than just a boss, he was a good friend.” lante’s nine-year presence on the KSC campus made him a familiar face to many students, in his various capacities as the Night Owl manager, his work running Fast Break Broadcasting, along with his various roles with KSC athletics and athletes as an assistant coach and recruiter for men’s basketball. But for other students, Vallante was not a boss. He was a recruiter, an
affected in an inappropriate way by Vallante, Robinson said, “Well that’s still part of our review and it hasn’t been completed yet,” he added, “I probably shouldn’t comment on did, however, disclose that, “We have enough information that concerned us and enough that allowed us to terminate the employment of Gino Vallante.” Robinson said he is reaching out to the KSC community. “We are trying to let stu-
for class scheduling and according to some of those students who have now come forward, he also initiated KSC’s Sexual Misconduct Policy Definitions for Stalking, with numerous and unwelcome overtures through emails, text messages and social media towards male students. KSC senior Taylor James “TJ” Neville was one of those students who said he experienced Vallante’s varied approaches. From Vallante, Neville said he found guidance on class scheduling—and late night messages on the subject of masturbation. to talk about classes, and he would always help me out real quick, and then after that was done he would close the door... and he would talk
adMinistrativE ExEcutivE Editor
gations of misconduct. Dean of Students, Gail Zimmerman, said it’s important, “If a student is feeling uncomfortable in a situation where somebody who has some level of authority over them — whether it’s a faculty member or whether it’s a supervisor in a work situation or something like that — to tell somebody, they don’t have to keep it quiet.” Will Wallace, a KSC alumnus, said,
“Tell someone.” That is the refrain from current and former Keene State College students, specialists from the Counseling Center and other campus sources regarding the ongoing case concerning Eugene “Gino”
“Especially in situations like this, you can’t be worried about what people think about you. If you get a vibe from somebody that
able, it’s clearly for a reason.” Vallante, who was employed by KSC ious positions on campus during those makes you uncomfortable like that, then nine years. Students who worked in the you need to be more than willing to just Night Owl Cafe (NOC) said they develkind of either tell somebody to, excuse my oped a close relationship with Vallante in language, but [explicit] off — not worried his capacity as program coordinator of the about what people think about’s NOC. They voiced their sadness and conbecause if they’re making you uncomfort-
Courage, character and commitment lands N.H. women state-wide award BETHANY RICCIARDI
nEws Editor In honor of National Women’s History Month, Keene State College’s President Dr. Anne Huot honored four outstanding women for their character, courage and commitment at the Alumni Center on March 26. The women were awarded for making a difference on the campus and the Monadnock Region. First to be honored was a KSC senior Johanna DeBari, who was nominated by her professors. Professors Henry Knight and Len Fleischer joined her at the front of the room to honor her and Fleischer said to her, “You
are an outstanding student, energetic and dedicated activist and you serve as a generous mentor to your peers. Your written work as well as your passion for learning has drawn your teacher’s attention.” DeBari is a Psychology and Holocaust and Genocide Studies major, who used her own personal and traumatic experience of sexual assault as motivation to advocate for sexual violence awareness and prevention. Her professors also mentioned her active participation within the Mentors for Violence Prevention program. DeBari also volunteers at numerous organizations, and has assumed leadership roles at
KSC, including being the vice president for the Holocaust and Genocide Awareness Club. DeBari cried tears of joy while she said she tried to maintain emotion when accepting her award. “I don’t do well with compliments, and having such an amazing opportunity is something I’ve been having a hard time putting into words. I wrote the past two days. Rewriting, and to say. I’m going to try and explain how humbled and incredibly honored I am to receive this,” DeBari said. DeBari recognized friends, family, professors and all the
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Section B: A&E..................1-4 Ctd. Coverage..5 Sports.............7-10
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individuals who had helped her get to where she stood that day. She said KSC makes her feel at home and at peace. She explained her experiences while at KSC and said she’d had amazing opportunities traveling as well. DeBari said, “I am not just one outstanding individual, I am but one dedicated person inspired, motivated, encouraged and loved by a wealth of communities around me who have nurtured and strengthened me in every way possible.” This is the twenty-fourth annual celebration to celebrate gifted women. Huot said, “Everyday I discover something new, wonderful and amazing about
- Students deserve more : A4 - ‘Sweethearts’ raise $200 for charity : A10 - Alfa brings unique sound to campus : B1 - KSC sports ‘spring’ into season : B10
this college and its commitment to society through the work of the people that will be honored here tonight, but also through the broader Keene community and the Keene State community in keeping with honoring tradition.” Huot said the four are a very impressive group of women. Next to be awarded the Outstanding Women of New Hampshire Award was faculty member and director of the nursing program, Mary-Ellen Fleeger. Huot said multiple people sent in nominations for Fleeger,
Johanna DeBari, KSC senior, bows when accepting Outstanding Women of N.H. award.
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Black News / A2
CAMPUS SAFETY report log
Week of: March 17
(Cont. from A1)
about the same kind of stuff,” Neville said. “Stuff,” according to Neville, is the content of messages Vallante would send Neville over Facebook “late at night.” For example, Neville shared with The Equinox the following [as written] exchange over Facebook messaging initiated by Vallante in fall 2010.
Monday, March 17 11:15 a.m. Science Center: The suspicious person called in by Antioch was seen in Science Center at approximately 11 a.m. KPD advised. 2:31 p.m. Hale Building: Suspicious circumstances. Tuesday, March 18 8:41 p.m. Sumner Joyce Field: Campus Safety Sergeant Brendan Bosquet was in foot pursuit of suspect that was believed to be a shoplifter from Walmart. The subject jumped in river to get away from Sgt. Bosquet. Keene police then caught suspect on the other side after the suspect exited the water. Wednesday, March 19 3:29 p.m. Zorn Dining Commons: Unknown odor in building reported. Nothing found by fire department so they are clearing. Building being vented. Saturday, March 22 1:26 a.m. Pondside 2: Report of noise outside of resident’s window. 3:30 p.m. Appian Way: Officer off speaking to some students. 9:50 p.m. Pondside 2: Intoxicated subject.
ThursdAy, April 3, 2014
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Vallante: so can i ask yo usomething? Neville: sure Vallante: how much do we trust each other? Neville: id say a good amount Vallante: ok good so then I have a question do I make you nervous? or do you feel awkward with me? Neville: nope Vallante: sometimes I’m not sure so have some of your convos been too personal and make you think in some way I’m weird? Neville: u mean our convos? Vallante: some talks we’ve had Neville: right. no they havent Vallante: ok good i would feel really badly if they did it’s not my intention Besides frequent Facebook messages Neville said he received from Vallante, the student said, “He [Vallante] would ask me penis size. He would ask if I masturbated with my roommate in the room, if we [Neville and roommate] watched porn together, if we ever shared girls with each other… [Vallante] would talk about sex positions that he liked, things like that.” KSC senior Luke Flood also met Vallante in 2010. Flood said he found Vallante’s behavior toward male students troubling. “Basically it goes from—he’s a guy that you ers and stuff, the guy who tries to make them feel comfortable—and then he abuses that position by asking these questions and trying to get whatever ulterior motive sat[explicit] up. I always wanted to tell somebody,” Flood said. One KSC alum and former basketball player, who requested his name be withcontact. According to the former player, Vallante recruited him to play—he brought him to KSC. The former player said Vallante’s questions surrounding the subject of masturbation and sex began once he was an
Vallante, a 1997 KSC graduate, served from 2000-2002 as the men’s head basketball coach at New England College. In 2005, KSC hired Vallante as a full-time employee. At KSC, where Vallante worked in the L.P. Young Student Center as a program coordinator, he was also the manager of the Night Owl Café (NOC). According to KSC Director of Human Resources, Kim Harkness, Vallante’s salary for his NOC work at the time of his termination from the college was $40,600. During the 2010-20ll season, Vallante took the role of director of basketball operations for the KSC Men’s Basketball team. Harkness stated in an email to The Equinox that Vallante “has not been paid as an assistant coach or recruiter for athletics since May his previous work in those capacities. In addition, Vallante held a separate contract with the college for Fast Break Broadcasting, a company Vallante created. site, Fast Break Broadcasting was an internship for broadcast hopefuls where students could gain experience in the areas of programming, ads and marketing and production. Almost three years later, on February 14, 2014, Vallante left KSC on paid leave, Vallante after an internal investigation was made into allegations of misconduct. KSC President Anne Huot released a read, “Keene State College has learned of allegations of misconduct by a staff member, CONTRIBUTED PHOTO / KEENE STATE COLLEGE MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS and following a thorough review, has terminated Eugene Vallante, who had been a full- Pictured above is former Keene State College employee Eugene “Gino” Vallante. Vallante was fired in March, 2014 by Keene State College after investigations began time employee at the College since 2005.”
into allegations of misconduct, according to an official statement made by the college.
year I became a team leader,” Efraimson said. NOC student manager Haggar said he was hired by Vallante as a freshman in 2010 as a staff member. Harkness, Vallante no longer has regular Haggar said Vallante became one of his contact with KSC students. Now, an increasing number of them want to share their one. “Yes, he was a friend to us,” Haggar experiences with Vallante. said, “We were able to have that relationAccording to KSC senior and Student ship—those different levels of [a] relationBody Vice President Jackie Efraimson, the ship—but when the professionalism was NOC team consists of the program coordi- needed, it was there—it was always distinnator, a position previously held by Vallante, guished. There were never boundaries that one student manager, team leaders and gen- were crossed.” eral staff. Brittney Rando is a KSC senior and NOC Efraimson stated that Haggar’s posi- team leader. Rando said, “He’s helped me in tion as student manager was also the role of so many ways. I could go on for days about “right-hand man to the Student Center Coor- how awesome a person he is. We have a dinator position.” relationship where we just joke around with Efraimson is a NOC team leader, a posi- each other—very professional at the same
uncomfortable things for me to be talking to someone who works at Keene State about,” time— when it needed to be… I felt comthe former player said. manager. Efraimson said she asked Vallante fortable going to him even if it was personal for a job position in her freshman year at problems— he was always here to listen.” KSC. VALLANTE AND KEENE STATE Efraimson agreed with Rando. “In the “I kept asking him to give me a job, and NOC he’s been more than a boss, he’s been a COLLEGE he wouldn’t—until sophomore year. Junior friend,” she said.
Sunday, March 23 9:11 p.m. Owl’s Nest 7: Odor investigation, unable to locate. 10:59 p.m. Carle Hall: Campus Safety Officers asking for Keene Police for a odor of drugs coming from a room on the second floor B-side. Monday, March 24 1:30 a.m. Randall Hall: Campus Safety checking building came across an odor of drugs. Keene Police are enroute. 1:40 p.m. Owl’s Stadium: Nate from Grounds states a male on artificial turf with dog will not remove dog from field. 4:26 p.m. Joyce Field Shed: Odor investigation. 10:12 p.m. Pondside 1: Campus Safety off at building on the second floor with ResLife checking on an odor of drugs. 11:51 p.m. Owl’s Nest 8: Campus Safety checking the second floor of Nest 8 for loud subjects. Tuesday, March 25 1:28 p.m. Sumner Joyce Field: Bronze Plaque stolen from entrance into Joyce field.
(Cont. from A1)
dents know that if they have information, they should contact Kim Harkness who is our director of human resources. We do want to know if there are concerns, if there are issues, if there are any problems, if people have things that they want to tell us.” Robinson said the college, with the help of hired independent reviewers, has cast a “broad net.” In the interview held March 25, 2014, Robinson said, “I would say we are looking at all the details and all the information that’s available to us, and we’ve already done that essentially, and now the independent reviewers are perhaps checking our work and making sure that we did what we needed to do to determine all the information that’s available.” Robinson stated, “We’ve had several conversations” with KSC Director of Athletics John Ratliff and Associate Director of Athletics and Head Coach Men’s Basketball Robert Colbert. Both Colbert and Ratliff would not comment to The Equinox, and both referenced Robinson and Kelly Ricaurte, for further comment. When reached, KSC President Anne Huot did not comment but stated in an email, “I have nothing to add to that at this time. If you have additional questions please direct them to Kelly Ricaurte.” When former KSC President Helen Giles-Gee, and former Provost Emile Netzhammer, who both served the college from 2006 to 2013, were reached for comment; they both declined comment. The Equinox contacted Director of Human Resources Kim Harkness on March 31, 2014, with questions regarding the KSC Student Handbook and resources available for students who are seeking administrative authority if ever they feel threatened, uncomfortable, or harmed. She responded with an email which read, “Because I am involved in the continuing investigation, I cannot respond at this point. I have provided some preliminary information to Kelly Ricaurte and asked her to respond.” Ricaurte then contacted The Equinox and which according to Ricaurte, can only be found online on the college website. Julie Conlon can be contacted at
(Cont. from A1)
fusion of hearing the sudden news that their boss, and friend, would no longer be around. Cameron Haggar, a KSC student who works in the NOC, said Vice President of Student Affairs Andy Robinson and Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs Paul Striffolino had told NOC employees they could not contact Vallante when the college was investigatOther students who shared their story with The Equinox said they felt uneasy around Vallante, as they claimed they endured his inappropriate verbal behavior — some said this went on for years. When asked why it took so long to talk about these uneasy feelings students had in relation to Vallante, some members of the KSC community explained that students “don’t want to be tied” to such a case, or simply did not know where to go if the issue got “out-of-hand.” For these students to express these feelings to anyone, though, they must
AT A LOSS ABOUT WHERE TO GO Wallace, who worked in the Spaulding Gymnasium before he graduated KSC, said Vallante made him “uncomfortable” after Vallante requested him on Facebook and began to ask him, “What are you doing tonight?” said though he personally never felt a need to go to any authorities about the issue, he would not have known where to go if he felt the situation did ever escalate. Wallace questioned if Campus Safety or another department on school grounds was the proper location to bring this issue to. “Would I go to the Dean of Students about this, and who deals with these kinds of things? It’s not very clear to students where they can go with these problems,” he explained.
