3 minute read
There are so many reasons to meditate! Chilling out is the first one that comes to mind.
With this ever-present swirl of activity in our culture, the art of meditating provides a time to chill. To stand still. To do absolutely nothing.
It allows us not to be doing – doing – doing! Meditating allows us to simply be.
What is that anyway? To be?
Breathe. Going back to our roots. The breath.
Have you ever done a sesshin before? It is a mulit-day silent meditation retreat led in the zen buddhist way. The basic form looks like this. Breathe. Focus on your breathing. Count your breathing. Breathe.
Yes. It may sound … dreadful? But it’s not. It’s strangely calming. After focusing on nothing but your breath for three days, you return to your innocence. And you sleep like a baby.
Every now and then, when I have restless nights, I recall my experience during a meditation sesshin. Soon the soothing blissful breathing brings me into a peaceful sleep.
I wrote Meditation Made Simple: 7 Steps to Create Calm & Clarity in order to provide simple steps
toward achieving that natural state of innocence. This is for everyone. Those of you who have meditated before, those who may have a regular practice, and those who have never even attempted.
You may think it’s all kinds of things, some of which may be correct. But I hope to clear up any confusion.
For instance, meditation can be as simple as taking one minute to settle one’s emotions. I like to call it the 10 count exercise. Here’s how you do it.
When you encounter a stressful situation, stop, take a deep breath in and out, and then begin your count to 10.
As you count, coordinate your breath so that when you take your first inhale, you state ‘1’.
Continue this method, counting the next number on the beginning of each inhale until you get to the number 10.
By then you are chilled out! And in a state of calm.
You are ‘being’ rather than doing. This allows you to ‘respond’ to the situation rather than ‘react’.
In my newly released book on Amazon, you’ll learn how to meditate, where to meditate, and when to meditate! These may all be tailored to your own unique personality and lifestyle.
The benefits are many. Being calm, cool, and collected are some of them. Being clear and focused are others.
How many times a day do you find yourself rattled or overwhelmed with the to-do’s on your list?
By meditating, you allow the most important items to rise to the top. It also supports you by allowing the other less pertinent items to rest for the time being.
Here’s the thing with lists. They rarely go away. Being able to focus on priorities and getting that one thing done is what is important.
There are a few fun styles of meditation listed in my book. These are under the heading of ‘one-pointed meditation’. In each, you focus your attention on something outside of yourself like a candle, a flower or water.
When meditating with a candle, you would light the candle and gaze into it. At first you may be aware of the color and shape of the flame, the way it flickers in the air. You may notice the color of the wax and actually see it melt.
As you continue with this meditation, you will begin to soften your gaze and come into a place of calm. A place where nothing exists except for you and the candle.
Entering into a state of calm is ultimately the goal.
When you enter into your natural state of being, you then access your inner wisdom. All the answers are here within each and every one of you. Meditation Made Simple: 7 Steps to Calm & Clarity is published on Amazon. Download your copy today!
Alana Cahoon is a master teacher of meditation, conscious leadership and energy healing; and is the author of Amazon Bestseller: Mindfulness, Mantras & Meditations.