January Natural Awakenings Long Island

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Dial Down STRESS How to Stay Calm and Cool


Guidelines Restore Wheat to the Table



Smart Eats

for Healthy Weight Kids


The Future of the City

January 2018 | Long Island Edition | NaturalAwakeningsLI.com 1

NA Edition/Location

website address

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Long Island Edition


The Real Truth About Health FREE 10 DAY CONFERENCE (come for all or any of the days you choose) All speakers will appear live on stage at the

Hilton Long Island/Huntington | 598 Broadhollow Road, Melville, NY 11747

Joel Fuhrman, MD

Super Immunity: The Essential Nutrition Guide for Boosting Your Body's Defenses to Live Longer, Stronger, and Disease Free

Pamela A. Popper, Ph.D., N.D.

Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., MD,

Brian Clement, Ph.D., L.N.,

Food Over Medicine: The Conversation That Could Save Your Life

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure

Living Foods for Optimum Health : Staying Healthy in an Unhealthy World

Gabriel Cousens, MD

Peter Wadhams, ScD

There Is a Cure for Diabetes

A Farewell to Ice: A Report from the Arctic

Del Big Tree VAXXED: Medical Freedom Hanging in the Balance

T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted And the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, And Long-term Health

Brenda Davis Becoming Vegan: The Complete Reference to Plant-Based Nutrition

Jeffrey M. Smith

Andrew Kimbrell

Dr. Ben Johnson

Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods

Your Right to Know: Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in Your Food

No Ma'amograms!: Radical Rethink on Mammograms

Devra Davis, Ph.D.

Sheldon Krimsky, Ph.D.

Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Is Doing to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family

The GMO Deception: What You Need to Know about the Food, Corporations, and Government Agencies Putting Our Families and Our Environment at Risk

Dr. Richard A. Oppenlander Food Choice and Sustainability: Why Buying Local, Eating Less Meat, and Taking Baby Steps Won't Work

Over 35 of the world's top authors are here to tell you the unbiased, accurate, scientifically proven truth about health, nutrition, the food system, the medical system and the environment.

For more information and to register FOR FREE go to:

www.RealTruthTalks.com | 516.921.1417 , F E B R U A RY 2 - 1 1


FREE Vegan Pizza from 3 Brothers Pizza Cafe served every night at 5:30 & 9:30 January 2018 FREE Vegan Ice Cream served every day after every lecture3



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How to Stay Calm and Cool



Food Choices that Prevent Obesity



Eight Ways to Restore Gut Health








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Keep Moving to Stay Fit



Choose Earth-Friendly Alternatives


Relax, Experience, Discover!

An Excerpt From Chapter 1 of Peter Wadhams’ Book


Five Ways to Manifest Our Desires BOOK YOUR ESCAPE: CostaRicaSurfTrip.com

DEPARTMENTS 8 news briefs 12 health briefs 20 global briefs 28 healing ways 34 healthy kids 36 conscious

eating 40 fit body 42 green living 46 inspiration 4

Long Island Edition


12 47 calendar 48 classifieds 51 resource guide

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.

The Real Truth About Health FREE 10 DAY CONFERENCE (come for all or any of the days you choose)


All speakers will appear live on stage at the Hilton Long Island Huntington 598 Broadhollow Road, Melville, NY 11747

Cell Phone Radiation e! scares m science

What does the how can d actually say any reduce ll a c ti I drama my risk?



ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 516-578-6903 or email Kelly@NALIMag.com. Deadline for ads: the 15th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS For articles, news items and ideas, visit our website, NaturalAwakeningsLI.com, under “advertise” to submit. Deadline for editorial: the 10th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS For calendar listings, visit our website, NaturalAwakeningsLI.com, under “calendar” to submit. Deadline for calendar: the 10th of the month. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! To place your ad in other markets call 516-578-6903. Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing, franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. For franchising opportunities, call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakenings.com.

Over 35 of the world's top authors are here to tell you the unbiased, accurate, scientifically proven truth about health, nutrition, the food system, the medical system and the environment. For more information and to register FOR FREE go to:

www.RealTruthTalks.com 516.921.1417

F E B R U A RY 2 - 1 1

, 2018 January 2018


publisher’s letter


2018—filled with the hope of possibilities yet to be realized!


hat is my mantra for this year; I want to recognize the possibilities that exist within time—any time—but for the purpose of this letter, specifically the time of 2018. When we look at the calendar, we should all see possibility. Time = possibility. I can’t emphasize enough what an important equation this is!

So, how will you use this time? Personally, I am going to start with resolutions. I am going to be resolute in whatever I choose to do. My sister is resolute. Every morning this past year, without fail, she made it to the gym. Because of this resolute behavior, she has met a new group of friends. These friends share and talk about their lives. When she leaves the gym, she feels good knowing she has made a healthy choice and is ready to make more healthy choices. BAM! One resolute healthy behavior will lead to another, and another, and another. Exercise of her body; meeting friends; a little bit of “talk” therapy; and then maybe, just maybe, the next step will be an organic green smoothie on the way home! (If she is reading this, and I know she is, she is saying, “Don’t push it, Kelly.” ) Seriously though, exercising with friends, that’s a great start to the day. Every day!

Kelly Martinsen, Publisher

Another idea is to be resolute utilizing my recently published self-help book, A Year of Inspired Living (AYOIL) (shameless plug—forgive me—but I really believe in the book’s ability to transform lives!). AYOIL features all of these publisher letters you have enjoyed so much over the years and gives space for you to write your own experiences. I have found that putting pen to paper is a profound way of practicing mindfulness. If these ideas sound too lofty, how about choosing something that SHOULD be so easy: Be resolute about being kind. Offer kindness to your friends (yes, I know it was a rough holiday season and they got on your nerves!), your kids (they also got on your nerves), your sisters (we spend a lifetime focused on getting on each other’s nerves) and your spouse (do I even have to say it? ). Yet for all the ways we can irritate one another, it is much kinder to release that irritation. Offering kindness doesn’t have to mean being kind to someone you know. Offer kindness to a stranger through volunteering, service work, or even just smiling at them when they walk by. It will bring you profound joy (don’t believe me, try it right now!). Maybe the kindness needs to start with us. When we are kind to ourselves, it is much easier to be kind to others. Self-kindness is recognizing that you should be at the gym first thing in the morning for your body, mind and spirit. Leaving the gym, you may use those feel-good endorphins to extend your kindness to others. 2018 is a blank slate for you to write on—to create the person you want to be. Do you want to be someone that is resolute about living a kind and healthy lifestyle? If so, choose one healthy habit and stick with it and watch it ignite more healthy habits; watch as 2018 catapults you into not only “a year of inspired living” but a lifetime of it! Malama Pono!

Long Island Edition

PUBLISHER Kelly McGrath Martinsen EDITORS Sara Gurgen Theresa Archer DESIGN & PRODUCTION Suzzanne M. Siegel COVER SELECTION DNR Martinsen ADVERTISING SALES Carol Leitner

CONTACT US phone: 516-578-6903 fax: 516-953-3475 Publisher@AwakeLI.com For Editorial Product Review consideration: Mail product to PO Box 1104 Long Beach, NY, attention: Product Editor. Delivery does not guarantee review. SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available by sending $25 (for 12 issues) to the above address.

NATIONAL TEAM CEO/FOUNDER Sharon Bruckman NATIONAL EDITOR Alison Chabonais MANAGING EDITOR Linda Sechrist NATIONAL ART DIRECTOR Stephen Blancett SR. ART/MKTG. DIRECTOR Steve Hagewood FINANCIAL MANAGER Mary Bruhn FRANCHISE DIRECTOR Anna Romano RANCHISE SUPPORT MGR. Heather Gibbs F WEBSITE COORDINATOR Rachael Oppy NATIONAL ADVERTISING Kara Scofield Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation 4933 Tamiami Trail N., Ste. 203 Naples, FL 34103 Ph: 239-434-9392 • Fax: 239-434-9513 NaturalAwakeningsMag.com © 2018 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.

Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S® 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines

The statements in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Therefore the information listed is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.




Natural Awakenings is printed on non-glossy newsprint to protect the environment.

The Real Truth About Health FREE 10 DAY CONFERENCE (come for all or any of the days you choose)

All speakers will appear live on stage at the Hilton Long Island Huntington 598 Broadhollow Road, Melville, NY 11747

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www.RealTruthTalks.com 516.921.1417

F E B R U A RY 2 - 1 1

, 2018 January 2018


news briefs Lo n g I s l a n d

Natural Awakenings Family of Franchises Keeps Growing



atural Awakenings Publishing Corp. (NAPC) welcomed two new publishers to a recent training session at the corporate headquarters in Naples, Florida. The NAPC staff spent several days with these entrepreneurs, discussing the ins and outs of taking over publication of existing Natural Awakenings magazines in Washington, D.C., and the Twin Cities of Minnesota. Founded by Chief Executive Officer Sharon Bruckman with a single edition in Naples in 1994, Natural Awakenings has grown to become one of the largest, free, local, healthy living publications in the world, serving more than 3.5 million readers each month via more than 80 magazines published in cities across the U.S. and in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. “Our devoted family of publishers, supported by advertisers, informs readers of many leading-edge national and local resources that offer paths to a happier, healthier and longer life,” says Bruckman. “Our active and growing readership has helped increase interest in naturally healthy living that has influenced mainstream America and is beneficial for people and the planet.”


For a list of locations where Natural Awakenings is published or to learn more about franchising opportunities, call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakenings.com. See ad on page 54.

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Long Island Edition

World-Renowned Sanskrit Teacher Manorama Visits Long Island


oga Nanda in Garden City has hosted numerous workshops taught by established teachers from all around the world, and this January is no exception. As part of its annual Path to Self-Realization 200-Hour Teacher Training, the studio will host Manorama as she leads a workshop, titled The Culture of the Modern Yogi & Sanskrit on Saturday, January 20. Manorama is the founder of both the Sanskrit Studies Method and the Luminous Soul Method, and tours the globe sharing these methods with students and teachers alike. She offers a direct, easy and joyful approach to learning Sanskrit, and her courses are infused with inspiration and humor. This workshop is an introduction to the Sanskrit language and the culture of the modern yogi. Participants will look at select sounds of the Sanskrit alphabet, including two commonly chanted mantras in yoga classes around the globe. They will practice pronouncing select asana names and learn about the importance and significance of proper Sanskrit pronunciation and the language’s capacity for vibrational healing. Participants will also be introduced to the Luminous Soul Meditation and select principles for authentic yogic living, which can be used to cultivate a peaceful state of mind at any time. Manorama’s teachings are as inspiring as her presence. Anyone interested in truly deepening their understanding of yoga, its context, and its capacity for deep healing is encouraged to attend. Location: 55 Hilton Ave., Garden City. For more information or to register, visit Yoga-Nanda.com. See ad on page 14.

Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life. ~Mark Twain


Make Your New Year’s Resolution Now—Volunteer in 2018!


ong Island Crisis Center, the 24 hours-a-day, seven days-aweek suicide prevention and crisis intervention hotline, is currently recruiting volunteers to participate in its upcoming Counselor Assistant Training Program. With suicide rates increasing and at-risk populations growing, the Crisis Center is asking the community to get involved, become a lifesaving partner and make a difference in 2018. No counseling experience is necessary and the hours are flexible to accommodate the individual needs of volunteers. Completion of the Counselor Assistant training is a prerequisite for the Crisis Center’s Counselor Training, which begins in March. The free, comprehensive orientation training program takes place over three three-hour sessions at the Crisis Center’s office in Bellmore. January’s training will be held on three successive Tuesday evenings from 7 to 10 p.m. on January 9, 16 and 23. February’s training will be held on three successive Thursday evenings from 7 to 10 p.m. on February 8, 15 and 22. To start the process, visit LongIslandCrisisCenter.org and click on “volunteer,” then call 516-826-0244 to schedule an interview.

Wanted: Yoga Studios to Participate in YogAnalysis A&P


ogAnalysis has recently been accepted as a member school in the International Association of Yoga Therapists. Their A&P (assessment and plan) is beneficial with any yoga style. YogAnalysis is looking to partner with yoga studios that want to offer practitioners decreased injuries and a way to sustain a healthy practice.

For more information, call 631-440-7007 or email LoveServeGive@YogAnalysis.org. See ad on page 45.

Whole Foods and Natural Awakenings Team up for Pop-Up Wellness Event


atural Awakenings Long Island (NALI) and Whole Foods Lake Grove are partnering to bring the best in pop-up wellness to customers on Thursday, January 18, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Along with NALI staff, many advertisers will be on hand to share the latest in healthy living—including integrative practitioners, dentists, body sculpting practitioners, health coaches, and more. Remember, it is only through the support of our advertisers that we are able to provide this magazine, filled with such informative and important content, month after month. So, if you love NALI, stop by to meet them and offer a quick “thanks!”

The Real Truth About Health FREE 10 DAY CONFERENCE (come for all or any of the days you choose)

All speakers will appear live on stage at the Hilton Long Island Huntington 598 Broadhollow Road, Melville, NY 11747

ow How do I kn e c the differen itional nutr between the that are supplements e ones safe and th t? that are no

Over 35 of the world's top authors are here to tell you the unbiased, accurate, scientifically proven truth about health, nutrition, the food system, the medical system and the environment. For more information and to register FOR FREE go to:

www.RealTruthTalks.com 516.921.1417

F E B R U A RY 2 - 1 1

, 2018

Location: 120 New Moriches Rd., in Lake Grove. January 2018


New Location for Sharon McDermott, LAc, of Healthy Healing ARE YOU HA

news briefs

Feng Shui and the Law of Attraction



eng shui relates to the energy of our spaces. The law of attraction (LOA) relates to the ealthy Healing recently moved to 55 PREGNANT O energy of our emotions. Together they are a powerful tool to get the life you want. Post Avenue, Suite 206, in Westbury. LOA states that “like attracts like” and what we put out, we get back. LOA is always Yvette Quintana, LMT, will also be joining working and giving us what we want based on our vibration (how we feel), rather than owner Sharon McDerwhat we say. The best way to get what you want is to be grateful for what you already mott, LAc, at the practice. have and get clear on what you want. “We continue to provide Shar At the top of this vibrational scale are feelings of joy, love, individualized treatment M.S., enthusiasm and optimism. At the lower end of this scale are that includes acupuncture, feelings of depression, powerlessness, fear, anger, shame, Chinese herbs, cupping and Licensed Acupunc Board Certified Ch guilt and so on. When your space is overwhelming, you massage,” says McDermott, who is also a will feel this in your energy field. When you are content, Young Living essential oils distributor. you will attract more of these good feelings to you, thethe 1st to learn There be analternative Open House celebraBeand among aboutwill a natural empowering you same is true of the opposite end of the scale. Yourtohome is 516-410-4297 | tion on Friday, January 19, from 4 to 6 achieve the highest quality of life through natural hormone balancing. Post Avenue, very important to how your life plays out, and to how you p.m., and Saturday, January 20,55from 2 to Being the superhuman you are comes at feel, on a day-to-day basis. If you dread coming home for Oxford Provider, Out o 4 p.m. Refreshments will be served. RSVP a price. Hurried schedules, lack of sleep some reason, this will lower your vibration and you will repel as well as the aging process Government takes it’s toll Plan, Unite to 516-410-4297 or HealthyHealing12@ causing stress that affects blood sugar, sex what you desire. gmail.com. hormones and more. By using LOA, you can raise your vibration and turn your life in the Symptoms can include: direction you want to go. Life will always throw you curve balls, but when you are aware Fatigue Weight gain For information about upcoming workshops Irregular sleep Hot flashes of how your vibration affects you, you can decide to raise it, even when life does not go on essential healing theMood gut swings and qigong Nightoils, sweats your way. BeBalanced’s uses the power of exercises, and more,program visit HealthyHealingLI. hormone balancing to work with your I can help you raise your vibration by using different processes that help you become com. Seenatural ad on page 35. body to correct key hormone imbalances Before aware of how your feelings affect what you attract to you, and how to shift them. that are holding you back. Through dietary After

Change your Hormones Change your Life

changes and our unique supplementation we work with you to get your body back in balance.

