Keep Australia Beautiful National Association: A Year in Review 2012/2013

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A year in Review 2012/2013

Keep Australia Beautiful National Association 1

From the Chair, Don Chambers We continue to see great commitment from our communities, and I congratulate the winners of our National Awards programs, with the winner of the Australian Sustainable Cities Awards for 2012 being the City of Cockburn, Western Australia. The South Australian town of Victor Harbor was the Overall Winner of the Australian Tidy Towns Awards 2013. Goolwa in South Australia won the Australian Clean Beaches Awards 2012. Our annual campaign, Keep Australia Beautiful Week in 2012 targeted motorists and holiday-makers in a bid to stop rubbishing our highways and roads with discarded takeaway wrappers, cups, cigarette butts and packets, beverage containers, bottle tops, newspapers and more, which end up in our rivers and oceans. The LITTLE Committee continues to maintain their popularity with a busy year of many local speaking events for representatives around Australia. This included the Vice Chair Timothy Whelan and the NSW representative Amelia Warde presenting the Young Legends award at the Australian Sustainable Cities Awards, held in Kogarah in November 2012. Since 2005, Keep Australia Beautiful have been monitoring littering rates in Australia annually through the unique quantitative survey, The National Litter Index. Over the last year, we have seen continued improvements in litter counts and the Australian Packaging Covenant’s improvement in recycling. With the release of the National Litter Index 2012/13, it showed that over the past year, litter in Australia reduced 3.4% by item and 1.8% by volume. The state of Victoria proved to be leader of the pack for the second year running, performing exceptionally well and bringing the national average down through their individual litter reduction of 59% in items and volume over the past 8 years. This can be attributed to their long-term bipartisan and cooperative strategies and partnerships on litter prevention.


We’ve been successfully expanding our National Bin Network pilot programs, which have been piloting since late 2011. The National Bin Network has been developed using real life experiences gained through research, trials, demonstration projects, market development outcomes and the experience gained in the rollout of more than 7,500 new away-from-home recycling bins nationally, delivered through the assistance of the Australian Food and Grocery Council’s Packaging Stewardship Forum (PSF). Looking forward, the Decision Regulatory Impact Statement (DRIS) to be considered in the coming months will hopefully see some progress on addressing all types of consumer packaging in a partnership approach. Australians are already great recyclers at home, but away from home we can do so much better.


From Our Patron, Her Excellency, Ms Quentin Bryce AC Keep Australia Beautiful plays a pivotal role in promoting the responsibility of all Australians to sustain and preserve our magnificent natural landscapes. From the sunburnt outback to lush rainforests spilling onto our iconic beaches, the Keep Australia Beautiful team is dedicated to advocating environmental sustainability in suburbs, towns and communities. The Tidy Town program and others like Sustainable Cities inform, encourage and support members of our communities to keep our nation beautiful. As Patron, I acknowledge the commitment and efforts of your staff, supporters and volunteers and extend my best wishes for the year ahead.


From the National Executive Officer, Peter McLean Keep Australia Beautiful has experienced a very successful year in 2012/13. We have seen a variety of outstanding program achievements as well as a positive turnaround in financial performance. It’s been business as usual with our long term programs like Tidy Towns, Clean Beaches and Sustainable Cities and our award winners this year continued to set new benchmarks in sustainability. We continued existing litter prevention campaigns including The LITTLE Committee which launched two new community service announcements called “Random Acts of Tidiness” and “Litter Legends.” Together these, and other campaigns collectively reduced Australia’s average litter count by almost 4%, which was monitored in our annual National Litter Index.

I’d also like to also acknowledge the wonderful community volunteers and passionate advocates for Keep Australia Beautiful. I never get the opportunity to visit everyone but when I do visit some, I’m only ever left with feelings of inspiration and respect for their hard work and dedication in preserving our country for future generations. I’ve particularly enjoyed witnessing this at various schools across the country and one example is Merici College in the ACT. This school is leading the way in best practice environmental achievements, and the culture of sustainability from students to teachers and parents is breathtaking. Our success this year wouldn’t have been so high without the financial support of our funding partners. We thank them for their loyalty and contributions and look forward to continuing to deliver mutual benefits.

