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feel good • live simply • laugh more


Fast Track to Personal Growth A Wealth of Resources Help You Improve Your Life

Super Power Your Kids’ Immune System Natural Remedies for Cold and Flu Season


Animal Exercises Make Us Fit and Strong

All We Need Is


The Simple Word that Uplifts Our Life

NOVEMBER 2013 | Long Island Edition | NALIMag.com Follow us on Facebook.com/NaturalAwakeningsLongIsland and Twitter NALIKelly


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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


Acid Reflux Liver Diseases


AntiDepressant Drugs

Infertility Learn What Strokes Asthma Alzheimer’s the Top Health Experts Have Arthritis Dementia To Say About Genetically Modified Preventing Foods Obesity Thyroid Disease Kidney AtheroDisorders



The Real Truth About Health Seminar January 10–12, 2014 ( Fri 10 am–9 pm, Sat 10 am–9 pm, Sun 10 am–6 pm ) Live from Times Square in New York City Dr. Brian Clement, Co-Director of Hippocrates Health Institute and author of over 10 books focusing on a whole food raw vegan diet.

Jeffrey M. Smith is the International bestselling author of Seeds of Deception, exposing health risks of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Dr. Richard Oppenlander is the author of Food Choice and Sustainability, about global depletion and how what we choose to eat is killing us and our planet.

Steve Meyerowitz, know as “The Sproutman,” is an author of many books on sprouting and juicing, including his classic, Sprouts: The Miracle Food.

Anna Maria Clement is Co-Director of Hippocrates Health Institute and author of several books about raising a family the natural way.

Dan Ladermann and Cherie Soria co-direct Living Light Culinary Institute and have authored Raw Foods For Dummies and The Raw Food Revolution Diet.

Dr. Michael Greger is the author of Carbophobia: The Scary Truth about America's Low-Carb Craze and Bird Flu. He is a partner in the website NutritionFacts.org.

Dr. Hans Diehl wrote Health Power and is a world-class speaker. His message is that people don’t have to die of Western killer diseases.

Devra Davis, PhD, is the author of Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Is Doing to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family.

Joseph Keon is a wellness consultant for more than 25 years and is the author of the book Whitewash: The disturbing truth about cow's milk and your health.

Elizabeth Grossman is the author of Chasing Molecules and High Tech Trash, about poisonous products, human health, and the promise of Green Chemistry.

Please join us and bring anyone you care about who is passionate about improving their health.

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contact us Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Kelly McGrath Martinsen Editor Sara Gurgen Contributing Writers Gina Marie Cronin Julianne Hale Design & Production Erika Northman Cover Selection: DNR Martinsen Advertising Sales Kelly McGrath Martinsen Diana Turr To contact Natural Awakenings Long Island Edition: P.O. Box 1104 Long Beach, NY 11561 Phone: 516-587-6517 Fax: 516-953-3475 Kelly@NALIMag.com © 2013 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call for a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback. SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available for $24 (for 12 issues). Please call 516-587-6517 with credit card information or mail a check made out to Natural Awakenings to the above address. Request a free digital copy of the magazine by emailing Kelly@NALIMag.com.

f the only prayer you said in your whole life was ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” That quote comes directly from this month’s article “Living Gratitude,” on page 34. An editorial reminder that a life of gratitude is an easy entry into a life filled with happiness. The other day, I heard Father Brian, of St. Mary of the Isle, say, “Don’t you find that you are envious of the people who live their life with gratitude? They seem to have something that we don’t.” Clearly, I can hear the Universe saying, “REMEMBER THE IMPORTANCE OF GRATITUDE.” By simply finding one thing you are thankful for each day, as the article suggests, you are setting yourself up for a different kind of day. A day that others would be envious of. Imagine the power that would be generated if all of humanity made every day a day of Thanksgiving? “Thank you” is powerful. It holds in it gratitude and creates a space for empathy. This morning I awoke and simply reminded myself that I am thankful that I rescued our dog, Gambino. The article on page 42, “Saving Animals Saves People,” illustrates how the act of rescuing an animal, in turn, may rescue you. I am grateful for that fateful decision I made. “Thank you” holds a certain freedom. You see, I have a bad habit. If I am mad, I am mad. I tend to take things perhaps too personally, and in the end, I react. Some deep-seated fear of someone getting the last word in makes me nuts. My sister telling me she didn’t like my hair; a guy cutting me off on the road; a lady butting in line at the grocery store. Trust me, I had a few choice words for them! I imagine many of you reading this may share a similar proclivity. Two months ago, I decided to replace those angry words with a simple “thank you.” My husband, Kevin, who knows me well, thought I couldn’t do it. I love a challenge! So, it began. If someone cuts me off, I will NOT throw a middle finger, instead I will wave and pleasantly say, “Thank you.” A car beeps at me for sitting too long at a green light? “Thank you,” I will mouth in the review mirror with a smile. Thank you is a diffuser. It is not always easy, and I am not always successful; however, when I am, it actually feels so much better. This summer, Kevin witnessed firsthand me employing the “thank you magic” when we were riding our bikes on the boardwalk to Fire Island. A couple on the path yelled, “You know you aren’t supposed to ride on here. Jeez, don’t you know anything? Can’t you read?” Ugh, they killed my buzz. They questioned my ability to read??? I wanted to scream, “Mind your own business” (and perhaps more), instead I rang my bell and said, you guessed it, “Thank you.” The funniest part is that Kevin, who was riding behind me, saw their disappointed faces. He said it looked as if they were hoping for a nasty remark so that a heated exchange could ensue. When I thanked them, they didn’t know what to do, so they simply went on their way a bit dissatisfied, while I peddled away with a smile. In essence, that “thank you” was even more powerful than “f*** you.” Try it out, it’s fun! And, the best part for me is that I’m still getting the last word in. Kelly Martinsen, Publisher

Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy- based ink.


Long Island Edition


contents Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue, readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.



Natural Health Experts Share How by Jenna Blumenfeld

34 LIVING GRATITUDE A Taproot of Happiness by Leo Babauta



Transform Your Life with Mentors, Books, Workshops and Online Courses by Bess J.M. Hochstein


Are You Ready To Meet Your Soul Mate? J oin the largest database of health-conscious, ecominded, spiritual singles now and manifest an extraordinary relationship!


BRAIN BRIGHT How Wheat, Carbs and Sugar

Are Affecting Your Brain Health by Linda Sechrist


Rescue You, Rescue Me


by Sandra Murphy


Being Exactly Who We Need to Be by Marianne Williamson



12 Steps to Spiritual Awakening



by Michael A. Singer

48 CRAFTING A Join for FREE at NaturalAwakeningsSingles.com 6

Long Island Edition

GREEN HOLIDAY Happy Ways to Deck the Halls

by Avery Mack



Creating Lasting Change Creating Lasting Change and Optimal and Optimal Wellness Wellness

8 newsbriefs 16 healthbriefs 23 ecotip 24 petbrief 26 globalbriefs Those colorful items that line the produce aisles 28 productspotlights of our local grocery store can go a 30 healthykids long way to improve our current 23 34 health and prevent future disease, inspiration including protecting the 40 consciouseating skin. A diet rich in fresh 42 naturalpet from fruits and vegetables all five color groups can 44 wisewords help to protect the skin 46 healingways against the on 48 greenliving slaught of damaging free radicals 50 holidaygiftguide that we encounter fitbody 26from 52 on a constant basis metabolism, sunlight, environmental 53 yogicevents pollution, cigarette smoke and infection. The antioxidants protect our cells and encourage growth that may aid in 55 cell calendar creating healthier skin and less lines and wrinkles. 57 classifieds Government recommendations and the latest research 58 community suggest that adults should eat between 9 – 13 servings of

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Prevention Powers of Fruits and Vegetables

fresh fruits and vegetables a day. resourcedirectory If potatoes are removed from the mix, most Americans average about three servings or less a day, which represents a significant gap. There are some simple, creative steps that can help How bridgeto the Advertise gap between what the body needs to perform To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request optimally and what the average American consumes. When a media kit, call 516-587-6517 or email perusing the produce aisle, choose something that you Kelly@NALIMag.com. haven’t had before and add it to your routine. Try choosing Deadlinefor ads: the 12th of the month. from all five color groups. Give vegetables a greater imporEditorial submisSions tance at meal times and, to fill the gap between what you eat For articles, news items and ideas, visit our website, and what you need, a whole food supplement, supported by NaturalAwakeningsLI.com, under “advertise” to submit. scientificfor research, is the currently in capsule or vegan Deadline editorial: 5th of available the month. gummy form. Made from 17 vine-ripened fruits and vegetacalendar submisSions bles, certified Kosher, herbicide, pesticide and heavy metal For calendar listings, visit our website, free, these supplements can be an aid in meeting your fruit NaturalAwakeningsLI.com, under “advertise” to submit. and vegetable goals. the 12th of the month. Deadline for calendar:

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natural awakenings June 2011 natural awakenings November 2013

17 7


Avalon Wellness Fair

Book Claims that God’s True Identity Is Holy Spirit


he Holy Mother Mary Is GOD is a non-denominational book that reveals great mysteries and explains that the Holy Spirit, the Divine Feminine, Mother God came to this Earth as the Holy Mother Mary. The authors, Kevin Peter Kelly and Marina Nikole Kelly, say that the book is written not only in their own voice and words, but also through the voice and words of God, Jesus, Malachi and Saint Germain about a divine plan that started 2,600 years ago. “This book is for everyone, no matter what system of belief one holds,” explain the authors. “We are from one spirit, and the source of that spirit is Holy Spirit.” The book proposes that the oneness of all exists in three aspects and that the third aspect of God, Holy Spirit, has been misinterpreted. It promises to help to cultivate the soil that will allow new seeds to grow into a balanced world of divine feminine and divine masculine. “Like a great gateway, The Holy Mother Mary Is GOD is intended to usher us into the new age that will bring us into a world of peace,” say the Kellys. The Holy Mother Mary Is GOD is available as a paperback, hardcover or e-book through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other booksellers. For more information, call 800-345-6665 or visit Dedicated Lightworkers site, DLP7.com. See ad on page 19.

BodyHealth Launches Optimum Diet Package


eading natural supplement company, BodyHealth, recently launched a new weight-loss package—The Optimum Weight Management Program. When the homeopathic, amino acid and vitamin package is combined with a 500-calorie diet, the company says most users are reporting weight loss of up to 20 pounds in 23 days. This is comparable to that experienced by people following a HCG diet (based on the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin). The homeopathic drops help to burn fat, reduce appetite, support the endocrine system and boost the metabolism. The amino acids provide an excellent source of protein and the vitamin component ensures that the body does not become nutritionally depleted during the weight-loss phase. “This is an ideal program for customers that want to follow a safe, healthy diet plan,” says BodyHealth founder, David Minkoff, M.D. “Many low-calorie diets are unhealthy because when the body is deprived of calories, it literally robs the bone and muscle tissue to get the calories it needs. Our formula mobilizes excess fat while the amino acid and vitamin components help to ensure that bone and muscle mass are not lost during weight loss.” BodyHealth also offers a weight maintenance program for those wishing to maintain a healthy weight after the initial weight loss. For details, visit BodyHealth.com or call 877-804-3258. 8

Long Island Edition



unday, December 1, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Four Points by Sheraton, 333 South Service Road, Plainview. The fair will feature healthy and alternative products to enhance your life and well-being. Come experience the BioMat, singing bowls, crystals, aura photos, totem animal photography, aromatherapy oils, energy healers, psychics, card readers and so much more! At 11 a.m., Diane Lyras will lecture on the singing bowls and their effect on the chakras. She will discuss the different bowls and what their tones can do for you. Come join us for a fun day! Free admission if you bring this news brief or ad on page 25 with you.

Dr. Robin’s Has Numerous Speaking Events


r. Howard Robins has been very busy. He was the keynote speaker at the new alternative health expo, Mondo World, held at the NYC Hilton Dr. Howard Robins in September. He will be speaking at the N.A.V.E.L. Health Expo on Sunday, November 3, at the Huntington Hilton off Route 110 in Melville. Robins is speaking at 11a.m. on medical ozone therapy effect on Lyme disease and all the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome. Robins will also speak at 4 p.m. on the effect of ozone therapy on diseases such as HPV, herpes, candidiasis and rheumatoid arthritis. Source: Dr. Howard Robins is available to answer your questions at his Manhattan office by calling 212-581-0101. Treatments are available on Long Island.

Probiotics in Dentistry


ental antibiotics are vital in treating infections that your body cannot cope with. While there are a number of herbal and natural antibiotics, when it comes to an acute, lifethreatening dental infection, it is necessary to take conventional antibiotics. Death from tooth infections were common in the pre-antibiotic era. Even today, people die from untreated tooth infections. Dr. Alex Shvartsman Unfortunately, dental antibiotics are broad-spectrum antibiotics, 631-361-3577 which kill not only the bad, but SmithtownSmiles.com the good, symbiotic bacteria that are vital for our health. Probiotics can help to re-establish your good bacterial gut flora and reduce diarrhea and opportunistic yeast infections when taking antibiotics. Eating foods rich in natural probiotics (live cultures), such as yogurt and unpasteurized fermented vegetables, is a good eating habit. All traditional cultures consume fermented foods. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms found everywhere on Earth—in
water, soil, plants and in most parts of your body. In fact, bacteria outnumber the actual cells in your body by about 10 to 1. Your skin and digestive system alone host
about 2,000 different kinds of bacteria. Symbiotic gut bacteria play a critical role in nutrition and your immune system. Without them, your body would not be able to absorb vital nutrients or carry out its regular maintenance functions. It is estimated that 80 percent of your immune function resides in the wall of the intestines. It also secretes an antibody that fights infection. Your immune system is critically dependent
upon good bacteria (probiotics) to keep the bowel wall healthy, to produce B vitamins, folate and vitamin K, break down your food, reduce food allergies, and fight off
yeast and other opportunistic invaders of the gut. They also nourish cells on your intestine by converting unabsorbed sugars into specific types of
fatty acids that your cells use for energy. In addition, the probiotic micro flora (symbiotic bacteria) produce enzymes and proteins that can kill or inhibit harmful bacteria. By crowding out the “bad” bacteria, natural gut bacteria give them no space to grab onto.

By definition, probiotics are living organisms. To make sure that the organisms in a product are still useful, look for probiotic products that are viable “through end of shelf life” rather than “at time of manufacture.” It is important to make sure that the label on probiotic foods and supplements indicate that they contain “live active culture.” Most probiotics will include the two major strains: Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum. However, the best probiotic supplements contain a wide variety of bacterial strains, since different bacteria live in different areas of the digestive and intestinal tract. When taking antibiotics, I recommend doubling the dose during and two weeks after antibiotic use. Then continuing for at least three months, as it takes time for the gut micro flora to change. I also advise supplementing with fermented foods at least on a biweekly basis. By helping maintain a natural balance in the body, antibiotics can be taken in necessary circumstances. Probiotics play a vital role in that effort.

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November 2013


newsbriefs Botany: Fifth Grade Explores Science in the Classroom Before Trip to New Hampshire


he Waldorf School of Garden City’s fifth grade headed north to Glen Brook, the school’s 240-acre extension campus. The theme for their trip was botany and provided the class a chance to discover and learn about a wide variety of plants and trees. Before the students packed their bags and headed north, they had been busy preparing for the trip by learning important lessons in science and botany in the classroom. “We’ve been discussing and observing numerous plants and trees around the school’s campus,” remarks Marc Lepson, the 5th grade class teacher. “And I’ve had the students write compositions about the plants’ different physical characteristics and the process of photosynthesis for their notebooks.” In class, the students explored the plant kingdom— from fungi to conifer—and learned how to characterize plants and understand their growth cycles. “Identifying roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits and their different manifestations depending on climate and soil is just part of the lesson,” says Lepson. “We’ve also had a loaf of moldy bread in the classroom that’s been growing quite nicely. And in gardening class, Mrs. Davis [the school’s gardening teacher] discussed mushrooms and how they aid in the process of decay.” The students were very excited about taking their classroom lessons and applying them to their Glen Brook trip. While in New Hampshire, the class hiked Mount Monadnock, a 3,165-foot mountain—a special “rite-of-passage” for generations of Waldorf classes and alumni. “From the mountain’s base to the summit, floral species diminish with increasingly shallow soil levels,” says Mark Stehlik, Glen Brook’s program director who led the class on their hike. “I was able to point out the various alpine and sub-alpine plant species, like mountain ash, cotton grass, sheep laurel, mountain sandwort and the mountain cranberry!” Since 1973, the Waldorf School of Garden City has owned and operated Glen Brook, which is situated in southwestern New Hampshire. This beautiful property includes several houses, more than 240 acres of farmland and forest, a working farm with animals, large organic gardens, a lake and miles of trails from which to explore the surrounding mountains and woodlands. Source: The Waldorf School, 225 Cambridge Ave., Garden City. For more information, call 516-742-3434 ext. 301. See ad on page 31.

