iSelf Magazine - February Issue (preview)

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February 2015

Boost Your Energy, Feel Fuller & Stop Cravings With Spinach! Life l Health l Happiness l Love

5 Top Tips To Celebrating Being Single On Valentine’s Day Measuring Your Health & Happiness the Right Way

featured interview No More Hate Only Understanding & Kindness!

p i h s d n Frie u o Y p l e H n a C t h g i e Lose W

We Can Help You. The Fit Minds & Bodies Clinic specialises in helping people with combined Eating and Weight Disorders. The Clinic uses a unique approach that combines research from the areas of Psychology, Brain Chemistry, Food, Genetics and Biology. Email for an Appointment: Text for an Appointment: 0411 227 108

Life l Health l Happiness l Love

Publisher KPG Mac Pty Ltd

Executive Editor Kellee Waters

Art Director Jay Balan

Contributing Writers Josefina Gabuya Myra Lising

Contact Us

PO Box 164 GRANGE QLD 4051 Ph: 07 3356 9748 Fax: 07 3356 9748 Email:

Welcome to the first edition of iSelf Magazine. I am very proud to launch the publication and I look forward to its growth and development over time. iSelf Magazine is a symbol of my passion and beliefs about how we need to see and feel about ourselves. The need for the perfect body, quick fixes, diets, boot camps etc. have developed an internal criticism and negativity that leads to body dissatisfaction (even hatred), self-hate, anxiety, depression, eating disorders and disordered eating. It is time that we celebrate who we are and develop our strengths and uniqueness as an individual. We can then finally live a life full of opportunity and potential.


About Us iSelf is the first magazine focusing on empowering people to be healthy and happy at any size and shape. It will inspire and inform people who have been previously ignored by other magazines, to find and celebrate their uniqueness in a society of constant pressure and conformity. The focus will be on all aspects of how to be happy within yourself, be healthy and live a full and enriching life. We will never have any quick fixes, lose weight quickly, strive for the perfect body stories that make you feel bad about yourself. iSelf will be bringing to the forefront some issues that are secretive for many such as binge eating, body hatred, guilt and shame of eating and more. We will only be talking to real people just like you, professionals who are working in the space and the researchers to bring you the latest and most valuable information for being healthy and happy at any size and shape.

Special Thanks To All Community Partners, Contributors, Interviewees and Readers Articles published in this and any issue of iSelf Magazine are copyrighted @ 2015 and are published by KPG Mac Pty Ltd. Viewpoints and opinions expressed in iSelf Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor, staff or publisher. Reproduction of any material without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. The acceptance of advertising does not necessarily imply endorsement of services or products.

Kellee Waters

featured INterview

Your Body & You 10 Measuring Your Health & Happiness the Right Way Size 8-14? Worry no more! You can be healthier at any size and shape.

13 The Many Faces of Facebook Shockingly research uncovers the downside of using Facebook & what our online profiles say about us.

FOod & RECIPEs 02 No More Hate Only Understanding & Kindness!

Bree’s battles with food, weight and hating herself are over!

14 Boost Your Energy, Feel Fuller & Stop Cravings With Spinach! A sharper mind and better eyesight are just two of the countless health benefits of spinach. No wonder Popeye is raving for this Superfood!

ALL ABOUT you 05 Friendship Can Help You to Lose Weight and Feel Good About Yourself Being kinder to yourself brings you immeasurable happiness and real joy.

08 5 Top Tips to Celebrating Being Single on Valentine’s Day

Fun and exciting ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day by yourself or, with others.

15 Recipes With Spinach

Indulge in these 3 delectable and palatable recipes with spinach.

featured interview

Not Being Defined by Body Size or Shape:

No More Hate Only Understanding & Kindness!