VALLANTE, KSC ATHLETICS AND FAST BREAK BROADCASTING Will Wallace, a 2013 KSC graduate, worked at Spaulding Gymnasium in the summer of 2013. Wallace said Vallante made him uncomfortable, and therefore, he took steps to distance himself from Vallante. Wallace said Vallante sent him a friend request on Facebook the same day he met him. “I remember thinking, that’s kind of weird, he’s one of my superiors,” Wallace said about the friend request. Wallace said he accepted the friend request. Wallace message from Vallante, who asked him “So what are you going to be up to tonight?” Wallace said he also worked for Vallante once over the summer of 2013 at a basketball tournament held at the college. standing in the doorway thinking, ‘I’m not
where you can bring this kind of issue to,” Wallace said, who graduated in December 2013. Other students felt the same way about not knowing where to go. One former KSC student and men’s basketball player who requested his name be withheld explained he and multiple members from the team sat down together to write up a letter of complaint about Vallante. “A few of us were just so shocked at the time and didn’t know what to do, so we stepped aside to write down everything that was on our minds and everything that was fresh in our memory,” the student explained, “and I guess that was really it.” The letter was never brought
which serves to interfere with a person’s work or academic life.” The same web page also reads that unwanted attention that would create fear in a reasonable person where the intent is to force him/herself into the life/consciousness of the victim through harassing, threatening or frightening behavior(s). Behaviors may include: phone calls; electronic communication such as texting, emails, social networking, etc.; letters and notes; surveillance; entering home/apartment; assault.” In an email response to questions cies during Vallante’s time of employment, Media Relations Manager at KSC, Kelly Ricaurte, replied, “The policy was last updated this past summer (2013) with the previous update being in 2005. The process was streamlined slightly and different roles were listed for intake; we added gender identity and expression as a protected group. But otherwise, the same obligation to report was in force in 2005 as currently required of any employee of the institution.” Ricaurte also said the policy is identical for KSC students, faculty and staff. When asked what obligations faculty and/or staff have in reporting sexual harassment, Ricaurte only listed a link to a page titled, “Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment Approved June 25, 2013.”
said he did not know where to submit this letter. Taylor James “TJ” Neville, a KSC senior who said he felt uneasy around Vallante, said he’d shared his feelings of uneasiness with his roommate at the time. But, when asked what resources at the college he would have gone to about the situation, he said, “I don’t think there’s any [resources] — there’s nothing I can think of as a real resource to go to.” Neville stated if he had written up a formal complaint, he would not know where to bring it on campus. “[I] never brought it up to anybody who could’ve done anything about it,” Neville said, because he said he never let his conversations with Vallante go “over-the-top.” Wallace explained that he himself, “never brought it up to anybody who the handbook, Ricaurte said, “The handcould’ve done anything about it,” as he book is available online.” didn’t let his conversations with Vallante get “past that point.” RESOURCES AT KSC Linda Baker, psychology professor at KSC, pointed out that she could not comDirector of the Counseling Center at ment on the ongoing Vallante case spe- KSC Brian Quigley pointed out that students can turn to the center for help. abuse literature, she said verbal harass“Whether it’s on this issue or any ment is, “unwanted and crosses a line other issue, we are here to support stuthat makes people uncomfortable.” dents and if a student’s being affected in any way, shape or form by this cirSEXUAL MISCONDUCT cumstance or any other circumstance, POLICY that’s what we do on this campus — is provide support, we help those students, The current Student Handbook, as listed on the KSC website, reads that, might want to do, how to move forward, “Sexual harassment may take the form » STUDENT NAVIGATION, B5 of unwelcome sexual advances...jokes...
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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Thursday, april 3, 2014
News / a3
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Carle Hall violations continue; student may face felony RACHEL HEARD
Equinox Staff According to Sergeant Jason Short of the Keene Police Department on March 6, Carle Hall resident Alex Morin was found manufacturing butane honey oil [hash oil] in his residential hall room. “The butane forces the THC to be extracted from the marijuana plant. It pulls the THC out and condenses it into an oil. Basically they’re just making an extract and in this form it becomes a narcotic; it’s very potent,” Short explained. Coordinator of Student Conduct, Matthew Salter, denied to comment on this incident for “privacy reasons.” According to Sergeant Short, felony manufacturing a controlled substance charges are likely. “[Morin] has not yet been arrested,” Short pointed out. “Sometimes with felonies what we do is, instead of arresting the person, we send it over for indictment, have the grand jury review it and I think that’s the case here because I think they’re trying to decide how to charge it appropriately,” Short explained. He continued, “It’s an investigatory tactic to delay the speedy trial issue, because if I arrest someone right now then they have to be brought to trial within a certain timeframe, but because this stuff is new, it has to be sent to the lab to make sure it really is hash oil.” Instructions on how to manufacture the substance are readily available on the Internet, although most warn viewers about the
process. “If you don’t vent it properly all it takes is someone turning a light on or anything that can make it ignite, even static electricity. So you can see the danger of people doing that in a dorm room,” Short said. Short noted these incidents have been occurring frequently most recently in Tewksbury, Mass. where three individuals were taken to Boston hospitals with burn injuries. “I think it is tremendously irresponsible to expose people in a residence hall or a home or an apartment to that level of danger,” Director of Campus Safety Amanda Guthorn said. time Campus Safety has dealt with the manufacturing of butane honey oil this year but doesn’t think it will be the last. “Production of the butane oil is something that we’re starting to see more so now it’s on [Campus Safety’s] radar,” Guthorn said. new way to consume or manufacture [a drug] it will continue to grow,” Guthorn added. During this academic year, Carle Hall has been the site of many illegal offenses including vandal- living in that building and each of ism, underage drinking and mari- those people are doing their own juana possession. thing so I don’t think it’s necessarily related to the building itself, 2B were found with drug parapher- I just think it’s just the location of nalia and alcohol resulting in disci- where those things have happened. plinary action. Guthorn continued, “Drug stuff Guthorn said these kinds of happens everywhere and that’s the offenses are typical and every year highest concentration of students there is a different residential hall so statistically, there’s going to be that has the most incidents. a higher number of incidents there.” “This year it has been very active Guthorn said she believes inci[in Carle]. You have a lot of people dents involving freshmen are
common because of the change of environment and the transition from living at home to living in a residential hall. “First-year students are a large group and all of them have to live on campus, so they’re coming from high school and there’s a big learning curve when coming onto a college campus. “They’re probably more highly supervised here in their living situation than they have been. There’s
Liberty activist armed with musket in Manchester airport exercises rights DAVID WALSH
‘Oh it’s a gun, it’s a bad thing.’ Meanwhile, all these other guys who are in the airport have guns as well. I think the most dangerous thing is only one group of people have all the guns. That is just insane,” Carrots said. “The two [ newspaper] cover stories happened to be about the TSA (Transportation Security
Equinox Staff A Manchester, N.H., activist walked into the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport on March 20, 2014 armed with copies of the FPP. cc (Free Press Publications) newspato his back. Liberty Carrots said he was making a statement by exercising the First and Second Amendments. A video posted on the Freekeene. com website shows Carrots handing out free copies of the newspaper to people passing though the airport, along with segments of his According to its website, the FPP. cc is a monthly newspaper with a mission is to ensure a, “‘Free press for the Freedom Movement’ and is committed to spreading the message of peace, freedom, love and liberty.” In an interview with The Equinox on March 27, Carrots explained, ERIN D’ALEO / GRAPHICS EDITOR
had with me was they were concerned about the newspapers. They never even mentioned the gun, once it was clear that I was going to stand up for myself and stand up for my rights [to free speech]. I was not going to just let someone who thought that they had authority tell me that their airport policy is going against the Constitution.” right now while our rights are being stripped that we exercise the rights that we do have. We have these tools that have been given to us, and we have these rights to stand up for our liberties that are being taken away.
So we have to use the ones that we still have in order to effect peaceful change,” Carrots stated. Carrots was wearing a tricorne “I wanted to be friendly. I was trying to smile and wave. I had a hat on so people would be more receptive to the message,” Carrots said. Keene State College senior and geography student, Jesse Sowle, thought that Carrots was not concerning, appeared approachable and his actions were effective. Sowle said, “It looks like a musket, that’s pretty old-school right there.
If he has it slung on his back and he is just handing out papers, it’s not really a concerning thing.” KSC freshman Eliza Quill said she would not feel comfortable through an airport. She added she would most likely leave the building. However, Carrots thinks he made his point clear. “I got my message across to some people, I’m sure some people weren’t happy about it. It’s hard to change people’s minds, there is going to be some people who have the knee-jerk reaction of
SoundoFF Hannah Gawrys Senior Safety
“I’m on the fence because it is hypocritical.”
something that I was happy about because I’m not a fan of the TSA,” Carrots added. featured two articles about the TSA. One was about two TSA supervisors who stopped a traveller because they saw the digital currency, Bitcoin, in his bag. The other article featured a former TSA agent, Jason Harrington, as he looked back upon his career with the agency. Carrots said he believes transportation security should be run by a private company. “I think the airlines should take care of that. tive to keep people safe. If people don’t like the regulations that Delta has for their security procedures than they can go somewhere else,” explained Carrots. Carrots stated, “The idea is that I think the entire federal government is losing its legitimacy to govern, if it hasn’t already. If nobody stands up and if you sit down for that, it’s like consenting. I’m not consenting to the government. That’s why I did that and why I will do more in the future.” Manchester-Boston Regional airport representatives were not available for comment. David Walsh can be contacted at
an RA there’s an RD, campus things. That’s a lot of supervision and I’m sure they’re not used to that so they’re likely to get caught doing something they shouldn’t,” Guthorn said. Rachel Heard can be contacted at
Equinox Staff On April 1, Student Assembly approved the constitution of Keene Finance Committee. Club President Ben Healey spoke in front of the Student Assembly and said the club was requesting a budget amount of $100. Healey said the money is for a fundraiser for a program out of Brattleboro Union High School called Students for Renew. Healey said the organization advocates and bring awareness to victims for Vietnam from unexploded bombs. In other approval news, the assembly approved the constitution of Keene State Investment Group. Chief Financial goal of the group is to prepare students for possible investments after college and to educate. Club President John Snider said to be on the investment group executive board, a student must maintain and 3.0 GPA and to join the group, students must maintain 2.5 GPA. In other business, Student Body President Eric Grady spoke about the President’s Inauguration that will be held this coming Friday, April 4 in the Spaulding Gym at 4 p.m. John Snider is the business manager for The Equinox. Haley Erbrink can be contacted at
“Do you agree with the death penalty? Why or why not?”
Cory Kaufold Freshman Secondary Education
“It would save more money to just kill them, so yes I support it.”
Hunter Cinq-Mars Freshman Business Management
“It’s reasonable but is more expensive than jail...”
