Marketing Communicatie Campaign Madame Tussauds Singapore

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Merlin Entertainments MADAME TUSSAUDS

SINGAPORE* Auke Koreman | Kelly de Leeuw | Linda Kiala | Pien Joosten | Pleun Van Grunsven | Woo Seung Wan 2825252 | 2489368 | 2801728 | 2914441 | 2763478 | 3138690 Class 2U | C21038 | MARCOM Project | Joep Peeters | 13-01-2017




RESEARCH INTO CONSUMER, PRODUCT AND COMPETITORS The consumer is high involved with the product and the affective side dominates by making the decision whether they will buy a ticket for Madame Tussauds Singapore or not. When the product is linked to the lifestyle of the consumer, they will get the attention of the consumer and then they can convince them and create affection with the brand by showing them the experience. Madame Tussauds Singapore is relatively new. Important is that a lot of people know the brand Madame Tussauds, but people have to get aware of the fact that the one in Singapore is much more than ordinary. The research shows that the competitors are not that important. By all means, as long as Madame Tussauds Singapore makes sure that consumers gets aware of the fact that this attraction is unique and different because they offer a whole experience, which is entertaining and educational. They can really distinguish themselves from other attractions by giving the consumer that ultimate experience so that is something to keep in mind when creating the campaign. MARKETING COMMUNICATION TARGET GROUP The target group is dinkys (double income and no kids yet). They are young individualists who have traveled a lot or at least a few times. They set high standards and treat themselves with luxury items. They see traveling as a part of their personal identity and use travel as part of their image. Because of their double income, they can afford to undertake different activities on their trip. MARKETING COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES 1. The first objective is based on brand awareness: “Our goal is to reach 15% of the European stopover tourists at the VivoCity shopping mall over the course of our campaign.” 2. The second objective is based on brand knowledge: “Our goal is that our target group becomes aware of the fact that Madame Tussauds Singapore is not just a wax statue museum, but a whole unique experience. “ 3. The third objective is based on brand attitude:“By the end of our campaign, the increased brand knowledge amongst the target group should lead to a more positive attitude towards Madame Tussauds Singapore, viewing the company as more versatile and less dull.” 4. The fourth objective is based on behavior: “Social media interaction between Madame Tussauds and their customers will be increased from an IPM of 0,81 in this year, to an IPM of 2,00 at the end of our campaign.” STRATEGY: POSITIONING AND PROPOSITION Madame Tussauds Singapore positions itself amongst competitors as a premium brand. They give good value for money because the product is a whole unique experience, not just a wax statue museum. The main benefit, the big promise to the target group, is that Madame Tussauds Singapore lets them feel like a star. CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT / CREATION The campaign that resulted out of this marketing communication plan is called ‘Feel like a star’. The big promise is that people will feel like a star when they visit Madame Tussauds Singapore. They will experience the glamour and fame that belongs to the life of a famous person and really become one of them. The campaign will let them get in touch with this feeling, which will be continued when they actually visit Madame Tussauds Singapore. The message that Madame Tussauds Singapore is a whole unique experience will get across, because they really encountered it already. 2

THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY - TOUCH POINT 1 People who go to Singapore will search for things to do, this already starts at home. They will for example search the Facebook page of Singapore, or search for reviews about “things to do” in Singapore (travels websites). Facebook is an online touch point, where people can upload their photo with a filter so they will look like a celebrity. Which they can share on Facebook with their friends. Also the target group will be reached with banners on Facebook, and sites as and www. These banners will promote the experience to feel like a star. These touch points are here to create awareness. To make the stopover tourist who are interested in Singapore aware of Madame Tussauds Singapore. Also they will be encouraged to buy a ticket, there is the possibility to get a discount mail. When people upload their photo on Facebook they can enter their e-mail address, then they will get a mail, where they can directly buy tickets with a discount. THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY - TOUCH POINT 2 The next step is on the airport, of course when the stopover tourists arrive in Singapore they will look for things to do the few days that they are there. The Target group is dinkys, who use Internet and media a lot. So to make sure to reach them there is social media and Internet. This all will create awareness by the European stopover tourists. When our target group arrives in Singapore they will use their mobile phone to search for things to do. So with location based marketing they get the right advertisements. When they scroll through their Facebook time line, they will get banners from Madame Tussauds Singapore ‘feel like a star’. THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY - TOUCH POINT 3 The next touch point will be outside the Vivo City shopping mall. The most tourists will pass the Vivo City shopping mall. So to reach people that missed the online advertisements and to create more touch points there is an offline campaign in front of the Vivo City shopping mall. This is the best place to advertise because people come here to shop and are not rushing, so they have time and interest for this campaign. The experience of feeling like a star will continue with printed Instagram boards. On the instagram boards are well known scenes, and well known pictures of celebrities. The heads of the celebrities will be cut out so people can put their own head in it. People will experience to feel like a star, and be in a famous movie scene. To encourage the customers to buy tickets there is a discount. When they take a photo with one of the Instagram boards they will get a discount ticket. With that ticket they get a discount when they buy tickets at Madame Tussauds Singapore. THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY - TOUCH POINT 4 The last touch point will be at the entrance of Madame Tussauds Singapore. Here continues the experience of feeling like a star. When people arrive at Madame Tussauds the entrance will be at a red carpet. To let them feel like a star there will be sounds of clicking cameras and flashing lights (paparazzi). So the entrance will be in the theme of feeling like a star. In Madame Tussauds there will also be a speech booth. Where people can hold their speech with an award. So the whole picture of feeling like a star till winning an award will be there.

The whole campaign is all about letting people feel like a star on their way to Madame Tussauds Singapore to get across the message that Madame Tussauds Singapore is a whole unique experience.