Evelyn Knapp Run to Remember


he Fourth Annual Evelyn Knapp Run to Remember and Second Annual Wellness Walk will be held on Sunday, November 24, at Sunken Meadow Sate Park. There is something active for the entire family: Kids’ Fun Run at 8:30 a.m., Challenging Trail Run at 9 a.m., and 3K Boardwalk Wellness Walk at 9:15 a.m. All proceeds benefit Strength for Life, a nonprofit providing free exercise classes and wellness retreats to cancer patients/survivors on Long Island. Please join us! Location: 902 Constance Ln., Port Jefferson Station. For more information, call Jacqui Errico at 631-675-6513 or visit StrengthForLifeNY.org. 10

Long Island Edition


Food Drive for Long Island Cares and Open House


he Center for the Alignment of Body, Mind and Spirit will be hosting an open house and food drive on Saturday, November 2, from 3 to 5 p.m. Talk with its staff of healthcare professionals regarding chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, Reiki, nutrition and spiritual counseling, and meet psychic medium Kim Russo, world-renowned psychic to celebrities, and star and host of the hit TV show The Haunting Of... . Informational sessions will be offered throughout the day, including Energy Light Facial Rejuvenation, Power Up with Chiropractic & Nutrition, Q&A with a Psychic Medium and Guided Meditation for Relaxation and Healing. The Center will be collecting food donations for Long Island Cares—The Harry Chapin Food Bank, which provides emergency food where and when it is needed, sponsors programs that help families achieve self-sufficiency, and educates the general public about the causes and consequences of hunger on Long Island. The Center collected 955 pounds of food at its last event, and its goal this time is to reach 1,000 pounds. To thank you for your donation, you will receive a $10 gift card to be used toward services offered at the Center. Donations of non-perishable food items can be dropped off at the Center at 2050 Wantagh Avenue, Wantagh, on November 2, between 3 to 5 p.m., or during normal business hours through Saturday, November 16. For more information, call the Center for the Alignment of Body, Mind and Spirit at 516-221-3500 or visit Align-Me.com. See ad on page 39.

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November 2013


newsbriefs East Coast Offering a Chopra Ayurvedic Perfect Health Lifestyle Program


very Friday evening in November at Break the Norms Wellness Center, 47 West Nicholai Street, Hicksville, experience the only Chopra Ayurvedic Perfect Health Lifestyle Program currently being offered on Long Island. Learn how to cultivate mind/body balance, health and nourishment into your life. The Perfect Health Lifestyle Program is a fiveweek immersion of daily wellness founded on the 5,000-year-old healing system of Ayurveda. Ayurveda believes that health is the balance of mind, body and spirit. This course provides tools to enhance your physical and emotional well-being through conscious choices. The Perfect Health Lifestyle Program teaches you a powerful regimen of Ayurvedic practices and techniques designed to balance your mind and body, restore your vitality and re-awaken your senses! This five-week immersion will teach you how to eliminate stress, improve digestion, release emotional baggage and create optimal daily nutrition. Take control of your health and your life. Start living a life of vibrancy, strength and peace. The Perfect Health Lifestyle Program begins on Friday, November 1, and will take place every Friday night in November. Source: Break the Norms Wellness Center, located at 47 West Nicholai St., Hicksville. For more information, call 516-938-9600.

New York City Conference Brings Experts to Share the Real Truth About Health


ome of the world’s top health and wellness experts will speak at The Real Truth About Health, a three-day conference promoting the truth about health, nutrition and the environment. The symposium runs from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., January 10 and 11, and from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., January 12, at the Millennium Broadway Hotel’s Hudson Theater, in New York City. Attendees can participate in Dr. Brian Clement, Ph.D. Q&A sessions throughout the event. The roster of presenters includes Dr. Brian Clement, Ph.D., who has directed the Hippocrates Health Institute, in Florida, since 1980 and Dr. Michael Greger, M.D., a physician and founding member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, who speaks and writes about nutrition, food safety and public health issues. Author of the award-winning book, Comfortably Unaware, Dr. Richard Oppenlander, a doctor of dental surgery who has been researching, lecturing and consulting on the topics of food choice and sustainability for 40 years, will talk about effect food choices have on personal health and the health of the planet. Discussing the latest news and developments related to genetically modified organisms (GMO) will be Jeffrey Smith, the founding executive director of The Institute for Responsible Technology and consumer advocate promoting non-GMO choices. Cost: $229 by Nov. 14; $299 and up afterwards. For more information, call 516-921-1417, email Health@TheRealTruthAboutHealth.com or visit TheRealTruthAboutHealth.com. 12

Long Island Edition


The Long Island Women’s Expo


he Long Island Women’s Expo (LIWE) will be held November 8, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., and November 9, from 10 p.m. to 4 p.m., at the Cradle of Aviation building in Uniondale. The LIWE is comprised of 100 exhibitors, with a wide range of health, wellness, holistic and fitness knowledge and experience. The LIWE is the single greatest opportunity of the year to meet with the health professionals in your backyard and consult with them one on one in a great setting—the fantastic Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City. Whether you are looking for a chiropractor, a nutritionist, personal trainer, cardiologist, acupuncturist or health and beauty products, you’ll find it at the Long Island Women’s Expo. We have medical and wellness professionals that specialize in women’s health. Come find answers to your health and wellness questions in a relaxed, fun setting. Our $10 admission ensures we are the most affordable, comprehensive health and wellness event for women. Mix in a bit of shopping and wine tasting, and you’ve got the perfect event for women. Saturday our kids’ center will be open. The Long Island Women’s Expo is the largest expo for women on Long Island. Bring the ad on page 13 for $2 off admission. Tickets available at the door.

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natural awakenings

November 2013




North Shore Animal League America Celebrity Gala on November 22

A wonderful resource for filling your workshops, seminars and other events.

orth Shore Animal League America, the world’s largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization, will hold its annual Animal League America Celebrity Gala on Friday, November 22, at 7 p.m. at the Waldorf Astoria New York. Highlighting the life-saving efforts of Animal League America, this annual event will also launch Animal League America’s largest life-saving project in history—Bianca’s Furry Friends Feline Adoption & Wellness Center, named in memoriam of Beth and Howard Stern’s beloved bulldog, Bianca. Animal advocate and Rachael’s Rescue founder Rachael Ray will be honored for Photo courtesy of Howard Stern….Diesel her life-saving work, while Hot 97 host (seen in pic) is available for adoption and DJ Peter Rosenberg moderates the night, featuring entertaining performances by Dixie Chicks lead singer Natalie Maines, comedian Tom Cotter and America’s Got Talent sensation Kid the Wiz. The gala will support Animal League America’s ever-expanding no-kill mission with all proceeds from the event dedicated to Bianca’s Furry Friends. This 14,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art feline adoption and wellness center will enable Animal League America to rescue many more animals by adding a second floor to the existing shelter that will host a cage-free environment for felines.


For more information about Animal League America’s Celebrity Gala and to purchase tickets, visit AnimalLeague.org.

Two styles available: n Calendar of Dated Events: Designed for events on a specific date of the month. n Calendar of Ongoing Events: Designed for recurring events that fall on the same day each week.

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Laughter Saves Lives


hursday, November 14, at the Colonial Springs Golf Club in Farmingdale, Angela’s House hosts a comedy night fundraiser. This event looks to be a blast with dinner at 7 p.m. and show time at 8 p.m. The event will be hosted by John Larocchia and starring Mike Keegan and Maria Walsh, two of Long Island’s funniest comics. All money raised goes to support Angela’s House, Long Island’s only provider of respite care and 24-hour care for medically frail children. For tickets, visit LaughterSavesLives.org or AngelasHouse. org. $40 ticket includes dinner and cash bar. Source: Angela’s House. For more information, call 631-979-2620 or email BPolicastro@angelashouse.org.

Natural Awakenings Long Island

516-587-6517 14

Long Island Edition


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natural awakenings

November 2013



Are My Health Issues Really Due to Genetics?


any new patients coming to my office bring genetics testing results, exclaiming their health problems are caused by poor genetic luck. These tests cover everything from cancer to diabetes to weight issues to heart disease to B-vitamin absorption to fertility issues and more. I try to relay to them that the Centers for Disease Control, the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization all agree genetics alone is not the cause of disease in more than 90 percent of the population. These institutions do, however, agree that environmental factors are not only the cause, but the controllable cure to these issues. It is no surprise that it takes 40 to 60 years of life before these so-called genetic factors cause health problems; otherwise you would be born with some illness or defect. Dr. David Pollack, DC So, what are environmental factors? Diet, stress levels, toxic burden, exercise and other such controllable lifestyle issues. I like to think about it as our “internal environment.” These aforementioned factors can be translated to organ function, hormone balance, detoxification potential, and blood flow. As those functions degrade over our lifetime due to changes in internal environment, more genes will begin to be expressed. Genes, particularly the ones most commonly related to disease, are switches. They turn on and can turn off. It is possible to turn these genes back off. This can been achieved by changing the body’s environment/lifestyle through improving organ function, balancing hormones, active and passive detoxification protocols, and improving blood flow. As a result of these comprehensive approaches, I have seen many patients resolve heart disease and diabetes, eliminating the need of medications. I have seen the tolerance of celiac sufferers to gluten improve or disappear in many cases. Almost any disease can be improved by changing our internal environment and thus the expression of genes. An experienced holistic wellness practitioner should be able to help you on your journey by changing your internal environment to true health and wellness. Source: Dr. David Pollack. Location: Creating Wellness Center is located at 66 Commack Rd., Commack. For more information, call 631-462-0801 or visit CreatingWellnessLI. com. See ads on pages 21 and 37.


Long Island Edition

What Is Bioenergetic Testing?


ne size does not fit all when it comes to health and wellness. Using ZYTO technology, we are able to approach wellness on an individual basis, creating a custom plan for each unique client. The results have been impressive because this approach takes into account the body’s own biological preference as part of our development of a holistic health plan. Your body is energetically connected and constantly in communication with itself. The primary function of this communication is to maintain overall health and functionality. Biocommunication between your body and ZYTO software takes advantage of this and is a breakthrough method for “listening to” and “communicating with” your body. By interacting energetically with your body, the ZYTO software will essentially “ask your body questions” and record your body’s responses or “answers.” Information gathered in this way can help you be more proactive about your health and help you and your healthcare provider make better decisions regarding your health care. What makes this technology unique is that it gives us the ability to test your body at a distance. From the comfort of your own home, we are able to perform comprehensive tests that can address even the most complicated health issues with acute precision. ZYTO scans do not diagnose or recommend treatments, they simply provide information that should be considered by a qualified healthcare professional in determining a course of action. Source: Pure & Simple Health, located at 128 North Long Beach Rd., Rockville Centre. For more information, call 516203-7442. See ad on page 11.

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natural awakenings

November 2013



Detox and De-stress with a Raindrop


aindrop therapy is a non-invasive application of powerful antibacterial and antiviral therapeuticgrade essential oils along the spine and VitaFlex points on the feet. This technique was developed by D. Gary Young in the 1980s. It combines several holistic modalities to bring balance and alignment to the body. It also stimulates all the body systems on a physical and emotional level. Integrative Wellness Center clients get the additional benefit of receiving their treatment on a Richway Amethyst BioMat. This maximizes the immune-boost and energy-balancing benefits through the mat’s far infrared rays and ionization. Possible Benefits of Raindrop Therapy: n Helps with removing bacteria and viruses n Reduction of pain n Reduction or elimination of backache n Reduced inflammation n Helps realign the spine n Improved circulation n Relieves stress n Relaxation and invigoration n Improved immune function n Can help with the release of negative emotions For more information and to book a session with Reiki master Jenny Israel, call Integrative Wellness Center in Port Washington at 516-676-0200. See ad on page 27.

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Long Island Edition

Fighting Cancer with Exercise

The accepted treatments for cancer are chemo and radiation—and they are working. What the cancer patient may not be told to do is exercise. In 2010, the American College of Sports Medicine changed its guidelines from “bed rest is best” to “avoid inactivity.” Since that time, there have been numerous studies on the benefits of exercise through treatment and recovery. Exercise through treatment is gaining momentum, but may not have filtered to your medical team yet. Exercising patients have reported reduce fatigue, and reduced feelings of nausea. Sometimes a simple walk to the mailbox is enough for the day. Taking baby steps, small changes, to create an awareness of your body and encourage you to make proactive decisions each day you fight your battle. One other option is physical therapy (PT). Ask you medical team to prescribe PT to help guide you through the appropriate exercises. Believing you can is the first step, and knowing your body and accepting your limitations is key. The point is to keep moving. Always consult your doctor prior to embarking on any new/ old activity before, during and after treatment. For more information, visit StrengthForLifeNY.org.

Acupuncture for Stress Relief

Acupuncture is a widely accepted treatment to reduce stress, but it is not known exactly how acupuncture produces this relief at the molecular level. In the first study of its kind, a team found the ancient Chinese therapy reduces levels of a protein linked to chronic stress. A stress response was produced in lab rats by placing them in conditions similar to winter for one hour. They were each then treated with the same electronic acupuncture. Stress hormones were first measured at a specific location after the stress was induced, before treatment, and then measured again after treatment. Researchers found that the electronic acupuncture blocked the elevation of those hormones. This acupuncture also reduced the flow of a peptide that is involved in producing the fight or flight reaction under stress. Results were published in the Journal of Endocrinology. Visit Eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-03/gumc-sos031113.php. Location: Ni Nan Healing Art Center is located at 2326 Merrick Rd., Merrick. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 516-442-7408 or visit NiNanHealing.com. See ad on page 5.


natural awakenings

November 2013



Rosemary Revs Up Memory

R Mindful Meditation Relieves Inflammation


new University of Wisconsin-Madison study shows that meditation, a proven reducer of psychological stress, can also lessen stress-caused inflammation and thereby relieve the symptoms and pain of certain diseases. Long-term stress has long been linked to inflammation, an underlying cause of many diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, bowel disease, asthma, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Meditation study volunteers were divided into two groups—an eight-week mindfulness meditation course or a stress reduction program of supportive nutrition, exercise and music therapy that did not include meditation. The meditation group focused attention on the breath, bodily sensations and mental content while seated, walking or practicing yoga. Immune and endocrine data was collected before and after training in the two methods and meditation proved to be more effective. Melissa Rosenkranz, a neuroscientist with the university’s Center for Investigating Healthy Minds and lead author of the report, concludes that, “The mindfulness-based approach to stress reduction may offer a lower-cost alternative or complement to standard treatment, and it can be practiced easily by patients in their own homes whenever needed.”

The Killer Called Sugar


new animal study from the University of Utah, in Salt Lake City, reports daunting results. Female mice that consumed the equivalent of a human drinking three cans of soft drinks a day doubled their death rate from all causes. The study further showed that fertility rates dropped dramatically in male mice and their innate ability to defend their territory diminished. All of the sugar-saturated mice performed poorly on cognitive tests. The lab mice received a diet in which 25 percent of their total calories came from sugar (not high fructose corn syrup, which carries substantial additional health risks). That’s an amount commonly consumed in the Standard American Diet, easy to do in one sitting via a super-sized soft drink.

Happy Life, Healthy Heart


eelings matter when it comes to protecting a person’s physical health. Researchers at Boston’s Harvard School of Public Health reviewing more than 200 studies published in two major scientific databases found a direct correlation between positive psychological well-being and a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes. They concluded that positive feelings like optimism, life satisfaction and happiness are associated with the reduced risk, regardless of a person’s age, weight or socioeconomic or smoking status.