(Cont. from A1)
but her co-worker and friend Kathleen Forrister presented the citation. Forester described Fleeger as a leader in the best possible sense; competent but also courageous and compassionate. Forrister said, “Under your leadership, the nursing program at Keene State College has made rapid strides...You have also worked actively to raise donations and to create partnerships in our region with health care organization and supervise the construction of our state of the art nursing simulation lab.” Forrister continued, “Your colleagues and students attest to your quiet competencies, your talent for teamwork and collaboration — your integrity and professionalism, your generosity as a teacher and a mentor, as well as your fantastic sense of humor, all of which have contributed to your success as a leader. Dr. Fleeger, as you plan to retire in just a couple of months, please know that you have made a last embark on the community. You are without a doubt an outstanding women of New Hampshire.” Fleeger started by thanking her husband, her son and her nursing students in the audience. Fleeger advised everyone to live in the potential, because one can anticipate action and achieve their goals, as well as being able to be a leader, whether there is a leader position or not. Fleeger said, “I would urge you all, whatever your job is, start focusing on analyzing the successes. What did you do right? Then repeat it. It seems simple enough, but we focus on what’s wrong and never focus on what’s right. So I hope you will do that. Living in the potential is also about recognizing that not one person can make a sustaining contribution by their own efforts.” However, Fleeger said living in the potential is a risk, but she said everything of value is a risk. She said she’s taken risks and doesn’t regret it, so she hopes others do too. The third recipient is from the Monadnock Region category. Huot said she is a scholar and an educathe humanities division at Franklin Pierce University. Dr. Mary Kelly was awarded and nominated by her co-worker Dr. Donna Decker. “Dr. Mary Kelly, you are a professor of history at Franklin Pierce University. You are a dedicated academic, as well as a feminist activist. Carefully and successfully balancing the demands of living the life of the mind, with the energy courage, and commitment it takes to live up to the ideals of gender equality and women’s self actualization,” Decker said. Kelly has published scholarly work and in addition and teaches courses such as Women in History, Decker said. “You are known for your advocacy of womens’ rights and the support you extend to female students, especially reaching out and supporting young women who are victims of sexual assault, harassment and domestic violence,” Decker said. In Kelly’s speech, she said she started thinking about the words of the award; character, courage and commitment. Kelly continued, “I thought about what it meant to have character and to have courage and to be committed. I tried to mull over what that means and I thought about how each of those terms fortify each other, they kind of work together very well...” For full story go to keene-equinox. com Bethany Ricciardi can be contacted at
Compiled by: Bree Kraus
Chelsea Harris Junior Health Science
Allie Bedell Senior Journalism and Political Science
“No, because two wrongs don’t make a right.”
“‘No because I believe in prolife”
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Opinions Black
229 Main Street Keene, N.H. 03435 Circulation 2,000 Newsroom: 603-358-2413 Ads/Bus. Office: 603-358-2401 Executive Editor: 603-358-2414 Fax: 603-358-2407
OpiniOns / a4
Mission... The Equinox exists to promote the free flow of information, to protect the First Amendment, to stimulate high standards in the practice of journalism and to foster excellence among student journalists.
Thursday, april 3, 2014
The Equinox demands clarity for students
the alleged Eugene “Gino” Vallante incidents, before the college can move on, it must as a whole address the underlying climate that perTo The Equinox, it appears the college considers maintaining its public image as important as the well-being of its students. The Equithen the reputation of the college will follow suit. The college needs to be proactive rather than reactive in preparing its students to resist inappropriate behavior by a person of authority over the student. First, the college must address making certain students know where a person of authority is acting inappropriately. A former basketball player and Keene State College alumnus said that in 2010, he wrote a letter with other members of the basketball team with the intention of addressing the inappropriate behavior of Vallante to students. The alumnus stated the letter was never sent because the players did not know whom to send it to. According to the KSC policy featured on the college website, Vallante would be accused of allegedly sexually harassing students and of stalking, based on multiple student allegations. But on the KSC website, if anyone wants to report sexual harassemail address. Students: if someone of authority sexually harassed you, would you be comfortable sending something as sensitive as this through an email to an unnamed person whose website title is “intake The Equinox asks another question: Was there a climate among the basketball team where students felt they could not go to the Counseling Center? The college seems to orient students well on what to do in peer harassment. During freshman orientation, an entire program titled No Zebras, No Excuses is dedicated to informing incoming students about how to handle inappropriate behavior from peers. What is that kind of behavior. This information should be easy, clear and common for students to refer to. It should be as easily understood by students as the term “DC” Even during The Equinox’s interviewing process, students were hesitant to say the word “penis” when describing alleged conversations they said they had with Vallante. How would a student then feel never met? As unpleasant as it is for The Equinox to report on this, the college cannot heal until there is a clear and public resolution provided to the entire student body. KSC owes its students more clarity than it has provided. Students deserve more than an email and a Facebook announcement from the college following the termination of an employee on the basis of alleged misconduct. Furthermore, if The Equinox is the voice of the student body, how can it provide answers to its KSC constituents when those in a position to provide answers all the way from the president, to the athletic director and the basketball coach, among others, respond to queries with no comment and refer all questions to the manager of media relations?
STAFF COMMENTARY To contact The Equinox, email BRITTANY BALLANTYNE Administrative Executive Editor JULIE CONLON Managing Executive Editor
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FACULTY ADVISER Rodger Martin, Journalism faculty ( ) Julio DelSesto, Journalism faculty (
Ads Manager: Anna Glassman (603-358-2401) Equinox Staff: Rachel Heard, Denise Grattage, David Walsh, Bree Kraus, Diana Pimer, Zach Fournier, Cassidy Hunkins, Stephanie McCann, Allie Norman, Hannah Sundell, Taylor Howe, Brooke Stall, Anthony Munoz, Brian Clemmenson, Ray Waldron, Jordan Crowley, Betsey Thompson Copyright © 2014: All rights reserved Reproduction of The Equinox in whole or part in any form written, broadcast or electronic without written permission of The Equinox is prohibited. The Equinox is published each Thursday during the academic year by the editorial board of The Equinox, which is elected every spring by the members of the editorial board and acts as joint publisher of the paper. The Equinox serves as the voice of the students of Keene State College and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the faculty, the staff and/or the administration. One copy of The Equinox is available free each week. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Inserting items into printed copies of The Equinox is considered theft of services and will result in prosecution.
A glass full of milk, puss, hormones and health hazards Ever wonder what’s really in a glass of milk? The answer might have you reaching for a cup of an alternative. Believe it or not, puss has been found in cow’s milk. If that’s not bad enough, it’s also loaded with female hormones since cows are kept almost constantly pregnant on today’s dairy factory farms. Commercial dairies use recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), which is a synthetic hormone marketed to dairy farmers in order to increase milk production in cows. This natural hormone, rBGH is found in the pituitary glands of all cows. Researchers who have studied rBGH in cows found that more milk is produced
when there are elevated levels of hormones. Most of the farmers using this but not the health factors within the cows and for the consumers. The hormone is not permitted in the European Union and Canada, although it has been used in the United States since 1993 when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it, according to The Environmental Protection Agency in the United States has also determined it to be safe to consume. The approval of rBGH has been a controversial conversation between consumers, scientists and farmers in the United States for years now.
from cows injected with rBGH has been recognized to have health hazards. This milk has higher levels of IGF-1, which is a hormone considered to be a leading risk factor to breast, prostate, colon, lung and other cancers, according to For that reason, U.S. dairies have been battling for their right to label their milk as rBGH-free if they do not inject their herds with these hormones. The main issue is the lack of awareness about the hormone by American citizens. It is then up to the consumer in deciding whether or not to consume such products.
Luckily, for consumers who want to continue drinking milk but without the hormones, there are places that sell rBGH-free milk, otherwise known as organic. One nearby example is Manning Hill Farm in Winchester, New Hampshire. According to their online page, their milk is produced from their growth hormones in the milk, nor are the cows fed antibiotics, grass fed only. Hannah Grimes Market Place and the Monadnock Food Co-op both in Keene sell many different options of natural milk. Jordan Crowley can be contacted at
Editorial Policy The Equinox is a designated public forum. Student editors have full editorial control over the entire content of the paper. All articles and opinion pieces are assigned, written and edited by students without prior review by administrators, faculty or staff. The Equinox is published Thursdays during the academic year with dates immediately preceding and following holidays omitted. The advertising deadline is 5 p.m. on the Friday prior to publication. The Equinox reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason. Advertising is not accepted until it appears in the paper. Letters to the editor must be written exclusively to The Equinox and are due by noon on the Friday prior to publishing. All letters must include name and phone number for verification. The Equinox reserves the right to edit for style and length, and refuse any letters to the editor. For clarification and additional information on any above policies call 358-2414. The Equinox business office is open Monday-Friday from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
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Black Thursday, april 3, 2014
OpiniOns / a5
Technology limitations on public radar
Westboro Baptist Church scrutiny continues
Losing your cell phone is one thing, but losing an entire plane along with its 239 passengers and crew is a completely different story. Many are asking, “How can we as such a technologically advanced society lose an entire plane for more than three weeks?” I am starting to think our society is not as technologically advanced as many believe it to be. Our world seems to have a long way to go if we are able to go over three weeks without a single reliable source of evidence of Flight 370’s location. This mystery is teaching the public about the limitations of technology. I believe the case of Flight 370 may even result in the reform of
regards to satellite tracking. However, this reform is only possible at a cost. A triggered transmission system would be completely separate from the transponder. Its job would be to notify the people on land monitor-
However, there is always human interaction which has nology and how it is used. under the impression that their plane is being continuously tracked throughout its misconception that is coming to light as a result of Flight 370. Flight 370 took off from Malaysia on its way to Beijing, China on March 8, 2014, when it went missing, according to ABC News. So far, experts have narrowed the search for the plane to a southern stretch of the Indian Ocean the size of Poland, 1,150 miles West of Australia. According to MSN News, Flight 370 automatically sent a satellite signal every hour. Fortunately, this signal was able to continue even after someone on the plane shut off the transponder, which is a device in the cockpit that sends signals to radar sta-
tions below. These signals
heading, speed and altitude according to AP Airlines Writer Scott Mayerowitz. The transponder also has the ability to send predetermined signals for emergencies. Flight 370 took off from Malaysia at 12:40 a.m. and the transponder stopped transmitting signals at 1:20 a.m., according to ABC News. Although the transponder was turned off, the plane conAccording to the Washington Post, the transponder
and other communication systems were either intentionally turned off or somehow disabled. The problem with technology is it must be supported by a human being, and if that human being decides to turn off the technology that is protecting and monitoring them, there is not much the technology can do. Radar is another communication system. It involves an antenna on the ground which sends out electromagnetic waves traveling at the speed of light. Radar, however, can only track planes within 200
‘Geopolitical battle’ between Russia and Ukraine remains
Things are changing everyday as western leaders condemn Russia’s actions while Russian President Vladimir Putin indignantly points to what he feels are western hypocrisies in the world of international relations. Ukraine’s future remains largely in doubt as uncertainty surrounds the country’s upcoming May elections and loads of debt threatens to drive Ukraine toward bankruptcy. A massive loan by the International Monetary Fund should stabilize the situation to an extent, but Russia’s threat of raising Ukrainian gas prices could push the country further into dismay. According to the New York Times, Putin has deployed at least 400,000 troops along the RussiaUkraine border, an act of intimiis nowhere near over. Another reason to be concerned about the troops is the decisiveness with which they can act. anything it’s that the Russian government, with Putin calling the shots, is capable of fast, powerful decisions that require responses. Of the many perks that come with being a dictator, as Putin essentially is, the ability to set out unimpeded might be most valuable. Far from the checks and balances of most western systems of say on all decisions, and doesn’t have to worry about political opponents slowing things down. That means he can execute complex actions without having to worry about the political land-
as high frequency radios and satellite text. All of these communication devices show how essential human interaction with technology is but when a human is unable to operate the technology or refuses to, the technology is extremely limited. The passengers of any plane put their complete trust in the pilots, crew and the other passengers and even the technology and the
no transponder signals and infrequent radar signals was detected at 2:14 a.m March 8. This plane, however, was following a path in the complete opposite direction of Flight 370’s original route, reported by ABC News. A disadvantage of radar is that it does not exist everywhere. When a plane enters an area with low radar, the will be a safe one. It appears pilot usually communicates its location in other ways such ogy will most likely occur in
With Crimea transitioning towards joining Russia, tensions along the Russia-Ukraine border mounting and western economic sanctions increasing it is important to understand that this is -
to 250 miles but because of its constant speed, the distance of a plane from the antenna can be determined.
dives too quickly, goes too fast, or goes too slow. This technology costs about $50,000 per aircraft according to Stephen Trimble, bureau chief of U.K. aviation news website, Flightglobal, as found on ABC News. Jon M. Chang of ABC News found that American Airlines has about 900 planes. This means they would have to pay almost $50 million to adopt this technology. As shown in the case of Flight 370, when a plane’s transponder is turned off, it essentially becomes invisible. This is where tracking technology could make a difference. If we had technology like this on every plane, 9/11 might have been a little different, for example. At this point, there is no solid evidence about what happened to Flight 370, but if the airlines had the tracking technology, we might have more answers to this mystery by now, along with more of a clue where to begin the search for Flight 370 and its 293 passengers and crew. As stated by the Washington Post, “There is no evidence of pilot error, pilot suicide, hijacking or any kind of terrorist event, nor is there evidence of a mechanical pression. There is, in essence, no evidence of anything other than that the aircraft did not go to China as planned but ion into the southern Indian Ocean.”