Research into consumer, product, competition 2.1 Consumer 2.2 Product 2.3 Competition 2.4 Most important findings


Marketing communication target group 3.1 General level 3.2 Domain-specific level 3.3 Brand-specific level 3.4 Most important findings

10-12 10 10-11 11 12


Marketing communication objectives 4.1 Brand awareness 4.2 Brand knowledge 4.2 Brand attitude 4.2 Behavior

13-14 13 13-14 14 14


Marketing communication strategy 5.1 Positioning 5.2 Proposition

15 15 15


Concept development / creation



Instruments and media 7.1 Facebook filter & discount mail 7.2 Location based marketing on Facebook & websites 7.3 VivoCity shopping mall & siscount ticket 7.4 Madame Tussauds Singapore entrance

17-21 17-18 19 20 21







10. Evaluation 11. Literature


* 6-8 6 7 8 9

26-27 28

1 | INTRODUCTION THE PRODUCT | MADAME TUSSAUDS SINGAPORE Madame Tussauds Singapore is a museum and tourist attraction at Sentosa Island on Singapore. It opened on November 2014 as the seventh Asian attraction of the Madame Tussauds international chain of wax museums. The museum features many wax figures of political figures, famous actors, sports icons and other superstars. People can photograph and pose with their favourite stars, come face to face with international icons and get on stage with music legends. Including the all new and re-imagined Images of Singapore LIVE and the “Spirit of Singapore� boat ride, Madame Tussauds Singapore is a whole unique experience.1 THE ASSIGNMENT | MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS This marketing communication plan is developed commissioned by the client Merlin Entertainments. The assignment was to develop a marketing communication campaign for Madame Tussauds Singapore directed at European Stopover Tourists. The campaign should drive conversions, address Walk-ups, consist of online and offline channels and include a promotional strategy. It is not just about looking at the strategic side of things, it is about really understanding: if you are at an airport and you are here for 2 to 3 days, or if you are on Sentosa Island, maybe visiting Universal Studios; what is it that is really going to convince you to come to Madame Tussauds and change your plans. THE MARKETING COMMUNICATION PLAN | CHAPTERS The first step in developing a marketing communication plan was to do research into the consumer, the product an the competition. The analysis, the most important findings and the way in which they could be used in the campaign will be explained in chapter 2. In chapter 3 the target group is described on three levels: general, domain-specific and brand-specific level and concluded in the most important insights and relevance for the campaign. The above mentioned analysis resulted in the objectives described in chapter 4. The objectives are related to knowledge, attitude and behaviour. These objectives play a vital role in decision making throughout the rest of the plan. After setting the objectives the strategy had to be created. In chapter 5 the strategy is divided in positioning and proposition with the reasoning behind the choice of both The proposition is translated to a creative concept, the big promise, which is described in chapter 6. This resulted in a selection of several online and offline media channels which reinforce each other. These are explained in chapter 7. Chapter 8 involves the implementation and execution of the concept and describes how the different media are deployed and how they interconnect. The budget of the campaign will be specified in chapter 9. Various types of costs for each medium are calculated which resulted in the total budget. and added up to find the total cost of the campaign. Whether the objectives stated in chapter 5 are achieved is evaluated in chapter 10.


Sentosa, 2013


2 | RESEARCH INTO CONSUMER, PRODUCT, COMPETITION This chapter describes the research into the consumer, the product and the competition to get a clear overview of these elements prior to creating a campaign. Before starting to create a concept it is important to know all about the consumer that could and should be reached, the product Madame Tussauds Singapore itself and its competitors. In the end of this chapter the most important findings and their consequences for the marketing communication plan are given.




Low involvement



High involvement


Madame Tussauds Singapore

The customers have a high(- involvement with Transformational the brand. Madame R&P Matrix of Madame Tussauds Informational to 0) (0 toTussauds +) is a premium product, therefore people generally don’t buy it without thinking it through first. Low involvement The purchase process is dominated by affection: first they feel, then they think and then they High involvement Tussauds Singapore buy. Customers are scanning for information because they want toMadame do something in Singapore. Madame Tussauds has to get their attention so that they give a primary affective reaction. After that consumers can focus on the brand by getting some information (price, place, etc.) and then FCBmight Matrix Cognitive Affective they buy a ticket. Low involvement


High involvement 2.1.2 | INVOLVEMENT | R&P MATRIX

Madame Tussauds Singapore

R&P Matrix

Informational (- to 0)

Transformational (0 to +)

Low involvement



High involvement


Madame Tussauds Singapore

The function for the consumer is adding value, the product does not solve a problem but gives the customers a good feeling. Therefore the product has to be linked to the lifestyle of the consumer. The focus should not be on arguments why they have to visit Madame Tussauds. It has to focus on emotion, feelings and psychological added value such as the whole experience that Madame Tussauds Singapore offers the consumer.

2.1.3 | Values and meanings Features: Benefits: Values:

A whole experience: a wax-statues museum, Spirits of Singapore (a 3 minute boat ride that takes you around the iconic areas of Singapore) and Images of Singapore Live (where you get taken around cultural and historical events with actors). Educational and entertaining at the same time Personal development and having a good time

Madame Tussauds Singapore: We do not just sell a ticket for a wax statue museum, but we sell a whole unique and ultimate experience that is both entertaining and educational. 6

2.2 | PRODUCT 2.2.1 | MADAME TUSSAUDS | HISTORY Madame Tussauds is a wax statue museum that first opened over 200 years ago, founded by wax sculptor Marie Tussauds. Her mother worked as a housekeeper for Dr. Philippe Cutius, who learned her the art of wax modeling. During the French Revolution she made death masks and realized that it was not just death masks she could do. It was more about creating famous people and finding people that audiences wanted to see and were really interested in. She created her own business and was a real entrepreneur and power woman. She handed the final attraction over to her sons and before she passed, she left with a quote that is incredibly important to what they stand for in terms of the Madame Tussauds brand: “The show must be kept both entertaining and instructive, past and present should be combined. So should the great and the humble, and, above all they must always produce an atmosphere of glamour”. 1 Nowadays, there are 25 museums in total located in Europe, Asia, America and Australia. 2.2.2 | MADAME TUSSAUDS SINGAPORE | MARKETING PS Product: Madame Tussauds Singapore is a museum and tourist attraction on Sentosa Island in Singapore. It opened in November 2014 as the seventh Asian attraction of the Madame Tussauds international chain of wax museums. The museum features many wax figures of political figures, famous actors, sports icons and other superstars. People can photograph and pose with their favourite stars, come face to face with international icons and get on stage with music legends. Including the all new and re-imagined Images of Singapore LIVE and the “Spirit of Singapore” boat ride, Madame Tussauds Singapore is a whole unique experience.2 Place: Madame Tussauds Singapore is located on Sentosa Island at Imbiah Lookout. You can get there by foot via the Sentosa Boardwalk, by car, by taxi, by the cable car or with the Sentosa express monorail to Sentosa Island. It is located across from its competitor Universal Studios. Price: Madame Tussauds Singapore is a premium product so they need premium prices. However they believe that what they deliver is incredibly good value for money. So they might be considered as expensive, but they are not only a wax museum anymore. 1 Promotion: The branding of Madame Tussauds is super sexy, glamorous and immersive, which they want to apply to the actual experience walking in Madame Tussauds.1 They offer discounts on the website like a family package local resident, online saver and a trick eye museum bundle. They are active on several social media channels: Facebook, Instagram and twitter. 2.2.3 | MADAME TUSSAUDS SINGAPORE | LIFE CYCLE Madame Tussauds Singapore opened on October the 25th of 2014, so it is relatively new. The museum is still in its introductory phase. Important is that a lot of people know the brand Madame Tussauds, because it is the 23th branch of the Madame Tussauds chain of wax museums worldwide. However, despite the knowledge of the brand people also have to know that it is located in Singapore. Perhaps even more so than other Madame Tussauds locations, Madame Tussauds Singapore offers far more than just wax statues. Singapore boat ride and Images of Singapore Live make it a unique experience compared to other Madame Tussauds museums. People have to get aware of that, that is definitely something to keep in mind while developing the campaign.