January special: Twenty-Seven Days to Simplify Starting January 8 (prep day) and ending on February 4, feng shui your space for Chinese Our new location. New Year to attract good luck for 2018. Declutter now and be ready for spring! A 27-day Your new beginning. Free Hormone Assessment doable and life-changing course to shift the energy of your home. Start 2018 off right by If we identify there is a problem we will design a plan for you getting rid of lots of stuff you don’t use or need—and possibly body clutter as well. First e among the first to learn about a based on your hormone-related A few feng shui basics and LOA processes will be given to change the flowsymptoms of energy and overall health. natural alternative that will allow you willhormone receive abalancing. FREE gift and shift the way you think about things. Show up and commit to change your life. to achieve natural

Change Your Hormones, Change Your Life


These are the results you will get: Learn new habits to make your life easier. Let go of lots of clutter and free up space. Gain a sense of completion every day. Complete tasks you have been procrastinating about. Get clear on what you want.

“Being the super-

690 Stewart Avenue human you are Garden City NY 11530 Call 516.491.6067comes today to up ” at set a price, a FREE consultation and assessment

To learn more and to sign up, contact Carmel Malone-Quane at 917-974-7164 or FengShuiWithCarmel@gmail.com. See ad on page 29.


Long Island Edition


says Kim Petry, owner of BeBalanced, in Garden City. Hurried schedules, lack of sleep as well as the aging process itself all take a toll, causing problems with blood sugar, hormones and more. Patients experience fatigue, poor sleep, night sweats, weight gain, hot flashes, mood swings and more. BeBalanced’s program uses the power of natural hormone balancing to work with your body to correct key hormone imbalances that are holding you back. BeBalanced offers a free hormone assessment to help you identify your unique balancing needs.


The format for the Twenty-Seven Days to Simplify is a closed Facebook page where you get directions and you can ask questions in a supportive environment (or email if you prefer). You get simple daily tasks, and then you’re done for the day. This is a pilot program with the special offer of $108. This cost can be deducted from any future feng shui consultation or coaching program with Carmel Malone-Quane.

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking. ~Marcus Aurelius


Location: 590 Stewart Ave., in Garden City. To set up a free consultation and assessment, call 516-491-6067 and mention this brief. See ad on page 29.

Steven M. Rachlin, M.D. is a Medical Doctor specializing in Internal Medicine. He is recognized as a pioneer & top Physician devoting his practice to Alternative & Holistic Medicine. He has been an advocate of natural medicine for over 30 years and is dedicated to the prevention of disease, empowering patients by giving them the tools to obtain optimum health

Rachlin Center

Alternative Medicine A Holistic Approach to Better Health

At the Rachlin Center our mission is to bring each person to optimum wellbeing and provide strategies for health risks and successful results. Our workups include cardiovascular risk reduction, complete blood work evaluation, and a tailored wellness program. We combine the best of Holistic & Traditional Medicine. Dr. Rachlin is certified in Chelation, (removing heavy metals from the blood). We offer nutritional programs for reversing heart disease. Customized medically supervised vitamin supplementation.

We are the premier center for IV Therapy on Long Island. Our IV Vitamin Therapy Drips improve health & wellness and treat acute & chronic medical conditions. Benefits include: improved cellular nutrition with no side effects, stress reduction, increased energy, overall health benefits.

WE TREAT: Metabolic Imbalances, Environmental & Food Allergies, Chronic Pain, Cancer, Leukemia, Nutritional Imbalances, Migraines, Gastric disorders, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Hormone Imbalances (female/male) Low testosterone, Menopause, Diabetes, Low Blood Sugar Heavy Metal Toxicity, Dementia Parkinson’s, Lyme Disease, Celiac, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Depression, Detoxification, Heart disease SOME MODALITIES OFFERED: Complete Metabolic Blood workup, IV & Oral Nutritional Supplementation, Immunotherapy, Allergy workups Alternative Cancer approach, Testosterone Injections, Detoxification Programs, Anti-aging Weight Loss, Chelation Therapy Our state of the art Vitamin store is available to all interested in supplementing their nutritional needs. Walk-ins are welcome for nutrition consultations. We carry a complete line of physician quality vitamin supplements, health products, Cardiovascular & health management supplements. We also have supplements for pets.

Call 516 873-7773

Fax: 516 877-7365 STEVEN M. RACHLIN, M.D., P.C. 927 Willis Ave, Albertson NY


The Real Truth About Health FREE 10 DAY CONFERENCE (come for all or any of the days you choose)

All speakers will appear live on stage at the Hilton Long Island Huntington 598 Broadhollow Road, Melville, NY 11747

“World on Cusp of a tic io Post-AntibNews Era” – BBuC can do right Learn what yo ct you and now to prote ily. your fam

Over 35 of the world's top authors are here to tell you the unbiased, accurate, scientifically proven truth about health, nutrition, the food system, the medical system and the environment. For more information and to register FOR FREE go to:

www.RealTruthTalks.com 516.921.1417

F E B R U A RY 2 - 1 1

, 2018


January 2018


health briefs

Researchers at the Imperial College London say that five servings of fruits and vegetables is a good start, but more is better. After conducting a worldwide meta-analysis of 2 million people that compared early mortality rates from cardiovascular disease and cancer, they recommend eating at least 10 three-ounce vegetable and fruit servings per day, which could prevent up to 7.8 million premature deaths each year.

AEROBICS KEEP THE BRAIN YOUNG Simple movement turns out to be the best way to lift mood, improve memory and protect the brain against age-related cognitive decline, according to Harvard Medical School researchers in an article, “Aerobic Exercise is the Key for Your Head, Just as It is for Your Heart.” Even brisk walking or jogging for 45 minutes can alleviate depression. The Journal of Physical Therapy Science notes that aerobic workouts can help people feel less stressed by reducing levels of the body’s natural stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. 12

Long Island Edition




Daily Produce Servings Prevent Early Death


Healthy diet options of spinach and kale may also help keep our brains fit. In a study from the University of Illinois appearing in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 60 adults between 25 and 45 years old having higher levels of lutein, a nutrient found in green, leafy vegetables, avocados and eggs, had neural responses more on par with younger people than others of their own age. Lutein is a nutrient that the body can’t make on its own, so it must be acquired through diet. It accumulates in brain tissues and the eyes, which allows researchers to measure levels without using invasive techniques.

Natali Zakharova/Shutterstock.com

Lutein in Greens and Eggs Slows Cognitive Aging

A Healthy Smile is

Golden Alternatives to Enhance Oral Health

Golden Dental Wellness Center


eople go to the gym to help improve their overall body health, but what can people do at home to improve oral health? Many easy do-it-yourself methods can be used to significantly improve oral hygiene. Just as some cardiovascular diseases can be prevented with regular exercise, many dental problems can be prevented with the right home remedies. Good dental hygiene requires regular dental checkups. However, dental hygiene can be adequately maintained and diseases prevented based primarily on how well we care for our oral cavity at home. The first step is regular brushing and flossing of teeth. Furthermore, the use of oral irrigators (water picks) help remove debris and plaque on teeth and below the gingival line. Your diet can also affect both your oral and systemic health. Sources of refined sugar, such as sodas, cookies and candies, are detrimental to teeth, as their consumption results in the development of tooth decay, arguably the single-most common childhood disease worldwide. Excessive sugar consumption can also lead to diseases, such as liver disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. A healthy diet for holistic oral health includes eating crunchy fruits, fibrous vegetables, milk products and nuts, and drinking plenty of water. One natural remedy for whitening teeth is to perform oil pulling, which is believed to significantly whiten teeth and improve overall health. Dental diseases can also be treated with natural remedies. Cloves are known to contain an analgesic effect on the gums and can relieve tooth and gum pain. Rinsing with a homemade warm saline solution or a solution with lemon juice and water is a potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory remedy effective against gingivitis. A paste of turmeric powder or baking soda also has similar effects. Strawberries also effectively remove plaque from teeth. All these remedies also help to prevent bad breath, along with frequent drinking of water and eating of crunchy fruits, which stimulate saliva production. When it comes to optimal oral health, your at-home efforts are vital in keeping teeth healthy and strong. Source: Linda J. Golden, DDS, of Golden Dental Wellness Center (444 Community Dr., Ste. 204, Manhasset). For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 516-627-8400.

LINDA J. GOLDEN, D.D.S. We accept a limited variety of insurances. We provide Care Credit along with Springstone Patient Financing, making your preferred treatment options affordable. 444 Community Drive, Suite 204 Manhasset, NY 11030 516-627-8400 120 East 56th Street, 12th Floor New York, NY 10022 212-973-9425 GoldenDental@optonline.net Call for details of our services or visit our website Se Habla EspaĂąol!


GoldenSmile.com January 2018


health briefs

Sure, I take a Probiotic

treatment for either of those issues, probiotics would be an ideal after-care treatment to solidify Probiotics are so important for our gut health, the digestive system to prevent future issues. given that our food has often been processed, Prebiotics can also cause confusion. Prepreserved and cooked, stripping it of this livbiotics are compounds found helpful to populate ing nutrient. Probiotics have been implicated in the good bacteria in our gut. The most common everything from normal digestive balance and name for prebiotics is FOS (fructo-oligo-polyfunction to weight control, detoxification, vitamin saccharides). Almost all come in the form of a production and more. The variety and balance fiber called inulin, which in turn, is almost entirely Dr. David Pollack of probiotics have a major impact on our health, from chicory root. It’s amazing that almost all dog and the imbalances virtually all of us have start at food contains chicory for this reason, but most birth, and perhaps even before that. Much research shows modern medicine ignores its benefit for humans almost that our major introduction to our body’s natural defense, entirely. I wish that were the only case where conventional and probiotics, begins in the birth canal and is enhanced veterinary medicine was ahead of conventional medicine. and expanded by our mother’s milk. C-section and storeWhat FOS/inulin does is provide a food source to slow the bought milk and formula do not provide this benefit. As movement of the probiotics through the gut and allow for a result, hundreds of studies show those missing out on the attachment to the gut lining. Diversity is also an importhese natural processes have increased risk of asthma, tant goal with probiotics. Ensuring that a wide variety of allergies and other childhood issues. Other studies even bacterial species inhabit the gut has wide-ranging effects. suggest lifelong health conditions result, including weight Varied species allow for better and more complete nutrient issues and a variety of inflammatory issues. processing, vitamin production, and resistance to disease. Many of us already know probiotics are good for our Probiotics are not only an integral part of gut health gut health. Often, I get the impression, especially from new but of our complete health as well. Dosage, species/ patients during our initial consultation, that probiotics are strains and formulations can make a huge difference in the end all and be all for our digestive system. Sometime patient tolerance, effectiveness and long-term outcome they equate all other digestive support, such as herbs, of probiotics use. Just because you might not feel your enzymes, etc., as being probiotics. Probiotics are only probiotic, doesn’t mean it’s not working. The opposite is beneficial living bacteria that are necessary for the function true as well; if you become bloated, this may or may not of our digestive systems. We are hoping that by taking a be a bad reaction, but I would recommend anyone takprobiotic, it will cause the bacteria contained inside to set ing probiotics for a clinical effect due so with an experiup shop and populate our gut, specifically the small intesenced practitioner’s supervision. For those with significant tines. It is almost as if we are intentionally trying to infect digestive issues, probiotics are an important part of care, our digestive systems with good bacteria, which will help but often not the main treatment—sometimes even inapprevent bad bacteria. They are only helpful when necespropriate depending on the timing and situation. sary and at the appropriate time. For example, for someone Source: Dr. David Pollack, of Pollack Wellness Institute (66 experiencing acid reflux caused by excessive stress or gall Commack Rd., Ste. 204, Commack). For more information, bladder dysfunction, probiotics would be unlikely to help or call 631-462-0801 or visit PollackWellness.com. See ad change the situation. However, after an appropriate natural on page 2.


Long Island Edition



Sleep-Disordered Breathing/ Porcelain Crowns and Bridges Veneers Sleep Apnea in Children Root Canal Therapy

There is aTeeth silent crisis among America’s children involvWhitening ing the following signs and symptoms: ADD/ADHD, bed Composites/Inlays/Onlays Periodontal wetting, difficultyTreatment in school, mouth breathing, snoring, Preferred Provider dark circlesInvisalign® under eyes, restless sleep, stunted growth, & Orthodontist on Staff aggressive behavior, nightmares and daytime drowsiness. Smile® One in 10Snap-on kids suffer from one or more of these symptoms. The research points to limited or no breast feeding, resulting in weak tongue and orofacial muscles. The soft diet and processed foods that we eat starting from our infancy contribute to our weakened oral musculature and results in 1739 N. Ocean Ave Suite D Medford, NY 11763 underdeveloped dental arches and jaws. This then leads t. 631.447.8073 I raiodental.com to mouth breathing and snoring, swollen adenoids and tonsils, a low tongue position, a narrow palate, crooked and crowded teeth, and overbites. The vicious cascade of events then results in sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) in children and adults. The end product of not getting enough oxygen while sleeping can lead to debilitating symptoms, such as nightmares and night terrors, ADD/ADHD, chronic allergies and more. By guiding ideal growth and development of the middle and lower third of the head and airway, you promote growth and development of the whole body.


Dentures and Implant Supported Dentures

RED WINE LESS TOXIC THAN WHITE Alcohol has been linked with cancer in about 3.6 percent of cases worldwide, due to the presence of acetaldehyde, which damages DNA and prevents it from repairing itself. A study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention that involved 200,000 people found a distinct connection between white wine in particular and melanoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer. Sun exposure is a well-known cancer risk, but this and other studies have found that subjects often develop melanoma primarily on the trunks of their bodies, which are usually covered by clothing, and it is almost always curable if the cancer is caught early.

Friends are the siblings God never gave us. ~Mencius

Source: Dr. Dean Raio, of Raio Dental. For a free consultation or to learn more about ways to treat SDB, call Raio at 631-447-8073. See ad on page 19.

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January 2018


health briefs

An innocent daily hygiene routine may be associated with increased risk of pre-diabetes and diabetes, particularly for those already at high risk for the condition, according to a study by Rakesh P. Patel, of the Department of Pathology and Center for Free Radical Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, published December 2017 in the journal Nitric Oxide. Roughly 30 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes, a condition caused by high blood glucose levels. Nearly three times as many (84.1 million people) are diagnosed pre-diabetic as indicated by abovenormal blood glucose levels. The scientists came to their intriguing findings by analyzing the Jonathan Richter, DDS data of 1,206 overweight or obese adults aged 40 to 65. All adults were part of the San Juan Overweight Adults Longitudinal Study, and they were free of diabetes and major cardiovascular diseases at study baseline. Participants were asked how often they used mouthwash as part of the study. Forty-three percent said they used mouthwash once daily; 22 percent said twice or more. Over an average of three years of follow up, Patel and his team monitored the development of pre-diabetes and diabetes. Nine hundred and forty-five subjects with complete follow-up data were used for the final analysis. Compared with participants that did not use mouthwash, those that reported using mouthwash at least twice

daily were 55 percent more likely to develop pre-diabetes or diabetes over three years. Mouthwash use lower than twice daily showed no association toward disease development. These findings persisted after accounting for a number of possible confounding factors, including diet, oral hygiene, sleep disorders, medication use, fasting glucose levels, income and education levels.

Mouthwash and Bacteria Antibacterial ingredients contained in many over-thecounter mouthwashes—chlorhexidine, for example—kill bacteria to prevent gingivitis, tooth decay, and other oral health conditions. Patel and his colleagues suspect these compounds also destroy “good” mouth bacteria, causing a negative impact on the oral microbes needed for the formation of nitric oxide, a chemical that helps regulate insulin (the hormone that controls blood sugar). Therefore, the destruction of this beneficial bacteria could encourage the development of diabetes. It is important to note that more than 200 million people in the U.S. use mouthwash. While destruction of beneficial oral bacteria could encourage the development of diabetes and the cause for concern is valid, the findings are purely observational given the size of the study. The authors noted that further research is required before defined conclusions can be presented. Source: Jonathan Richter, DDS, FAGD, of Cariodontal (310 E. Shore Rd., Ste. 101, Great Neck). For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 516-282-0310 or visit Cariodontal.com. See ad on back cover.