t wasn’t always like this. For 15 years Bree has felt confused by her weight and body shape. It began at the age of 10 when a cousin suggested weighing themselves and he thought she was heavy for her age. She then felt different, abnormal and judged and began to internalise and question why her body was like this and everyone else’s wasn’t. Her weight problem compounded at age 11 when her parents took her to a GP, who told her to stop eating chocolate and donuts. ‘I can’t remember eating these all that often,’ says Bree. ‘It was from this moment that I started to think of food as good or bad.’ By age 13, Bree started starving herself. ‘Looking back, I realised that I reached puberty criticism of her internal voice. ‘My internal and sooner than many girls and I had hips and curves external voice always had an opinion on everything I before they did, but I thought it was a weight did or didn’t do, or who I was or wasn’t. It was problem,’ says Bree. Society and media has constant! It was aggressive and abusive and lead significantly influenced Bree’s perception of her to self and body hatred, body-image with tall, “Today, I am so much happier! I prioritise anxiety, guilt, shame and skinny models and depression,’ Bree says. TV stars. She eating healthy and looking after myself. I have This lead to years of noticed that even in learnt about myself and focus on how my body trying diet after diet and clothing catalogues, works and realising that I am beautiful.” the scales were her best there are no ‘real friend or her worst enemy. Bree women’. says, ‘I could easily lose weight but I could never Bree, like many females, feel as though they don’t fit the ideal body shape and size and therefore maintain it and I just couldn’t work out why.’ She also used food for multiple emotional reasons and are different. For Bree, as these feelings of reward. difference increased so did the sadness and the 02

February 2015 | iSelf Magazine

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February 2015 | iSelf Magazine

All About You

Friendship Can Help You to Lose Weight and Feel Good About Yourself


oday’s society places emphasis on striving for perfection, self-criticism and comparison. We have been told that this is the path to success and if you are not constantly hard on yourself, you will not get results. We are also told that we need to compare ourselves to others to strive to be better and to present ourselves to society, in a specific way.

I am not good enough! I am too short. I have wrinkles, flabby arms... I am my own worst critic. When I am given a compliment I need to counter it with ‘yeah but...’ to point out my flaws. - Nerida Self-criticism and Perfection have also been linked in the research with eating disorders, disordered eating behaviours (e.g. binge eating), body dissatisfaction, body shame, body hatred, drive for thinness, drive for muscularity, interpersonal/ relationship difficulties and more. Reflect for a second and ask, ‘could I be creating barriers to my true happiness, health, potential and life satisfaction?’ How you feel and think about yourself has an implication across all aspects of your life. It impacts what you believe you deserve, what you are capable of, your choices, your fears, your behaviours, your health and the health of your relationships.

Are you constantly striving for perfection and comparing yourself to others? Do you feel as though you aren’t good enough and are constantly battling with your internal voice (who is really a bully)? Do you hate your body? Are you constantly worried about what other people might be thinking and saying about you? Living this way is exhausting and stressful! The good news is that you have a choice! If you have been fooled into thinking that perfection, self-criticism and comparison will lead By learning to be kinder to yourself, you can boost you to success, think again! Research is showing your self-esteem, confidence, happiness, health quite the opposite result. According to Assoc. Prof. Kristen Neff at the University of Texas, self-criticism leads to lowered self-esteem, anxiety and thing, depression. the all or no iral to s d a le n leads to a sp ctio e is rf th e p d n g a n y ti a tr and e s. so why ating habit body, fitness m a failure e r a d I fo re n g e e in rd th iv o ’t is tr n S and d ! If I ca body-image catastrophic le re ib a rr s te re u to il s -Sarah inor fa n that lead io ss re and even m p e d d n y, anxiety a of negativit February 2015 | iSelf Magazine

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February 2015 | iSelf Magazine

All About You

5 Top Tips to Celebrating Being Single on Valentine’s Day


lone on Valentine’s Day? Who says Valentine’s Day is only a celebration for couples? Don’t let society or marketing dictate what you can and cannot do for Valentine’s. Resist the pressure to couple up or find a date! You can still have fun and create enjoyable memories regardless of what your relationship status is. Here are ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day alone or with friends.

Secret Valentine

Instead of Secret Santa why not try Secret Valentine for some fun? Get all of your single friends together and draw names to buy presents for. Don’t forget to include a note that would make the person you picked feel special and loved on that day. You can even combine Secret Valentine with a social event.

Make Valentine’s Day ABOUT YOU!

Instead of locking yourself in your room and sulking all day, why not take yourself out on a date. You can enjoy pampering your tired hands and feet with a mani-pedi; go to a salon and get a new hair style, or spend a day at the spa for some rejuvenation and relaxation. Make the day all about you! 08

February 2015 | iSelf Magazine

Spend the night out with friends.

