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Are you a woman who can think things into reality, but lately you have been stuck in a sea of negative thoughts that are sinking you into feeling low? Read on!
CASE STUDY: She came to me because she was swirling in a sea of negative thoughts and it was now becoming a toxic form of communication in her business, relationships were becoming a swirl of drama. She asked if I could help her clear it. She felt like everybody was taking from her and she was losing value. She realized through consulting with me that she was thinking of things in a very negative way. In a toxic feminine way of over-give in order to receive and take care of everyone else and their needs first in order to achieve. Once these mindsets were upgraded, negative thoughts were dumped, and patterns were revealed, she could heal and began to shift how she was thinking of things. She began to see the toxic patterns that the pandemic had revealed and business started to change and upgrade drastically. Her value increased and she had a positive outlook again. People stopped taking advantage of her. The business went from survival to thrival. She felt relief like a huge burden had been lifted - and that is the power of mindset consulting.
This story is real and it is not just this one person that has this issue, many of the women I consult have similar issues. They are powerful in their business, but carry the burden of negativity in their minds. The negative mind becomes doubt, criticism, and judgment and their minds become toxic and the body responds by shutting down. This leads to health issues and weight gain. It’s a toxic downward spiral that disrupts the business leader’s power. It’s no doubt that the pandemic has us spinning in a sea of fear and paralysis, a lot changed quickly and women
owned businesses have taken a hit. Recently, it feels as if the world is slowing down again and the women I speak to are feeling the hit financially, deeply, and the pain is real.
There is one thing I know about women, we are warriors of courage and for many of us our small business is like our child, it is our creation, our passion, and in our blood. So what can you do when you feel burdened? How can you deal with fear in the heat of the moment?
Likely that in the past, you were not particularly aware of the amount of tension that had built up in you and your team/client dynamics. A certain amount of tension seemed normal for high-stress, high-performance entrepreneurs. The push was a reality and you did it - no matter what - recently the reality of stress in business has become magnified. The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically increased the tension to a survival level, personally and in your business. With this increase in tension is a greater awareness of the need for mental and psychological well-being and you are realizing you need help. Issues and problems that may have stagnated for years have escalated during this intense time and may affect the success of your business.
Start by shifting your mind! There is an urgent need for a system that you can use to hold a positive mindset in the heat of the moment. Let’s begin with your powerful mind, mindset is everything. A toxic mind will weigh you down and halt your ability to manifest. But, once your mind can recognize negative patterns of thought and feeling then you can begin to change what you think and begin to attract the power of possibility.
The past pandemic years have messed with our minds. And we are holding a lot of thoughts that can halt our

prosperity. Shifting your mindset can be so much easier when you can access the core of your body. Simple breathing into your core with specific breathing exercises and energy movement can immediately clear your mind.
If you have ever hesitated to work out, go to a yoga class, take a walk and then suddenly do it anyway, because you know it will clear your mind, then you know what I mean. Movement of your body and breathing deeply can clear the space in your mind. It can put you in a positive mindset. But, really, who has time? When you are stressed the last thing you want to do is take time off. Because you are in the negativity of survival and it takes A LOT of energy to activate a new path. What if you clear your mind right there in the heat of the moment? It becomes more possible to shift and the burden of taking time to process through your negativity becomes a reality.
This is why I have created Stress Resolution at Your Fingertips, a text subscription program that uses simple breathing, core exercise, and positive motivation PLUS communication to help you clear your negative mindset and strengthen your body so you can become stronger than your stressors. Resetting your mindset and body has never been easier! Truthfully, what we have found implementing this system throughout the pandemic, women increase the feeling of enough and self value when they dump the negative mind. too? Your gut has an intelligence like no other! The female gut in particular digests hormones too. So if your gut is off then your mind is off. This program will reset everything because we have worked core exercises, from your chair (what we like to call your throne) into the Stress Resolution System.
Want to know more? Join us at Stilettos $ Strength a Day Retreat for Women to strengthen a positive mind, body, and beauty. November 12, 2022 10am-6pm. Discover how these simple techniques can radically alter the course of your prosperity. And subscribe! Start receiving our texts delivered directly to your phone and clear your mind for only $9.99 a month. https:// joinsubtext.com/evolve