Long Islands Health and Wellness Magazine

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feel good • live simply • laugh more

Sustainable Communities Eco-Concerns are Changing Neighborhoods


Solar Power’s Bright Future It’s a Worldwide Eco-Goldmine

Live Your True Self Four Tools Guide Us on Our Life Journey

October 2014 | Long Island Edition | NALIMag.com Follow us on Facebook.com/NaturalAwakeningsLongIsland and Twitter NALIKelly

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Long Island Edition


contents Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue, readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.

by Catherine Driscoll


Detects Illness in Time for Effective Treatment by Shawn Messonnier



Laser Hair Removal and So Much More




Six Ways to Inhale Energy and Exhale Stress by Lane Vail




Four Tools Guide Us on Our Life Journey by Indira Dyal-Dominguez




by Gina Marie Cronin


Host a Halloween that’s Natural, Healthy and Cost-Conscious by Avery Mack



on America’s Evolution into Integrative Medicine by Andrea Schensky Williams


Urban America is Going Green in a Big Way


by Christine MacDonald



Solar Power is a Worldwide Eco-Goldmine by Linda Sechrist

44 AN A FOR APPLES It’s a Top-Ranked Superstar Fruit by Tania Melkonian


departments 16 8 newsbriefs 12 healthbriefs 13 kudos 22 petbrief 24 businessspoltight 25 globalbriefs 25 26 productspoltight 27 inspiration 30 eastend 32 healthykids 36 healingways 48 40 ecobrief 42 greenliving 44 consciouseating 48 naturalpet 50 fitbody 52 yogapages 50 54 calendar 57 classifieds 59 community resourcedirectory

natural awakenings

October 2014


letterfrompublisher “The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” –Marcel Proust

“Y contact us Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Kelly McGrath Martinsen Editor Sara Gurgen National Editors Linda Sechrist Alison Chabonais Contributing Writers Gina Marie Cronin Catherine Driscoll Design & Production Suzzanne Siegel Cover Selection: DNR Martinsen Advertising Sales Kelly Martinsen, Gerry Laytin and Darlene Dexter To contact Natural Awakenings Long Island Edition: P.O. Box 1104 Long Beach, NY 11561 Phone: 516-587-6517 Fax: 516-953-3475 Kelly@NALIMag.com © 2014 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call for a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback. SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available for $30 (for 12 issues). Please call 516-587-6517 with credit card information or mail a check made out to Natural Awakenings to the above address. Request a free digital copy of the magazine by emailing Kelly@NALIMag.com.

Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.


Long Island Edition

ou gotta reframe that!” said fellow publisher Joe Dunne one day when I was complaining about my feelings toward a business associate. The relationship had begun to feel one sided. “I can’t stand it; there is nothing more I can give. I feel used!” I complained. My expectation was that Joe, a good friend, would sympathize and maybe give me a salty word or phrase to hurl at this person. Instead, he simply said in his Rockaway Beach inflection, “Come on rock star, you gotta reframe that!” It made me think. When things occur in our lives, they don’t have an impact on us, rather, they elicit reactions from us. Unpleasant events happen in all of our lives, but it is the way we hang that event on the proverbial wall of our life—how we “frame it”—that determines its impact. Take, for example, the employee that gets a bad yearly review or the student that receives a bad report card, or that multi-tasking adult that is both a student and an employee that receives a bad review and at the ) We can frame it as an opportunity for same time a bad report card! (Poor sod. growth and development, and implement changes to ensure that next year will be even better. That type of frame is actually empowering; it gives you a source of positive energy that propels you toward a specific goal. The positive actions then fuel your very cells, your relationships, your life. If, though, you frame it by fighting the powers, gossiping about the review, telling your co-workers month after month that your manager is “fat and stupid anyway,” that will have an impact on you as well. It stirs, if you will, a sh*t storm around an already unpleasant event. This is true for physicalities as well. Too often, I have heard women my age talk about “bat wings” on their arms, “love handles” draping their hips and wrinkles on their faces. A much more loving approach is to eat healthfully and exercise, and when you believe you are the healthiest version of you, then reframe and see your body as the thing a child hugs at night when running from monsters under his or her bed. Your wrinkles? Etchings, permanent reminders of all the times you have loved and laughed, smiled and winked. This month’s magazine focus is Sustainable Communities. Perhaps you may want to reframe the way you think about sustainability. No one is proposing that you renounce capitalism and leap fully into a communal living situation! Sustainable activities can be as simple as unplugging appliances, turning off lights, and using fewer plastic water bottles (see article “Ditch the Plastic” on page 40). It is my two-year anniversary as publisher of Natural Awakenings Long Island (see thank you card on page 47). I would NEVER be publisher of this beautiful magazine if I hadn’t first been laid off by a company that I had dedicated myself to for 13 years. That day, I was devastated and angry, and I did gossip with my friends that the man that made the decision to let me go was “fat and stupid.” And, at the time, I think I even called him “lonely”! (Don’t judge, I was hurt. ) In the end, though, I reframed my situation as an opportunity. Reframing led me here to you as your publisher, and I could not be happier! Thank you for an amazing two years. Happy Anniversary! Here’s to reframing!

Malama Pono!


Kelly Martinsen, Publisher

advertising & submissions how to advertise To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 516-587-6517 or email Kelly@NALIMag.com. Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. Editorial submissions For articles, news items and ideas, visit our website, NaturalAwakeningsLI.com, under “advertise” to submit. Deadline for editorial: the 12th of the month. calendar submissions For calendar listings, visit our website, NaturalAwakeningsLI.com, under “calendar” to submit. Deadline for calendar: the 12th of the month. regional & multiple markets Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! To place your ad in other markets call 516-587-6517. For Editorial Product Review consideration: Mail product to PO Box 1104 Long Beach, NY, attention: Product Editor. Delivery does not guarantee review. Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing, franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. For franchising opportunities, call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com.

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newsbriefs Cleansing Concepts New Location


leansing Concepts, formally located in Westbury, has a new home in Garden City. This 1800-square-foot wellness center brings the latest detoxification therapies combined with spa services under one roof. Some of the new services offered at the new Garden City center as well as the Smithtown location include bioelectric lymph drainage, and massage and body treatments by Luxe Spa. In the Garden City location, Cleansing Concepts will also offer holistic chiropractic work by Dr. Latoya Evans, and luxurious detox spa pedicures and acupuncture. Location: 825 E Gate Blvd., Garden City. For more information, call 516-640-5322. See ad on page 17.

Holistic Healing and Spa Day


arol Leitner, MBA, certified Kripalu yoga instructor and Thai yoga bodyworker, has enjoyed marketing and supporting the local holistic doctor/practitioner community for more than 15 years via her numerous organizations, i.e.,The Wellness and Entrepreneurs Exchange and Holistic Living on Long Island. Her mission is to educate the public on how to keep body, mind and spirit optimally healthy, as well as to refer the public to the very talented local holistic doctor/practitioner community. To that end, Leitner is hosting an event titled Holistic Healing and Spa Day on Saturday, November 8, from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at VFW, in Albertson. Attendees will find excellent holistic doctors, practitioners and advanced energy workers, and will be able to experience free: massages, healings, health consults and products in the following areas: holistic dentistry, gentle chiropractic, acupuncture, brain medicine, kinesiology, intuitive coaching, Reiki, emotional freedom technique, laws of attraction, essential oils for people and pets, yoga, chair yoga, Thai yoga bodywork, somatic therapy, nutrition, sacred jewelry, financial wellness, and more. Attendees can also experience a mini-labyrinth walk and very reasonably priced psychic readings and dream interpretations. Speakers include Nanci Deutsch, LCSW and CHT, host of Inspired & Empowered Living Radio Show: The 3 “Must-Know” Secrets to Creating Extraordinarily Healthy and Joyful Relationships and The Power of Intuition to Totally Transform Your Life; Janna Zarchin: The 5 Steps to Creating Miracles in Your Life; Marie Regis: Brain Health: The Role of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine to Slow or Reverse Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ADHD; Lynn Goldstein: Clear the Issues Out of Your Tissues with Energy Kinesiology and Essential Oils for People and Pets; Anthony Mirro and Mindy Pensig: Reiki, EFT and LOA for Amazing Health and Well-Being; Jane Ding: How to Increase Retirement Income to Live the Life of Your Dreams!; Dr. Olga Isaeva: Teeth Can Heal. Teeth-Conserving Approach in Holistic/Biomimetic Dentistry; Dr. Kentia-Jean Charles: The 7 Essential Steps to Dramatically Reverse the Aging Process. Location: 155 Searingtown Rd., Albertson, next to Shelter Rock Public Library. To RSVP, call Carol Leitner at 516-242-8270 or email CarolLeitner1@gmail.com. Limited vendor tables and very limited speaking spots available. See ad on page 21.


Long Island Edition



Integrative Dentistry: A Fresh Approach to Oral Health


ore and more people are turning to alternative medicine over allopathic medicine to help cure their ills. Many are just tired of conventional medicine’s symptom-focused approach. Instead of focusing on helping the body heal naturally, as in naturopathic medicine, conventional medicine focuses on drugs and surgery. For thousands of years people have used natural medicine, Dr. Alex Shvartsman such as herbal medicine and energy medicine, as healing modalities. 631-361-3577 Abandoning this ancient wisdom SmithtownSmiles.com and thousands of years of success in healing seems irresponsible and foolish. While naturopathic medicine is an important health-care system, we cannot dismiss modern medical advances, technology and techniques. This is why the integrative medical model can be a highly successful approach to health care. Today, with our improved understanding of biology and how our body works, we can better understand how natural medicine heals. Dentistry is no different. Incredible advances in diagnosis and treatment have occurred in the past several decades. 3-D low radiation digital X-ray technology allows Dr. Alex Shvartsman to finally see the full picture and not just extrapolate and guess from a 2-D film. Lasers have literally revolutionized dentistry. Cavity diagnosis, gum disease, tooth decay removal, tooth whitening, TMJ therapy, and pain management have all been improved by laser dentistry. Biomimetic restorative materials allow Shvartsman to reconstruct teeth to emulate nature, so the tooth and restoration act in harmony with each other. However, just like conventional medicine, conventional dentistry is stuck in the symptom-based treatment approach. Naturopathic medicine is the study and application of a variety of alternative healing modalities, which include homeopathy, herbal medicine, ayurvedic medicine, Chinese medicine, energy medicine, supplementation, diet, as well as other alternative-healing modalities. Naturopathic medicine is all about helping the body heal itself. It works with the body, focusing on causes rather than just addressing the

symptoms. Our body is used to nature. When we expose our system to unfamiliar, synthetic medicine—chemicals that our biology has never come in contact with—our body gets confused, inflamed, poisoned and often sicker. It is no wonder that today’s modern drugs are full of nasty side effects. Integrative medicine has emerged as a highly successful healing approach by borrowing the best of both conventional and alternative medicine. Dentistry can also benefit from such thinking. In developing his integrative-dentistry approach, Shvartsman recently completed his naturopathic doctor degree. By staying current in modern dentistry as well as naturopathic medicine, Shvartsman is convinced that he will be able to help and heal his patients better. Already, Shvartsman’s patients are benefiting from this fusion. Ozone therapy has saved many teeth from root canal treatment and cleared up infections without antibiotics; homeopathic anti-anxiety remedies have calmed the nerves of many patients; natural remedies and supplements have helped speed up healing and recovery after surgery; and energy medicine has helped to choose biocompatible materials for the individual patient. Shvartsman’s extensive knowledge of alternative medicine techniques allows him to be “on the same page” with his patients.

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October 2014


If You Learn from Natural Awakenings, Share the Knowledge

newsbriefs Creator of Higher Brain Living to Speak October 20


ichael Cotton, DC, will give a presentation on Higher Brain Living (HBL)—a technique he created and developed for advancing human potential by changing the physiology of the brain—on October 20 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the New York Marriott Marquis. During the presentation, which is free for those that preregister, Cotton will explain how HBL facilitators can earn income while changing lives. According to its proponents, HBL frees us from our fear-based lower brain through a surge of energy into the prefrontal cortex (our higher brain), awakening the capacity for a lifetime of lasting joy, purpose and potential. “Those who become HBL facilitators are passionate, educated leaders in psychology, life coaching, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, yoga and other holistic fields, because it offers them an unprecedented way to help clients change, grow, evolve and live with lasting peace, happiness and confidence,” Cotton says. “These leaders have discovered their area of expertise alone is not enough to facilitate the extraordinary spiral of positive change available exclusively through HBL.” The New York Marriott Marquis is located in Times Square at 1535 Broadway, NYC. The cost of admission at the door is $97. For more information and to reserve a free seat spot, visit HigherBrainLivingEvents.com/ny. See ad on page 37.

Explore India and Discover Yourself


JOIN US ON: facebook.com/ NaturalAwakeningsLongIsland twitter.com/ NALIKelly Kelly@NALIMag.com

amela Rich, HHC, and Deborah Dunn, HHC, founder of Balanced Wellness, are hosting a two-week retreat to explore India and all the ancient wisdom it holds, February 20 through March 6. India is the ideal place to immerse yourself in mindfulness, and it provides the perfect platform for an awakening to what drives your thoughts, words and actions. Come experience India with a small group of women, like Pamela Rich, HHC yourself, interested in learning and diving inward. Enjoy daily meditation, yoga (all levels–including beginners) and morning circles, exploring dialogues and teachings to take you deeper into your true self. Along with the two experienced holistic practitioners that will be hosting the retreat, there will be several local teacher practitioners that have a range of expertise in Ayurveda, chakra balancing, mindfulness/meditation and more. All-inclusive daily excursions include world-renowned Osho Meditation Resort, visits to local markets, an orphanage, and various historical sites, including a day trip outside of Pune to visit 2nd century Buddhist caves, along with opportunities to schedule massages and other ayurvedic treatments. Private rooms with private bath and personal rickshaw drivers. India is a wonderful resource of inspiration and teachings on many levels. Enjoy an amazing, authentic experience as you explore India and discover yourself. For more information and to register, call Pamela Rich, HHC, at 516-624-2332 or visit BalancedWellness.info/India-retreats. Only two spaces left. See ad on page 23.


Long Island Edition


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Mercury Change Your Perception, Change Removal: The Your Life! Ultimate Detox! Break the chains that keep you from reaching your life’s goals. EVOX technology can help you to clear emotional blockages that may be holding you back. According to Dr. Caroline Leaf, a leading author, lecturer and researcher of the human brain, “87 percent to 95 percent of the illnesses that plague us today are a direct result of our thought life.” Are you... • Feeling emotionally blocked? • Afraid of public speaking? • Sabotaged by your anger? • Frustrated with other therapies? • Ready to be free from the past? As a performer or athlete, are you... • Choking up when you need to deliver your best performance? • Losing focus at critical times? • Lacking the energy to follow through or finish a project or task? • Sabotaging yourself in ways that affect your performance? Subconsciously we create complex and sometimes strange methods to protect us from early traumatic and stressful experiences. These habits run silently below the surface of our conscious mind as coping skills that help us endure and survive difficult events and chronically painful conditions throughout our lives. The repetitive application of these habits often leads to thoughts, feelings and actions that create suffering and rob us of our fullest potential later in life. Experience Emotional Release with Voice Mapping Technology Working with the frequencies in a client’s voice, voice mapping is a highly effective biofeedback process for emotional release and healing from the consequences of stored stress and trauma. It is also used by athletes to overcome challenges and improve peak performance. Given the correlation between physical and emotional health, voice mapping can be helpful in fighting chronic health problems. There exists a belief for some, that each day of our lives is recorded in some way. Every stressful or traumatic event you experienced and, importantly, the coping skills you called up or invented to respond to the stress at the time, was the best tool you had available. For example, if a child grew up in an environment of extreme criticism, she or he may have coped by disconnecting from his or her emotions or becoming self-critical as well. That history is still active somewhere within you. When you’ve lived with a behavior or stress response most of your life, it may not seem out of the ordinary to you. If you notice anything at all, you may say, “That’s just the way I am.” However, when you’ve cleared early memories connected to negative experiences, you stop that behavior and often realize numerous ways in which you feel better. Voice mapping is proving to be an effective process for helping people process and release stress and trauma. If you are ready to make those changes, Pure & Simple Health is here to help you get there. For the month of October, Pure & Simple Health is offering a $25 discount on its EVOX therapy for new clients. Location: 128 N. Long Beach Rd., Rockville Centre. For more information, call 516-203-7442. See ad on page 11. 12

Long Island Edition


Removing mercury dental fillings is a powerful and necessary step for dentists dedicated to protecting the health and vitality of their patients. Although mercury fillings are comprised of approximately 30 percent silver, unfortunately, the remaining 70 percent is mercury. In 1988, dental amalgams received a toxic classification by the Environmental Protection Agency, which mandated they and their byproducts be handled in accordance with the laws Dr. Linda J. Golden, DDS governing hazardous waste. You can’t see, taste or smell mercury, but then its vapor is released via brushing, chewing, eating or grinding teeth. It can be inhaled into your lungs and passed along into the cellular structure of the organs and intestines, therefore, compromising the health of the brain, tissues and nervous system. Biocompatible composite fillings are a healthy and affordable alternative to mercury amalgams. They are also natural looking, metal-free, and durable. The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology has established guidelines for minimizing mercury exposure during the removal of amalgam fillings. It is important to choose a practitioner that is knowledgeable and skilled in following them. Source: Linda J. Golden, DDS, of the Golden Dental Wellness Center. Golden performs all forms of dental procedures, including mercury removal mentioned above. Call her at 516-627-8400 to schedule a mercury removal appointment. See ad on page 17.

kudos Michel Selmer, DVM, CVA, is now a permanent faculty member at Suffolk Community College department of veterinary science technology in addition to running his integrative veterinary practice, Advanced Animal Dr. Michel Selmer, DVM Care Center, in Huntington Station. We would like to congratulate him. See ad on page 2.

