8 minute read
Dear Camille… New York’s Divine Channel, Motivational Speaker, and Entertainer, Camille Conti
Dear Camille, I just got out of a very toxic relationship and I’m trying to put my life back together. I am feeling strong as I have been doing a lot of self-healing work. However, I have been really beat up by a narcissistic person that was very charming when I first met him. Do you have any advice that could help me get through the holiday and repair my life for next year? I would really love to get married to the right one and create a beautiful happy life sooner than later. Please help!

I’m Wonder Woman on my comeback from Mr. Wrong still believing that I can find Mr. Right, fall madly in love, get married to my one true love, live happily ever after growing old together, finishing each other sentences… Sincerely, Working Hard at Love Rochester, NY
Dear Working Hard at Love, You Can absolutely meet your divine equal spouse, Mr. Right, fall madly in love and live happily ever after together blissfully! You are not alone! Many of the strongest most successful women I know have gone through this very same growth spurt of being with the wrong one, finding your true self love, picking yourself up off the ground and never settling for less again. It’s about developing your personal boundaries of only receiving kind treatment from people in your life…
The first question I need to ask you is…Have you been naughty or nice to yourself lately?
‘Tis the season for some reason to be naughty or nice. Every time I see or hear the phrase “ Naughty or Nice“, it always gives me a giggle and my mind goes to several places, playing out the coordinates of each interesting scenario.
Have you ever experienced this on some level, maybe with a different flavor in the details? you making time for you first, before you do for two?
First it’s me, then its we. Have you ever heard this phrase warm your ears, “but baby you know I love you”? As if those magical words are going to sweep you off your feet, fix everything and make you feel loved and cherished! Actions speak louder than words. A good man always understand.
I deeply love, honor, and respect myself. Say this mantra 3 times a day out loud as a confidence builder giving yourself positive affirmations you deserve. Loving yourself is the key that starts the engine. First it’s me then it’s we.
Guilt Free.
Making Healthy Choices
Today’s modern world has opened up tremendous opportunities for women to have it all. Young, rich, and chic in all areas of our lives; mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially, at every stage of life. With such infinite possibilities available at our precious, pampered fingertips, making the right choices regarding our well-being, is imperative for an everlasting, fulfilling, evolving lifetime. Living intentionally instead of accidentally. Creating a strategic plan for your life, following it, tweaking it and restructuring it along the way to achieve your goals and dreams!

The only thing that stands in between us as women and our dreams is our willingness to allow them into our life. When we stop self sabotaging and we begin to love ourselves and know that we are worthy and deserving of success, we can achieve anything!
Allow the miracle’s and magic in life to burst open and surround you with a vortex filled with an abundance of self love, and ride the wave of freedom, spreading the gift of joy on to others. Start with your daily self-care routine; prayer, meditation, gratitude journaling, intentions setting, daily facial cleansing, toning and hydrating while saying positive affirmations to yourself in the mirror looking into your own eyes. Movement (as in yoga or a workout), aromatherapy in shower with eucalyptus or your favorite essential oil, (for energy cleansing and clarity), a nice invigorating walnut and mint scrub, a tantalizing moisturizer for a silky, milky, smooth skin, uplifting music, meditating and preparing for the day. This can all happen in a quick 30 minutes or you can give yourself a few hours, depending on what time you have available that day!
You can also choose to add some spice to the mix, and get your groove on with your favorite body movement practice and clear your head, bringing in laser lucid clarity. Dust yourself off and trust yourself again to make the right one. You have learned a lot of lessons from the wrong one that will help guide you to the right one. Notice the red flags now and don’t ignore them. It’s time to operate with your earth goggles on instead of your a rose colored glasses. We can still see the positive in people but not miss the reality!!
It’s never too late to find true love, the time is NOW!
As we have seen in the past, almost 2 years of utter health care and world health chaos, not knowing what’s coming next, our choices and decisions, become at the forefront of our consciousness. It’s time to have the right people in your life and a healthy relationships that you desire. Having your boundaries intact is vital to your success and happiness in life! It’s imperative that you say no when necessary and stop being a people pleaser if you have been one! You can’t please everyone so it’s important to please yourself. The right people will love the true, authentic you.
Naughty or Nice… The company we keep is vital to our happy life! The top five people we spend time talking to are who we become. These people transform where we will end up on our journey. Choose your friends and family (spouse) wisely.
8 Self-Love Resolutions for the New Year:
1.) Stop being the go-to person for someone you cannot go-to. 2.) Surround yourself with positive, uplifting people that mutually uplift you only! 3.) Command and demand an even exchange of energy in every relationship that you have. 4.) Don’t date married people; it’s a heartbreaking recipe for karmic disaster. 5.) Respect yourself and others. 6.) Having boundaries for yourself: Examples, not allowing yourself to be used and or abused.. 7.) Honor your personal space and identity before joining as one team and getting legally married. This takes maturity and self-discipline and respect for the big picture of longevity. If you’re not married yet, wait and get married first before you live together. 8.) Allow yourself to be loved, cherished, and honored by the right one who respects your boundaries, and offers an even exchange of energy to you. If you are married, it’s never too late to establish healthy boundaries and or ignite the flame of romance, give it a perk and if you’re not married and want this kind of connection, it’s never too late!
The time is Now! It’s time to get your groove on and Meet, Court, and Marry your Divine Equal Spouse! In our world these days, a magnitude of people spend a lot of time worrying about what’s happening with the next guy, instead of focusing on what they could do to make their own life amazing!!
It all starts with kindness. One simple action every person can donate to the societal cause, being kind to others. Today, no one is tolerating Bullying, whether it be in the workplace, playground, schools, or online to name a few, it’s not cool to target persons you may perceive as less than, to go after person suffering from poverty, mental illness, religious affiliations, stigma of a single parent, ethnicity, political affiliations, denying children basic needs, and too many more to mention. It shows an insecurity to be noticed. Park the jealousy and the

self torment at the door, and start living instead of existing, making healthy choices and start being nice to yourself. Eliminate the self judgment and self hate that’s caused you to lash out at others, forgive yourself, and allow love into your life, snuffing out the anger, and let love in.

Being nice to yourself has multi-layered benefits. It’s infectiousness that cannot help but to be spread on to others that leads to the joys in life you’ve been craving. Being nice to yourself opens doors of clarity, benefits peace of mind, balance in health and well-being, it shows in appearance, voice, vitality, and shines through our attitude, attracting positive high vibrations.
Kindness always leads to love, one way or another. And so when love comes to town, hop on that train. There’s a time to be naughty, and there’s a time to be nice! Start practicing dating yourself every Friday night at your favorite restaurant or movie theater and enjoying your own personal company. As you fall in love with yourself you will be giving off vibrations and frequencies of love that will help draw in the right one!
Start these practices that I have shared with you and send me an email in two weeks to let me know how you’re doing at Clients@CamilleContiAgency.com.
I believe in you! In Divine Love, Success & Joy, Camille Conti Xxx
P.S. If you have a question for Camille about Unleashing your Fully Empowered Self and Happy Life please write her at Clients@CamilleContiAgency.com www.camilleconti.com and www. naturalimagecare.com