HR-manager Madame Tussauds Singapore, 2016 Sentosa, 2013


2.3 | COMPETITORS 2.3.1 | GENTING GROUP Most notably is that Universal Studios is practically across the street from Madame Tussauds. Universal Studios Singapore is owned by the Genting Group, who also owns more than half of Sentosa island. They are the owners of Resorts World Sentosa, the S.E.A. Aquarium, one of the two casinos in Singapore and Adventure Cove Water Park. Universal Studios advertises regularly for different events, for example with Halloween last year. Resorts World Sentosa also has a bus line that goes directly to their entrance. All the busses that go there have their advertisements on them. They are mostly active on Facebook and have an enormous amount of likes but not a great amount of feedback on their posts. 1 2.3.2 | WILDLIFE RESERVES SINGAPORE Wildlife reserves Singapore (WRS) covers the Singapore Zoo, night safari, river safari and Jurong Bird Park. WRS is a lead competitor because they are one of the larger attractions in Singapore that gets a high number of visitors. They offer several combination tickets for access to more than one of their parks. They use social media a lot, mostly for promotions, news and pictures or movies from their animals. They have quite a lot of followers, suspiciously so on facebook. They also get far more response than MT. WRS also launched a recent campaign transforming taxis, busses and even subway stations into a jungle theme. The campaign was focused on creating awareness for tourists and emphasized the experience.2 2.3.3 | COMPETITION FOR IMAGES OF SINGAPORE LIFE The Battle box, the Changi Prison Museum, Reflections at Bukit Chandu and the National Museum of Singapore are potential competition for Images of Singapore Live because they also show Singaporean history. However, the National Museum of Singapore has only one gallery dedicated to history and the other museums are all focused on World War II. Images of Singapore Live also has an edge over them since it has a unique way of showing history.3 Because almost all of these are relatively small museums, not part of a chain or entertainment group, they do not actually use big advertising campaigns. They do all have a website and the National Museum of Singapore publishes/lets someone else publish articles whenever it is featuring a new exhibit. These are all pretty big companies that have a high number of visitors. Universal Studios, SEA Aquarium and Singapore Zoo are more expensive than Madame Tussauds. See below a matrix with information about the competitors and Madame Tussauds Singapores quality, price, service and educational aspects.


1 2 3

Genting Group, 2015 Campaign Brief Asia, 2013 Singapore Tourism Board, 2017

2.4 | MOST IMPORTANT FINDINGS The research shows that the competitors are not that important. By all means, as long as Madame Tussauds Singapore makes sure that consumers gets aware of the fact that this attraction is unique and different because they offer a whole experience, which is entertaining and educational. They can really distinguish themselves from other attractions by giving the consumer that ultimate experience so that is something to keep in mind when creating the campaign. The consumer has a high involvement with the product and the affective side dominates by making the decision whether they will buy a ticket for Madame Tussauds Singapore or not. Therefore, the campaign should be focused on emotion, feelings and psychological added value. When the product is linked to the lifestyle of the consumer, they will get the attention of the consumer and then they can convince them and create affection with the brand by showing them the experience.


3 | MARKETING COMMUNICATION TARGET GROUP One of the important things for a marketing campaign is the target group. To succeed the campaign, there has to be a clear target group to focus on. Not every campaign will fit with each target group. That is why it is important that it is clear to which people the product is going to be sold, so that later on there can made a choice can be made for the right strategy for Madame Tussauds Singapore. To define the target group, 3 categories will be used to describe them: general, domain specific and brand specific.

3.1 | GENERAL LEVEL 3.1.1 | Geographic characteristics The target group is stopover tourists from Europe. 3.1.2 | Socio-economic variables The target group is between 25 and 45 years old. They are DINKYs: couples with no kids and a double income. They are highly educated, with a master or bachelor diploma. 3.1.3 | Psychographic variables They are young individuals who have traveled a lot or at least a few times. They set high standards and treat themselves with luxury items. Because they travel without children they are, as a rule, flexible in regard to what type of traveling they can undertake. They see traveling as a part of their personal identity and use travel as part of their image. Because of their double income, they can afford to undertake different activities on their trip. They are active on social media, and use at least Facebook and/or LinkedIn. 3.1.4 | Possession of strategic goods - Luxury items; since dinkys are usually relatively affluent, they are prime target for marketing luxury items. They are often targeted for luxury cars etc. They do not mind spending more money on luxury items. There is a big chance they are about to shop at the VivoCity shopping mall or at least take a look at it, so this is a big opportunity to reach them. - They live together in a rental or owner-occupied. - Spare time; they do not have any children, so they often have a bit more leisure time than the average couple their age. - Travel; due to the fact that DINKYs are not tied down by children, they are often eager for occasions to travel. This may be through travel agencies, cruises etc.

3.2 | DOMAIN SPECIFIC 3.2.1 | Involvement As explained in chapter 2, DINKYs are high involved with a brand. They prefer luxury items because they have more money to spend. Although they likely have more money to spend than for example a couple with children, DINKYs find it important to choose wisely when it comes to buying a (luxury) product. Impulsive buying is something that would not happen a lot to this target group. That is because of the process they are going through when buying a product. In this process they first feel, then they think and finally buy. 10

3.2.2 | Desired benefits The main point is to sell a unique experience for stopover tourists in Singapore. It is a lot more than a day in a wax statue museum. Singapore is a big city that has a lot to offer. Despite all that, Madame Tussauds Singapore is a company that will give their customers an experience to never forget. 3.2.3 | Product possession and use This campaign will be focused on European stopover tourists. These tourists are having a stopover in Singapore during their travel. The chance is pretty high that a lot of these stopover tourists will be in Singapore for the first time. There is also a possibility that some of them have never been in a Madame Tussauds before. Since you only have 7 of them in whole Europe. Besides that, in general, all the Madame Tussauds have the same concept. This could be a reason why a potential customer would not visit it twice. That is why for this campaign, Madame Tussauds Singapore will focus on new users. 3.2.4 | Type of use Leisure time is very important for DINKYs. DINKYs are high-educated people who work a lot. That is why they want to enjoy their spare time to the fullest. Since DINKYs have more money then average, they have the possibility to spend more money for a luxurious vacation. Besides vacation, DINKYs generally have a lot of luxury, compared to a lot of other people.