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natural awakenings

October 2014



Six Ways to Stay Young, Healthy and Vibrant— Rejuvenate Your Body with Acupuncture, Eastern Nutrition and Herbs by Claudine S. Amirian Autumn is the harvest season; here are ways 3. Soothes indigestion: Many people experience acupuncture, herbs and Eastern nutrition can acid reflux. Brazilian researchers recently pubhelp you harvest a calmer, pain-free, happier life. lished proof that acupuncture therapy alleviated In the midst of everyone’s busy life, it’s vital to heartburn and indigestion in pregnant women. take time to listen to our body’s needs. Chinese One group of pregnant women was given a commedicine can de-stress and balance the body in bination of acupuncture and medications, while multiple ways. (Foods that are healthy to add to another group was counseled on dietary changes the diet to warm and balance the body in the auand given medications if needed. Over the tumn include sour foods, such as olives, pickles, course of the study, 75 percent of the women in adzuki beans, lemons and sour apples.) the acupuncture group saw heartburn intensity, Many don’t realize the scientific benefits of and antacid use, decline, while only 44 percent Claudine S. Amirian acupuncture and how useful it can be to help of women in the standard-treatment group saw reduce everyday symptoms of imbalance. Here those same effects. are six ways acupuncture can help to balance your life and 4. Dulls persistent headaches: A review of 22 studies involvassist you to enjoy optimum health this season. ing acupuncture therapy, migraines and tension headaches found that regular acupuncture therapy was effective at 1. Reduces aches and pains: As the season brings on cooler preventing tension headaches and migraines from becoming weather, aches and pain can increase. Also, strenuous a problem, and that it was an effective treatment for existing everyday activities, lifestyle and aging can all lead to pain. headaches. Chronic pain can hinder a person from activities. In a recent 5. Manages weight: Acupuncture has been proven in a study study by the Archives of Internal Medicine, research showed from Korea, which analyzed 31 studies on a total of 3,013 that acupuncture is indeed a good treatment for chronic people, to be more effective in decreasing body weight than pain. It was recommended that doctors should start suglifestyle changes and medications. Acupuncture and herbs gesting it as treatment for arthritis and other chronic ailcan help curve appetite, balance the thyroid, strengthen ments. Acute and chronic pain are the most common reasons digestion, move bowels and more. people seek acupuncturists, especially since there is so much well-documented scientific literature. 6. Lifts skin: Acupuncture tightens pores, improves muscle tone and dermal contraction, while enhancing and increas2. Balances hormones: Many people experience premenstru- ing the elasticity of the skin. It can reduce signs of aging al syndrome, menopause, infertility or diabetes, which are all by strengthening and stimulating the circulation of qi within connected to an imbalance of hormones. Chinese medicine the meridian pathways, especially those to the face. Through can balance your hormones with acupressure, moxa and/ a succession of treatments, you will look and feel more eneror herbs. Acupuncture can also balance the emotions and getic, pain-free, calm, vibrant and healthy. reduce anxiety. A study from China, published in the August issue of the Journal of Alternative and Complementary MediSo, whether you have pain in your body, indigestion or just cine, found that a low-dose of fluoxetine (Prozac) combined want to be proactive and pamper your body, it is an ideal with acupuncture therapy was just as effective at reducing time to treat yourself to an acupuncture/acupressure treatanxiety in patients being treated for depression as full-dose ment. Packaged treatments currently available. medication. Cutting the dose and adding acupuncture also reduced the drug’s side effects, which can include nausea, Claudine S. Amirian, LAc, MS, is an acupuncturist. For an apweight gain and a decreased sex drive. pointment, call 917-309-2758. See ad on page 35.


Long Island Edition


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October 2014



The Power of Your Words by Dr. Diana D’Angelo Did you know that if you speak negatively, dozens of stressproducing hormones are released in your brain? This causes more negative thoughts to develop, leading your thoughts and health on a downward spiral. Negative speaking, like “I have a bad heart/neck/ stomach,” is not healthy. Ever know two people that are sick at the same time and the person that has a positive attitude heals faster than the person that continues to talk about Dr. Ray Omid, DC the illness? Every time you speak of what’s wrong, you are creating more of what’s wrong. So, quit stinkin’ thinkin’! Speak life and more life will come to you. If you speak negatively, replace that thought with five positive thoughts. Constantly acknowledge what’s working and what’s great in life. Look at positive affirmations daily. End your day by acknowledging everything that went well. Surround yourself with positive people. If you are having a health symptom, of course it’s important to get to the root cause. Once you do that you can start correcting it with help from a wellness practitioner. Dr. Diana D’Angelo works with Dr. Ray Omid, of Lighten Up Jericho, who hosts a monthly complimentary dinner and health talk. If you are looking to build your health, prevent disease, reduce and eliminate medication, or find the cause of your health concerns, then you definitely want to attend! Seats are limited, so call Bessi Dion at 917-747-2795 to reserve your spot! See ad on page 3.

Coffee Could Lower Risk of Gum Disease

A Boston University researcher recently concluded that drinking coffee may actually have a positive impact on your gums. After performing a retrospective medical record chart review going back 30 years, researcher Dr. Nathan Ng Dr. Jonathan Richter concluded that coffee could possibly have protective effects DDS, FAGD against periodontal disease. This finding seemed greater in men than woman but was conclusive enough to prompt researchers to investigate further. Ng’s research team has indicated it is hoping to expand the study to determine conclusively if the same effect is noted on gums of female patients. For now, evidence is clear that coffee for men may actually have protective effects against periodontal disease. This study contradicts previous studies that have been published that showed coffee as having a negative or detrimental effect on periodontal health. While more research is needed, for now the signs point to coffee having an added preventative benefit for the teeth and gums of male patients. Source: Dr. Jonathan Richter, DDS, FAGD, of Cardiodontal. Offices in Great Neck and Manhattan. For more information, call 516-282-0310. See ad on back page. 16

Long Island Edition


Lower Breast Cancer Risk by Eating Colorful Veggies


esearch published in the British Journal of Nutrition discovered that the risk of breast cancer decreases with increased consumption of specific dietary carotenoids, the pigments in some vegetables and fruits. The research was based on five years of tracking 1,122 women in Guangdong, China; half of them had been diagnosed with breast cancer and the other half were healthy. Dietary intake information was collected through face-toface interviews. The women that consumed more beta-carotene in their diet showed a 46 percent lower risk of breast cancer, while those that consumed more alpha-carotene had a 39 percent reduced incidence. The individuals that consumed more foods containing betacryptoxanthin had a 62 percent reduced risk; those with diets higher in luteins and zeaxanthins had a 51 percent reduction in breast cancer risk. The scientists found the protective element of increased carotenoid consumption more evident among premenopausal women and those exposed to secondhand smoke. Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach and dandelion greens top the list of sources rich in luteins and zeaxanthins, which also includes watercress, basil, parsley, arugula and peas. The highest levels of beta-carotene are found in sweet potatoes, grape leaves, carrots, kale, spinach, collard and other leafy greens. Carrots, red peppers, pumpkin, winter squash, green beans and leafy greens contain alpha-carotene. Red peppers, butternut squash, pumpkin persimmons and tangerines are high in beta-cryptoxanthin.


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October 2014


Thermography: A Q&A with Dr. Jillian Finker


A New Direction for Neti Pots

Used for centuries in Asian cultures to support nasal health and eliminate toxins from the nasal mucosa, neti pots have recently become popular in the Western world and are recognized for their value in preventing and relieving sinus infections. Typically, a mild solution of unrefined sea salt and purified or distilled water is poured from one nostril through the other to flush out unwanted mucus, bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. Herbalist Steven Frank, of Nature’s Rite, points to a powerful new paradigm that helps neti pot users deal even more effectively with infection: a regimen of aqueous, colloidal silver and soothing herbal and plant extracts. Frank recommends using the neti pot with a colloidal silver wash that is retained in the nostrils for several minutes. “Bacteria and fungus stick rather well to the nasal mucosa and few are flushed out with simple saline flushes,” he explains. “Most of these nasty pathogens adhere to the mucosa with what is called a biofilm. Within this slime layer, they are well protected and thrive in the warm moist sinuses, so a small saline bath once a day doesn’t bother them much. However, colloidal silver disables certain enzymes needed by anaerobic bacteria, viruses, yeasts and fungus, resulting in their destruction. And, unlike antibiotics, silver does not allow resistant ‘super bugs’ to develop.” He also suggests soothing the sinuses with restorative herbal decoctions. Calendula, plantain and aloe contain vital nutrients that soothe and heal, while Echinacea root and grapefruit seed extract offer antimicrobial benefits. Frank emphasizes the importance of using a neti pot safely and responsibly and warns against table salt, which can irritate nasal membranes, and tap water, which may contain contaminants. For more information, call 888-465-4404 or visit MyNaturesRite.com. See ad on page 4.

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Long Island Edition

Briefly, what is thermography? A thermography is a non-invasive medical screening tool that can accurately assess organ and body disorders by detecting variations in heat throughout the body’s system. This procedure is safe and comfortable; it doesn’t use any radiation. There are many types of thermography equipment; the thermography technique that is utilized at Finker Dr. Jillian Finker Wellness is a regulation thermographic machine that is a full-body as well as a breast scan. Do you use it instead of or as an adjunct to mammography? The thermography is an adjunct diagnostic device that can detect stages of cancer up to four years in advance and can have an advantage over other imaging methods, especially in young patients with dense breast tissue where a mammography will not show much. However, if patients refuse a mammography, this is an important stand-alone diagnostic tool that can give a lot of information. If utilized early, say to detect early “hot spots” or problematic areas, do you make recommendations based on results of a thermography? I also always practice preventative medicine with my patients, and there is a lot that can be done naturally to help prevent breast cancer or reduce cystic breasts, balance the hormones, etc. However, I always have patients follow up with their gynecologists and or oncologists to be given the appropriate testing or yearly screening. Women know when they go for a mammography that if they have a “finding” they usually go to a breast surgeon and try to biopsy this. Is that similar with thermography? A thermography is always followed up with the appropriate medical tests prescribed by their physicians. A thermography can show a hot spot or it can show a predisposition for cancerous conditions; it can show a benign cyst. So, it’s always important to follow up with further testing when necessary if those tests (mammography, biopsy, etc.) haven’t already been performed. I always advise patients to follow up with their gynecologists as well as to do their own research and to make an informed decision; a thermography does not take the place of a mammography. Source: Dr. Jillian Finker, of Finker Wellness, located at 2308 Bellmore Ave., Bellmore. For more information, call 516-765-3272. See ad on page 21.


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Health Risks of Toxic Mold


We all know that too much moisture can be a breeding ground for mold. Did you know that mold can cause a big problem in your home that could lead to potential health risks? The good news is that this can be controlled! Mold can sneak its way into your walls, carpets, tiles and even your foods if you have any of the following issues in your home: • High levels of humidity from humidifiers, improper venting of your clothes dryer, or if you steam-cook a lot of food • Backed-up sewers • Leaks in the roof • Flooding • Dampness in basements and crawl spaces beneath your house • Pooling water from leaky plumbing or an overflowing bathtub or toilet There are thousands of types of mold, but all types can cause a number of respiratory problems. Some people that are sensitive to mold will get a reaction; those that are allergic will have a more noticeable response. Some types of mold are more dangerous than others and may cause more severe health problems; those that contain a chemical called mycotoxin can be harmful if inhaled. If you notice any of the following symptoms, you should consider testing your home for the presence of mold. • Nasal problems like congestion, runny nose and sneezing • Difficult, wheezy breathing • Frequent cough • Worsening allergy symptoms • Rash on the skin • Red, irritated eyes • Asthma attacks To stop health problems caused by mold, you need to get rid of the mold and the source of the moisture. Contact a healthEhabitats environmental expert. They are available to provide you with the information you need to make the best choices for you and your family. For more information, call 1-877-861-3662. See ad on page 19.


Long Island Edition

esearch from Columbia, Maryland’s National Center for Healthy Housing suggests that adding insulation and more efficient heating systems can significantly increase the health of household residents. The researchers studied 248 households in New York City, Boston and Chicago that underwent energy conservation improvements by trained energy efficiency professionals, including installing insulation and heating equipment and improving ventilation. After the improvements, subjects reported reductions in sinusitis (5 percent), hypertension (14 percent) and obesity (11 percent). Although a 20 percent reduction in asthma medication use was reported, two measures of asthma severity worsened; the scientists called for further study of the asthma-related outcomes. A similar study from New Zealand’s University of Otago examined 409 households that installed energy-efficient heating systems. Children in these homes experienced fewer illnesses, better sleep, better allergy and wheezing symptoms and fewer overall sick days. In examining 1,350 older homes where insulation was installed, the research also found improvements in health among family residents.

Water Fluoridation Gets Another Thumbs-Down


n extensive review of research from the UK’s University of Kent has concluded that fluoridation of municipal water supplies may be more harmful than helpful, because the reduction in dental cavities from fluoride is due primarily from its topical application instead of ingestion. Published in the Scientific World Journal earlier this year, the review, which covered 92 studies and scientific papers, concludes that early research showing a reduction of children’s tooth decay from municipal water fluoridation may have been flawed and hadn’t adequately measured the potential harm from higher fluoride consumption. The researchers note that total fluoride intake from most municipalities can significantly exceed the daily recommended intake of four milligrams per day, and that overconsumption is associated with cognitive impairment, thyroid issues, higher fracture risk, dental fluorosis (mottling of enamel) and enzyme disruption. The researchers also found clear evidence for increased risk of uterine and bladder cancers in areas where municipal water was fluoridated.


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HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! “I like to keep a record of all of the magazine articles Dr. Golden writes for various publications. I thumb through each of the magazines and then rip out her article for my archives. I usually then throw the magazine away, except for Natural Awakenings. While thumbing through it, I spot such a variety and uniqueness of articles that I actually hold on to the issue afterwards so I can then read those articles at a later time. ... Happy 7th Anniversary Natural Awakenings!” —Keith Warhola marketing director, Golden Dental Wellness Center


My Itchy Pet:

Is it Allergies in Your Dog/Cat? by Michel Selmer, DVM


y the time October rolls around, autumn is well under way, and along with that fall weather comes a number of pollens and molds that could be affecting your pet, especially those dogs and cats that spend time outdoors or live in a household with other pets that do spend time outdoors. Knowing the symptoms that may indicate that your dog or cat is having an allergic reaction to something is the first step. Here are some of the symptoms you should be aware of: n Itching. While itching can be a sign of dry skin, it also may be a sign that your pet not only has fleas but may be having an allergic reaction to these little pests.

n Chewing at their feet

n Rubbing their noses

n Runny eyes

n Snoring

n Constantly licking or biting at themselves

While many of these symptoms can be due to other causes, if they only appear during the fall months, it is more than likely that these symptoms indicate an allergic reaction to some of the fall pollens or spores. You need to have your dog or cat examined by your vet to determine the exact cause of these symptoms. If the problem is due to allergies, there are a number of treatments your vet and you may try in order to help your pet stay healthy and feel more comfortable. Some of the treatments may include:


Just like in humans, antihistamines are used to treat some of the symptoms of allergies in your dog and cat, such as that runny nose, those watering eyes, and that swelling and itching of the nasal passages. While antihistamines can help reduce these allergy symptoms, your vet may advise you begin giving your pet antihistamines a couple of weeks before the allergy season begins to help prevent the symptoms from appearing at all.

A Natural Approach

Quercetin, a bioflavanoid with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, does a great job at suppressing histamine 22

Long Island Edition

release ... nature’s antihistamine. Bromelain and papain are proteolytic enzymes. Bromelain is derived from pineapples and papain is from papaya. These enzymes help to increase the absorption of quercetin as well as help to suppress histamines. Coconut oil contains lauric acid and, therefore, helps to reduce yeast. Coconut oil and fish oils (omega-3 fatty acids) work to help suppress inflammation in the body as well.

Frequent Bathing with a Mild Shampoo

Your vet may also suggest that you bathe your pet much more frequently during the allergy season to keep those allergens from collecting on their fur and feet. They become like “Swiffers,” collecting allergens and bringing them into the home. Common sense dictates to wash them off. Fall fleas pose an additional problem for your dog; a flea shampoo may be suggested in place of a regular pet shampoo. This will help to prevent itchy skin, and many of the other allergy symptoms, from being so severe, as your pet won’t be constantly carrying those allergens around with him or her. You will also need to keep your pet’s bedding washed.

