FDA 510k-cleared biocompatible 3D print resin to produce clear thermo-flexible therapeutic splints, retainer and night-guards
High flexural strength and excellent wear resistance allow for device as thin as 1 mm
Thermo-flexibility, biocompatibility, odorless and neutral flavor increases patient acceptance
Extremely fracture resistant and durable
Clear-transparent, easy to polish and color stable for excellent esthetics
No sedimentation – no shaking or “rolling” prior to use
Material for 3D printing of splints, night-guards and other diagnostic parts
FDA 510k cleared
Biocompatibility and neutral flavor ensure high level of patient acceptance
Clear-transparent – for high patient satisfaction
Rigid with high flexural strength for durable orthodontic objects
Easy to polish and stain resistant
No sedimentation – no shaking or “rolling” prior to use
7181 Woodbine Avenue, Suite 235 Markham, ON L3R 1A3
Toll Free: 1-877-788-ADTO (2386) (within Ontario)
Telephone: 416-742-ADTO (2386)
Fax: 416-798-2613 www.adto.ca
A recap of the 41st Annual PDC, which took place from March 9-11, 2023.
A recap of the annual Technorama Dental Lab & Technology Conference presented by the Dental Industry Association of Canada (DIAC), which took place on March 31 & April 1, 2023, at the Delta Toronto Airport Hotel and Conference Centre.
The ADTO Board cordially invites you to this year’s ‘Solstice Soirée’ on Friday, July 14, 2023, at CLIO (600 King Street W, Toronto).
MB #273 - 12100 Riverside Way Richmond, BC V6W 1K5 Ashley Opitz, O ce Administrator
Toll Free: 1-888-495-4566 Telephone: 604-278-6279
©2023 Craig Kelman & Associates Ltd.
Published by:
3rd Floor, 2020 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3J 0K4
Tel: (204) 985-9780
Fax: (204) 985-9795
Email: jenna@kelman.ca www.kelman.ca
Managing Editor: Jenna Conrad
Design/Layout: Jackie Magat
Marketing Manager: Chad Morrison
Advertising Coordinator: Stefanie Hagidiakow
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Elizabeth Edgar is a rst-year student at Vancouver Community College in the Dental Technology Sciences program and details her journey so far in the dental technology eld.
Dental labs have embraced digital work ows for cost e ciency, accuracy, and improved outcomes. Ivoclar overviews their customized solutions and equipment for seamless integration, precision, timesaving, exibility, ease of use, and consistent results, supporting labs in their digital transformation journey.
Box 397, 101-1001 West Broadway
7181 Woodbine Avenue, Suite 235
Vancouver, BC V6H 4E4
Markham, ON L3R 1A3
Ashley Opitz, Administrative Assistant
Toll Free: 1-877-788-ADTO (2386)
Toll Free: 1-888-495-4566
(within Ontario)
Telephone: 604-278-6279
Telephone: 416-742-ADTO (2386)
Fax: 416-798-2613
The air feels the same again, as does the normalcy of in-person contact.
Hal Hamilton, RDT
Karim Sahil, MDT, RDT
Chris Opitz, RDT
Shabana Mirza, RDT
John Eggeling, RDT
Nadja Jakobi, RDT
Aura Szigiato, RDT
Greg Tamkin, RDT
Stuart Thomson
Debra Orozco Blanco, RDT
Malcolm Ashford
Executive Director
Chris Ji, RDT
On May 5, 2023, The WHO (World Health Organization) stated that COVID-19 is no longer a concerning threat as the previous few years we witnessed.
This can provide a sigh of relief from the overload of rules and extra overhead from PPE, but it also is a statement of resilience
from the whole dental industry umbrella, who worked so hard to provide one another with the care we needed to keep everyone safe and prospering. This year will mark the o cial rst year of getting back on schedule, and we can nally plan and create pathways to introduce many platforms which dental technologists can use to bene t from.
Aaliyah McPherson, RDT
Renata Cecconi
2016-2020 - Franklin Parada
2010-2016 - Jason Robson
2007-2010 - Gabriel Ghazal
2004-2007 - Stephen DeLuca
2003 - Michael Hrabowsky
2001-2002 - Al McOrmond
2000 - David Kochberg
1999 - Thomas Kitsos
1998 - Feliks Dawidowicz
1997 - Wilhard Barth
1996 - Bob Huybrechts
1994-1995 - Andre Theberge
1992-1993 - Michael Hrabowsky
1990-1991 - Jamie Matera
1989 - Joe Nagy
It is who we are, what we do and why we do it.
“After multiple years of successful outcomes, we can be assured that the public has a longing to understand the professionals behind their smiles.”
A Dental Technologist is an exemplification of a successful systemic industry of Dental Technology.
The Board of Executive Directors has worked extensively to promote our profession and create awareness among dentists and the public. After multiple years of successful outcomes, we can be assured that the public has a longing to understand the professionals behind their smiles. An introduction to dental technology was necessary for the public, so the Board decided to re-brand and create a new message which exempli ed who dental technologists are, what we do, and why we do it. The shield symbol we chose for our logo is a representation of over 35 years of solidarity with our membership. The internal symbols represent the continuity of growth, education, and trust, the foundation on which the ADTO was built. We can now look forward to a regular schedule of tradeshows which provides excellent education, product introductions, and a platform to network. After a successful Technorama tradeshow, our industry can only bene t from collaboration, and the attendance numbers showed us just that. But tradeshows aren’t the only reason to get excited! This year the ADTO is having a Solstice Soirée, a ‘Welcome Back to Normal’ summer event, including food, drinks, music, and lots of FUN! So come out and bring your friends and network with one another, and the best part is that it’s free for all RDTs, so register quickly because there is limited space.
