Circle K at the University of Michigan 2018| The September Circular

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September 2018 Issue September 2018 Issue

TABLE OF CONTENTS Upcoming Dates Message from the Editor PR in Action SERVICE ESL Washtenaw Literacy Campus Farm Premier Pet Adoption Event LEADERSHIP Meet the Chairs FELLOWSHIP Fall Picnic Ice Cream Social Quote of the month:

That which makes you different, makes you strong - Darren Criss

The Megaphone

Letter From the Editor Hey CK friends! The first month of school is over and I hope it is going well for everyone. I’m sure everyone else is just as exhausted as I am, but the meaningful service you all have been putting forth is continuously inspiring to me, fellow CK members, and the Michigan and Ann Arbor community! No matter how tough school gets, you can always fall back on the steady base of friends and volunteering, which I guarantee will always keep you afloat. And, you will always find those things within Circle K. Good luck in the rest of October!


Upcoming dates Fall Rally 10/19-10/21 Circle 5K 10/21 Costume Contest 10/26 Trick-Or-Can 10/31

Keep up with our social media

Check out what pr we’ve been up to


ESL Washtenaw literacy By Treasurer Justin Cadarette ESL with Washtenaw Literacy is a fantastic project in which you have amazing opportunities to meet and get to know people from countries all around the world, helping to make an impact in their lives. We currently partner with them at two of their locations: one at Traverwood and one on Eisenhower Pkwy. Each location has different tutors and a variety of students making each different location a unique but equally rewarding Iexperience. started going to ESL on Tuesday nights at Traverwood Library last year. I spent most of my time at the TOEFL (an English proficiency test for foreign nationals who want to study or work in an English speaking country) preparation table helping the main tutor facilitate conversations and grammar lessons. During my time there last year, I met people from South Korea, China, Brazil, and Iraq. Throughout the times of class, the students would share somethings from their home country in our discussions. This year I continue to attend the ESL on Tuesday nights every week, but now I am at the advanced conversation table which is fantastic. During my time there, I have developed a friendly relationship with the tutor from the table and have met many people from China, Taiwan, Spain, and Saudia Arabia. Our conversation topics in the past have included: driving, winter and snow/ice, driving in the winter snow and ice, sports, cooking, Costco, shopping for fruits and vegetables, hunting and skinning a deer, health, how to improve with language skills, differences in languages, and many others. This semester I am lucky enough to now be able to attend ESL on Friday afternoons at the library on Eisenhower Pkwy. At this location I am at the Intermediate level in which we have discussions and play Apples to Apples occasionally. Here I have met people from Ukraine, Taiwan, Mexico, Serbia, and China. If you are interested in ESL work, education, or just want to get to met some amazing and interesting people from around the world, I highly encourage you to sign up for a project at one of the locations.

Campus Farm by IAE Committee Chair Abby Gawthrop

Top left: Abby Gawthrop holding some beautiful winter squash she harvested Bottom left: Matt Manzo and Kellee Byard with some zucc Above: Kellee, Abby, Sonia Lee, and past member Maryam Hermez amongst the microgreens

If someone would have told be last year that picking tomatoes, harvesting squash, and planting microgreens would be added to my skill set over the past year, I would have called them insane. I had never gardened, never spent a lot of time in the outdoors, and would have considered myself a holder of whatever the opposite of a “green thumb� is. But through attending Campus Farm regularly, I have been able to develop those skills and ultimately have a more balanced life. There is something about getting your hands dirty that makes you feel connected to you surroundings, and Campus Farm gives you plenty of opportunities to do just that. I have learned how to pick spinach, mix soil for potted plants, and how to know when tomatoes are at their peak ripeness. These new skills were ones that I never would have had otherwise, and Campus Farm has been such an amazing addition to my life in other ways. The ability to recharge and relax through spending time in a green space is the perfect way to destress after a long week. Campus Farm has helped me to grow as an individual and to discover new interests, and I would encourage anyone and everyone to go to the farm. You really won’t regret it.

PREMIERE PET SUPPLIES ADOPTION EVENT 9/23 Circle K members help both humans and animals! This past month some lucky Circle K members helped Last Day Dog Rescue with an adoption event, and got to care for some fine felines too!

Riya Goel, Skylar Gleason, and Gabby Young enjoying some catnaps! And look at the two wonderful kitties below! Let’s wish them luck in finding a loving home.


Meet the Chairs Our committee chairs are crucial to the leadership of our organization. From securing projects, creating large scale events, guiding committee members, and a multitude of other tasks, the chairs are hard-working individuals dedicated to the meaningful service our club does. Let’s meet them!