Some Additional Tips

There are foods than can be pro-inflammatory. During peak allergy season, I recommend that you decrease foods that may be pro-inflammatory. An example of a food group that can exacerbate inflammation in dogs is grain carbohydrates. If your pet is prone to allergies, eliminate corn, wheat, rice, starches and soy. Increase the amount of fruits, veggies and berries as well as lean meats. I do not recommend vaccinating allergy-prone pets during allergy season. Allergies cause an inflammatory response, as do vaccines. The last thing your allergic pet needs is more inflammation. Please consult with a holistic veterinarian about titers to measure your pet’s immunity to core diseases as an alternative to automatically vaccinating. If your pet’s titer is sufficient, your pet may not require the vaccine at all this year. If all else fails, your vet may give your pet allergy shots to help relieve some of those allergy symptoms and help your pet to feel more comfortable. But don’t forget traditional Chinese veterinary medicine. There are many allergic pets I have helped with Chinese


herbal formulas and acupuncture. I recommend that if your pet suffers from allergies, you consult with a certified veterinary acupuncturist so that you have access to all the possible treatment and prevention options. Remember, the best treatment for autumn allergies for your pet is to be able to recognize the symptoms when they first appear and get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan in place. Please check back in the next issue of Natural Awakenings to learn more about allergy testing and getting the proper diagnosis. Source: Dr. Michel Selmer, of Advanced Animal Care Center, located at 260 Evergreen Ave., South Huntington. For more information, call 631-FOR-PETS (631-367-7387) or visit AdvancedCareForPets.com. See ad on page 2.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Natural Awakenings magazine is always full of interesting articles on holistic health and living. I always pick up a few “gems” when I read it, which is how I knew that it would be the perfect magazine for my advertising needs. —Alex Schvartsman, DDS, Long Island Center for Healthier Dentistry

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Electrolysis, Laser Hair Removal and So Much More by Catherine Driscoll

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Long Island Edition

Electrolysis By Jean, or EBJ Skin Care Centre, as it is also known on Facebook, is a true blending of a medical spa and holistic skin center, located in Lynbrook. Owned and operated by Jean Bertini for more than 20 years, EBJ Skin Care is more than just electrolysis; although, I will come back to that. EBJ offers a full range of beauty and wellness services for both men and women. The services offered include facials, microderm abrasion, massage, waxing, hypnosis, laser hair removal, airbrush tanning, electrolysis and more. “Our mission is to provide a personalized and private experience in a peaceful, calming environment,” says Bertini, with her engaging smile. This form of dedication to the client is the reason why Bertini’s customers come from all across the island. The EBJ Skin Care staff members are equally as wonderful in their disposition and skill, and you can be sure when you arrive that Liz Contello, a licensed esthetician who offers the most amazing facials on Long Island, will be there to greet you with a smile. All services, including electrolysis or laser hair removal, are done in a soothing, private setting. EBJ boasts three treatment rooms, and each room is appropriately equipped for the service being performed. The electrolysis suite is pristine, with reclining chair/table to increase access, while the massage room is warm with cozy blankets and organic scents filling the air. I recently had the opportunity to have electrolysis done on my eyebrows. I will admit that I was nervous; I am pain phobic. Yet, the idea of eradicating my need for twice-monthly runs to the waxing salon was too great an incentive. While pain (or lack of pain) is truly individual, I felt no difference between this procedure and my previous experiences with threading or waxing procedures. However, the big difference is that this will be permanent after a few sessions spread out over months. Soon, my eyebrows will be one less thing to think about. Perhaps, this is because of the new state-of-the-art equipment or because Bertini, a professional, uses numbing cream before the procedure, while she explains to you the process, and also soothes you with her sunny disposition. Electrolysis is not new, but the machines and techniques are making the process a more pleasant experience. Within an hour, I walked out of EBJ with a smile. For those still adverse to electrolysis, or for much larger areas, EBJ also offers state-of-the-art laser hair removal. Various deals and packages are available to make these services affordable for everyone. Location: 483 Scranton Ave., Ste. A-3, Lynbrook. For more information, call 516-593-6353. See ad on page 47.

Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. ~John F. Kennedy NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

globalbrief Doable Renewables

Engineers Detail a Clean Energy Future Stanford University researchers, led by civil engineer Mark Jacobson, have developed detailed plans for each U.S. state to attain 100 percent wind, water and solar power by 2050 using currently available technology. The plan, presented at the 2014 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) conference in Chicago, also forms the basis for the Solutions Project nonprofit. “The greatest barriers to a conversion are neither technical nor economic. They are social and political,” the AAAS paper concludes. The proposal is to eliminate dirty and inefficient fossil fuel combustion as an energy source. All vehicles would be powered by electric batteries or by hydrogen produced by electrolysis, rather than natural gas. High-temperature industrial processes would also use electricity or hydrogen combustion. Transmission lines carrying energy between states or countries will prove one of the greatest challenges. With natural energy sources, electricity needs to be more mobile, so that when there’s no sun or wind, a city or country can import the energy it needs. The biggest problem is which companies should pay to build and maintain the lines. Source: SingularityHub.com

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productspotlight In a recent interview with Essenergy’s Michelle Liu, we learned why it was a banner year for her unique invention. Why is unglazed clay so important to bring into a “green” kitchen? Unglazed clay-pot cooking has been tempting the taste buds and enhancing the health of ancient civilizations for centuries. When I discovered rich intense flavors and unparalleled health benefits by preparing fresh food in unglazed clay cookware, I created the VitaClay pot. My intention was to bring the superior results of clay cooking into my kitchen for fast and easy family meals.


A Nourishing Tradition that Doctors Recommend


his year is abuzz with the idea of turning your kitchen into an apothecary. The alchemistic bone broths, herbed meats, medicinal teas, longevity elixirs and heartstrengthening rice and whole-grain porridges that bubbled from unglazed clay pots for centuries have captured the imagination of chefs, foodie bloggers and health-conscious home cooks. Essenergy’s VitaClay Smart Organic Multi-Cooker is riding the growing wave of interest in these ancient culinary healing arts with an ultra-modernized unglazed clay pot cooking system. Unglazed clay is a top “green” choice because it is a fast and easy way to prepare elegant meals for one or many.

ng i m Co on! So

Something special happens to ingredients cooked in clay. Can you tell us why? It’s really about synergy and integration. Healthy foods react positively together when heated inside unglazed clay. The ancients knew how low heat and clay created a delicate and evenly cooking environment that optimized the nutritional profile of their meals and made them richer, tastier and healthier. This is because clay neutralizes acidity and unlocks nature’s gifts in the food, such as salts, vitamins, minerals and natural sugars. Another big plus is that fats and meat juices are preserved when steamed at low temperatures and remain nourishing, bioavailable and digestible. The smell molecules also remain intact with our special seal, waking up your digestive powers and satisfying your appetite. How easy is it to use the VitaClay? It’s so simple because it’s a technological breakthrough, and fully programmed for soups, stews, varietal rice, whole grains and low-temperature yogurt. Any healthy cook really does become a culinary genius because all it takes is good-quality ingredients and pushing a button. For more information, visit VitaClayChef.com. Mention this article and receive a free VitaClay cookbook with purchase.

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Long Island Edition



Live Your True Self Four Tools Guide Us on Our Life Journey by Indira Dyal-Dominguez


tarting today, we can experience life as a naturally unfolding expression of our vision and realize the contribution we are here to make. Living a truly good and purposeful life becomes as natural as breathing as we shift into a new paradigm based on the four tools of connect, listen, trust and act. In most people’s current paradigm, the limited and limiting human mind will shape and drive our day-to-day actions whenever we allow it to. When we buy into it, it becomes our automatic truth, organizing our energy around fears for survival. Everything changes when we stop focusing primarily on what we need to do in order to function and survive. Instead, by realizing that our essence is energy, we gain powerful access to our ability to separate the human mind’s chatter from our higher consciousness, shifting us into a new relationship with who we are. That’s where we can now go for the answers that are unique to us and aligned with our true journey and purpose. Connect. The initiating step of seeing our real self as an eternal energetic force of higher consciousness activates our alignment with the universal vibrational force of all creation. This energy frequency becomes real and available to us. Listen. By learning to distinguish between the mind’s busyness and intuited messages of our true self, we come to more consistently align our actions with our highest being. As a result, we naturally walk a path of honoring both our highest self and others.

Trust. The inner guidance we discern often defies logic, but we begin to trust that it knows best. The beauty is that because everything is in relationship with everything else, when one piece of our life changes or moves forward it shifts the entire energy and relationship with everything else, allowing for a new relationship and a new result. Such trust goes deep, activating our inner knowing of who we are; not from the basis of a thought or concept, but as our new reality. We are listening to and heeding our most authentic self. Act. Be aware that when we honor our higher self, transcending the human mind’s control, the ego will fight for its survival. It may argue for doing something else, not doing it fully or create circumstances that make it tough to act from an authentic place. Now we can release such mind suggestions and choose what supports our true journey. We are here to experience our own magnificence as we walk our journey on Earth. In acting, we are saying, “I am not my mind; I am a wellspring of divine truth.” We are claiming our eternal identity. Indira Dyal-Dominguez’s new book, YOU: A Spiritual Being on a Spiritual Journey, is based on 15 years of personal experience using the four tools and living from the spirit within while developing and sharing programs that guide others to connect with their true self. Access free tools at IndiraToday.com.

If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it. ~Andy Rooney

natural awakenings

October 2014



Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Doctor Says You’re Not Sick, “It’s Just in Your Head”! From the Desk of Dr. Howard Robins at The Healing Center in New York City…

The Illness That Doesn’t Exist!

You went to the doctor, who did many tests, but they came back with nothing unusual to report. Everything was ruled out, so the doctor said, “There’s nothing wrong with you.” But, it’s just not normal to be this tired! You’re so tired at night you now go to sleep early, most every day. You sleep eight to 12 hours and still wake up tired or even exhausted. While almost everyone experiences fatigue from time to time, this is not like anything you’ve ever experienced before. You have chronic fatigue syndrome. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says that more than 1 million Americans suffer from it, with the numbers growing!

What’s Causing It?

While the CDC and doctors say the cause(s) are unknown, alternative physicians have directly linked it to the EpsteinBarr virus (mononucleosis), herpes 6 virus, candidiasis, Lyme disease (undiagnosed due to false negative tests) and cytomegalovirus. You could have one or even several of these infections causing the illness!

So, What’s the Answer; How Can I Fix It?

The “traditional” doctors most likely offered no real help. If they gave you pharmaceutical medicine, it didn’t help or maybe made things worse. Even the “alternative” doctors that gave you vitamins orally and intravenously, herbs, acupuncture, etc., only helped a little or for just Dr. Howard Robins a short time. Well, please don’t give up hope! For those of you that Have you felt generally “unwell” for three months or longer? are still suffering, the answer is Intravenous Medical Ozone Do you have at least four of the following eight symptoms? Therapy. • Weakness and exhaustion, lasting more than 24 You might be surprised to know that this proven, safe, hours, following mental or physical activity but unusual, medical treatment has been used worldwide in • Un-refreshing sleep more than 50 countries for many years (70) by over 45,000 • Substantial impairment of short-term memory or physicians and therapists to successfully treat this and many concentration other diseases and illnesses. • Muscle pain Believe it or not, medical ozone is a gas that’s made at • Pain in the joints, without swelling or redness the time of treatment (it can neither be stored, bottled or put • Headaches of a new type, pattern or severity in capsules). • Tender or swollen armpit and/or neck lymph nodes Organizations like the American Academy of Ozone • Sore throat(s) Therapy and the International Association of Ozone in Healthcare and Dentistry are now organizing and teaching doctors in our country how to use this “miracle medicine” to help sufferers overcome this and other diseases and conIn addition to the symptoms above, the most common ditions that have been virtually untreatable. symptoms may be problems focusing or brain “cloudiness So, you no longer have to suffer this debilitating illness! or fog”; generalized muscle pain (fibromyalgia); a feeling of malaise after almost any exertion; irritable bowel (diarMore information about this amazing, safe and effective rhea or constipation); depression or anxiety; chills and night treatment is available at OzoneUniversity.com and on a sweats; or new food, odor or chemical sensitivities. fabulous DVD documentary, with more than 40 patient

The Diagnosis: Does This Sound Like You?

More About the Symptoms

testimonials, called Ozone Therapy: The Miracle Medicine, by Gary Null, Ph.D., available from GaryNull.com.


Long Island Edition


Long Island

Thanks Our Readers and Especially Our Advertisers for 7 Years of

Beauty—Mind—Body and Soul “Happy anniversary Natural Awakenings Long Island. Thanks for all you do” —Jonathan Richter, DDS, FAGD Cardiodontal, a Dental Wellness Center

“Marketing with Natural Awakenings is absolutely THE BEST marketing investment that I have ever made in my 40 years practicing medicine. Thanks for all that you do.” —Dr. Howard Robins “Being with Long Island’s Natural Awakenings since the beginning has brought me so much joy! Reflecting on the relationships that have been created with colleagues and the community shows just how RICH the experience has been. While aligned to support our local community, knowing that Natural Awakenings is dedicated to education on a global basis and committed to integrity, makes me proud to be part of their tribe. Thank you for all that you do for us! Happy anniversary!” —Pamela Rich, Chopra Certified Vedic Master “Happy anniversary to Natural Awakenings! What an incredible resource for like-minded, consciousliving individuals interested in wellness and self-improvement. I’m truly grateful to have been able to team up with this fabulous publication to bring the light to its readers; to a bright future!!!” –Shira, Psychic Medium

“Thank you so much to Natural Awakenings!!! This month you celebrate you! I have been advertising with Natural Awakenings since 2008, and it has brought my business many loyal clients looking to improve their health and well-being. This publication has opened people’s eyes to many alternative therapies and has led thousands of people on their paths to wellness. This publication has also helped me connect with other practitioners that I now work with to help individuals improve their health. Keep up the good work Kelly, and thank you for everything.” —Vanessa Galati, Cleansing Concepts “It has been a pleasure to be a part of the Natural Awakenings community since the opening of our family yoga studio. Natural Awakenings has always been a key part of keeping the BNFYoga Community connected and flourishing. Congratulations on celebrating seven years of providing outstanding editorial resources, supporting physical and mental well-being.” —Leah Hartofelis, Breathe N Flow Yoga

“Natural Awakenings magazine and Kelly Martinsen has, for years, supported my vision of the future of veterinary medicine and has given me the opportunity to help educate the public on the multiple integrative healthcare options provided to pets and their owners. Many times over, I have heard from my clients that Natural Awakenings magazine has provided them with information in natural holistic health care that they wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. The Advanced Animal Care Center family appreciates Kelly for all that she does for the Long Island community and is thankful for her Natural Awakenings magazine. We look forward to a continuous symbiotic relationship for years to come.” —Dr. Michel A. Selmer, DVM, CVA Advanced Animal Care Center “Advanced Holistic Healthcare and Premium Holistic Healthcare thank you for your continued support in promoting holistic health care. Thank you Natural Awakenings for being part of our mission to help everyone lead healthier, longer and more vibrant lives. With your help, we have helped over 20,000 patients take back ownership of their health.” —Dr. Ray Omid, Lighten Up Jerico “Natural Awakenings is a valuable publication that educates and informs the community on a wide range of important health issues, and behind the scenes, always a pleasure to deal with. We at Golden Dental wish you continued success. Happy seventh anniversary, and be well.” —Linda J. Golden, DDS Golden Dental Wellness Center

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Reconnective Healing light and information are received—via a relaxing, hands­off experience—it can restore harmony at a physical, mental and emotional level. At the essence of Reconnective Healing is this restoration of balance that brings ease to the physical and energetic body. This often life­-changing experience can help one realize one’s wholeness of being and reconnect to universal frequencies.

Further, Dr. William Tiller, of Stanford University, developed instrumentation that can measure thermodynamic free energy in the atmosphere. He used these instruments initially to test energy vortexes around the globe, such as in Sedona, Arizona, but when he caught wind of Pearl’s work he decided to test the levels at one of his seminars. He found that the levels spiked so significantly that they far surpassed those found in the vortexes, and described that to artificially recreate those readings he would have to raise the temperature in the room to 300 degrees centigrade. It was these studies that assured the scientific-minded Koenig to give the seminars a try, which he now understands to be a gift to the planet.


The Experience

by Gina Marie Cronin

What Is It?

“Reconnective Healing is a new form of healing that researchers say may be accessible on the planet for the very first time,” says practitioner Rob Koenig, co-owner of Reconnect Long Island, in Westhampton. Unlike ancient energy healing, such as Reiki, which draws upon energy that has been available to humans for millennia, Reconnective Healing is said to work with a new and broader bandwidth of frequencies that allow for profound transformations to take place. Koenig expresses that it helps practitioners and recipients alike connect not only with energy, but with vibrations of light and information as well. When these comprehensive vibrations of 30 30

Long Long Island Island Edition Edition

were finding clear, measurable results. One study, by Dr. Gary Schwartz, of the University of Arizona, focused on biophoton emissions, which are light emissions within each of one’s cells. It was found that these light vibrations became far stronger with Reconnective Healing, giving applicability to the terms “light worker” and “light being,” and indicating greater health.

When the numerous healings taking place by founder Dr. Eric Pearl came to light, scientists became curious to understand how it is possible. Twelve international studies were developed that stunned researchers because they NaturalAwakeningsLI.com NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

One of the great things about Reconnective Healing is that it is really for anyone, from the spiritual to the layman to the unbeliever. I was lucky enough to experience a Reconnective Healing session from Koenig, and although I didn’t

east end…

know what to expect, the vibrations are still resonating with me a month later. Upon taking off my shoes, laying down, and closing my eyes, I began to feel twitches in my torso and feet, as if stagnant energy was being released. This gave way to what looked like an s­-shaped riverbed of light coursing its way from my forehead to toes. I felt as if every molecule of my body was releasing a subtle glow, and a sensation of weightlessness engulfed me to the point where my hands kept lifting uncontrollably. I entered a state of deep peace, like I was retreating to the nurturing universe in order to be reborn. I was left with a beautiful cooling, minty sensation throughout my whole body that stayed with me for hours thereafter. I agree with Koenig in that Reconnective Healing will find you at the right time, as it has been a truly transformative experience that continues to inform and inspire me to heal myself and help others. Rob and Anessa Koenig, of Reconnect Long Island, offer Reconnective Healing sessions out of their office in Westhampton. For more information, call 631­338­9400, email RLI.Heal@gmail.com or visit TheReconnection.com. See ad on this page.

The World Health Organization has recognized acupuncture as effective in treating mild to moderate depression. ~Andrew Weil

October 2014 Long Island east natural endawakenings September



other pantry items provide colorants. Turmeric makes a bright yellow; raspberry, blackberry or beet juice yields pink or red; mashed avocado and spirulina show up green; blueberry juice is naturally purple; and cocoa powder makes a great brown, according to Greenne.com.

Age-Perfect Parties

TRICK & TREAT Host a Halloween that’s Natural, Healthy and Cost-Conscious by Avery Mack

Slipping masks, sagging costumes and sugar hits can all contribute to cranky kids at Halloween. Healthier, greener and safer options will up the ongoing fun factor.

Neat Costumes

Hooray! Princesses and superheroes are more popular than witches and devils these days. With encouragement from parents, kids can enjoy a greener Halloween with tiaras, wands and capes made from recycled cardboard and hobby shop items. Thrift stores offer up hats and jewelry for added bling. The Internet overflows with inspiration. Also, many public libraries host costume swaps this month; find other swap locations at Tinyurl.com/CostumeSwaps.