3.3 | BRAND SPECIFIC 3.3.1 | Brand awareness The target group knows about Madame Tussauds but has never been to Madame Tussauds in Singapore. They have heard of it once, or they have been to Madame Tussauds in their own country. The target group is not familiar with Images of Singapore Live, because they have not been in Singapore before so they have never heard of it. 3.3.2 | Brand knowledge and attitudes The target group used to think Madame Tussauds was just a museum full of life-like wax statues standing around and not something that would interest the kids. They do not expect much from it, they think it is for children. 3.3.3 | Purchase intentions They can buy their tickets online or at the pay desk. When they buy tickets online they will get a discount. Phases in life: They are already living together and are at the start of their life. They do not have children and have a double income so they have a lot of money to spend and a lot of free time. They are looking for adventure and love to travel to different countries. Mostly they will go on their vacation outside the holiday season, because they have no children to consider with. 3.3.4 | Purchase behaviour and use They are mostly new users and switch from time to time to try new things. They invest in luxury items, since DINKYs are usually relatively affluent, they are prime target for marketing luxury items. They are often targeted for luxury cars etc. They do not mind spending more money on luxury items. They have the money to come to Singapore so they will also have money to come to Madame tussauds. Mainly the focus needs to be on why they have to go to Madame Tussauds instead of any other museum or amusement park. 11

3.4 | MOST IMPORTANT FINDINGS The final target group is DINKYs (double income and no kids yet). They are defined as age group between 25 an 45 years old. They are young individuals who have traveled a lot or at least a few times. They set high standards and treat themselves with luxury items. Because they travel without children they are, as a rule, flexible with regard to what type of traveling they can undertake. They see traveling as a part of their personal identity and use travel as part of their image. Because of their double income, they can afford to undertake different activities on their trip. The number of DINKYs in Europe has been steadily on the rise in the past few years. European DINKYs are also the largest group that travels to Singapore. According to the statistics of tourism in Singapore, the visits from people aged between 25 and 45 are the biggest group.1 Some of the key things to remember when marketing to a DINKY: - Luxury items: since DINKYs are usually relatively affluent, they are a prime target for marketing luxury items. They are often targeted for luxury cars etc. They do not mind spending more money on luxury items. - Spare time: They do not have any children, so they often have a bit more leisure time than the average couple of their age. - Travel: due to the fact that DINKYs are not tied down by children, they are the often eager for occasions to travel. This may be through travel agencies, cruises etc.

1 12

Singapore Tourism Board, 2016

4 | MARKETING COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES Setting clear, detailed and specific objectives is crucial for developing strategy, selecting instruments and media, drawing up a budget and evaluating the effects. The objectives describe what has to be achieved with the campaign. If you do not think about that before starting with the concept, you do not know what the campaign changed. The objectives for this plan are in the categories brand awareness, brand knowledge, brand attitude and behaviour.

4.1 | BRAND AWARENESS 4.1.1 | OBJECTIVE 1 “Our goal is to reach 15% of the European stopover tourists at the VivoCity shopping mall over the course of our campaign.” 4.1.2 | ARGUMENTATION This objective is focused on reaching the target group. Reach is incredibly important since even the best campaign will fail if no one sees it. This objective fits the best in the category of brand awareness (knowledge) since everyone who is reached has received information about Madame Tussauds and is therefore aware of its existence, whether they actually pick up the point of the message or not. VivoCity shopping mall is a place where a lot of tourists come together in a reasonably small area. Therefore a large portion of the locals can be filtered out by using this location and reach the target group more effectively. Shopping is one of the primary reasons for tourists to visit Singapore and is listed as the third largest expense for tourists in Singapore. During the first months after its opening, the VivoCity shopping mall hosted 140.000 visitors daily.1 More than half of the visitors of the mall would be tourists and the research shows that 10,7% of tourists in Singapore come from European countries. This would place about 7.000 European stopover tourists in the mall every day. To reach the goal the campaign would have to reach little over a thousand stopover tourists on every day the campaign is present. 1

VivoCity, 2006

4.2 | BRAND KNOWLEDGE 4.2.1 | OBJECTIVE 2 “Our goal is that our target group becomes aware of the fact that Madame Tussauds Singapore is not just a wax statue museum, but a whole unique experience. “ 4.2.2 | ARGUMENTATION This objective focuses on product knowledge. Madame Tussauds Singapore has much more to offer than just wax statues, but the majority of the public seems to be unaware of that. This resulted out of 670 reviews on TripAdvisor. The comments and reviews on Madame Tussauds more often than not state that the writer had low expectations before going, but they were more than exceeded when they went there. 1 1

TripAdvisor, 2014-2017


The wax statues are only a small part of the complete experience that Madame Tussauds offers. Lots of expositions are fun and interactive and Images of Singapore Live and the boat ride add a completely new and unique aspect to it. If people would know about all the other things Madame Tussauds Singapore offers, they would be more stimulated to buy a ticket.

4.3 | BRAND ATTITUDE 4.3.1 | OBJECTIVE 3 “By the end of our campaign, the increased brand knowledge amongst the target group should lead to a more positive attitude towards Madame Tussauds Singapore, viewing the company as more versatile and less dull.” 4.3.2 | ARGUMENTATION The knowledge that Madame Tussauds has more to offer than they originally thought should change the opinions of the target group positively. It is important that potential customers have a positive attitude towards the brand. The reason that this is a separate objective from objective number 2 is because brand knowledge and brand attitude should not be included in the same goal as it would get cluttered and unclear.