Keep Australia Beautiful is an amazing organisation and I look forward to leading it through the coming years and achieving a more sustainable and litter free Australia. There are many opportunities we want to explore with all of our supportive and enthusiastic stakeholders across community, government and industry, so 2013/14 will undoubtedly be another busy and fulfilling year.


Our Vision For the Australian community to protect and conserve the natural and built environment through individual actions.

Our Mission To lead, challenge and inspire all Australians to strive for a sustainable and litter free environment.

Our Objectives • • • •

to lead, influence and advocate for environmental sustainability to honour achievement in environmental endeavour to provide support through education, innovation, engagement and research to deliver effective partnerships and programs ensuring mutually beneficial environmental outcomes.

Our Volunteers Keep Australia Beautiful awards programs identify, acknowledge and promote the efforts of hundreds of thousands of community, business and government volunteers around the country each year. Our volunteers contribute an estimated $8,366,200 dollars worth of volunteer labour to the Australian community each year.


Who we are Keep Australia Beautiful is the national peak body on litter prevention. With over four decades of experience in engaging Australians to care for their local environments, our Programs include Sustainable Cities, Tidy Towns, Clean Beaches, The LITTLE Committee, National Bin Network, Keep Australia Beautiful Week, and the National Litter Index, which is Australia’s only independent nationwide litter research. Our programs target litter, recycling, packaging waste, energy efficiency, heritage, and graffiti. Keep Australia Beautiful’s mission is ‘to lead, challenge and inspire all Australians to strive for a sustainable and litter free environment.’ It does this through its own operations, that can act as an example to others, and through its programs, that have the potential to reach all Australians. Keep Australia Beautiful National Association (KABNA) is a federated body with programs operating in every State and Territory through member offices. Each of these programs encourages people all around Australia to care for their local environment. Keep Australia Beautiful was established in 1968 and is a not for profit association registered in the ACT with deductible gift recipient status. Keep Australia Beautiful National Association has a proud history in working in partnership with community, government and industry to achieve positive environmental outcomes. KABNA is very well known for promoting litter prevention and reduction activities in the 1970’s and early 1980’s. This was achieved through numerous television advertising campaigns and community activities and resulted in a cultural shift as to how all Australians viewed litter and the environment.

Photo: Bianca Bateman, Peter McLean, Alice Morgan 7

Thank you for Keeping Australia Beautiful

68 programs


awards programs applicants

1,927 category submissions

343 councils engaged with


community groups cooperated


business worked with




schools participated

students collaborated


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people involved

75,724 volunteers gave their time

334,648 volunteer hours


National Litter Index The National Litter Index (NLI) 12/13 is released to coincide with Keep Australia Beautiful Week every year. Since the start of the NLI 8 years ago, an overall 20% reduction in items and 31% reduction by volume have been achieved. Despite the positive national results, there is still more work to be done with many states still lagging behind Victoria, which bolstered the national figures with an above-average 17% reduction by item and 13% reduction by volume over the past year. The NLI is the only annual benchmark of litter, endorsed by every State, Territory and Federal Government. The NLI is funded by all State/Territory Governments and the National Packaging Covenant Industry Association (NPCIA). The purpose of the National Litter Index is to provide insight regarding: • The presence of litter items at anonymous but consistent sites year on year within broadly comparable regions. • Estimated volumes of litter objects within the litter stream, based upon a volume-per-item model. • The contribution of objects recognised within established main material types to the overall litter stream. • The detailed breakdown of additional rural highway sites and the segregation of packaging impacts. NLI counts are conducted in November and May each year over 983 sites. These sites are divided into eight site types: Beaches, Car Parks, Highways, Industrial, Recreational Parks, Residential, Retail, and Shopping Centres. 10

The Branded Litter Study for 11/12 was also released, showing marked trends influence on litter, such as an increase in supermarket generic litter, flavoured milk cartons, and energy drinks. Fast Food packaging came out on top, with McDonald’s being the most littered brand. The full reports are located on our website at

“Achieving a reduction of almost 60% in both litter items and volume over the past 8 years, Victoria’s approach to litter prevention is clearly working. A holistic approach encompassing education and awareness campaigns, community engagement programs, great bin infrastructure that is well placed and well serviced, as well as various enforcement activities, demonstrates best practice and a cooperative attitude that engages community, government and business. We congratulate the state of Victoria on an exceptional outcome due to their long-term, bipartisan and cooperative strategies on litter prevention.” Don Chambers, National Chairman of Keep Australia Beautiful 11

Keep Australia Beautiful Week 2012 Don’t Rubbish Our Roads!