scape changing. From the successful Sochi Olympics to the calculated annex of Crimea, it is clear that Putin has a deliberate plan for Russia. Despite the bewilderment being expressed from western leaders, the events in Crimea are actually logical extensions of a long-standing push for a renewal of Russian nationalism and antiwest sentiments not seen so strongly in the region since the Cold War. Putin’s resentment of the west is not new, he just hasn’t shown his disregard and hatred so blatantly before. Now he is showing his hatred for western-dominated world politics, and he doesn’t need to meet with the Russian Congress, or Duma, to do it. Putin knew economic sanctions would be inevitable, but he also knows that those sanctions can only go so far. Russia’s oil gives it more power than European leaders are willing to admit, and we’ve already seen Germany, the economic powerhouse of the continent, hesitate to severely punish Russia. So now it is a matter of how much the west can really punish Russia for its actions. Doing too little could encourage Russia to take other chunks of land it deems valuable. Doing too much could trigger a Russian response (like, say, shutting off the gas to Ukraine) that would only exacerbate tensions. The bottom line is that no one in the west can be sure of Putin’s intentions, and Obama said as much in a recent interview. When we look back on this may see it as an isolated incident that only temporarily hurt Russia’s relations with the west. Or it might be part of a bigger trend towards the kind of isolationism Zach Winn can be contacted at
N.H. should take second chance to repeal the death penalty
We all know them: the church that harasses funerals, events and now, the Internet. Westboro Baptist Church is a problematic group, yet it is interesting to wonder what the groups real intentions are. The Westboro Baptist Church pickets funerals and concerts, as well as any cause they feel contributes to America’s tolerance of homosexuality, which in their eyes is what brings tragedy to our country. Their signs often read, “Thank God for Dead Soldiers,” “God Hates Homosexuals” and “America is Doomed.” Their rationality is that God is giving us dead soldiers, AIDS, cancer and all of the world’s problems as a consequence of being accepting of the gay community. They also use social media to spread their message. On their website are parodies of pop songs, rewritten to remind us God is going to burn us. From “Rumor Has it God Don’t Love You Christians No More,” to “Hear Him Roar” (yes, as in Katy Perry’s “Roar”), to even their own version of Frozen’s “Let It Go” Westboro’s efforts feel quite humorous to listen to, even if their message is disconcerting. The church now also has a Vine account. On this Vine are small snippets that are all somehow tied back to the fact that God hates homosexuals or even America. This behavior really makes me wonder how many of them seriously believe in what they are doing, and how many of them are just simply attention-seeking, tasteless trolls who care only about their own group. What is disconcerting about this group is the children being used in their Vine songs. This clearly shows they don’t have the rest of the world or even their own children in mind when perpetuating their beliefs. They are willing and able to convince their children to either believe or act in their “principles” they continue to force on everyone. If the church’s true intentions are to gain attention, they are only held by the founding members of the church. Westboro’s leaders, notably the Phelps family members, have experience in law. That being said, they know abuse their freedom of speech; it is no secret that assaults on the church members at funerals have earned them money in court cases. This means they either manipulate their members for their own entertainment and
Wednesday, March 12, 2014, N.H. State Rep. Rennie Cushing speaks on the house floor at the Statehouse in Concord, N.H. in favor of abolishing the death penalty. The house bill now passes to the N.H. Senate.
New Hampshire needs to repeal way to punish criminals, because lethal injection is inhumane and too outdated for today’s society. The bill to repeal the death penalty for the state of New Hampshire needs to pass and there is a fair chance it will. Governor Jeanne Shaheen had the opportunity to repeal the bill in 2000, but it took almost a decadeand-a-half for her and the state of New Hampshire to realize the death penalty is too brutal. There are not enough crimes committed in New Hampshire; or the United States for that matter, that sentence criminals to lethal injection of potassium chloride. The United States has executed 39 criminals in the past year according to CNN. This is the second time in two decades that the number of criminals sentenced to death was below 40. More and more, state representatives are starting to realize the death penalty needs to be repealed. Three long-time supporters of the death penalty for the state of
New Hampshire have changed their minds and voted for the bill to proceed. The bill now has numerous supporters from state representatives and from citizens of New Hampshire. The support for this bill will make it more likely to pass, and then
Michael Addison who is currently on death row for the murder of a
Addison is the only man on Death Row in the state of New Hampshire since 1939. It does not make sense, because why would we keep Addison’s death sentence if New Hampshire decides that the death penalty is not 18 other states who have abolished the right way to go? the death penalty. N.H. is the only state in New to punish criminals for these crimes England that still has the death pen- and not sentence them to death. alty and something should be done It is understandable that these about it. crimes are inhumane and the ones The current crimes that warrant who committed them should be the death sentence in the state of punished severely. But is New New Hampshire include murder of Hampshire doing the right thing by sentencing them to death? for hire, murder during a kidnapIs New Hampshire any better ping, drug sale, home invasion or than the criminals themselves if this rape and murder while serving a life is prohibited? sentence in prison. There are always going to be While these crimes should have evil people in this world and killing a serious consequence, the death them is not always the right way to penalty is not the way to go. go. Surely there are other ways that criminals can be punished for their punish these criminals. crimes. If this bill is passed, it will Jacob Knehr can be contacted at not change the death sentence of
truly hateful people who lead even more hateful people. Either one is extremely upsetting. Most members of the group will be stuck in that mindset, and will never, ever get out of it. In that respect, I feel sorry for the wasted potential of human beings. In the end, that is what they are. I feel for them regarding Fred Phelp’s death, and even though they deny caring (one member said “We do not worship the dead”), a loss is a loss. I think the hope in this situation, is that most people see this church as an appalling organization. A group called the Freedom Riders, along with many others, often stand in front of the protests to obstruct them from the families of funerals. Members of the church have also left on their own accord, and lead lives of happiness while trying to do good for the world around them in order to make up for their actions; these members also try to convince their families to stop their actions. When Fred Phelps himself Baptist Church members picketed were met with signs reading “Sorry For Your Loss,” an act of both empathy and forgiveness. While the Westboro Baptist Church community may be full of negative human beings, it is safe to say they do not represent even the slightest portion of humanity. Their actions will persist, but in no way will they be taken with more than a grain of salt. Anthony Munoz can be contacted at
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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Thursday, april 3, 2014
sTudenT life / a6
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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Thursday, april 3, 2014
(Cont. from A10)
said. researchers tested students from State University of They continued saying in order for savings to be New York, the University at Albany, SUNY Institute seen, the online program needs to be implemented of Technology, University of Maryland, Towson Uni- for a few years before results would be seen. versity, City University of New York, Baruch College The article “10 Advantages to Taking Online and City College. Class” from the Open Education Database website It reported more students from the tested uni- stated online classes are an effective way for proversities preferred traditional classrooms. Online fessionals who are attempting to earn another work students reported they learned less and they experi- degree around their schedule. KSC sophomore Tyler Mckelvie agreed that One KSC student expressed a similar opinion about online classes. Jonathan Musci, a junior edu- own time,” Mckelvie said. cation major said, “I am more motivated to do well Junior Harrison Hollingsworth said, “I can work
note of those who would prefer a blended course, where the class meets in a traditional classroom but also does work online. Three percent of students surveyed chose a blended option. Regan Driscoll, a senior, said that the value of a blended class depends on variables such as the quality of the professor. “I’m in a blended course right now that meets every other week. My experience in an online only course was great but I also had a great teacher and it was very appropriate for the subject,” Driscoll said. Further, the study showed blended courses
According to the study, “Students in hybrid classes — those that blended online instruction with a face-to-face component — performed as well academically as those in traditional classes. But hybrid courses are rare, and teaching professtudent. She said, “I have done both and have found sors how to manage them is costly and time-conthat virtual classes work better for me personally suming.” because I can work at my own pace, and when it is more convenient.” Other students who take classes online do not The informal poll was conducted by Keene State see the computer as a barrier to getting a quality College Print Journalism 230 students. education. Christopher Dejohn stated, “I feel I can Ellissa Coburn, Kathryn Raymond, Sabrina get the same level of education on the Internet as I Lapointe, Jenn Zinka, and Zach Fournier contributed do in the classroom.” to this article. Nonetheless, the W.S.U. study produced results David Walsh can be contacted at which went against online courses. “The study found that those who took higher proDiana Pimer can be contacted at savings. portions of online courses were less likely to earn The article stated saving could range from degrees or transfer to four-year colleges,” it stated.
the professor to be helpful.” In contrast, Joseph Piselli, a sophomore at KSC, supported online classes. “I would be able to retain more and learn the material at a pace that I would feel more comfortable with,” Piselli said. However, while a large number of students chose traditional classroom setting, 14 percent of students did choose virtual/online classes. There is evidence that online classes may be utilized in the future. The “Online Learning in Higher Education,” article reported, online classes reduce the expense of education and can be used to teach people of diverse cultural and economic back-
sTudenT life / a7
at my own pace.” In addition, students admitted to leaning towards the simpler setting.
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Black Student Life / A8
thurSdAy, ApriL 3, 2014
Student finds music gig in foreign city GREG FISHER
Florence, Italy
Well, I could hand you a giant load of jibberish, or even hand you something meaningful to me but it might still be jibberish to you. So here it goes. Some dudes and gals catch the blues; some dudes and gals catch the blues but don’t realize it until they turn red with excitement. That’s kind of how it happened with me. Coming to Florence was a real life twister, and as I sank in slowly to the culture and learned more about myself and the world outside of the “States.” I got used to it, but wasn’t really in my nook. It wasn’t until about two months in (a week before midterms) when I found people I could really relate to and have fun with. My art professor, a working artist around Western Europe and a very talented musician and mind, introduced me to a local musician, Derek James Mattuchio, originally from Boston, who plays at local clubs and bars around the city. He also runs trivia nights twice a week at two separate bars. So, anxious as a little girl headed to Disney World squeezing a Cinderella doll in her hand, I facebooked him and asked if there was a time for me to get on and play. I had brought my harmonicas over, and luckily, a fellow Keene State College friend, Laura Judge, conviently had to leave her guitar over here when she departed at the end of her semester. So with the loud extensions of my body (J), one thing led to another and I was instantly adopted under Derek’s wing. He seems to control the city with a smile. Everybody knows this guy and everybody loves him. He’s created this wonderful family of freaks, artists, musicians and good-time friends. I’m unbeilevably fortunate my wings broke and have fallen into this particular web. It’s been about a week since I met six gigs, some even payed, and plenty more to come. I’ve met some amazing people through him: students, locals, professional D.J.’s, you name it. In fact, the local Florentine artist, CLET, who tags all the red and white striped street signs with “special stickers” of a black human-like
KSC Junior Greg Fisher visiting Venezia during his many travels while he studies abroad in Florence, Italy.
me reasons to come back. I’ve been asked to join in on certain musical experiments around the city as well, and to be honest; it’s going to be hard to stay in class. There’s something wonderful to do every night. But I keep reminding myself how to the stripe, has Derek help him on I got here, and it’d be silly to throw some projects. It seems like this guy has been it away. That’s another thing this whole everywhere at one point or another. But he is honestly one of, if not the, trip has proved to me; it’s showed me how responisble I’ve become. I mean most genuine guys I have ever met. He just cares so much and would sincerely— what the hell? I never do anything for anyone in a blink of realized how much fun growing up an eye. He’s kind of like a father in actually is. Derek keeps me in line as well; he this big family he’s netted together. Again it’s only been a week, but makes sure I have fun but also makes he makes it harder and harder for sure that I do well in class. Someme everyday, when I know it’ll be my times it’s strange how much he looks time to go. But I guess he’s just given out for me, but that’s just the type of
guy he is. I could go on and on about this guy Derek, but there are so many others I could talk about and bore you with more jibberish. For instance, there’s Luca the Bartender at the Italian Pub “The William.” He’s hysterical— he barely speaks English, but loves Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash, and if you know how I play, well lets just say he never lets me pay for a drink. And there’s Pasha, the Russian D.J. who has created this really wild sound combining EDM with Rock N’ Roll. It’s really out of this world. And of course there’s Thomas, the classic French Film Noir character, who dresses in black and talks about the experimental music he wants to create all the time, but is too drunk
too often to do so. He’s a great guy and is lots of fun to be around. The list goes on, as does the beat, and if my heart stops anytime soon, I’d say it’d be pretty hard to keep rhythm. But the rhythm I’m in right now is too powerful for anything to take down. Let’s just hope my train doesn’t derail on my way back from Vienna (Knocking heavily on Austrian wood). P.S. I saw Wes Anderson’s “The Grand Budapest Hotel” in Budapest, it was awesome. stunning city, I highly recommend making it out to Budapest and Vienna if ya’ll are ever in Europe. Ciao Tutti!