Eating fish at least twice a week may significantly reduce the pain and swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis,in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the joints, creating swelling and pain. Studies have already shown the beneficial effect of fish oil supplements on rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, but a new study of 176 participants at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, in Boston, found that increasing the amount of fish containing omega-3 they ate weekly as a whole food lowered their disease activity. The Arthritis Foundation estimates that about 1.5 million people in the U.S. have the disease; women far more often than men. 16

Long Island Edition


Stephen VanHorn/Shutterstock.com

Could Mouthwash Be Contributing to Diabetes?

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a revolutionary leap forward in dental healing and grafting.

Simply put, blood is taken chair-side from your arm and in about 10 minutes, the blood is prepared and processed with absolutely NO CHEMICALS, and it is ready to use immediately to help you HEAL. The PRF plug that is created contains your own growth factors, growth proteins, healing platelet cytokines, and all the important regenerative stem cells. The PRF becomes your own dynamic super biomaterial to biologically stimulate bone and soft tissue repair and regeneration, and to aid and accelerate wound healing. This is one example of the exciting technology offered at Golan Family Dentistry. We strive to integrate traditional dentistry with modern equipment and techniques to enhance the biological experience of dentistry.

We focus on dentistry’s affects not only a specific tooth or area of the mouth but the body as a whole. Through the use of lasers, ozone and computerized dentistry, we hope to improve your dental visits and healing. Biomimetic dentistry is used to restore your teeth in a manner that tries to mimic the mechanical wonder that is a natural tooth. The doctors at Golan Family Dentistry look forward to addressing your dental needs while taking a systemic approach to devise the best customized comprehensive treatment plan to help you achieve dental wellness naturally. In the coming months we will be providing you with valuable information to educate and enhance your dental experience.

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January 2018


zhuk _ ladybug/Shutterstock.com

Widi Design/Shutterstock.com

health briefs

Mercury/Autism Brain Research Alert As the debate rages between health officials and vaccine critics about possible links to autism, mercury seems to be a specific bone of contention. It has long been present in the form of thimerisol, a preservative that inhibits bacterial contamination. Under government pressure, amounts have been reduced by the pharmaceutical industry to trace levels or eliminated, except in commonly recommended flu vaccines, some of which contain the food emulsifier polysorbate 80, which disrupts the blood-brain barrier and helps create an extremely effective delivery system for escorting neurotoxic ethylmercury and other heavy metals straight to the brain. The U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences reports that ethylmercury, in particular, gets metabolized into even more toxic inorganic mercury and remains in the brain for years.

Hemp Oil Cuts Seizure Frequency in Half Research from the New York University Langone Comprehensive Epilepsy Center has found that cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive extract of hemp oil, significantly reduces seizure rates in epileptics. Scientists there tested 120 children and young adults with epilepsy and found that the cannabidiol group’s number of seizures per month decreased from 12.4 to 5.9 compared to a statistically insignificant change in the placebo group.

FLOTATION THERAPY Luxurious way to soothe and heal the body from the constant stress of life’s daily pressure. You can leave the noise and confusion behind and perhaps, for the first time in your life, experience total relaxation and deep healing in your private, peaceful space. Offers relief from stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia and chronic pain. Enhances relaxation, healing, meditation, athletic training and concentration.


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Long Island Edition


Sugar Linked to Depression The journal Scientific Reports recently published a study that confirmed a link between a diet high in sugar and common mental disorders. In 2002, researchers from Baylor College found that higher rates of refined sugar consumption were associated with higher rates of depression. A 2015 study that included nearly 70,000 women found a higher likelihood of depression in those with high added sugar intake, but not in those with a high intake of naturally occurring sugars such as those found in fruit. The World Health Organization recommends that people reduce their daily intake of added sugars to less than 5 percent of their total energy intake; Americans typically consume three times that much. Meanwhile, one in six people worldwide suffers from a common mental problem such as a mood or anxiety disorder.



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global briefs

Urban Trees

Urban trees help reduce obesity and depression, improve productivity, boost educational outcomes and reduce incidences of asthma and heart disease for residents, yet according to The Nature Conservancy, American cities spend less than a third of 1 percent of municipal budgets on tree planting and maintenance. As a result, U.S. cities are losing 4 million trees per year. Each summer, thousands of unnecessary deaths result from heat waves in urban areas. Studies have shown that trees are a cost-effective solution. Too often, the presence or absence of urban nature and its associated benefits is tied to a neighborhood’s income level, resulting in dramatic health inequities. In some American cities, life expectancies in different neighborhoods located just a few miles apart can differ by as much as a decade. Not all of this health disparity is connected to the tree cover, but researchers are increasingly finding that neighborhoods with fewer trees have worse health outcomes, so inequality in access to urban nature can lead to worse health inequities.

Cigarette Cutback Higher Prices Lower Use

Research from the Medical University of Vienna found in a 30-year study that increasing prices for tobacco products by 5 percent reduced tobacco use by 3.5 percent.

To read the white paper, visit Tinyurl.com/FundingTreesForHealth.

Veggie Doctors

Cardiologists Urge Plant-Based Hospital Meals

The American College of Cardiology (ACC) is advising hospitals in improving patient menus by adding healthy, plant-based options and removing processed meats, which have been linked to 60,000 cardiovascular deaths annually. The ACC Heart-Healthy Food Recommendations for Hospitals states, “At least one plant-based main dish should be offered and promoted at every meal.” ACC also urges that processed meats such as bacon, sausage, ham, hot dogs and deli meats should not be offered at all. These guidelines extend to hospital cafeterias and onsite restaurants. The American Medical Association has also passed a resolution that calls on hospitals to provide similarly healthy meals. Processed meats are now considered carcinogenic to humans, according to the World Health Organization. A 50-gram serving a day—one hot dog or two strips of bacon—increases colorectal cancer risk by 18 percent. “Too many heart disease patients have had their recovery undermined by bacon and hot dogs on their hospital trays,” says Dr. Neal Barnard, president of the nonprofit Physicians Committee. 20

Long Island Edition




City Greenery Boosts Public Health

Meatless Millennials

Peter Bernik/Shutterstock.com

Young Vegetarians Worry Meat Industry

The 2017 Chicken Marketing Summit in North Carolina involved hundreds of leaders from fast-food chains, marketing agencies and poultry production companies discussing the fact that Americans are eating less poultry—and what to do about it. Richard Kottmeyer, a senior managing partner at Fork to Farm Advisory Services, explained that Millennials need to be “inspired and coached” to consume more animal products, according to an article published on WattAgNet.com, an industry website. “Compared to their parents, Millennials are more likely to believe in evolution and accept that climate change is occurring. They seek out facts and science to better understand a complex world, but the poultry industry doesn’t have any fact-based information to defend its cruel, unsanitary practices,” states animal rights advocate Nathan Runkle via EcoWatch.com. The majority of chickens raised for meat have been bred to grow so large so quickly that they collapse under their own unnatural weight. North Carolina has enacted an “ag-gag” bill, making it illegal to photograph or videotape animal abuse.

Tim UR/Shutterstock.com

Eco Pesticide

Safer Product Controls Citrus Pests

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and California Department of Pest Regulation have approved CRS Plus, an aerosol pheromone biopesticide product that disrupts the mating cycle of Aonidiella aurantii, also known as California Red Scale (CRS). Pheromones do not kill or damage the target insects, and are species-specific, so pollinators and other beneficial insect species are not affected. CRS attacks all aerial parts of citrus trees, including twigs, leaves, branches and fruit. Heavy infestations can cause reduced fruit quality, yellowing and dropping of leaves, dieback of twigs and limbs and even death of the tree. January 2018


Crackdown Needed

Glyphosate Found in Breakfast Foods

Of 24 breakfast food samples tested by the Alliance for Natural Health USA, 10 showed the presence of glyphosate. Executive and Legal Director Gretchen DuBeau states, “We expected that trace amounts would show up in foods containing large amounts of corn and soy. However, we were unprepared for just how invasive this poison has been to our entire food chain.” In the study, the chemical, now revealed to be a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organization, was found in oatmeal, bagels, eggs, potatoes and non-GMO soy coffee creamer. The presence of glyphosate in dairy products may be due to bioaccumulation in the tissue of animals. DuBeau adds, “Glyphosate has been linked to increases in levels of breast, thyroid, kidney, pancreatic, liver and bladder cancers, and is being served for breakfast, lunch and dinner worldwide. The fact that it is showing up in foods like eggs and coffee creamers, which don’t directly contact the herbicide, proves that it’s being passed on by animals that ingest it in their feed. This is contrary to everything that regulators and industry scientists have been telling the public.”


global briefs

Plumbing Progress monticello/Shutterstock.com

Australia’s Centre for Advanced Design in Engineering Training at Deakin University is practicing an affordable way to increase the availability of potable (drinkable) water in needy areas of the world. The project involves collecting plastic garbage from around the Pacific Islands and turning it into pellets, which are then extruded as 3-D printer filament to make replacement plumbing parts, often in short supply in those locations. That effort is called 3D WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), and the children’s charity Plan International Australia will be the first recipient (Plan.org.au).

Jakub Krechowicz/Shutterstock.com

Recycled Plastics Put to Good Use

Corporate Programs Boost Health and Bottom Line

Corporate wellness programs are linked to a 25 percent reduction in absenteeism and sick leave, 25 percent reduction in health costs and 32 percent reduction in workers compensation and disability costs, according to a 2016 meta-analysis of corporate wellness studies by Edelman Intelligence. For details, visit Tinyurl.com/EdelemansAtWork. 22

Long Island Edition



Wellness Works

Recycling Crusade San Francisco Moves Toward Zero Waste

The San Francisco Department of the Environment’s list of materials allowed in blue recycling bins has been expanded to include plastic bags, paper coffee cups, ice cream containers, milk or juice cartons and textiles; it is also downsizing refuse bins. It’s all part of a shift to using dual-compartment trucks to collect refuse from black bins and organic waste from green bins, with a dedicated truck for recyclables. A national leader in recycling, the city is one of the first to attempt a zero-waste target year of 2020. California has a goal of 75 percent recycling by 2020, having achieved a 44 percent rate in 2016. Los Angeles is making progress with a new commercial waste recycling system. Washington, D.C., has also expanded its list of accepted materials for recycling bins, but still doesn’t include plastic bags. With recent improvements to automated and optical sorting technology, some companies are becoming more accommodating about what they will accept.



MICHELLE NOVAK 7 DEADLY SINS OF OVERPRICING Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker Cell: 516.384.7744




1. Branding Problems

When a new listing hits the market, every agent quickly views the property to see if it’s a good fit for their clients. If your Branding Problems home is branded as “overpriced,” reigniting interest may newreduction. listing hits the market, every requireWhen a drasticaprice


agent quickly views the property to see if it’s 2. Selling The Competition a goodhelps fit for their clients. How? If your Overpricing your competition. Youhome make is their lower prices seem like bargains. Nothing is worse than branded as “overpriced”, reigniting interest watching your neighbors put up a sold sign. may require a drastic price reduction. 1. Branding Problems

7. Appraisal Problems

Even if you do find a buyer willing to pay an inflated price, the fact is that most buyers use some kind of financing to pay for Lost Opportunities their home purchase. If your home does not appraise for the You the willsale lose percentage of purchase price, willalikely fail.

When a new listing hits the market, every agent quickly views 3. No Showings Selling Competition sophisticated buyers well educated theToday’s property to see the if it’shome a good fit forare their clients. If your aboutis the real estate market. If yourcompetition. home is overpriced, home branded as “overpriced,” reigniting interest may Overpricing helps your How? they won’t bother seeing it, let alone make you an offer. require a drastic price reduction. You make their lower prices seem like bargains.


Stagnation Nothing is worse than watching your neighbors 2.4. Selling The Competition The longer your home sits on the market, the more likely it is

put uphelps a sold sign. Overpricing your competition. How? You make their to become stale. Have you ever seen a property that seems to lower prices seem likeDo bargains. is worse than be perpetually for sale? you ever Nothing wonder: “What’s wrong No Showings watching neighbors put up a sold sign. with thatyour house?”


Today’s sophisticated home buyers are well educated about home theof real estate market. Ifofyour Today’s buyers well educated You willsophisticated lose a percentage buyers who are are outside your is overpriced, won’t bother seeing pricehome point. These are market. buyersthey who are looking the price it, about the real estate If your home isin overpriced, range the home will eventually sell for but don’t they won’t bother seeing it,anletoffer. alone make you go an see offer. letthat alone make you 3.5. No Showings Lost Opportunities

the home because the price is above their pre-set budget.


4. Stagnation Stagnation

6.longer Tougher Negotiations The your home sits on the market, the more likely it is The home sits on thebecause market, Buyers who do longer view youryour home may negotiate harder to become stale. Have you ever seen a property that seems to the home has been on the for a longerstale. periodHave of time the more likely it market is toever become beand perpetually for sale? Do you wonder: “What’s because it is overpriced compared to the competition.wrong with that house?” you ever seen a property that seems to be


buyers who are outside of your price point. These are buyers who are looking in the price range that the home eventually sell for but don’t go see 7. will Appraisal Problems Even do find a buyer willing to pay an inflated price, the theif you home because the price is above facttheir is thatpre-set most buyers use some kind of financing to pay for budget. their home purchase. If your home does not appraise for the purchase price, theNegotiations sale will likely fail. Tougher

AVOID THE Buyers who do view your home TEMPTATION may negotiate harder because the OF OVERPRICING home has been on the market for a YOUR longer period HOME of time and because it is


overpriced compared to the competition.

AVOID THE Appraisal Problems Even if you do find a buyer willing TEMPTATION to pay an inflated price, the fact is that most OF buyersOVERPRICING use some kind of financing to pay for their home purchase. If HOME your YOUR home does not appraise for the purchase price, the sale will likely fail.


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price point. These are buyers who are looking in the price range that the home will eventually sell for but don’t go see the home because the price is above their pre-set budget.


6. Tougher Negotiations NOVAK Licensed Realbecause Estate Broker Buyers who do view your home mayAssociate negotiate MICHELLE harder

Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker

the home has been onCell: the market for a longerCell: period of time 516.384.7744 516.384.7744 and because it is overpriced compared to the mnovak@signaturepremier.com competition.



7952 Jericho Tpke | Woodbury, NY 11797 | 516.496.0300 | signaturepremier.com


1. Branding Problems

When a new listing hits the market, every agent quickly views the property to see if it’s a good fit for their clients. If your home is branded as “overpriced,” reigniting interest may require a drastic price reduction.

7. Appraisal Problems

Even if you do find a buyer willing to pay an inflated price, the fact is that most buyers use some kind of financing to pay for their home purchase. If your home does not appraise for the purchase price, the sale will likely fail.

2. Selling The Competition

Overpricing helps your competition. How? You make their lower prices seem like bargains. Nothing is worse than watching your neighbors put up a sold sign.

3. No Showings

Today’s sophisticated home buyers are well educated about the real estate market. If your home is overpriced, they won’t bother seeing it, let alone make you an offer.