Colorful Disguises

Consider inexpensive temporary hair coloring instead of wigs. Mix three packets of sugar-free drink mix or one box of sugar-free gelatin dessert mix (because sugar makes hair sticky), a few drops of both water and a condi32

Long Island Edition

tioner into a paste. Apply cocoa butter at the hairline to prevent color from running down the face. Use a paintbrush to apply it to the hair, topped by a shower cap for a steeping period of as long as youthful patience allows before shampooing. Homemade face paint is a fun and healthy alternative to sweaty masks. (Commercial face paint can contain lead and other undesirables.) A moisturizer with sunscreen, unscented lotion or cocoa butter acts as the base. “UVA/ UVB rays are present year-round,” says Dermatologist Michael Taylor, in Portland, Maine. “Use zinc- or titaniumbased products, free from fragrance, para-aminobenzoic acid, parabens, bisphenol A, phthalates and other harmful ingredients.” Natural food coloring, spices or NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

For the youngest treaters, hold an afternoon party with games and an outdoor wildlife/leaf hunt. “Plan a scavenger hunt or arrange stuffed toys to be knocked over with balls,” suggests Pamela Layton McMurtry, author of A Harvest and Halloween Handbook, and mother of seven in Kaysville, Utah. “Older kids will love a block party. Solar twinkle lights can mark the perimeters. Plan for a potluck and emphasize healthy choices. Games with prizes like wooden toys, juices, raisins or gluten-free crispy rice cakes take the focus off of candy. Tweens like progressive parties: appetizers at one house, dessert at another and music or scary movies at a third.” “Disguise healthy snacks as scary, gross foods,” suggests Rosie Pope, a parenting style leader and former reality TV personality in Ridgewood, New Jersey. “Homemade grape or orange juice popsicles with a small gummy worm inside are popular.” Pope likes to decorate cucumber and apple slices with raisins, dried cranberries, blueberries and pretzels adhered with organic peanut butter to mimic crawly creatures. Black spaghetti colored with squid ink can simulate boiled witch’s hair. Spinach linguini masquerades as swamp grass. Look for gluten-free varieties. Prepare peeled grapes for green eyeballs. “Cover party tables with a patchwork of fabric remnants,” advises McMurtry. She also suggests a DIY taco area or cat-and-scarecrow-shaped pizzas. Use sliced olive or cherry tomato eyes, shredded cheese hair and a red pepper smile. Prepare a cheesy fondue with whole-grain bread. Individually wrapped popcorn balls studded with

Harvest Décor In addition to the usual farmers’ market gourds, Indian corn and pumpkins, “Oranges, tangerines and apples covered with cloth and tied with orange or black yarn or ribbon hung as miniature ghosts in the kitchen and doorways add a spooky touch,” adds Pope. “After the holiday, the fruit returns to the table as a snack.” Pope’s children also like to draw Halloween murals on windows using water-based markers. Traditional tricks and treats are easily improved upon with mindful shopping and imagination. The calorie counts are lower, environmental impacts are lighter and the feel-good fun factor soars. Avery Mack is a freelance writer in St. Louis, MO. Connect via AveryMack@ mindspring.com.

A Terrifyingly Healthy Halloween! Kids can make individual pizzas starting with pre-baked crusts, bagels or English muffins. Choose whole wheat or gluten-free as desired. Smaller sizes allow for portion control. Add toppings and cheeses, regular or vegan, pop in the oven and serve. Want fun shapes like a Halloween cat or scarecrow? Make an organic crust with a recipe from RealFood GirlUnmodified.com/fail-proof-organicpizza-dough, or try a whole-wheat version like one found at EatingWell. com/recipes/whole_wheat_pizza_ dough.html (using whole wheat and organic, unbleached all-purpose flour and a natural granulated sugar).

Kid-Friendly Pizzas Yields 8 servings

Gambino wants to remind everyone to drive safely and

2 Tbsp olive oil, divided 8 bagels evenly split, English muffins or prepared pizza rounds 1 garlic clove, peeled and split lengthwise 2 Tbsp Parmesan cheese, finely grated

recipe photos by Pam McMurtry Designs

bits of fruit can be great take-home desserts for guests.

1 cup organic pizza or marinara sauce One protein, such as lean ground beef or soy crumbles (browned and drained); sliced vegetarian pepperoni; turkey or vegetarian bacon (fried, drained and broken into pieces); or peeled and deveined shrimp, cut into bite-sized pieces Red, yellow or green bell peppers, onions, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes, sliced or diced black or green olives, drained pineapple bits, garlic cloves, drained and roasted 1 to 1½ cups shredded mozzarella or vegan mozzarella cheese

WATCH OUT for Halloween trick-or-treaters

Gambino’s Long Beach Safety Campaign Be part of the

Dogs for Safety movement

natural awakenings

October 2014


Preheat oven to 350° F. Lightly oil two cookie sheets and set aside. Open and arrange bagels or muffins on the sheets. If using prepared pizza rounds, place on sheets whole.

Shape and roll out to about ½-inch thick, top with marinara sauce, cheese and desired toppings. Bake at 400° F for 12 to 15 minutes or until golden around the edges.

Rub each piece of bread lightly with cut garlic. Brush each round with olive oil. Bake for 3 to 4 minutes. Remove to stove top and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

Add 1 Tbsp oil to an 8-to-10-inch skillet and heat over medium-high heat until the oil just begins to simmer. Add chopped onion and stir. Sweat for 3 to 4 minutes.

Return to oven for 1 to 2 minutes. Remove, spread with sauce. Raise the oven heat to 375° F. Begin with the proteins, then layer the vegetables and special ingredients and top with a layer of cheese. Return the rounds to the hot oven and bake until the cheese melts. Cool slightly and serve.

Add the ground meat or meat substitute. If needed, add oil. Stir to break up large clumps and cook until browned.

Aunt Judy’s Taco Stacks Yields 6 generous servings

French Bread Pizza Dough 2 Tbsp active dry yeast 2 cups very warm water 2 Tbsp natural granulated sugar 3 cups organic unbleached all-purpose or bread flour, divided 2-to-1 2 tsp salt 2 Tbsp olive oil 3 cups whole wheat flour, divided 2-to-1 Preheat oven to 400° F. Lightly grease baking pans. Dissolve yeast and sugar in the warm water. Stir gently, let yeast rise until frothy foam covers surface. Mix dough by hand with a dough hook or using an electric mixer. Add 2 cups all-purpose flour, salt and olive oil and mix well. Add 2 cups whole wheat flour (grind just before using for maximum nutrition). Gradually add the additional flour until a smooth dough forms. Depending on altitude and humidity, more or less may be needed. Mix until dough is smooth. Remove to flour-dusted bread board. 34

Long Island Edition

1 (8-oz) container of regular or vegan sour cream 1 small head Romaine lettuce, roughly chopped 1 (1-lb) bag organic blue corn, whole grain, artisan, white or yellow corn or gluten-free baked tortilla chips

This one-dish treat contains all of the major food groups. Prepare favorite taco ingredients and stack them on organic blue-corn chips or a bed of torn lettuce. Homemade salsa adds more veggies and zing. Use a recipe like one at AllRecipes. com/recipe/fresh-salsa-2. For a flavor twist, add diced avocado sprinkled with lemon juice to keep the bright green color; red, green, orange or yellow peppers; and fruit like mangos or peaches. 1 to 2 Tbsp olive oil (if needed) 1¼ lb naturally raised lean ground meat or meat substitute 1 small onion, 2-in or less in diameter, chopped 1 (8-oz) can organic tomato sauce 1 tsp chili powder ¾ tsp ground cumin Natural salt and pepper to taste 2 (15½-oz) cans black beans, rinsed and drained 3 tomatoes, seeded and chopped in ¼-inch pieces 1 bunch cilantro leaves, stems removed 1½ cups organic shredded cheddar, Mexican blend or vegan cheese 1 (15½-oz) can black olives, drained and sliced NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

Remove from skillet and drain the meat. Return to skillet, and then add tomato sauce, chili powder and cumin. Stir to blend and simmer over medium heat until the sauce begins to thicken. Add salt and pepper to taste. Keep warm. Place beans, tomatoes, cilantro, cheese, olives and sour cream in separate bowls. On a serving plate, put Romaine lettuce, taco chips or a combination of the two. Add toppings and salsa as desired. Optional substitution: Use one 8-oz can of tomatoes with green chiles instead of the tomato sauce, chili powder and cumin.

Salsa Fresca Yields 3 cups 8 Roma tomatoes, coarsely chopped 1 bunch green onions, sliced 3 jalapeño peppers (or to taste), seeded, stems removed, finely minced (wear gloves and work in a ventilated area) 1 to 2 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp chili powder 1 tsp natural salt Juice of 1 lime Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Chill covered. Adjust seasonings before serving.



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Spicy Cheese Fondue with Crudités and Croutons 1 24-oz round of unsliced sourdough bread 3 cups (12 oz) organic sharp cheddar cheese, grated 12 oz organic Neufchâtel cheese, softened 1 cup organic sour cream 1 cup green onions, chopped 2 (7-oz) cans green chilies, diced ½ tsp salt Directions for bread bowl Preheat oven to 350° F. Cut off and reserve the top of the sourdough bread round. Hollow the inside with a small knife, leaving a ¾-inch shell. Cut remaining bread into 1½-inch cubes for croutons. Directions for fondue Mix together the cheeses, sour cream, onions, chilies and salt. Spoon the mix into the bread bowl, replace the reserved top. Wrap tightly with several layers of foil and place on baking sheet. Bake at 350° F for 1 hour or until cheeses melt. During the last half-hour of cooking, toast bread cubes. Remove bread from foil and place on a serving tray. Encircle with vegetables and toasted croutons.

handcrafted accessories & gifts for home, body & soul 158 E. PARK AVE LONG BEACH, NY 11561 (516)427-9548 WWW.MOMONAGALLERY.COM Crudités for Fondue Dipping Plan 4 servings per pound of vegetables of broccoli, zucchini, celery, cauliflower, green cauliflower, cucumber, mushrooms and red, yellow, orange and green bell pepper strips. Also consider serving grapes, orange slices and melons as refreshing bites after the cheesy fondue.

Happy Halloween!

Source: Recipes courtesy of Pamela Layton McMurtry

Toasted Croutons for Fondue Dipping Cut one 16-oz baguette of sourdough bread into ½-inch pieces and add the cubed bread from hollowing the sourdough loaf. Add ½ cup of melted butter. Toss bread gently to coat it. Place in oven during the last half-hour the fondue is baking. Remove when crisp, not hard. natural awakenings

October 2014


healingways Dr. Andrew Weil on

America’s Evolution into Integrative Medicine by Andrea Schensky Williams


atural Awakenings had the opportunity to pose progressive healthcare-related questions to Dr. Andrew Weil, world-renowned author, founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine and clinical professor of internal medicine at the University of Arizona on the eve of the sixth biennial Symposium of Integrative Medicine Professionals, to be held October 13 to 15, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He will be the keynote speaker.

There are many reasons for it, including changes in diet and a breakdown in communities, which has greatly increased social isolation and disconnection from nature. Another factor is the rise in information technology, all the new media. Plus, pharmaceutical companies have been highly successful in convincing people that ordinary states of sadness are matters of unbalanced brain chemistry that need to be treated with medication.

You frequently speak to the topic of integrative health and happiness. How does your book, Spontaneous Happiness, reflect that? For a long time, I’ve wanted to see an integrative movement start in psychology and psychiatry. It’s another field that has become dependent on drugs and is not functioning all that well to help people. There are so many more things that people need to know about maintaining emotional wellness, I think the wisdom of taking an integrative approach here is obvious. Your presentation will take place soon after the recent passing of actor and comedian Robin Williams, which may bring about a more informed awareness of mental health. Why do you think there is such an increase in the incidence of depression?

With diet being such a major component in affecting our emotional state of mind, what role does an antiinflammatory diet play? There is a new body of research linking inflammation with depression that I find fascinating. The fact that the mainstream diet promotes inflammation is why I believe there may be a dietary correlation with the rise of depression in our population.


Long Island Edition

If someone suffers from depression, would you say the steps recommended in Spontaneous Happiness are a proactive approach or an addition to management through medication? I share information about how to wean off medication. I’d say the book is primary; for people with mild-to-moderate depression, I would follow the informaNaturalAwakeningsLI.com

tion there first. For people with severe depression, it may be necessary to give antidepressant drugs, but I think that they should be used for a limited period, a maximum of one year. You should then be working to find other ways to manage the depression. There is specific information about what to do if you are on medication and how to wean off of it carefully and start these other methods. Do you feel that the increase in diabetes in the U.S., particularly its onset in early childhood, is another major problem? Yes, it’s a big concern. I think this is mostly due to the way we’ve changed the food we eat; diet is a hugely influencing factor, especially the greatly increased consumption of sugar, sweetened beverages and products made with flour and refined carbohydrates. How can integrative medicine lower Americans’ healthcare costs? Integrative medicine can help reduce costs in two ways. First, by shifting the focus of health care onto health promotion and prevention, rather than disease management. Most of the diseases we are trying to manage today are lifestylerelated. This is where integrative medicine shines. Second, by bringing into the mainstream treatments that are not dependent on expensive technology, and I include pharmaceutical drugs in this category. I think we’re going to be forced to change our dysfunctional approach by economic necessity, because the current healthcare system is not sustainable. Integrative medicine is in a perfect position to do that because of its emphasis on lifestyle medicine. Integrative medicine is also teaching healthcare practitioners to use inexpensive, lowtech methods of managing common diseases. Both economic drivers will help reshape mainstream medicine. What influence can the public have in supporting such a shift? Our dysfunctional healthcare system is generating rivers of money flowing into very few pockets. Those are the pockets of big pharmaceutical companies,

medical devices manufacturers and big insurers; interests that control legislators. So, I don’t think any real change is going to come from the government. The only real change will come from a grassroots movement to change the politics of all of this. Demand that insurers cover the treatments you want. Seek out integrative practitioners. Tell health practitioners you work with that integrative education is available and urge them to get up to speed in those areas. Raise your own awareness of the extent that the powerful lobbies now influence the system and why we need to see a sweeping political change. You offer several programs through the University of Arizona, such as a fouryear degree, a two-year fellowship for medical doctors and programs for nurse practitioners and physician assistants. What are the benefits of adding integrative medicine to one’s practice? I think it’s what patients want and it makes the practice of medicine much

more enjoyable. Many practitioners realize that they don’t have the knowledge their patients want; for instance, informed counsel about diet or uses of alternative medication. This is a way they can gain knowledge they didn’t get in their conventional medical training. We’ve graduated more than 1,000 physicians over 10 years, supporting a robust and growing community of likeminded practitioners that stay in touch and support each other. We’re eventually hoping that we can get integrative training into all residencies. Whether you go to a dermatologist, pediatrician, gastroenterologist or psychiatrist, that doctor will have had basic training in nutrition, mind/body interactions, herbal medicine and all the rest that is now left out. We’ve also begun a program in lifestyle medicine that’s open to all kinds of practitioners, from registered dietitians to psychologists.

bursement that favors integrative medicine. At the moment, we happily pay for drugs and tests. We don’t pay for a doctor to sit with and counsel a person about diet or teach them breathing exercises. I would like to see a new kind of institution come into being that I call a healing center, where people could go for lifestyle education and management of common illnesses—somewhere between a spa and a clinic. Stays in these would be reimbursed by insurance, similar to how it’s done in Europe. Beyond that, I think it’s unconscionable that the richest nation on Earth can’t provide basic coverage to all of its citizens.

What reforms would you like to see in the current U.S. healthcare system? We need changed priorities for reim-

Andrea Schensky Williams is the publisher of Natural Awakenings of Northern New Mexico.


Awaken & Ignite The Brain’s Highest Potential

Dr. Andrew Weil will be spearheading the 12th annual Nutrition & Health Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, on May 4 through 6, 2015. Learn more about integrative medicine at IntegrativeMedicine.Arizona.edu and DrWeil.com.

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October 2014


Healthy Housing


CITYSCAPES Urban America is Going Green in a Big Way by Christine MacDonald

Friendly Neighborhoods


oday, buzzwords like “sustainability” and “green building” dominate discussions on how to overcome the unhealthful effects of climate change, extreme local weather events and pervasive pollution. Now, a growing body of research indicates an unexpected upside of living greener; it not only makes us healthier, but happier, too. It’s all helping to spread the “green neighborhood” idea across the U.S., from pioneering metropolises like New York, San Francisco and Portland, Oregon, to urban centers like Cincinnati, Detroit and Oakland, California.

Rethinking Redevelopment

A sustainable, or “eco”-city, generally runs on clean and renewable energy, reducing pollution and other ecological footprints, rather than on fossil fuels. Along with building entire eco38

The concept of home is undergoing a radical makeover. From villages of “smallest houses” (usually no bigger than 350 square feet), to low-income urban housing complexes, people interested in smaller, more self-sufficient homes represent a fast-growing, increasingly influential segment of today’s housing market, according to experts such as Sarah Susanka, author of The Not So Big House. Google reports that Internet searches for information on “tiny houses” has spiked recently. Economic freedom is one factor motivating many to radically downsize, according to Bloomberg News (Tinyurl. com/TinyHouseDemand). Cities nationwide have overhauled their building codes. Cincinnati, for example, has moved to the forefront of the eco-redevelopment trend with its emphasis on revamping instead of demolishing existing buildings. Private sector leaders are on board as well; a transition to buildings as sustainable ecosystems keeps gaining ground through certification programs such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), and the “living building” movement begun by Seattle’s Cascadia Green Building Council has gone international.