(Cont. from A10)
“nobody was offended by the title.” Nixon noted that the title of the program was controversial but, with the addition of its subtitle, “It [the combined title and subtitle] suited it well.” Cindy Cheshire, the Campus Minister for the Newman Center, which works with KSC students, said she attended the event after, “I saw the poster and I was very upset.” Cheshire added about the title, “I don’t think disrespectful or offensive titles are ever a good strategy.” However, Cheshire continued by stating that the title was misleading, but the presentation was an “excellent work of scholarship,” by Heschel. Cheshire said that she was interested in many of the topics discussed during the presentation. Nixon said that Heschel’s personal story of being a historian interested her. ”Many people told her the subject was not worth studying and then she continued to pursue it,” Nixon said. Heschel explained in her presentation that, as a historian, “This particular topic is one that I came to, in a way, by chance.” The Dartmouth professor explained that she traveled to Berlin, and visited a center for anti-semitism, where she found publications from the time of World War II written by German theologians. “I started going through these books and I found out what they were writing about was vulgar, horrible anti-semitism. I was taken aback, I was shocked and I wondered who published this. It turns out on the title page, it was published by the Institute for the Study and Eradication of Jewish Life,” Heschel said. Despite claims of fellow colleagues that this institution was unimportant or “forgotten and lost,” Heschel said, through her own research, “I started to see the names of people who were involved in this institute and who were producing this anti-semitic propaganda and I saw that there was quite a bit of it that they had produced.” Heschel said that she discovered the institution was “celebrated” when it was active. Heschel called the beliefs of this institution, which was made up of church ministers, scholars and other people of where Judaism was presented as negative to elevate Christianity. Heschel later explained that the institute which she had researched wanted to “de-juda-ise Christianity.” KSC senior Jake Douville stated that he thought the title did not have much to do with the program. Douville said, however, “There were some points made that did connect to the title,” noting how the speaker
explained how religion and ways of life were affected during the 1930s time period, which Heschel researched. Douville, who attended the lecture for his Comparative Government class, said he thought the presentation was very informative. “She [Heshcel] talked about some very interesting things,” Douville said. “One thing that was interesting to me, was the whole denial of how Jesus was Jewish and their version of the New Testament. They took out words and references. It just seems weird. There was clearly proof that he was Jewish,” Douville said. Heschel explained that the German Christian Movement, a faction of the Protestant church which also helped fund the Institution, believed that the Old Testament was a Jewish book that should not be read. “The New Testament also had to be changed,” Heschel explained, “They had to redo the gospels and take out any positive jewish reference. Jesus was not Jewish. So, that was eliminated and they published their own New Testament, purged of Jewish references.” research, Heschel said, “I consider this [her discoveries] an utter and complete perversion of Christianity in every way. I think it’s also one of the most shameful things a person can do. In gathering the material about this, I was very upset by this project.” Heschel continued, “It made me very angry and very upset and, as soon as I was never gonna work with the Nazi period again.” Heschel added, “On the other hand, I wanted to I was upset that their were so many historians that have written so many, hundreds and hundreds of, books about the churches and Nazi Germany who have never written about this.” Heschel said during the conclusion of her speech, “I thought the Bible was the greatest and most powerful force for eliminating bigotry,” Heschel added, “It shocked me that the Bible could be used for such nefarious purposes.” Despite those who thought the title was controversial, Nixon said, “I was really happy with the program.” Nixon explained that she thought the lecture offered a “wide appeal of perspectives” that students would not thought Heschel spoke about the topic in a way where students who hadn’t studied the time period could learn and know about it more. The lecture held in the L.P. Young Student Center was sponsored by the History and Genocide and Holocaust Studies Honors Societies at KSC. Pam Bump can be contacted at
Etiquette dinner teaches KSC proper dining ZACHARY FOURNIER
equInox StaFF All tables were full in the Mabel Brown room in the Keene State College L.P. Young Student Center the evening of Sunday, March 30, for the sixth annual Etiquette Dinner. According to literature provided at the event, the dinner was designed to “Promote awareness around the importance of etiquette in a variety of scenarios. Whether it be an informal luncheon with co-workers interview with a group of executives.” Keynote Speaker Gregory Victory, associate vice president for Student Affairs at Rhode Island School of Design, spoke on numerous forms of manners, ranging from proper table manners in a formal setting to how to correctly format an important email. Victory also spoke on the importance of networking. Junior Ashlynn Cedrone said, “Before this, I didn’t know anything about the proper way to eat. I learned the right way to excuse myself from the table and the right way to let a waiter know I’m done eating.” Cedrone added, “I honestly came for the free meal, because I didn’t want to go to the DC, but then I ended up getting a lot out of this. Another thing I learned was that it’s polite to send a handwritten thank you note after an interview.” Senior Beverly Cole said, “I always thought you
were supposed to pass dishes around the the table clockwise but it is the actually exact opposite.” Cole said. “The speaker was good, he was really thorough, but also kept the atmosphere light and fun. I also liked how there was an alumni at every table to give other advice.” Taylor Asher, a KSC junior, similarly stated, “Our conversation probably would have gone off track, so I liked the fact that there was an alumni there to make us actually have to practice what we were being taught. I also liked the fact that he had a lot of stories to exemplify the things we were being taught.” Asher added, “ I learned a lot, I didn’t know that you are supposed to put your napkin on your chair when you are done eating. I also didn’t know dishes are supposed to be passed to the left around the table while serving.” Asher mentioned, “I had no idea that there is a proper way to eat soup, ” which, according to Victory, you are supposed to scoop away from yourself while getting a bite. The event ended with Victory giving some tips on networking and taking questions from the audience.
Zach Fournier can be contacted at
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Black Thursday, april 3, 2014
sTudenT life / a9
Students prepare to step foot outside as spring approaches “When I’m home, I just run down my road, but when I’m at school I always run on that trail by
Equinox Staff Spring is here and warmer weather is beginning to sweep through the Keene State College Campus. After being stuck inside for a long winter, students are ready to get active and get outside. Though, the warm weather also affects other aspects of campus, such as the regulars at the gym. Spaulding Gym employee Caitlin Lehman, KSC junior, said she notices a decline in people coming to the gym in the spring. “As it gets warmer, I always see less and less people coming in to workout,”
come back in January, the gym is always packed. It’s too cold during those months to do anything outside.” Lehman added, “I think people feel obligated to or get prepared for things like spring break vacations or sometimes they’re just bored and looking for a place to go. We really do see a lot more people in the winter, though.” Aryanah Haydu, freshman, noticed that the gym was particularly busy during the colder months, as well. “I remember going to the gym when we came machines that are usually open,” Haydu said, “I the busiest there. They were also the coldest.” She also noticed that people who did not regularly go to the gym were appearing there more often. “I think people feel like they need to at least try to be more productive in the winter. It distracts us from all the coldness to go to the gym,” Haydu said. to the campus just in time for spring, regular gyminside. Tori Bodenski, sophomore, is excited about being able to exercise outside again. mill because those tend to get boring really quickly,” Bodenski said, “I try to run outside every other day when it’s warm out.” Haydu enjoys being able to exercise outside, too. “When it was still warm out at the beginning of the year, I always ran outside because it was a good way to explore the town and get to know different places in Keene that I couldn’t see with a car,” Haydu said, “I really love the trail along the side of the sports Bodenski added, “When I’m home, I just run down my road, but when I’m at school I always run on that People who tend to workout inside during the winter are beginning to workout outside now that it is warmer. Though, it’s also important to look at how the impending warm weather is starting to affect people who don’t regularly workout. the gym in the colder months. “I just don’t like going
though, I actually want to work out outside. ”Innerstreet or on a trail makes it all much more appealing to me.” Caitlin Lehman has even noticed people taking the initiative to exercise both indoors and outdoors. “Sometimes we’ll see people run all the way to the gym, use our weights, and then run all the way home. It’s a great way to get a good workout in and also some fresh air,” Lehman said. the snow is starting to melt away just as fast as the calories for active KSC students. Stephanie McCann can be contacted at
StudEnt lifE Editor JENNICA MARTIN
artS & EntErtainmEnt Editor (Kenzie) As the snow melts and winter wears off, the soon to be warming weather will serve as an outlet to get outside and take advantage of all that the college town of Keene and it’s surrounding area have to offer. This past summer, I was living in Keene by myself in a new apartment, attempting to be active and preoccupied in new, scenic places. com, I began to realize how much fun I could be having Besides the infamous Main Street strip of local food restaurants and boutique shops, the outskirts of Keene are more than willing to offer outdoor activities for the upcoming nicer weather of Spring semester. As many students who have migrated from the frisalready know, there is a trail for leisurely walks and running that branch out throughout Ashuelot River Park, located next to the Starbucks on West Street. One of the main trails is the Jonathan Daniels Trail, bike riders cruising by. The trail gets to be narrow, but offers a serene and woodsy run beside the water. Another popular place is commonly known as Sunset Rock, which is located off Chapman Road in Keene and a short walk through a gated driveway. The rocky cliff provides a pretty neat view of Main Street and the Keene State College campus, as well as a view of the sunset. (Jennica) Many students have probably been told one time or another that they must climb Mt. Monad-
furniture. It is a great spot to sit and have lunch. elevation, this hike is a day trip which requires transTemple Mountain has blazes that are stacked portation from Keene. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is— if the weather is reasonable, the hike will be well Although the views are go spectacular along the worth the effort it takes to get to the top. ing the trail blazes. Pack Monadnock has painted - blazes on trees along those trails. selves the day to make the climb. It is absolutely hard work and shouldn’t be treated summit of Pack during the winter months. like a casual walk in the woods. This is some great (Kenzie) After going for a drive one day, I cardio. The summit is windy and cold and the end of the passed Cheshire Medical Center and followed hike towards the top is mainly rocks. When I go nowa- Court Street to W Surry Road. W Surry Road turns days, I usually stop about halfway up the mountain to into Alstead Center Rd and from there, I followed break for lunch and just stay at the top long enough to take a few pictures. Some have said that you can even The drive features bumpy roads, vast land and see Boston. log cabins. Once you turn onto Cobb Hill Rd, you If you are looking for a short but scenic hike, head lose reception and are pretty much in no-man’s further east until you reach Miller State Park, where the trails for Pack Monadnock begin. There are two hiking passing” sign and gate which leads to a gorgeous trails that go up to the 2,290-foot summit. The Marion quarry. Davis Trail is a slower and gradual incline perfect for The hike is more than I had anticipated, but I bringing little ones or leashed animals. think I was a little out of shape. Okay—a lot. Pack Monadnock’s Wapack trail is a single leg of A spot that does not include as much strenuous - activity is Surry Mountain Lake, which is barely ten minutes from the college. This spot includes a sandy shoreline and a peaceful, shallow water The short leg of the Wapack trail also requires some stretching out to the woods. arm work during the hike, as it is littered with tall rocks A similar spot closer to Keene is the Otterbrook Dam, which has picnic tables and a wide stretch dirty. Right across the highway is Temple Mountain. It was rather than staying in the stuffy dorms for the day. hiking trail. Temple Mountain as well at Pack Monandnock have great summits. picnic tables and composting toilets. Temple Mountain doesn’t have much at the top besides gorgeous stone
Kenzie Travres can be contacted at mtravers@ Jennica Martin can be contacted at KENZIE TRAVERS / STUDENT LIFE EDITOR Cobb Hill Rd is a dirt road the leads to an off-the beaten path hike to a hidden quarry in Harrisville, NH.
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Student Life Where in the world is the owl? Find out on page A8!
Thursday, april 3, 2014
sTudenT life / a10
Informal poll shows Keene State College prefers traditional classrooms over online ANNA GLASSMAN
Ads director
equinox stAff DAVID WALSH
equinox stAff Today’s student could be considered more pluggedin than ever. Textbooks have gone digital and laptops have replaced notebooks in many lecture halls and laboratories. Even the classroom itself has gone electronic. However, Keene State College students still prefer the “analog” classroom over the virtual alternative. According to an informal poll of almost 500 KSC students, 82 percent prefer the traditional classroom over the newer online adaptation. “You don’t get the same experience from a tiny screen as you get from living
and breathing in a classroom environment. For some classes, the online setting may work, but nothing beats physically being in the same room as your professor and classmates,” KSC student Matthew Bergman stated. A 2013 Washington State University study uncovered similar results, as described in an editorial in the petence, students need engagement with their teachers to feel comfortable and to succeed,” the study proved. Sophomore secondary education major Matthew Ahlberg said, “Traditional classes promote social interaction, not the kind you use online today but traditional one-on-one discussing in real life. They allow students to develop communication skills, social interaction skills and help assist with public speaking.” Traditional classrooms also offer the ability to make connections that may lead to professional opportunities. Accredited Online Colleges (AOC) is an organization that informs students of accredited online programs to
help avoid enrolling in a “diploma mill.” According to the AOC, the traditional classroom creates much better networking opportunities and far more face-to-face interactions. AOC said in an article titled “Online Versus Traditional Schools from a Student’s Perspective,” “University professors remain one of the biggest assets traditional programs have.” The article continued, “Regardless of the number of webcasted lectures, informative videos, or insightful studies online services can offer, the role of the profesAdditionally, trends emerged among reasons for choosing traditional classrooms. One of these is the physical burden learning from a computer creates. “I like the personal interaction with a professor. I don’t like staring at a computer screen,” senior Stephanie Murray said. “Sitting and reading from a computer screen hurts my eyes after a while,” sophomore Amanda Williams
TKE Sweetheart raises $200 for charity
said. Furthermore, another trend among students was for them, it is easier to focus in a traditional classroom. “I learn better doing hands-on learning and focus better in a classroom setting. It would be hard not to get distracted doing an online class,” sophomore Amber Long said. The article “Online Learning in Higher Education,” from the Education Next website stated there is a concern that online classes provide a low quality of learning and take away from a personalized education experience. differences in success rates were irrelevant. “There harmed by the hybrid format consistently across mutiple learning outcomes,” the article reads. Later, the article presented evidence that showed students reported a low level of appreciation for online classes. The
equinox stAff Each year, the Keene State College Residential Life staff plans out a budget for housing improvements that are to be completed over the summer. When asked about upcoming residential life improvements, Residence Hall Director Casey Wilson said, “Other than our typical renovations that we do in the summer, there is not much.” Jim Carley, associate director for facilities and business operations at KSC, stated, “We will be installing new heating elements and removing the built-in desks the D wing of Carle.“ Residence Hall Director Megan Barbato said, “There is a whole master plan in the process. The college is working with an outside architecture build new housing.” Barbato continued, “At this point this is a twenty-year plan, although this may be subject to change.” Some students would like to see more elaborate changes in housing. Sophomore Joseph Cocivera said, “The water pressure in the sinks is pretty bad.” Senior Melissa Jellie stated, “I think the water pressure is the way it is in order to help save water, but I think the school water and still have sinks that have more water pressure.” Jellie, a Pondside III resident, also mentioned, “All of the buildings should have laundry BRITTANY BALLANTYNE / ADMINISTRATIVE EXECUTIVE EDITOR
Above: various KSC women showcased their talents in efforts to become the next TKE Sweetheart, as well as raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Bottom right: KSC student Erin Taylor performs on the Mabel Brown Room stage using a light-up hula hoop.