We are very lucky to have a supportive membership, and we continue to aim at creating the best avenues to support your endeavours. Your constructive feedback has been a great tool to navigate us in the direction which is right for you. On behalf of the ADTO Board, I would like to thank you for your support and for giving us all the opportunity to serve. MDT,
Toll Free: 1-888-495-4566
Telephone: 604-278-6279
office@dentaltechniciansofbc.com www.dtabc.ca
James Neuber, RDT, Ocean Ceramics Ltd.
Olaf Lutz, RDT, Okanagan Dental Lab Inc.
Sachiyo Tsunemi, RDT, Artistic Dental Ceramics
Roberto Kim, RDT, DigiPros Dental Laboratory
Mohammad Lashgary, RDT, Kinetic Dental Laboratory
Calvin Moon, RDT, Moon Dental Technology Solutions
Chris Opitz, RDT, Shanto Dental Laboratory
Donald Park, Smile Innovations Group
Will N. Varda, RDT, Anvarda Dental Services Ltd.
Lih Fen Young, RDT Executive Director lih@dentaltechniciansofbc.com
Ashley Opitz O ce Administrator o ce@dentaltechniciansofbc.com
James Neuber, RDT, President, Dental Technicians Association of BCGreetings techs! Spring is in the air. Summer is up ahead, and there are always more teeth to make. The DTABC Board is continually trying to help build value for all our members. I cannot stress enough the importance of continuously investing in your education, strengthening your mind consistently to be current with market changes, adapting to those market changes, and then selling updated products to your clients for progressive business growth.
I advised all lab owners to increase their overall fees earlier this year. The dentists have increased their fees by 6.9% overall. It is fair in any marketplace to increase by 5-7%, depending on your current fees. One signi cant price to charge is for Digital Models – printed or milled. This fee can easily be justi ed and is readily accepted by insurance companies. Some labs charge $15-20 per arch/quadrant. We know resin is costly, and labs should be billing for this service.
Further to the education points made earlier last summer, the DTABC recommended to the PDC Speaker Selection Committee to bring Dr. Ed McLaren to the PDC. He brought his digital dental tech named Jed Archibald – two powerhouse experts in our eld who gave us a lecture, ‘Creating Nature in the Digital World,’ working with zirconia with great excitement and entertainment. Ed has graciously sent me his PowerPoint presentation for his lecture, making it available to all DTABC members. Just email our Executive Director, Lih, for the PDF le at lih@dentaltechniciansofbc.com.
Lastly, thank you to all the companies that graciously sponsored seminars for our members at the PDC this year –Argen, Dentsply Sirona, and Ivoclar. A special thank you to Ivoclar for also sponsoring our
After-PDC-Party-Get-Together – thank you very much for supporting our profession. All members appreciate it and look forward to helping you back. Keep up the extraordinary product innovations and professional support. You always give back in abundance.
Another special thank you goes to Argen for helping bring Ed and Jed to the PDC. Richard Nixon has been CEO of Argen Canada for 20+ years and now takes the position of President of Dental Labs Canada. He is excited to bring his leadership and business skills to build this organization, and we all wish Richard the best of success. Cheers, Richard! God Bless your new journey, and THANK YOU for all the support over the years. We look forward to collaborating with you in our profession across Canada.
One more exciting announcement is that DTABC now has a new website. We encourage all members to come and check it out – https://dtabc.ca
DTABC is also having an election for three board positions this fall. This is a great way to help DTABC maintain our mission statement of promoting high-quality continuing education to strengthen our professional standing and to become an advocate for the professional voice of dental technicians in communication with the British Columbia Provincial Government and the federal government.
Have a great successful summer, techs! And always remember – perseverance through challenges breeds success!
James Neuber, RDT President Dental Technicians Association of BCAUTOMATION
Highly automated end-to-end 3D printing solution reducing handling times and manual work.
Dental intelligence hardware and software enable the user to print biocompatible applications with reproducible and accurate results.
The Primeprint box and intelligent cartridge system enable convenient and easy material handling without direct contact with resins.
Introducing Primescan Connect: our high-performing intraoral scanner now available in a laptop configuration. Enjoy all the benefits of Primescan at a more accessible price.
Primescan is an intraoral scanner that allows you to perform high-precision digital impressions of the patient’s mouth, without the use of traditional impression material. With simplified scanning and streamlined workflows, Primescan Connect is a great starting point to digital dentistry.
Achieve better diagnostics, treatment planning, and accelerated financial growth all while improving the patient experience.
Mental health is a topic that must be addressed in the workplace as it a ects many Canadians. As stated by Mental Health Research Canada, one in ve Canadians live with mental health challenges. Employers will feel the e ects on their business by seeing increased absenteeism and decreased productivity.
So how can employers support sta in dealing with mental health issues?
See below for answers to top questions and advice on how to best support sta dealing with mental health issues.
What should I do if an employee informs me about their mental health issue?