Long Island Edition

cities, developers also are striving to replace hard-luck industrial pasts and turn problems such as depopulated urban cores into opportunities for fresh approaches. “We are having a major rethink about urban development,” says Rob Bennett, founding CEO of EcoDistricts (EcoDistricts.org), a Portland-based nonprofit skilled in developing protocols for establishing modern and sustainable city neighborhoods. The group has recently extended help to seven other cities, including Boston, Denver and Los Angeles, applying innovations to everything from streetscapes to stormwater infrastructure. “The failures of the old, decaying urban and suburban models are evident,” says Bennett. “We’re now learning how to do it well and create environmentally sustainable, peoplecentered districts.” NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

Walkability is “in” these days, along with bike paths, locavore shopping and dining and expansion of public destinations, all of which draw residents out to meet their neighbors. This “new urbanism” is evident in places like Albuquerque’s emerging Mesa del Sol community and Florida’s proposed Babcock Ranch solar-powered city. While public and private sectors are involved, residents are the catalysts for much of the current metamorphoses. Whether it’s a guerrilla gardener movement—volunteers turning vacant lots and other eyesores into flowering oases—creative bartering services or nanny shares, people-helping-people approaches are gaining momentum. The Public School, an adult education exchange that began in Los Angeles in 2007 and has since spread to a dozen cities worldwide, the Seattle Free

School, the Free Universeasonal flooding and New York City sity of New York City, water shortages. Coastal residents taking cities, for example, are and Washington, D.C.’s Knowledge Commons an urban walking grappling with ways to all have taken the do-itsafeguard public transit tour rated the yourself movement into and other vulnerable the realm of adult educaexperience better infrastructure. tion. The latter offers Designing for better and more exciting public health is a central more than 180 courses a year, most as free classes when it included tenet of sustainability, offered by and for local as well. Active Design an urban garden. Guidelines for promoting residents encompassing all neighborhoods, physical activity, which ~ Charles Montgomery, first gained traction in with topics ranging from urban foraging and vegan Happy City New York City before becooking to the workings coming a national trend, of the criminal justice system. intend to get us moving. Banishing the core bank of elevators from central Upgraded Transportation locations, architects substitute invitingly light and airy stairwells. Evolving With America’s roads increasingly cityscapes make it easier for commuters clogged with pollution-spewing veto walk and bike. hicles, urban planners in most larger Tyson’s Corner, outside of WashU.S. cities are overseeing the expanington, D.C., has made sidewalk sion of subway and light rail systems, construction integral to the overhaul of revamped street car systems and even its automobile-centric downtown area. ferry and water taxi services in some Memphis recently added two lanes for places. Meanwhile, electric vehicles (EV) got a boost from four New England bikes and pedestrians along Riverside Drive overlooking the Mississippi River, states, plus Maryland, New York, Texas and Oregon, which have joined Califor- while Detroit’s HealthPark initiative has nia in building networks of EV charging many of the city’s public parks serving as sites for farm stands, mobile health stations, funding fleets of no- or lowclinics and free exercise classes. emission government cars and making green options clearer for consumers. If Clean Energy all goes as planned, the nine states estimate that 3.3 million plug-in automoThe ways we make and use energy are biles could hit the streets by 2025. currently being re-envisioned on both Mass transit, biking and walking large and small scales. Solar cooperaare often quicker and cheaper ways to tives have neighbors banding together get around in densely populated urban to purchase solar panels at wholesale centers. Car sharing, bike taxis and onprices. Startup companies using computline app-centric taxi services are popular er algorithms map the solar production with increasingly car-free urban youth. potential of virtually every rooftop in the Boston’s Hubway bike-sharing program country. However, while solar panels and addresses affordability with a $5 annual wind turbines are rapidly becoming part membership for low-income residents. of the new normal, they are only part of One common denominator of the the energy revolution just getting started. new urbanism is an amplification of In the past several years, microgrids what’s considered to be in the public have proliferated at hospitals, military welfare. Through partnerships among bases and universities from Fort Bragg, in public and private sectors and comNorth Carolina, to the University of Calimunity groups, organizations like fornia at San Diego. These electrical sysEcoDistricts are developing ways to help tems can operate in tandem with utility communities in the aftermath of natural companies or as self-sufficient electrical disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes, islands that protect against power outages

and increase energy efficiency, sometimes even generating revenue by selling unused electricity to the grid. While still costly and complicated to install, “Those barriers are likely to fall as more companies, communities and institutions adopt microgrids,” says Ryan Franks, technical program manager with the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

Local Food

What started with a few farmers’ markets feeding urban foodies has given way to a growing local food movement that’s beginning to also reach into low-income neighborhoods through mobile markets, a kind of farmers’ market on wheels, and an explosion of urban gardens and city farms. Ohio City Farm (OhioCity.org) grows food for in-need residents on six acres overlooking the Cleveland skyline. In Greenville, South Carolina, the Judson Community Garden is one of more than 100 gardens in the downtown area, notes Andrew Ratchford, who helped establish it in a neighborhood four miles from the nearest supermarket. Giving residents an alternative to unhealthy convenience store fare is just one of the garden’s benefits, Ratchford says. “We’re seeing neighbors reestablish that relationship just by gardening together.”

Waste Reduction

While cities nationwide have long been working to augment their recycling and find more markets for residents’ castoffs, many are becoming more sophisticated in repurposing what was formerly considered trash. Reclaimed wood flooring in new homes and urban compostsharing services are just two examples characterizing the evolution in how we dispose of and even think about waste. We may still be far from a world in which waste equals food, as described by environmental innovators William McDonough and Michael Braungart in their groundbreaking book, Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. Nevertheless, projects certified as cradle-to-cradle are cutting manufacturing costs and reducing pollution. For example, carpet maker Shaw Industries Group, in Dalton, Georgia,

natural awakenings

October 2014


The benefits of urban agriculture are not limited to the provision of food, with many advocates citing community empowerment, environmental justice, public health, and education and training as primary goals. ~ Columbia University reports savings of $2.5 million in water and energy costs since 2012, when it improved energy efficiency and began using more renewable material in its carpet tiles. Shaw is spending $17 million this year to expand its recycling program. Stormwater runoff is a pervasive issue facing older cities. Many are now taking a green approach to supplementing—if not totally supplanting —oldfashioned underground sewage systems. Along with creating new parks and

public spaces, current public spaces are often reconfigured and required to do more. Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and Portland, among others, are instituting carefully planned and built green spaces to soak up rainwater and cut down on runoff into sewer drains—taking motor oil and other pollutants with it. Using revamped sidewalk, parking lot and roof designs, plus rain gardens designed to filter rainwater back into the

ground, municipalities are even successfully reducing the need for costly underground sewer system overhauls. The proliferation of rooftop gardens in places including Chicago, Brooklyn and Washington, D.C., and new green roof incentives in many cities nationwide further exemplify how what’s considered livable space is expanding. Altogether, eco-cities’ new green infrastructure is saving cities billions of dollars and improving the quality of life for residents by adding and enhancing public parklands and open spaces, a happy benefit for everyone. Christine MacDonald is a freelance journalist in Washington, D.C., whose specialties include health and science. Visit ChristineMacDonald.info.

ecobrief Ditch the Plastic

from municipal sources repackaged by soft drink companies. As a fact, both the Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo market several brands of bottled water, Dasani and Aquafina among them respectively. Before the Federal Trade Commission stepped in, the companies failed to disclose that PWS on their brands’ labels stood for Public Water Source.

Ban the Bottle Everywhere you look, there is water in plastic bottles—all shapes and sizes—for sale. The overwhelming use of bottled water demonstrates how dissatisfied folks are with the quality of their municipal or well tap water. Bottled Water Not the Answer Drinking water from plastic bottles seems like a healthy option, but because most tests acidic, it will leach minerals out of your body and, in the long run, will dehydrate you. Also to consider, the production, shipment and distribution of plastic bottles contribute to greenhouse gases, and most of the discarded bottles end up in landfills, oceans and other waterways. The fact is, bottled water is not healthy for you, the environment or your wallet. Danger to You A Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) report exposed wide gaps in regulations governing the bottled-water industry. There are no mandates by the Federal Food and Drug Administration about how water should be bottled or kept free of pathogens. The water in plastic bottles is only marginally better than most tap waters. One third of more than 100 brands tested by the NRDC contained contaminants. Nearly a quarter of all bottled water is actually tap water 40

Long Island Edition

Danger to the Earth The kind of plastic most commonly used for water bottles—polyethylene terephthalate, or PET—is recyclable; however, just one out of every four plastic bottles is recycled, most are tossed with regular trash. An estimated 40 billion bottles end up in landfills each year, where they leach carcinogenic chemicals back into the ground water/aquifers and the cycle begins all over again. A recent update on VOX Media maintains because of global water currents and the amount of plastic thrown way, every ocean on Earth has a massive swirling garbage patch. Filtration and Purification: a Much Better Option No matter what filtration system you choose for your home or office, you can be certain that the elimination of plastic water bottles from your day-to-day life will have a huge impact on your wallet, your health and the Earth. PUR2o Water Filtration & Purification Company is the number one source for alkaline and purified water right from your own tap. For more information, call 1-888-393-1828 or visit NALIMag.com and click on the PUR2o web banner. See ad on page 8.


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October 2014



The Sun’s Electrifying Future Solar Power is a Worldwide Eco-Goldmine by Linda Sechrist

“I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.” ~ Thomas Alva Edison in 1931

Energy Engine

Humankind has sought for centuries to harness the sun because the cumulative energy of 15 minutes of its rays shining on Earth could power the world for a year. Following the invention of the solar collector in 1767, a slow, yet steady evolution of other breakthroughs in the quest have included the photovoltaic (PV) effect, observed in 1839, invention of the first solar cell in 1954 and a solar-powered communications satellite in 1958. Solar summits in 1973 and 1977 led to the inception of the Solar Energy Research Institute (now the National Renewable Energy Laboratory), part of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Organization Act signed by then-President Jimmy Carter. Making the most of the “alchemy of sunlight” that Pulitzer Prize-winning 42

Long Island Edition

author Daniel Yergin writes about in The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World, has required a global village of inventors, visionaries, scientists and engineers. Pioneering companies have produced technological advancements and reduced manufacturing costs that expand the sun’s services to the world. Today, thanks to solar power, many of the remotest villages in developing countries have electricity. “Without solar photovoltaics on satellites and those powering the uplink transmitters, downlink receivers and associated equipment on the ground, the isolated residents of developing countries can’t join the modern world,” explains Neville Williams, author of the recently released book, Sun Power: How the Energy from the Sun is ChangNaturalAwakeningsLI.com

ing Lives Around the World, Empowering America, and Saving the Planet. As founder of the guerilla nonprofit Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF.org), Williams led the charge for electrifying households in 12 developing countries for 17 years, beginning in 1990, using solar panels and systems funded by grants. “While we were cost-effective and decisive, the results were due to the honest, hardworking and dedicated people we found there,” he advises. Williams initiated his pioneering advocacy of solar energy as a media specialist with the DOE during the Carter administration and served as the national media director for Greenpeace, in Washington, D.C. In 1997, he co-founded the solar installation company SELCO-India, which has supplied solar home systems to more than 150,000 families in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Vietnam and South Africa. In 2005, he founded the solar solutions supplier Standard Solar Inc., of Rockville, Maryland.

Economic Engine

The U.S. currently has an operating capacity of 13,000-plus megawatts of cumulative solar electricity—enough to power more than 2.2 million average American homes. As the industry grows, so does its impact. The Solar Foundation’s Solar Job Census 2013 reported nearly 143,000 solar workers in the U.S.—a 20 percent increase over 2012—at 6,100 businesses in 7,800 locations encompassing every state. According to Yergin and Williams, the increasing value of nationwide solar installations has “electrified” the U.S. economy. In 2013, domestic solar electric installations were valued at $13.7 billion, compared to $11.5 billion in 2012 and $8.6 billion in 2011. The top 10 states for annual additions of photovoltaic capacity in residential and commercial applications are California, Arizona, New Jersey, North Carolina, Nevada, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Colorado, New York and New Mexico. Currently, there are more than 550 major solar projects underway nationally. Under the Obama administration, 16

of these have been permitted on federal lands and will provide 6,058 megawatts of generating capacity. The two experts expect solar energy to be a major catalyst of global political and economic change. Williams contends that now is the time to fully access this cheapest form of unlimited energy. “If millions of poor families in developing countries can get their electricity from the sun, why can’t Americans do the same?” he queries. In a 2002 National Public Radio Planet Money podcast, Yergin, president of Cambridge Energy Research Associates, in Massachusetts, addressed the concerns of everyone that sees the common sense of relying on solar energy. “Technology will be central to solutions for our energy challenges,” he says. “What needs to be done is very, very large, as are the risks and challenges. What we have going for us is the greatest resource of all—human creativity—and for the first time in history, we are going to see it employed on a global scale.” To learn more, visit SunPowerBook.com and DanielYergin.com. Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Visit ItsAllAbout We.com for Neville Williams’ recorded interview.

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natural awakenings

October 2014



An A for


Good Genes

It’s a Top-Ranked Superstar Fruit by Tania Melkonian


utrient density—an acknowledged characteristic of apples—is considered the most significant qualification for a superfood. “It’s one of the healthiest foods,” advises Case Adams, from Morro Bay, California, a naturopathic doctor with a Ph.D. in natural health sciences. Apples’ antioxidant power alone could elevate it to status as a superior superfood. Eating apples could help ward off America’s most pressing yet preventable, chronic illnesses, which the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services cites as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Strategic Eating

Morwenna Given, a medical herbalist and Canadian member of the American Herbalists Guild, from Toronto, explains why and shares an analogy, “The normal metabolic processes of oxidation produce reactive oxygen species (free radicals) with unpaired electrons that hunt and steal partner electrons from the body’s cells. Imagine an electrical plug wherein the grounding wire has been eliminated or compromised. There is nothing to prevent a surge or fire.” This is comparable to what happens to a body impacted by a poor diet, lack of exercise, stress and illness; its healthy grounding is compromised. When the overall damage to cell structure overwhelms the body’s innate antioxidation defenses, conditions are ripe for disease and accelerated aging. Foods high in antioxidants, like the apple, help to neutralize the damage 44

Long Island Edition

Note that conventionally grown apples top the Environmental Working Group’s list of 48 fruits and vegetables tested for pesticide residue (ewg.org/ foodnews/list.php). That’s yet another sound reason, along with better taste and nutrition, to go organic.

and heal bodily tissues. Flavonoids—like the quercetin just beneath the peel—are another of the apple’s powerful nutrient partners, notes Adams in his book, The Ancestors Diet. So, even when making applesauce, including the peel is vital. With the exception of vitamin C, all other nutrient compounds remain intact when the fruit is cooked. Subtle differences in polyphenol levels exist among apple varieties, according to Linus Pauling Institute testing. Polyphenol compounds ultimately activate the fruit’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Northern spy, Fuji and especially red delicious varieties are the richest in antioxidants; empire and golden delicious harbor relatively low levels. “Some older varieties that had lost popularity with large-scale commercial farmers are now being grafted again, thanks to a return to organic practices,” remarks Meredith Hayes, schools and student nutrition senior manager at FoodShare, a leading North American food security organization. NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

“The purpose of any seed is to replicate the species,” explains Given. “The pulp around the seed protects and feeds the seed until it’s burrowed into the soil and germinates. Older species evolved to be protective of their seeds to survive against pests and other insults. Commercially grown produce, however, has generally bred out the secondary metabolites that house so many of a plant’s nutrients.” It helps to know that imperfectlooking food has potentially synthesized more sugars and nutrients in response to stress in order to survive, making blemishes or irregular shapes more appealing as consumers discover the core value of non-homogenized fruit. In 2012, Hayes worked with Tom O’Neill, general manager of Canada’s Norfolk Fruit Growers Association, to repackage smaller “unacceptable” apples into an ideal bag weight and size for a second-grader to carry and share in school meal and snack programs. Previously, these “too-small” apples were being tilled back into soil or sold in Europe because there was no market for them here,” says Hayes. “So, we looked for ways to honor imperfect fruit.” Other beneficial movements against food waste that are also making produce more affordable include France’s Intermarché supermarket’s popular inglorious fruits and vegetables campaign, with the tagline, “As good, but 30 percent cheaper,” and Portugal’s ugly fruit program. Such initiatives are raising happy awareness of so-called imperfect, and often organically grown, food. By recognizing and appreciating the apple during this season’s harvest, we honor its versatility, affordability, broad availability and culinary flexibility. Tania Melkonian is a certified nutritionist and healthy culinary arts educator in Southwest Florida. Connect at EATomology.com.

Apples in the Kitchen Apple Pie Smoothie (Empire, Golden Delicious) Yields 2 large smoothies 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1 cup unsweetened applesauce or stewed apples ½ cup raw, unsalted cashews, soaked in water for 1 hour 2 tsp vanilla extract ½ tsp ground cinnamon 2 chopped, pitted dates, soaked in water for ½ hour or 2 Tbsp maple syrup (use dates if using a high-speed blender, otherwise use maple syrup) 1 cup ice cubes

Heat a large pot on medium heat. When pot is warm, add spice mix until aroma is released. Add oil and stir for a minute. Add onions and half of the apples, stirring the mixture until onions and apples soften. Add broccoli, stock and juice. Stir and reduce heat. Cover and cook on low for 20 to 25 minutes.

Apple-Cheddar Brunch Soufflé

(Granny Smith, Honeycrisp)

Remove from heat and use a blender to purée the soup in batches. Return to pot; add vinegar and the rest of apples. Stir and heat gently before serving.

Yields 8 servings

Courtesy of Elise Bauer, SimplyRecipes.com

3 slices gluten-free or sprouted grain bread, torn into 1-in pieces 6 eggs 1 cup milk (flax, coconut, almond or goat) 1 tsp black pepper 1 tsp nutmeg 4 Tbsp grass-fed butter 3 large sage leaves 6 apples, cored and sliced into wedges (about 8 per apple) 1 cup grated goat’s milk cheddar cheese

Creamy Curried Apple Soup

Arrange bread on a baking sheet. Toast until light brown. Set aside.

(Gala, Jonagold)

Yields 6 large servings 2 Tbsp mild curry spice mix 1 Tbsp olive or coconut oil 1 medium onion, diced 1 head broccoli, stems peeled and separated from florets, all chopped roughly 2 medium apples, cored and chopped* 3 cups vegetable or chicken stock 3 /4 cup unfiltered apple juice ¼ cup apple cider vinegar 1 sprig Thai basil for garnish

Courtesy of Tania Melkonian, EATomology.com

recipe photos by Stephen Blancett

Place all ingredients in a blender and purée until smooth, 30 to 60 seconds.

This soup can be kept in the refrigerator for up to seven days or the puréed soup can be frozen for several months. Defrost and add diced, raw apples before heating and serving.