student Life editor The Tau Kappa Epsilon Sweetheart event last Saturday, March 29, raised $200 this year, according to junior and TKE Social Chair, Erik Radermacher. The event showcased the talent of many KSC women who were trying out to be the fraternity’s next ‘Sweetheart,” also in efforts to raise money for TKE’s national philanthropy, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. “We do this event every year and it’s one of our biggest fundraisers. Our goal is to raise money,” TKE
member Drayton Graca said. “To raise that money we ask everybody to come out and we ask for donations. We have a bunch of different girls try out for different categories, including talent.” According to Graca, the event raised double the amount that was made last year. Radermacher commented on why the funds may have increased. “I think we were more public this year about accepting donations. Also, we had more publicity because we created a Facebook page early on, which got people’s attention,” Radermacher said. “Next year we are looking to get around four-hundred dollars,”
Graca said. According to Graca, the bers based on originality, audience response and overall delivery. The TKE Sweetheart winner is “featured on our composite, which is a picture of all our members,” Graca said. Winner Ashley Waterman, a member of Phi Sigma Sigma, wore rap all about the brothers, that was pretty funny,” Graca said. Radermacher said Waterman’s performance stuck out because she, “got a really positive audience response and loud cheers. She was very comfortable being on stage,” he said. Graca
commented on another performance. “Kelsey Sobe [Sobestanovich] did a powerpoint about TKE and it was a play off of the story If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, but instead it was If You Give a TKE a Camera and it was basically poking fun at all of us and
Students suggest improvements for KSC campus residential halls
Cocivera, a Butler Court resident, said, “I don’t like how dry area. I think they should
a mild inconvenience. But I see people who live off campus use it and it is not that expensive, so it is good for them.” Doherty said, “I’d like to see improvements to the bathrooms in Owl’s Nest too, it is kind of a poor set up for a communal bathroom.” The sophomore went on to say, “I would also like to see a room just for studying in the building because there is just a common room now and you’ll go in there to do work but a lot of times people will be watching T.V.” Jellie stated that she would, “Like to see more eco-friendly housing.” She added, “I know the heat in Pondside 3 is set up to go off if someone has their windows open, to save energy. I like that and think every building should be like that.” Alumnus Christopher Smith said, “I would like to have seen more options for food in the actual dorms when I was here [at KSC].” Sophomore Christopher Dejohn also said, “I would like to see more food options, a food court, or better vending machine options.” Jellie said, “I would like to see better drink options in the vending machines; its mostly soda, and they could give a better variety to people who don’t really drink soda.” Sophomore and Butler resident Elton Purvis said, “Even just a Bean and Bagel type set up in dorm lobbies, would be nice.” Dejohn, a Butler resident, went on to say, “I would like to see more study rooms, because I feel like they are always full.” Resident Assistant in Pondside 3 Justin Smith said, “An ideal community would also incorporate learning. I would
similar majors, from differOther students would like ent age groups so that students to see at least one laundry room could make connections and in their residential hall. Stephen learn from each other.” Doherty, an Owl’s Nest resident, said, “Having the launZach Fournier can be contacted dry building across the street is at
taken as her slides,” Graca said. Sobestanovich, who is a member of Delta Phi Epsilon, was runnerup beside Phi Sigma Sigma member Emily Yepez, who performed a gymnastics routine. Kenzie Travers can be contacted at
‘Was Jesus a Nazi?’ discussion addresses misconceptions PAMELA BUMP
copy editor A full room of students, faculty and members of the Keene State College community recently attended a program where the controversial title asked, “Was Jesus a Nazi?" The title was created by KSC History Professor Nick Germana, who said, “The idea is to try to emphasize that the historical identity of Jesus is one that, in the particular period that Professor
Heschel will be talking about, is an ideologically constructed identity." During the presentation, on Wednesday, March 28, in the Madison Street Lounge, Historian and Professor of Jewish Studies at Dartmouth College, Susannah Heschel, spoke about her research of Nazi theologians and the depiction of the historical Jesus. Germana explained that, more often than not, in the United States today, Jesus
such as pale skin, blue eyes and blonde hair. "That image is embedded with all sorts of statements about cultural identity and values,” Germana said. Chloe Nixon, KSC student and President of Zeta Chi Rho, The Holocaust and Genocide Studies Honors society, explained that she helped with the set up and planning of the program. Though Nixon noted that she joined the planning of the program after the title was created, she said she really hoped
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Turn to B4 to try our newest crossword puzzle!
Apply to be on The Equinox E-Board! All positions opening.
Check out what students are listening to this week on B2!
Arts & Entertainment Alfa creates unique sound Thursday, april 3, 2014
Deadline: April 3 Interviews: April 6
a&E / B1
Alfa performs at the Social Activities Council’s Annual Coffee House event on March 29, 2014 in the Night Owl Cafe. Inset: The Social Activities Council poses with Alfa and other Coffee House performers.
violin and kazoo. Alfa sold her CDs at the show and SAC provided food and drinks for students who attended the perforKazoos, a ukulele and a song about pi were some mance. of what musician Alfa shared with Keene State College Alfa played a mixture of songs she wrote as well as students last Saturday in the Night Owl Cafe. acoustic covers of popular songs. Alfa Garcia, known by her stage name Alfa, perShe played an acoustic version of Lorde’s chart topping song Royals, stating, “I don’t know if you know this next song or not, it’s a little esoteric.” just the day before. It was Alfa’s second time visiting Clare’s Too Close, Brittany Spears’ Toxic and Justin TimShe said she started doing shows at other higher berlake’s Cry Me a River. education schools while she attended college and refers Before she played her own songs, she gave some to her music as folk-pop. She plays the piano, guitar, background as to why she wrote them. Many of her
Equinox Staff
tracks were about life experiences, like watching her major, agreed with her sentiment, “I thought she was friends get married and a song about the man she dated really good.” Correll and LaFond said they liked how as a freshman in college. She promoted her most recent album release, World Go Blue. said. She encouraged audience participation with singing “It makes me want to go to Hawaii,” LaFond said. along and by passing out kazoos. Alfa said she likes playing at colleges because, “it She had audience members play kazoo along with her for her song titled Blue. She wrote Blue about her sister’s “love drama.” “Something about playing at colleges — it’s a lot more about interacting, getting your audience sort of time listener Mackenzie Correll, a freshman and dance involved in the music. It’s not just about being passive major. “She’s really talented. I wasn’t expecting her to music in the background,” Alfa said. be so talented,” Correll said. Hannah Sundell can be contacted at Erica LaFond, a freshman and elementary education
Lady Gaga enlists vomit artist; Ramunto’s offers a rustic creates controversy over bulimia setting and delicious food
The customers often cheer on the employees as they toss the pizza dough in the air. I’m guilty of that.
Equinox Staff Lady Gaga was recently vomited on in the middle of a performance – and it wasn’t an accident. According to MTV’s Christina Garibaldi, it all started with a tweet by Gaga on Thursday March 13, saying she doesn’t like to play by the nun rules – she makes her own. Gaga’s performance has caused an uproar, to some, in regards to the media and celebrities glamorizing eating disorders and addiction. It has created discussion between what is considered art and what is crossing the line. Some members of the Keene State College community from the theater major, Active Minds, a club on campus devoted to changing the conversation about mental health on college campuses, the psychology major and the substance abuse major all seemed to feel the same way: Gaga’s performance was out of line. As stated on MTV’s website, Gaga performed at the South by Southwest Music
the restaurant was geared towards KSC stu-
Lady Gaga performs at Stubb’s in Austin, Texas, during the South by Southwest Music Festival on Thursday, March 13, 2014.
body and even into her mouth. Brown wasn’t done yet. She and Gaga climbed onto a mechanical pig together for the song, “Swine,” accompanied with a keyboard, MTV said. Gaga continued to sing and Brown continued to throw up black liquid onto Gaga. ogy and substance abuse major, shared his opinion about Gaga’s performance. “I would say [the performance was] out of line and everything she does is for the shock factor and it’s gotten to the point where it’s like, why are you bothering to do that? First of all, you’re already famous and it’s just making light of bulimia basically. And anyone who knows anyone who has an eating disorder would be obviously
to be the keynote speaker at the music festival, according to MTV. But that is not what KSC students were talking about the following day. “[Gaga’s performance] would make me question whether she truly deserves [to
if she’s that inconsiderate of other people March 13. MTV stated Gaga began her set who struggle with these issues. Why are by strapping herself onto a rotisserie. She we celebrating somebody who would be continued to spin on the rotisserie pole that insensitive?” Damian Vacca, a KSC while her dancers basted her with brushes senior, psychology major and the Active covered with barbecue sauce. Gaga went Minds vice president said. on to throw sausage links and beer at the Celebrity Demi Lovato, singer of Heart crowd. Next, she warned the fans it was Attack, was especially outraged and took going to get messy. to Twitter on Friday to show her protest Also according to the site, Gaga introof Gaga’s performance. According to the duced her friend, Millie Brown, a “vomit painter” from London. When Brown accused Gaga of glamorizing eating disarrived on the stage, she began chugging thing is really frustrating,” he said. orders. Lovato herself stated she received a liter of green liquid thought to be soda. On Friday, following her concert, Gaga treatment of eating disorders and other throat and proceeded to vomit on Gaga’s » LADY GAGA, B4
KSC paraphernalia. However, as time went on, management decided to make a few changes so the restaurant would appeal not only to students, but to Keene residents who live in the area. hungry after a late night out. I always get “To be quite honest, we found that that a hankering for a few slices of some fresh- wasn’t a direction that worked all the time, from-the-oven pizza, and the one place so we had to make some changes,” General that never ceases to satisfy this craving is Manager Frankie Candido said. The KSC gear has since been taken down, For the past few years, anytime I heard and the walls now display featured artwork someone mention this restaurant, I always associated it with their late-night slices. and brick walls, Ramunto’s has a rustic vibe However, after sitting down with the that is warm and comfortable. owners, I discovered that Ramunto’s is much In the spring and summer, customers can more than that. Late-night slices are just one enjoy their meal on the outdoor patio that thing Ramunto’s is largely known for. has beautiful greenery, with lights strung Every week, Thursday through Saturday, the to-go part of the restaurant remains » RAMUNTO’S, B2 open until 2 a.m. so students can end their Many people often leave the bars, and go I myself once followed suit. However, once I experienced Ramunto’s freshly-made pizza, a last resort. Ramunto’s is located on 176 Main Street and is close to campus, therefore they get a lot of customers who come straight from parties or the bars. I’ve always wondered if this was something that could be irritating for the employKARINA BARRIGA ALBRING / SENIOR REPORTER ees working the late-night shift, but they said it does not bother them, instead it Ramunto’s, above, is located at 176 Main Street Keene, N.H. makes work entertaining.
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Black A&E / B2
ThursdAy, April 3, 2014
specials and atmosphere keep him coming back about (Cont. from B1)
favorite thing to order is the pad Thai pizza. Both students agreed the service is great and the
overhead. They also have outdoor heaters for chilly spring and summer evenings. Michelle Doyon, the director of business development, said the outdoor patio is the best restaurant patio in Keene. The restaurant may have expanded their clientele, but business from KSC students is still at the top. The
Candido shared that above all, it’s about the expethey’d like to come back and tell their friends they had
of cocktails. Thomas Levesque, the front house manager of Ramunto’s, gets a big say in the drinks served at the bar.
