5 minute read
going berserk as the hopeful intruder faced him off from the other side of the glass door. constant mewing I heard her say, “Please help me. I’m afraid. I’m alone. I’m lost. Let me in.”
It was the beginning of a 5-Day Retreat. And, as in any multi-day meditation retreat, I am visited by animals. This is a classic experience of the Shaman’s Journey.
My visitor this time was an absolutely adorable black little kitten, with a voice to match.
My opening day of silence was broken by her sweet but constant, ‘Mew.’ The sound hung in the air like a lost angel searching for her home.
She arrived on my back doorstep, staring with her big green eyes through the glass doors that separated her from all the comforts of home.
I didn’t know what to do. I’m highly allergic to cats. So, I meditated. That was, after all my intention for the next five days.
During my meditation, she climbed up onto an outdoor chair and peered within. At completion of my practice, she literally tried jumping through the window. Instead, she smashed into it and fell. What to do. I found an empty box in the garage, grabbed one of my pup’s blankets, and set it outside for her to sleep in. I fed her bowl after bowl of milk.
The next two mornings I found her nestled in the box. Almost purring.
Later as I moved throughout the house, she followed, as if detecting my energy, attracted to my inner light. And with a My mind spun with worry. “There are coyotes out there,” I thought. I practiced land protection, and sent healing energy to little kitten.
On Day 3 I broke my silence and used the magical science of texting to shout out to a group of my friends and clients. Little kitten’s story and photo reached each of their hearts. In minutes, there was a taker!
Shannon showed up within the hour with a crate, cat food, medicine, and blanket. But letting kitten go was not easy for me!
In those three days I had created a bond with that kitten. We meditated sideby-side with only a window between us.
She ran right to me with those big green eyes, and seemed to ask if it would be all right to go with Shannon. I nearly kissed her sweet head as I passed her along, and gave her the blessing.
After tick removal and a whole lot of love, this little kitten has found her home, and is sharing it with two dogs!

especially for my shaman friend, Shannon for taking her in. Oh. By the way, she was a he! Little kitten is a boy.
As in any Shamanic Journey, one is visited by an animal guide or spirit.
I remember reading about one Shaman’s journey where she set up a tent in a mountainous area and was awakened by a lion - sleeping against her body on the other side of the tent! Fear kept her immobilized until the big cat woke and moved on. But the power of that spirit communication was remarkable.
I must admit, I’m fine not having a lion sleep next to me. A little black kitten on my doorstep is perfect! The messages are just as profound.
This is why animals visit during a multiday journey, often called a Vision Quest. They offer you messages to reflect upon and unravel.
They are symbolic of your inner awakening.
What message did little kitten offer me? She/he gave me plenty to contemplate during those five days.
It was revealed to me that inner personal traumas and issues of abandonment needed to be addressed and healed. Fortunately, I was able to confront the origins of these issues, and apply my healing techniques along with deep and cleansing meditations to remove any debris. those in need, and confirmed that I am indeed in the right profession as a healer and coach!
The most profound message was revealed during a meditation where I was taken on a tour of the earth. I was shown children: homeless, dirty, and hungry. My heart cracked open and a flood of desire to help them arose.

Every day, I take for granted the food I eat, the bed I sleep in, and the warmth that the furnace in my home provides me.
I clothe myself and my children. I love them and feed them. I protect them, as much as possible.
On day 4 I began to include children in my meditations offering them energetic love and guidance. Today, I contribute to charitable causes to support them. A listing below shows both local and national organizations that you can look into and choose to support.
• Angels of Mercy • Big Brothers - Big Sisters • Bivona Child Advocacy Center • Border Angels • Border Kindness • Boys & Girls Clubs of Rochester • Catholic Family Center • National Center for Missing & Exploited Children • Open Door Mission • ROC the Day • Rochester Make-A-Wish • Rochester Regional Coalition Against Human Trafficking • Save the Children • Soles 4 Souls • St Jude • StandUp for kids • UNICEF • Willow
A little black kitten awoke me to the suffering of children all over the world. By feeding and sheltering one, you give hope to many more.
The kitten is now a very happy member of Shannon & Stu’s home along with dogs, Coal and Buffy. He has been named, Floki after the fierce Nordic sea farer and Viking.
Alana Cahoon is the Amazon #1 Best Selling Author of Mindfulness, Mantras & Meditations: 55 Inspirational practices to Soothe the Body, Mind & Soul. www. AlanaCahoon.com.