Preheat oven to 350° F. Whisk eggs, milk and spices together until some small bubbles form on surface.

*During preparation, keep apples in a large bowl of ice water with one Tbsp of vinegar or lemon juice to prevent browning.

natural awakenings

October 2014


Heat a skillet on medium heat. Melt 3 Tbsp of butter and drop in sage leaves. Allow butter to bubble, not burn. Drop apple wedges in and stir, cooking for 2 to 3 minutes until apples are slightly soft. Remove apple mixture from heat. Remove sage leaves. Use 1 Tbsp butter to grease a 9-inch springform pan, deep baking dish or Dutch oven. Arrange 1/3 of bread in a layer on the bottom. Sprinkle ¼ of grated cheese on top. Spoon 1/3 of apple mixture on top. Repeat twice. Pour egg mixture on top. Bake on middle rack for 30 minutes. Sprinkle remaining cheese on top. Bake for an additional 15 minutes. Courtesy of Tania Melkonian, EATomology.com

Grilled Apple-Fennel Napoleons (Gala, Macintosh, Fuji) Yields 6 servings 1 large red or sweet onion 4 large apples, cored 2 medium fennel bulbs

½ cup olive oil divided into two ¼-cup portions ½ tsp salt ½ tsp anise seed, ground 1 tsp balsamic vinegar ¼ cup fresh tarragon leaves, finely chopped Juice of a tangerine or clementine Peel onion and, removing root, cut into 6 rings about ¼-inch thick. Cut apple into 12 rings of similar thickness. Cut fennel bulbs width-wise to make 12 to 15 smaller rings. Combine ¼ cup oil, seasonings and vinegar in a bowl. Arrange onion, apple and fennel rings on a large baking dish or platter. Pour oil mixture on top, coating the surface of each ring. Turn rings over. Coat the other side. Heat a grill pan, grill top or outdoor barbecue to medium-high heat. When removing rings from the oil mixture, allow any excess to drip into a platter. Grill onions, apples and fennel in batches, ensuring grill surface is not crowded. Cook each ring for about 2 to 4 minutes per side allowing grill lines to develop and product to remain al dente (soft on the surface, but crunchy in the middle). While rings are cooking, mix

¼ cup oil, tangerine juice and tarragon leaves in a blender. After all rings are grilled, arrange 1 Napoleon per plate with onion ring at the bottom. Stack one apple ring on top of that and 2 or 3 fennel rings. Repeat with apple and fennel, ending with fennel on top. Evenly distribute tarragon dressing on each of the Napoleons. Serve immediately. Courtesy of Tania Melkonian, EATomology.com

Grated Apple-Radish Salad with ‘Smoked Caramel’ Dressing (Red Delicious)

Yields 6 servings Dressing Ingredients: 3 Tbsp organic tamari soy sauce 1 tsp smoked paprika (pimentón) 5 Tbsp sesame oil 2 tsp maple syrup Whisk ingredients together until combined. Salad Ingredients: 1 cup cooked red quinoa 2 cups grated apple Grated radish (daikon or red work well) 1 cup chopped chives 1 cup toasted pine nuts (optional) Combine ingredients together until incorporated. Add dressing just before serving and mix to combine. Courtesy of Tania Melkonian, EATomology.com


make the green choice. 46

Long Island Edition


globalbrief False Alarm

Expiration Labels Lead People to Toss Good Food Several countries are asking the European Commission to exempt some products like long-life produce from the mandatory “best before” date labels because they lead to food waste. According to a discussion paper issued by the Netherlands and Sweden and backed by Austria, Denmark, Germany and Luxembourg, many food products are still edible after the labeled date, but consumers throw them away because of safety concerns. The European Union annually discards about 89 million metric tons of edible food. In the U.S., food waste comprises the greatest volume of discards going into landfills after paper, reports the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In 2012, this country generated 36 million tons of food waste, but only 3 percent of this waste stream was diverted from landfills. A 2013 report co-authored by the Natural Resources Defense Council and Harvard Law School’s Food Law and Policy Clinic proposes that producers and retailers take other steps to prevent the discarding of good food.

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October 2014



New Cancer Test for Dogs Detects Illness in Time for Effective Treatment by Shawn Messonnier


et owners often ask if there’s an accurate, inexpensive way to test dogs for cancer before they develop clinical signs of it. A diagnosis early in the course of the disease is crucial for beginning effective treatment and better outcomes. Until recently, the answer to their question was no. As a result, most owners have remained unaware of the problem until the cancer was well advanced and had spread throughout the pet’s body. While chemotherapy can help some pets, the treatment is unable to heal most of them due to the advanced stage of most diagnosed cancers, which typically already have been active for six to 12 months or longer.


Long Island Edition

Early diagnosis would allow both traditional and natural therapies to be more effective. In some cases, chemotherapy might not even be needed, because natural medicines such as astragalus, essential fatty acids, mushroom extracts, ginseng and green tea may be able to reverse the cancer at its earliest stages. Fortunately, dog owners can now secure an accurate early diagnosis using a new blood panel costing less than $200, including lab processing, that enables veterinarians to detect cancer and other NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

inflammatory diseases before a pet becomes ill. The tests provide valuable information about the dog’s health before overt signs of disease are observed, damage occurs and treatment options become more limited and expensive. Early detection tests for cancer in cats will be available soon. The tests measure several aspects of cell irregularity, including abnormal cell division and systemic inflammatory activity, by detecting any increased levels of thymidine kinase and C-reactive protein in the pet’s body. A study by California’s Veterinary Diagnostics Institute’s VDI Laboratory applying the new blood panel tests to 360 dogs followed their incidences of cancer and other serious diseases for up to a year. The researchers found that nearly all of the cancers that occurred were detected four to six months prior to the pet showing outward signs. Because the cancers were detected early and treated before the pet became overtly ill, costs to the pet owner were greatly reduced and the effectiveness of cancer treatment improved. The new cancer screening tests, which are designed to be part of a routine wellness plan, constitute the most comprehensive single blood diagnosis available in monitoring overall canine health. It’s just as important to check the vitamin D status of canine patients. Low levels contribute to increased incidence of cancer and infectious diseases, according to a study

published in the journal Veterinary and Comparative Oncology. Supplementing vitamin D levels is easy and inexpensive and may help reduce the incidence of serious disease later in life. While the new blood panel tests have been shown to be highly accurate in early cancer detection, any test can miss it if the number of cancer cells is too small. Therefore, pets with negative test results should be retested every six months, while positive results prompt further diagnostic tests and initial treatment. Pets with cancer also benefit from these tests because they allow the vet to fine-tune a treatment plan and determine when a cancer may be coming out of remission. The screening is recommended for all dogs 5 years of age and older. Only a small amount of blood is needed and results are available within a few weeks.

No one appreciates the very

special genius of your conversation as the dog does. ~Christopher Morley

Shawn Messonnier, a doctor of veterinary medicine practicing in Plano, TX, is the award-winning author of The Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats and Unexpected Miracles: Hope and Holistic Healing for Pets. For more information, visit PetCareNaturally.com.

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natural awakenings

October 2014



Try these six healing techniques.

Six-Second Breath

Breath-Taking Wisdom Six Ways to Inhale Energy and Exhale Stress by Lane Vail


e draw an astounding 22,000 breaths daily, but because breathing is involuntary, we often take it for granted. Transforming breathing into a conscious activity can provide amazing energy, awareness and control, and dramatically improve our mental, physical and creative performances, according to Al Lee, co-author of Perfect Breathing: Transform Your Life One Breath at a Time. That’s 22,000 opportunities to choose health and wisdom every single day.

Everyday Ease

Lee paints a picture of perfect breathing: “Watch a baby breathe; it looks like there’s a balloon in the stomach that inflates and falls back down. This is belly breathing—pleasant, enjoyable and natural.” During inhalation, the diaphragm pulls down under the lungs, allowing them to expand with air and displace space in the abdomen.


Long Island Edition

However, “Breathing can fall victim to the same movement dysfunction as any other skill, like running or walking,” says Nick Winkelman, director of movement and education at EXOS, an elite athletic training facility in Phoenix, Arizona. He points to “shoulder breathing”, characterized by a lifting of the shoulders with each shallow sip of air, as a common dysfunction perpetuated by too much sitting. “Hunching over the laptop or sitting in the car binds up the abdominal region and reduces the possibility of expansion there, so the breath moves higher into the chest cavity,” Lee explains. Replacing shoulder breathing with belly breathing “creates a cascade of positive effects,” says Lee, including lowering blood pressure and boosting the immune system. Deep breathing also clarifies the mind and is used in nearly every spiritual tradition to achieve deeper states of prayer, meditation and contemplation, he notes.


Lee’s six-second breath is a simple prescription for stress that can be used anytime, anywhere. Relax the abdominal muscles and inhale for three seconds, breathing through the nose to “disinfect, filter, condition and moisturize the air before it reaches the lungs,” says Lee. Visualize the breath filling the body like a bell, with the flared bottom expanding completely around the waistline. Pause momentarily and exhale through the nose or mouth for three seconds, gently contracting the abdomen to help expel the air. Practice this whenever needed to ease stress or for five minutes daily to establish a slower, deeper breathing pattern.

Ocean Breath

The yoga breath ujjayi, or oceansounding breath, is achieved by slightly constricting the throat muscles and gently lifting the glottis, so that a soothing hiss is produced when the breath is drawn in through the nose. Dr. Richard Brown, an integrative psychiatrist, associate professor at New York’s Columbia University and co-author of The Healing Power of the Breath, explains the benefits. “Ujjayi creates resistance to air flow, triggering receptors deep within the lungs’ alveoli, which allows more oxygen to be delivered to the cells. It also stimulates the vagus nerve input to the brain, which promotes calmness and clear thinking.”

Target Breathing

A recent study from the journal Pain Medicine found that deep, slow breathing, combined with relaxation, effectively diminishes pain. “The nervous system represents a physical or emotional trauma in an unregulated pattern of signals,” says Brown. “But the mind and breath can wash away and rewire that pattern.” Practice target breathing, a technique derived from qigong, by inhaling deeply

into the belly and visualizing the breath as a ball of energy which upon exhaling can flow to the place in the body needing healing, advises Lee.

Bellows Breath

Brown has co-authored a review in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine describing the neurophysiological basis and clinical benefits of yogic breathing on depression and post-traumatic stress. Bhastrika, or bellows breath, is a mood-lifting technique wherein one inhales vigorously through the nose while raising the arms above the head, fingers extended, and then forcibly exhales through the nose while pulling the elbows down alongside the ribs with fingers closing gently. Avoid overdoing it, instructs Brown; three rounds of 15 to 20 breaths are sufficient for healthy individuals.

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4-2-10 Breathing

Anxiety attacks often generate feelings of breathlessness, and fixating on each inadequate inhalation reinforces panic. Winkelman recommends 4-2-10 breathing, a technique that emphasizes elongating exhalations. Inhale through the nose for four seconds, hold for two, and then slowly release the breath for up to 10 seconds. Lee explains that after several breaths, the brain will start to shift from reactive emotional thinking to rational problem solving. “Concentrating on the breath makes it hard to think about the future or rummage around in the past,” says Lee. “It keeps you in the moment, intimately in touch with the mind, body and emotions.”

Who will tell whether one happy moment of love or the joy of breathing or walking on a bright morning and smelling the fresh air, is not worth all the suffering and effort which life implies. ~Erich Fromm

Lane Vail is a freelance writer in South Carolina. Connect at WriterLane.com.


make the green choice. natural awakenings

October 2014




Breathe, Flow and Sweat at POUND Class


ooking for an evening of fun, laughs, rocking music and a whole lot of heartpumping cardio? Then look no further than Breathe N Flow Yoga studio, which is now offering POUND classes twice a week. POUND is a full-body cardio jam session, combining light resistance with constant simulated drumming. The workout fuses cardio, Pilates, plyometrics and isometric poses into a 45-minute series. The creators of POUND claim these classes burn between 400 to 900-plus calories per hour while strengthening and sculpting infrequently used muscles. Created for people looking to drum their way to a leaner, slimmer physique—all while rocking out to their favorite music! POUND instructor at Breath N Flow Yoga Traci Impellizeri has an enthusiastic and encouraging approach that makes even a timid student feel confident. Impellizeri encourages smiles, laughter and especially singing as attendees move their entire body, all the while making sure they are keeping the proper alignment for safety. Class concludes with graceful yoga stretching that seals your practice on a mindful note. No drumming or dance experience is necessary, only a willingness to have fun and drum your heart out. Breathe N Flow Yoga, located at 361B Atlantic Ave., Freeport. For more information, call 516-632-9626, email Info@BNFYoga.com. See ad on page 53.

Train With Us

Yoga PRACTICE PUMPS Up Detoxifying Antioxidants


ndian researchers recruited 64 physically fit males from the Indian Air Force Academy for a three-month study of yoga’s effect on detoxification. For three months, 34 of the volunteers practiced hatha yoga with pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation. The other 30 volunteers underwent physical training exercises. At the end of the study, blood tests found significantly higher levels of antioxidants, including vitamin C and vitamin E, among subjects in the yoga group. These participants also showed lower levels of oxidized glutathione and increased levels of two important antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase, all indicating better detoxification. Meanwhile, the exercise-only group showed no changes in these parameters.

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Long Island Edition


Anyone who practices can obtain success in yoga but not one who is lazy. Constant practice alone is the secret of success. ~Svatmarama

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minded, spiritual singles for FREE and manifest an extraordinary relationship!

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natural awakenings

October 2014




NOTE: All Calendar events must be received by the 12th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Visit NaturalAwakeningsLI.com for guidelines and to submit Calendar events (under “advertise” tab).



Women in Mid-Life Discussion & Support Group – 6:30pm. 10-wk support and discussion group for women in mid-life. Topics include: menopause, relationships, sexuality, working vs retiring, starting a new career, changing roles and more. Group held in an intimate setting led by a psychotherapist. Linda Rose: 516-671-7786. LindaRose.org.

Teen Loss Support Group – 7pm. For teens, ages 13-17, dealing with the loss of someone close to them (sibling, parent, caretaker, etc). With COPE and social worker Jennifer Plunkett. Meets the 2nd Thurs each month. First time attendees must first speak with Jennifer prior to their first group. A social media component between monthly meetings will be part of the program. COPE House, Field 6A at Eisenhower Park, East Meadow. 516-484-4993.

Bereavement Support Group – 7-9pm. COPE, a grief and healing organization dedicated to supporting parents and families living with the loss of a child. Parents and siblings new to COPE must speak to Executive Director Karen Flyer prior to their first meeting. Free. Chai Center, Dix Hills. 516-484-4993.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5 Contemplative Singles – 10am-2pm. Presenter: Joan McGovern. Join other faith-based singles as we explore God’s desire for each of us and discuss our call to action in the ministry of single life. $35 including $15 non-refundable/non-transferable deposit. Lunch included. Held at the Maude Adams House, The Convent of Our Lady of the Cenacle, Ronkonkoma. Info: 631-588-8366, CenacleSisters. org/Ronkonkoma. Reiki and Rhythm Workshop – 1-3pm. With Kristen Orsini and George Schultze. Reiki and healing drum meditation for each participant. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 6 Bereavement Support Group – 7-9pm. COPE, a grief and healing organization dedicated to supporting parents and families living with the loss of a child, holds monthly support group meetings for parents on the South Shore. Parents and siblings new to COPE must speak to Executive Director Karen Flyer prior to their first meeting. Free. Merrick Jewish Center, 225 Fox Blvd. 516-484-4993. Bereavement Support Group – 7:30-9:30pm. For parents 2 Mondays/month for parents on the North Shore. Parents and siblings new to COPE must speak to Executive Director Karen Flyer prior to their first meeting. COPE House, Field 6A at Eisenhower Park, East Meadow. 516-484-4993.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8 Mindfulness Mediation and Crystal Singing Bowls – 7:30-9pm. With Cathy Epstein. An evening of peace and relaxation while soothing your soul with singing bowls. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.


Long Island Edition

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10 Laruga Yoga Ashtanga Weekend – Oct 10-12. Varied times; 7 sessions. This weekend intensive with internationally known Ashtanga instructor Laruga Glaser will comprise of the important aspects of practice while infusing Ashtanga yoga’s philosophical teachings. $55/session, $315 for all sessions. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

savethedate FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 NEWLIFE EXPO – NYC OCT 17-19 America’s Largest Mind, Body, Spirit, Health & Enlightenment expo returns to the HOTEL PENNSYLVANIA Join Dan Millman, Lynn Andrews, Judy Satori, Sean Morton, Kat James and 150 other exhibitors and speakers. For info, pre-registration or volunteering: 516-897-0900, NewLifeExpo.com

savethedate Awaken & Ignite The Brain’s Highest Potential – 6:30-8:30pm. Learn the Higher Brain Living® technique and create an energy surge to the Higher Brain, opening a gateway to expansive higher living like no other! Learn to activate this by attending a live, mindblowing demo! Free if pre-registered; $97 at door. NY Marriott Marquis, Times Square. HigherBrainLivingEvents.com/NY-Expo. Bereavement Support Group – 7:30-9:30pm. For parents 2 Mondays/month for parents on the North Shore. Parents and siblings new to COPE must speak to Executive Director Karen Flyer prior to their first meeting. COPE House, Field 6A at Eisenhower Park, East Meadow. 516-484-4993.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 Bereavement Parent Support Group – 7:309:30pm. COPE, a grief and healing organization dedicated to supporting parents and families living with the loss of a child, holds monthly support group meetings for bereaved parents 1 Tues/month. Parents and siblings new to COPE must speak to Executive Director Karen Flyer prior to their first meeting. Free. COPE House, Field 6A at Eisenhower Park, East Meadow. 516-484-4993.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 Master Class with Bryan Kest – 6:30-9:30pm. One of Western yoga’s most celebrated pioneers. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-6829642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 Tools of Gold Yoga Therapeutics for Yoga Instructors – Oct 24-26. With Sarah Tacy. Augment your teaching with powerful tools that will grow your client base and change lives. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

Restorative Yoga and Reiki Workshop – 2-4pm. With Dawn Peer and Kristen Orsini. Combine the healing art of Reiki with the practice of restorative postures to release stress and heal the body. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

Bereavement Support Group – 7-9pm. COPE, a grief and healing organization dedicated to supporting parents and families living with the loss of a child, holds monthly support group meetings for parents in Suffolk County. Parents and siblings new to COPE must speak to Executive Director Karen Flyer prior to their first meeting. Free. United Methodist Church in Ronkonkoma, 792 Hawkins Ave, Lake Grove. 516-484-4993.