Keep Australia Beautiful Week in 2012 targeted motorists and called on people to stop rubbishing our highways and roads. The National Litter Index released during the week indicated that highways and car parks combined, recorded the most litter by volume, indicating that Australian motorists are not doing the right thing with their rubbish. The theme highlighted how often people are now eating and drinking whilst on the move, as a result, millions of pieces of litter including food containers and wrappers, cups, cigarette butts, beverage containers, bottle tops and newspapers are being discarded along our highways and roads. The Hungry Jack’s ‘Bag it and Bin it’ program is Principal Sponsor of Keep Australia Beautiful Week, and also targeted its customers with the anti-litter message to remind them of the need to dispose of their packaging waste responsibly when on the road. The 2012 KAB Week Celebrity Ambassadors who lent a hand to help promote the fight against litter are two of Australia’s finest comedy actors - Shane Bourne and Christie Whelan.


“Unfortunately, there are still people who think that a little bit of rubbish dropped on the ground or left on a beach or camp site, doesn’t really hurt. Yet, just one piece of rubbish contributes to the pollution of our oceans and can harm or kill our wildlife, so every single piece does in fact count!” Christie Whelan, KAB Week ambassador

6,058,000 Total audience media reach


Do The Right Thing This program has been running since the 80’s with a successful ad campaign on littering. Sponsored by the Packaging Stewardship Forum, it incorporates The LITTLE Committee, as well as the National Bin Network aimed at the Northern Territory, Victoria and Tasmania. The Forum’s highly successful Do The Right Thing anti-litter campaign has proven to be the strongest litter prevention message since it was implemented, leading to a 70% reduction in litter in NSW between 1979 and 1990. Today, Do The Right Thing is stronger than ever, with more than 80% of people recognising that Do The Right Thing means put your waste in the bin. Throughout Australia more than 180 towns and cities are taking the Do The Right Thing message to their communities. The Forum is also a major sponsor of the Keep Australia Beautiful network nationally, sponsoring Tidy Towns and Sustainable Communities Awards.


National Bin Network For decades, governments, environmental groups and industries have been exploring ways to increase recycling and reduce litter. Those programs that have been implemented often only deal with a small part of the problem. The National Bin Network is the first comprehensive plan to reduce litter and increase recycling across all packaging materials and across Australia. It’s backed by industry and supported by Keep Australia Beautiful and the country’s biggest recyclers. It’s an initiative which will see significant investment in new infrastructure across the nation to build state of the art glass recycling facilities, extend recycling services to businesses and install 30,000 new recycling bins in public spaces. The bins will mimic our twin bin system at home, with one for landfill and one for recycling. It’s not difficult to explain how it works to people, as 98% of Australians currently use this bin system at home.


Northern Territory Seven Territory Growth Towns in the East Arnhem Shire Council participated in the pilot – Galiwinku, Milingimbi, Gapuwiyak, Ramingining, Angurugu, Yirrkala and Umbakumba. Under the pilot, KABC (NT) rolled out the new Clean Up Book and other resources to help local communities clean up, recycle and keep their communities clean into the future. The pilot provided KABC (NT) for the first time with significant resources to work with local councils and community groups such as schools, stores and environment groups to reduce litter and increase recycling. Pilot program delivery was facilitated by a dedicated KABC (NT) Project Officer who worked with East Arnhem Shire Council and the above Growth Towns to: • • • • • •

introduce programs to reduce litter in the community; identify litter hot spots and where the litter is coming from; develop a community clean-up plan covering infrastructure, service, awareness and education; carry out a community clean-up event with community volunteers; identify necessary bin infrastructure and arrange installation; ensure that recyclable materials are transported to appropriate facilities and that rubbish is disposed of properly; monitor progress and measure results achieved.