Long Island Edition


osemary’s folkloric reputation for improving memory has been validated by science. UK researchers at London’s Northumbria University found that when the essential oil of rosemary was diffused into a room—a method practiced in aromatherapy—it enhanced participants’ ability to remember past events and remind themselves to do tasks planned for the future, like sending an anniversary card. Mark Moss, Ph.D., head of psychology at Northumbria, says, “We wanted to build on our previous research that indicated rosemary aroma improved long-term memory and mental arithmetic. In this study, we focused on prospective memory, which is critical for everyday functioning.” In the study, 66 people randomly assigned to either a rosemary-scented or unscented room were asked to complete a variety of tests to assess their memory functions. Those in the rosemary-scented room outperformed the control group. Blood analysis of those exposed to the rosemary aroma confirmed higher concentrations of 1,8-cineole, the oil’s compound specifically linked to memory improvement. The researchers concluded that the aroma of rosemary essential oil can enhance cognitive functioning in healthy individuals and may have implications for treating people with memory impairment. The findings were presented at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference, in Harrogate.

Tanning Beds Invite Melanoma



s summer tans fade, some might feel tempted to use tanning beds to keep a “healthy glow”, but they may be less than healthy. A recent multi-country meta-study published in the British Medical Journal confirms that exposure to a tanning bed’s intense doses of ultraviolet light significantly increases the risk of cutaneous melanoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer. Of the 64,000 new melanoma cases diagnosed each year in Europe, more than 5 percent were linked by researchers to tanning bed use. Users experience a 20 percent increased relative risk of all types of skin cancer compared with those that have never used one. This risk doubles if indoor tanning starts before the age of 35, and the risk increases with every session.

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natural awakenings

November 2013



Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Doctor Says You’re Not Sick, “It’s Just in Your Head”! From the Desk of Dr. Howard Robins at The Healing Center in New York City…

The Illness That Doesn’t Exist!

You went to the doctor, who did many tests, but they came back with nothing unusual to report. Everything was ruled out, so the doctor said, “There’s nothing wrong with you.” But, it’s just not normal to be this tired! You’re so tired at night you now go to sleep early, most every day. You sleep 8 to 12 hours and still wake up tired or even exhausted. While almost everyone experiences fatigue from time to time, this is not like anything you’ve ever experienced before. You have chronic fatigue syndrome. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says that more than one million Americans suffer from it, with the numbers growing!

What’s Causing It?

While the CDC and doctors say the cause(s) are unknown, alternative physicians have directly linked it to the EpsteinBarr virus (mononucleosis), herpes 6 virus, candidiasis, Lyme disease (undiagnosed due to false negative tests) and cytomegalovirus. You could have one or even several of these infections causing the illness!

So, What’s the Answer; How Can I Fix It?

The “traditional” doctors most likely offered no real help. If they gave you pharmaceutical medicine, it didn’t help or maybe made things worse. Even the “alternative” doctors that gave you vitamins orally and intravenously, herbs, acupuncture, etc., only helped a little or for just Dr. Howard Robins a short time. Well, please don’t give up hope! For those of you that Have you felt generally “unwell” for three months or lonare still suffering, the answer is Intravenous Medical Ozone ger? Therapy. Do you have at least four of the following eight symptoms? You might be surprised to know that this proven, safe, • Weakness and exhaustion, lasting more than 24 but unusual, medical treatment has been used worldwide in hours, following mental or physical activity more than 50 countries for many years (70), by over 45,000 • Un-refreshing sleep physicians and therapists to successfully treat this and many • Substantial impairment of short-term memory or other diseases and illnesses. concentration Believe it or not, medical ozone is a gas that’s made at • Muscle pain the time of treatment (it can neither be stored, bottled or put • Pain in the joints, without swelling or redness in capsules). • Headaches of a new type, pattern or severity Organizations like the American Academy of Ozone • Tender or swollen armpit and/or neck lymph nodes Therapy and the International Association of Ozone in • Sore throat(s) Healthcare and Dentistry are now organizing and teaching doctors in our country how to use this “miracle medicine” to help sufferers overcome this and other diseases and conditions that have been virtually untreatable. In addition to the symptoms above, the most common So, you no longer have to suffer this debilitating illness! symptoms may be problems focusing or brain “cloudiness or fog”; generalized muscle pain (fibromyalgia); a feeling More information about this amazing, safe and effective of malaise after almost any exertion; irritable bowel (diartreatment is available at OzoneUniversity.com and on a rhea or constipation); depression or anxiety; chills and night fabulous DVD documentary, with more than 40 patient sweats; or new food, odor or chemical sensitivities. testimonials, called Ozone Therapy: The Miracle Medicine,

The Diagnosis: Does This Sound Like You?

More About the Symptoms

by Gary Null, Ph.D., available from GaryNull.com.


Long Island Edition


ecotip Digital Detox

Unplug to Cut Stress, Up Success Whether it’s extreme texting, tweeting, Googling, posting or blogging, the phenomenon of being caught in the web of the Web is real. Rationalizations range from coping with today’s information overload to fear of missing out (FOMO). Yet, detriments of such continual digital connectedness range from the stifling of family and social bonds to a lack of life skills that only face-to-face communication fosters. In 2011, The New York University Child Study Center reported that 8-to-18-year-olds average more than six hours of daily media use and that school grades of a surveyed group that considered themselves “heavy” users were considerably lower than their “light” use counterparts. Stanford Communications Professor Clifford Nass, author of The Man Who Lied to His Laptop, remarked in a 2013 NPR interview that people that do extensive media multitasking “can’t filter out irrelevancy, can’t manage memory and are chronically distracted. They say they are productive and can ‘shut it off’, but can’t keep on task and focus on one thing.” Fortunately, programs to unplug are catching on. More than 400 middle and high schools in 20 U.S. states plus Canada took a Digital Blackout Challenge to refrain from using electronic devices for one week during the 2012-2013

school year (DigitalBlackout.org). From Chief Sealth International High School, in Seattle, Washington, senior Marissa Evans says the experience informed her “there’s a balance between ‘too much’ and ‘just enough’” in being connected, and classmate Alex Askerov terms the Challenge “a breath of fresh air.” For the 2013 documentary film, Sleeping with Siri, Seattle-based journalist Michael Stusser underwent a one-week, self-assessed “techno gorge”, followed by a digital detox of the same duration. During stage one, he said his blood pressure went up 40 points after four days. He found, “You’re always waiting for a response.” He subsequently enjoyed being disconnected. Foresters, a Toronto, Ontario-based life insurance provider, asks families to take a Tech Timeout pledge for at least one hour every day and make Sundays entirely non-tech, packed with family activities and socializing. Learn more at TechTimeout.com.


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November 2013



Nutritional Alternatives

for Cancer Patients

Dr. Michel Selmer, DVM

A three-part series by Dr. Michel Selmer

With the exception of canine lymphoma, there is no accepted dietary recommendation for cancer patients. Veterinarians and pet owners interested in alternatives or complements to conventional practice often shun commercial diets, and some cancer patients refuse them. Below are some recipes and suggestions for nutritional support of cancer patients.

Are there any good homemade diets for cancer patients? I have used a variety of home-prepared and commercial diets for my cancer patients. Based on Ogilvie’s work using low-carbohydrate, moderate-fat and moderate-protein diets for lymphoma patients, we have used homemade diets that reduce carbohydrates while providing quality protein, presumably appropriate fat and fatty acid profiles, and high levels of nutrient-rich vegetables. Rule number one is to keep them eating, so we don’t stand on principle if our patients dislike our cooking. On the other hand, the majority

of canine and feline patients appear to improve in general condition after becoming acclimated to the diet below, and we assume that their general improvement bodes well for the course of their disease, at least to optimize survival times.

Guidelines for cooking for cancer patients: n Fifty percent beef, venison, rabbit or buffalo (organic preferred, but not necessary) n Fifty percent mixed frozen or fresh vegetables n Flaxseed oil or evening primrose, hemp or borage oil are all OK as a source of fat calories—about 1 tsp per 20 pounds of body weight n A human daily vitamin-mineral supplement (one dose for animals more than 20 pounds, half dose for animals less than 20 pounds) n A calcium carbonate source—about 250 mg per 15 pounds of body weight (This recipe can be used for cats with the meat at 80 percent and vegetables at 20 percent, and added taurine, 250 to 400 mg daily) 24

Long Island Edition

Many people use a crockpot to stew all ingredients together. Some prefer to steam the vegetables, add the cooked meat, and throw everything into a food mill so that it looks like commercial canned food. Raw meat is never recommended for animals undergoing chemotherapy or who are immune suppressed in any way. This recipe is not balanced; the patient and the recipe should be re-evaluated frequently in order to adjust the recipe according to the animal’s weight, disease progression, and other changes in condition.

Can I use spices to improve palatability?

There are a number of spices shown to have antineoplastic activity that will also improve the flavor of this recipe. Garlic may induce differentiation and apoptosis in some tumor cell lines. Try fresh-minced garlic—about 1 clove per 40 pounds of body weight—and turmeric—about 1 tsp per 50 pounds of body weight. Garlic may oxidize red blood cells and at high doses can lead to clinically significant anemia, but the benefits, and the fact that the taste can sometimes stimulate appetite, make use of the herb worthwhile. The CBC can be monitored regularly to curtail potential problems before they become serious. Source: Dr. Michel Selmer of Advanced Animal Care, located at 260 Evergreen Ave., South Huntington. For more information, call 631-FOR-PETS (631-367-7387) or visit AdvancedCareForPets.com. See ad on page 2.


Money may buy you a fine dog, but only love can make it wag its tail. ~Richard S. “Kinky” Friedman

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natural awakenings

November 2013


globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Giving Group

Millennials Devote Time, Talent, Treasure Much is rightly written about how and why “millennials”, or “Generation Y”—the young people heading into the 21st century—spend their time and money. This generation is redefining the way we think about business, and conscious consumerism is now its own form of philanthropy. This age group is leading the charge by extending the premise of a moral compass to for-profit enterprises and looking for ever-more meaningful opportunities to have an impact. The trend carries fresh implications for the nonprofit sector, too, because millennials lead the way in forwarding worthy causes. When The Case Foundation partnered with Achieve, a thought leader in nonprofit millennial engagement, to produce the Millennial Impact Report, researchers surveyed more than 2,500 millennials ages 20 to 35. They found that last year, 83 percent gave a financial gift to an organization supporting a cause that resonates with their interests. Seventy-three percent volunteered for a cause that they were passionate about or felt created impact, and 70 percent are raising money for their causes both online and offline.

Frack Attack

Controversial Drilling Threatens Pacific Ocean Federal regulators have approved at least two hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking”, operations on oil rigs in the Santa Barbara Channel off the coast of California since 2009 without an updated environmental review that critics say may be required by federal law. Environmental advocates are concerned that regulators and the industry have not properly reviewed the potential impacts of fracking in the Pacific outer continental shelf. Fracking, a subject of heated debate, is a method of drilling that forces water, chemicals and sand deep beneath the Earth’s surface at high pressure to break up underground rock and release oil and gas. Offshore fracking is currently used to stimulate oil production in old wells and provide well-bore stability. In California, the oil company Venoco has been using fracking technology to stimulate oil production in an old well off the coast of Santa Barbara— where the public memory of the nation’s third-largest oil spill in 1969 lingers—since early 2010. Another firm recently received permission for fracking in the Santa Barbara Channel, home to the Channel Islands Marine Reserve. So far, offshore fracking is rare, but officials expect that other firms may seek to utilize the environmentally damaging technology on offshore rigs in the future. Source: Tinyurl.com/PacificFracking 26

Long Island Edition


Safer Sleep

People- and Planet-Friendly Fire Retardants An ultrathin film that consists of polymers found in crustacean shells could be an environmentally friendly alternative to the flame retardants used in bedding and sofas. Mattresses and furniture cushions are typically made of highly flammable polyurethane foam; to meet fire safety guidelines, manufacturers treat the foam with fire-retardant chemicals. These are typically brominated compounds that studies by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, in The Netherlands, have shown can act as endocrine disruptors, leading to neurological problems or even cancer. The European Union has banned several of the flame-retardant compounds and U.S. and Canadian regulatory agencies have started to scrutinize their use. The nano-coating could be sprayed on foam, which would make it easy for mass production; several companies have expressed interest in the material. Source: Chemical & Engineering News



Bamboo Fabric a Product of Greenwashing At least one dealer in sustainable products has taken a stand against bamboo fabric, which most people associate with bamboo lumber, a rapidly renewable resource that requires fewer pesticides to grow than other crops. Laura Mathews, of Eco Promotional Products, Inc., in Washington state, cites the Federal Trade Commission’s report: “The truth is, most bamboo textile products, if not all, really are rayon, which typically is made using environmentally toxic chemicals. While different plants, including bamboo, can be used as a source material to create rayon, there’s no trace of the original plant in the finished rayon product.� Mathews says that her company has discontinued selling bamboo clothing and all other items made from bamboo fabric. She notes, “It’s the responsibility of everyone to vet these and other similar terms to ensure that the eco-friendly product you’re putting your purchasing power behind is actually eco-friendly.� Source: EcoPromotionsOnline.com

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November 2013


productspotlights Indie Lee Body Moisturizing Oil

What Is Invisalign®?

fter conquering a life-threatening brain tumor that pointed to environmental toxins as the culprit, Indie Lee awoke on April 22, 2009, with a new lease on life and the passion to create a chic and eco-friendly namesake collection. Comprised of the finest all-natural ingredients around the world, the line is designed to enhance the face and body with gratifying green glamour. Indulge in the luxurious feel and beautiful benefits of Indie Lee products while protecting the Earth—and your body. Unleash your inner and outer beauty with Indie Lee, an eco-chic collection of skincare products that combine style and sustainability without sacrifice.

ou may be surprised to know that the benefits of having properly aligned teeth extend far beyond a confident smile. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), straightening your teeth can actually significantly affect your overall dental health. Think about it—a smile can hardly be perfect if it’s not a healthy one. Invisalign®, one of the newer options on the market, allows you to have a confident smile and reduce your risk for tooth decay and gum disease. Swollen, red gums can often be the result of having teeth that are crowded or too widely spaced. Unfortunately, these are also signs of periodontal disease. When teeth are properly aligned, it helps the gums fit more securely around the teeth, allowing for the strongest and healthiest defense against potential periodontal problems. Tooth decay and gum disease are caused by bacteria, which left untreated, can cause mouth sores, tender or bleeding gums, bad breath and possible tooth loss. Studies by the ADA have shown that oral infections can also lead to other more serious ailments, such as heart disease, stroke, pneumonia and diabetes. Invisalign® aligners make daily oral hygiene easier, thus reducing the risk of possible problems. Correctly aligned teeth can also alleviate the issues that can be caused by an improper bite, speech or chewing difficulties, jaw problems and increased wear on the tooth enamel. Invisalign® takes a modern approach to straightening teeth, using a custom-made series of aligners created for you and only you. These aligner trays are made of smooth, comfortable and virtually invisible BPA-free plastic that you wear over your teeth. Wearing the aligners will gradually and gently shift your teeth into place, based on the exact movements your dentist or orthodontist plans out for you. There are no metal brackets to attach and no wires to tighten. You just pop in a new set of aligners approximately every two weeks, until your treatment is complete.


Three Different Scents: Lavender Chamomile

A hydrating, all-purpose oil designed for face, body and hair. Formulated with jojoba oil, which is closest to the skin’s natural sebum, and a blend of lavender and chamomile, this quintessential treatment is ideal for nighttime. Ideal for all skin.

Vanilla Citrus

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November 2013



Superpower Kids’ Immune Systems Natural Health Experts Share How by Jenna Blumenfeld


any experts admit there is no definitive reason that people sniffle more during colder months. Some speculate it’s because we’re spending more time indoors and missing out on resupplying vitamin D, which makes us more susceptible to disease. Others say that when the temperature drops, the body uses more energy to stay warm instead of to fend off infection. What health practitioners do know is it’s possible to maintain immunity naturally with diet, lifestyle and a proper whole foods supplement routine. Consider these tips from three experts to stave off illness and shorten its duration. NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR Christopher Johnson, Doctor of Naturopathy Thrive Naturopathic, Arlington, Virginia Incorporate immunity-boosting foods. Ginger and garlic contain antioxidants such as vitamin C and selenium, and have antimicrobial qualities. Add minced ginger to teas or marinades; roast garlic with carrots and squash. Aim to eat one to two cloves of garlic and 250 milligrams of ginger daily.