Designer Reception at Momona Gallery & Gifts – 2-5pm. Momona Gallery presents designer Odell Plantin’s Fall Collection of hand-dyed, one-of-a-kind silk scarves and ponchos, using the 8th-century Japanese Technique of Shibori. Artist in attendance, hors d’oeuvres and refreshments. Momona Gallery & Gifts, 158 E Park Ave, Long Beach. 516-427-9548. MomonaGallery.com.

Free Holistic Dinner and Health Talk – 6:309pm. Dr. Ray Omid cordially invites you and up to 4 guests to come and dine with him for a complimentary health dinner talk. Learn the key essentials to living a healthy and more vibrant life naturally. Umberto’s Italian Restaurant, 633 Jericho Turnpike, New Hyde Park. RSVP, Bessi: 917-747-2795. AdvancedHolisticHealthCare.com.



Sibling Support Group – 7-9pm. COPE, a grief and healing organization dedicated to supporting families living with the loss of a child or sibling, holds monthly support group meetings for adult siblings on the North Shore. Groups for siblings ages 5-10 and 11-17 also available. Parents and siblings new to COPE must speak to Executive Director Karen Flyer prior to their first meeting. Free. COPE House, Field 6A at Eisenhower Park, East Meadow. 516-484-4993.


savethedate Bi-Lingual Meditation Retreat – 9:30am-3pm. Join us for this day-long program with informative workshops on healthy living, delicious plant-based eating, yoga, meditation and more. Speakers & workshops: The Nature of Stress & the Power of Meditation, Christian Felt, MA in Health/Fitness; Life Beyond Life- Medical Facts, Mysticism & Meditation, Matthew Raider, MD; Stop the World, I Get Off Here, Zelma Chamberlain, Med; Fun Latin Vegan Cooking Class, Rosanna Jimenez, CHHC; Hatha Yoga for Everyone, Joao Guimaraes, CYI. Science of Spirituality Meditation Center, 79 County Line Rd, Amityville. To register: 631-822-7979, InfoTristate@sos.org, sos.org/usa/tristate. Yoga and Sanskrit Workshop – 1-3pm. With Mel Salvador. Spend the afternoon learning to speak and understand this ancient language and how it applies to your yoga practice. Asana practice included. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Experiential Holistic Healing and Spa Day – 11am-5:30pm.Experience great healings and health consults from holistic doctors, practitioners and advanced energy workers. A variety of free healings available: acupuncture, mini-labyrinth walks, Reiki, EFT, holistic dentistry, chiropractic, financial wellness, yoga, Thai yoga bodywork, essential oils, sacred jewelry and more. Special-priced services, ie psychics and dream interpreter. Great speakers from 12-5pm. Limited vendor tables and speaker spots available. VFW, Albertson, 155 Searingtown Rd (next to Shelter Rock Public Library). Carol Leitner: 516 242 8270, CarolLeitner1@gmail.com.

ongoingevents Daily 20-Hr Clairvoyant Training Program: Learn to See – Tori Quisling, M.Ed, Clairvoyant Practitioner, offers a 20-hr weekly course in learning to use clairvoyance in your life. By the end of the course, you will be able to meditate “Find Your Space,” give readings and work with your own Healing Guide. Customized program, begin when ready. Discounts when you join with a friend. $1,575 (when paid in full). Center for Clairvoyance and Healing, 158 Main St, Port Washington. 516-423-1794. Tori@YourPsychicSelf.net. YourPsychicSelf.net. 21-Day Detox – Lose weight, boost energy, de-stress, learn what you need to know for a life time of healthy cleansing. Includes: 21-day life botanica formula; pH strips; cleanse tool kit & recipes; 3 1-hr detox modules; 3 1-hr stress relief modules. RSVP: 516676-0200. Info@IntegrativeHealthManhasset.com. GirlfriendCleanse.com. Free Chiropractic Care for Returning Veterans – 9am-6pm. Dr. Gina Marino has extended an offer of care for one full year for any U.S. military veteran returning from overseas deployment in Afghanistan and Iraq, at no charge, with presentation of their service certificate. 2050 Wantagh Ave, Wantagh. 516-221-3500. GMDC93@aol.com. Align-Me.com. Free Gym Membership – 11am-8pm. Come in and we will show you how you can get a gym membership absolutely free. Synergy Fitness Massapequa, 5300 Sunrise Hwy, Massapequa. For more info: 516-541-4400. SynergyFitnessLongIsland.com. Free Silver Sneakers Exercise Classes – Mon-Fri. For all levels: balance, agility, strengthening, endurance and osteoporosis for eligible seniors. Sponsored by the nonprofit, Medicare’s Healthways. Garden City, Kew Gardens, Port Washington & Roslyn Harbor. For details, including to see if eligible & class times, Sherrie Glasser: 516-745-8050. MetroPhysicalTherapy.com. Kripalu Yoga/Stretch, Chair Yoga & Thai Yoga Bodywork – Super-therapeutic, energizing yet rejuvenating sessions. TYB: gentle stretching, palming, thumbing on back, belly, seated, side-lying. Beginners welcome. 15% off first session. Great Neck, Port Washington, Plainview. Carol Leitner: 516-242-8270 or CarolLeitner1@gmail.com. Seeking Participants for an Independent Research Study Regarding Massage Therapy – Be a part of the growing data of research regarding massage therapy. Massage is offered to participants at a drastically reduced rate. Healing Hands Pilates and Wellness Studio, 970 Railroad Ave, Woodmere. 516-792-0868. HealingHandsPilatesAndWellness@ yahoo.com. Three Phases to Optimal Health – Dr. Danielle Roberts presents life-changing information to kick start your enlightened optimal lifestyle journey. Call for details. $100 for all three lectures. Bring a friend and get half off. Integrative Health Center & Spa, 403-1 Main St, Port Washington. 516-676-0200. IntegrativeHealthManhasset.com.

Sunday Vinyasa Flow Yoga – 9am. All levels. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com. Baby & Me Yoga – 9:30am. Infant-crawlers. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. Must register: 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Meditation – 10:30-11:30am. For beginners or those looking to deepen their practice. Gently guided meditation accompanied by the soothing sounds of our crystal Tibetan singing bowl, designed to awaken your Third Eye. 1st class free; monthly memberships available; $10. Break The Norms, 47 W Nicholai St, Hicksville. 516-938-9600. BreakTheNorms.com.

Monday Ashtanga Yoga: Mysore – 6-9am, Mon-Thurs. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com. Ashtanga Yoga – 9:30-11am. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 1:30-3pm. An ongoing group for women with metastatic breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 7-8:30pm. 2nd Mon. An ongoing group for men with breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 7-8:30pm. For young women with breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077. Big Kids Yoga – 7:15-8:15pm. Ages 11-14. Promotes physical health, self-confidence, awareness, and mental focus in a safe and lighthearted environment. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Meditation – 8:15-9:15pm. Join Jessica Saraswati for a peaceful meditation session, followed by an enlightening satsang. Beginners welcomed and encouraged. 1st class free; $10. Break The Norms at A Jewel In The Lotus Yoga Shala, 560 Main St, Studio 3, Islip. Info: 516-938-9600. BreakTheNorms.com.

Tuesday Pilates Mat Class – 9:30am. Designed for the intermediate/advanced Pilates student. Challenging workout with stretching and lengthening of the whole body. $25 with discount. Healing Hands Pilates and Wellness, 970 Railroad Ave, Woodmere. 516-792-0868. HealingHandsPilatesAndWellness@yahoo.com.

natural awakenings

October 2014


Vinyasa Flow – 9:30am. Basics. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com. Yin Yoga – 9:30am. A practice in which asanas (poses) are held for extended periods to increase flexibility and juice up the joints and ligaments, releasing energetic blockages that may be holding you back in your yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Meditation – 9:30-10:30am. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com. Shine with Infrared Therapy – 10:30-11:45am. With Stacey Lynn. Class incorporates the principals of Shine Yoga with use of the Biomat which is an FDA approved, warm infrared, amethyst crystal mat. A deeply healing experience allowing you to shine from the inside out. Integrative Healing Center, 403-1 Main St, Port Washington. 516-676-0200. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 10:30am12pm. A morning group for women who have a genetic mutation for breast cancer (BRCA+). Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077. Community-Open Level Yoga – 11:30am12:30pm. Donation. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com. Prenatal Yoga – 4:30-5:30pm. Designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Inspired & Empowered Living Radio Show – 6pm. Learn how you can be inspired and empowered in your daily life. Join Nanci Deutsch and her accomplished guests as they coach, educate and motivate you. On W4HC, HealthCafeLive.com. Facebook: InspiredAndEmpoweredLivingRadioShow. Mother & Daughter Yoga – 6-7pm. Ages 9 and up. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com. Kundalini Yoga – 6:45-8:15pm. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com. Weight Loss Seminar – 7:15pm. With Dr. Michael Berlin. Learn about a cutting-edge weight loss program that will specifically show you how to lose weight and keep it off for life. The Family Wellness Center, 641-B Old Country Rd, Plainview. Register: 516-822-8499. NetworkWellnessCenter.com.

Wednesday Free Energy Healing For Chemo/Radiation Patients – By appt only. 2nd Wed. Kiyra Artisse, Master Energy Healer, offers free energy healing to cancer patients, currently going through chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Success & Harmony, Merrick. Space limited; for appt: 516-945-0919. SuccessAndHarmony.org.


Long Island Edition

Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 10:30am12pm. For women with metastatic breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077. Pre/Post Natal Yoga – 11am-12:15pm. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com. Reiki Circle & Meditation – 12-1pm. $20/dropin. Healing Studio at Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. To register: 516-509-5630. Jae313@optonline.net. Bodhi Meditation Class – 1-2:30pm. With Ni Nan Gilbert, acupuncturist and healer. Experience how this unique meditation can help you purify your body/mind and unleash the creative power within you. Increase self-awareness, emotional intelligence, mental clarity, focus and inspiration. Free. Freeport Recreation Center, 130 E Merrick Rd, Freeport. Nan: 516-442-7408. NiNanHealing.com. Kids Yoga – 5pm. Ages 5-8. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 5:30-7pm. An evening group for women diagnosed with breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077. Pilates Mat Class – 6pm. Beginner/Intermediate Mat Class that will strengthen and lengthen your body. Change your body with the right kind of workout and feel great doing it. $25-$30. Healing Hands Pilates and Wellness, 970 Railroad Ave, Woodmere. To reserve a spot516-792-0868 or HealingHandsPilatesAndWellness@yahoo.com. Shine Healing/Meditation – 6:30-7:30pm. No prior experience with yoga or meditation required. When the mind is full of noise, and needs to empty, you need not look further than yourself, stillness is within you, simply one breath at a time. NEED LOCATION! Clairvoyant Development Series, Level 1 – 6:308pm. Tori Quisling, M.Ed, graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute and featured expert in the New York Daily News, will train on using own psychic abilities (clairvoyance, clairaudience). By the end of 8 wks, students will meditate, have awareness of psychic abilities and perform a reading. Workbook/ CD. Customized programs also available. $125/ class; $975/8-wk course. 158 Main St, Port Washington. 516-423-1794. Tori@YourPsychicSelf.net. YourPsychicSelf.net. Holistic Moms Network: South Shore Long Island Chapter – 7-8:30pm. 2nd Wed. Like-minded community focusing on mindful parenting and natural health. Free. CSTL – Tanglewood, 1 Tanglewood Rd, Rockville Centre. 516-924-1168. HolisticMomsSouth@gmail.com. HolisticMoms.org.

Prenatal Yoga – 7:15pm. Designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Women in Mid-Life Discussion & Support Group – 11:15am-12:15pm. Join other women to talk about this exciting but complex developmental stage in life. Support and discuss issues around menopause, life changes, relationships, sexuality in mid-life, finding a new passion and more. Group runs in 10 session segments. $200/10 sessions. Linda Rose, LCSW, 708 Glen Cove Ave, Glen Head. 516-671-7786. LindaRose.org. New & Potential Patient Workshop – 8-9:30pm. Learn all about Network Care’s extraordinarily gentle method that combines light-touch neurological and energy work to help to resolve all the stress, tension, distortions, and traumas from your spine and nerves. With Dr. Michael Berlin. Free. The Family Wellness Center, 641-B Old Country Rd, Plainview. Register in advance: 516-822-8499. NetworkWellnessCenter.com.

Thursday Healthy Happy Hour – 4th Thurs. We are raffling off a wellness party for you and your friends each month. Integrative Health Center & Spa, 403-1 Main St, Port Washington. RSVP: 516-676-0200. IntegrativeHealthManhasset.com. Shine Yogaroma – 10:30-11:45am. For all levels. Each week a Young Living essential oil is chosen for exploration. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to promote healing. Integrative Healing Center, 403-1 Main St, Port Washington. 516-676-0200. Yoga for the Soul – 11am-12:15pm. Yoga for the Soul is a meditation journey with some gentle yoga and movements and pranayama (breathwork) to prepare the body to sit for guided meditations. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com. Gluten-Free Lecture – 12-1pm. 3rd Thurs. Recommended donation $20. Integrative Healing Center & Spa, 403 Main St, Ste 1, Port Washington. 516-676-0200. IntegrativeHealthManhasset.com. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 1-2:30pm. A daytime group for women diagnosed with breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077. YogArt – 4:30-5:30pm. Class allows kids to express themselves through the practice of yoga and creating art. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Yin Yoga – 6pm. All levels. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com. Meditation – 8:15-9:15pm. Join Jessica Saraswati for a peaceful meditation session, followed by an enlightening satsang. Beginners welcomed and encouraged. 1st class free; $10. Break The Norms at A Jewel In The Lotus Yoga Shala, 560 Main St, Studio 3, Islip. Info: 516-938-9600. BreakTheNorms.com.


Friday Cancer Support Group – 9-11am. Call for specific dates. 6-wk program designed to empower women with knowledge while on their journey to kicking cancer’s ass. $480. Drop-in complimentary class last week of each month 9-10am. Must reserve spot. Integrative Healing Center & Spa, 403 Main St, Ste 1, Port Washington. 516-676-0200. IntegrativeHealthManhasset.com. Divorce Seminar – 12:30pm. Last Fri. Free seminar for those individuals who are considering the possibility of divorcing. Get information about divorce mediation and litigation and answers to questions. 626 RXR Plaza, W Tower, 6th Fl, Uniondale. For info & to reserve a seat, Sheree Donath: 516-670-9332 or Sheree@CoryRosenbaum.com. Employment Seminar – 1:30pm. Last Fri. Free seminar related to employee rights in the workplace. Find out what it means to be an “at will” employee and find out your employment rights. Will answer questions. 626 RXR Plaza, W Tower, 6th Fl, Uniondale. For info & to reserve a seat, Sheree Donath: 516-670-9332 or Sheree@CoryRosenbaum.com. Community Yoga: Donation-Based – 4-5pm. A Vinyasa Flow class that will stretch the body and clear the mind. All donations collected each month go to supporting the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation & Flying Frogs Yoga. Donate what you can. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Prenatal Yoga – 5:30-6:30pm. Designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Develop Your Intuition Workshop – 7-8:30pm. 1st Fri. With Tori Quisling. An introductory meditation series based on her book: The Clairvoyant Practitioner: A Simple Guide to Developing Your Clairvoyant Abilities. An interactive series in developing your intuition using meditation and clairvoyant techniques to open

up your ability to trust what you “see” and “know” about your life and relationships. Practice techniques you can use right away to create positive changes in your life. $35. Yoga Life, 939 Port Washington Blvd, Port Washington. 516-423-1794. ToriQuisling.com.

Saturday Pre-Natal Yoga – 9am. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. Yin Yoga – 9-10:15am. A practice in which asanas (poses) are held for extended periods to increase flexibility and juice up the joints and ligaments, releasing energetic blockages that may be holding you back in your yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com. Family Yoga – 10-10:45am. 1-9 yrs. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com. Bodhi Meditation – 10-11am. With Ni Nan Gilbert, acupuncturist and healer. Experience how this unique meditation can help you purify your body/ mind and unleash the creative power within you. Increase self-awareness, emotional intelligence, mental clarity, focus and inspiration. Ni Nan Healing Art Center, 2326 Merrick Rd, Merrick. 516-442-7408. NiNanHealing.com. Self Esteem Workshop – 11am-12pm. 4-session workshop to help people develop a healthier sense of self. Learn how to challenge your present thoughts and replace unhealthy ones with more positive ones. Workshop utilizes cognitive techniques to challenge thoughts and behaviors. Change your thinking to change your life. $25. Linda Rose, LCSW, 708 Glen Cove Ave, Glen Head. 516-671-7786. LindaRose.org. Yoga 101 Workshop – 1:30-3pm. Last Sat. Focuses on the foundational yoga poses, providing individualized, detailed instruction, designed to prepare you to make the most of any yoga class at Om Sweet Om. $20. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com.