AVOID THE TEMPTATION The longer your home sits on the market, the more likely it is to become stale. Have you ever seen a property that seems to OF OVERPRICING be perpetually for sale? Do you ever wonder: “What’s wrong with that house?” YOUR HOME 1. Branding Problems 7. Appraisal Problems 5. Lost Opportunities January 2018willing23 When a new listing hits the market, every agent quickly views Even if you do find a buyer to pay an i You will lose a percentage of buyers who are outside of your 4. Stagnation

point. These are buyers are looking in price the property to see if it’s aprice good fit for theirwhoclients. If theyour range that the home will eventually sell for but don’t go see the home becausereigniting the price is above interest their pre-set budget. home is branded as “overpriced,” may

fact is that most buyers use some kind of fina their home purchase. If your home does not


“I’m always SO TIRED!” CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME From the Desk of Dr. Howard Robins at The Healing Center in New York City… You’re so tired at night that you go to sleep early most every day. You More about the symptoms sleep 8 to 12 or more hours and still wake up tired or even exhausted. Along with un-refreshing sleep, in addition to the aforementioned This is not the way it always was, but it’s been this way for a while and symptoms, the most common symptoms may be problems focusing or has lasted for many months. It already has begun to affect your work brain “cloudiness or fog”; generalized muscle pain (possibly diagor school and even you social activity. Something is really wrong. nosed as fibromyalgia); and a feeling of malaise. You may have even gone to the doctor, who did lots of tests, but Other common symptoms may include irritable bowel (diarthey came back with nothing unusual to report. At least that’s what rhea or constipation); depression or other psychological problems; the doctor said. Clinical depression, eating disorders, chills and night sweats; visual problems; fainting; or new drug abuse and side effects from medication were food, odor or chemical sensitivities. ruled out, along with diabetes, hypoglycemia, low What’s causing it? thyroid, hormonal issues and just about everything While the CDC and traditional doctors say the cause(s) else that might commonly cause it. But something is are unknown, alternative physicians have directly linked definitely not right. It’s just not normal to be this tired. it to the Epstein-Barr virus (mononucleosis), herpes 6 Well, while almost everyone experiences fatigue virus, candidiasis, Lyme disease and cytomegalovirus. from time to time, this is not like anything you’ve ever experienced before. You most likely have Chronic So, what’s the answer—how can I fix it? Dr. Howard Robins Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Well, please don’t give up hope! For those of you that are The CDC says that more than one million still suffering, the answer is Intravenous Medical Ozone American women, men and children suffer from it, with the numbers Therapy. constantly growing! This could be you or someone you know. You may be surprised to know that this proven, safe, but unusual, medical treatment has been used worldwide in more than 50 The diagnosis: Does this sound like you? countries for many years (70), by over 45,000 physicians and theraHave you felt generally “unwell” for three months or longer? pists to successfully treat this and many other diseases and illnesses. Can you still do most or all of the physical and mental activities So, why haven’t you heard about it and why doesn’t your doctor you did before you began feeling unwell? know anything about it? Has your illness had a major impact on work, social and/or Medical ozone is a gas that’s made by a medical ozone machine educational activities, to the extent that you have had to make adjust- at the moment it’s needed (it can neither be stored, bottled nor put ments in your lifestyle in an effort to avoid relapsing or becoming in capsules). So, it’s not patentable, so the drug companies can’t make more ill? money from it. They, along with the FDA, have successfully suppressed its use and have kept word of this treatment from spreading. Do you have at least four (4) of the following eight (8) symptoms? • Weakness and exhaustion, lasting more than More information about this amazing, safe and effective treatment is 24 hours, following mental or physical activity available at OzoneUniversity.com and on a fabulous DVD documen• Un-refreshing sleep tary with more than 40 patient testimonials called Ozone Therapy: The • Substantial impairment of short-term memory Miracle Medicine by Gary Null, Ph.D., available from GaryNull.com. Ed or concentration McCabe’s book Flood Your Body with Oxygen is also a good source of • Muscle pain information about the history of medical ozone and its many uses, with • Pain in the joints, without swelling or redness 11 references on CFS. • Headaches of a new type, pattern or severity For more information, call Dr. Howard Robins at 212-581-0101. • Tender or swollen armpit and/or neck lymph nodes Robins is considered the foremost clinical expert on the use of ozone • Sore throat in North America, with more than 27 years of clinical practice and Did your feelings of un-wellness begin suddenly, within a period of hours, or a couple of days? 24

Long Island Edition


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January 2018


THE FUTURE OF THE CITY by James Howard Kunstler


ew York City and Chicago face a problem: an extreme overburden of skyscrapers. Our society does not know it yet, but the skyscraper is already an obsolete building form, and for a reason generally unrecognized: they will not be renovated. They have no capacity for adaptive re-use. The capital will not be there to renovate things at the giant scale at which they were originally built. There’s also a good chance that many manufactured modular building materials will not be available either, for instance gypsum board (“sheetrock”). It might seem to be a humble material, but it actually requires very long and sophisticated mining and manufacturing chains, and it may be assuming too much that these supply chains will continue to operate in the years ahead. The same can be said of steel beams and trusses, aluminum sashes, metallic and enamel claddings, plate glass, concrete block, cement, plastic or metal pipe, silicon gaskets, plywood, etc. In short, these enormous buildings, now considered assets will quickly turn into liabilities. This outcome is unrecognized largely because under current conditions, the professionals involved—developers and architects—cannot resist the temptation

to maximize the floor-to-area ratio of any given urban building lot. Why stop at six stories when the zoning law allows 60? Why make only $10 million on any given parcel of land when you can make $100 million in sales and commissions. They simply can’t imagine behaving differently for now. But in the future, a new consensus may eventually form that the scale and height of new buildings must be a lot more modest. In the future, we may decide that the maximum building height is keyed to the number of stories you can ask people to walk up comfortably. A related issue, however, is also not generally recognized: the potential failure of the condominium model of property ownership. Also known as deconstructing the rights of real estate, this experimental system, in which ownership is portioned out among individual apartment dwellers, and managed under a corporate propertyowners association, has only been tried on a mass basis since the 1970s. That is to say, we’ve only experienced it on our way up a colossal mountain of debt accumulation; we have no idea what happens during the period of debt default we have entered. It takes only partial failure of a condominium building—apartment owners

In Rome I am weighted down by a lack of momentum, the inertia of a spent civilization. In New York I feel plugged into a strong alternating current of hope and despair. ~Ted Morgan 26

Long Island Edition


defaulting on their mortgages and failing to pay association dues—for the property association to fail, meaning that afterward there will be little maintenance and repair of the building. Do not assume that our current financial arrangements have resilience. Like other elements of this story, they seemed like a good idea at the time. And then times change. Suspend all your assumptions about our ability to continue the familiar arrangements of the present day. We are passing through a difficult transition and I don’t think it will lead to the techno-nirvana that many are expecting. In fact, I think we are likely to lose many of the technological advances that we have come to take for granted, starting with the ubiquity of the internet—which depends, after all, on a completely reliable electric grid. We are heading into a contraction of techno-industrial activity and probably an eventual contraction of population. We have to make things smaller, more local, and finer. If you could go back in time to the year 1950, to Cadillac Square in the center of downtown Detroit, and interview a proverbial “man on the street” there about the future, he might have had a hard time grokking what actually happened to the place after 1970—the astounding devastation that occurred without a war taking place. Likewise, I think the American public fails to see the probable arc of the current story. We are expecting nothing except more technological magic, and that is sure to leave a lot of people disappointed. James Howard Kunstler may be best known for his nonfiction books, The Geography of Nowhere, The Long Emergency and Too Much Magic. Kunstler was born in New York City. He worked as a reporter and feature writer for a number of newspapers, and finally as a staff writer for Rolling Stone magazine. In 1975, he dropped out to write books full time. He has lectured at colleges all over America and performed one of the most-watched TED talks on YouTube. He will be speaking at The Real Truth About Health Conference, which will be held Feb. 2-11 at the Long Island Hilton, in Melville (RealTruthTalks. com). See ads on pages 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11.

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January 2018


healing ways


How They Differ from Health Store Supplements by Linda Sechrist

Savvy consumers seeking products that might help them achieve and maintain good health may be noticing two new categories: medical food and nutraceuticals.


edicalized terminology is now being used to describe certain products we may already have been buying from brand-name dietary supplement companies and retailers, and they have a higher price tag. One common example: powdered protein mealreplacement shakes that can cost up to $16 more than a retail store brand, as nutraceutical and medical food purveyors want to differentiate their products as having clinical research and development behind them. This raises the bar on the quality of contents and assures consumers of third-party testing for proof of ingredients. Although both are regulated under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, there is no legal distinction between dietary supplements and nutraceuticals, yet each serves different purposes. Dietary supplements, comprising vitamins, minerals and/ 28

Long Island Edition

or herbs and botanicals, are intended to enhance wellness among healthy adults. Nutraceuticals encompass nutrients, foods or parts of foods used as medicine to provide health benefits beyond nutrition and combat chronic disease. Some of the most popular formulations involve botanicals like ginseng, ginkgo biloba, St. John’s wort and echinacea. “Medical foods, formulated for dietary management of a specific medical condition for which nutritional needs are unmet by a normal diet, are regulated under the Orphan Drug Act of 1983,” explains Bill Shaddle, senior director of medical education at Metagenics, Inc. “Our nutraceuticals and medical foods are supported by verifiable science that provides solid evidence regarding the therapeutic benefits produced by ingredients in our products.” The word nutraceutical, blending nutrition and pharmaceutics, was coined in 1989 by Stephen L. DeFelice, the founder and


chairman of the nonprofit Foundation for Innovation in Medicine, in Mountainside, New Jersey, which promotes clinical research and development of dietary supplements and foods specifically for their health benefits. Reputable companies that manufacture private-label nutraceuticals, such as Metagenics and Xymogen, among others, research and develop products for functional nutrition and quality. While such products are solely distributed through partnerships with healthcare professionals such as medical doctors, nutritionists and pharmacists, some of the evidence-based, professional-grade formulas are available through online physician websites. Metagenics and Xymogen collaborate with institutions such as the Cleveland Clinic, Bastyr University and National College of Natural Medicine in conducting clinical research that demonstrates how their formulas impact healthy aging, cognitive function and overall health.

Federal Regulations Medical foods and nutraceuticals, orally administered dietary products formulated to support the management of conditions such as compromised gut function, agerelated muscle loss, metabolic syndrome, Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, are subject to standard food and safety labeling requirements of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Although they may be used under medical supervision, patients don’t need a prescription. Many healthcare practitioners, including dietitians, currently recommend them under a physician’s direction. Unlike pharmaceuticals, which are accountable to the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, patent-protected and supported by expensive testing documentation, nutraceuticals are not. However, many manufacturers do choose to undergo costly testing. Like all dietary supplements, the majority of which do not undergo third-party testing, they are regulated by DSHEA, which defines and regulates labeling and claims of benefits related to classic nutrient-deficiency diseases.

Private Quality Control Xymogen is strictly a physician’s line of

nutraceuticals, explains Cheryl Burdette, a doctor of naturopathy and director of clinical research and outreach for the company. “In our manufacturing process, to avoid contamination and validate ingredients, every batch is third-party assayed by an independent laboratory, whereas some companies only do this for every fifth or 20th lot. Xymogen’s validation extends to packaging and controlling the level of humidity because it affects how ingredients oxidize,” says Burdette. Gary Kracoff, a registered pharmacist and naturopathic doctor at Johnson Compounding & Wellness, in Waltham, Massachusetts, researches the nutraceuticals that he carries and recommends for his clients. “I like professional-grade nutraceuticals because their formulas are researched and science-based. They are excellent products for specific purposes. Individuals that take the medical foods come to appreciate their disease-modifying therapeutic results. While pricier, they include healthier sources of carbohydrates and fats, as well as natural, rather than synthetic nutrients to provide what the body needs to return to a state of balance,” says Kracoff. Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings who blogs at LindaSechrist.com.

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ESB Professional/Shutterstock.com

DIAL DOWN STRESS How to Stay Calm and Cool by Lisa Marshall


hether from natural disasters, divisive politics, unmanageable workloads or a smartphone culture that makes it tough to unplug, U.S. adults are feeling more strain now than they have at any other time in the past decade, according to the American Psychological Association’s 2017 Stress in America Survey. One in three say their stress has increased in the past year and one in five rate the level at eight or more on a scale of one to 10. About three in five, or 59 percent, say they believe this is “the lowest point in the nation’s history” and nearly two-thirds say concerns about our nation’s future (including its health care, economy and international relations) are key sources of their stress. “We’re seeing significant stress transcending party lines,” notes Arthur C. Evans Jr., Ph.D., the association’s CEO. All that stress is having a powerful impact on health, with as many as 80 percent of visits to primary care physicians characterized as stress-related, according to the American Medical Association. 30

Long Island Edition

Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one. ~Hans Selye Workplace stress accounts for 120,000 deaths a year—more than influenza, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease combined—according to a 2015 Stanford University study. Yet, empowering news has emerged amid this epidemic of anxiety-related illness. Research shows that by eating right, exercising and changing our mindset about stress itself, we can buffer our bodies from many health hazards. “Unfortunately, you can’t always avoid the things that stress you out. But you can control how you respond to stress before it takes over your life,” says Melanie Greenberg, Ph.D., a Mill Valley, California, psychologist and author of the recent book The Stress-Proof Brain: Master Your Emotional Response to Stress Using Mindfulness and Neuroplasticity.


Our Brain on Stress

Whether it’s an urgent email from the boss or a rude motorist driving unsafely, tense situations elicit a physiological response remarkably similar to what might occur if we were chased by a lion. Deep inside an almond-shaped region of the brain called the amygdala, an alarm goes off, signaling the release of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that boost heart rate, usher extra blood to muscles, hasten breathing and spike blood sugar to provide more fuel for the brain to react. Evolutionarily, this response was key to early human survival, providing the energy boost needed to flee predators. Even today, it has its upside, says Greenberg. “In the short term, stress can be exciting and even beneficial, revving you up so you can put your passion and energy into something.” But chronic excess can lead to high blood pressure and blood sugar, inflammation, cognitive problems and a hair-trigger response to stress, in which our body overreacts even to mild annoyances. It can also, research suggests, accelerate aging by

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Seven Ways to Banish Stress by Lisa Marshall


e can take charge and do even more things to keep stress at bay in the first place, says Christine Carter, Ph.D., a University of California, Berkeley, sociologist and author of The Sweet Spot: How to Accomplish More by Doing Less. “I’m all about prevention,” she says. “There are many ways to set up your life to be less stressful.”


Multitask less, monotask more:

“The brain was not evolved to multitask and it can be stressful when we try to do so,” says Carter, referencing a Stanford University study. “At the end of the day, we end up feeling fried.” She recommends setting up a “fortress against interruption” for an hour or two each day when we feel most alert. Put the phone on mute, don noisecanceling headphones and ask coworkers or family members to not interrupt your focus on an important priority.


Don’t be a chronic media checker: Eighty-six percent of

Americans say they constantly or often check their email, texts or social media accounts, according to the latest Stress in America Survey. Half of U.S. workers say they respond to every email within a half-hour. Carter recommends instead scheduling a block of time at the beginning and end of each day for the task. During weekends and evenings, disable email and social media notifications. Research shows the more often we check, the more stressed we are. One recent study of British office workers found that checking email almost immediately boosts heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol levels, while refraining causes the stress response to subside.


Limit choices: Making decisions can

be stressful, and we are all faced with an increasing number of them every day. To limit a personal decision-making load, get boring. Devise a meal plan that doesn’t vary from week to week (unless it’s a happy creative outlet). Stock the wardrobe with favorite styles of shirts and shoes in different


Long Island Edition

colors. Select and stick with one brand of natural toothpaste or granola.


Don’t overthink things: Ruminating on past events and relationship problems can be a great source of stress in the present moment. If there’s nothing that can be done about it, stop thinking about it. Literally visualize a stop sign when the thought bubbles up.


Daydream: Idle times, like standing

in line, sitting in traffic or showering can allow our brain to rest and recover from hassles. Embrace such opportunities and don’t clutter them up with technology; leave the phone and radio off.


Meditate: Invest 10 minutes daily to

sit still, focus on breathing, visualize an image or stare at an object and try to keep thoughts from drifting. Brain imaging studies published in the Brain Research Bulletin show that “Through [such] meditation, it’s possible to rewire your brain to create a new, stronger circuit that keeps your emotional reactivity under control,” says Dr. Mithu Storoni, who has published a book on the topic.