Try elderberry extract. Elderberry has strong antiviral properties. Consuming the plant’s extract may prevent virus-based illnesses and alleviate both the symptoms and duration of a cold. Adults can take one to two teaspoons twice daily for prevention; increase dosage to four times a day if feeling sick. Use less for youths, based on size. Make exercise and rest priorities. Daily physical activity rids the body of toxins, increases blood circulation and lowers stress levels. A simple 30-minute cardio routine three to four times a week strengthens immunity. Adequate rest helps the body recover and regenerate cells. Adults need a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night; children may need up to 13. ACUPUNCTURIST AND CHINESE HERBALIST Marco Chung-Shu Lam, Licensed Acupuncturist Mandala Integrative Medicine Clinic, Boulder, Colorado Practice deep-breathing exercises. Practicing yoga or t’ai chi several times each week can deepen the breath, allowing organs to function more efficiently and boost immunity. Concentrate on pranayama, a focused and controlled type of yogic breathing: Slowly inhale and exhale through the nostrils, expanding the belly, rather than the chest. 30

Long Island Edition

Add herbs. Incorporate the root herb astragalus in a daily whole foods supplement routine, especially important for older adults. Used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine, astragalus supports the immune system by stimulating immune cell activity with its high polysaccharide (complex carbohydrate) content. Simmer the short, flat herb in soups or add to long-cooking grains like brown rice. Eat seasonally. Our body naturally drives us to eat heartier foods like sweet potatoes, beets and winter squashes in colder months—foods that support immunity by providing both fiber and vitamins A and C. Eat warming foods like stews, beans and miso; avoid raw foods, which cool the body and stress the immune system. DIETITIAN Barbara Bapst, Registered Dietitian Carolina Nutrition & Wellness, Charlotte, North Carolina Balance bodily pH. The typical American diet of fast food, sugary treats and refined snacks produces acid in the body, creating an environment in which bacteria thrive. Eat at least 10 servings of alkalizing foods each day to optimize the body’s immune response and overall functioning. Spinach, broccoli and cauliflower are excellent choices, along with almonds, olive oil and grapes. Drink plenty of water and green tea to keep acid in check. Up the antioxidants. Antioxidants help the body resist illness because they protect cells against harmful free radicals and oxidative stress. Berries are particularly beneficial and maintain their nutrients even when frozen; blend half a cup into a morning smoothie. As a diet supplement, consider adding 400 to 600 milligrams of curcumin— the active ingredient in turmeric, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory spice—to meals. Focus on kids’ immunity. Although it’s tricky to get children to eat enough immune-supporting fruits and vegetables every day, encouraging them to sit down at the table for meals can help. Get kids excited about eating healthy foods by involving them in vegetable gardening, planting herbs in windowsill pots and preparing dinner. Incorporate pumpkin and carrot purées into sauces or stews to increase their nutritional power. Jenna Blumenfeld is a managing editor with New Hope Natural Media, in Boulder, CO.


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t is never too late to try and resolve all or some of the issues in your divorce. If you can resolve issues and limit the ones that you need to litigate, you will save time, money and stress. If you have to litigate, only fight about what you cannot mediate. Many people think that once they have started down the path of a contested divorce, where both sides have lawyers and are using the court system, they cannot use a mediator. That is simply false. While mediation needs participation from both sides to resolve anything, you can choose to mediate what you want whenever you want.

Mediate Whenever You Want: You can choose to mediate whenever you want. Whether you are at the beginning stages of your divorce or nearing a trial, you can always choose to switch gears and try and resolve issues. If you choose to resolve all or some of your issues during mediation, you do not need to stop the litigation, you can simply choose to try and work out issues and either limit your continued disputes or resolve all and stop the lawyers’ meters from running. Also, if you are hesitant to try and mediate because you do not want to slow down your litigation, you do not have to stop or slow down anything in order to try and mediate.

Mediate Whatever Issues You Want: Often, significant issues like custody and the house can be resolved easily. Many couples identify for themselves, without needing lawyers or judges, which parent will be the custodial parent and that both will have a say in making decisions that affect the child or children. A mediator, at any point in time, can help you resolve the details regarding custody issues, visitation, etc. How to handle the family home may be an issue that is great for mediation and removal from your litigation. For example, many couples agree that the children and the parent that will be living with the children should stay in the house. There may be issues about who pays for the house, what happens with the house once the kids are grown and other issues that can be addressed by a mediator. There are many issues that a mediator can help you resolve. For example, even though you are divorcing, you might agree that life insurance should be maintained for the children’s benefit; health insurance pre-divorce should continue post-divorce; and wife’s personal property, like gifts from her family, should remain hers, while husband gets to keep his boat, motorcycle or surfboards. 32

Long Island Edition


Small businesses that were developed during the marriage that were operated by one of the spouses may also be a prime issue to mediate. Does the non-involved spouse think he or she should take over the business or is the issue really how to share the value or the money generated by the business? Whether you are litigating your divorce or not, it could save you time, money and stress if you sit down with a mediator to work out specific issues and limit what you are fighting about in court. Also, when you try and limit your battles, it may also foster a better environment for trying to work out larger more contested matters or, possibly, resolving your entire case. Source: Cory J. Rosenbaum, P.C., a professional corporation for the practice of injury, employment and matrimonial law. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call 212-732-7922 (NYC office) or 516-670-9332 (Uniondale office), or visit CoryRosenbum.com, PreDivorceLaw.com and NonToxicDivorce.com. See ad on page 32.

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A Taproot of Happiness by Leo Babauta


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f the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘Thank you,’ that would suffice,” a maxim first voiced by mystic Meister Eckhart, has held true through the centuries. Why should this simple act mean so much? Expressing gratitude works wonders. Gratitude reminds us to recognize good people in our life. They range from loved ones to those that render a kindness to a stranger. Treasuring goodness in every form brings more of it into our experience. Gratitude turns bad things into good things. Having problems at work? Be grateful to be employed and serving others. Challenges keep life interesting, enhance judgment and strengthen character.

Gratitude reminds us of what’s important. Being grateful to have a healthy family and friends, a home and food on the table puts smaller worries in perspective. Gratitude reminds you to say, “Thank you.” Call, email or stop by to say thanks… it takes just a few minutes to express our reason for doing so. People like being appreciated. It creates a satisfying beam of mutual happiness that shines on.

Habit-Forming Tips

Here are some ways to overcome any initial discomfort felt in stepping for34

Long Island Edition


ward to thank others. Create a morning gratitude session. Take a few minutes each morning to close your eyes, silence the to-dos and give thanks to whomever and whatever is cause for gratitude. Show thanks. Sometimes we think about something helpful or kind that someone did for us recently or long ago. Make a note, call them up or even better, tell them in person with sincere conviction why you continue to be grateful and appreciative. Another option is a thank-you card or email—keep it short and sweet. See the silver lining even in “negative” situations. There are always two ways to look at something. We can perceive something as stressful, harmful, sad, unfortunate and difficult, or look for the good embedded in just about everything. Problems held in a positive light from a different perspective can be opportunities to grow and to be creative in devising a solution. Learn a gratitude prayer. Many songs and prayers, religious or not, serve to remind us to be grateful. Find or write a special one and post it in a highly visible spot. Leo Babauta is the founder of the simplicity blog, ZenHabits.net, and author of bestselling e-books Focus, The Little Guide to Un-Procrastination and Zen to Done.

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November 2013


Transform Your Life with Mentors, Books, Workshops and Online Courses by Bess J.M. Hochstein

Our capacity for self-examination distinguishes us from other animals. We feel compelled to ask: “Who am I? What am I here for? How can I attain my full potential?” The quest for answers has engaged humans for millennia.


opular books that have helped people on this journey span centuries, from Wallace Wattles’ The Science of Getting Rich (1910), Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich (1937), Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People (1937), Abraham Maslow’s Motivation and Personality (1954) and Dr. Thomas Anthony Harris’ I’m OK, You’re OK (1967) to Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret (2006). The personal growth genre is a cornerstone of the publishing industry. Companies like Hay House, founded by motivational author Louise Hay,


Long Island Edition

have flourished. Hay teaches, “No matter where we live or how difficult our situation seems to be, we have the ability to overcome and transcend our circumstances.” The success of her 1984 book, You Can Heal Your Life, a New York Times bestseller well into the 21st century, led to her publishing empire, which includes authors such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss and Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. One of its recent top sellers is Pam Grout’s E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality. Hay House has expanded its NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

Courtesy of Doug Ellis/Esalen Institute

Fast Track to Personal Growth

messages of hope and healing through online courses, films, conferences, special events and other opportunities to meet leading thinkers and peers. Such expansion is essential as more of those pursuing the examined life seek personal interaction in community and find that inward exploration frequently translates into outward action to improve the world. Perched on the cliffs of Big Sur, in California, the Esalen Institute, established in 1962, helped birth the modern human potential movement. It exists to help individuals grow through education, experience and research, with the conviction that positive personal and social transformation go hand-in-hand. Today, Esalen offers about 600 workshops a year, serving around 12,000 participants. Popular programs range from dance and yoga to couples workshops and psychology courses. Cheryl Fraenzl, director of programs, explains the appeal: “For most of us, life can be challenging and messy. Gaining the insight, skills and tools to move through the challenging times with more ease and grace while creating more love for yourself and those around you seems like a good investment of time and energy. Being consciously kind and relationally wise ripples out and changes the world. The effort has to start with the individual, like paying it forward; imagine if we all were doing it?” The largest holistic retreat center in North America, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, attracts 35,000 participants to 800 programs annually. According to Denise Barack, the nonprofit’s director

~ Plato of program development, current workshops in high demand include qigong, Buddhist meditation, mindfulness and yoga nidra. She also notes a growing interest in diverse dimensions of yoga, dance and “authentic movement” for healing, addiction recovery, releasing trauma and energy medicine. Psychotherapist and yoga teacher Stephen Cope, founder and director

Courtesy of Omega Institute for Holistic Studies

Courtesy of Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health

The unexamined life is not worth living for a human being.

of the Kripalu Institute for Extraordinary Living, the Center’s yoga research department, notes that many guests first come to Kripalu “… as a result of some form of suffering. Then they engage in a period of self-exploration—perhaps learning some form of contemplative practice to help them manage themselves more effectively. Almost always there is a turn outward, back toward the world, and a longing to bring the healing power of contemplative practice into their own domain.” Once someone has experienced the benefits of contemplative practices such as yoga, meditation, breathing and other healthy lifestyle routines, notes Cope, a powerful aspiration typically arises to share these practices and perspectives. “These practices all lead to a sense of union, relatedness and sameness with others,” he says, “and this burgeoning consciousness of sameness compels us to share what we’ve learned.” In Rhinebeck, New York, the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies offers similar self-empowering and reflective

opportunities. Dr. Stephan Rechtschaffen and Elizabeth Lesser founded Omega in 1977 as a “university of life.” Through working with prominent Zen masters, rabbis, Christian monks, psychologists, scientists and others, Lesser has found, “By combining a variety of religious, psychological and healing traditions, each of us has the unique ability to satisfy our spiritual hunger.” Based since 1981 in a former camp on a lake with more than 100 buildings on 200-plus acres, Omega hosts more than 23,000 guests in up to 500 programs between mid-April and October, plus special programs in Costa Rica and

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natural awakenings

November 2013



ersonal growth can be advanced by activities that improve selfknowledge and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations. It’s worth investing in: Consider these core universal benefits.


Growing self-awareness enables an individual to live a life by design, instead of one marred by feelings of mediocrity, discontent or being a victim of circumstance. When elevated awareness becomes one’s modus operandi, it brings infinite spiritual riches to life.


Successful growth requires taking personal responsibility for each choice we make in shaping and responding to circumstances and other people. Most of us are happier when we feel that we have some control over creating our own reality. Feeling empowered supports self-worth and increases our confidence to make even more of the changes we desire to comfort and nurture us and keep us safe.


True success isn’t about the dollars and cents of financial worth—it’s realized via living a life of balance and fulfillment in our health, family life, social relationships, career and contributions to our community and world. Source: Inspired by FinerMinds.com 38

Long Island Edition

Photo by Ali Kaukas / Wanderlust Festival

Courtesy of Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health

Seeding Growth

New York City. Director of Rhinebeck Programs Carol Donahoe notes the rising interest in workshops on dietary cleansing, detox and juicing, such as “Reboot with Joe Cross: A Jump Start to Health and Weight Loss,” led by the filmmaker of Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. Personal transformation and mindfulness programs led by teachers like Jon Kabat-Zinn, Saki Santorelli, Florence Meleo-Meyer, Byron Katie and Pema Chödrön are perennial favorites. “As humans, we continue to be fascinated by the big questions in life,” observes Donahoe, “like, ‘Where do we go when we die? Who are we if we are not our thoughts?’ People seem particularly drawn to hearing about it from those that have always lived their lives in a left-brain, logical way, and then come to believe the unexplainable through an extraordinary life experience, and now view the world through a completely different lens.” As examples, she cites neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander, who recounts his near-death experience in his bestselling book, Proof of Heaven, and neuroanatomist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, author of the bestselling memoir My Stroke of Insight. Taylor’s 2008 TED talk was ranked the nonprofit’s second most-watched for the past two years. Both of these cutting-edge thinkers have given presentations at Omega, which, like at Esalen and Kripalu, helps bring ideas and practices that once seemed on the fringe—from yoga and meditation to complementary medicine and sustainability—into mainstream consciousness. Particularly innovative initiatives include helping military veterans heal from post-traumatic stress disorder; the women’s leadership center; the center NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

for sustainable living; and pioneering programs on mindfulness in the workplace, education system and at-risk urban youth communities. “We recognize that because we live in an interconnected world; the behavior of one can contribute to creating changes that benefit the whole,” says Donahoe. “Doing both the inner and outer work can awaken the best in the human spirit, and so provide hope and healing to individuals and society.” For those unable to travel great distances for a holistic immersion experience in community with like-minded seekers, Wanderlust Festivals may offer an answer. Four-day regional summits, primarily held at ski resorts during the off-season, feature teachers like Shiva Rea, Elena Brower and Gurmukh; stimulating discussions; yoga; music and adventure, amidst stunning vistas. Wanderlust co-founders Sean Hoess and Jeff Krasno strive to create an expansive space for personal growth and mindful living. One common element at every gathering—now including urban and exotic locales—is Seane Corn and Suzanne Sterling’s Off the Mat program, mobilizing yoga students toward activating social change. The Shift Network is dedicated to creating an online community that shares the tools of self-actualization, empowering a global movement of people creating an evolutionary shift of consciousness that leads to a more enlightened society, built on principles of sustainability, peace, health and prosperity. This new model for the human potential movement has roots in the grandfather of retreat centers; The Shift Network’s founder, Stephen Dinan, both worked at Esalen and contributed to Esalen’s Center for Theory & Research. Dinan explains that at a meditation retreat, he received a detailed vision of “a large global transformation network that would be helping to usher in a shift to the new era.” The Shift Network now offers free teleseminars and online summits on subjects ranging from meditation and parenting with presence to enlightened business practices and cultivating peace. “We started with The Sacred Awak-

ening Series—40 days with 40 spiritual leaders—and 30,000 people signed up in 21 days,” says Dinan. The Inspiring Women Summit attracted 25,000 participants. Since 2010, more than 400,000 people from 160 countries have participated in free teleseminars; 18,000 have paid for online courses such as Barbara Marx Hubbard’s Agents of Conscious Evolution, Andrew Harvey’s Christ Path and Thomas Hüebl’s Authentic Awakening. The Shift Network has already reached profitability and donated more than $50,000 to nonprofits. Dinan’s vision includes providing education program certifications; building a multimedia platform of e-zines, mobile phone apps and web TV broadcasts; and eventually building facilities and intentional communities to model the possibilities of a more healthy, peaceful, sustainable way of life. From reading a book on meditation to attending a yoga intensive or tapping into a multifaceted community striving to change the world, we have myriad opportunities to lead an examined life. While the seeker may have a personal goal in mind, each mode of self-inquiry can expand outward toward making the world a better place. Hay encourages us all. “You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”

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Bess Hochstein is a freelance writer enjoying bicoastal bliss in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, and Sonoma County, California. Connect at BessHochstein.com.