If an employee discloses their mental health issue or illness and requests for accommodation, you are obliged to accommodate that employee to the point of undue hardship. You must also keep the information strictly con dential unless withholding it puts the employee or others in imminent danger. You must also inform your employee of available mental health support and resources, such as your company’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Under human rights law, employers must not discriminate against their employees based on any protected ground. Disability is a protected ground and includes mental health issues (Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia).
1. The rst step is to keep track of an employee’s behaviour and work performance if it’s changed. Some signs to look out for are increased absenteeism, lower productivity, and irritability. Next, talk to the employee and focus on discussing the performance or productivity issue. You can share examples of their past exemplary work, as it’ll help ease the conversation. To help make the employee comfortable to open up, assure them that any information they disclose is con dential.
2. It’s important to listen to what the employee is sharing. Have a conversation so you can understand the perspective of the other person. Show genuine interest and let them speak. In case the discussion does lead to the employee disclosing a mental health issue, do not try to diagnose or pry for details or deliver a pep talk. Under privacy law, your employee has a right not to disclose medical information.
3. Connect employees to mental health resources. Employers need to evaluate their company bene ts. There are several areas to consider from a mental health perspective. For example, does your policy include mental health coverage, time o policies, or an Employee Assistance Program? Investing in resources can provide support for any employees struggling with mental health issues can get the assistance they need. Remind your team of the resources your business has to assist them with mental health. For example, if your business does not have an Employee Assistance Program, share external resources with employees.
It’s important to create a mental health policy for your workplace. Your mental health policy should set down the protocol to follow when an employee makes a mental health disclosure and requests an accommodation. It’ll help provide clarity to both employees and supervisors on what to do in such a situation. You may also want to provide training to your supervisors to be able to handle such requests and discussions sensitively. Include your mental health policy in your employee handbook and share it with your sta .
Peninsula is a trusted HR and health and safety advisory company, serving over 5,200 small businesses across Canada. Clients are supported with ongoing updates of their workplace documentation and policies as legislation changes. Additionally, clients bene t from access to our 24/7 employer HR and OHS adviceline and support through our Peninsula Protect service promise. For more information, please visit www.peninsulacanada.com.
Do you think your most valuable asset is a possession – your home, your car, your stereo, or your savings? No, none of these things are your most valuable asset.
Even if you have millions of dollars, your money is not your most valuable asset. In fact, it might become a liability if you get obsessed with keeping it and protecting it. Your life can become controlled by your cash or possessions.
Factually, the most valuable nancial asset you own is not a possession but your personal golden goose.
The enslaved Greek Aesop told this story about 2,500 years ago. A man and his wife owned a goose that laid a golden egg every day. However, they felt they were not getting rich fast enough. They believed the bird must
be full of gold and so decided to kill it to get what was inside NOW.
When they cut open their golden goose, they found it was just like any other goose –no gold. So, they not only failed to get rich all at once as they had hoped, but they were also no longer able to enjoy the daily golden eggs.
Because you have probably heard this story, you would never think of cutting open a goose that laid golden eggs. Instead, you would take special care of that goose. You would buy the best goose feed, build the most comfortable goose nest, and give it the nicest goose pond available, right?
The truth is, you already own a golden goose.
Your ability to work and produce something valuable is the goose that lays golden eggs for you. The more ability you have, the more golden eggs you can earn.
The Best Investment in the World Professional investors are constantly searching for investments (golden geese) with three qualities:
1. The investment must be safe and secure.
2. It must produce above-average income.
3. Opportunities to buy the investment must be everywhere.
Your Personal Golden Goose Investment
Your ability to make money ts all three qualities:
1. Your ability to earn money is safe. Even if some oppressive person tries to kill your goose with criticism, attacks, or backstabbing, and even with recessions and pandemics, you bounce back, and your skills start to produce golden eggs again. This is because your skills do not easily disappear.
2. You can earn a huge income by investing in your golden goose. For example, a lab owner might spend $50,000 to $90,000 on education to learn to be an RDT but then goes on to earn at least $150,000 to $1,000,000 per year, depending on how big the lab grows. They earn at least twice their initial education cost every year from graduation onwards. How many other types of investments can do that?
3. Opportunities to buy the investment must be everywhere. Many investors spend most of their time looking for golden geese. They are happy if 60% of their investments make money. By investing in your personal abilities, you can expect 90-100% on this investment. Because you get some improvement from everything you learn, you have no real risk. In fact, you can expect an excellent return on your investment by obtaining any skill: people skills, computer skills, speaking skills, marketing skills, management skills, and so on.
Even better is improving your personal power base – your ability to deal with di cult situations, make correct decisions, work smarter, accomplish more, and do tough jobs. For example, Some RDTs have invested time and money in training to be skilled managers of their practices through executive courses and consulting with us (The Art Of Management). The result of that investment has been an increase of $120,000 to $300,000 over the next one-year period. That usually represents a return of 300% or more on their initial investment.
1. List all your abilities and skills that make you money. For example, your friendly manner, your smile, your skill as a technician, your skill in the lab, your ability to get referrals from dentists, your ability to get patients referred to you, your management skills, etc.