4.4 | BEHAVIOR 4.4.1 | OBJECTIVE 4 “Social media interaction between Madame Tussauds and their customers will be increased from an IPM of 0,81 in this year, to an IPM of 2,00 at the end of our campaign.” 4.4.2 | ARGUMENTATION This objective focuses on behaviour. Madame Tussauds is active on several social media platforms and posts more or less actively. However, the number of likes, comments and shares they get is about as high as that of a local baker. Madame Tussauds needs to post content that gets a higher interaction rate. Madame Tussauds Singapore are compared to attractions in the area such as the Singapore Wildlife Reserves, and to the Madame Tussauds in Orlando and Vienna. These other Madame Tussauds locations also opened quite recently. Orlando opened in 2015 and has an IPM of 1,19 and Vienna opened in 2011 and now has an IPM of 2,23. The striving number of 2,00 was derived from these numbers.


5 | MARKETING COMMUNICATION STRATEGY In chapter 2 it became clear that Madame Tussauds Singapore has to position itself good to distinguish themselves from the competition. A good strategy will help the brand to reach the objectives. Therefore, the positioning and proposition have to be clear so that the stopover tourists will eventually choose for Madame Tussauds Singapore instead of the competitors. The promise that is made to the consumer, the big benefit for them, will be translated to the creative concept. This is what is really going to convince them to buy a ticket.

5.1 | POSITIONING The product that Madame Tussauds offers is an interactive day in a wax museum. One of the objectives is that people have to become aware that Madame Tussauds Singapore offers a whole unique experience. Most important is that they use this to distinguish themselves from the competitors. The top 4 competitors are: Universal Studios, SEA Aquarium, Singapore Zoo and Gardens by the bay. Madame Tussauds Singapore can position itself as a brand that is cheaper than their competitors, and gives more value for money. But there are also things that can be improved. The other companies are also more active on social media so it is important that Madame Tussauds Singapore also keeps their social media pages up to date constantly. People need to become more aware of Madame Tussauds. That is why this campaign will position it as a company that offers a great and unique experience. By doing this more people will be reached through social media. The promise is supported with a transformational strategy because the product is used for pleasure and people have a high involvement. They have to see that the product fits their lifestyle instead of giving them information and arguments. Although Madame Tussauds Singapore has a lot of strong competitors, it has a lot of potential to grow with a strategy that fits well. Madame Tussauds Singapore positions itself amongst competitors as a premium brand. Glamour and fame are keywords that should pop up when thinking of Madame Tussauds. It is also the first impression people should have when they are going to search for Madame Tussauds. They give good value for money because the product is a whole unique experience, not just a wax statue museum. This needs to be focussed on.

5.2 | PROPOSITION The main benefit, the big promise to the target group, is that Madame Tussauds Singapore lets them feel like a star. It is not about just visiting a museum, it is about the interactive side of things and encountering the whole unique experience that Madame Tussauds Singapore offers the consumer. This proposition is chosen because the campaign should not only be about Madame Tussauds Singapore, but mostly about the consumer. The consumer has to be in the spotlights because their experience has to be positive, that is the most important thing. 15

6 | CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT / CREATION In this chapter the proposition that Madame Tussauds Singapore lets people feel like a star is completely translated to the creative campaign concept. The concept is ‘Feel like a star’. The big promise is that people will feel like a star when they visit Madame Tussauds Singapore. They will experience the glamour and fame that belongs to the life of a famous person and really feel like one of them. The campaign will let them get in touch with this feeling, which will be continued when they actually visit Madame Tussauds Singapore. The campaign has an executional element in it: celebrities. These are being used in the concept because it fits perfectly with Madame Tussauds and attracts the attention when used in advertising. Famous people have a higher social status and a lot of people like or even love them. If you are a well-respected celebrity you get a lot of attention and social approval. Even though you are just a normal human being, people treat you differently than others. Aside from the fun things of being famous, there are also disadvantages but still many people want to become a celebrity. The opportunity to feel like a star for one day sounds very nice when you have some kind of respect and appreciation for celebrities. Especially when you can feel like the star that you admire and support. With this creative campaign people are going to experience how they will look and feel like a star. The consumer will have the feeling that they are as well known, respected and famous as the celebrities. The campaign does not explain the benefits of visiting Madame Tussauds Singapore or compare it with the competitors, because consumers are not interested in those things with this kind of product. Instead, it is all about entertaining them. They are put in the spotlights instead of the product, Madame Tussauds Singapore, itself. The campaign lets people feel like a star, and gives them an entertaining experience such as they will get in Madame Tussauds Singapore. In Madame Tussauds Singapore visitors already feel like a star because they can get very close to the famous persons as wax statues. You can stand next to BeyoncĂŠ and act like you are singing with her. You can take place next to Katy Perry and make a picture with her like you are friends. This glamorous feeling is extended to the campaign for Madame Tussauds Singapore. It will become a whole journey; from the moment that people get in touch with Madame Tussauds Singapore at home to the moment they buy a ticket and enter the museum. By doing this they will experience the feeling of being a star long before they visit Madame Tussauds Singapore. This way the first impression will immediately give them the same feeling as when they are actually going to Madame Tussauds Singapore. So the experience of the actual product is combined with their own situation at the moment they are in Singapore and get in touch with Madame Tussauds Singapore. This way the people will associate with and link the product to their own lifestyle. The message that Madame Tussauds Singapore is a whole unique experience will get across, because they really encountered it already.


7 | INSTRUMENTS AND MEDIA The concept resulted in a selection of different instruments and media, which reinforce each other. Each touch point that is created with the instrument and medium being used will be explained in different chapters. The focus of the campaign is mainly on online advertising because of the target group and the fact that it is relatively cheap compared to offline media. Also digital techniques give several good ways to apply the concept feeling like a star. Generally, the target group is more and more used to online media and they are active users of social media. When they are planning to go to Singapore they will mostly search for information about it online, so this is where they can be reached. The online channels are especially important before they are leaving. The online channels are combined with offline to reach more people and to continue the experience of feeling like a star in real life when they arrive in Singapore. Due to the combination of online and online and using several channels, different touch points are created during the customer journey of European stopover tourists. This way it will become a whole journey and an overall experience for a wide range of the target group, which fits perfectly with the actual experience of visiting Madame Tussauds Singapore.