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November 2013





BRIGHT How Wheat, Carbs and Sugar are Affecting Your Brain Health by Linda Sechrist


lzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia and a general term for memory loss and other intellectual disabilities serious enough to interfere with daily life, affects 5.6 million Americans. According to The Lancet Neurology, a well-respected medical journal on brain research, Alzheimer’s, which presently has no cure, is preventable. “Lifestyle choices, like aerobic exercise and eating plenty of healthy fats and reducing carbohydrates, affect overall brain health, as well as the risk of Alzheimer’s,” says Dr. David Perlmutter, a board-certified neurologist and author of the new bestselling book, Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar—Your Brain’s Silent Killers. Food is a powerful epigenetic modulator—it can enable or hamper our DNA, thus regulating the expression of many genes. Experts have only begun to understand the damaging consequences of wheat consumption. “Grain Brain is a timely wake-up call about how we are increasingly challenging human physiology by consuming what we are not genetically prepared to process, like the 133 pounds of wheat the average American eats annually,” says Perlmutter. He believes that one of the main culprits for the decline in brain health in modern times has been the intro-


Long Island Edition

duction of wheat into the human diet. Today’s modernized and hybridized wheat crops share little genetic, structural or chemical similarity to the wild einkorn variety of grain our ancestors consumed in small amounts. In the West, 20 percent of calories come from wheatbased food. Perlmutter is among those that regard this as a dangerous statistic, especially since Dr. Alessio Fasano, a pediatric gastroenterologist and research scientist who leads the Center for Celiac Research & Treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital, in Boston, found that the gluten in wheat leads to the production of zonulin in the gut. Zonulin increases the permeability of the intestinal wall, allowing proteins to leak from the gut into the bloodstream, explains Perlmutter. These proteins, which would normally remain within the digestive system, then challenge parts of the immune system, the macro fascia and certain other types of white blood cells that increase production of inflammation-related chemicals. “Zonulin is the cornerstone of diseases characterized by inflammation in the brain—Alzheimer’s, autism, Parkinson’s and attention deficit disorders—as well as autoimmune diseases,” advises Perlmutter. Fasano’s research shows that such a reaction to zonulin is present in 100 percent of humans—not just in the 1.8 percent of the population that have celiac disease or 30 percent that are gluten sensitive. “A hallmark of what I term grain brain is that brain dysfunction is predicated on the inflammation from consumption of gluten, as well as the long chains of sugar molecules known as carbohydrates,” says Perlmutter. “This includes fruit, which also was consumed in limited quantities by our ancestors.” He cites a published analysis by Loren Cordain, Ph.D., author of The Paleo Diet.

“A hallmark of what I term grain brain is that brain dysfunction is predicated on the inflammation from consumption of gluten, as well as the long chains of sugar molecules known as carbohydrates.” ~ Dr. David Perlmutter A diet high in carbohydrates has been directly related to atrophy, or brain shrinkage, according to a recent German study by University of Bonn researchers, published in Neurology. A blood test for hemoglobin A1C, the standard laboratory measurement to assess average blood sugar, is frequently used in studies that correlate blood sugar control to disease processes like Alzheimer’s, mild cognitive impairment and coronary artery disease. The researchers concluded that elevated hemoglobin A1C is directly associated with brain shrinkage, says Perlmutter.


He further notes, “The function of the brain, which is 60 to 70 percent fat and maintained by the fats you consume, depends on its environment.” Grain Brain recommends a diet that’s aggressively low in carbohydrates (60 grams per day) and bountiful in supportive brain fats. These include extravirgin olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, ghee, almond milk, avocados, olives, nuts, nut butters, cheese and seeds such as flaxseed, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame and chia. It is also rich in above-ground vegetables such as kale, broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and salad greens, while relatively low in below-ground vegetables like beets, carrots and potatoes, which are higher in carbohydrates. It also calls for reduced fruit consumption. “Having two to four servings of fruit every day, based on America’s present food pyramid, is not helpful. More in line with avoiding brain drain is an apple or a handful of berries, or about 100 calories worth of any fruit. In my opinion, the pyramid needs to be stood on its head,” advises Perlmutter. “We should eat a diet similar to what our ancestors survived on for 2.6 million years and reprogram support of our genetic destiny for the better.” Dr. David Perlmutter is a board-certified neurologist, Fellow of the American College of Nutrition and author of Grain Brain. For more information on his 2013 PBS Grain Brain series, visit DrPerlmutter.com. Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Visit ItsAllAboutWe.com for the recorded interview.


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North Shore Animal League of America Diesel Pictured here with Beth Stern is awaiting his forever home

Photo courtesy of Howard Stern

Saving Animals

Saves People

Rescue You, Rescue Me by Sandra Murphy

Like water, grace seeks its own level. In rescuing animals, the rescuer is often also rescued. Both lives change for the better.


uster came to us for a reason,” says Amy Burkert. “My husband, Rod, and I were walking our Shar-Pei, Ty, in our Philadelphia neighborhood when a man warned us about ‘a big, black dog’ in the alley. The friendly fellow came home with us and after a fruitless search for his family, we decided to make him part of ours.” In 2009, when the couple encountered difficulty finding a vacation hotel that would accept their new 70-pound German shepherd as an overnight guest, they decided to launch GoPetFriendly. com, a website that assists in finding travel accommodations for families with dogs and other pets. Selling their house in Pennsylvania and hitting the road in a 24-foot-long RV, they’ve now traveled to 47 states to research and qualify content for the website; Rod works from “home” and Amy writes the weblog. Their travel schedule flexes, with most stops lasting one to three weeks. “It’s not the life two accountants


Long Island Edition

were banking on, but we couldn’t be happier,” she says, “and we owe it all to Buster.” The site now lists more than 60,000 hotels, campgrounds, restaurants, beaches, dog parks and activities across the U.S. and Canada, plus a road trip planner. “I woke up one morning and thought, ‘I can’t find a husband, so I’ll get a dog,’” says BJ Gallagher, a sociologist and award-winning author. “I’d lived in my Los Angeles house for 16 years and knew none of the neighbors. Within six months of adopting Fannie from a shelter, I’d met them all. Thanks to her, I’ve become a full-fledged member of my community.” Fannie’s Chinese heritage includes chow and Pekingese breeds. Transformations can come from more unusual pets, as well. Soon after Susan M. Tellem, a registered nurse in Malibu, California, gifted her husband, Marshall, with two tortoises for his birthday, the couple discovered there was no national protection program for the NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

Diesel is an American Pit Bull mix that came to NSALA as a puppy from Huntsville Alabama in January of this year; He was adopted right away, but his owners returned him after only a couple of months due to his size and skin condition. We immediately took him in and treated him for demodex mange. During this time Diesel contracted Pneumonia and had to be hospitalized. Diesel is only 10mos old but in his short life he has been through a lot. He is all better now and ready to find the perfect home. He would be best suited in a home with adults or older children. Don’t let his size fool you; he is a big baby looking for someone with an active lifestyle and a nice yard he can run around in. He loves to play with toys and wouldn’t mind a dog companion to help get his energy out. He had a blast this summer running on the beach and posing with our spokesperson Beth Stern for our NSALA 2014 calendar.

Blackie At 13yrs old Blackie came to NSALA from a family that could no longer keep her. It is very hard for a cat to adjust to shelter life after spending so many years in a home, but Blackie has become the resident sweetheart of our Cat habitat. She is always the first cat to come over and greet you and rub against your leg. She is very affectionate and is the social butterfly of the habitat. She would do great in a home with other cats. Even though Blackie is older she is healthy, and she has an adorable head tilt which often makes it seem like she is daydreaming of a new forever home. visit AnimalLeague.org.

Humans rescue animals, but animals show up for a reason—most humans can use some rescuing, as well. reptiles. They started American Tortoise Rescue (Tortoise.com), an organization that has been rescuing, rehabilitating and providing sanctuary to more than 3,000 water turtles and land tortoises since 1990. Their education and awareness initiatives for humane treatment have gone international, as well. It was a bird that rescued April Leffingwell. She had been dealing with a severe back injury that necessitated pain medication and kept her from regular work for six months when she and her husband visited a local Los Angeles pet store, “to get out of the house.” She was touched by seeing a large Moluccan cockatoo that was afflicted with a damaged claw. Her husband recognized how she related to the bird’s condition and brought Izzi home the next day. Now with just one leg, Izzi has learned to sleep while lying down to rest his other limb. “Izzi and I found each other when we were both broken,” she says. “We’ve become each other’s source of strength. If he can live with only one leg, I can live through pain.” When members of the armed forces deploy, they often have to find alternate living arrangements for pets and may not always be successful. Kimberly Gauthier, a blogger at KeepTheTailWagging.com, and her ex-Army partner are securing

funding and laying plans to foster dogs for deployed soldiers. Emailing updates and Skype visits will aim to boost the morale of both the dog and serviceman or woman. The couple lives on five acres in Marysville, Washington. An animal-enriched environment has proved to be helpful for author Kathy Rowe, a 20-year veteran retired from the military, and her husband, Scott, who also retired from Air Force service that included Special Forces duty. They have chosen to live on a 100-acre farm in Tyner, Kentucky. Kathy believes their variety of resident rescued animals, including dogs, cats, chickens, turkeys and a potbelly pig, all help Scott in dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder. Riding, working with and grooming his horse, Quint, is particularly helpful. “My husband is less frustrated, has better focus, is less jumpy and has fewer flashbacks than he used to,” relates Rowe. “Knowing that our rescue dog, Lola, is guarding the farm, he feels he can sleep better because she has his back.” Humans rescue animals, but animals show up for a reason—most humans can use some rescuing, as well. Connect with freelance writer Sandra Murphy of St. Louis, MO, at StLSandy@ mindspring.com.

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November 2013



The Miracle of Midlife Being Exactly Who We Need to Be

health & wellness FEBRUARY

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green living MAY

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inspired living JULY

food watch AUGUST

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awakening humanity


Long Island Edition

by Marianne Williamson


ow would we live, were we not afraid of death? How would we live if we gave ourselves permission to give to life everything we’ve got? In The Longevity Factor, Lydia Brontë, Ph.D., observes that we’ve added 15 years to our lives… but in the middle, not at the end. No longer identifying ourselves as “over the hill” at whatever age, we are simply removing the hill. We are forging a different conversation and a new vision to take us beyond the limited thought forms that have defined the parameters of age for generations. For the first time in history, we can realistically view the first half of life as a kind of gestation period, preparing us for an even more productive second half. Midlife is like a second puberty, a point at which one persona falls away and another comes to take its place. What happens then is up to us. Some begin a long, slow cruise toward death at that point, allowing memories to become more meaningful than the present. Others, remembering that the spirit within us never ages, see the moment of midlife as a rebirth—the time to put our engines into high gear. Whomever it is we were born to be, whatever our soul was coded to accomplish, whatever lessons we are here to learn; now is the time to seriously get going. We may regret that we’re no longer young, but we’re ecstatic that we’re no longer clueless. NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

We must be disciplined, though. We want to become precision instruments now, focused on exactly what we want to do and being exactly who we need to be. This requires separating from the person we were before to whatever extent that person was not who we know in our hearts we were created to be. There’s no more time for five-year detours. No more time for relationships that don’t serve us or for staying in situations that aren’t true to who we are. No more time for pettiness, false pride or whatever other dysfunctional roadblocks obstruct our higher destiny and the joy that’s meant to be ours. Our life might not be as fabulous as it used to be in some ways, but in other ways it’s even more fabulous. The Universe is constantly and infinitely elastic, responding not to our past, but to our present state of mind. As we learn to reprogram thoughts—atoning for our mistakes of the past and embracing the endless miraculous possibilities of the present—we step into a time when we have every reason to look forward with genuine excitement to what happens next. Individually and collectively, we are now fitted to fearlessly forge new ground, wielding the power of what life has taught us so far and laying claim to the possibility of redemption, not only for ourselves, but also for the entire world. The planet needs a new story,

aligned with a larger consciousness, and so do we. What we need now are imagination and courage. Many of us feel we’ve forever carried around a secret dream, rarely validating it even to ourselves and often denying its reality. Yet it has refused to go away and is ready to be born at last. Individuals that have spent decades achieving one thing or moving in one direction often take up something else entirely that gives them far more psychic satisfaction. They see achievements that were the height of their material success as preparation for an even greater one; the means by which they learned the skills ultimately needed to make their biggest contribution to the world. Divine law guarantees that the power of “now” presents an endless fount of miraculous opportunities. In God, there are no limits to how high we can go, ever. In God, there is no time… only the call of the soul. It is not too late; we are right on time and we are better than we know. Now, having visited so many other places in our journey of life, we seek our place within the collective heartbeat of holiness. When enough of us stand in the light of our higher purpose, seeking to be ever-greater servants of love, each consciously dedicated to creating a more loving world, then a new field of collective possibility will emerge among us. All that is not love will begin to fall away of its own dead weight. A profound moment of planetary renewal will occur then, after our having allowed it first to occur within us. Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed inspirational author and lecturer. Six of her 10 books have been New York Times bestsellers, including The Age of Miracles: Embracing the New Midlife, the basis for this article.

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should not do, what others should and should not do and how things should and should not be. All of this is the mind’s attempt to first create a conceptual model of what would make you okay, and then try to get the outside world to match it.


The Path to Inner Peace 12 Steps to Spiritual Awakening by Michael A. Singer


pirituality is meant to bring about harmony and peace. But the diversity of our philosophies, beliefs, concepts and views about spiritual matters often leads to confusion or even conflict. The fact is that the very act of seeking spiritual freedom causes notions of success and failure, and these notions serve only to bind us to our own self-judgments: Am I growing? Have I done anything wrong? Am I meditating enough? Truth is only complicated because we pass it through our habitual thought patterns. When we step back from ourselves, truth becomes simple. There are not many paths to freedom; there is only one. In the end, no matter what particular patterns of thought we have managed to build in our minds, freedom always means transcending these personal thought patterns. So how does one go about transcending the personal self and awakening to spiritual freedom? What is needed for this journey are succinct steps that are so universal that they can echo through the halls of any religion as well as support intellectual understanding. The following is a universal road map to Self-Realization.


Realize that you are in there. You must first come to realize that you


Long Island Edition

are in there. From deep inside, you are experiencing this world. You are experiencing your physical body, your thoughts and your emotions. You are conscious and you are experiencing what it is like to be human.


Understand that you are not okay in there. Look to see what’s going on inside. If you want to understand why you’ve done everything you have ever done, if you want to see what’s really going on, just observe your mind and emotions—just experience your inner state. If you objectively look, you will see that you are never completely at peace. You will see that you are not okay in there.


Notice that you’re always trying to be okay. At any point when you look at the state of your inner being, you will see that something is bothering you. You will then notice that this causes urges, drives and impulses to do something about it. You will find yourself constantly trying to either get something or avoid something. All of this is done in an attempt to be okay.


Watch as your mind strives to figure out how everything needs to be for you to be okay. If you watch, you will see that your mind is always telling you what you should and NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

Realize that the process of defining how the outside needs to be is not going to make you okay. You must seriously look at this process of trying to be okay. You’ve been at it your entire life—you’ve just tried different things at different times. While it’s true that sometimes you manage to make it better for short periods of time, you know that you’ve never even come close to reaching a state of permanent peace. Watch very closely how you react to the things your mind has preferences about. You will see that if your mind gets what it wants, you feel joy; if it doesn’t get what it wants, you feel disturbance. Likewise, when your mind experiences what it doesn’t want, you feel disturbance, and when it avoids what it doesn’t want, you feel relief. You will never be okay playing this game because the world will never match the conceptual model your mind has made up. Eventually, you will come to see that struggling to be okay does not work. At some point, you will try to find a different way to be okay in there.


Learn to not participate in the mind’s struggle to be okay. This step is about learning to sit in as the witness, the part of you that notices the inner urges to be okay. You must become comfortable with sitting in there and not participating in the inner energies. You learn to relax in the midst of them. You come to see that there is a habitual process in which the moment you feel inner disturbance, you are drawn into doing something about it. You must learn to sit inside and not participate in this process. If you truly understand that going outside to try to be okay inside doesn’t work, then you’ll be willing to sit inside and simply allow the disturbance to pass through. It is not difficult. If you can do this, all disturbance will cease by itself.


Truth is only complicated because we pass it through our habitual thought patterns. When we step back from ourselves, truth becomes simple.

Go about your life just like everyone else, except that nothing you do is for the purpose of trying to be okay. If you aren’t so preoccupied with trying to be okay, you will be free to sit inside and quietly love, serve and honor whatever naturally unfolds in front of you. When you reach this point, you are no longer living for yourself. You are interacting with life, but not for the purpose of being okay.

participate in your personal energies, the more Spirit you feel. You now have a direct relationship with the spiritual energy, and you will find yourself constantly longing to experience it.



