15 minute read
Who is Ashlee Escobar? Can you tell us more about yourself?
Ashlee Escobar is a unique individual with exceptional compassion and empathy in this real world. I have had big dreams, goals and ideas since I can remember. A humanitarian who helps a certain population all her life. The elderly, children, the poor and homeless and the wrongly incarcerated.
I came from the non typical family setting, I knew I would have to work harder for all that I wanted. I always viewed the world very differently. My empathy led me to my biggest pain in life, I was involved in every type of domestic violence with my ex husband, leading me to become a domestic violence survivor and warrior.
In my healing journey, I connected my past with my present self development of who I am and why I am the way I am to lead me to the next phases of life.

A nurse who cared for many geriatrics, special needs and all in between discovered my gifts and abilities helped many of her patients but I was still so restricted. I transitioned into my holistic healer role, and am growing into much more.
As a holistic healer I can assist the whole person as I feel and know western civilization will start to blend into more over the next 5-10 years. The same reiki healing hands, active listening ears and natural intuition and claircognizance could help so many more people by creating Angelic Love & Light LLC.
I am a certified reiki practitioner, energy healer, coach and combine my nursing knowledge and what the body mind and spirit truly need beyond medications. The cure of the world, balance and unconditional love. Our companies leading value and mission and to help
others create it, jumping off of societies hamster wheel of life and guiding their own light to create their heaven on earth also.
I am a service worker, an advocate. I stand up for whats not right, and say all the things everyone thinks but is scared to say. I am just my authentic self, no one special.
What makes you hustle?
Since I was young I always wanted my own stuff including money to pay for things and experiences. Watching my mother go hard for my brother and me made me want to be like that as well. I had my daughter and she became the “why”. Creating a different experience for her with wisdom, knowledge and enjoying life makes me hustle hard. Once I got in this position, it fuels me every day to get up and hustle hard. I know where I came from and what it takes to get to different levels. It takes a different mindset and lifestyle.
When did you realize you were meant to be a intuitive guidance coach?
Back in 2015 I survived my last episode of domestic violence. I remember my heart and head clicking in the hospital bed. I heard spirit say to me “The time is now”, I always knew I had many “assignments” in life. I had done all the things I said I wanted to do as a teacher. After handling a big portion of my own self healing, I asked to be shown the signs and ways of creating my purpose. I feel that is made up of our gifts and unique qualities, which I had known what those were. Discovering your purpose and blending them to make it a job was the goal. To be able to do something you love without feeling like it was work.
I knew corporate world was not meant for me as a free thinker. I trusted in the process and continued to do all the things that led me to finding my true
role as a holistic healer and intuitive guidance coach.
What gives you strength? How did you get to where you are today.
My personal faith gives me strength. I observed my family from a young age and what they have been through. I wanted to change the patterns and habits. My family instilled important values in me without even realizing. I got where I am today because of my families great qualities. Being a hard worker, not complaining and fighting through whatever life brings you and creating what you desire is all within us.
What is your favorite service you offer?
This is challenging I can’t ever pick just one when its my favorite. I would have to say my light therapy & frequency healing bed. Its a combination of light therapy with my reiki and musical frequencies that can heal at cellular level. The benefits this bed has, everyone is in need of this bed and so many don’t know about it.
My psychic medium readings come second. The clarity and healing it provides to other’s brings my heart joy. I take angel work very seriously and its therapeutic for both parties.
What challenges have you faced this year, especially in business, and how have you pivoted?
This year I faced my biggest challenge despite all of the pain I have had in my life. In September I had a vision of my mom passing too soon as I knew she would since age five. I did a reading on her and reviewed her blood work and saw her body was breeding a space made for the C word to grow. Five months later she went into the hospital the day after Valentines day, and we received a terminal stage 4 Brain Cancer diagnosis. My brother and I helped care for our second parent in their last days. I view death very differently than most, I’m still human. I had to care for, grieve, help the children in our family and carry on business as usual. It could have taken me out. But instead my mother passing instilled not only my traits and qualities deeper but hers as my mother. “The show must go on” I heard my mothers voice say. With my most important guardian angel with my side and watching over me there isn’t anything Angelic Love & Light LLC can’t face and get through. Thankfully I was able to pivot because of the previous healing and growth I have done on my self development these last 5 years. My mindset and how I view life from a very holistic broad view is unique. I can turn any negative experience into a positive and flip the mind script. I do it for others, I had to do it for myself to move forward.