Heighten spirituality: Whether it’s regularly attending religious services, yoga meditation sessions or quiet walks in the woods, a spiritual practice can be a powerfully effective means of coping with stress and mitigating its health impacts. Duke University research shows that people regularly engaged in a spiritual practice are more likely to survive heart surgery, recover better from stroke, have shorter hospital stays and become depressed and stressed less often. “Spirituality connects you to the broader world, which in turn enables you to stop trying to control things all by yourself,” explains Dr. Roberta Lee, an integrative physician, in her book The SuperStress Solution. “When you feel part of a greater whole, it’s easy to understand that you aren’t responsible for everything that happens in life.”


eroding the protective caps on our chromosomes, called telomeres. “Think of the stress response as an elastic band,” says Dr. Mithu Storoni, a Hong Kong physician and author of the new book Stress Proof: The Scientific Solution to Protect Your Brain and Body — and Be More Resilient Every Day. “If you pull it and it snaps back immediately, that’s fine. But if you pull it too intensely or too frequently, it doesn’t snap back, and there are lots of downstream consequences.”

Stress-Proofing Our Body

Eating right can better protect our bodies, says New York City Registered Dietitian Malina Malkani. She recommends loading up on nutrient-dense, high-fiber foods like leafy greens, beans and lentils, nuts and seeds during stressful times, because they can slow our rate of digestion and minimize unhealthy dips and spikes in blood sugar. Beneficial, bacteria-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi are other foundational foods for stressresilience, says Storoni, because they can dampen bodily inflammation that arises from chronic tension. They can also replenish bacterial strains like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria which, according to studies of college students, tend to decrease when we feel pushed beyond our limits to handle what’s coming at us. One 2016 study of 171 volunteers, published in the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, found that those that ate yogurt containing lactobacillus plantarum daily for two months had fewer markers of stress in their blood. Another study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2007 found that when 132 adults drank a probiotic-infused milk drink daily for three weeks and were then subjected to an anxiety-prone situation, their brains reacted more calmly than those of a control group. “Probably the most important thing you can do to make your body stressresilient is to maintain a healthy ecosystem of bacteria in your gut,” advises Malkani, who recommends exchanging dessert for low-sugar yogurt every day and taking probiotic supplements as well as steering clear of sweetened beverages and refined

Stress-Proofing Our Mindset While diet and exercise can buffer our body from the impacts of chronic stress, a shift in


carbohydrates. The spice turmeric is also a good stress-buster due to its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to help normalize blood sugar, Storoni notes. Despite our natural craving for comfort food, it’s a good idea to go easy on saturated fats in the immediate aftermath of a traumatic situation, because stress slows fat metabolism. In one recent study, Ohio State University researchers asked 58 women about their previous day’s stressors, and then fed them the fat-loaded equivalent of a double cheeseburger and fries; the stressedout women burned 104 fewer calories. “If a woman had a stressful day at work every day and ate a meal like this, she could easily gain seven to 11 pounds in a year,” says study author Jan Kiecolt-Glaser, a professor of psychiatry and psychology and director of the university’s Institute for Behavioral Medicine. Exercise, too, can help combat stress-related illness. But Storoni attests that not all exercise is created equal. One recent study in the Journal of Physiology found that in animals daily moderate exercise (the equivalent of a light jog) can boost levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a critical brain protein diminished by stress and sleep deprivation, significantly more than weight training or intense exercise. On the flip side, excess strenuous exercise (laps around the track or an intense gym workout) can boost inflammation, whither brain cells, and aggravate the physical impacts of stress, says Storoni. “If you want to exercise to relieve the stress you just experienced, keep it at low intensity,” counsels Storoni. If possible, work out in the morning, as it can boost melatonin levels at night, helping you get to sleep faster, she notes.

People with a stress-hardy mindset may temper stress as an “excite-and-delight” challenge in adventurous situations. Others “tendand-befriend”, reaching out to help and comfort in times of tragedy. Studies show that when participants are told, “You’re the kind of person whose performance improves under pressure,” it does—by as much as one-third. ~Harvard Medical School Healthbeat mindset can keep it from becoming chronic in the first place, says Greenberg.“The goal is not to eliminate stress, but to put it in its place—to use its energizing and motivating aspects to take care of what needs to be done, and then relax,” and stop paying attention to it. This, she says, requires being mindful of what’s happening in the present moment. “When you feel your heart racing at the sight of another urgent demand at home or work, stop what you are doing,

take a deep breath and tune into what’s happening in your body,” advises Greenberg. She notes that when the highly reactive amygdala “hijacks the brain”, we often say and do things in the heat of the moment that we later regret. Waiting just a moment (like counting to 10) allows the more rational part of our brain (the prefrontal cortex) to kick in. “It allows you to go from panic to, ‘I’ve got this.’” Greenberg observes that we often feel most stressed when we feel out of control. When faced with a daunting task, it may help to make a list of the things we have control over and a list of the things we can’t control—then make a plan to act on the manageable one and let the others go. “Mindfulness is also about keeping our self-judging and ruminating mind at bay, which may keep repeating, ‘I’m not doing enough,’” she says. “Realize that you do not have to listen to every thought that comes into your head. Ask yourself, ‘What is the most important thing for me to focus on right now?’” Greenberg also says it’s important to aim to broaden and brighten our view in tough times, explaining, “Feeling stress biases your brain to think in terms of avoiding threat and loss, rather than what you can gain or learn from the situation.” Start by jotting down three ways this challenging situation may be beneficial in the long run; also make a list of things and people we are grateful for, she suggests. “Practicing gratitude helps you realize that you have a choice about what to focus your attention on and you don’t have to let stressors take all the joy out of life,” according to Greenberg. As an added bonus, “You’re less likely to take your stress out on loved ones when you think about what they mean to you and how they have helped you,” she says. Lisa Marshall is a freelance health writer in Boulder, CO. Connect at LisaAnnMarshall.com.

The truth is that there is no actual stress or anxiety in the world; it’s your thoughts that create these false beliefs. You can’t package stress, touch it or see it. There are only people engaged in stressful thinking. ~Wayne Dyer January 2018


Oksana Kuzmina/Shutterstock.com

healthy kids

thor of Eat More Plants. “They are low in nutrients, and high in sugars and calories that pack on the pounds.” Jones says the best way to combat obesity and form healthy eating habits is to replace processed foods with a whole foods diet plentiful in colorful fruits and vegetables, with sides of whole grains, nuts and seeds, and beans and legumes. “These foods are high in vitamins, nutrients, fiber, proteins and healthy fats. Lean meats, chicken and fish are good choices for protein, as well.”

Breakfast and Snacks

Healthy Weight Kids Food Choices that Prevent Obesity by Amber Lanier Nagle

Small changes in daily eating routines translate into healthier weight for America’s kids.


n 2010, President Obama and Michelle Obama launched Let’s Move! as their signature initiative to tackle epidemic levels of U.S. childhood obesity. While modest progress has been made, it remains a public health crisis. A brief by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the obesity rate remained fairly stable at nearly 17 percent between 2011 and 2014 for children 2 to 19 years old. Caused mainly by inadequate physical activity, unhealthy diets and rare genetic factors, obesity increases the risk of significant health problems, including high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes, plus joint and breathing issues. “We must launch our own family anti-obesity campaigns,” urges pediatrician Ricardo Riesco, co-owner of Peds Care, in Dalton, Georgia. “Along with increasing activity levels, we can encourage healthier eating habits at home and lead by example.” 34

Long Island Edition

Portions Matter In today’s “supersize-me” climate, teaching youngsters about appropriate portion sizes is imperative in fostering healthy eating habits. “It’s often hard for parents to find time to cook a meal at home,” Riesco acknowledges. “Too often, parents will pick up fast food for dinner, which is typically higher in calories and fat, plus the portion sizes are far too large.” When parents can’t prepare a meal from scratch, a frozen, boxed meal can be a better alternative than fast food. “The portions are more appropriate, so there’s more control of how much a child eats.” Tasty frozen organic meals are now available at many grocers.

Rethinking Family Plates “A large part of the obesity problem stems from children consuming sodas and refined, processed, junk and fried foods,” says Daemon “Dr. Dae” Jones, a Washington, D.C., naturopathic physician and au-


Breakfast provides fuel for the body and helps young minds concentrate and learn, so experts warn against skipping or skimping on it. “I tell parents to, ‘Get out of the box,’” says Doctor of Naturopathy JoAnn Yanez, executive director of the Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges. “Offer them a balance of fats, proteins and complex carbohydrates.” She suggests making a batch of pancakes using an extra egg or almond meal for protein, served with fresh fruit and nitrate-free sausage. “I also recommend steel cut oats,” she says. “I make them in advance, and in the morning add in all sorts of good stuff such as fresh fruit, almond meal and almond milk.” “Although almost everything can be enjoyed in moderation, decreasing or eliminating high-calorie, high-fat, low-nutrient treats can also help children develop healthy eating habits for life and prevent obesity,” says Registered Dietitian Wendy Palmer, manager of child wellness and a certified health education specialist at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. “A medium-sized apple or banana, or a cup of baby carrots with hummus, is a nutrient-rich snack for kids. Avoid snacks that have no nutritional value or are coated in sugar.” For more good ideas, see Tinyurl.com/HealthySnackingOptions.

No Sugary Drinks “There’s a strong correlation between sugary drinks and overweight, obese children,” observes Palmer. “I recommend that parents remove all sugary sodas, sports drinks and juice boxes from their children’s diets. Water and unsweetened

Media Promotes Junk Food by Amber Lanier Nagle

Olesia Bilkei/Shutterstock.com


econdary causes of childhood obesity include pervasive junk food marketing. A recent study in Obesity Reviews showed that young people exposed to advertising for foods and beverages high in fat, sugar and salt had a higher incidence of selecting the advertised products instead of healthier options. Parents can use simple strategies to limit their kids’ exposure to this mesmerizing influence. Reduce Screen Time—Decrease the amount of time children spend viewing TV, computers, tablets and smartphones.

1 2

Teach Kids About Advertising—Watch some ads with children. Talk to them about misleading messaging, underscoring how most advertisers’ intentions aren’t in the audience’s best interests.


Fast Forward Through Commercials— Take control and bypass ads using a DVR player or streaming service; mute the TV during ads.


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Primary source: WebMD.com

seltzer water are great alternatives.” Palmer notes that many eating patterns are set before a child turns 3, so limiting all sugary drinks, including juices, is an important component of teaching young children healthier eating habits that will last a lifetime. Studies suggest a strong link between obese children and obese adults, so for parents concerned that their child’s cute baby fat has turned into something more, the time to act is now. Amber Lanier Nagle is a freelance writer in Northwest Georgia (AmberNagle.com). January 2018


conscious eating

5 second Studio/Shutterstock.com

Restore Liver and Gallbladder Function

EAT WHEAT AGAIN Eight Ways to Restore Gut Health by John Douillard


he New York University Langone Medical Center recently reported that 74 percent of Americans experience some form of digestive distress, a quarter are obese and more than 100 million U.S. adults are pre-diabetic and don’t know it. While many blame such problems on eating wheat, some food scientists disagree, including those citing two major studies by Harvard researchers; following more than 100,000 people for 25 years, they concluded that those eating the most wheat compared to low-gluten folks had a 13 percent lower diabetes risk and no greater risk of heart disease. While the standard American diet, which includes highly processed wheat, is likely responsible for many of these health concerns, plenty of science links a diet rich in whole grains, including whole wheat, to weight loss, better digestion and lower blood sugar. The Mediterranean Diet, replete with whole grains and wheat, is still revered as one of the healthiest-known diets. Centenarians that live in the famed “blue zones”, recognized for their longevityenhancing environment and lifestyles, eat a non-processed, whole-food diet rich in whole grains and wheat. 36

Long Island Edition

Many Americans that are gluten-sensitive today digested wheat fine when they were young. At some point, our ability to digest foods that are a bit harder to digest, like wheat and dairy, became compromised. It’s possible to reboot.

Delete Processed Foods

The first step toward reestablishing digestive strength is avoiding all processed foods. A study in the journal Diabetes Care linked a processed food diet to a 141 percent increase in belly fat, high blood sugar and high cholesterol. It further showed that a diet of whole grains, including wheat, reduced the risk of these health concerns by 38 percent. Monitor these ingredients to achieve a healthier diet. n Avoid all added sugars or artificial sweeteners. Allow nothing more than six grams of naturally occurring sugar per serving. n Avoid fried foods and baked goods made with refined cooking oils used to preserve them like bread, muffins, cookies, energy bars, most packaged foods and chips. n Eat bread that’s only made of organic whole wheat, salt water and starter.


Highly processed vegetable oils are used as preservatives in most packaged foods, including bread. Processing these oils renders them indigestible. Linked to congestion of the liver and gallbladder, they disable liver bile so it can’t break down either good or bad fats, also making it insufficient to buffer stomach acids. Without adequate bile production to neutralize stomach acid, the stomach won’t produce the needed acid to digest proteins like gluten and the casein in dairy. This malady has effected a huge spike in gallbladder surgeries and epidemic levels of obesity, high blood sugar and food intolerances. To boost bile flow, enjoy these foods daily: n Eat one red beet and one apple a day— either raw, cooked, juiced or blended. Add celery and make a bile-flow smoothie. n Consume one teaspoon of both coconut oil and high-quality olive oil per day. n Eat more artichokes, bitter roots and leafy greens. n Drink fennel and fenugreek tea with meals.

Strengthen Stomach Fire

Instead of taking digestive enzymes or a hydrochloric acid-based stomach acid pill, stimulate the stomach to make its own acid and the small intestine and pancreas to produce digestive enzymes. This is best done regularly with the following five spices: n Use ginger, cumin, coriander, cardamom and fennel. Studies published in journals such as Molecular Nutrition & Food Research and the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry suggest that when these five spices are used together—as a supplement, in cooking or to flavor food—they act as a total upper digestive reset. These fivestar spices: 4 Stimulate digestion 4 Increase bile flow, pancreatic and small intestine enzyme activity, and fat and sugar metabolism 4 Decrease H. pylori, an opportunistic acid-producing microbe, from adhering to the stomach 4 Decrease gas and bloating

4 Support optimal weight, microbiology health, growth of good gut bacteria and elimination 4 Act as powerful free-radical scavengers Following these simple steps of nutrition will set gluten sufferers on the right path to retraining the body to digest and enjoy wheat again. John Douillard, a Boulder, CO, doctor of chiropractic and creator of the wellness website LifeSpa.com, is the former director of player development and nutrition advisor to the New Jersey Nets NBA team. He is author of the book Eat Wheat: A Scientific and ClinicallyProven Approach to Safely Bringing Wheat and Dairy Back into Your Diet. Learn more at EatWheatBook.com.