2. Next, list what skills or abilities you feel would help you go to the next level: how to hire and train the right sta , how to increase the in ow of new business from
your marketing, how to get a dentist to choose you for their lab work, how to ask clients for referrals, how to be an excellent executive to your sta , how to strategize and cause continual growth and expansion (no more peaks and valleys), how to set up your life for a good retirement, how to manage your nancial matters so that you always have enough money, etc.
3. Invest some time and money into your education as an owner to improve those skills and abilities. A little hard work now pays o big in the future. Improve your golden goose, and you will soon have all the golden eggs you need!
JANICE WHEELER is the President and co-owner of The Art Of Management Inc., a practice management company dedicated to helping healthcare professionals reach their full potential. For more information, call 416-466-6217, or email ami@amican.com, or go to www.amican.com
The PDC was a full-on in-person convention this year. After two years of virtual meetings and online courses, you could feel the buzz of excitement when entering the exhibit halls! People were happy to be there, meeting colleagues and having fun while learning. The PDC had a record-breaking year, with almost 15,000 oral health professionals, industry companies, and employees in attendance with over 150 open lecture sessions. Some speakers had handouts for their sessions which are still available on the PDC website to download. Also, don’t forget to print out your CE Credit Sheet and send it to the BC College of Oral Health. Make sure to ll in the survey, too, as this is how you can change things you don’t
like, get more of what you want, or add new ideas and topics to the list for PDC to use. Your input is what makes the PDC your event! Meeting many of my colleagues, networking, and attending lectures made the three days of PDC zoom by. Time ies when you’re having fun! Finally, I want to say a big thank you to all the folks at the PDC who put this event together every year for all of us. Your dedication to the oral health profession is admirable! Major kudos to the sponsors that keep giving back every year to all of us professionals in oral health.
I wish you all a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing everyone at the 2024 Paci c Dental Conference – March 7-9, 2024.
to Dental Technology Today and share your research, cases, and practice management experience with your colleagues.
Upcoming edition deadlines:
• Fall 2023: August 4, 2023
• Winter 2023: November 2, 2023
• Spring 2024: January 5, 2024
To submit an article for consideration, please contact Jenna Conrad, Managing Editor, at jenna@kelman.ca.
The annual Technorama Dental Lab & Technology Conference, presented by the Dental Industry Association of Canada (DIAC), occurred on March 31 and April 1, 2023, at the Delta Toronto Airport Hotel and Conference Centre. Having returned to a live format only one year previously, this year’s event showed a marked increase in attendance over Technorama 2022. The 2023 show welcomed nearly 900 delegates over the two-day conference.
“It was fabulous to see Technorama really bouncing back this year,” said Henry Doyle, President of DIAC’s Board of Directors. “Our hardworking Technorama Committee and dedicated DIAC Executive team put on another high-quality show for our exhibitors and delegates,” said Doyle.
The show’s 41 exhibitors found this year’s delegates engaged in meaningful discussions about their products and services, and sales were as good or better than they had expected. The 16 live-sponsored seminars featured dental subject matter experts from across North America. This year, hands-on workshops sponsored by Align Technology and The Aurum Group were particularly popular educational o erings. The Friday night reception sponsored by The Aurum Group featured a live band (sponsored by Ivoclar), in addition to the usual great food and refreshments delegates and exhibitors have come to expect.
Friday’s keynote address, ‘The Future of Denturism,’ featured introductory remarks from Jaro Wojcicki Jr. DD, President of the Denturist Association of Canada and Denturist Association of Ontario. The keynote speaker, David Malesich of Echelon Research Group, presented highlights from recent independent research on trends in the eld of denturism in Canada conducted jointly by the two organizations.
DIAC Executive Director Rhonda Lawson was grati ed by the overwhelmingly positive feedback from delegates and exhibitors alike. “We are very pleased that Technorama 2023 was so well attended, and the Association and its members are already looking forward to next year’s event,” said Lawson.
The ADTO Board cordially invites you to this year’s ‘Solstice Soirée’ on Friday, July 14, 2023, at CLIO (600 King Street W, Toronto). The event will run from 6:00 pm to 12:00 am, with registration starting at 5:30 pm. For more information, please visit https://adto.ca/upcoming-events/adtosolstice_soiree.
Come to connect with your colleagues and others in the industry while enjoying great music, good food, and FUN! Seating is limited; please complete the registration form and return it by the due date to reserve your FREE spot – https://adto.ca/ wp-content/uploads/2023/03/CLIO-2023Registration-Form.pdf.
You are Invited to a Friday, July 14th 6pm‑12am
Introduce yourself!
My name is Elizabeth Edgar, I am 32, born and raised in Alberta, and I would describe myself as knowledge-hungry and maybe a little artsy-fartsy. I studied ne arts and then business after high school, eventually going on to work in the latter. I have always felt most comfortable in nature, so I moved to Vancouver nearly a decade ago with my partner to enjoy the endless mountains, forests, and beaches. We now live in Chinatown with our cat Buko, just a 15-minute walk to Vancouver Community College (VCC), where I am nishing up my second semester in the Dental Technology Sciences program.
What motivated you to pursue a career in dental technology?
I had wanted to pursue a new career path for a while, but I started researching new careers earnestly during the pandemic lockdown. I felt a strong urge to do something that
would improve the lives of others and began looking into various healthcare programs. It was when I watched a video of a beautiful porcelain build-up that I knew this was the career I had been looking for, where I could put my artistic skills to good use, literally building smiles.