Every experience I’ve had at Ramunto’s has been
A Ramunto’s Brick Oven Pizza employee prepares food for a customer in Keene, New Hampshire.
selection and signature cocktails. I’m able to play a big sonal draft line or playing around behind the bar and specialty pizzas— but they have recently expanded
salads and appetizers. Everything is homemade, right
back for more. Brooke Stall can be contacted at
Mike Messina, a student at KSC, said the location,
Ben Fredericks Junior Environmental Studies
“No Quarter”
Compiled by: Karina Barriga Albring / Senior Reporter
Kristen Dunne Senior Sociology and Criminal Justice
Hannah Soucy Freshman Studio Art
Steven Mignano Junior Communication
“The Dreams in the Ditch” Deer Tick
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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Thursday, april 3, 2014
a&E / B3
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Black a&E / B4
Thursday, april 3, 2014
80s Movies Crossword Puzzle SIDE NOTE: puzzle, each clue is a movie that came out during the 1980s. The answers are the last name of one of the actor/actress. There are no duplicate answers.
KSC Movie Channels ‘Divergent’ meets high expectations STAFF COMMENTARY
Check out these titles playing this week!
Equinox Staff Last month, I reviewed the book Divergent. A fan
Machete Kills
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 The Smurfs 2
20 Feet from Stardom
April 4 - April 10 -Channels 31-37-
Don’t miss local upcoming events Events starting April 4 through April 9
Redfern Arts Center
opening night. To follow up with what I had speculated own expectations and was incredibly enjoyable to watch.
said, there had to be scenes taken out from the book’s story to keep the length appropriate. There were a couple moments and scenes from the book that were removed, AP PHOTO and some of the development between certain characters Maggie Q, left, plays Tori and Shailene Woodley as was trimmed down. The sequels may need to re-explain or re-approach Beatrice “Tris” Prior, in the film, “Divergent.” The those missing items, but from what I have heard those film released on Friday, March 21, 2014. product. I felt the characters were perfectly cast. Shailene Woodley’s portrayal of Tris was not only exactly how I would have envisioned her while reading, but also very well performed. Her portrayal felt organic and was powerful during emotional scenes. The character playing Four also captured the character well, with his clear toughness but also vulnerability. Even in appearance, I thought they all resembled their character descriptions well. The supporting actors played their roles well. Although they did not get as much development as their novel counterparts,
(Cont. from B1)
Faculty/Guest Artists Recital Feat. Apple Hill String Quartet and Maura Glennon Friday, April 4 7:30 p. m. Alumni Recital Hall
Colonial Theatre MET Live in HD La Boheme (Puccini) April 5 @ 1:00 p. m.
Friday 7 & 9 p.m. Monday-Wednesday 7 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 2 p.m. matinee
The Place to Eat Three for the Taking Friday April 4 6:30-9 p.m.
It wasn’t necessarily the voiceover itself that bothered me as much as it was the length of it — there was a point when it felt like it had said enough, but then kept going. I do understand that the voiceover’s purpose was geared toward audiences who hadn’t read the book, and as a setting; I just wonder if its content could have been made more concise. The soundtrack also felt out of place at times. Maybe if I was younger or more of an emotional person, it would have appealed to me, but there were moments where I felt
The climax of the book was also altered a little. This I - just simply too much. That, as well as some moments in ber the book’s climax moving from place to place to place think that adds to the entertainment value. Divergent is worth seeing. It is a nice adaptation of the pace at a reasonable momentum, but the informa- the books and still has entertaining surprises. If you have tion was also altered, but again, in a way I felt worked for not read the books I still recommend seeing it. The story is engaging and supplies likeable characters and intense That being said, nothing is perfect. There were aspects action. I will certainly be seeing it again. Anthony Munoz can be contacted at
Putnam Theatre “Big Bad Wolves” April 4-9
both the world and the main protagonist’s mindset at the
addictions, back in 2010, as stated by New York Daily News’ Zayda Rivera. Lovato allegedly tweeted several times criticizing Gaga’s performance Friday stating such things like: “Putting the word ART in it isn’t a free card to do whatever you want without consequence.” Lovato also allegedly posted, “Sad… As if we didn’t have enough people glamorizing eat[ing] disorders already. Bottom line, it’s not ‘cool’ or ‘artsy’ at all,” and, “Activists don’t shut up. If no one raises their voice, how are we supposed to be heard?” Lovato went on to compare Gaga’s decision to bring Brown on stage to bringing someone with a needle and allowing them to shoot up on stage, or a razor and allowing them to cut themselves on stage. Lovato stated she wasn’t hating on Gaga, but that someone had to come forward, and she was willing to take the heat for it, according to NY Daily News. Bradley said, “I don’t know if [the media] glamorizes [eating disorders
“I don’t think any celebrity needs to go this far in order to keep their fan base.” KRISTEN LICHT KSC ELEMENTARY EDUCATION AND THEATRE MAJOR
stated she assured Gaga fans she is still a Gaga fan herself, but that she simply viewed the performance as glamorizing something as serious as eating disorders and addiction. Gaga defended her performance by stating the performance was about pure artistic expression. She said her new album is all about combining art and music in “creative rebellion,” according to MTV. The performance, she states, was meant for the crowd at the music festival, not for something like the Today Show and this is why some may not be into it. “I don’t think any celebrity needs to go this far in order to keep their fan base” KSC junior and elementary education and theater major Kristen Licht said. “[Gaga] did it because she could. Whether she had some kind of underlying message for this or not, it was down-play it...A lot of addiction isn’t disgusting and completely unnecesfocused much in the media and when sary,” she added. it is, it’s still such a taboo topic that Brown took to TMZ to respond people don’t like to talk about it.” to Lovato in which she said, “There’s Lovato concluded the tweets with a warning about how pop culture can body to create something beautiful,
to express myself and feel powerful, rather than using it to punish myself and conform to society’s standards.” Gaga herself has now admitted to dealing with eating disorders for over ten years after her performance was questioned, as stated by International Business Times’ Toyin Owoseje. For Licht, this makes the performance even more surprising and confusing. “Seeing as how she has admitted to have dealt with eating disorders, it really makes me question why on earth she would think doing something like this would be a good idea and would go over well with the public,” Licht said. Vacca added, “It doesn’t matter who you are if you’re in the limelight, you have a responsibly with the messages that you’re putting out there. You can call it art or what you want but if it’s just downright degrading and disrespectful to certain people, you should stop and think, ‘Is this going to cause harm to someone if I do this?’” Taylor Howe can be contacted at:
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Thursday, april 3, 2014
“This guy should not be in contact with eighteen-yearold boys. That’s what I personally think.”
(Cont. from A2)
was Gino that we were talking to on this imagine a teacher you barely know is
where the intent is to force him/herself into the life/consciousness of the victim
think he was more of a mentor than a con calls; electronic communication such as
Julie Conlon cam be contacted at
him ill at ease since he was a recent recruit
nity to take an active role in this
(Cont. from A2)
when to take action for the wellbe
fessionals in both these facilities there’s a sense of neutrality at the
to know that it was you who are for any further actions that may
WHY THE SILENCE? After the investigation became
attention that comes with turning
sometimes feel some combina
else about it because that sort of
is always thinking of ways to over
Brittany Ballantyne can be contacted at
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peted in at least three games a day from Monday through Thursday. For the tournament, the players split up in two teams, open (with just boys) and mixed gender. The team brought 17 boys and
SportS Editor The Athlete of the Week this week is junior lacrosse player Christa Demovellan. Demovellan was a huge part of Keene State College’s overtime win over Southern Maine, scoring two goals and adding an assist. The assist was for the last goal of the game, and represented the cherry on top of a 10-8 win to give the
9 a.m. Every day we were up a lot earlier than we would have wanted to be, considering the recreational connotation that surrounds every spring break activity. up, cheering each other on, ready to go hard. Even when results did not look positive for our teams, there were always people to remind us that the spirit of the game is what matters the most. “We are a team that has fun, always remember that is the most important thing,” Dan Aune, one of the seniors on the team, said before almost every game we played. KSC competed against familiar teams such as the University of Massachusetts Lowell and unfamiliar teams from states as far as Kentucky. Even though spring break in High Tide is meant to be fun, it was also a great opportunity for the team to challenge themselves against highly-skilled colleges, practice team dynamics and build stronger relationships between teammates that heighten the true meaning of teamwork. Moreover, the days we spent at High Tide meant much more than just playing frisbee and testing our skills against different teams. For a week, we cooked our meals together, rotated beds and air mattresses and shared chores like doing laundry and the dishes. It was not always easy to combine playing time, beach chilling and house responsibilities. However, we learned about each other and had to apply social skills like patience and team work. For a week, we were a team and family that looked after each other throughout the good and the bad times. wood Beach, a hidden spot of Jekyll Island that is considered one of the most romantic beaches in the word. There, we ran into frisbee players from Adelphi University in New York. An afternoon of throwing disk, playing spike ball and running around was followed by a multi-team photo session in the stunning tree trunks of Driftwood. After befriending each other on Facebook and exchanging pictures, we headed back home to get ready for another 20-hour drive back to New England. However, the trip was not yet coming to an end, and Keene was not our next destination. Dedication and love for the game was clearly visible for KSC’s ultimate frisbee team when they played in a tournament at the University of Rhode Island directly after High Tide. When we say directly, we mean literally right after High Tide. The team travelled more than 18 hours with just a few stops to get food and gas, and arrived at Rhode Island at games that day, and then three more games on Sunday. Some victories achieved at URI brought a special feeling. After driving 1,030 miles with barely a few hours of sleep, the boys team came back from being down 2-5 and defeated their opponents. Coming back to Keene after a week away gave us mixed feelings. Most of us were incredibly tired, but incredibly happy. We brought back great memories, sore muscles, big smiles and the certainty that during this season hard work and fun will be the key notes of our strategy. Now that spring break is over, the season for the ultimate frisbee team is in full swing. On the weekend of March 29, 15 players drove four-and-a-half hours down to New Jersey to play spot in the regional tournament. Karina Barriga Albring can be contacted at Annelise Kloster can be contacted at
a Little Eastern Conference opponent. Both of Demovellan’s goals the second half to tie the game at six and her second tied the game has been a big part of the Lady Owls’ team this season, starting six games already and scoring four goals in total. Now, after having a game cancelled earlier in the year, the team is 4-2 and getting ready to start a stretch of conference games in April. The Lady Owls will need Demovellan, the Westwood, Mass. native, to continue her impressive play if they want to continue performing at a high level. -Our runner-up this week is freshman lacrosse player Robert Hart. Hart erupted for three goals in his eighth start of the season for the Owls, adding an assist for good measure. Hart has been a staple of the team’s starting line up since he got to KSC, and his play so far has shown he deserves it. After
Sophomore pitcher Mariah Crisp has dominated in her first few starts of 2014 after a stellar freshman year.
ers inspired it. “We did mix a lot of things up,” (Cont. from B10) Beach said. He continued, “But in practice before we went to Florida a team we tried to help them bounce lot of people had been looking at mulback from it. You could tell they were tiple positions. I had one player say to a little uncomfortable, but I think it me, ‘I don’t care where I play, I just better prepared them for going into want to play.’” new spots,” she said. Further, while the Owls were The upperclassmen players understand KSC softball Head Coach Charlie Beach’s plan. in each other in the process. According to Beach, the idea of “Florida is a huge team bonding switching people’s positions was experience so I feel like we’re a lot almost like an audition. closer coming out of it. By the end of “Before I went to Florida, I didn’t the week I feel like we came together know who was going to play what really well,” Long said. position, so the idea was to give According to Long and Bracken, people exposure to different posi- the team is more prepared for the tions. Based on what we saw, we rest of the season now. “I think our now have a better idea of who to use conference is pretty even this year where,” he said. so once people start coming together However, Beach said that this and really playing their best I think was not entirely his idea, as his play-
we have a really great chance of going far this year and having a great season,” Long said. “I think we all can work together and we know how to work as a team now,” Bracken added. said their upcoming game against Eastern Connecticut State University will be the true test of their progress. “When we go down to mix with Eastern that will give me a better barometer of exactly how they feel about things,” Beach said. dent in their future success. “Our team is very close, it’s one of the best things about us. After Florida we only become closer, and that’s it,” Long said.
just over nine minutes left in the second.
Diana Pimer can be contacted at
But at what cost? Of cvourse there’s no guarantee that if Toronto never traded for Kessel that they would’ve drafted Seguin and Dougie Hamilton, but let’s assume they drafted those two Raycroft straight up for Tuukka Rask, who was the Leafs’ and held on to Rask. The whole scope of that franchise could’ve changed. Rask and Seguin both have a Stanley ist for the Vezina Trophy (best goaltender) twice in Boston, the deal wound up being just a little unfair to Toronto. Funny the way things work, eh? Now if you’re a Toronto fan, these trades may make you very upset. Sure, Kessel is an absolute asset for the Leafs, Ray Waldron can be contacted at and at 26, has a long career ahead of him.