The National Bin Network (NBN) is a $100 million, 5 year, industry funded plan to increase recycling and reduce litter nationally, providing an effective and efficient alternative to calls for a container deposit scheme. The NBN is fully funded by industry, at no cost to Australians, and addresses all litter and packaging recycling, not just beverage containers. 16

Victoria The North East Regional Waste Management Group (NevRwaste) has awarded a tender for the regional roll out of new recycling bins through the region to Victorian manufacturer, Draffin Manufacturing. This included 104 new waste and recycling bin enclosures for council streetscapes, 30 new special snow line waste and recycling bin stations for Alpine resort areas and 52 waste and recycling bins for parks and sporting grounds in the Alpine Shire will be installed by mid 2013. Overall this equates to 186 new recycling bin to be installed across the North East of Victoria which will help to increase recycling rates and reducing litter in public areas.

Tasmania Keep Australia Beautiful Tasmania (KABTas) and local LITTLE Committee member, Elliot Thorp, launched a new $230,000 litter reduction pilot program. Under the pilot, KAB Tasmania worked with schools, local governments, venue managers and community groups to help local communities clean up, recycle and keep their communities clean into the future. Pilot program delivery was facilitated by a team of Project Officers at KAB Tasmania who helped to: • •

• • •

introduce programs to reduce litter in the community; target groups such as Landcare, Adopt a Highway, existing Tidy Town groups and other community groups to identify litter hot spots, clean them up and put in place the necessary infrastructure, services and education to keep them clean in the future; work with local governments and property owners to install new recycling bins in retail shopping areas, pubs and clubs, sporting facilities, entertainment venues and transport hubs; work with the AuSSI schools network to provide resources to schools to reduce litter; monitor progress and measure results achieved. 17

The LITTLE Committee The LITTLE Committee stands for the Leading Integrated Taskforce Tackling Litter Everywhere and is an initiative developed through a partnership between the Australian Food and Grocery Council’s Packaging Stewardship Forum and Keep Australia Beautiful to reduce littering by 10% over 5 years. The Committee is made up of ten young adults under fifteen from all across Australia. This age group is statistically the least likely to litter of all Australians. Each member was put through a rigorous recruitment and training process to become the new face of litter in Australia. This is being achieved through advertising campaigns, in the media, speaking and stakeholder engagements as well as working alongside Keep Australia Beautiful to formulate ideas and plans which prevent littering. The ten member committee includes a Chairperson, Vice-Chair person and a representative from each State and Territory. Each member has unique qualities and backgrounds but they have one thing in common; they’re determined to put an end to adults littering.


In August 2012, the Random Acts of Tidiness community service announcement launched across TV screens and radio, which consisted of The LITTLE Committee representatives, and focussed on creating ownership and responsibility for waste, asking for the general public to do the right thing as well as selfless random acts of “tidiness”. In June 2013, the Committee launched their latest campaign, Litter Legend on television and radio around the nation, which called on adults to stop littering. Throughout 2012-13 the Committee were very busy with various engagements, such as for Australia Day, at community events, schools, Council sustainabilty events, clean ups, conferences, national television, and meetings with Ministers of Parliament. They also teamed up with education publishers Oh No Mo! and released a book about littering which forms part of Keep Australia Beautiful’s Green Ribbon program.



Beverage Container Recycling Grants Keep Australia Beautiful is able to offer financial assistance for local communities wishing to improve beverage container recycling. This financial assistance is made possible thanks to a Coca-Cola Foundation Community Recycling Grant. In larger communities this may mean infrastructure for events or for special venues such as large retail centres or education centres. In smaller communities, it may mean assistance with transport or processing to overcome remote locations or dispersed populations. The focus is on: • recycling away from home • practical projects that leave a legacy • projects that don’t duplicate existing recycling activities • projects that result in measurable volumes of recycled materials

$806,505.93 Total granted through the program 123 Projects funded to date across all States and Territories 2,949,680 Beneficiaries per annum from projects to date (i.e. People using the bins/equipment) Over

1427 bins installed to date plus around 10 other equipment e.g. crushers, trailers 338.95 tonnes recyclables collected through past projects,

plus an estimated 114.7 tonnes will be collected through the 2013 projects, based on information provided from applicants. 21

Sustainable communities awards programs The Keep Australia Beautiful Sustainable Communities Awards consist of: • Tidy Towns awards which has been running for 46 years in Australia. • Sustainable Cities which became a national program in 2007. • Clean Beaches which included the west coast for the first time in 2008.