As you sincerely let go of the inner energies you are watching, you begin to feel a deeper energy come in from behind. Up to this point, everything you were watching inside was in front of you. But now that you are no longer being drawn into those personal energies, you’ll realize that your inner universe is actually very expansive. You will begin to feel Spirit flow in from behind. It lifts you and brings you great love and joy.


Your inner experience becomes so beautiful that you fall in love with the energy flow, and you develop a very deep and personal relationship with it. It will become completely clear to you that there is a direct trade-off between your personal energies and the amount of Spirit that you feel. The more you get drawn into your personal energies, the less Spirit you feel; the less you

themselves, leaving you at peace and absorbed in Spirit.


You begin to feel the energy pulling you up into it, and your entire path becomes letting go of yourself in order to merge. Will is no longer needed. Now your path is strictly about releasing yourself into the pull of the higher energy. You must surrender deeply enough to be able to overcome the fear of losing your connection to the personal self. You must to be willing to die to be reborn.


Once you get far enough back into the energy, you realize that your personal life can go on without you, leaving you free to become immersed in Spirit. This is the greatest miracle: You’ve surrendered and your entire life is about Spirit, yet people, places and things continue to interact with you. The difference is that these interactions require none of your energy. They happen naturally, by

Now you are truly okay and nothing inside or outside of you can cause disturbance—you have come to be at peace with it all. Because you are now completely okay, you don’t need anything. Things just are what they are. At this point, you know yourself as Self. The world, mind and heart cannot disturb you. You’ve transcended them all. What is more, instead of feeling drawn into Spirit, you now actually experience yourself as Spirit. You have no boundaries in time or space. You have always existed and you will always exist. You have no form, shape, gender or body. You simply are, have always been and will always be—Infinite Spirit. Michael A. Singer is the author of The New York Times bestselling book, The Untethered Soul – The Journey Beyond Yourself (UntetheredSoul.com), which is the basis for this article. He is the founder of the Temple of the Universe, a yoga and meditation center established in 1975 in Alachua, FL.

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CRAFTING A GREEN HOLIDAY Happy Ways to Deck the Halls by Avery Mack

Conjure a Norman Rockwellesque holiday fantasy of family members gathered around a home-cooked meal, creative gifts and decorations in place as stories of holidays past mingle with memories in the making. Cue the strolling carolers. The reality tends to be more of a distracted and exhausting race to the finish line. Available time, energy and money all play into what’s possible to get done by the big day. Some tips can make easy eco-decorations a feel-good part of the merriment.

Holiday Gift Guide

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ow-maintenance, child- and petfriendly colored seashells make a sustainable alternative to outdoor mulch. Choose from 22,000 SherwinWilliams non-toxic, waterbased hues to brighten any landscape. Hide a fallow flowerbed under a waterproof tarp, cover with lightcolored shells as background. Then design a Christmas tree, wreath, menorah, multihued snowman or another original design with colored shells. After the holidays, the tarp can envelop the shells and be put away for easy storage. Visit ColoredShells.com. Canadian Laura Watt, owner of the ethical seed company Cubit’s Organics, in Toronto, made a felted wool wreath for a front door from an old jacket. A worn-out blanket will also work. “It only took one long baby nap to make,” says Watt, who gave new life to the wire base from an old wreath by using bits of yarn to stitch flowers. Find instructions at Tinyurl. com/FeltWreath. NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

A little VOC-free paint, some repurposed minidecorations and recycled toilet paper rolls could become an indoor wreath to be proud of. “I’m a television producer, blogger and mother of 2- and 4-year-old daughters, so it had to be easy and quick,” says Karri-Leigh Mastrangelo, in Los Angeles. “We’ll do it again this year.” See how at Tinyurl.com/TPWreath. Spice up table décor using unexpected items. Lay a base of an organic cotton tablecloth, runner and napkins. Top with a centerpiece base comprising a pie pan, clear flower vase or Mason jar filled with bits of fresh evergreens and accented with small ornaments or beads from repurposed and recycled jewelry. Colored shells can line the bottom. Add a stable soy candle positioned in a bit of water for easy cleanup of dripped wax. To continue the theme from the

front door to the table, fashion leftover felt from the wreath into candle rings, using the same method, but on a smaller scale. Add spirals of garland made of star-shaped, dried orange peels handcrafted by Colombia’s Sapia artisans. The green, yellow and orange colors, backed with a soft white, provide a citrusy fragrance that lasts months. Learn more at Tinyurl. com/CitrusGarland. Beeswax candle kits are kid-friendly and come with enough supplies to make 20 candles. Order red and green wax sheets for Christmas, blue and white for Hanukkah or purple and pink for Advent. The beeswax is rolled around the wick to make an eight-inch-tall, oneinch-diameter taper. The honeycomb texture creates a festive look. Beeswax is natural and free from the

petroleum-based chemicals commonly used in conventional candles. It burns brighter, hotter, cleaner and longer, while emitting negative ions that clean the air of odors, pollen, smoke, dust, dust mites and allergens. No time for a do-it-yourself project? Many readyto-use beeswax and floating candles in the shape of poinsettias, holly leaves and snowflakes are available at ToadilyHandmade.com. Angela Price has created handblown glass terrarium ornaments for her small-space garden design company and boutique, Eden Condensed, in greater Los Angeles, California. The ornaments range from two to four inches in diameter and include live succulents, dried moss and miniature, holiday-inspired repurposed items. Price says, “Decorating the tree or the table, they’re easy to maintain and can be enjoyed for many months beyond the holidays.” See Tinyurl.com/Decorative Terrariums for inspired ideas. Place cards add an elegant, personal touch to

any holiday table. Kids can make snowflake ornaments from recycled paper. Print a holiday greeting on one side of the snowflake and inscribe a name and personal message on the other for family gatherings. Tied with a ribbon, the snowflakes can also be hung in the window or on the tree. Preprinted snowflakes made of recycled paper with soy ink at Tinyurl. com/PlantableSnowflakes are embedded with a variety of wildflower seeds for future planting. Mail them in lieu of traditional greeting cards or as more formal place cards for a simple way to prosper green holiday wishes. Mixing mindful shopping with creative touches embroiders a memorable day with family fun and the satisfaction that we’ve celebrated the holidays in sustainable style. Connect with Avery Mack via AveryMack@mindspring.com.

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natural awakenings

November 2013



Jungle Gym

Moving Like Animals Can Wildly Improve Fitness by Debra Melani


itness seekers across the country are finding their wild sides by crouching like cougars, leaping like leopards and crawling like crabs. Although it might seem like they’ve let silliness encroach on their fitness goals, these adventurous types might be on the right track, realizing more of the rippled muscles and exceptional agility of our four-legged complements. “It’s getting people back into their own bodies,” says Mike Fitch, creator of Animal Flow, one of several fitness programs offered in health clubs around the country that enable participants to make the most of their inner beast. “People are tired of being injured and doing the same old workouts. They need a more well-rounded, holistic approach to their health.” Fitch, founder of Global Bodyweight Training, in Miami, Florida, incorporates fluid movement (including parkour, break dancing and gymnastics) in his routines. Animal-related workouts are proving to be a fun form of natural bodyweight training—named a top fitness trend for 2013 by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Men and women are mimicking animals to attain stronger, leaner and more agile bodies that perform better in life. Whether building arm strength by swinging their lower bodies sideways, feet-to-hands, like a gorilla, or toning thigh muscles by stalking forward inches from the ground like a panther, animal workout converts are toning their bodies in challenging ways without the use of heavy weights or equipment. “The bear crawl is another good example,” advises David Nordmark, author of Animal Workouts: Animal Movement Based Bodyweight Training for Everyone. With hands and feet on the ground and rear end raised in the air, the bear crawl involves scrambling quickly forward and backward—a popular high school football and karate agility drill for years. He contends, “Even if you think you are in shape and do it


Long Island Edition

for a minute, you’ll be amazed at how much more of a workout your arms get.” Neal Pire, a New Jersey-based strength trainer and ACSM fellow, agrees the movements are intense and strength building, but wonders if an evolved, two-legged animal is meant to mimic four-legged species. “It’s a very tough workout,” says Pire. “You’re loading muscles where typically you don’t have very much leverage, so your muscles are doing all of the work; yet some moves might be overloading to certain people’s joints.” Fitch claims the overall result is increased muscle endurance. He cites a study published in the journal Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism of women that found whole-body, aerobic resistance training like what’s applied in his program supplies a cardiovascular workout similar to endurance training, but with the added benefits of increased balanced muscle strength and perceived enjoyment. “I call it body balance, working your body as a unit,” Nordmark says, citing pushups, which activate specific muscle groups, as a more traditional example. He notes, “I think it gives people a more natural and attractive look than bodybuilding, more like dancers or even martial artists or gymnasts.” Working out like animals keeps human cores activated, especially when combining the exercises together for a sustained routine. In addition to tightened abdominal muscles, it boosts calorie consumption and leads to enhanced core and overall strength. Fitch points to a relevant study of college football players that demonstrated the strength connection, published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Pire concurs that sustained exercises at a moderate range, as with animal workouts, is an effective calorie burner. Firming up a flabby middle also works to improve balance, as another study in the same journal showed, involving sedentary women performing fitness ball exercises. Moving the body in many directions in intense, but flowing, almost dance-like workouts, naturally improves stability, agility, flexibility and balance, as exhibited in the animal kingdom. “Challenging the body as it moves in all directions uses the body the way it was intended to be used,” maintains Fitch. Nordmark also points to similarities in yoga poses resembling animal postures that have contributed to physical and spiritual health for millennia. Nordmark and Fitch believe that animal themes provide many more bodyweight movements that can keep workouts fresh and be mastered for life, keeping bodies strong and functional as people age. “If you meet an old bear in the woods, he’s not walking around with a walker,” Nordmark observes. “He’s still a formidable animal, and you don’t want to mess with him.” Plus, adds Fitch: “The workouts are great fun.” Watch animal moves in action at Tinyurl.com/AnimalFlowVideo. Freelance journalist Debra Melani writes about health care and fitness from Lyons, CO. Connect at DebraMelani.com or DMelani@msn.com.


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Revolved Triangle Pose This is a challenging standing posture with many benefits. In addition to this pose being beneficial for creating physical strength and flexibility, it offers a twist that is perfect for maintaining a healthy spine. Triangle pose stretches the hips and spine, while opening the chest to improve breathing. This pose has been said to relieve mild back pain and stimulate the abdominal organs. The Natural Awakenings LI Pose of the Month is brought to you by Leah, an instructor/owner at Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361Atlantic Ave., Freeport. BreatheNFlowYoga.com.

natural awakenings

November 2013


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17 Maple Pl, Hicksville. Rev. Michael Sternlieb: 516-822-9314. CSL-LongIsland.org.

NOTE: All Calendar events must be received by the 12th of the onth prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Visit NaturalAwakeningsLI.com for guidelines and to submit Calendar events (under “advertise” tab).

Dinner Talk: Live Free of Pain and Stress – 6:309:30pm. Discover a life free of back and neck pain, herniated discs, sciatica and more. Learn why doctors, chiropractors and therapists recommend this all-natural Spinal Rejuvenation Therapy. Lecture and demonstration by Dr. Michael Berlin of The Family Wellness Center. Free. La Famiglia Restaurant, 641 Old Country Rd, Plainview. RSVP: 516-822-8499.


Ayurveda 5-Week Course: Chopra Certified Offering – Fridays thru Nov. 7-9:30pm. Learn to easily bring balance and healing into your life based on your unique mind/body constitution (dosha). Learn a self-empowering regimen of Ayurvedic Practices designed to balance, enhance nutrition, reduce emotional turbulence and re-awaken the senses. With Pamela Rich, Chopra Certified Instructor. $495. Break The Norms, 47 W Nicholai St, Hicksville. 516-938-9600. BreakTheNorms.com.


Open House & Food Drive – 3-5pm. Meet our staff of Health Care Professionals. Attend free Health and Wellness Sessions. Donate non-perishable food items and receive a $10 Gift Card for Health and Wellness Services. Center for the Alignment of Body, Mind and Spirit, 2050 Wantagh Ave, Wantagh. 516-221-3500. Align-Me.com.


Dr. Howard Robins Lecture at N.A.V.E.L. Health Expo – 11am & 4pm. Speaking at 11am on how medical ozone therapy can completely eliminate Lyme Disease and all the causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Dr. Robins will also speak at 4pm on how ozone rids the body of HPV, Herpes, Candidiasis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. A great opportunity to ask your questions and learn about this amazing and wonderful medical treatment. Huntington Hilton, Rte 110, Melville. More info: 212-581-0101. NAVEL Expo Seminar with Dr. Michael Berlin – 5pm. Breaking Free of the Stress Cycle: Resetting Your Nervous System for a Stronger Healing Response. Network Spinal Analysis chiropractic care resolves stress and defuses its effect on our body, mind, and life. Part of the NAVEL Expo. $10. Huntington Hilton. NAVELexpo.com.


Creating Extraordinary Mind & Body Wellness – 8-9:30pm. Learn all about this extraordinarily gentle method that combines light-touch neurological and energy work to help to resolve all the stress, tension, distortions and traumas from your spine and nerves. Learn how this care helps resolve a variety of acute and chronic conditions and live with more peace, passion, authenticity and well-being. Lecture, demonstration, and free gift given by Dr. Michael Berlin. Free. Family Wellness Center, 641-B Old Country Rd, Plainview. 516-822-8499.


Nutrition Seminar – 8:30-10pm. For current Family Wellness Center patients. The Family Wellness Center, 641-B Old Country Rd, Plainview. Register in advance: 516-822-8499.


Mindful Language Workshop – Nov 9 & 16. 10am12:30pm. A 2-part workshop with Nancy Massar, MS, CPC, President of Mindful Coaching. Words are powerful. Learn and practice Mindful Language and make your words work for you. Center for Spiritual Living Long Island, 17 Maple Pl, Hicksville. Rev. Michael Sternlieb: 516-822-9314. CSL-LongIsland.org. Special Event – 3-6pm. Any services (detox, ear candling, skin analysis) $25. Holiday gift ideas; Gift certificates available. The Center for Ionic Detox, 2324 Merrick Rd, Merrick. 516-415-7970. TheCenterForIonicDetox.com.


Open House: The Waldorf School of Garden City – 8:30-10am. The Waldorf School of Garden City is a comprehensive nursery through twelfth grade college preparatory school. Open houses are open to the public and where prospective families and students tour the school, visit classes and meet current students, families, faculty and staff. Free. The Waldorf School of Garden City, 225 Cambridge Ave, Garden City. RSVP, Carol Proctor: 516-742-3434 x 301. WaldorfGarden.org.


Life Tools for Emotional Clarity – Nov 11 & 25. 8:30-10pm. Evolving set of simple tools that you can use to resolve physical, chemical and emotional stress in your life with Dr. Mike and Dr. Fred. Discussing Byron Katie’s “Loving What Is,” Emotional Freedom Technique, and Somato-Respiratory Integration Stage One. $15. The Family Wellness Center, 641-B Old Country Rd, Plainview. Register in advance: 516-822-8499.


What is Bio-Energetic Testing – 7-8pm. Tracy Cleary C.H.H.P. and Dr. Ruben Rafaelov will teach you the science behind testing the body energetically. ZYTO technology revolutionizes the way we make decisions by allowing us to communicate with and extract information from our bodies. Free admission. Pure and Simple Health, 128 N Long Beach Rd, Rockville Centre. Seating limited; to reserve a seat: 516-203-7442 or Support@PureNSimpleHealth.com. SimplyVibrant.com.


Creating Extraordinary Mind & Body Wellness – 8-9:30pm. See Nov 6 listing. Family Wellness Center, 641-B Old Country Rd, Plainview. 516-822-8499.


Dr. M. Hari Haran – 1-4:45pm. Workshop: Sound Healing & Sacred Chants with Indian Music Therapy and Kirtan Chanting and Healing Music Concert. Dr. Haran is a Music Therapist and Music Healer from India. Center for Spiritual Living Long Island,



Creating Extraordinary Mind & Body Wellness – 8-9:30pm. See Nov 6 listing. Family Wellness Center, 641-B Old Country Rd, Plainview. 516-822-8499.