Can you describe your experience with dental technology before entering this program?
I had braces and then a multitude of retainers throughout my teenage years and got an implant a few years back, but I didn’t know anything about how they were created. Like many folks, I had always assumed crowns, retainers, and dentures were made by dentists, orthodontists, or denturists. However, after meeting and getting to know some dentists, I found out how much was created in a lab rather than a clinic.
What has been your favourite part of the program so far? Least favourite? Each day at VCC is like exceptionally challenging craft time. I was pleasantly surprised by how much fun I had wire bending or festooning try-in dentures. But my favourite part of the program would have to be our instructors. So much hard work goes into guiding each student, preparing us for post-graduation with real-world scenarios and lessons learned in their own labs. I feel fortunate to be mentored by these dedicated and experienced technicians who are so generous with their knowledge.
My least favourite part of the program? I would have to say bubbles. The struggle of trying to remove the bubble from inside a metal coping is absolutely hellish.
Can you describe a project or assignment that you are particularly proud of and why?
We just stained and glazed our rst glass ceramic crowns, and when I put this shiny new tooth beside my rst (somewhat wonky) wax-up, I was so proud of my progress over the past eight months.
What are your short-term and long-term career goals in this field?
In the immediate future, I would like to nd a lab where I can continue to absorb knowledge and develop my technique, but eventually, I would like to work alongside my partner (who happens to be a dentist) running an in-house lab at our clinic in Maple Ridge. I have been dreaming lately about setting up a mobile lab together, travelling through rural Canada and providing complete dental care to underserved communities.
How do you enjoy spending time outside of school?
Most weekends, I’m o on some adventure with my partner, whether skiing and camping or just working our way through an ever-expanding list of amazing restaurants throughout the city. Otherwise, I’m either puttering around my little vegetable garden in the sunshine or curled up with a novel and a cup of tea to wait out the rain.
Now available in all VITA classical A1-D4® shades!
With VITA PROSTHETIC SOLUTIONS, you can expect a very natural appearance, excellent durability and great variation in the fabrication of dentures. Since 1924, VITA has combined German engineering skills with practical knowledge of dental technology for reliable and practical prosthetic solutions. VITA offers a variety of molds and shades.
(VITA classical A1-D4® and VITA SYSTEMS 3D-MASTER®)
Dental lab technology has evolved signi cantly over the last two decades. Leading labs have already adopted digital work ows and are driving the industry to follow suit.
This change towards digital work ows is driven by its advantages, such as better cost structure, production e ciency, enhanced capacity, increased accuracy, reduced turnaround time, improved patient outcomes, and better-quality dental restorations.
A key part of the digital transformation is the adoption of a digital mindset. Digital change/mindset is a tall order as it involves shifting values, norms, attitudes, and behaviours. Ultimately, everyone must understand the new direction the lab is going in. Laboratories need to buy into the transformational strategy and need strong partnerships to help make their inspiration a reality.
There are some considerations that dental labs must keep in mind before making this transition. To reap the maximum bene t of the investment in digital solutions, labs need to optimize work ows. Transitioning to digital dentistry, dental labs must consider how digital technology will integrate with their current systems and how it will a ect their work ow. Laboratories must ensure that their sta is prepared to handle these changes and that they have a plan in place to manage the transition. Ivoclar can help labs optimize and create customized digital work ows and ensure compatibility with existing traditional work ows. Technology then becomes a customized solution based on the individual needs of each lab.
• Integration with their current systems and how that a ects their current work ow.
• Sta is prepared to tackle new changes and manage a plan for this transition.
• Quality of their current equipment and software and regular maintenance protocols are in place. With digital dentistry, the accuracy of the digital impressions and the nal restoration depends on the quality of the equipment and software used. Dental labs must ensure that they are using high-quality equipment and software and that they have quality control measures in place (such as regular maintenance protocols and calibration) to
ensure that the nal restoration meets the required speci cations. Ivoclar’s e cient, exible, and collaborative work ow solutions will make daily life in your lab easier and more predictable.
Dental labs are constantly searching for ways to improve their services and increase their e ciency while maintaining high-quality standards. Investing in digital scanners and mill technology is one way to achieve these goals.
Investing in digital scanners and mill technology can o er numerous bene ts to dental labs; however, determining when to make this investment can be challenging. Before making this investment, a dental lab must consider the volume of work they currently have, the accuracy and precision of their work, potential cost savings, competitive advantage, and employee satisfaction. By carefully evaluating these factors, dental lab owners should make an informed decision about when to invest in this technology. Ivoclar’s digital equipment o ers dental labs a range of bene ts, including precision, e ciency, exibility, ease of use, integration, and consistency.
A typical lab that wants to go digital could start by investing in a scanner to enhance precision (less dependence on models) and speed up designing denture restorations. Subsequent milling processes could continue to be outsourced initially. The lab scanner will contribute to increased capacity and open the path to acquiring an in-house mill.
One of the signi cant challenges in assimilating traditional and digital work ows in a dental lab is sta training. Dental technicians need to understand the digital tools and software used in digital work ows. The digital work ow requires new hardware and software to be integrated into the dental lab’s existing infrastructure. This integration may require the purchase of new equipment and coordination between di erent departments in the dental lab. Existing protocols need to be standardized, and the procedures and protocols across the di erent work ows need to be readjusted to ensure consistent quality control processes. Finally, integrating digital work ows with other systems needs to be seamless to avoid disruption to the dental lab’s operations.