Instruments: advertisement, public relations, sales promotions, dm communication Media: Facebook and E-mail Phase in the customer journey: awareness and consideration Based on objective: second, third and fourth People who are planning to stop over in Singapore will start looking for things to do before they will leave. Especially because people are only there for a few days, they want to have planned things already. Therefore, it is important to reach them long before they arrive in Singapore. The best way to do this is by using the website and social media channels of Madame Tussauds Singapore. This is relatively cheap, but still very effective because the target group is very active online and on social media. Facebook and Instagram are one of the most commonly used social media networks, so these are the channels that will be used for the campaign. These channels offer great opportunities for making people look like a star. The website of Madame Tussauds Singapore is where people will search when they already consider going there, so it is important to also pay attention to the campaign there. The concept is translated to the hash-tag #feellikeastarMTS, which will be used in all the communication on social media and the website. This connects the different channels and creates a connection between the different parts of the campaign. Also, people are encouraged to use the hash-tag when they share the pictures that are made related to the concept on social media (photos with the Facebook photo filter, the Instagram board and at the red carpet scene).


7.1.1 | FACEBOOK PHOTO FILTER On the Madame Tussauds Singapore Facebook page people can upload a photo of themselves. The photo will be added with a filter, which makes the people look like a celebrity of their choice. Their head will be on the body of the celebrity or they will be placed in a well-known movie scene, there are several options that they can choose. For example: they are looking like Marilyn Monroe or BeyoncĂŠ, they are placed in the famous Titanic scene or they ride on a bicycle with ET in their basket. They will receive the photo of themselves as a star right away. The photo can be shared on their own social media and the Madame Tussauds Singapore Facebook by using the hash-tag #feellikeastarMTS. 7.1.2 | DISCOUNT MAIL When people upload their photo they can fill in their e-mail address. They will receive a mail with a discount ticket, which they can immediately buy a ticket with for Madame Tussauds Singapore with a discount of 10 percent. (This percentage is chosen because Madame Tussauds Singapore already offers a discount on their website of 10 percent). By doing this people are awarded for making and uploading a photo, which makes them feel even more special and exclusive. By promising them a discount code, the chance that they will upload a photo and participate to our campaign becomes bigger. Aside from that, by giving a discount it is more attractive to buy a ticket for Madame Tussauds Singapore long before they are visiting Singapore. 7.1.3 | PROMOTION FOR THE PHOTO FILTER ON THE WEBSITE An ad will be placed on the website of Madame Tussauds Singapore that refers to the possibility to upload a picture of yourself to look like a star. Aside from that, all the photos that are uploaded with the hash-tag #feellikeastarMTS will automatically be uploaded to the website. This lets the people who uploaded their photo (and used the hash-tag) feel more famous. Also, this way people will see the result of what it looks like when you participate to the campaign, which will stimulate them to participate and experience it too. This way more people will be reached; people that visit the website will be made aware of the fact that there is a Facebook page of Madame Tussauds Singapore. They are also made aware of the possibility to upload your own photo. Because of the discount code that they can get they will be stimulated to click on the link to go to the Facebook page and upload a photo. This will increase the interaction on social media. 7.1.4 | PROMOTION FOR THE PHOTO FILTER ON SOCIAL MEDIA When people see the Madame Tussauds Singapore Facebook or Instagram, they have to experience the feeling of a star right away. So besides placing the photo filter on Facebook, it is also promoted on the social media channels of Madame Tussauds Singapore regularly to keep reminding people about the opportunity to get a discount. On the Madame Tussauds Singapore Facebook, the best photos will be shared of people that used the filter, people who used the Instagram board in Singapore (which will be explained in 7.3) and people at the entrance of Madame Tussauds Singapore (which will be explained in 7.4). This lets the people who uploaded their photo (and used the hash-tag) feel even more famous. Also, this way even more people will see the result of what it looks like when you participate to the campaign, which will stimulate them to participate and experience it too. Through this the interaction on social media will grow even more.




Instruments: advertisement, sales promotions, dm communication Media: Facebook, websites, banners and e-mail Phase in the customer journey: awareness, consideration, and purchase Based on objective: second, third and fourth Aside from just posting on the social media pages and the website of Madame Tussauds Singapore, the campaign will also make use of location based marketing. 7.2.1. | TRAVEL WEBSITES People who are planning a stopover to Singapore will search on the Internet for attractions and things to do there before they go to Singapore, especially the target group for this campaign. The photo filter will therefore be promoted with advertisements on the travel website When a browser from Europe visits this website they see a banner of Madame Tussauds Singapore. The banner refers to the possibility to upload your photo on the Facebook page, to look like a star and get a discount of 10 percent. By using location based marketing the waste is reduced and especially people from Europe that are interested in things to do in Singapore will be reached. This way it will cost not too much, but still be effective because the right people see the advertisements. 7.2.2. | FACEBOOK Location based marketing is also used on Facebook when people arrive in Singapore, because Facebook is the most important social media channel. When people arrive in Singapore, they will look for things to do if they have not planned everything already. To reach those stopover tourists who are more spontaneous travelers, ads will be placed on Facebook. The ads will be targeted on European people who are in Singapore at that moment. When people are waiting at the airport, they usually look at their phones and scroll through social media like Facebook. They will see posts about the campaign, like the possibility to upload their photo and get a discount but also photos of the Instagram board in the VivoCity Shopping Mall. For the location based advertising on the travel websites and Facebook, the same style is used as on the Madame Tussauds Singapore social media channels and the website. Also the hash-tag #feellikeastarMTS will be used in the communication. By using location-based marketing another touch point is created where people get in touch with Madame Tussauds Singapore. This way more people will be reached: people who planned their trip at home but also people who did not fill their days yet. They will become aware of the fact that there is a Facebook page of Madame Tussauds Singapore and a possibility to upload their own photo. Because of the discount code that they can get they will be stimulated to click on the link to go to the Facebook page and upload a photo. This will increase the interaction on social media even more. In case of seeing the ad when they are in Singapore already, they can also be inspired to visit the VivoCity Shopping Mall and take a picture with the Instagram board to get a discount ticket. More about this will be explained in the next sub-chapter.