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Don’t Bee the Problem,

Bee the Solution by Dave Hunter


his all circles back to some of the problems of our current honey bee-dependent agricultural system, because, one way or another, the creative human brain is going to find a solution to a lack of pollinators. Yes, pollination by human hand is possible, but it is slow, painstaking and basically unachievable given the scale of agriculture today: There are an astonishing 948,000 acres of almonds alone in California. Some engineers and scientists, rather than looking for alternative natural pollinators or a cure for the problems facing honey bees, have instead been developing RoboBee—a robotic flying pollinator. This tiny drone is being developed at Harvard, and the researchers estimate it could pollinate commercial crops by about 2025. But even with the technical bugs worked out on this hightech bug, it is likely to create an astonishing expense for farms, as well as pose a host of new problems for the Federal Aviation Administration. As the RoboBee research team said in an article in Scientific American, “RoboBees will work best when employed as swarms of thousands of individuals, coordinating their actions without relying on a single leader.” The technology is fascinating, but real-world applications seem both distant and daunting, given the headlines that can appear when even one drone flies somewhere it should not. Imagine the chaos (and internet hilarity) that would result from thousands of tiny pollinating drones going off course! If a decade would be needed to develop a hive of expensive robotic pollinators, it seems more sensible to retool several facets of our agricultural system in the same amount of time. Reducing farmers’ reliance on chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides is critical for pollinators and even for the ocean: An ever-expanding “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico that is, so far, about the size of Connecticut (5,052 square miles, 13,085 km2, in 2015) has been directly attributed to fertilizers and wastewater riding the Mississippi River south. Attempts have been made to shrink this “desert in the sea,” but we are falling far short of the target area (1,900 square miles, 4,921 km2, in 2015) set by scientists. The use of nitrogen-heavy fertilizers has to be curtailed sharply for us to get closer to that goal, but the soil needs other means of getting (and remaining) healthy for that to happen. Neonicotinoids are now seen as deserving at least some of the blame for honey bee deaths, but they are almost certainly not the sole culprit. As a group, neonicotinoids are related to nicotine, which makes a certain amount of sense to anyone that has seen a 1960s-era gardening book in which a common homemade insecticide is made by soaking cigarette butts in water and then spraying the water on the 38

Long Island Edition


affected plants. In its pure form, nicotine is a powerful neurotoxin that can easily kill humans (and other large mammals). Even heavily watered down, it is capable of wiping out both good and bad garden bugs in the air, on the ground, and even underground. Neonicotinoids hide under a variety of names at the garden center. If you spot any of these words on a package of pesticide, you have found a “neonic”: • Acetamiprid • Clothianidin • Dinotefuran • Imidacloprid • Nitenpyram • Thiocloprid (also Thiacloprid) • Thiamethoxam Knowing the specific names of the chemicals is much more practically useful than knowing the broad class of chemicals. No company is going to proudly proclaim they are selling you neonicotinoids anymore, but the individual chemical will be listed under active ingredients. And while it is easier to read these names than to pronounce them, you can still be a gentle activist by asking your garden center to label these chemicals as “neonics” and sharing the list with your neighbors, or even your neighborhood Facebook page. Dave Hunter, founder and owner of Crown Bees, has been working for a decade to learn, teach and apply natural techniques on solitary native bees. Hunter founded the professional organization Orchard Bee Association, and has advised for the USDA’s Integrated Crop Pollination project for the past five years. He will be speaking at The Real Truth About Health Conference, which will be held Feb. 2-11 at the Long Island Hilton, in Melville (RealTruthTalks.com). See ads on pages 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11.

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10,000 Steps and Counting Keep Moving to Stay Fit


by Kathleen Barnes

e have become a nation of couch potatoes. The average American takes only 5,900 steps a day, somewhat better than the sedentary Brits that average less than 4,000. The notion that overall we need to take 10,000 steps a day to be physically fit started with manpo-kei, a 1960s Japanese marketing tool to sell pedometers. While the 10,000 steps concept lacks specific supporting science, it’s widely acknowledged that we are healthier the more that we move. Affixing a target number to it helped spread the notion of the benefits of walking, says Catrine Tudor-Locke, Ph.D., a walking behavior researcher at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Tudor-Locke is a proponent of the walking goal, although she readily admits the real objective is to get people moving more. “Any opportunity to walk more, more frequently and farther, wherever that is—it all adds up,” she says.

Making 10,000 Steps Possible For those already physically fit and physically active, 10,000 steps is a no-brainer. However, it’s never too late to start for those with exercise programs that have been supplanted by a too-busy-toworkout lifestyle. There’s probably no easier exercise than walking, says Dr. Melina Jampolis, the Los Angeles author of The Doctor on Demand Diet. “Walking is the number one exercise I recommend to most of my patients, because it is exceptionally easy to do, requires only a supportive pair of quality sneakers and 40

Long Island Edition


has tremendous mental and physical benefits that increase just by getting outside in the fresh air.” The biggest bang for the increased effort is the first 3,000 to 4,000 steps between the sedentary baseline and 10,000 steps, Tudor-Locke explains. “Still, 10,000 steps is the magic number for the average American,” says Dr. Michael Roizen, chief wellness officer at the Cleveland Clinic, in Cleveland, Ohio. “That specific number of steps seems to help break down insulin resistance, an underlying cause of Type 2 diabetes. We’re not exactly sure how this happens, but we know that this amount of exercise takes the glucose from the blood where it is a hazard to the cells, so that it becomes less hazardous.”

Exponential Health Benefits Many more well-documented health benefits of a walking program include: 4 increased heart health 4 lower blood pressure 4 stronger muscles 4 improved balance 4 weight control 4 natural stress relief Several studies from places like Harvard Medical School’s affiliate Brigham and Women’s Hospital also show that a brisk walking program nearly cut in half the risk of early death in breast cancer patients. Most exercise experts note that a walking pace that leaves the walker only slightly out of breath reaps the greatest rewards. “One hundred steps a minute is a good cadence,” advises Tudor-Locke. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends at least 150 minutes of exercise weekly, or 30 minutes five days a week, for virtually everyone. Many experts don’t believe it’s necessary to move for 30 minutes straight. Ten-minute increments work fine; so a quick morning walk around the block, another outing during the lunch hour and a refreshing walk with the dog after work can do the trick. Some evidence from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion suggests that varying walking speed is even more effective in overcoming insulin resistance and burning calories.

Counting Up Roizen recommends wearing a pedometer or using a free iPhone app (no need for a fitness band), mainly to keep up awareness of our daily step count. There’s no age when we don’t need to walk anymore. If a consistent 10,000 steps does wonders for health, some ask if more would be better. “Ten thousand is the answer for health and longevity, but 12,000 or more makes a difference for fitness and calorie burning, so go for it!” Roizen says. Kathleen Barnes is the author of numerous books on natural health, including Our Toxic World: A Survivor’s Guide. Connect at KathleenBarnes.com.

Odua Images/Shutterstock.com

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January 2018


tainers, is toxic to our brain and nervous system; ask what restaurants use. #7, Polycarbonate, found in the lining of canned foods, sports drinks, juice drinks, ketchup bottles and clear sippy cups, contains bisphenol A (BPA), a proven endocrine disruptor.

green living

Choose Earth-Friendly Alternatives by Avery Mack


rocery bags, bottles, cups and straws comprise much of the 9.1 billion tons of plastic manufactured worldwide in the past 65 years. Once discarded, 79 percent resides in landfills and litters the environment, with more created daily. Annually, the equivalent of five grocery bags of trash for every foot of coastline worldwide enters the oceans, killing 100,000 marine animals. A 2016 World Economic Forum report says that by 2050, the world’s seas could contain more plastic than fish. At the 2017 Our Ocean Conference, the Ocean Conservancy and its partners announced a $150 million preventive plan. “This is a major breakthrough for trash-free seas,” says Susan Ruffo, the conservancy’s managing director of international initiatives. “Our research found improved waste management in Southeast Asian countries [Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and China] can halve plastic going in the ocean by 2025.” When the United Nations launched the Clean Seas campaign in 2017, Indonesia pledged $1 billion to reduce plastic waste by

70 percent within eight years through education, taxes on plastic bags and investing in alternative products. Increased awareness is crucial to buy and discard less, create alternatives and recycle more to support the planet’s overall health.

Expanding Footprint

Lacking space, technology and equipment to transform waste into reusable materials, U.S. municipalities typically ship it to a sorter for processing elsewhere; often to China, where new regulations restrict what’s accepted, leaving trash haulers scrambling. Although recyclable, these are the worst plastics: #3, Polyvinyl chloride, used in plastic wrap, toys, squeeze bottles and packaging for peanut butter, contains lead and phthalate esters (chemical compounds) that affect development of testosterone, according to a study by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. #6, Polystyrene, in Styrofoam, plastic utensils and disposable or carryout con-

Mohamed Abdulraheem/Shutterstock.com

Kick the Plastic Habit

Small Changes Make a Difference Recycling weakens plastic grocery bags, necessitating double-bagging to avoid spills. Average families annually accumulate about 1,500 plastic bags, with 99 percent ending in landfills, as litter or stuffed in the pantry, according to the Center for Biological Diversity. Worldwide, many countries ban or tax bags. “Annually, 50 billion water bottles are sold globally, including 30 billion in the U.S. That’s 1,500 individual water bottles thrown away per second,” says Deanna Latson, co-founder of ARIIX, which makes water purification systems, in Bountiful, Utah. “One filter can purify the equivalent of thousands of them a year.” The U.S. annual bottle recycling rate is 23 percent. Beth Terry, of Oakland, California, author of Plastic-Free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too, offers 100 tips at MyPlasticFreeLife.com, including this planet-saving advice: 4 Opt for bar soap instead of liquid, soap nuts in lieu of plastic-packaged powders, and baking soda and lemon or vinegar rather than sprays to clean. 4 Ask the butcher to wrap meat in paper, forgoing trays and plastic wrap. 4 Buy fruit and vegetables at farmers’ markets; return containers for reuse. 4 Turn out-of-fashion garments into cleaning rags; skip plastic scrubbers. 4 Carry reusable water bottles and cloth shopping bags. 4 Avoid over-packaged frozen foods. 4 Use glass jars for leftovers and storage. 4 Buy kitty litter packaged in paper. 4 Choose stainless steel pet food and

We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to. - Terri Swearingen


Long Island Edition


water bowls. As a substitute, glass is endlessly recyclable, but facilities are few. Find resource centers at gpi.org/glass-resource-locator. “Plastic innovations stop at invention and don’t follow through to end-oflife solutions,” says Tom Szaky, CEO and founder of TerraCycle, in Trenton, New Jersey. It accepts both basic and difficultto-recycle waste including pens, laboratory waste, cigarette butts, art supplies, small auto parts, bathroom cleaning waste, toys, candy wrappers and coffee pods (TerraCycle.com).

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Contact Influencers

Tell companies when products have excessive or harmful packaging. In Delray Beach, Florida, Saltwater Brewery created biodegradable, safely edible wheat and barley six-pack rings to replace traditional plastic rings that are hazardous to wildlife. Restaurants routinely provide fresh plastic straws with refills. BYOS (bring your own straw), whether plastic, stainless steel or paper, and let management know why. Americans daily discard 500 million plastic straws (StrawlessOcean.org/alternatives). “Consumers are willing to change if options are available,” observes Szaky. “Manufacturers need to offer high-quality, reusable products designed for reuse equal or superior in value to single-use, disposable items.”

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Connect with the freelance writer via AveryMack@mindspring.com.

January 2018



of Peter Wadhams’



first went to the Arctic in the summer of 1970, aboard the Canadian oceanographic ship Hudson, which was carrying out the first circumnavigation of the Americas. The Hudson-70 expedition had left Nova Scotia in the chilly autumn of 1969 and had already sailed down to the Antarctic Peninsula, the Southern Ocean, the fjords of Chile and the vast expanse of the Pacific. Now we were to attempt a feat accomplished by only nine ships before us, a transit of the Northwest Passage. The ship was ice strengthened, and needed to be. All along the north coasts of Alaska and the Northwest Territories, the Arctic Ocean sea ice lay close in to the land, leaving us a slot only a few miles wide to carry out our surveys. Sometimes the ice pushed right up to the coast and we had to break our way through densely clustered floes of heavy, thick multi-year ice, and eventually, when we were in the middle of the Northwest Passage, we had to be rescued by a heavy government icebreaker, the John A. Macdonald. In those days, a battle with sea ice in the Canadian Arctic was considered normal. In 1903-6 it took Amundsen three years to navigate the Northwest Passage, and the second ship 44

Long Island Edition

to make the passage, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police schooner St. Roch, needed two seasons, in 1942-4. Today a ship entering the Arctic from Bering Strait in summer finds an ocean of open water in front of her. The blue water extends far to the north, stopping not far short of the North Pole. Soon the Pole itself will be uncovered for the first time in tens of thousands of years. The Northwest Passage is now easily navigable, and by the year 2015 a total of 238 ships had sailed through it. In September of 2012 sea ice covered only 3.4 million square kilometers of the Arctic Ocean’s surface, down from 8 million in the 1970s. It is difficult to overstate what this means. Our planet has changed color. We all remember the first beautiful photograph of


planet Earth rising from behind the moon, taken by the Apollo astronauts, a delicate blue sphere, isolated in the cosmos, which contains all that we know of life. That sphere was white at both ends. Today, from space, the top of the world in the northern summer looks blue instead of white. We have created an ocean where there was once an ice sheet. It is man’s first major achievement in reshaping the face of his planet, and it is of course an unintended achievement, with dubious and possibly catastrophic consequences to follow. Things are even worse than appearances would suggest. The ice which is still left is thin—its average thickness dropped 43 percent between 1976 and 1999, sonar measurements have shown. In the past most of the ice in the Arctic was several years old, and was called multi-year ice. It had a rugged and magnificent topography, with huge pressure ridges which blocked the paths of explorers and which had keels reaching down 50 meters or more into the ocean. Today most of the ice is first year; it has grown during the current season, reaching a maximum thickness of only 1.5 meters, and has only a few shallow ridges to break up the very flat ice surface. Ice which grows during a single winter can now melt away during a single summer because of warmer air temperatures. It will not be long before the summer melt outstrips the winter growth everywhere in the Arctic, and when that happens the entire remaining summer ice cover will collapse. We will have entered what the U.S. climatologist Mark Serreze called the “Arctic death spiral.” And it will leave us with an ice-free summer Arctic in the near future. The consequences of a collapse of Arctic summer ice will be dramatic. Two huge effects are unleashed. Firstly, once summer ice yields to open water, the albedo—the fraction of solar radiation reflected back into space—drops from 0.6 to 0.1, which will accelerate warming of the Arctic and of the whole planet. According to heat calculations, the loss of the last 4 million sq km of ice will have the same warming effect on the Earth as the last 25 years of carbon dioxide emissions. Secondly, removal of the ice cover takes away a vital air conditioning system for the Arctic. The loss of Arctic ice is a threat to us all, and is not just an interesting change

happening in a remote part of the world. Peter Wadhams is the UK’s most experienced sea ice scientist, with 48 years of research on sea ice and ocean processes in the Arctic and the Antarctic. He is emeritus professor of ocean physics and head of the Polar Ocean Physics Group in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge. He will be speaking at The Real Truth About Health Conference, which will be held Feb. 2-11 at the Long Island Hilton, in Melville (RealTruthTalks. com). See ads on pages 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11.

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January 2018


Expect a Miracle

Five Ways to Manifest Our Desires by J. Marie Novak

Author and Natural Awakenings Long Island Publisher, Kelly Martinsen

A Year of Inspired Living

will help you discover the life you want to lead, the person you want to be, and the impact you want to have on the world. This delightful book is a compilation of essays ranging from the profound and poignant—love, faith, loss—to the heartwarming and hilarious—middle-age angst, motherhood mishaps, dog-poop scofflaws— and more. A Year of Inspired Living offers personal reflection questions and space for the reader to journal and help them create their most inspired year.

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ccording to a Pew Forum study, nearly 80 percent of Americans believe in miracles. When we think we can’t handle burdensome difficulties on our own, we often seek help from a higher power, pleading: Cure me or my loved one of this illness. Aid me in providing for myself and my family. Bring me someone to love. Help me resolve this intensely painful situation. Protect loved ones from the harm they’re subjecting themselves to. If we want miracles to unfold in our lives, we must actively participate in their manifestation. Here are five ways to manifest more miracles in our lives.


Be Grateful for Everything

Gratitude deserves its positive buzz. When we’re grateful, our energy changes and our light shines. Our perspective shifts from scarcity to abundance. We bring forth divine blessings by being tuned into the giving nature of the creator of all. When we live in a state of gratitude, good people, opportunities and blessings arrive.


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Long Island Edition

When we take a positive step in our lives—it can be anything—a way forward will often appear that may be unrelated to the blessing we receive. For example, clearing out clutter may clarify a career move. Taking a course to build a new skill may introduce us to a new friend. In beginning a new exercise routine, we may discover self-confidence in other areas of life.



Step Beyond Routine

Step out of routines, broaden horizons and bust through comfort zones. Bumps and bruises may occur, but bravery is rewarded. Miracles are not beyond our grasp, but we may need to extend our reach in ways we’ve never done before.


Help Others Receive the Miracles They Pray For

Experience the bliss of being a giver. Share what others need. Sponsor a child’s education. Give unused belongings to people that desperately need them. Offer words of encouragement. It all matters more than we realize.