Controlling more of the work ow allows for control of the delivery time frame and provides a clear picture of the cost of each deliverable. This enables labs to develop reliable and consistent timelines for work and gives them full control of xed and variable costs to customize pricing models and maximize pro tability.
As technology evolves and develops, Ivoclar can be your education partner and provide hands-on training to maximize returns from the digital investment. We can help you build a conscious learning culture in your lab.
Ivoclar is a well-known dental equipment manufacturer that o ers a range of digital equipment for dental labs. Some key advantages of using Ivoclar’s digital equipment include the following:
Ivoclar’s digital equipment is designed to provide high precision and accuracy in the manufacturing process, resulting in consistent and high-quality restorations.
Ivoclar’s digital equipment is designed to streamline the manufacturing process, allowing dental labs to produce restorations faster and more e ciently.
Ivoclar’s digital equipment o ers a range of options for dental labs, allowing them to choose the best solution for their needs. This includes a variety of materials and work ows. Our Mills are validated for some of the best materials in the industry, like IPS e.max.
Ivoclar acknowledges ‘one size ts all’ coverage solution is not conducive and hence o ers various service contract options for all their digital equipment, allowing labs to select the one that resonates most with their needs.
Ivoclar uses ‘white glove delivery’ service to ensure a smooth, seamless, and worry-free
experience for its dental partners. When delivered, equipment is unwrapped, and all debris discarded so that the dental labs can focus on installation and training needs.
Ivoclar’s digital equipment is designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive interfaces and easy-to-follow work ows. This reduces the learning curve for new users and makes it easier for dental labs to train their sta .
Ivoclar’s digital equipment is designed to integrate with other software and equipment used in dental labs, making it easier to manage work ows and data.
Ivoclar’s digital equipment provides consistent results, ensuring that restorations meet the same high standards every time they are manufactured.
The digital transformation journey provides opportunities to achieve growth in business and diversi cation in services o ered. Ivoclar’s range of products/services can help increase production capacity and help the lab evolve with technological changes as the business grows.
Technology continues to evolve at a fast pace. Progressive companies like Ivoclar continue to innovate and develop digital solutions for small, medium, and large dental labs. With a 100-year history of technological innovation and customer support at your disposal, partnering with Ivoclar gets you the bene t of technological innovation and helps you achieve your visualized future.
Zurich, March 2023: CANDULOR hosted an exclusive customer event at the Bauwerk Köln for the presentation of the 13th International KunstZahnWerk Award
The 13th international KunstZahnWerk (KZW) competition set its participants a more than challenging task. The objective was to create a mucosa-supported maxillary and mandibular full denture based on a detailed model analysis together with a meaningful documentation. The special feature was the development of an age-appropriate, natural-looking solution adapted to the pronounced atrophy in the lower jaw. The participants could choose between the dynamic tooth-to-tooth or tooth-to-two-tooth occlusion concepts.
The entries were judged through the professional eyes of the international jury:
• Peter Lerch, Prosthodontist and Author, Switzerland
• Ste en Rohrbach, Master Dental Technician/SSOP Teacher, USA
• Steven de Maesschalck, Master Dental Technician, Belgium
The team of experts examined, screened, and evaluated the individual pieces of work. The criteria for evaluation included model assembly, model analysis, anterior and posterior tooth set-up, static and dynamic occlusion, aesthetics and workmanship, as well as the documentation.
“It is a very special honour for me to be part of this competition and the KZW tradition. And I must admit that the analog approach to high-quality prosthetics still makes the heart beat faster,” says Ste en Rohrbach.
The winners were announced during the CANDULOR event at the Bauwerk Köln on March 15, 2023. The 25 best entries were exhibited that evening, and prizes were awarded to the rst 15 Kunstzahnwerk creations. The non-cash and cash prizes, in the form of annual subscriptions, shopping vouchers, and books, were sponsored by the trade publishers Quintessenz Publishing, Verlag Neuer Merkur, Spitta, Oemus Media, mgo fachverlage, DentAvantgArt, and, of course, by CANDULOR.
Sebastian Guttenberger from Pirk (DE) won rst place. The dental technician from Zahntechnik Hierold was particularly convincing with regard to denture design and nishing and was able to outperform the other 52 entries. He received EUR 1,500 in prize money and the Gold CANDULOR Award. In fact, Sebastian
achieved a double victory, as he also took rst place for his documentation. He was overwhelmed by the ranking and appreciation of his work, especially since this was the rst time he had participated in this competition.
Second place with the Silver CANDULOR Award went to Skender Ramadani from Altstetten (CH). He received a cheque for over EUR 1,000. Additionally, he achieved third place with his documentation.
The Bronze CANDULOR Award went to Jakobus Pieter Johannes du Toit of Riverview (CA). Dr. Joanne Choi of the University of Otago accepted the Award on his behalf. He achieved second place with his documentation.
All the work pieces will be published shortly on our website. Please visit https:// www.candulor.com/en/kzw-winners-2023, where they can be viewed.
The Event – A Reunion among CANDULOR Friends
CANDULOR partners and customers were invited to the event and provided an appropriate setting for the KZW Award ceremony and its participants – a platform for a personal meeting after four years of abstinence from Cologne and the IDS.
