11 minute read
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.
I am a loving mother of 3 children and 2 grandchildren. I am very passionate about my family and spending every minute I can with them. I am a professional model who loves the camera as much as the camera loves me. I am a hairdresser who enjoys spending time with my clients, and some become family and great friends. I appreciate that I can show my talent and love for doing hair. I am a security guard and a coordinator. I am a woman of many talents who enjoys life to the fullest. My Daddy always told me it’s ok to make money and have a career, but don’t let it take over; you control your life. Love till you can’t, and embrace your family. My Granny told me to put God first, and the rest will prevail. My Momma told me to have a job, have a backup plan if something fails, and you always have to have something to fall back on. My hardworking family fully desires that their future generations be successful and at peace.

What is “Beauty Lies Within”? How did you come up with this name for your business?
“Beauty Lies Within” is a name I created several years back, even before I started modeling. I always think of a person as having beauty within them. How your heart beats, how you interact with others, and do for others is a person’s true beauty. I believe in my heart that a person’s beauty comes from within them Not how they look. Not what career you have or job you work at. I look at your smile and the love you have for others. How you desire to make others feel. I decided that when I wanted, or had the thought for opening a business, it all led to this name because beauty can come in many different ways, but is from the inner you.
What has been the most challenging part of starting and launching your
own business?
The hardest part is having the guts to start it. The fear I had, because I felt the support over the years was not helpful, and I felt people wouldn’t even think of coming just because I opened a business. Over the years, I have always supported and been there for many people. Still, I have realized over the years that I have chosen to make those decisions and to help others succeed to the expectations and the level of visions they had for their business. So how can I say what I had done when God allowed me to express my talent and get me where I am today? So I am very grateful I allowed myself even to come across other businesses, events, and shows. It has helped me understand how I would like to run my own company and what I will and won’t allow. What professional atmosphere I desire and so much more I have learned by watching others. I know that most businesses take time to build, and I am up for the challenge.
What is the mission behind “Beauty Lies Within”? What do the words mean to you?
BEAUTY - mean the inner beauty within yourself.
LIES - what lies inside of you.
WITHIN - means what is inside your heart and inner desires.
These words mean nothing, without the one-word; GRACE.
It is incredible when you have a love for people and a passion for embracing yourself and uplifting others’ spirits in many ways.
Who are some of the people who have inspired you professionally,
and why? Many people have gotten me to this point in my life. Over the years, I have come across many men and women who have inspired me. Honestly, in

my heart, I thank everyone that I have come across and learned from. Professionally, some names (retired) Pastor Sr. Ulysees Parris & First Lady Pastor Josie Parris, (current) Pastor Carl & first lady Angela Parris of Free Deliverance Church. Latiffany Anderson (Kurvie Kulture), my dear friend, turned into my sister, Niecey Dearring, Yana Murrell (Soca Classes), Rasheedah Williams (Virginia), Kelly Breuer (publisher of Rochester Woman Online & She Hustles Talks), Dr. Pam Denton, Marisa Leigh, Tiffany Gray (Phil Divas Salon), Janae Howard (hairdresser & sales) Tahlia Scott aka Lee (Sales) LaCarla Carter (Comedian & Candles) and more. These are some of the inspirational businesses and women I have admired over the years. I have come across so many companies it is hard to pinpoint just one person.
What do you feel makes a successful female entrepreneur?
Being a leader and at the same time learning from others. You see, I do not have all the answers for myself and learn daily from someone else.
What do you have planned for the upcoming year?
My plan for the next year is to focus on making my business a legacy.
Where did you get your start modeling?
In 2016 I started modeling after helping Latiffany Anderson, owner of Kurvie Kulture and Director of the Kurvie Kulture Pageant, behind the scenes. I was actually introduced to Latiffany originally by Yolanda Smilez (Comedian). I assisted with the pageant, and after seeing how beautiful the woman was, I decided I could be as fashionable as them.
So, I entered the 2017 pageant and won Miss Congeniality. It has been history since then and has made me who I am today.
Why decide to start a modeling and coaching agency?
I decide to start a modeling agency because I want other women and men to feel like me. They embrace their curves and strut the runway as if they are the only model walking. Plenty of us love being in the field and embracing our talent.
What are some of the main things the Beauty Lies Within Agency will focus on?
For me, the main focus will be on creating art with the models and clients. There is no set agenda, but to help or do the best of my ability to get them to their desired goal.
What have been some of the challenges you have experienced starting your business?
Here is a little secret... in my heart, what scares me the most is not knowing how this will turn out, or if it will even grow, but GOD. You see, when this was set in my heart, I struggled, tossed and turned on which direction to go, but GOD! I prayed plenty of times, had plenty of discussions with several business owners, and even did some of my own research. Here I am today on
FAITH - Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things, hoping for, the evidence of what is not seen.” I need to just take a leap of FAITH. Once I planted that seed, God, healer and ruler, father of Jesus Christ, will do the rest. I won’t just sit and wait. I will do my part to elevate what he designed for me to do. I may make mistakes along the way, but I genuinely feel this was meant for me to do, and I will fight to ensure my dream is a LEGACY.