Trust Intuition

When we listen to our intellect instead of our inner heart-and-soul guidance system, we get turned around and off course. We all have an inner knowing that can help us get where we want to go. Divine wisdom always trumps the human mind. When we tune into it and trust what it’s telling us, we invite miracles into our lives. We all have the power to participate in creating miracles for ourselves and others by bringing to fruition what did not seem remotely possible. It’s easy to start by practicing these five miracle-creating strategies. J. Marie Novak is an author, life transformation mentor and founder of the Believe and Create online community. Learn how to believe in and create the life you were born to live at BelieveAndCreate.com.

Syda Productions/Shutterstock.com



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YogAnalysis Level I Certification – Do you want to learn how to serve your yoga community with more knowledge about safe yoga practice? YogAnalysis Level I certification teaches you how to listen to your body. 2805 Veterans Memorial Hwy, Ronkonkoma 631-440-7007.

Time Management for Yogis – 1-3pm. With Joshua Greene. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

Meditation for New Beginnings – 7pm. With John Bednarik. Free. West Islip Public Library, 3 Higbie Ln, West Islip. 631-661-7080.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 6 Family Yoga – Saturdays, Jan 6-27. 12-1pm. Make up class Feb 3. Explore flowing sequences, balance poses, breathing exercises and visualization techniques. $75. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 2882 Long Beach Rd, Oceanside. Registration required: 516-544-2188 or BNFYoga.com. Free YogAnalysis Assessment and Plan (A&P) Workshop – 2-4pm. 2805 Veterans Memorial Hwy, Ronkonkoma. More info & register: 631-374-7328 or YogAnalysis.org. Find Your Healing Path by Following Your Intuition – 4-7pm. With Michelle Andrea Stewart, Healer. Learn how to connect with that inner voice that knows what you need and how to find it. $40. 110 Hempstead Ave, Lynbrook. More info: MichelleAndreaStewart.com.

MONDAY, JANUARY 8 Baby and Me Yoga Series – Mondays, Jan 8-Feb 5. 11am-12pm. The perfect way to spend some peaceful bonding time with your little one and meet other like-minded caregivers. $80/4 sessions in advance, $20/drop-in. Yoga Nanda: Long Beach, 52 E Park Ave, Long Beach. 516-889-0808. Yoga-Nanda.com.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 12 Baby and Me Yoga Series – Fridays, Jan 12-Feb 2. Make up class Feb 9. 4-5pm. Mommies practice with their babies, as well as on their own, using yoga postures, breathing and relaxation techniques in a nurturing environment. $75. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. Registration required: 516-632-9626 or BNFYoga.com.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 14 Direct Your Energy through Meditation – 2-4pm. With Margaret Jennings. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17 Meditation for New Beginnings – 7pm. With John Bednarik. Free. Patchogue Medford Library, 54-60 E Main St, Patchogue. 631-654-4700.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 The Culture of the Modern Yogi & Sanskrit Workshop – 1:30-5:30pm. With Manorama. An introduction to the Sanskrit language and the culture of the modern yogi. Yoga Nanda: Garden City, 55 Hilton Ave, Garden City. 516-307-9007. Yoga-Nanda.com. Roll & Restore – 3-5pm. A unique and healthful workshop that blends the deeply soothing, muscular release of Miracle Ball therapy with the healing benefits of restorative poses. $50. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 2882 Long Beach Rd, Oceanside. 516-544-2188. BNFYoga.com. Mike DelGuidice & Big Shot – 8pm. Celebrating the music of Billy Joel. Paramount, 370 New York Ave, Huntington. 631-673-7300. ParamountNY.com.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 21 Family Yoga – 3-4pm. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. Pre-registration required: 516-682-9642 or AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 26 Candlelight Restorative Yoga with Aromatherapy for Deep Relaxation – 7-9pm. With Dawn Peer. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 27 Start the New Year with Meditation – 6:30pm. Join John Bednarik, OHST, long-time meditator for this powerful workshop and vegetarian dinner. Free. Science of Spirituality Meditation Center, 79 County Line Rd, Amityville. To register: 631-822-7979, InfoTristate@sos.org or sos.org/location/Amityville. Blues Traveler 30th Anniversary Tour – 8pm. With special guest Los Colognes. Paramount, 370 New York Ave, Huntington. 631-673-7300. ParamountNY.com.

plan ahead THURSDAY, MARCH 15 Dominican Republic Yoga Retreat – Mar 15-20. With Leslie Luft and Elyce Neuhauser. Natura Cabana, Cabaret, DR. More info & to register: 516-682-9642 or AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

SATURDAY, APRIL 7 Yoga & Surf Retreat in Costa Rica – Apr 7-11. Escape to paradise with Lisa Pineda Yoga, Professional Surfers Meg McGuire and Jairo Zuniga. Packages include accommodations, transfers from airport, breakfast, surf lessons, daily yoga and adventure activities. To book: CostaRicaSurfTrip.com/vacation-packages.

New Year’s Intention Setting & Vision Board Workshop – 7-9pm. Join Leah & Jamie for an evening of yoga and vision board making in honor of setting our intentions for the New Year. $40. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 2882 Long Beach Rd, Oceanside. Registration required: 516-544-2188 or BNFYoga.com. New Year’s Dance Party – 7-9:30pm. Ring in 2018 and let loose with a soulful, energetic yoga dance party. Yoga Nanda: Garden City, 55 Hilton Ave, Garden City. 516-307-9007. Yoga-Nanda.com. The Purple Xperience: Prince Tribute – 8pm. With special guest Larry Stevens Band. Paramount, 370 New York Ave, Huntington. 631-673-7300. ParamountNY.com.

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January 2018



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HEALTH CARE/WELLNESS PROFESSIONALS SPACE AVAILABLE for rent on hourly basis in Rockville Centre. Holistic environment perfect for practitioners, massages, acupuncture, nutritional counseling or life coach. Front desk support included. Space for small classes. 516-203-7442. SPACE AVAILABLE For rent on hourly basis in North western Nassau. For holistic practitioners of all types. Space for small classes. 516-242-8270.

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OPPORTUNITY ARE YOU INTO HEALTHY LIVING? How would you like to take this passion, make it your purpose & create a path to prosperity? Learn more GoToMyHolisticTeam.com.

SERVICES COMTEMPORARY FAMILY CARE since 1985. Provides trained nannies, baby nurses, companions/ aides, kosher housekeepers/cleaners, helpers for all of your occasions, Weekend relief helpers too. Mitzie, 718-949-9233. LEARN ABOUT YOUR OWN PSYCHIC ABILITIES – Tori Quisling, with over 20 years experience, can teach you to use your own intuitive abilities to heal yourself and communicate with others. By the end of the course, students can meditate, work with healing guides and perform a psychic reading. Group and custom classes offered. Please see YourPsychicSelf.net or call 516-423-1794.

SPACE AVAILABLE ROOM FOR RENT with kitchen and bath, in sunny apartment in Western Nassau. Great commute to NYC and bridges. Beautiful Pool Club. Kind, responsible, clean. Lynn 516-242-8270. SPACE AVAILABLE FOR RENT in busy upscale long-established Woodbury yoga studio for holistic health practitioners, such as massage, nutritionist, or personal trainer. Call 516-682-9642 or email info@absoluteyogastudio.com. WELLNESS CENTER SPACE AVAILABLE: Want to start your own holistic healing practice? Come join us in practicing mind-body healing. Located in Oyster Bay. narenq@icloud.com.

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ongoing events

full moon


Full Moon Trance Dance – Held every month on or around the full moon. Moving meditation led by Elyce, live jams by Transmorpheous & Outhouse, at beautiful outdoor settings & studios in Nassau & Suffolk. $25. Bring a veggie dish or snack to share. More info: ElyceYogaTrance.com.

Carol’s Holistic “Show and Tell” and Educational Networking Events – Monthly meetings both day and night in Westbury and Port Washington. Display your products, share your services. Learn how to grow a prosperous practice/business. Get and give referrals. For details, Carol Leitner: 516-242-8270 or CarolLeitner1@gmail.com.

daily 20-Hr Clairvoyant Training Program: Learn to See – Tori Quisling, M.Ed, Clairvoyant Practitioner, offers a 20-hr weekly course in learning to use clairvoyance in your life. By the end of the course, you will be able to meditate “Find Your Space,” give readings and work with your own Healing Guide. Customized program, begin when ready. Discounts when you join with a friend. $1,575 (when paid in full). NY Center for Clairvoyant Development, 150 Bayview Ave, Port Washington. 516-423-1794. Tori@YourPsychicSelf.net. YourPsychicSelf.net. 21-Day Detox – Lose weight, boost energy, destress, learn what you need to know for a life time of healthy cleansing. Includes: 21-day life botanica formula; pH strips; cleanse tool kit & recipes; 3 1-hr detox modules; 3 1-hr stress relief modules. RSVP: 516-676-0200. Info@IntegrativeHealthManhasset. com. GirlfriendCleanse.com. 300-Hr Advanced Yoga Teacher Training – An ongoing training allowing for open enrollment and flexibility in attaining 300-hr certification and continuing education credits all year long. Open to yoga teachers who have completed their 200hr teacher training at a Yoga Alliance Registered School. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Clairvoyant Development Classes – With Tori Quisling, Clairvoyant Practitioner. Learn powerful intuitive tools that completely change their life. Classes include personal training in small groups in meditation, healing and balancing the aura and chakras through work with a personal healing guide and readings. Also learn about dreams, the Akashic Records, mediumship, and an array of metaphysical topics. Classes ongoing. More info: 516-423-1794 or ToriQuisling.com. Prenatal Yoga Classes – Designed to offer expecting moms the tools needed to be mentally, spiritually and physically fit during their journeys to motherhood. Breathe N Flow Yoga: 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. 2882 Long Beach Rd, Oceanside. 516-544-2188. For schedule: BNFYoga.com. YogAnalysis on the Road – Bring our YogAnalysis workshop to your studio or teacher training. More info: LoveServeGive@YogAnalysis.org or YogAnalysis.org.

sunday Vinyasa Flow Yoga – 9am. All levels. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com. “Crawlers” (and Pre-Crawlers) – 3-3:45pm. $30/ class, $140/5-wk series. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. Register: OmSweetOmYoga.com. Yin Yoga – 5:30-6:45pm. Also Mon, 8:15-9:30pm. A series of floor poses held for a longer duration of time in order to lengthen the connective tissues of the body. This helps us maintain a healthy range of motion in our joints and allows for the flow of energy. This practice is a great counter to the more active practices especially for athletes or those working through injuries. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com.

monday Gentle and Moderate Kripalu Yoga/Stretch/ Strengthening Classes – Mon-Sat. With or without Thai Yoga Assisted Stretching. Intro class $20 or $30 with assisted stretching. Plainview, Port Washington, Roslyn & Great Neck. Carol: 516-2428270 or CarolLeitner1@gmail.com. Ashtanga Yoga: Mysore – 6-9am. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com. Theraputic Flow – 9:30-10:45am. With Rita Trieger This curative practice combines yoga therapy techniques with vinyasa flow and restorative poses to help ease stiff or strained muscles and encourage healing on both the physical and emotional plane. Specific attention is paid to easing low back, hips and hamstrings. All levels welcome. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Gentle Yoga for Healthy Aging – 10-11:15am. Also Wed. Stretch and breathe while learning about key muscles involved in the postures and how we can engage them to create a deeper and more stable practice. Using yoga we will maintain strength and flexibility, along with dignity and grace. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com.

Breathe, Flow and Meditate – 5pm. Also Wed. This open level class is the perfect blend of asana, pranayama and meditation. Be guided through a mini-yoga asana practice designed to provide the physical space needed to sit comfortably during guided meditation practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Breast Cancer Support Group – 6-7:30pm. Women who have had breast cancer will have the opportunity to meet in this group. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. For info & to register, Erin Nau: 516-877-4314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077. Support for Caregivers of People with Breast Cancer – 6-7:30pm. Any person who is experiencing the stress and anxiety of caring for a loved one with breast cancer should attend this group. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. For info & to register, Erin Nau: 516-877-4314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077. Pilates for Beginner – 6:30-7:30pm. Also Tues, 9:15am. A free trial by appointment. Come join the therapeutic-grade of Pilates class. Small group setting so you can get personal attention. Harmony Yoga & Dance, 3050 Merrick Rd, Wantagh. For more details, Mariko: 516-330-8998. HarmonyYogaAndDance.com. Big Kids Yoga – 7:15-8:15pm. Ages 11-14. Promotes physical health, self-confidence, awareness, and mental focus in a safe and lighthearted environment. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Free Teleclass: Essential Oils – 7:30pm. 1st Mon. Learn all about how essential oils can support the systems of the body. Different topic each month: athletics, adrenal fatigue, kids, pets, menopause. More info & registration: BestYouCanBeNow@ yahoo.com. Tai Chi & Qigong – 7:50-8:50pm. Good for recovery from injury, physical limitation, mind-body connection. Benefits of circulation, strengthen, balance and stress reduction. Harmony Yoga & Dance, 3050 Merrick Rd, Wantagh. For more details, Mariko: 516330-8998. HarmonyYogaAndDance.com. YinYoga – 8:15-9:30pm. See Sun listing. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com.

tuesday Vinyasa Flow – 9:30am. Basics. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com. Yin Yoga – 9:30am. A practice in which asanas (poses) are held for extended periods to increase flexibility and juice up the joints and ligaments, releasing energetic blockages that may be holding you back in your yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. YogiBaby – 11am. For mom and baby (newborn to active crawler). Regain strength and tone while bonding with your baby. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. ~Victor Hugo January 2018


Baby & Me (Infants & Crawlers) – 11am-12pm. 6-wk series. Mommies and/or daddies practice with their babies, as well as on their own, using yoga postures, breathing and relaxation techniques in a nurturing environment. We explore being fully present with each and every moment. $108/series (1 make-up class per 6-wk series); $20/drop-in. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. Registration required: 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Journey to Serenity – 4:15pm. Music, art, writing, guided meditation and tea. For more info: 516-655-0573 or Arden@ArtTherapy.us. Prenatal Yoga – 5pm. Also Thurs, 9:45am. Through meditation, breathing and specialized movement, empower and inspire yourself for birth, bond with baby, and meet other mamas. Yoga Nanda: Long Beach, 52 E Park Ave, Long Beach. 516-889-0808. Yoga-Nanda.com. Prenatal Yoga – 6pm. Designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Young Women’s Breast Cancer Support Group: Under 40 – 6-7:30pm. Support group focuses on the unique needs and concerns of women under 40 who are diagnosed with breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. For info & to register, Erin Nau: 516-877-4314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077.

wednesday Gentle Yoga for Healthy Aging – 10-11:15am. See Mon listing. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com. Knit and Chat: Breast Cancer Survivors – 11:30am-1pm. Last Wed. Spend time working on a project while chatting with other breast cancer survivors. Bring your knitting or crochet project or make a scarf to donate to someone currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. For info & to register, Erin Nau: 516-877-4314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077. Chair Yoga – 12pm. Adapts yoga positions through creative use of a chair. Most of the class is done seated in a chair or using it as support. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com. Breathe, Flow and Meditate – 5pm. See Mon listing. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Theater for Life – 6pm, teens; 7:15pm, adults. A therapeutic group, an experience in dramatic storytelling in supportive community. For more info: 516-655-0573 or Arden@ArtTherapy.us. Clairvoyant Development Series: Level 1 – 6:308pm. Tori Quisling, M.Ed, graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute and featured expert in the New York Daily News, will train on using own psychic abilities (clairvoyance, clairaudience). By the end of 8 wks, students will meditate, have awareness of psychic abilities and perform a reading. Workbook/ CD. Customized programs also available. $125/ class; $975/8-wk course. NY Center for Clairvoyant Development, 150 Bayview Ave, Port Washington. 516-423-1794. Tori@YourPsychicSelf.net. YourPsychicSelf.net.