“It was important for us to meet KZW participants and customers in person again after the 2021 Online Award. The emotions of the participants and the many direct exchanges are simply an unbeatable analog,” says Alexander Ewert, Director of Marketing & Education.
Vocal artist Sarah Barelly, well-known from “The Voice of Germany” TV show, welcomed the customers and took them through the
program in her sparkling, humorous style. After a spectacular unveiling of the best three KZW entries, Sarah Barelly closed the Award ceremony with her song “Ein Hoch auf uns” (Hurray for us). The program continued with music and the four-member a cappella band ODY-C, which encouraged guests to dance to songs from the 80s.
CANDULOR AG is a worldwide exporting dental company with its headquarters in Switzerland. CANDULOR customers bene t from a complete prosthetic system: a combination of aesthetics, design, and functionality. Together with the science-based positioning system, according to Prof. Dr. A. Gerber (Condyloform®) the physiological
positioning system (Bonartic®) forms the basis of this system. The portfolio also includes the highly aesthetic NFC+ tooth lines, products for registration and articulation, as well as for completion and characterization. Dental technicians and dentists have trusted the Swiss products for more than 80 years to meet the aesthetic demands of their patients. For further information, please visit www.candulor.com.
Boulevard Lilienthal 8
CH-8152 Glattpark (Op kon)
Tel. +41 (0) 44 805 90 00
Fax +41 (0)44 805 90 90
Agreement would enable dental labs to use Stratasys TrueDent™ denture solution with VITA-certi ed tooth shades to dramatically improve denture aesthetics
YApril 7, 2023 – VITA Zahnfabrik
H. Rauter GmbH & Co. KG, a pioneer in tooth shade precision, dental prosthetics and technology, and Stratasys Ltd. (NASDAQ: SSYS), a leader in polymer 3D-printing solutions, announced they plan to o er VITA’s certi ed, industryleading tooth shades and prosthetic expertise within Stratasys’ TrueDent monolithic 3D-printed denture solutions. The combination would provide dental laboratories with an upgraded digital colour work ow and promote higher e ciency in creating digital dental appliances.
TrueDent is a new FDA-cleared (Class II) dental resin made speci cally for the fabrication of dental appliances, including removable dentures. It is used exclusively with the Stratasys J5 DentaJet ® 3D printer.
VITA Zahnfabrik and Stratasys: A Forward-Looking Partnership
Combining Stratasys’ solution for dentures with VITA’s certi ed tooth shades and prosthetic knowledge would enable dental labs to more e ciently produce a large number of personalized restorations in the same print job. Labs would be able to print aesthetically accurate full-arch dentures with VITA’s shade standards, colour gradients, and structures to meet the restoration requirements in a completely digital work ow.
“We are thrilled to develop this partnership with Stratasys to bring our expertise in dental prosthetics and aesthetics to the table. Leveraging their unique multi-material jetting technology and advanced software features, customers would be able to select VITA-certi ed tooth shades and produce a large number of personalized, highly aesthetic full arch restorations in the same print job,” says Dr. Emanuel Rauter, CEO of VITA Zahnfabrik.
“A partnership with VITA Zahnfabrik represents an exciting opportunity to further enhance our innovative TrueDent™ monolithic 3D-printed denture solution,” says Ronen Lebi, Vice-President, Dental at Stratasys.
“With VITA’s rich experience in dental prosthetics, aesthetics, and shade precision, we believe we can set new benchmarks for aesthetics in digital denture production.”
With a focus on customer and patient satisfaction, both companies aim to provide dental technicians and denturists with the most e cient way to create digital, highly aesthetic full dentures and to continuously improve their solutions.
VITA Zahnfabrik has been developing, producing, and distributing innovative, high-quality products and restoration solutions for dental technology and dentistry for almost 100 years. Areas of expertise range from analog and digital shade determination, denture teeth
and veneering materials, press ceramics and CAD/CAM materials, and furnaces and dental materials. VITA’s focus is on the development of innovative system solutions for the functional and aesthetic reproduction of tooth structures. With scienti c expertise and targeted training programs, VITA supports and advises dental experts from more than 125 countries in their daily work.
To nd out more about VITA, please visit www.vita-zahnfabrik.com or nd us on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram.
Stratasys is leading the global shift to additive manufacturing with innovative 3D printing solutions for industries such as aerospace, automotive, consumer products, and healthcare. Through smart and connected 3D printers, polymer materials, a software ecosystem, and parts on demand, Stratasys solutions deliver competitive advantages at every stage in the product value chain. The world’s leading organizations turn to Stratasys to transform product design, bring agility to manufacturing and supply chains, and improve patient care. To learn more about Stratasys, visit www.stratasys.com, or nd us on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.
Stratasys, TrueDent, DentaJet, and J5 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Stratasys Ltd. and/or its a liates.
“With a focus on customer and patient satisfaction, both companies aim to provide dental technicians and denturists with the most efficient way to create digital, highly aesthetic full dentures and to continuously improve their solutions.”
Introducing the latest addition to Argen Canada’s lineup of cuttingedge dental products: exocad CAD/CAM dental design software. We are
thrilled to o er this powerful software to our customers, enabling them to create precise and accurate dental restorations with ease.