What motivates you and keeps you moving forward?
What personally motivates me is the inner knowing of the “more” that always has existed. Growth and transformation personally and business wise has always fueled me since I was a little girl. Every day is a new day to create and go bigger, start differently.
Where do you see yourself personally and professionally in the next 3-5 years?
In the next 3-5 years I plan to continue to grow personally and professionally as I always have. Trusting in the plan and following the steps the journey takes me on. I connect with many people all over the world over internet with my services, but I will be creating more of Angelic Love & Light all over the world. I have places to go, people to see. As a family growing together and teaching my little one the very same steps to find her own passions and purpose.
What do you feel makes you a successful business woman and how d you coach others to empower themselves.
I know I stand out, I always have and will. I am authentic, truthful and I conduct business from a professional and organized manner. Im real, my energy is like no other, even in the same fields. I love individuality it is what sets me apart from the others. I use that same energy to keep me pushing through life hardest moments. I walk the walk and talk the talk. My clients know me beyond the social media and realize I am myself. I allow others that align with me and what I offer come to me.
Tell us about one person who has stood out and inspired you.
Another hard one, many people personally and professionally have inspired me but I wouldn’t be here without my mother. She brought me in this world, taught me so much silently. I watched her hustle in ways she didn’t have to at all times. Although we are different individuals without her instilling her values, characteristics and positivity no matter the storm in me I wouldn’t be here. Angelic Love & Light was

created at a deeper level also for her and my daughter. My mother inspired me because if she couldn’t find a way, she made a way. Teaching me to stand out and live as loud as I want as long as its not hurting anyone or breaking any major laws, being free in spirit is what she inspired me be.
Tell us about one moment in your life that has had a lasting impression on you and formed who you are today.
During the many years of nursing, I recall a great job that meant more to me than any of my patients or co workers realized. I use to pray for peace daily. Nursing homes were short staffed, overworked under payed. Many people don’t realize as a nurse we are good money, when it comes at a sacrifice of long hours, overtime and shift differentials.
I landed a job through RGH, it was for a “nursing home” which turned out to be Sisters Of Mercy. What people didn’t realize is that it landed me back to care for some of the primary important people from my primary catholic education. My old principle, pre-k teacher and many other beautiful sisters.
I have always adored the church and religion along with spirituality. I was able to attend church daily right at work. I use to joke and say if I hadn’t had my daughter or when she turns 18 I would be joining the convent. The sisters liked that.
I use to pray for many others but myself and to continue to be shown my next steps as I knew I was meant to help many people in life. Those “assignments” throughout life keep you for how long you are meant and serve a unique purpose.
I had lost my dad who I cared for shortly before that and as a single mother was always trying to take care of the bills on my own and still be able to be present in my daughters life to create memories and not work all the time.
I met a very special sister who I renamed as my God mother, coincendentaly not she had the same name as my God mother. I listened to all my elders but she really made an impact on my life, and helped me in ways I will never forget.
I learned a lot from my time with them. Mostly that they are humans as well. Perfection is a illusion. We can work really hard at it to come close to it. Thats what they do, try to be their best self each day. Its what we all could choose to do.
Tell our audience one thing about yourself that not many others know. I am a single mother who balances all parts of life and still able to give my daughter the time she needs. It is possible for each and everyone of you to create whatever you truly desire, even when you can’t see how it would be possible.
How do you balance work and life responsibilities, especially being such a successful woman entrepeneur?
Balance is what I do best, I see why the world is so unbalanced and why so many people lack control of their lives.
