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Self Reflection is key . If you cannot retrace your steps and have a sense of OBJECTIVITY, you’re doomed!!! supply. You no longer have money, or you are older, or they just got tired of you.

Those who were raised in poverty and abuse, find it very hard to self reflect due to the RIGHT they feel they have now as adults(Trying to Control what they couldn’t control as kids). Having to dissect and admit ill behavior can be traumatizing, and so many MASK and fool themselves and in the course, fool others. These people look amazing. Clean cut. Dressed to the par and many attimes, articulate. Its all a MASK!!!

Now, one of the things they hide is the GIANT hole and gap they feel. Many of them know they need therapy and help, but something a wounded person lacks is COMPOSURE. The thought of having to go through PROCESS is daunting, and therapy involves regiment, therefore process. So they walk around with gaping wounds, filling up their pain with people, places, things, events, etc.

Can someone know if they are opportunistic or not? This question sounds stupid but it’s real. Someone could be so enveloped in themselves that they are totally unaware of their true motives for doing what they do. The sad thing is once they are done with you, they hop on to another prospect, and create a LEGITIMATE illusion as to why they needed to leave you. Truth is, you are no longer a powerful That’s another thing with wounded people, they don’t have ROOTS, so nothing is rooted, not relationships, not love, not work, not nothing!!! They find it hard to work for someone. They think they are noble by starting their own business, but the truth is they don’t

want to be controlled and dictated to, just like how dictative their childhood upbringing was. It’s easy for them to pull away because they were never grounded in the first place, and if they were, they are totally unforgiving when they are hurt. This is called PROJECTION. It’s not their fault. It’s childhood issues. they don’t find their supply through a healthy source(God, Counseling, Mentoring), they’ll find it through unhealthy methods(Selfish Ways, Using, Taking). They will subconsciously find a CONDUIT for their OPPORTUNISTIC agenda. Most of them are IGNORANT to the DEPTH of their problem. Their whole life has been built by networking and connections, and they BARELY give at the same measure in which they received. The sad thing is they are still broken people. The more they acquire, they more broken they become.

If you have been used by someone, pray for the person FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO. Forgive them and forgive yourself for putting yourself in a disadvantaged position. Then examine WHY you gave so much for so little. You’ll find out that your method of healing your own wounds was to heal somebody else’s wounds. RECIPE FOR DISASTER.

Heal yourself through GOD, and He will lead you to healthy faces and spaces. Broken people break people! Remember that. Unless they are actively seeking help(Counseling, Mentoring) THEY WILL PEE EVERYWHERE THEY GO. At first they are strategic, and then they let it all hang out, because there is a grandiose in them that makes them feel invincible. It’s truly sad to watch!!! And boyyyyy are people fooled!!!

“Self Reflection is key . If you cannot retrace your steps and have a sense of OBJECTIVITY, you’re doomed!”

These people could be very successful because they channel all their pain into MAKING IT. No matter how high they reach, they will always be low in accountability. They are wounded, broken and honestly inept on so many levels. THEY KNOW THIS, and they hate this within themselves, but once again, the cure to their dilemma will be to SETTLE DOWN and HEAL(PROCESS), but they are forever chasing the NEXT HIGH, all in a quest to fill up the gap.

They are notorious for misrepresenting themselves and being misunderstood. They poop everywhere and do not care. They tell you how someone made them do it, or they blame it on someone else entirely. They can’t self reflect, therefore, they can’t Repent. They can apologize, but they cant repent. Read that again. They are lonely and barely have emotional and real relationships, because mutual supply is 99 to 1.

If you know someone like this, or if you are this person, there is healing at the cross for you. You have to have some sort of shame for all the damage you’ve caused yourself and others, and then FIX it by fixing yourself.

Nobody will remember your money or clout or title, but they will remember how you broke them. Make sure you are not this person, because KARMA is not a friend

op·por·tun·ist / äp r t(y)o on st/ Learn to pronounce noun a person who exploits circumstances to gain immediate advantage rather

than being guided by consistent principles or plans.

con·duit / kän d(y)o o t/ Learn to pronounce noun 1.a channel for conveying water or other fluid.

“a conduit for conveying water to the power plant”

2. a tube or trough for protecting electric wiring. “the gas pipe should not be close to any electrical conduit”


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