Long Island Edition

Meditation/Restorative Yoga – 7:30pm. Guided meditation and restorative asana for all levels; various meditation techniques taught and reviewed. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com. Gentle Yoga & Meditation for Stress Relief – 7:30-8:45pm. Come to relax and relief your stress. Gentle stretch and yoga pose with flow the energy, peace and calm for meditation. Harmony Yoga & Dance, 3050 Merrick Rd, Wantagh. For more details, Mariko: 516-330-8998. HarmonyYogaAndDance.com.

friday Prenatal Yoga – 7:15pm. Designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Healing and Self-Relaxation Class – 8:15-9pm. Practice self-care and self-love through gong bath and kundalini yoga techniques. Open to all seeking calmness and stillness. Yoga Nanda: Garden City, 55 Hilton Ave, Garden City. 516-307-9007. Yoga-Nanda.com. org


Radiance Sutras Meditation – 7:15-7:45am. With Elyce Neuhauser. A meditation practice based on Lorin Roche’s The Radiance Sutras, a poetic translation of an ancient yogic text offering 112 living meditation practices. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com. Prenatal Yoga – 9:45am. See Tues listing. Yoga Nanda: Long Beach, 52 E Park Ave, Long Beach. 516-889-0808. Yoga-Nanda.com. Vinyasa Flow: Level 1/Basics – 6pm. All levels. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com. Teen Grief Support Group – 7pm. 2nd Thurs. With Jennifer Plunkett. For teens, ages 13-17, dealing with the loss of someone close to them. First time attendees must first speak with Jennifer prior to their first group. A social media component between monthly meetings will be part of the program. Free. COPE House, Field 6A, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow. 516-484-4993.

Gentle/Restorative Yoga – 9:30am. Gentle asana and restorative postures supported by props allow gravity and flow of breath to release the body and encourage deep relaxation. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com. Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Support Group – 10-11:30am. When a person first hears they are diagnosed with breast cancer they have a million questions, fears, and are looking for support. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. For info & to register, Erin Nau: 516-877-4314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077. Spring Buddhaful Baby & Me – 12-12:45pm. Ages 5 wks-crawling. $30/class, $110/4-wk series. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. Register: OmSweetOmYoga.com. Yoga Nidra and Reiki Aerial – 12-1pm. A signature blend of yoga nidra and reiki while feeling the liberation of suspension in our hammocks. Yoga Nanda: Long Beach, 52 E Park Ave, Long Beach. 516-889-0808. Yoga-Nanda.com. Community Yoga: Donation-Based – 4-5pm. A vinyasa flow class that will stretch the body and clear the mind. All donations collected each month go to supporting the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation & Flying Frogs Yoga. Donate what you can. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Prenatal Yoga – 5:30-6:30pm. Designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com.

saturday Pre-Natal Yoga – 9am. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642.

Support Group for Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer Disease – 7-8pm. 1st & 3rd Thurs. Meet with other women who are surviving metastatic breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. For info & to register, Erin Nau: 516-877-4314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077.

Yin Yoga – 9-10:15am. A practice in which asanas (poses) are held for extended periods to increase flexibility and juice up the joints and ligaments, releasing energetic blockages that may be holding you back in your yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com.

Holistic Moms Network – 7:30pm. 1st Thurs. Join us for our monthly meeting to connect on natural living and mindful parenting. Nassau County, LI North Shore Chapter. Oyster Bay Community Center. More info: 516-674-4114 or NorthShorelihmn@gmail.com.

Family Yoga – 1pm. Children and family members do yoga together. It is fun mind, body development, bonding together. Harmony Yoga & Dance, 3050 Merrick Rd, Wantagh. For more details, Mariko: 516-330-8998. HarmonyYogaAndDance.com.


community resource guide


Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our commmunity. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, visit NaturalAwakeningsLI.com for guidelines and to submit entries (under “advertise” tab.}

CHIROPRACTOR CENTER FOR THE ALIGNMENT OF BODY, MIND & SPIRIT Dr. Gina Marino • Wantagh 516-221-3500 • Align-Me.com Dr. Marino utilizes a combination of gentle chiropractic spinal adjustments, Reiki and bodywork to reduce pain, lessen the effects of stress on your system, restore flexibility and ensure optimum vitality. See ad on page 43.


Locations in Smithtown and Garden City 516-640-5322 • CleansingConceptsWorld.com Private, safe, comfortable. Lose weight, gain energy, improve skin and sleep, and help reduce the risk of disease. Spa-like atmosphere. Feel completely relaxed. Pre-Post cleanse nutrients provided. See ad on page 25.


Steven M. Rachlin, MD, PC 927 Willis Ave, Albertson, NY 11507 (30 mins from Manhattan) 516-873-7773 RachlinMedical.com

Dr. Steven M. Rachlin is a recognized pioneer in alternative and integrative medicine and has been practicing in New York City and Long Island for over 30 years. In his state-of-the-art facility he offers the best of holistic and traditional medicine. He treats cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders, hormone imbalances, low testosterone, diabetes, weight loss, hypertension, chronic fatigue, thyroid imbalances, fibromyalgia, food and inhalant allergies, celiac and heavy metal toxicity. Some of his treatments include, IV Vitamin Therapy, Chelation Therapy, complete blood work evaluations, immunotherapy and nutritional counseling. See ad on page 11.

POLLACK WELLNESS INSTITUTE 66 Commack Rd, Commack NY 631-462-0801 Pollack Wellness.com

Dr. David L Pollack specializes in functional nutrition which is the science of helping repair and restore the body naturally without the use of drugs and surgery. Many of his clients were frustrated with their past health care; conventional or holistic. Most seek help with their thyroid, weight loss, digestive disorders, hormone imbalances including infertility, menstrual & Low T. We accept those with or without diagnosis, complex and simple disorders. Most insurance policies accepted for many services. See ad on inside front cover.


Essentially Powerful Worldwide 516-624-2332 GoTo.OilsForEveryday.com Your wholesale and retail resource for Young Living Essential Oils. Free workshops, trainings, and support in use and application of pure therapeuticgrade EOs. Opportunity to grow your own distributorship if desired. Your guide to vibrant health, emotional freedom, abundant living. See ad on page 37.


516-817-8781 Anahid@DreamerFengShui.com Feng Shui is a combination of knowledge, experience, and insight gathered over thousands of years to promote balance and prosperity. Anahid Naldjian is a certified practitioner and is available for residential or business consultations. Free 15-minute consultation with ad.

For $67 a month Your Business Directory Listing Could Be



A Place for Dental Wellness Jonathan Richter DDS, FAGD Specializing in Periodontics and Implantology Periodontal Prosthesis and Fixed Prosthodontics 310 E Shore Rd, Great Neck 516-282-0310 We welcome you to come in for a comprehensive exam of teeth, gums, early detection, and oral health problems. We offer the following services: holistic dental care, mercury-free dentistry, TMJ disorder and treatment, treatment for sleep disorders, Invisalign and orthodontics, dental implant, sleep apnea. Payment plans available. See ad on back cover.


444 Community Dr, Ste 204, Manhasset 516-627-8400 • GoldenSmile.com A practice that cares for you like family. The philosophy of our dental wellness center is a wholebody approach working closely with your healthcare practitioners that you already have a relationship with. The practice incorporates the teaching of Huggins, IOAMT, and much more. See ad on page 13.

HYPNOSIS/ PAST LIFE REGRESSION DIVINE DIRECTIONS HYPNOSIS & SPIRITUAL COUNSELING SERVICES Rev. Diane Monks, CH, LMSW - Wantagh 516 826-5859 DivineDirectionshscs@gmail.com DianeMonks.com

Diane is an Ordained Interfaith Minister, Certified in Past Life Regression by Dr. Brian Weiss, MD and the Weiss Institute and is also a Certified Hypnotist. Diane offers spiritually based work which combines a variety of healing modalities to offer personalized plans for healing, support, personal growth and transformation. Divine Directions’s mission is to bless your body, mind & heart with deep peace, ease and comfort; to create safe spaces for you to heal and release stress and old patterns that keep you stuck in suffering; and to inspire you to embrace your full potential as a wondrous being of light and beauty. See ad on page 41.


Healer, Spiritual Counselor Lynbrook, NY 516-665-3351 Clairvoyant and clairaudient Healer, Michelle channels powerful healing energy while providing clear insight for your path to wellness. Free phone consultations for new clients. See ad on page 35.

January 2018



560 Northern Blvd, Ste 109, Great Neck 516-676-0200 IntegrativeHealthManhasset.com Specializing in detoxification and preventative health care. We are fully present in your visit so you feel safe, appreciated and heard. .


516-423-1794 • Tori@YourPsychicSelf.net YourPsychicSelf.net Tori Quisling, MEd, offers Clairvoyant Readings, Psychic Development classes. Over 20 years experience, training at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, Tori assists you in deep spiritual answers, past lives, relationships and energy balance. See ad on page 39.


Bellmore 516-765-3272 • Dr.Finker.com Utilizing Naturopathic Medicine to help her patients feel better naturally. Many illnesses can be treated by nutrition, botanicals, and nutraceuticals. Dr. Finker provides personalized health care solutions for her patients. See ad on page 15.



Arden has extensive training and experience as a humanistic and psychoanalytic psychotherapist, and is a licensed creative arts therapist. She works with individuals, couples, and families; adults, children and teens. She offers various therapeutic group experiences including theater for life. All levels of psychiatric and life challenges, creativity development, relationship healing and enrichment. See ad on page 27.

66 Commack Rd, Ste 204, Commack 631-462-0801 • CreatingWellnessLI.com


SCHOOLS PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL OF LONG ISLAND 1425 Merrick Ave, Merrick 516-868-6835 • psoli.com

K-8 private school. Morning yoga, meditation, healthy and vegetarian eating. Individualized reading, writing, math. Volunteering and service; earning by doing. Rich in culture and diversity. Reasonable tuition. See ad on page 35.



The Healing Center 200 W 57th St, Ste 807 New York 212-581-0101 DrHowardRobins@gmail.com If you have a disease or condition that you haven’t been able to get rid of, Ozone Therapy will most likely be the answer, even for people that have suffered for years and have lost all hope. If you are questioning if your condition can be treated, call or email Dr. Robins. See ad on page 55.


Long Island Edition

11 Stewart Ave, Huntington, NY 11743 631-547-4100 ReplenisHealth.com Come visit our relaxing medically supervised facility for a Vitamin Drip. Improve your energy levels, immune health, and enhance your overall appearance.



Dr. David L Pollack specializes in functional nutrition which is the science of helping repair and restore the body naturally without the use of drugs and surgery. Many of his clients were frustrated with their past health care; conventional or holistic. Most seek help with their thyroid, weight loss, digestive disorders, hormone imbalances including infertility, menstrual & Low T. We accept those with or without diagnosis, complex and simple disorders. Most insurance policies accepted for many services. See ad on inside front cover.


140 Cove Road, Oyster Bay 516-721-4216 Everveda.com Everveda’s mission is to restore and rejuvenate the lives of those who seek better health. Tucked away from the chaos of the outside world, our sacred grounds are home to many healing practices such as ayurvedic spa treatments, reiki, abhyanga, shirodhara, svedana, and facials to name a few. If you are looking for a community to heal and grow with, EverVeda is your home away from home! See ad on page 37.


1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury 516-682-YOGA AbsoluteYogaStudio.com Two beautiful, peaceful studios provide the perfect environment for the union of body and soul. 50+ classes per week in a variety of yoga styles and levels from beginner to energetic, strengthening warm vinyasa yoga. We also offer kids, pre- and post-natal yoga (yogi baby), restorative yoga, yoga for fertility, Pilates and barre. See ad on page 7.


361b Atlantic Ave, Freeport 516-632-9626 BreatheNFlowYoga.com Family yoga studio specializing in vinyasa yoga, prenatal, restorative, kids’ yoga, mommy & me, private/semi-private, kids’ parties and workshops. Special donation-based community yoga classes offered Fridays at 4pm. Open 7 days a week offering a full range of classes in two studios and private changing/nursing area. Come feel the Flow. See ad on page 41.

OM SWEET OM YOGA 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington 516-944-9642 OmSweetOmYoga.com

Be embraced by the warmth of community and be celebrated for who you truly are. Your home away from home; your refuge in a busy life. Here your body is strengthened and soothed while your spirit is nurtured. See ad on page 43.

Ma ke a ever yday g ree n day


Natural device stops a cold before it starts

New research: Copper stops colds if used early.


ew research shows you can stop a cold in its tracks if you take one simple step with a new device when you first feel a cold coming on. Colds start when cold viruses get in your nose. Viruses multiply fast. If you don’t stop them early, they spread in your airways and cause misery. But scientists have found a quick way to stop a virus. Touch it with copper. Researchers at labs and universities worldwide agree — copper is “antimicrobial.” It kills microbes, such as viruses and bacteria, just by touch. Four thousand years ago ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. Now we know why it worked so well. Researchers say a tiny electric charge in microbe cells gets short-circuited by the high conductance of copper. This destroys the cell in seconds. Tests by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) show germs die fast on copper. So some hospitals switched to copper touch surfaces, like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives. The strong scientific evidence gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea. When he felt a cold coming on he fashioned a smooth copper probe and rubbed it gently in his nose for 60 seconds. “It worked!” he exclaimed. “The cold went away completely.” It worked

Some users say it also helps with sinuses. Attorney Donna Blight had a 2-day sinus headache. When her CopperZap arrived, she tried it. “I am shocked!” she said. “My head cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.” Some users say copper stops nighttime stuffiness if they use it just before bed. One man said, “Best sleep I’ve had in years.” Users also report success in stopping cold sores when used at the first sign of a tingle in the lip. One woman said, “I tried every product on the market over 20 years. Some helped a little, but this stopped it from happening in the first place.” The handle is sculptured to fit the hand and finely textured to improve contact. Tests show it kills harmful microbes on the fingers to help prevent the spread of illness.

again every time he felt a cold coming on. He reports he has never had a cold since. He asked relatives and friends to try it. They said it worked for them, too. So he patented CopperZap™ and put it on the market. Soon hundreds of people had tried it and given feedback. Nearly 100 percent said the copper stops their colds if used within 3 hours of the first sign. Even up to 2 days after the first sign, if they still get the cold it is milder and they feel better. Users wrote things like, “It stopped my cold right away,” and “Is it supposed to work that fast?” Pat McAllister, age 70, received one as a gift and called it “one of the best presents ever. This little jewel really works.” Sinus trouble, stuffiness, cold sores. People often use CopperZap Copper may even help stop flu if for prevention, before cold signs apused early and for several days. In a pear. Karen Gauci, who flies often for her job, used to get colds after crowded lab test, scientists placed 25 million live flu viruses on a CopperZap. No viruses flights. Though skeptical, she tried it were found alive soon after. several times a day on travel days for The EPA says the natural color 2 months. “Sixteen flights and not a change of copper does not reduce its sniffle!” she exclaimed. ability to kill germs. Businesswoman Rosaleen says CopperZap is made in the U.S. of when people are sick around her she pure copper. It carries a 90-day full uses CopperZap morning and night. money back guarantee and is available “It saved me last holidays,” she said. for $49.95 at CopperZap.com or toll“The kids had colds going around and free 1-888-411-6114. around, but not me.” ADVERTORIAL

January 2018


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January 2018



Upcycle your extracted teeth

A tooth extraction is one of the most performed procedure by dentists all over the world and throughout history. Currently, extracted teeth are considered to be a biological waste. But what if there is a way that we can upcycle extracted teeth by creating an autologous bone grafting material. This material can then be placed at the site of extraction in order to avoid the bone trauma that can be caused by extracting a tooth. Low bone density at the extraction site can have long lasting effects in the esthetic, phonetic and function of your teeth. Using the Smart Dentin Grinder from KometaBio we are able to utilize extracted teeth and convert them into bacteria-free autologous dentin material to be use for immediate bone grafting in about 15- 20 minutes. The extracted tooth goes through a process of cleaning, grinding, demineralization and sterilization in order to be an effective graft material which is biocompatible with the patient and has a low chance of rejection. Why does it work? Dentin is virtually identical to bone in composition and proven to be an ideal grafting material. Bone and dentin undergo a process of fusion (ankylosis) rather than resorption. This process creates stronger and longer lasting density at the extraction site.

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Before Graft

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