Run to Remember – 9-11am. The 4th Annual Evelyn Knapp Run to Remember and 2nd Annual Wellness Walk. There is something active for the whole family: Kid’s Fun Run at 8:30am; Challenging Trail Run at 9am and 3K Boardwalk Wellness Walk at 9:15am. All proceeds benefit Strength for Life, a nonprofit providing free exercise classes and wellness retreats to cancer patients/survivors on LI. Sunken Meadow Sate Park. More info: Strength for Life, 902 Constance Ln, Port Jefferson Station. Jacqui Errico: 631-675-6513. StrengthForLifeNY.org.


Life Tools for Emotional Clarity – 8:30-10pm. See Nov 11 listing. The Family Wellness Center, 641-B Old Country Rd, Plainview. Register in advance: 516-822-8499.


Grand Opening of Pure & Simple Health – Dec 2-6. 10am-4pm. Celebrate the Grand Opening of our Holistic Wellness Center. The week-long event will include an introduction to the Pure & Simple Health team, free Zyto biofeedback assessments, healthy snacks, free chair massages, raffles for several complimentary services and 20% off our Excipient- & Preservative-Free Nutritional Supplements. Pure & Simple Health offers a comfortable healing environment that educates and inspires the mind, body and spirit. Free. Pure and Simple Health, 128 N Long Beach Rd, Rockville Centre. 516-203-7442. SimplyVibrant.com.


Carol’s Holistic Health Expo – 11am-6pm. Learn to create optimal holistic health. Shop for healthy holiday gifts too. $7 admission. Limited vendor tables available. Four Points by Sheraton, Plainview. Carol Leitner, MBA, Yoga Instructor: 516 242 8270, CarolLeitner1@gmail.com.

savethedate Friday, January 10th

The Real Truth About Health Seminar-3 Days with Dr. Brian Clement, Cherie Soria, Dan Ladermann, Richard Oppenlander and other special guests live from Times Sqaure in New York City at the Legendary Hudson Theater Contact 516-921-1417. TheRealTruthAboutHealth.com.

natural awakenings

November 2013


Mother & Daughter Yoga – 6-7pm. Ages 9 and up. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com.

ongoingevents Daily

20-Hr Clairvoyant Training Program: Learn to See – Tori Quisling, M.Ed, Clairvoyant Practitioner, offers a 20-hr weekly course in learning to use clairvoyance in your life. By the end of the course, you will be able to meditate “Find Your Space,” give readings and work with your own Healing Guide. Customized program, begin when ready. Discounts when you join with a friend. $1,575 (when paid in full). Center for Clairvoyance and Healing, 158 Main St, Port Washington. 516-423-1794. Tori@YourPsychicSelf.net. YourPsychicSelf.net. 21-Day Detox – Lose weight, boost energy, de-stress, learn what you need to know for a life time of healthy cleansing. Includes: 21-day life botanica formula; pH strips; cleanse tool kit & recipes; 3 1-hr detox modules; 3 1-hr stress relief modules. RSVP: 516676-0200. Info@IntegrativeHealthManhasset.com. GirlfriendCleanse.com. Free Chiropractic Care for Returning Veterans – 9am-6pm. Dr. Gina Marino has extended an offer of care for one full year for any U.S. military veteran returning from overseas deployment in Afghanistan and Iraq, at no charge, with presentation of their service certificate. 2050 Wantagh Ave, Wantagh. 516-221-3500. GMDC93@aol.com. Align-Me.com. Seeking Participants for an Independent Research Study Regarding Massage Therapy – Be a part of the growing data of research regarding massage therapy. Massage is offered to participants at a drastically reduced rate. Healing Hands Pilates and Wellness Studio, 970 Railroad Ave, Woodmere. 516-792-0868. HealingHandsPilatesAndWellness@yahoo.com. Three Phases to Optimal Health – Dr. Danielle Roberts presents life-changing information to kick start your enlightened optimal lifestyle journey. Call for details. $100 for all three lectures. Bring a friend and get half off. Integrative Health Center & Spa, 403-1 Main St, Port Washington. 516-676-0200. IntegrativeHealthManhasset.com.


Vinyasa Flow Yoga – 9am. All levels. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com. Baby & Me Yoga – 9:30am. Infant-crawlers. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. Must register: 516-632-9626. Info@BNFYoga.com. BNFYoga.com. Searching for Your Life’s Purpose? – 10:30am. We provide tools to transform your personal life & help make the world a better place. Center for Spiritual Living Long Island, 17 Maple Pl, Hicksville. 516-822-9314. RSLI.net. Girlfriends Brunch Knitting Fun – 12-1:30pm, Sun & Thurs. Needle Felting onto Fabulous Felted Natural Soap while mingling and catching up with friends in a beautiful and relaxing space. $20 includes 2 bars of pre-felted soaps, colored fiber to decorate each bar, felting needles, bagels, fruit, coffee, tea or BYOB. Karma’s Angel Natural Beauty Boutique & Lounge, 68 W Park Ave, Long Beach. RSVP required; 8 person limit: 516-208-8850. KarmasAngel.com.


Long Island Edition


Ashtanga Yoga: Mysore – 6-9am, Mon-Thurs. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com. Ashtanga Yoga – 9:30-11am. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 1:30-3pm. An ongoing group for women with metastatic breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077. Prenatal Yoga – 4:30-5:30pm. Class designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Info@BNFYoga.com. BNFYoga.com. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 7-8:30pm. 2nd Mon. An ongoing group for men with breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 7-8:30pm. An ongoing group for young women with breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077.


Baby & Me Yoga – 9:30am. Walkers-3yrs. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. Must register: 516-632-9626. Info@BNFYoga.com. BNFYoga.com. Vinyasa Flow – 9:30am. Basics. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com. YinYasa – 9:30am. Also Wed, 4:30pm & Sat, 9am. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Info@BNFYoga.com. BNFYoga.com. Meditation – 9:30-10:30am. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – Thru Nov 19. 10:30am-12pm. A group for women recently diagnosed will meet weekly for 8 weeks. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Preregistration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516877-4314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077. Community-Open Level Yoga – 11:30am-12:30pm. Donation. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com. Prenatal Yoga – 4:30-5:30pm. Class designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Info@BNFYoga.com. BNFYoga.com.


Kundalini Yoga – 6:45-8:15pm. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com. Tap into your Intuition: Meditation Classes – 8pm. 3rd Tues. Not your typical meditation class. An interactive, instructional and healing mediation class. Focus on an issue or area of healing that would be beneficial to you and others in the class, discuss ways to address it in your life. $15/session. Life Chiropractic Spa and Wellness Center, 180 N Long Beach Rd, Rockville Centre. Reservations required; seats limited: 516-868-8100.


Free Energy Healing For Chemo/Radiation Patients – By appt only. 2nd Wed. Kiyra Artisse, Master Energy Healer, offers free energy healing to cancer patients, currently going through chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Success & Harmony, Merrick. Space limited; for appt: 516-945-0919. SuccessAndHarmony.org. Pre/Post Natal Yoga – 11am-12:15pm. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-9449642. OmSweetOmYoga.com. Reiki Circle & Meditation – 12-1pm. $20 drop in. Healing Studio at Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. To register: 516-509-5630. Jae313@optonline.net. Dining Out For a Cause – 12-9pm. Join West East Bistro as we donate 20% of our proceeds each Wednesday to the Nassau Hurricane Recovery Fund to help local Sandy victims. Paid a la carte. West East Bistro, 758 S Broadway, Hicksville. Jay: 516-939-6618. WestEastBistro.com. Meditation Class for Seniors – 1-2:30pm. Learn simple, powerful meditation techniques created by Grand Master Jin Bodhi. Also experience healing within the group and individually, in a relaxed atmosphere. Hosted by: The American Bodhi Meditation Society. Freeport Recreation Center, Room 101, 130 E Merrick Rd, Freeport. Nan: 516-442-7408, Ladyni88@gmail.com. BodhiMeditationSociety.org. YinYasa – 4:30pm. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Info@BNFYoga.com. BNFYoga.com. Prenatal Yoga – 4:30-5:30pm. Class designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Info@BNFYoga.com. BNFYoga.com. Kids Yoga – 5pm. Ages 5-8. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. Clairvoyant Development Series, Level 1 – 6:308pm. Tori Quisling, M.Ed, graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute and featured expert in the New York Daily News, will train on using own psychic abilities (clairvoyance, clairaudience). By the end of 8 wks, students will meditate, have awareness of psychic abilities and perform a reading. Workbook/CD. Customized programs also available. $125/class; $975 for 8-wk course. 158 Main St, Port Washington. 516-423-1794. Tori@YourPsychicSelf.net. YourPsychicSelf.net.

Free Breast Cancer Support Group – Thru Nov 20. 6:30-8pm. A group for spouses and partners will meet weekly for 8 weeks. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-8774314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077. Holistic Moms Network: South Shore Long Island Chapter – 7-8:30pm. 2nd Wed. Like-minded community focusing on mindful parenting and natural health. Free. CSTL – Tanglewood, 1 Tanglewood Rd, Rockville Centre. 516-924-1168. HolisticMomsSouth@gmail.com. HolisticMoms.org. Bereavement Support Group – 7-9pm. 2nd Wed. COPE, a grief and healing organization dedicated to supporting parents and families living with the loss of a child. Free. Chai Center, Dix Hills. If interested in attending or for more info, Karen Flyer: 516-484-4993.


Healthy Happy Hour – 4th Thurs. We are raffling off a wellness party for you and your friends each month. Integrative Health Center & Spa, 403-1 Main St, Port Washington. RSVP: 516-676-0200. IntegrativeHealthManhasset.com. Gluten-Free Lecture – 12-1pm. 3rd Thurs. Recommended donation $20. Integrative Healing Center & Spa, 403 Main St, Ste 1, Port Washington. 516-676-0200. IntegrativeHealthManhasset.com. Girlfriends Brunch Knitting Fun – 12-1:30pm. See Sun listing. Karma’s Angel Natural Beauty Boutique & Lounge, 68 W Park Ave, Long Beach. RSVP required; 8 person limit: 516-208-8850. KarmasAngel.com. YogArt – 4:30-5:30pm. Class allows kids to express themselves through the practice of yoga and creating art. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Info@BNFYoga.com. BNFYoga.com. Bodhi Meditation – 5-6pm. With Ni Nan Gilbert, acupuncturist and healer. Experience how this unique meditation can help you purify your body/ mind and unleash the creative power within you. Increase self-awareness, emotional intelligence, mental clarity, focus and inspiration. Ni Nan Healing Art Center, 2326 Merrick Rd, Merrick. 516-442-7408. NiNanHealing.com. Yin Yoga – 6pm. All levels. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio. com. Meditation – 7pm. With Jessica Taylor, a Samadhi meditation teacher. Meditation with Tibetan singing bowl. Topics change each week. All month access: $125/member; 1 meditation/wk: $45/member; 2 meditations/wk: $75/member; Walk-in: $15/session. Break The Norms Center, 47 W Nicholai St, Hicksville. 516-938-9600. Info@BreakTheNorms.com.


Cancer Support Group – 9-11am. Call for specific dates. 6-wk program designed to empower women with knowledge while on their journey to kicking cancer’s ass. $480. Drop-in complimentary class last week of each month 9-10am. Must reserve spot. Integrative Healing Center & Spa, 403 Main St, Ste 1, Port Washington. 516-676-0200. IntegrativeHealthManhasset.com.

Community Yoga: Donation-Based – 4-5pm. A Vinyasa Flow class that will stretch the body and clear the mind. All donations collected each month go to supporting the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation & Operation Splash. Donate what you can. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Info@BNFYoga.com. BNFYoga.com. Being Peace Group – 7:30-8:30pm. 2nd Fri. Join us for affirmative prayer and meditation. Facilitated by Rev. Kathy Caputo, Rev. Karen Gigante and Barbara Griminger, R.Sc.P. Free admission, everyone is welcome, bring a friend. Center for Spiritual Living Long Island, 17 Maple Pl, Hicksville. Rev. Michael Sternlieb: 516-822-9314. CSL-LongIsland.org.


Pre-Natal Yoga – 9am. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. YinYasa – 9am. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Info@BNFYoga.com. BNFYoga.com. Yin Yoga – 9-10:15am. A practice in which asanas (poses) are held for extended periods to increase flexibility and juice up the joints and ligaments, releasing energetic blockages that may be holding you back in your yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Info@BNFYoga.com. BNFYoga.com. Yoga – 9-10:15am. This class takes place before our Sat meditation class (10:30am). Join this group to learn and build up your yoga and meditation practice. Yoga and meditation, together, creates a powerhouse of positive energy, allowing you to connect with your Higher Self. $15/yoga class, $45/ monthly yoga membership, $75/monthly 1 meditation class & 1 yoga class/week. Break The Norms, 47 W Nicholai St, Hicksville. RSVP: 516-938-9600 or RSVP@BreakTheNorms.com. Family Yoga – 10-10:45am. 1-9 yrs. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com. Bodhi Meditation – 10-11am. With Ni Nan Gilbert, acupuncturist and healer. Experience how this unique meditation can help you purify your body/ mind and unleash the creative power within you. Increase self-awareness, emotional intelligence, mental clarity, focus and inspiration. Ni Nan Healing Art Center, 2326 Merrick Rd, Merrick. 516-442-7408. NiNanHealing.com. Saturday Morning Spiritual Discussion – 10am12pm. 1st Sat. Finding one’s life purpose is a journey of discovery and is always easier when undertaken with the fellowship of other like-minded people. An informal, free-flowing spiritual discussion. Love offering. Center for Spiritual Living Long Island, 17 Maple Pl, Hicksville. 516-822-9314. Info@CSL-LongIsland.org. CSL-LongIsland.org. Meditation – 10:30am. With Jessica Taylor, a Samadhi meditation teacher. Meditation with Tibetan singing bowl. Topics change each week. All month access: $125/member; 1 meditation/ wk: $45/member; 2 meditations/wk: $75/member; Walk-in: $15/session. Break The Norms Center, 47 W Nicholai St, Hicksville. 516-938-9600. Info@BreakTheNorms.com.

classifieds business opportunity Gorgeous Integrative Medical Center Space. Share Great visibility and parking North Shore Long Island $35/ hour Chance to integrate your care with a team of like minded professionals. 516-676-0200.

for rent WORKSHOP SPACE for rent at Karma’s Angel, a beautiful boutique. The cafe and lounge accommodates an intimate group for workshops,girls nights,spa parties. Packages available include cocktails and goodie bags. 68 W. Park Ave, Long Beach. 516-710-9223 or KarmasAngel.com.

for SALE Spacious and bright two-bedroom top floor co-op with view of private pool and courtyard. Hardwood floors and air conditioning and ceiling fans in all rooms. View of private parking lot as well. Laundry room and garbage disposal on every floor and the best building super. Extra storage and bikeroom available. Located in Freeport just north of the Nautical Mile. Maintenance includes all but electric. Freeport electric - lowest rates. Asking $175K.

HELP WANTED Full Time Acupuncture position - A holistic health practice is looking for a New York State licensed acupuncturist. Office locations in Nassau County and Queens. Must be fluent in English, Hindi, Urdu, Pashto and Punjabi. Compensation dependent on experience. Please fax resumes to 718-224-3282. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – COPE, a grief and healing organization dedicated to supporting parents and families living with the loss of a child through support groups, art therapy, a grief hotline and special workshops, needs volunteers to help with various projects. Karen Flyer, Executive Director: 484-4993 or Karen@CopeFoundation.org.

SERVICES LEARN ABOUT YOUR OWN PSYCHIC ABILITIES – Tori Quisling, with over 20 years experience, can teach you to use your own intuitive abilities to heal yourself and communicate with others. By the end of the course, students can meditate, work with healing guides and perform a psychic reading. Group and custom classes offered. Please see YourPsychicSelf.net or call 516-423-1794.