This Autumn, Meet Someone To Get Cozy With the largest database of Join health-conscious and eco-

minded, spiritual singles for FREE and manifest an extraordinary relationship!

classifieds HEALTH CARE/WELLNESS PROFESSIONALS Fight today’s infectious diseases with therapeutic essential oils known for their anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. The Home Defense Kit contains 10 different oils. TryGodesana. com 504-475-3754. Space available for rent on hourly basis in Rockville Centre. Holistic environment perfect for practitioners, massages, acupuncture, nutritional counseling or life coach. Front desk support included. Space for small classes. 516-203-7442

HELP WANTED Looking for work in a meaningful and holistic practitioner office? Dr. Richter is looking for front office staff full time/part time please call 516282-0310 or email resume to cardiodontal@aol.com. Pilates studio and Wellness Center looking for Pilates Instructors and Yoga Instructors located in Woodmere, NY. Looking for someone who is trained in all Pilates apparatus. Yoga and Pilates instruction needs to have experience with all levels of fitness. Please Email: HealingHandsPilatesAndWellness@yahoo.com with information. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – COPE, a grief and healing organization dedicated to supporting parents and families living with the loss of a child through support groups, art therapy, a grief hotline and special workshops, needs volunteers to help with various projects. Karen Flyer, Executive Director: 484-4993 or Karen@CopeFoundation.org.

SERVICES LEARN ABOUT YOUR OWN PSYCHIC ABILITIES – Tori Quisling, with over 20 years experience, can teach you to use your own intuitive abilities to heal yourself and communicate with others. By the end of the course, students can meditate, work with healing guides and perform a psychic reading. Group and custom classes offered. Please see YourPsychicSelf.net or call 516-423-1794.

Space available Health Care-Wellness Professionals Network with complimentary doctors and therapists. Renovated quiet building, clean office, busy road, great parking. Ideal for second location, part timer, or new business Flexible terms. Space for small classes. Join Us! Info & Visit: 516-674-0609. Space available for rent in busy upscale long-established Woodbury yoga studio for holistic health practitioners, such as massage, nutritionist, or personal trainer. Call 516-682-9642 or email info@absoluteyogastudio.com.

Join for FREE at NaturalAwakeningsSingles.com natural awakenings

October 2014



BRINGING MORE THAN HOMEWORK HOME By Ryan Hogan It’s that time of year when we’re sending our kids back to school. Unfortunately, while schools are good places to learn they are great places to catch a disease. In fact, children’s Upper respiratory illnesses (URI’s) cause more doctor visits and missed school days than any other illness in the US. Luckily, there are a few things you can do at home to help reduce the chances of your child getting sick at school this year.

sanitizer before eating snacks, lunch and after using a shared computer mouse, pencil sharpener, water fountain or other community objects. Now, most people know we need to wash our hands, but one thing most people don’t really relate their health to is nasal hygiene. Using a saline spray with xylitol, such as Xlear Nasal Spray, is safe for all ages. Research has shown this natural sweetener is useful in preventing bacterial otitis media (ear infections), among other upper respiratory problems that are most likely to occur in fall and winter months. Additional xylitol studies have also shown a significant reduction in asthma attacks when a xylitol nasal spray is used on a daily basis. Xylitol affects nose and throat bacteria in two ways:

HOW? Before we talk prevention, we need to know how infection spreads. Many childhood illnesses are caused by viruses and bacteria that are transferred from person to person. URI’s increase in fall and winter as we spend more time crowded indoors. All it takes is one sick child, going to school for the spread to begin. Small droplets from a child’s cough or sneeze travel through the air and land on surfaces like desks, doorknobs and people. These germs are easily spread when someone touches the contaminated object and then proceeds to touch their eyes, nose or mouth. Children’s immune systems are less mature than those of adults, so they’re more vulnerable to these germs. Washing your hands and your nasal passages and also keeping their hands away from their nose, eyes and mouth are the most preventative habits to form at a young age.

• Decreases the adherence of harmful bacteria on their surface cells. • Stimulates the body’s own natural defense system Since the average American child has six to ten colds a year, using a xylitol nasal spray is a safe and effective way to promote better upper respiratory health, year round. FINAL HEALTHY TIPS In addition to frequent hand-washing, teach your child some other school health basics: • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. • Give your child a package of tissues to keep in his or her desk. • Encourage your child not to share water bottles, food or other personal items.

WHAT CAN YOU DO? Our best defense is to stop cold germs where they breed. Good hand-washing is the most effective way to prevent bacteria and viruses from spreading. Wash your hands after using the bathroom, blowing your nose, handling trash and prior to touching food to help eliminate germs. Soap and water should be used for 20 seconds (about as long as it takes to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice). Using alcohol-based hand cleaners is also effective. Remind your child to use the

• Ask your child’s teacher to include hand-washing time before lunch or snacks. • Have your whole family practice nasal hygiene and the use of xylitol saline spray like Xlear. Even with all of these tips, your kids are bound to come down with something over the course of the school year. We all get sick at some point or another, forming healthier habits and maintaining a positive attitude is all we can do as parents. For more information, please visit www.xlear.com.



Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our commmunity. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, visit NaturalAwakeningsLI.com for guidelines and to submit entries (under “advertise” tab.}

acupuncture Ni Nan Healing Art Center 2326 Merrick Rd, Merrick 516-442-7408

Personalized acupuncture, energy healing, Chinese herb and Bodhi meditation are all available and Ni Nan Healing Art Center in Merrick. Acupuncture for all needs including, stomach upset, acupuncture facial, fertility, pain and more. See ad on page 4.


cleaning services All Clean Long Island Inc Michelle Spadafina Massapequa Park Nassau & Suffolk County 516-987-8388 AllCleanLongIsland.com

All Clean Long Island provides cleaning services for your home and office. Using only a holistic system of organic, pet- and human-friendly products, we provide an efficient service for all your cleaning needs. Customizing every job for the specific needs of our customers is important to us in order to guarantee that every job is performed to your satisfaction. See ad on page 24.

Karen Flyer Office: 516-484-4993, Fax: 516-484-4885 Karen@CopeFoundation.org CopeFoundation.org COPE is a grief and healing organization dedicated to helping parents and families living with the loss of a child. COPE offers support groups for parents and siblings, alternative healing therapies, and a grief hotline. COPE also offers a free weekend bereavement camp for children ages 6-17 dealing with a major loss. For more information, please contact Karen Flyer at Karen@CopeFoundation.org.

chiropractor CENTER For THE ALIGNMENT OF BODY, MIND & SPIRIT Dr. Gina Marino • Wantagh 516-221-3500 • Align-Me.com Dr. Marino utilizes a combination of gentle chiropractic spinal adjustments, Reiki and bodywork to reduce pain, lessen the effects of stress on your system, restore flexibility and ensure optimum vitality. See ad on page 43.


641 B Old Country Rd, Plainview 516-822-8499 NetworkWellnessCenter.com Our office helps people heal their bodies and their lives by doing light pressure points that blend advanced neurological, energy work, and life skills coaching to resolve all the stress, tension, distortions, and traumas from the body and mind naturally. See ad on page 15.

holistic dentistry 444 Community Dr, Ste 204, Manhasset 516-627-8400 • GoldenSmile.com


Locations in Smithtown and Garden City 516-640-5322 • CleansingConceptsWorld.com Private, safe, comfortable. Lose weight, gain energy, improve skin and sleep, and help reduce the risk of disease. Spa-like atmosphere. Feel completely relaxed. Pre-Post cleanse nutrients provided. See ad on page 17.

A practice that cares for you like family. The philosophy of our dental wellness center is a wholebody approach working closely with your healthcare practitioners that you already have a relationship with. The practice incorporates the teaching of Huggins, IOAMT, and much more. See ad on page 17.

long island center for healthier dentistry


260 E Main St, Ste 109, Smithtown 631-361-3577 • SmithtownSmiles.com

pollack wellness center

66 Commack Rd, Ste 204, Commack 631-462-0801 • CreatingWellnessLI.com Dr. Pollack specializes in the practice of physical rehabilitation, herbal and nutritional medicine, and stress and weight management including non-invasive liposuction. He has extensive experience in healing digestive disorders (reflux, bowel issues, colitis, loose stools, etc.), joint and muscle pain, headaches, and many other common health concerns. His goal is to help as many people as he can to reach optimal health and avoid the “sick-care” system. See ads on pages 15 & 49.

Happy Halloween!

Experience the transformative power of Reconnective Healing to achieve improved physical, emotional and mental health. Beyond any energy healing technique you have ever encountered, Reconnective Healing is a powerful, hands-off process that accesses a comprehensive spectrum of energy, light, and information credited with bringing about a state of restored balance and wellness. Reconnect Long Island was established by practitioners Rob and Anessa Koenig to bring this important work to the East End. Your time for healing is now, schedule your appointment today. See ad on page 31.


colon hydrotherapy


Rob & Anessa Koenig Hurricane Chiropractic Office 1 Montauk Hwy, Westhampton 631-338-9400 ReconnectLI.com

Dr. Shvartsman provides state-ofthe-art dental care with a commitment to patient comfort. He utilizes mercury- and heavy metal-free tooth conserving, minimally invasive restorative techniques as well as a Biomimetic Dental approach. Dentistry for holistic-minded patients is our focus. See ad on page 9.

NORTH SHORE COSMETIC & IMPLANT DENTISTRY Dr. Jonathan Richter 310 E Shore Rd, Great Neck 516-282-0310

We welcome you to come in for a comprehensive exam of teeth, gums, early detection, and oral health problems. We offer the following services: holistic dental care, mercury-free dentistry, TMJ disorder and treatment, treatment for sleep disorders, Invisalign and orthodontics, dental implant, sleep apnea. Payment plans available. See ad on back cover.

natural awakenings

October 2014


holistic health coach HEALTHY LIVING BY DENISE

516-241-7968 Info@HealthyLivingByDenise.com HealthyLivingByDenise.com Certified health coach specializing in helping women reduce cravings, increase energy levels, improve sleep and more. Individual health coaching, group workshops and corporate wellness programs available. Together, we will explore your specific concerns and discover the solutions needed for a lifetime of balance.

holistic wellness center PURE AND SIMPLE HEALTH

128 N Long Beach Rd Rockville Centre 516-203-7442 SimplyVibrant.com

“Wellness Made Easy” is our motto at Pure and Simple Health. The 3 reasons we lose our health are: we have too much of what our body doesn’t want (bacteria, yeast, etc.); we don’t have enough of what it needs (vitamins, minerals, etc.); and stress (physical, emotional or environmental). We help you detoxify and clean your system, nourish your body, and help you better adapt to stress, so you can experience gains in health that are dramatic and sustainable. See ad on page 11.

medical wellness center integrative healing center & spa 403 Main St, Ste 1, Port Washington 516-676-0200 IntegrativeHealthManhasset.com

Specializing in detoxification and preventative health care. We are fully present in your visit so you feel safe, appreciated and heard All of our practitioners are I-ACT certified therapists. Only the best FDA-cleared Libby devices are utilized for our clients. The colon is the key to health. See ad on page 25.



1602 Lakeland Ave Bohemia 877-861-3662 BringHealthyHome.com Indoor Environmental Wellness™. We are the people that improve the air that you breathe, the water you drink, bathe, and cook with, and the surfaces you touch. See ad on page 19.


1-855-491-Save NonToxicDivorce.com

Cory Rosenbaum is an expert at all forms of mediation and legal affairs. After resolving his own divorce mediating, without any litigation, he was able to find peace for himself, his ex-wife and most importantly his child. Cory wants to help others struggling with divorce proceedings utilizing a mediation process based on his existing expansive knowledge of divorce law in New York State. See ad on page 13.

Nassau & Suffolk Locations 866-239-5445 MidwifeDale@gmail.com • GaiaMidwives.com Personalized care through pregnancy, water birth, natural birth, well-woman gynecology, family planning. Many insurance plans accepted. See ad on page 15.



Long Island Edition

11 Stewart Ave, Huntington 631-421-1848 • InnerSourceHealth.com

Helping each patient realize their greatest health potential using the least disruptive recommendations possible to stimulate the innate ability of the body to heal itself. Inner Source Natural Health is staffed by the Naturopathic Doctors/Acupuncturists. As seen on the Dr. Oz show. See ad on page 27.

finker wellness

Bellmore 516-765-3272 • DrFinker.com Utilizing Naturopathic Medicine to help her patients feel better naturally. Many illnesses can be treated by nutrition, botanicals, and nutraceuticals. Dr. Finker provides personalized health care solutions for her patients. See ad on page 21.

Eat Grow Shop Spend

pollack wellness center

66 Commack Rd, Ste 204, Commack 631-462-0801 • CreatingWellnessLI.com Dr. Pollack specializes in the practice of physical rehabilitation, herbal and nutritional medicine, and stress and weight management including non-invasive liposuction. He has extensive experience in healing digestive disorders (reflux, bowel issues, colitis, loose stools, etc.), joint and muscle pain, headaches, and many other common health concerns. His goal is to help as many people as he can to reach optimal health and avoid the “sick-care” system. See ads on pages 15 & 49.

ozone therapy



indoor environmental wellness

NON-surgical liposuction


The Healing Center 200 W 57th St, Ste 807 New York 212-581-0101 DrHowardRobins@gmail.com If you have a disease or condition that you haven’t been able to get rid of, Ozone Therapy will most likely be the answer, even for people that have suffered for years and have lost all hope. If you are questioning if your condition can be treated, call or email Dr. Robins. See ad on page 63.


516-423-1794 • Tori@YourPsychicSelf.net YourPsychicSelf.net Tori Quisling, MEd, offers Clairvoyant Readings, Psychic Development classes. Over 20 years experience, training at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, Tori assists you in deep spiritual answers, past lives, relationships and energy balance. See ad on page 41.

psychotherapy LINDA ROSE, LCSW

Williston Park/Glen Head Locations 516-671-7786 Individual, couple and group sessions. Services offered include; arousal difficulties, erectile dysfunction, low libido, orgasm difficulties, premature ejaculation and infidelity. See ad on page 51.

Local. Local. Local. Local. Start a trend.


Support the Local Businesses in Our Area

reiki/energy healing OPEN CIRCLE HOLISTIC WELLNESS 8 Davison Plaza East Rockaway/Lynbrook 516-406-3005 OpenCircleWellness.com

Intuitive counseling, Reiki/energetic healing, meditation instruction. Tina Martinez has a long history as a meditator and a healer (29 years). Each session is completely unique to the individual and is supported with the highest and purest intentions.

SUCCESSANDHARMONY.ORG 27 Merrick Ave, Merrick SuccessAndHarmony.org

SuccessAndHarmony.org offers multiple transformation coaching and energy healing including Reiki energy classes and healing, and Transformation, Vortex healing and Karuna Reiki.

schools PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL OF LONG ISLAND 1425 Merrick Ave, Merrick 516-868-6835 • psoli.com

K-8 private school. Morning yoga, meditation, healthy and vegetarian eating. Individualized reading, writing, math. Volunteering and service; earning by doing. Rich in culture and diversity. Reasonable tuition. See ad on page 33.

THE WALDORF SCHOOL OF GARDEN CITY 225 Cambridge Ave Garden City 516-742-3434 WaldorfGarden.com

Nursery through grade 12 private school. An innovative and holistic approach to educate and nurture with compassion, to balance towards wholeness, to challenge toward excellence and achievement. Our methods of teaching reflect an understanding of the growing child and acknowledge the spiritual origins of humanity.

spiritual coach CYNTHIA TAYLOR SCOTT, LMHC LightWorker and Spiritual Coach Long Island Healing Arts Center 868 Jericho Turnpike, Huntington 516-641-0375 ShineTheLight712@gmail.com

Cynthia Taylor Scott is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Lightworker and Spiritual Coach. It is our birthright to reignite the light within and honor our true authentic selves. Cynthia channels angelic messages through meditations to heal your heart and prepare your path to ascension. A Personal Healing Plan will be written to assist you.


Neil Raff, MD 160-40 78th Rd, Fresh Meadows (Queens) 718-544-1444 AmericanStemCellCenter.com Your own stem cells may be used as the cutting-edge treatment for neuro-logical and autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular, stroke, spinal cord injuries, orthopedic ailments and more. In a few hour, in-office procedure, your own stem cells are collected, concentrated and injected into the areas of damage, stimulating the body’s natural repair. There is no danger of tissue rejection or allergic reaction. Call for a 15-minute free consult. See ad on page 47.

success coach

veterinary ADVANCED ANIMAL CARE CENTER Michel A. Selmer, DVM 260 Evergreen Ave South Huntington 631-367-7387

See ad on inside front cover.

yoga absolute yoga

1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury 516-682-YOGA AbsoluteYogaStudio.com Two beautiful peaceful studios provide the perfect environment for the union of body and soul. 50+ classes per week in a variety of yoga styles and levels from beginner to energetic, strengthening warm vinyasa yoga. We also offer kids, pre and post-natal yoga (yogi baby), restorative yoga, yoga for fertility, Pilates and barre. See ad on page 53.


361b Atlantic Ave, Freeport 516-632-9626 BreatheNFlowYoga.com Family yoga studio specializing in vinyasa yoga, prenatal, restorative, kids’ yoga, mommy & me, private/semi-private, kids’ parties and workshops. Special donation-based community yoga classes offered Fridays at 4pm. Open 7 days a week offering a full range of classes in two studios and private changing/nursing area. Come feel the Flow. See ad on page 53.


Long Island & Manhattan 516-624-2332 PamelaRich.com BestYouCanBeNow@yahoo.com Chopra Certified Instructor, Licensed Heal Your Life® Workshop Leader. Workshops, Retreats, TeleClasses. Guiding you to an “enRICHed” life filled with Vibrant Health * Emotional Freedom * Abundant Living. See ad on page 23.

OM SWEET OM YOGA 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington 516-944-9642 OmSweetOmYoga.com

Be embraced by the warmth of community and be celebrated for who you truly are. Your home away from home, your refuge in a busy life. Here, your body is strengthened and soothed while your spirit is nurtured. See ad on page 52.


Fulfillment comes in serving others –advertise in

Natural Awakenings’ November Personal Empowerment & Beauty Issue To advertise or participate in our next edition, call 516-587-6517 natural awakenings October 2014 61


Diabetes? Cardiac Symptoms? Aches? Auto Immune Diseases? Pain? Digestive Issues? Have you considered that the illness you may be suffering from right now could be linked to the overall health of your mouth? Dr. Richter has! Dr. Jonathan Richter is dedicated to providing comprehensive and holistic dental care. Treating your overall well-being through preventative dentistry with a strong focus on preserving your natural teeth so your mouth and body are healthy in unison.

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