2 minute read
An episode of Frasier “Three Valentines” had me in tears of laughter when a meeting with a new marketing manager gives him mixed signals including an invitation to her hotel room. He dresses and undresses several times as she talks to him from the bathroom and he in the room tries to decipher her intentions.
Being in the business of wellness and particularly wellness via touch it felt natural to reflected on his dilemma and use it to preface a conversation around non-sexual wellness touch.

Frasier finally sought clarity after standing awkwardly in his shorts wondering what was next as she climbed into the bed with the questioning statement “well aren’t you coming to bed?” He responds, yes of course and quickly climbs in and asks “so I’m just wondering, is this a romantic thing or is it business” she’s out cold and snoring at this point which puts the humor over the top for me! Massage therapy is not nearly as difficult to decipher. Yet some still shy away which indicates that clarity is needed.
Intimate spaces often hold
preconceived notions no matter what title defines them. We may also hold memories, experiences, stories, judgments and maybe also fears. This is a great point to explore your own views, feelings and awareness around bodywork. What words, images and emotions come up for you? As you reflect it may be a good idea to write these in a journal so you can prepare for any deeper healing that may surface. With all the benefits that massage holds the work to release old beliefs is well worth it.
As a tool for healing from sexual abuse
As a tool for resetting Healthy boundaries
As a tool for overall self awareness Being on the table is a conversation that goes something like: Tell the story! Whispers Oh my God Alicia Keys plays “so done” You deserve to feel this good You knew, you knew I needed that. Your words were perfect. You began to do this because it was your dream, but it means so much more to so many others.