Instruments: advertisement, public relations, sales promotions, dm communication and exhibition Media: out-door exhibition, Instagram and Facebook Phase in the customer journey: awareness, consideration, and purchase Based on objective: first, second and third To reach people who missed the online advertisements and to create more touch points the experience will be continued with offline media. 7.3.1 | VIVOCITY SHOPPING MALL Research shows that most tourists will pass the VivoCity Shopping Mall place during their stopover. Shopping for clothing, accessories and luxury goods also has a strong link with the concept of feeling like a star, making this the right place to advertise. The experience of feeling like a star will be continued in front of the Mall, because advertising inside the mall would result in extremely high costs for renting space. This place is also chosen because people come here to shop, so they are not rushing and have time to participate to the campaign. Several people of Madame Tussauds Singapore will be standing there with different Instagram boards. On the boards you see the head of a famous person or a famous movie scene. The head of the star is cut out and a canvas with the head of the person is placed in the hole. Here people can put their head, so that it looks like they are the star. On the photo you also see the logo of Madame Tussauds Singapore and the hash-tag of the campaign. The description says: “Today Im feeling like..., I feel like a star! Visit Madame Tussauds, so you can also feel like a star for one day #mtssingapore #feellikeastarMTS #getadiscount� They can take a picture of it and share it on their social media channels with the hash-tag #feellikeastarMTS. This links the offline part of the campaign back to the online part and will increase the interaction on social media. 7.3.2 | DISCOUNT TICKET When people take a photo with one of the Instagram boards and share it on social media, they will receive a discount ticket for Madame Tussauds Singapore. By doing this we are rewarding people for participating in our campaign, which makes them feel special and exclusive again. By giving people who take a picture a discount ticket, spectators are stimulated to join as well. Besides that, by giving a discount it is more attractive to buy a ticket for Madame Tussauds Singapore. 7.3.3 | CREATING A BUZZ Not only the people who put their head in the board are reached, but also the people who walk by and look at it. The campaign will create a buzz and have impact on more people, because they are curious about what is going on. They will see the experience and want to encounter it too, so they will be stimulated to participate in the concept. This way a wide range of people will become aware of the fact that Madame Tussauds Singapore is a whole unique experience and the chance that they will buy a ticket becomes bigger.



Instruments: public relations, in store communication Media: Outdoor (special builds), Instagram and Facebook Phase in the customer journey: service and purchase Based on objective: second and third To complete the journey of feeling like a star when planning to visit Madame Tussauds Singapore, the feeling will also be created at the entrance of Madame Tussauds. 7.4.1. | RED CARPET SCENE In front of the entrance will be a red carpet, a bunch of paparazzi with cameras, flashing lights and the sound of clicking cameras and flashing lights and an award show. It is all in the theme of a red carpet scene, to let visitors feel like stars. They get the feeling that it is all there for them and that they are really famous. When they enter Madame Tussauds Singapore there will also be a speech booth so that they can give a speech or act like they do, to thank their fans. People can make photos of them walking on the red carpet or behind the speech booth, and share them on social media with the hash-tag #feellikeastarMTS. The entrance setting like an award show is just that little bit extra to complete the feeling of being a star. It is another touch point to improve the whole experience even more. People end their journey towards Madame Tussauds Singapore here, so it connects the first phase of exploring with the phase of actually visiting. Their idea of the experience that Madame Tussauds Singapore gives you, will be tied together. 7.4.2. | OVER BUDGET IDEA | SCREEN WITH EXAMPLES A big TV screen will be placed in front of the entrance to Madame Tussauds Singapore. On this screen the best photos that are shared with the hash-tag #feellikestarMTS will be shown on the screen, to let the people feel famous again. When the over-budget idea will be implemented in the campaign, the people will know that when they share their photo with the hash-tag they can be shown on a big screen in front of Madame Tussauds Singapore. It will be mentioned with the photo filter on Facebook and at the VivoCity Shopping Mall when they take a picture, so that people are stimulated to take a photo. Also, this will stimulate and convince them to go visit Madame Tussauds Singapore because they want to see themselves shining as a star at a big screen.


8 | IMPLEMENTATION / EXECUTION In this chapter is decribed how the media are deployed during the campaign and shown in a media planning matrix.

8.1 | MEDIA PLANNING EXPLANATION 8.1.1 | ADVERTISING This is the planning for advertising. At the beginning of the customer journey, there will be advertised most to create brand awareness. Facebook: This is the medium on which we advertise, mostly in the first phase of the customer journey. At home we advertise to create brand awareness and in Singapore we mostly advertise in the first phase as well. At the end of the customer journey we advertise less. Because this is the moment when people go home or to another place. Websites: This is the travel website ( that will be advertised on. At home most because the most people are on this websites when they are planning their trip to Singapore. In Singapore other media are important to advertise on. 8.1.2 | SHARING This planning is for sharing. This is something that the customers have to do. This is free promotion for us and this also creates more brand awareness. Facebook: This medium is always important. People share our concept on their facebook (this can also be at home) and during their trip they also share their own experience. Instagram. Instagram: Instagram is important when people have seen the instagram boards used in the campaign. From this moment it is important that people share their picture of the instagram boards. This is also a free medium for our project.

8.1.3 | EXTRA Email: E-mail is only used at home because this is the moment when people get their discount ticket. Insta boards: This is an offline medium. It is something that people share on their social media. This medium is made to encourage sharing.










W9 W10 W11 W12

ADVERTISING Advertising Websites Location Based Facebook SHARING MTS Facebook MTS Instagram EXTRA VivoCity Insta Board Dicsount mail




W13 W14 W15 W16 W17 W18 W19 W20 W21 W22 W23 W24 ADVERTISING Advertising Websites Location Based SHARING MTS Facebook MTS Instagram EXTRA VivoCity Insta Board Dicsount mail


9 | BUDGET 9.1 | ONLINE CHANNELS 9.1.1 | CREATING THE PHOTO FILTER Developing a program for the Facebook Photo Filter will cost around €300. This costs are calculated by an ICT student. 9.1.2 | ADVERTISING BANNERS Banners on are sold via Google Ad-words. The cost are calculated with a high-average CPC value of 1 USD and a cap of 100 clicks per day. This will set the daily cost of banners on 100 USD per day, leading to a total of 18,300 USD or €17,393 over the course of the campaign. 1 Designing all the visuals will cost another €1880. 9.1.3 | LOCATION BASED MARKETING The location based marketing is calculated by filling it in on Facebook Advertising. This way also is known how many people will be reached. With this budget, between 75.000 and 200.000 people will be reached. 9.1.4 | DISCOUNT MAIL Sending an e-mail with a discount ticket automatically to the people who fill in their e-mail address when posting a picture with the photo filter will cost about €30. 1

Dan Shewan, 2016

9.2 | OFFLINE CHANNELS 9.2.1 | INSTAGRAM BOARD The instagram boards will be printed on Foam Board, because this is cheap and very effective. It is calculated that this will cost around €400.1 9.2.2 | DISCOUNT TICKET Making discount tickets and printing them will cost about €500. 9.2.3 | EMPLOYEES There are employees needed for the campaign, at the VivoCity shopping mall. The costs of employees are based on the Dutch minimum wage. 9.2.4 | MADAME TUSSAUDS SINGAPORE ENTRANCE Decorating the entrance will cost around €800. The huge screen may cost around €5000. If there is enough budget, a video screen will be installed. 2