The Australian Tidy Towns Awards are sponsored by the Do the Right Thing Program of the Australian Food and Grocery Council’s Packaging Stewardship Forum. 22

Tidy Towns The South Australian town of Victor Harbor was named the Overall Winner of the Australian Tidy Towns Awards 2013. The announcement was made at the national awards ceremony hosted by the 2012 title holder, Caloundra, on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland on Friday 17 May 2013. The Award recognised Victor Harbor as having the third largest concentration of solar panels in Australia, with some 3,280 houses in Victor Harbor having at least a 1.5kWh system in place, with some houses installing 7.2kWh systems. Their uptake of solar energy is remarkable, energy savings are currently estimated at $280,000 per year with a corresponding carbon saving of approximately 3,000 tonnes. In addition to winning the overall Australian title Victor Harbor collected the Energy Innovation award, as well as the Young Legends award, which was presented by Georgia Taylor, the Queensland representative for Keep Australia Beautiful LITTLE Committee. Their efforts were also recognised, with a highly commended award for Resource Recovery and Waste Management.

Keep Australia Beautiful Australian Tidy Towns Awards Finalists 2013 Award


Highly Commended

Community Action and Partnerships

Armidale NSW

Hedland WA

Dame Phyllis Frost Litter Prevention

Latrobe TAS

Wycheproof VIC

Resource Recovery and Waste Management

Armidale NSW

Victor Harbor SA

Environmental Innovation and Protection

Hedland WA

Latrobe TAS

Water Conservation

Wycheproof VIC

Armidale NSW

Energy Innovation

Victor Harbor SA

Wugularr NT

Heritage and Culture (tie)

Wugularr NT

Heritage and Culture (tie)

Longreach QLD

Young Legends

Victor Harbor SA


Victor Harbor SA

Longreach QLD


Sustainable Cities The City of Cockburn in Western Australia won the Australian Sustainable Cities Awards 2012. The announcement was made at the national awards ceremony hosted by the 2011 national title holder, Kogarah City Council on 29 November 2012. The Award recognises the City of Cockburn as a community which strives to improve their health and well-being in developing a connection to the natural environment, the local community and encouraging sustainability. The City has developed a wide range of tailored programs to empower the Cockburn community to improve their health and well-being and to develop a connection to the natural environment, the local community and encourage sustainability. In addition to winning the overall title, The City of Cockburn also picked up an award for Community Action and Partnerships, as well as Energy Innovation.

Keep Australia Beautiful Australian Sustainable Cities Finalists 2012 Award




Community Action and Partnerships

City of Cockburn WA

Dame Phyllis Frost Litter Prevention

City of Boroondara VIC

Packaging Stewardship Forum

Resource Recovery and Waste Management

City of Penrith NSW

Packaging Stewardship Forum

Environmental Innovation and Protection

City of Redland QLD


Water Conservation

City of Tea Tree Gully SA

Energy Innovation

City of Cockburn WA

Heritage and Culture

City of Devonport TAS

Young Legends

City of Penrith NSW

Commendation for Initiatives in Youth Engagement

Merici College, ACT

Commendation for Innovation in community environmental and sustainability initiatives

City of Palmerston NT


City of Cockburn WA


The Australian Sustainable Cities Awards are sponsored by the Do The Right Thing program of the Australian Food and Grocery Council’s Packaging Stewardship Forum, Visy, and GHD. 25

Clean Beaches Goolwa in South Australia won the Australian Clean Beaches Awards 2012. The announcement was made to the Goolwa Tidy Towns Group, Alexandrina Council and Goolwa Coastcare on 6 December 2012 at the Goolwa Hotel. The success of the local community of Goolwa is due to their great strides made in the economy of the use of water, and they are proud of the collective achievements of Council, sporting clubs, schools, private gardens and homes. Within one year their council also collected 4436 tonnes of green waste, 78 tonnes of tree stumps and 2145 tonnes of tree prunings, that were converted to 2582 tonnes of compost.

Keep Australia Beautiful Australian Clean Beaches Finalists 2012 Beach


Bellerive Beach


Jurien Bay

Western Australia

Frankston Foreshore


Maggies Beach

New South Wales


Goolwa, South Australia

Keep Australia Beautiful is seeking sponsorship for this worthwhile program. 26

How can I help? Everyone in Australia can take part in Keep Australia Beautiful activities. We also appreciate help in fundraising for our cause and our programs. Keep Australia Beautiful National Association is a community based not for profit association able to enter into cause marketing partnerships with industry and with government. It is a deductible gift recipient able to issue tax deductible receipts for donations.