Internal Chairs

Anna Davis is the Membership Development chair. She is a junior studying business through Ross. She loves her dog, ice cream, and Panda videos. A special CK memory of hers is meeting Reggie during CKSD last year.

Alexa Porter is the Fundraising chair, and is a junior studying business law through Ross. She loves cooking, Billy Joel, and art! The great time she had at night during CKSD last year makes her very excited for it this year, especially LT pieing!

Left: Gina Savastano is the Historian chair. She’s a junior studying English. She is very fond of her time in the KFam committee. She also loves her dog, many art activities, and Game of Thrones. Gina fondly remembers making the K-Fam T-shirts for Committee Olympics this past year.

Riya Goel is the LEAD chair. She is a junior studying business through Ross. She enjoys family time, traveling, and trying out new restaurants! One of her favorite CK memories was volunteering at the Saline Oktober Fest.

Jacob Kedroske is the K-Fam chair. He is sophomore who is really passionate about Kiwanis, and made great memories on KFam last year. He loves vegan food, Lady Gaga, and Greys Anatomy.

David Nie is the Technology Chair. He is a sophomore studying computer science. David enjoys binge-watching Netflix shows, when it snows outside, and watching old Disney movies. David loved the inclusivity of Committee Olympics this past year.

Jamie Hunter is the PR chair. She’s currently a junior majoring in mathematical biology and secondary education. She really enjoys R&B, baking, and Vines. She had two great experiences on ASB trips going to New Orleans to rebuild houses and to Chicago to act as a classroom aid with other Ckers!

external Chairs

Right: Gabby Young is the Children’s chair. She is a junior BCN major! She loves K-Kids and all the children she works with, and was so proud of their fundraising for DMUM! She also enjoys attending concerts, quoting Spongebob, and Roosroast coffee.

Left: Vanessa Dinh is the Elderly Outreach chair. She is a junior majoring in microbiology. Vanessa loves playing IM soccer, noodles, and EDM music. She really enjoyed volunteering at the Campus Farmer’s market.

Above: Jhuree Hong is the Hunger and Housing chair! She is a junior studying computer science. Jhuree enjoys spending time with friends, any shade of the color blue, sunsets, and watching movies. She loved the youth and education ASB trip she went on this past year in Chicago.

Above: Steven Cho is the Charity Awareness chair. He is a junior studying cellular and molecular biology. He loves Lorde, foods like udon and mochi, hiking, and TV shows like Doctor Who. He loved the environmental ASB trip he went on this past year.

Right: Abby Gawthrop is the IAE chair. She is a sophomore studying political science. Abby enjoys musicals, warm summer nights, and exploring new cities! Her favorite CK memory is a particular Uber ride to Campus Farm.

Bottom: Sonia Lee is the Environment chair. She is a junior studying business administration through Ross. She enjoys photography, hiking, period dramas, and mangos. Sonia loved going on the environmental ASB trip this past year.

Left: Ariana Yea is the Health and Wellness chair. She is a senior studying microbiology. She enjoys all Asian food, Kpop and associated dancing, anime, and biking. Ariana fondly remembers her ASB trip to New Orleans and rebuilding houses there.


Fall picnic


In lieu of the usual first general meeting of the year, Circle K at the University of Michigan threw a picnic in the Law Quad instead. Members of our club had a great time reuniting and reconnecting with each other, and catching up on what everyone did over the summer. Our members even brought delicious, home-cooked dishes to the event! After the brief informational section of the meeting, everyone got back to having fun. Some members played volleyball, others frisbee, and some continued their conversations of the exciting past months they enjoyed. Our Kiwanis advisors also joined in on the fun! It was a wonderful way to kick off the year.

Top left to right: Kirsten Birman is excited for District and International CK Events. Jacob Kedroske is excited to meet new people. Justin Cadarette is VERY excited for classes. Bottom Left: Henry Milek and Tomas Krepostman are really excited to graduate (which they hope to do). Bottom Right: CK members assemble in the grass with their picnic food for the meeting.

Ice Cream Social I think the social was a really fun way for members of the club, new and old, to get to know one another. I was able to connect with both new and familiar faces all while having my favorite scoop of ice cream! Overall, it made me really look forward to doing more service projects and socializing with Circle K-ers this school year. – Diana Yassin Charity Awareness CM and Lovepit Co-Chair

Contact us! Skylar Gleason President

Melissa Zhou Internal Vice President

Alyssa Schmidt External Vice President

Jaylene Gutierrez Secretary

Justin Cadarette Treasurer

Kellee Byard Bulletin Editor

The mission of the University of Michigan Circle K is to develop Leaders with a lifelong commitment to service

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