5 minute read
STOP CHOP Your Way to Being Unstoppable in 2022!
It’s that time of year! Yes it is!
Time to set new goals. Time for celebration. Time to vision success.
Time to prepare to step into 2022 and experience new goals. Most of all it is time for visionary strategies and practices that help you manifest your unstoppable 2022.
But what happens when you are just not feeling it? When you feel hopeless and worn down by life, leadership, and the holidays?
What happens when you have had enough? Enough of the stress and tension of the holidays? Enough of business struggles?
Chances are you are backed up with emotional sludge. Holding back your authentic expression causes pressure that all too easily builds into tension and toxicity. Imagine that your unexpressed feelings are like a bottle of champagne. The champagne stays in the bottle, the bubbles pressurized, until the cork is popped. And then – watch out! When you don’t have a healthy outlet for pent-up anger, frustration, anxiety, fear, insecurity, or other toxic emotions, it’s likely that they will build up to a point when you can’t hold them in any longer and you end up lashing out or acting out in an extreme way. Or you feel let down, low and hopeless.
It is time to express yourself and LET IT GO! The entry to 2022 is the perfect opportunity to express yourself and get rid of some old patterns that no longer serve you! Let go of the old garbage holding you back and step into 2022 with clarity and renewed sense of accomplishment.
When you are clogged there is no space for the new to enter. You must make a regular practice of expressing yourself and eliminating the old. This does not have to be painful and laborious, SuperCORE Fit Coaching provides breathing and movement techniques to give you the opportunity to consciously build up pressure and then release it. You can easily go into the stuck and come out the other side. This is extremely healthy not only in your interpersonal communications, but for your internal balance and unstoppable energy.
Stop Chop is one of our most famous and favorite SuperCORE Fit Coaching moves.
We think of it as taking out a machete and cutting away the old to make room for the new.
If you are not chopping away old energies, then you are probably carrying them around like burlap bags of garbage on your shoulders. This can create an extreme burden in your internal operating system.
Stop Chop is a coaching movement we use with women when invaded by negativity and she needs to create new boundaries, eliminate old energies, and create new thoughts and emotions. Stop Chop asks you to say STOP to the old behaviors. And chop them off with a swift martial arts chop. Using vigorous breathing, the sound STOP, and the intention to eliminate you are saying to your body and life, “I mean business! It is time to let go of old behaviors and patterns that no longer serve my highest self!” When you’ve had ENOUGH…
Stop Chop – Set boundaries and eliminate harmful or addictive thoughts or behavior (yours or someone else’s)
This move can be done seated or standing. For maximum power and release, we recommend standing if that is an option for you. ● Start in Ready Stance – seated or standing, with feet about shoulder width apart for stability. ● With your arm at a right angle, reach up. ● Chop down with the pinky side of your hand like a blade, saying out loud, “STOP!” ● Alternate sides, saying “STOP!” each time. ● The STOP will send a signal to your brain and body to LET GO! You can be very intentional and let go of specific emotions, feelings, and behaviors.
Expression is what happens when the stuck is released and the release creates new space for manifesting what you desire. Most people in our current social structure do not feel free to truly express who they are. We are taught from a young age to sit quietly, stay in line, don’t cause a fuss, follow the rules, and don’t stand out from the crowd. Although these can be important guidelines for institutionalized learning or family stability, they create an environment of stagnancy rather than freedom of expression. And in order to be unstoppable you must create the energy you need to move forward in life.

In order to be unstoppable the rules must change and you must express yourself! You need a program that is direct and deals efficiently with your past stressors, drives quickly to the core of the underlying issues, and provides your leadership with a fast, efficient, and highly effective system that addresses all components of health – mental, physical, emotional, and especially energetic.
Consistently following the practice of SuperCORE Coaching moves will lead to an inner sense of clarity and awareness. This may be something you’ve never felt before, so be prepared for different sensations in your body – no matter what! Clarity and awareness will show up in unexpected ways, such as:
Energetic – tingling, warmth, cooling buzzing, light, empty mind
Physical – loose, flexible, stronger, taller, more aligned, better posture
Emotional – calm, clear, neutral, excited, positive
Spiritual – connected, supported, nurtured, trusting SuperCORE Fit Coaching and all it takes is a few minutes of breathing exercises, and movement. Life can get better and you can be unstoppable! Coaching your way into the New Year may be just what you need. Join the Vision Quest 2022 on New Years Eve Day and begin your coaching journey in the safety of our SuperCORE Coaching Community. Or jump on board for a full year of manifesting in our GoddessCORE ROAR weekly small group coaching to consistently practice techniques for building female power, intuition and manifestation.