6 minute read

“Darcy is world renowned. She’s a model, an actress, and a business woman.
“I happened to be there when you were on the phone with your husband. Who I also got to say hi to (very exciting to be a part of a normal behind-the-scenes situation) and I was shown a beautiful painting of you on the wall behind your husband.”
“What impressed me most about that moment was not only how beautiful the portrait was, but the way you wanted to show me. Two things. One, how proudly you told me your father had it done for you. And two, how you teased that it was behind your husband looking over him.
“Obviously, you have a wonderful and loving, supportive family. Did they help you get into your career while growing up? Was it something they knew you wanted to pursue or did it become a passion later in life?”
Darcy: “My childhood best friend is actress Helen Hunt. I grew up on her TV & film sets. I always wanted to be an actress but my mother was not into being a stage mother.”
“I was going to UCLA when I landed an agent. I told my father he could pay for me to learn, or I could be paid and learn on the set - in front of the camera.”
“My father was my biggest fan and fully supported my career.”
Tammy: “I always love hearing when a family is supportive. And I could tell instantly the way you talked about your father, there is much love towards him.” “This brings me to my next question. As for your husband, a very talented man in his own right, seems very supportive and encouraging. Do you think it helps to be with someone who knows and understands the business?”
Darcy: “My husband, Jack Lippman, is fully supportive of my career. He used to own a talent agency.”
Tammy: “I’m sure that helps immensely with already knowing what is expected of you by others. Before this interview, while at the con, we had a fun little spontaneous photo shoot.”
“Something I’m certainly not familiar with and yet the poses came easy to you. It was almost as if the camera made you come alive!”
“How do you get your mindset for a photo shoot? Do you work for the camera or do you try to forget the camera is there and work for yourself?
Darcy: “I work within myself. But, I’m fully aware of the camera. I’m a big HAM!”
Tammy: “It was all so foreign to me and yet you made it look so easy! I would think you may have the same mindset for your acting roles?”
“Or do you find yourself in a different mindset? Where maybe you have to remind yourself the camera is not there? Whereas, you focus on your character and the surrounding ones instead?” helps when you’re working with an actor that you have a connection with or build a connection with.”
Tammy: “When we were talking earlier, I loved how you said you enjoyed watching everything that was going on at the set. You didn’t just do your part and walk away. That you stay watching, soaking it all in. I admire that, it makes me feel you are a team player.”
“I’m curious, does traveling or having a new part ever concern you?”
Darcy: “Traveling is the best when I’m working on a film or TV project. Then I only need to be concerned with my character as I’m away from everyday life.”
Tammy: “That makes sense. I’m sure it would let you focus on the task at hand more. But, even so, the stress of traveling, learning new parts. How do you center yourself? Tune it out and get to be you? Do you do any meditation or yoga perhaps, to help?”
Darcy: “I do meditate and I do yoga. What also helps is I love being on the set! Near the camera and watch. There is so much to learn!”
Tammy: “Interesting, your excitement for a new project doesn’t seem to stress you but leaves you a desire to learn more.”
“Too often we find ourselves caught up in the minor details. Perhaps focusing on the excitement of a new project will help us with the stress. That is a fresh way of looking at it. I like that!”
“I heard you say you were a dancer. What type of dancing?”
Darcy: “I was a professional jazz dancer.”
Tammy: “Again, you surprise me. Good thing I’m not a betting girl! I would have thought for sure it would have been ballet!”
“How about a hobby?”
Darcy:“I am a wildlife photographer which has brought me to Africa seven times. I have had my photographs in several galleries in Los Angeles. I also had an exhibit in London.”
Tammy: “No kidding? Now that is some kind of hobby! Wow! That’s amazing! You know, it’s one thing to take pictures. But to have the eye to capture something and then have galleries do exhibits on what you captured? That’s talent!”

“I love hearing about people we know from movies/tv shows, hidden talents! Often times, it is things we would never expect!”
“You travel a lot. Where is a place you would love to visit you haven’t been to?”
Darcy:“Bali. I love the culture and can’t wait to get there and see it!”
Tammy: “And I am sure you will get some amazing pictures!” “I know you are a very busy woman and I can’t thank you enough for doing this interview for me! I do have one last question.”
“Looking back, what would you tell your younger self?”
Darcy:“Stay focused. Stay true to myself.”
Tammy: “Perfect! You have some exciting things coming up! Mind letting us in
on some of them?”
Darcy: “Vengeance 2 Bloodlines is coming out on YouTube in April or May. It’s a fan funded film. I’m reprising my role as Nikki from Friday the 13th part 6, 36 years later.”
Tammy: “The fans are going to love that! I can’t wait to see it myself!” Darcy: “I also have a few films brewing but unable to disclose at this time.”
Tammy: “I understand, but such a tease! Where can our readers follow you, to be able to see upcoming events?”
Darcy: “I’m on Instagram darcydemoss19 and my website is darcydemoss.com. I would also like to do a shout out for my professional photographer Joe from Joe Caban Photography, he does such an amazing job! And can’t forget hashtags for my skater shoes in the one picture, which I love! #heednyc #ripcity1978 and #magnumsk be sure to check them out!”
Tammy: “I agree the pictures are amazing! And I will definitely check out the shoes, love the colors! I can’t thank you enough, Darcy, for letting us have this opportunity! I know for me and that little girl, along with so many other fans, you gave us something we will always talk about!”
“May you continue to touch others with that bright light of yours and know that light will continue on in your fans - young and old alike - father and daughter! Thank you and continued success to you!”
Author Tammy Vreeland www.tammyvreeland.com