Get out and have fun with other single friends and/ or family members and celebrate being single. If you do feel lonely and down then being around others will make you feel better and you will have a great time surrounded by your friends.

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February 2015 | iSelf Magazine

Your body & YOU

Measuring Your Health & Happiness the Right Way


hen you look at yourself in the mirror, each day, do you immediately look at how big your stomach is, how flabby your arms are, how much cellulite is on your butt and thighs? Are you disgusted by what you see in the mirror? Maybe you can’t even look in the mirror anymore. Feeling fat and ugly and hating yourself has been projected on you by an unrealistic societal ideal and a drive for thinness and perfection. If you do not fit into the ideal, you have probably been made to feel as though there is something wrong with you. It’s time for a change! It is time for real people (not unrealistic models) to have a voice. A revolution of real women, real people, to stand up and say, ‘I am OK and I can be healthy at a size and shape 12, 14, 16’. This revolution is known as Healthier at Every Size. This idea allows you and others to accept and respect people for the diversity of body size and shape. For so long, society has been waging war against obesity but the war is being lost. This war has also created a secondary war that was hidden for many years and still, a few choose to recognise and acknowledge it – the war of self and body hatred. This insidious war has taken its toll on many and it is a very lonely and secretive fight that is destroying the health and well-being of millions of people causing combined eating and weight 10

February 2015 | iSelf Magazine

Beautiful is a size 6 and if you are not this then you need to starve yourself to get this body. I have and I know many of my friends have.

I am fat, lazy and disgusting. I then feel so depressed that I eat junk food and then I feel guilt and shame. – Tina

– Lucy

Growing up watching people on TV and in movies, I thought there was only ONE body shape (thin). There were never any healthy and shapely women on TV. I have tried everything from bingeing, purging, living on apples only, not eating at all, lettuce and sauce only, liquid diets (soups & shakes). I am so exhausted and life is not enjoyable. - Sarah L.

disorders, for example Obesity with Restriction and Binge Eating or normal weight with Overexercise, Food Restriction and Episodic Overeating/Bingeing. BMI is an appalling measure of health. You can have a person with a ‘healthy BMI’ who does no exercise, who eats junk food daily but their genetics make them ‘appear’ to be healthy. Instead, research and focus needs to be placed on health (biomarkers, fitness etc.) and body composition (muscle to fat ratio). For example, the Aerobics Centre Longitudinal Study, followed normal weight, overweight and obese participants between 1979 and 2003 and found that overweight and obese people were at no greater risk of developing or dying from heart disease or cancer compared to normal weight people, as long as they were metabolically fit. Another study in the European Heart Journal reviewed 65, 000 patients with heart disease and found that those who were most at risk of early death were normal and underweight patients. Therefore, if we want to be healthy and happy, we need to change our focus to health, not BMI, size or shape.

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February 2015 | iSelf Magazine

Do You Find Yourself Struggling to Control Your Eating and Lose Weight? You may be one of many people who feels as though there is something wrong with you when really, you have a combined Eating and Weight Disorder, that has been unrecognised and untreated. If this sounds like you, then STOP dieting! You have tried diet after diet without success and that tells you diet is not the answer to your weight loss problems. The reasons diets do not succeed is that you have the underlying Eating and Weight Disorder that requires a PLAN designed to treat it. This plan is Food Addiction Therapy developed by Kellee Waters, who is a Food Addiction & Obesity Psychologist, an ex-Food Addict, and Personal Trainer helping you achieve optimal quality of life. Regardless of whether you emotionally eat, binge eat, yo-yo diet, restrict, nighttime eat, or have a food addiction, this PLAN helps all of these Disordered Eating Behaviours.

Get Your Copy Today and Start Turning Your Life Around! February 2015 | iSelf Magazine

Facebook Shares Shared by Janette

Today, know that the only approval you need to be worried about, is your own. When you accept how wonderful you are, your opportunities are endless!

Shared by Bree

Bad News is:

You cannot make people like, love, understand, validate, accept or be nice to you. You can’t control them either.

Good News is: It doesn’t matter.

Shared by Meg

“and I said to my body. Softly. ‘I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath. and replied, ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this!’

Life l Health l Happiness l Love

The secret of happiness is

FREEDOM The secret of Freedom is


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