We have to be able to do less to do more. Prioritize whats important to you and leave room on your personal plate for all the unexpected life stuff. When you create your personal balance your not living up to societies standards. Secondly, you need to create the time for different types of body mind and spirit self care daily and then a full day of recharge and unplugging.
Boundaries are important, as an entrepreneur your bar is set a little higher. You have to be able to focus with blinders as many aren’t living the same life with the same goals.
Lastly, make sure your living and not just doing. You have to be able to be so self aware that you can recognize when and where in life your off balance and then take action to change that.
I know my limits and allowing yourself to know this shifts throughout life and different seasons.
Tell us about some of the things you have had to overcome in your life and how it has influenced the woman you have become.
The first death I experienced was the hardest death that impacted me greatly, my grandmother was like a mother figure who lived with us. I learned a lot from her. We had very similar paths in life. I feared death for awhile after that experience.
My parents were divorced and my father struggled with many health and personal challenges that kept him away from us.
Overcoming and surviving domestic violence definitely changed me and made me into the woman I am today. It gave me a whole different outlook on life. I learned and gained so much

Caring for both of my parents and loosing them at very young ages definitely has added to who I am today.
Your never fully prepared to loose anyone, let alone your parents. When they are both gone from the physical, with little family it really humbles you. It launches you forward mentally, physically and spiritually. You have to choose daily to fight your ego to not live in victim hood and to live life to the fullest and create your memories. Thats what life is all about the memories and what you learn. Everything else is borrowed land, time and materials.
Whats the most crucial tool for empowering one’s self?
The most crucial tool for empowering one’s self is the discipline and determination of mind control. The mind is a powerful 2lb organ. It is our personal hard drive that needs to be maintained, serviced, realigned and balanced. Although you have to be able to have enough will power, determination and discipline to actively work at controlling it and balancing it daily. That struggle is harder for near divergent brains, these are the people usually the most naturally gifted.
I would also say having at least one person whose not family to go to when you need a reminder of all life tools and resources people forget to look to when life gets hard.
What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
I am a truly simple person. I appreciate the little things of life, enjoying a good cold brew, talking with other like minded people about in depth topics beyond the superficial basic talk. I enjoy to travel and see all the beauty in our universe. I really love connecting with others and hearing others “stories” of their own journey.
What inspired you to become an intuitive?
We are all born with natural intuition. Some louder and clearer than others. Then there are three root areas that make your natural intuition clouded or jaded. I have always been intuitive. My mother use to call me a “know it all” its my strongest Claire. I just knew and things would be right and they would happen.
I held my gifts back for many years, then I had my own journey to live out and learn some lessons. As I healed and got my balance back, those gifts were unparsed and awoken stronger and deeper.
Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently when you were first starting out?
Honestly, I’ve been asked this before and I always say no. I don’t do “what if” situations. I don’t worry about the shoulda woulda coulds of life.
I do however learn from every experience which allows me to make wiser choices the next time. Our experiences can be advice for those younger or similar to us, so what I would say to young woman that I myself didn’t know is, life brings everyone challenges. Its meant to be hard, to overcome and gain your strength. Its how you get through those situations and what you do with your pain.
I advice all younger souls to truly get to know yourself, your passions and do what makes you happy! Face the things your scared of or fear, you run into them no matter how fast you run and ask yourself what is this trying to teach me in every trying and triggering situation. Lastly, treat others with unconditional love and kindness but that doesn’t mean they get unconditional chances. You can release anyone or anything from your life. We come In this world by ourselves and we will leave that way to. Make sure you enjoy the time we have with others who are your energy match and you will enjoy more compatible connections and relationships.
Where will we see Ashlee Escobar next?
Ashlee Escobar will be at the following events: December 27 @ Eutierria Wellness for connecting with spirit & mini reads.
January 23 @ New year New You pop up event with Rochester woman in Syracuse craftsman inn& suites
April 24 @Influential Woman Entrepeneurs Expo in Syracuse with Rochester Woman at the Marriott
Other than those events stay tuned and connect with me on social media platforms and check us out at www. angeliclovendlight.org