Space available Health Care-Wellness Professionals Network with complimentary doctors and therapists. Renovated quiet building, clean office, busy road, great parking. Ideal for second location, part timer, or new business Flexible terms. Space for small classes. Join Us! Info & Visit: 516-674-0609.

natural awakenings

November 2013


communityresourcedirectory Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our commmunity. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, visit NaturalAwakeningsLI.com for guidelines and to submit entries (under “advertise” tab.}

acupuncture Ni Nan Healing Art Center 2326 Merrick Road, Merrick 516-442-7408

Personalized Accupuncture, Energy Healing, Chinese Herb and Bodhi Meditation are all available and Ni Nan Healing Art Center in Merrick. Accupuncture for all needs including, stomach upset, Accupuncture facial, fertility, pain and more. See ad on page 5.

agriculture sweet peet

59 Sea Cliff Ave, Glen Cove 516-759-2094 SweetPeet.com Sweet Peet® is the premium organic mulch for flower and vegetable gardens. Sweet Peet® goes through a thermal stage where weeds and weed seeds are destroyed, preventing contamination in your garden. Sweet Peet® enriches the soil, improves tilth, encourages beneficial earthworms and replenishes beneficial microbes that are often destroyed by harsh chemicals and acid rain. See ad on page 13.

bereavement COPE

Karen Flyer Office: 516-484-4993, Fax: 516-484-4885 Karen@CopeFoundation.org CopeFoundation.org COPE: is a grief and healing organization dedicated to helping parents and families living with the loss of a child. COPE offers support groups for parents and siblings, alternative healing therapies, and a grief hotline. COPE also offers a free weekend bereavement camp for children ages 6-17 dealing with a major loss. For more information, please contact Karen Flyer at karen@copefoundation.org.


make the green choice. 58

Long Island Edition

boutique Karma’s Angel 68 W. Park Ave., Long Beach, NY. 516-208-8850 KarmasAngel.com

A natural beauty boutique & lounge selling products of the purest ingredients for your face,body,skin,hair,nails and more. Our lounge offers a relaxing yet luxurious environment to relax over a cup of coffee/tea, gluten free/vegan desserts and unwind. Professional makeup artist on staff as well as monthly events. See ad on page 15.

chiropractor CENTER For THE ALIGNMENT OF BODY, MIND & SPIRIT Dr. Gina Marino • Wantagh 516-221-3500 • Align-Me.com Dr. Marino utilizes a combination of gentle Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments, Reiki and Bodywork to reduce pain, lessen the effects of stress on your system, restore flexibility and ensure optimum vitality. See ad on page 39.


641 B Old Country Rd, Plainview 516-822-8499 NetworkWellnessCenter.com Our office helps people heal their bodies and their lives by doing light pressure points that blend advanced neurological, energy work, and life skills coaching to resolve all the stress, tension, distortions, and traumas from the body and mind naturally. See ad on page 33.

cleaning services All Clean Long Island Inc Michelle Spadafina Massapequa Park NY 11762 Nassau and Suffolk County 516-987-8388 Allcleanlongisland.com

All Clean Long Island provides cleaning services for your home and office. Using only a Holistic system of Organic, Pet and Human friendly products, we provide an efficient service for all your cleaning needs. Customizing every job for the specific needs of our customers is important to us in order to guarantee that every job is performed to your satisfaction. See ad on page 38.


colon hydrotherapy CLEANSING CONCEPTS

309 Madison St., Suite 4, Westbury 516-640-5322 • CleansingConceptsInc.com Private, safe, comfortable. Lose weight, gain energy, improve skin & sleep, and help reduce the risk of disease. Spa-like atmosphere. Feel completely relaxed. Pre-Post cleanse nutrients provided. See ad on page 23.

DETOXIFICATION The Center for Ionic Detox 2324 Merrick Rd Merrick, NY 11566

Look and feel great, you deserve it! The Center for Ionic Detox provides detoxification and cleansing using the power of water. By blending new technology and ancient healing arts, the ionic foot detox helps restore the body’s vitality against environmental toxins by eliminating the chemicals you take in from drugs, environmental pollution, and foods, particularly processed foods and meats. Take charge of your life for a healthier beautiful you and make an appointment today! See ad on page 29.


Dr. Esther Jimenez, DC 180 N. Long Beach Rd., Rockville Center 516-868-8100 Brain-Synergy.com Brain Synergy integrates a holistic, drug-free, effective, non-invasive approach that evaluates and balances the many neurological and metabolic imbalances that either cause or worsen disorders including ADD/ADHD, autism, stress disorders, migraines, sleeping difficulties and more. See ad on page 17.

pollack wellness center

66 Commack Road #101, Commack 631-462-0801 • CreatingWellnessLI.com Dr. Pollack specializes in the practice of physical rehabilitation, herbal and nutritional medicine, and stress and weight management including non-invasive liposuction. He has extensive experience in healing digestive disorders (reflux, bowel issues, colitis, loose stools, etc.), joint and muscle pain, headaches, and many other common health concerns. His goal is to help as many people as he can to reach optimal health and avoid the “sick-care” system. See ads on pages 21 & 37.


Have a Happy,

long island center for healthier dentistry


260 East Main St, Suite 109, Smithtown 631-361-3577 • SmithtownSmiles.com

John Hinrichsen 631-742-9441 John@ImageCycling.com TaoCycling.com ImageCycling.com Become a Tao Cycling Facility Master Class and Instructor Training. The flow of a Tao Cycling class is important. Discover how you gym/cycling studio can bring this to them. Each new Facility will receive TC coach training by John. Training consists of a one-day workshop and 2.5 hours of work study. A workbook is provided to all TC Trained instructors so they have a guideline and sample classes. ed. See ad on page 25.

geothermal Sherman industry

1-855-4-THE-GEO (1-855-484-3436) NoMoreOilOrGas.com Geothermal Installation by the best! Tom Hancock has been doing Geothermal instullations for over 25 years. He understands it and wants his customers to as well. Tom often urges his customers to engage in as much research as possible to and educate his customers so that they are 100% comfortable with geothermal as a heating & cooling system and prove to themselves that Sherman Industry, Inc. is the right company for the job. Thomas’s customers will tell you that he has a passion for perfection, is informative, patient, and respectful. Thomas Hancock, conducts all estimates himself and will be happy to assist you with your geothermal heating and cooling questions. See ad on page 49.

healthy grocery Get Healthy America

148 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview 516-931-1900 gethealthyamerica.com

Get Healthy America offers, low calorie, low fat, gluten free, low carb, sugar free, Kosher and their own line of Paleo products. See ad on page 41.

Dr. Shvartsman provides State of the Art dental care with a commitment to patient comfort. He utilizes mercury-and heavy metal-free tooth conserving - minimally invasive restorative techniques as well as a Biomimetic Dental approach. Dentistry for holistic-minded patients is our focus. See ad on page 9.

NORTH SHORE COSMETIC & IMPLANT DENTISTRY Dr. Jonathan Richter 310 East Shore Rd., Great Neck 516-282-0310

We welcome you to come in for a comprehensive exam of teeth, gums, early detection, and oral health problems. We offer the following services: Holistic Dental Care, Mercury-Free Dentistry, TMJ Disorder & Treatment,Treatment for Sleep Disorders, Invisalign & Orthodontics, Dental Implant, Sleep Apnea. Payment plans available. See ad on back cover.

holistic health coach DISCOVER YOUR HEALING PATH

516-449-5287 Jeanette@Disoveryourhealingpath.com Discover your healing path-Health and Nutritional Coaching-busy, overweight, stressed Jeanette Tiompkin of Discover your healing path offers health and nutritional coaching as well as Cleansing services. See ad on page 41.

444 Community Dr., Suite 204, Manhasset 516-627-8400 • GoldenSmile.com A practice that cares for you like family. The philosophy of her dental wellness center is a wholebody approach working closely with your healthcare practitioners that you already have a relationship with. The practice incorporates the teaching of Huggins, IOAMT, and much more. See ad on page 15.

• Neuropathy • Arthritis • Knee & Foot Pain • Neck & Back Pain • Fibromyalgia • Sciatica • Sports Injuries • Inflammation/ Swelling • Tired, Sore Muscles • Stiff Joints



day Holi cial Spe FREE trial size included with

“Wellness Made Easy” is our motto at Pure and Simple Health. The 3 reasons we lose our health are: we have too much of what our body doesn’t want (bacteria, yeast, etc.); we don’t have enough of what it needs (vitamins, minerals, etc.); and stress (physical, emotional or environmental). We help you detoxify and clean your system, nourish your body, and help you better adapt to stress, so you can experience gains in health that are dramatic and sustainable. See ad on page 11.

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mediation CORY J. ROSENBAUM, P.C.

Cory Rosenbaum 1-855-491-Save NonToxicDivorce.com

Cory Rosenbaum is an expert at all forms of mediation and legal affairs. After resolving his own divorce mediating, without any litigation, he was able to find peace for himself, his exwife and most importantly his child. Cory wants to help others struggling with divorce proceedings utilizing a mediation process based on his existing expansive knowledge of divorce law in New York State. See ad on page 32.

medical wellness center integrative healing center & spa 403 Main St. #1, Port Washington 516-676-0200 IntegrativeHealthManhasset.com

Specializing in detoxification and preventative health care. We are fully present in your visit so you feel safe, appreciated and heard All of our practitioners are I-ACT certified therapists. Only the best FDA-cleared Libby devices are utilized for our clients. The colon is the key to health. See ad on page 27.


Nassau & Suffolk Locations 866-239-5445 MidwifeDale@gmail.com • GaiaMidwives.com Personalized care through pregnancy, water birth, natural birth, well-woman gynecology, family planning. Many insurance plans accepted. See ad on page 29.

naturopathic INNER SOURCE NATURAL HEALTH 11 Stewart Ave, Huntington 631-421-1848 • InnerSourceHealth.com

Helping each patient realize their greatest health potential using the least disruptive recommendations possible to stimulate the innate ability of the body to heal itself. Inner Source Natural Health is staffed by the Naturopathic Doctors/Acupuncturists. As seen on the Dr. Oz show. See ad on page 15.


Long Island Edition

long island naturopathic Dr. James Prego 560 Main St. 2F West Islip NY 888-339-8683

We support the body’s own healing process, and try to find the deeper causes of disease or illness. We excel at helping the chronically sick but we also help people maintain good health and help some with acute conditions. Call 888-339-8683 to make an appointment. See ad on page 39.

finker wellness Bellmore 516-765-3272 DrFinker.com

Utilizing Naturopathic Medicine to help her patients feel better naturally. Many illnesses can be treated by nutrition, botanicals, and nutraceuticals. Dr. Finker provides personalized health care solutions for her patients. See ad on page 47.

NON-surgical liposuction OPEN CIRCLE HOLISTIC WELLNESS 8 Davison Plaza East Rockaway/Lynbrook 516-406-3005 OpenCircleWellness.com

Holistic Wellness focusing on detoxification of body mind and spirit. Offers CaviLipo (non-surgical liposuction) far infrared sauna, foot detox, meditation instruction and intuitive counseling. See ad on page 35.

pollack wellness center

66 Commack Road #101, Commack 631-462-0801 • CreatingWellnessLI.com Dr. Pollack specializes in the practice of physical rehabilitation, herbal and nutritional medicine, and stress and weight management including non-invasive liposuction. He has extensive experience in healing digestive disorders (reflux, bowel issues, colitis, loose stools, etc.), joint and muscle pain, headaches, and many other common health concerns. His goal is to help as many people as he can to reach optimal health and avoid the “sick-care” system. See ads on pages 21 & 37.

nutrition TWINERGY NUTRITION 2070 Jericho Tpk, Ste L2 Commack, NY 11725 631-629-9501 TwinergyNutrition.com

We at Twinergy Nutrition are a General Wellness Consulting Firm. We offer personal and corporate wellness consulting. Our services include assessment and wellness plans for nutrition, fitness, health history, bio-feedback, neuro-feedback and Labs/Meds/Vitamin review.


ozone therapy DR. HOWARD ROBINS

The Healing Center 200 W 57th St, Ste 807 New York, NY 10019 212-581-0101 DrHowardRobins@gmail.com If you have a disease or condition that you haven’t been able to get rid of, Ozone Therapy will most likely be the answer, even for people that have suffered for years and have lost all hope. If you are questioning if your condition can be treated, call or email Dr. Robins – contact information above. See ad on page 63.


516-423-1794 • Tori@YourPsychicSelf.net YourPsychicSelf.net Tori Quisling, MEd, offers Clairvoyant Readings, Psychic Development classes. Over 20 years experience, training at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, Tori assists you in deep spiritual answers, past lives, relationships and energy balance. See ad on page 27.

psychotherapy CHERIE DORTCH, LCSW

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist 585 Stewart Ave, Ste LL-50 Garden City, NY 11530 516-305-2581 C.Dortch@aol.com Integrating psychoanalytic psychotherapy with spirituality, to empower by learning self-awareness, and addressing emotional, psychological and spiritual health.


1005 Glen Cove Avenue Glen Head, NY 11545 • 516-674-3388 DrMarlaFriedman.com Info@DrMarlaFriedman.com Utilizing the power of nutrition and psychological well being to help create empowered self growth, lasting change, healthy aging, and optimal wellness: body, mind and spirit. See ad on page 7.

reiki/energy healing OPEN CIRCLE HOLISTIC WELLNESS 8 Davison Plaza East Rockaway/Lynbrook 516-406-3005 OpenCircleWellness.com

Intuitive counseling, Reiki/energetic healing, meditation instruction. Tina Martinez has a long history as a meditator and a healer (29 years). Each session is completely unique to the individual and is supported with the highest and purest intentions. See ad on page 35.

SUCCESSANDHARMONY.ORG 27 Merrick Ave, Merrick SuccessAndHarmony.org

SuccessAndHarmony.org offers multiple transformation coaching and energy healing including Reiki energy classes and healing, and Transformation, Vortex healing and Karuna Reiki.


Coming Next Month



Michel A. Selmer, D.V.M. 260 Evergreen Avenue South Huntington 631-367-7387


See ad on inside front cover.

PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL OF LONG ISLAND 1425 Merrick Avenue, Merrick 516-868-6835 • psoli.com

K-8 private school. Morning yoga, meditation, healthy and vegetarian eating. Individualized reading, writing, math. Volunteering and service; earning by doing. Rich in culture and diversity. Reasonable tuition. See ad on page 33.

THE WALDORF SCHOOL OF GARDEN CITY 225 Cambridge Avenue, Garden City 516-742-3434 •waldorfgarden.org

Nursery through grade-12 private school. An innovative and holistic approach to educate and nurture with compassion, to balance towards wholeness, to challenge toward excellence and achievement. Our methods of teaching reflect an understanding of the growing child and acknowledge the spiritual origins of humanity. See ad on page 31.

spirituality CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING 17 Maple Place, Hicksville 516-822-9314 • RSLI.net

Providing spiritual tools to transform your personal life and help make the world a better place. Your life’s purpose is already within you. Let’s awaken it together. Sunday services at 10:30am. Children’s Activity (ages 4-12) 10:30-11:30am. See ad on page 6.

SUCCESS Marilyn Chiarello

516-671-7037 Marilyn.Chiarello@ BraveHeartWomenResonate. com Meetup.com/ BraveHeartWomenLI BraveHeartWomenResonate.com BraveHeart Women is a global community that encourages connection, expression and prosperity. Our purpose is to inspire women to Be more, Create more and Collaborate more. As a BraveHeart Women Resonator, Marilyn creates opportunities for women to transform their lives and connect with their “SHE” - Soul’s Highest Expression. Currently offering free Oxytocin Circles for women to connect and collaborate while luxuriating in the benefits of oxytocin, a hormone our bodies produce that evokes feelings of bonding and trust, reduces anxiety and promotes a sense of calmness and security. See ad on page 29.

Revolutionize Your World

yoga absolute yoga

1 Guilles Lane, Woodbury 516-682-YOGA AbsoluteYogaStudio.com Two beautiful peaceful studios provide the perfect environment for the union of body and soul. 50+ classes per week in a variety of yoga styles and levels from beginner to energetic, strengthening warm Vinyasa yoga. We also offer kids, pre and post-natal yoga (yogi baby), restorative yoga, yoga for fertility, pilates and barre. See ad on page 53.

with the December issue of Natural Awakenings


361b Atlantic Ave, Freeport 516-632-9626 BreatheNFlowYoga.com Family Yoga Studio specializing in Vinyasa Yoga, Prenatal, Restorative, Kids Yoga, Mommy & Me, Private/Semi-Private, Kids Parties and Workshops. Special donation-based Community Yoga classes offered Fridays at 4pm. Open 7 days a week offering a full range of classes in two studios and private changing/nursing area. Come feel the Flow. See ad on page 53.

OM SWEET OM YOGA 12 Irma Avenue, Port Washington 516-944-9642 OmSweetOmYoga.com

Be embraced by the warmth of community and be celebrated for who you truly are. Your home away from home,your refuge in a busy life. Here, your body is strengthened and soothed while your spirit is nurtured. See ad on page 53.

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natural awakenings

November 2013



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