Volunteer Get involved in a community group and make a difference at a local level. Contact Keep Australia Beautiful National or a State or Territory Keep Australia Beautiful office to learn about local opportunities.

Donations Individuals and organisations can donate a lot or a little to Keep Australia Beautiful or to its projects. Donations can be made on line at or by contacting the Keep Australia Beautiful National office.

Australia that includes community, school and local government participants. The Keep Australia Beautiful network is an ideal delivery network for grants that address local sustainability issues. So keep an eye on our website to apply for a grant, or contact us to run one.

Sponsorships and Promotions Keep Australia Beautiful has high profile and high participation programs that involve key issues such as litter, recycling, water conservation, energy conservation and the sustainability of local communities. Our programs offer year round activities for customers and staff. Our awards events attract a national audience of government ministers, mayors and community volunteers. Keep Australia Beautiful is an ideal partner for government or corporate entities seeking to take their environmental message to a broad audience for example Hungry Jack’s is a longtime partner with its ‘Bag it and Bin it’ litter reduction message. Most importantly Keep Australia Beautiful can tailor a partnership to your needs to ensure your business sees rewards.

Grants Keep Australia Beautiful and its member offices have expertise in litter prevention, community participation, environmental education and a range of other activities. Through its long running programs the Keep Australia Beautiful network has extensive local networks across

Cause Marketing Relevant products or services can harness the power of the Keep Australia Beautiful logo by displaying the ‘green ribbon’ logo and donating a percentage of each sale. Contact Keep Australia Beautiful to enquire how. 27

Looking forward


Over the past 45 years, Keep Australia Beautiful has achieved strong success in engaging communities and stakeholders to actively take pride in their local neighbourhoods and environments. This heritage is something to be very proud of. However, equally the next 45 years is something we need to focus on to ensure we continue to deliver effective litter and sustainability programs to the changing needs of Australian towns, cities and coastal areas. The next 12 months will be about recognising how we can evolve as an organisation, reach more people and collaborate more with stakeholders. We aim to do this through developing stronger programs across the Keep Australia Beautiful Network, focusing on schools sustainability education, as well as to build our international collaboration with like-minded organisations around the world. Keep Australia Beautiful will remain focused on working in partnership with the community, government and business as an inclusive organisation that delivers mutual sustainability benefits for all stakeholders. This coming 12 months will be an exciting opportunity to begin this process, and we look forward to updating you on our progress in the next annual report.


National Association Board Don Chambers - Chair Val Southam JP - Senior Vice Chair (NSW) Kirsty Richards - Junior Vice Chair (VIC) Carol Lymbery - Treasurer, Independent Board Member Sean Rooney - Independent Board Member Brian Cohalan - Board Member (QLD) Gary Swanson - Board Member (NT) Ken Stewart - Board Member (NT) Sharon Hanlon - Board Member (SA) Mel Hay APM - Board Member (WA)

The LITTLE Committee Mia Vissenjoux, aged 14 - Chair VIC Timothy Whelan, aged 14 - Vice Chair VIC Serena Barton, age 12 - Representative NT Holly Drake-Brockman, age 14 Representative SA Lachlan Moir, age 11 - Representative WA Charlie Roache, age 12 - Representative VIC Georgia Taylor, age 13 - Representative QLD Elliot Thorp, age 14 - Representative TAS Patrick Walker, 14 - Representative ACT Amelia Warde, age 12 - Representative NSW


National Office Staff Chief Executive Officer - Peter McLean Programs and Administration Manager Bianca Bateman National Publicist - Lara Shannon Communications Officer – Alice Morgan National Tidy Towns Judge - Dick Olesinski National Sustainable Cities Judge – Lynn Sorrell* National Clean Beaches Judge – David Moy* National Clean Beaches Judge - Chris Tola* * Volunteer

National Network State and Territory CEO’s National - Peter McLean New South Wales – David Imire Victoria- Leigh Bernoth Queensland - Rick Burnett Western Australia - Jennie Anderton South Australia - John Phillips OAM Tasmania - Geoff Marsh Northern Territory - Heimo Schober

Our Supporters Thank you to our Program Sponsors:





Keep Australia Beautiful National Association G10, 162-172 Church Street PO Box W268 Parramatta NSW 2150 02 8626 9396 34

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