With exocad, dental professionals can design a wide range of restorations, from simple crowns and bridges to complex implant abutments and full-arch restorations. The software’s intuitive interface and advanced tools make the design process simple and e cient, allowing faster turnaround times and better patient outcomes. At Argen Canada, we are committed to providing our customers with the best possible products and services to help them grow their businesses and serve their patients. That’s why we are proud to partner with exocad and o er their software to our customers.
Experience the future of dental design with exocad and Argen Canada. Contact us today to learn more and get started with this game-changing software. For more information, please visit www.argencanada.com.
New user interface:
The redesigned user interface of the inLab Software now o ers extensive visual improvements as well as a harmonized appearance and user-friendly
transitions between di erent Dentsply Sirona software applications.
Scanning with inEos X5
The scanning phase of the inLab Software
provides support with a clear user interface, step menu, and interactive help – for a fast and complete scanning process.
Model Phase
inLab CAD Software guides through the model phase, generates an initial proposal for the denture baseline, and supports the automated model analysis based on proven positioning concepts.
The inLab CAD Software o ers two options for tooth set-up: the individual tooth set-up according to the biogeneric principle or the selection from a digital tooth library.
“The redesigned user interface of the inLab Software now offers extensive visual improvements as well as a harmonized appearance and user-friendly transitions between different Dentsply Sirona software applications”
CAD/CAM Dental Technician
Solaris Dental Design is looking for a full-time dental technician with experience in operating CAD/CAM scanners (3Shape or exocad), designing full crowns, bridges, implants, and tting zirconia. Minimum two-year experience. Training will be available for further skill improvements. Able to read, understand, and speak English. Willing to learn new techniques and work with minimum supervision. If you are interested, please email your resume to jobs.solarisdental@gmail.com.
Turner Dental Laboratory is looking for a dental ceramist/crown and bridge technician. his position reports directly to the crown and bridge department manager. The primary role is applying porcelain and nishing all-porcelain restorations in a professional laboratory alongside registered dental technicians and other dental technician assistants. A detailed list of duties includes waxing up full gold crowns, porcelain fused to metal units, bridges, implants, E-max restorations; nishing, using 8-10X microscopic magni cation; restoration types include PFM’s, IPS E-max®, 3M Lava™,
and porcelain veneers; communication with dental professionals, both written and oral. Permanent, full-time position is available. For more information, please contact doug@turnerdentallab.com.
For Sale
Dental Lab for Sale
Located in the sunny Central Okanagan, this pro t-generating dental lab has successfully operated for over 35 years. The lab is busier now than ever before. It employs six people and is up-to-date with all the current digital capabilities, resulting in increased e ciency and streamlined operations. The dental lab deals with all aspects of orthodontics, including but not limited to removable prosthetic appliances, cast partials, Valplast, complete dentures, sleep apnea, space maintenance, sports guards, LVI orthotics, brux guards, and more. The lab is located in a beautiful area that is everexpanding and close to all amenities, making it ideal for business operations and daily life. The owner is willing to work through the sale transition to ensure everything goes smoothly and looks forward to hearing from you! Please contact dougortho57@gmail.com for more information.
Dental Laboratory
50% Share for Sale
Great Vancouver Dental Lab with 50% share for sale. Ideal central location in Great Vancouver. Fully equipped. Dental zirconia milling machine and amp; 3D printer, including Scanner. E-max® press machine. Ready and all prepared. Reason for sale: health and family reasons. A business partner will stay and help the new partner. Serious inquiries only. For more information, please email camero2010@live.com.
Furnace for Sale
Included vacuum pump calibrated and fully functional. Good for lab backup or practice furnace. For more information, please email vandental2012@outlook.com.
Looking for new simplex articulators in any condition. Please email Alex at estheticsds@gmail.com.
Well-established full-service laboratory in Mississauga, operating for over 30 years. Looking for an experienced ceramist to join our friendly, knowledgeable team of 20+ employees. Clean, modern lab with bene ts included. For more information, please email davor@prismdentallab.com.
Experienced digital technician needed in designing crown and bridge, night guards/ occlusal splints. We are a well-established full-service laboratory in Mississauga, operating for over 30 years. Come join our friendly, knowledgeable team of
20+ employees. Clean, modern lab with bene ts included. For more information, please email davor@prismdentallab.com.
Commercial dental laboratory is seeking employment of an experienced dental technician. Duties include scanning, designing, milling, and tting crown and bridge restorations. Also designing, printing, and nishing night guards. The candidate will also assist with full and partial denture fabrication. Three years of experience as a dental technician is required. Pay is $24 to $30 per hour based on experience and ability. Full-time position (36-40 hrs/wk). Please send resume and cover letter to beyond@bell.net.
We are a well-established full-service laboratory in Mississauga, operating for over 30 years. Looking for an experienced metal technician to join our friendly, knowledgeable team of 20+ employees. Clean, modern lab with bene ts included. For more information, please email davor@prismdentallab.com.
Lab for Sale
Mississauga West Lab for sale in Mississauga West close to highways, business operating over 15 years. Updated equipment and well maintained, as seen in the pictures at https://adto.ca/advert/labforsale. Also, 5 NSK and 2 Kavo handpieces. Supplies and smaller equipment are not listed. Serious inquiries only! Please call for more information 416-402-9900.
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