1 2 24

CopyCenter, 2017 2B Designer, 2016


10 | EVALUATION The starting point of this project are the four goals that have to be achieved, also known as objectives. The objectives are very crucial, without them it would be impossible to create a good strategy for Madame Tussauds Singapore. Each component from the KAB-model (knowledge, attitude and behavior) is processed in the objectives. To evaluate the objectives, it is important to know which methods could help with that. Because every objective is different, it will mean that the methods are also going to be varied. First objective: “Our goal is to reach 15% of the European stopover tourists at the VivoCity shopping mall over the course of our campaign.� What has to be attended to at the first objective, is whether this campaign has succeeded to reach 15% of the European stopover tourists or not. Research has learned us that VivoCity has 140.000 visitors on a daily basis. Around the half of the visitors are tourists. 10,7% of the tourists are from Europe. That means that this campaign will have to reach 1124 people to succeed this objective. At the VivoCity there will be two employees with the Instagram boards, as explained in chapter 7. The method that will be used to know if this campaign has reached 15% of the European stopover tourists, is a very simple one. The two employees just need to keep the score of the amount of people that are willing to make a photo with an Instagram board. Only then, you really know if people came into contact with the campaign of Madame Tussauds Singapore. It is very easy and the employees will just need a pen and paper. Second objective: “Our goal is that our target group becomes aware of the fact that Madame Tussauds Singapore is not just a wax statue museum, but a whole unique experience. What has to be measured at the second objective, is if this campaign was able to let people know that Madame Tussauds Singapore has become more than a wax statue museum. What has to be attend at the third objective is, if people have become more positive towards Madame Tussauds Singapore through this campaign. It is very important to influence the attitude of people towards Madame Tussauds Singapore. At the beginning of the campaign, the (potential) customers will be approached through social media. The social media network that plays a major part in this campaign will be Facebook. Facebook is actually the starting point of the concept. That is why it will be the perfect place to do a market research. This is a research method that helps to collect information about (potential) customers. These days it is also used a lot on social media. Because of the fact that Facebook is one of the means to try reach the target group, it will be very useful to question them on this social media network. After people have made a snapshot on Facebook, people can fill in a little list of questions. With the answers, there information can be gained about what they think about Madame Tussauds Singapore. This is very important to find out if the potential customers are convinced of the fact That Madame Tussauds Singapore is more than a wax statue museum. Especially when they are planning to go to Singapore. The market research will be quantitative. This is because the expectation is that a large amount of people will have to be surveyed to have a clear image of the target group. Examples of questions could be: Were you aware of the fact that there is a Madame Tussauds in Singapore ? Is the image that you had from Madame Tussauds changed in comparison to the image that you had before? 26

If you are planning to go Singapore, would you visit Madame Tussauds Singapore based on what you know now? Third objective: “By the end of our campaign, the increased brand knowledge amongst the target group should lead to a more positive attitude towards Madame Tussauds Singapore, viewing the company as more versatile and less dull.” What has to be payed attention to at the third objective is, if people have become more positive towards Madame Tussauds Singapore through this campaign. It is very important to influence the attitude of people towards Madame Tussauds Singapore. This objective will give a clear representation of the image of Madame Tussauds Singapore. Most of the people who are going to travel will do a little research for themselves. Things like searching for: what to do, special things to see etc. are one of the habits that every (stopover)tourists does. For example TripAdvisor, is a site where people can write and read a lot of reviews of attractions. These reviews could be very crucial. Because if they are not positive (enough), the chance is high that other people who read the reviews are rather going to another attraction. Madame Tussauds Singapore could do a zero measurement before the campaign, and a measurement after the campaign. Then they would be able to see if the attitude has changed in comparison with the results from the zero measurement. The only problem would be that there is a chance that few people will take the time to write a review on sites like TripAdvisor. That is why it would be a better idea to use a survey, to find out if the attitude of the customers has changed. Also with this method it would be handy to first make a zero measurement. By the end of the campaign will be checked if the attitude has changed or not. Because of the fact that a part of the e-mail addresses are already known by sending them a discount mail earlier, it would be easier to send them a short survey after their visit. In this survey questions will be asked about the experience of the customers and they can leave short comments or points of improvement. One of the advantages of online survey is that most people are not affraid to tell the truth. That is why it will help a lot to research if the target group has become more positive towards Madame Tussauds Singapore. Fourth objective: “Social media interaction between Madame Tussauds and their customers will be increased from an IPM of 0,81 in this year, to an IPM of 2,00 at the end of our campaign.” What has to be measured at the fourth objective, is if this campaign has lead to more social media interaction between Madam Tussauds and their customers. The measurement tool that is going to be used for the last objective is IPM. IPM stands for interaction per mille. One of the biggest advantages of this measurement tool is that you can compare several social media pages based on the IPM scores. At this moment, the IPM of Madame Tussauds on social media is 0,81. The goal is to increase that an IPM of 2,00. Whether this campaign has helped to increase the interaction between MTS and its customers will be calculated at the end of the campaign. De IPM formula: ((Amount of comments and likes) / amount of posts)) / followers) = IPM


11 | LITERATURE - Campaign Brief Asia. (20-11-2013). Wildlife Reserves Singapore launches wildlife experience campaign for locals and tourists. Retrieved from - Copycenter. (2017). Foam bords. Retrieved from plaatmaterialen/foamborden.html - Genting group. (2015). Group profile. Retrieved from gent.htm - HR-manager Madame Tussauds Singapore. 15-09-2016. Kick-off video - Sentosa. (2013). Madame Tussauds Singapore. Retrieved from main/attractions/madame-tussauds-singapore/76#!/ - Shewan, Dan. (8-12-2016). How Much Does Google AdWords Cost? Retrieved from http://www. - Singapore Tourism Board. (2017). Changi Museum. Retrieved from http://www.yoursingapore. com/see-do-singapore/history/history-museums/changi-museum.html - TripAdvisor. (2014-2017). Madame Tussauds Singapore. Retrieved from https://www.tripadvisor. com/Attraction_Review-g294264-d7178019-Reviews-Madame_Tussauds_Singapore-Sentosa_ Island.html - VivoCity. (9-11-2006). Press Release. Retrieved from page?show=pr2006d - 2B Designer. (2016). Prices. Retrieved from


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