What was one of the best pieces of advice you have ever been given?
Never uive Up on what your heart desires. You see, I do not love to be in the forefront; I enjoy, to be honest, being in the background. If I was not ripping the runway, or doing a photoshoot, I was in the back doing what I thought was best, helping and improving everyone else by coordinating and providing encouragement. I am the FACE of my brand. It will take me some time to embrace that position with humbleness in my heart; I am asking God to gracefully teach me that it is ok too, at times, put yourself first.
What are some of the qualities that make you a good model coach?
I have been a traveling model for about 3 years and have been on the cover of 5-6 magazines. I have been featured in nearly 8-10 newspaper and magazine articles both locally and out of state. I have seen many different ways photographers, models, producers, events, and fashion shows have been run or organized from professional to not-soprofessional. I have been an event coordinator, model, and brand ambassador for several businesses in Rochester, NY. These businesses include Kurvie Kulture (Latiffany Anderson), Unleashed (Chandra Moore), She Hustles (Kelly Bruer- RWO), RocCity Security (Keith Lane), Urban Euphoria (Charletta Broome & Jnciolle Glover, Rochester Roc Awards (Yolanda Smilez). I was selected to be a brand ambassador for 2 small companies in Virginia and Florida as well. I have even coordinated a couple

weddings and a couple book releases. I am great at what I do, and the best part that I love about anything that I do is the VISION that I set forth and how it is carried out...
Tell me about your biggest modeling accomplishment.
My biggest accomplishment would be opening Beauty Lies Within Agency.
What inspires you to help others?
My inspiration comes from, believe it or not, the lack of support or appreciation given to me. It is difficult being who you are only if you do not accept who you are. Being treated differently because you are different is unfair and unfriendly. This motivates me to make sure that for the rest of my life, NO ONE who comes across me feels alone, unwanted, or not appreciated because of who you are. It says,’’
By the Grace of God I am who I am, and his Grace towards me was not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:10.
God created us all differently and hopes to be in his likeness. By all means, I am not perfect, and I made my share of mistakes, but in my heart, I cared no matter what state I was in at that time or season. It takes nothing but
Grace to love your enemies and pray with them or for them. So, don’t let anyone stop you from being you and loving what you do.
What do you feel is important about the body positivity movement?
It is disheartening to see how some women or men define themselves and how society thinks you should look, feel, and what you should be doing. I’m not suggesting anyone should not get bodywork done, or plastic surgery; that is your decision. No matter what

you do, you MUST love who you are inside... whether you know it or not, how you love yourself from the inside out will make a fundamental difference in your thinking.
What will keep you going during low times?
To be honest, I love my kids, my grandkids, and those who have impacted my life, but God and his son Jesus Christ make a fundamental difference in the love you need or desire. When I was at the lowest point in my life, I prayed. When I did not have it, I prayed. I still needed the heavenly father above when I felt alone and surrounded by loved ones. The Grace of God and how he loves you and allows you to make your decisions is nothing but LOVE. Nothing is more significant than having someone who does not judge you, mock you, keep your secrets, adore you, shield you, or guide you when you don’t know how to turn. Some may not understand what I am describing, and it may seem not so powerful to you, but to me, life is way too short to not know whom you can depend on and trust the most.
Where will we see Sheila Young and Beauty Lies Within next year?
I am focused and determined to excel or try to build a legacy that is so powerful that it will blow my mind. I am not sure where I see myself within the following year. However, I pray it will be better in the future.