(Cont. from B10)
icing on the cake of KSC’s 15-7 victory over Little Eastern Conference rival University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. The win broke a six-game losing streak for the Owls, who started the season with an upset win over Western New England before stumbling of late. Perhaps more important than breaking the losing streak, against an in-conference opponent. There’s nothing like starting league play 1-0 to boost your conget big minutes as his young KSC career continues to take shape. Zach Winn can be contacted at
Keene State College athletic team records Women’s Lacrosse
Baseball OVERALL
0-0 0-0 (0-0) Lost 2
vs. Denison
AWAY (neutral)
3-0 1-1 (0-1) Won 2
at Colby-Sawyer
at Union Runs by Inning
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
Keene State College
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2
2 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 x
Runs by Inning
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
Keene State College
0 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 4 0 0 3 0 0 x
Men’s and Women’s Indoor Track
4 5
AWAY (neutral)
Points by Period 1OT 2OT
Goals by Period
Keene State College
Southern Maine
Keene State College
Men’s Lacrosse
0-0 0-0 (5-5) Lost 2
vs. Tufts
AWAY (neutral)
Runs by Inning
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
1-1 1-3 (0-2) Won 1
0 0 0 0 3 0 3
Keene State College
1 3 0 0 1 0 0
6 4
at Bates
Runs by Inning
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
0 1 3 2 0 0 0
Keene State College
0 0 0 5 0 0 1
6 1
AWAY (neutral)
at UMass Dartmouth
Goals by Period 1 2 3 4
Total Points by Period 1 2 3 4
Keene State College
4 1
Keene State College
5 2
UMass Dartmouth
1 2
Event 400m
Ryan Widzgowski Mile
Time/distance Place 50.73 4:06.41
1st 4th
Ryan Milewski
1000m 2:34.39
Lindsey Terry
Men’s and Women’s Indooor Track
vs. Concordia
Name Devin Sanford
vs. Southern Maine
Open New England Championships
NCAA DIII Championships Name
Time/distance Place
Ryan Widzgowski
Lauren Markoe
Saturday, April 5, 1 p.m. Thursday, April 3, 3:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 5, 4 p.m. Saturday, April 5, 11 a.m.
Saturday, April 5, 12 p.m.
Thursday, April 3, 7 p.m.
Saturday, April 5, 3 p.m.
Saturday, April 5, 3 p.m.
Sunday, April 6, 12 p.m.
Saturday, April 12, 10:30 a.m.
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Boulay played in nine out of ten games for the Owls on the trip. Boulay swung a hot stick, recording 14 hits in 32 at-bats. Boulay currently leads the Owls regulars in hitting with a .438 average. As of March 31, Boulay has drove in 6 RBIs. “I came out this year with something to prove to myself and my teammates,” Boulay said. ward, the Owls cannot fall behind early. “We would always be down to start games. I think we need to really focus on coming out strong and staying ahead rather than playing catch up,” We lost ball games we shouldn’t have. I think we are really going to gel as a team if we can minimize the errors and stay behind our pitching staff when we The trip also helped the chemistry for the Owls, that helped determine the identity of the team and who we are going to be. I think the whole team Sophomore pitcher Kevin Guild believes the Owls are heading in the right direction. “I think result-wise everybody was a little disappointed. I think as we come home people will start putting it all together,” Guild said. Guild said the Owls’ best strength is their ability to battle through adversity. “I would say our resiliency and ability to stay together. We easily could have split apart with all of the losses,” Guild said. The Owls are hopeful they will be able to play soon in New England. The Owls two mid-week games on March 25 and March 26 were cancelled.
MICHAEL CONROY / AP PHOTO Members of the Kentucky and Michigan basketball teams jump for a rebound in the second half of the Midwest Regional final on March 30 in Indianapolis.
against Western Connecticut State University was cancelled on Saturday, March 29. According to Western Connecticut’s baseball schedule on their athletics’ website, both teams are hoping to make up the game this weekend. If that were the case, the Owls would then play Eastern Connecticut State University on Saturday, April 5, and then go to Western Connecticut on Sunday, April 6. In an interview on March 25, Howe said that he hopes the Owls could potentially play at home by this weekend if need be. However, the weather will determine what happens. The National Weather Service’s long term data states that there is a 31 percent chance for the average temperature to be slightly above normal for the next three months. However, there is a 34 percent chance for the forecast to have temperatures below normal. Finally, based on data from 1981-2010 the temperature has a chance to be right at normal, which is up to 55.7
As millions of fans watch March Madness, the NBA should be watching too
Brian Clemmenson can be contacted at
Zach Winn can be contacted at
SportS Editor The thing about March Madness is that it makes even casual college basketball fans pour over statistics and opinions in hopes of making a successful bracket. NBA fans, like myself, immediately notice the differences between the college and pro games. Some of the differences in college basketball could never be replicated at the NBA level, but others should serve to teach the NBA how to improve its game. Because despite the lucrative TV deal, rising ticket sales and international popularity, the NBA could learn a thing or two from NCAA basketball. The difference that college basketball fans like to point to most, between their game and the NBA, is that the college players seem to be trying harder. A lot of
people attribute this to student-athletes’ love of the game. They’re not playing for money— the reasoning goes— so they must be driven by some passion instead. The truth probably has more to do with the relative shortness of the college basketball season. While teams play about thirty games a year in college, that number can jump to over one hundred in a single NBA season. A lot of NBA games are played on back-to-back nights, with travel in between. NBA players can’t bring the same nightly intensity as student-athletes because the pro game takes such a bigger toll on their bodies. It would cost the NBA some money (which means it will likely never happen), but if the league shortened the season its players’ nightly effort would probably increase. Another difference between the college and pro games is the amount play-
ers are allowed to complain to referees before they are penalized. In the NBA a player can voice his displeasure with a call well after the whistle is blown and are much quicker to call a foul on a player who starts complaining. There seems to be a belief among NBA haters that the league’s players are arrogant and entitled. It’s logical to think this has been fueled at least in part by the nagging that has become commonplace after most calls. If the pros scaled back their complaining outside perceptions of the league could improve. Another NCAA rule that the NBA would do well to follow is the procedure when a possession is under dispute. In the NBA, possession is decided with a jump ball between the two players involved. This can lead to comical matchups where a 6’10” forward is pitted
against a 6’0” guard. The NCAA, however, rotates between teams using a possession arrow. This splits tough calls up, providing each team with a fair number of disputed possessions. The NBA’s jump ball system usually only rewards the taller player in the dispute, something that shouldn’t factor into the actual call at all. There’s a lot of rules the NBA could not take from the NCAA. With bigger and more athletic players, the NBA needs a shorter shot clock, longer three-point line and wider paint. But the league shouldn’t be ignoring college basketball’s popularity either. If the NBA was smart, they would recognize the potential for a broader fan base and adjust their game accordingly.
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Interested in writing for the Sports section? Email Equinox Sports Editor Zach Winn at thurSday, april 3, 2014
KSC teams travel over spring break to kick off seasons Lady Owls split ten game journey to start season
KSC baseball team stays positive after up and down outing BRIAN CLEMMENSON
Equinox Staff
Equinox Staff
The Keene State College baseball team is looking
When the Keene State College softball team left for Clermont, Florida, to start their spring break, they
.500 on their trip to Florida over spring break.
degrees. However, the weather was not the only change the Lady Owls had to adapt to. The team played ten games against a range of schools, including the nearby New England Small College Ath letic Conference institutions, Wesleyan and Hamilton. The Owls defeated these teams in addition to Ramapo College of New Jersey, Plattsburgh State and McDaniel College. Despite their success, they matched their set of
those results the team is looking more complete and staying positive. According to KSC baseball Head Coach Ken Howe, the Owls had more of their starters in the lineup the “The last two games we probably had what we projected as seven out of eight starters in the lineup,” Howe said.
reigning national champions Tufts University. Soph
loss to Endicott College on March 18. “I thought we competed and we had opportunities to win. We gave ourselves a chance to win and now it’s a matter of getting over the hump,” Howe said. Howe said as the trip went on, the team’s strengths changed. “I think early on we played poor defense. Then as the week went on we got used to being out side on grass and dirt as opposed to wood and rubber,” Howe said. Howe said the Owls struggled on the mound at times. “It really depended on the day and how guys threw,” Howe said.
losses were only by a couple of runs. Tufts was ranked number one but now they’re ranked number two. We were winning going into the seventh inning and then they scored three runs in the seventh.” According to Long, there is no loss the Lady Owls cannot work past. “They had to put in their ace pitcher to face us in the seventh inning,” Long said. “That game made us realize that we really can play with anyone. It Behind the close scores and lifted spirits lies one reason why the Owls may have given up some win nable games. “In a few games our coach put people in positions they might not have been comfortable with. So we had to work through that,” Long said. According to junior and second baseman Sara Bracken, even though the team may have missed out on a couple of runs, they gained experience and knowl edge from this twist. “I think the players were nervous but they did the job well. If they made mistakes, as a
Owls know what needs to be done to improve. “We just have to take care of business better. I feel like there were games where we hit very well. There were games where we pitched very well. We need to put in a good said the Owls need to improve on the mound now that they are back in New England. “We’ve got to pitch better. We have to get off to
people,” Costello said. On the trip the Owls pitching
team. “Our situational hitting clicked,” Costello said. Junior catcher Matt Boulay, who missed almost all of last season with an injury, led the Owls offense.
Dan Aune makes a catch during the High Tide tournament in Brunswick, Georgia.
Frisbee teams bond on trip to Georgia KARINA BARRIGA ALBRING
Equinox Staff
Anna Glassman bats in a spring break game in Clermont, Florida. Glassman is Ads Director of the Equinox.
ation purposes— they go on a cruise and get tan or crash on their couch and get stiff— and forget about the other hand, athletic teams use spring break to get ready for their upcoming season.
Annelise Kloster and Karina Barriga Albring play for the KSC Ultimate Fris- largest college spring break ultimate tournament. bee team. teams, according to High Tide’s website. Most athletes and coaches will The timing of High Tide could not be more tell you that a team is a family. The ideal for KSC’s ultimate frisbee team. We had the Keene State College Ultimate Fris chance to get a week of excitement and bonding bee team is no different. During under the sun; competing against colleges from spring break, our family of 22 frisbee players all over the country and enjoying the spirit of the game before the competitive season begins. of team bonding, throwing the disk and learning Prior to High Tide, the KSC Ultimate Frisbee about each other. team put in a lot of effort this spring semester with Some students use spring break mainly for relax
Kevin Guild warms up in the Spaulding Gymnasium during a recent practice.
History shows Boston Bruins won’t hesitate to trade away integral team members for the right price self as one of the most dominant power for very capable of scoring picturesque goals.” wards and became the seventeenth captain The Russian phenom spent eight seasons in Bruins’ history. in Boston and consistently put up excellent eral Manager Mike O’Connell dealt away Thornton to the San Jose Sharks in exchange for Brad Stuart, Marco Sturm and Wayne Primeau. The feeling in Boston was not
What may be strange to some is a prac tice that Boston Bruins fans know all too well. Dealing away top players in exchange for building blocks has become somewhat of the norm in the past decade for the Bruins. A glance at their past ten years reveals four big trades that became integral to the Bruins and their history.
pick in the draft, the Bruins picked up the big kid from Ontario named Joe Thornton. “Jumbo Joe” became a powerhouse for the Bruins. He racked up assists, proved him
son, Wisconsin named Phil Kessel. He spent incidents and partying eventually led to three seasons in Boston and looked to be a promising sniper that would lead them out dealt alongside fellow Bruin Rich Peverley of the doldrums. (acquired in yet another trade where Boston teau all but twice in his Bruins career and After those three seasons, however, con never took many penalties. He was a key tract negotiations hit a snag and the Bruins prospect Ryan Button. player for the B’s. dealt him away to the Toronto Maple Leafs The trade seemed to be the most power ful out of the “big four” trades the Bruins Edmonton in exchange for Marty Reasoner, made, as this one provided the most balance Yan Stastny and Edmonton’s 2nd round pick choice in the 2011 draft. between the two parties. Dallas sent NHL mainstay Loui Eriks Now, Reason and Stastny never made two players who Bruins fans know like the son and three prospects in Joe Morrow, much of their time in Boston, but that sec backs of their own hands. Reilly Smith and Matt Fraser to Boston. Despite being plagued with concussions,
Contrasted to the upcoming Samsonov trade, no real key parts came of the Thorn ton trade. As a matter of fact, the Sharks named Thornton captain and he’s put up some of the best numbers of his career there. In all honesty, it was one of the stranger had two Stanley Cup appearances with the deals I’ve seen a team make. B’s. Now, for the third and fourth trades, which planted the seeds of the bizarre Bos was spent on an undersized, yet lethal skater by the name of Sergei Samsonov. His scouting report from the draft listed him as “an excellent skater … An outstanding offen sive player who sees the ice extremely well… He has a quick release when shooting and is
and Reilly Smith is one of the most creative seman Dougie Hamilton. rookie class, which included Brad March and and quickly became touted as the face of the Bruins’ future. The Bruins won the of trading Kessel to Toronto. Stanley Cup his rookie year and things Oh, and more branch to that tree— in looked on the up and up for him. His numbers increased the following
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