Indiana NewsLeaks Spring 2022

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NewsLEAKS 2022-03-07

10:34 AM



INAWWA Annual Conference April 11-14, 2022

Indianapolis Marriott Downtown

INSIDE: Direct from the Director • Committee Reports

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| SPRING 2022


Table of Contents Indianapolis_125310052.pdf



9:55 AM


P.O. Box 127 Brownsburg, IN 46112 Office: 866-213-2796 Fax: 866-215-5966

INAWWA Annual Conference

2021-2022 Board of Directors

April 11-14, 2022 | Indianapolis Marriott Downtown

CHAIR Jeff Cunningham 800-255-1521

23 27

Save the Date

Water Institute 2022 | December 6 – 8, 2022

French Lick Springs Hotel and Conference Center

Steel Pipe Interior Coatings for Transporting Potable Water – Types and Considerations


2021 Annual Partner Sponsors


Message from the Chair


Direct from the Director


District Reports


Committee Reports


Agency Updates


In Memory


Upcoming Events & Activities


Advertiser Product & Service Center


Published by

2022 © All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express consent of the publisher.

VICE CHAIR Jaimie Foreman 317-379-3115 PAST-CHAIR Ed Nugent 800-662-0829 DIRECTOR Chris Harrison 260-494-3223 SECRETARY-TREASURER Neal McKee 765-648-5420 ASSISTANT SECRETARY-TREASURER Larry McIntosh 812-569-2467

Departments Tel: 866-985-9780 Fax: 866-985-9799

CHAIR-ELECT John Crider 260-589-2811

Managing Editor: Megan Funnell Design/layout: Tracy Toutant Marketing Manager: Dave Gill Advertising Co-ordinator: Stefanie Hagidiakow

TRUSTEE – SMALL SYSTEMS NORTH Troy Elless 765-366-2996 TRUSTEE – NORTHWEST DISTRICT Derek Snyder 219-844-8680 TRUSTEE – NORTHEAST DISTRICT Ben Eldridge 574-642-3733 TRUSTEE – CENTRAL DISTRICT Ryan Smith 317-773-2249 TRUSTEE – SMALL SYSTEMS SOUTH Mark Schmitter 812-876-2658 TRUSTEE – SOUTHWEST DISTRICT Shawn Kluesner 812-678-5781 TRUSTEE – SOUTHEAST DISTRICT Julie Berry 812-296-0112

Indiana Section AWWA thanks our …

2022 ANNUAL CONFERENCE SPONSORS whose generosity helps support INAWWA in its mission of service to Indiana’s water and wastewater utilities throughout the year.






Message from the Chair Jeff Cunningham, Chair

Welcome to the 2022 Annual Conference


am pleased to welcome everyone back to Indianapolis for our 2022 Annual Conference. This is our first full Conference in over two years. While we were fortunate enough to have a scaled-down Annual Conference in 2021, it was not the same as being able to put on the full show. Our Section staff and volunteers have put together a great program with a full slate of educational opportunities this year. In addition to the classroom presentations, there are Exhibit Hall presentations as we have done in the past. The MAC has once again worked to fill the Exhibit Hall and we are encouraging everyone to visit and see the latest sales and service offerings. As we did in 2020, Wednesday’s lunch will be provided in the Exhibit Hall. Don’t forget that our return to a normal conference is highlighted with great networking opportunities. Tuesday evening is the Fuller Reception, followed

by several after-hours events, then Wednesday evening is our Social Hour Meet and Greet. Thank you to our Section staff, the Committees, and the individual volunteers that have worked so hard to put this Conference together. To say the least, the last two years have been difficult and many of the logistics and planning hurdles to putting this Conference on have changed. Our team has been energetic and focused on bringing everyone back, and we cannot thank them enough. As my term as your Section Chair ends, I send my thanks and appreciation to the individuals that work tirelessly to provide education and support for all of our members. Lastly, a friendly reminder for everyone to consider volunteering with the Section. From the Districts, through all of our committees, there are countless ways to pitch in. I promise you: the experience itself and the friendships that you will make will be worth it.



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Direct from the Director Chris Harrison, Director

Time to Act


any of us are aware of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, or H.R. 3684 (also called the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill or BILL) that Congress passed in early November 2021; however, you may not understand the positive financial opportunity the Bill provides to our State’s water and wastewater infrastructure. This article highlights key points of the new law and how the funds will be appropriated. To be honest, I haven’t seen this level of funding in my 35-year utility career. Since the Bill’s passing, attention has turned to implementing the new law, I’m pleased to say that the additional funds will be administrated by the Indiana Financial Authority (IFA), through the existing State Revolving Fund (SRF) program. Many of us have worked with the current staff with IFA. If not, please contact me and I will direct you to the appropriate contact. As we walk through the key points from the AWWA Legislative update, remember that the funding is outlined at the federal level. *Please note that the amount that each state is scheduled to receive has not been released at the time of writing this article. Stay in your seats people!

replacement, with 49% to be in the form of grants or loans with principal forgiveness; no state match required; $3 billion annually for FY2022-2026. • $4 billion to be channeled through the drinking water SRF for emerging contaminants, all in the form of grants or principal forgiveness. • $5 billion to deal with emerging contaminants in economically distressed communities. • $1.126 billion annually in additional funding for the drinking water SRF through FY2026. • $1.6 billion annually in additional funding for the wastewater SRF through FY2026. I had to reread how the funds are being appropriated. To be honest, I couldn’t believe what I was reading. $11.713 billion for drinking water SRF; 49% of the funds

to be in grant or loans with principal forgiveness for both water and/ or wastewater infrastructure improvements? $15 billion for lead service line replacement, with 49% to be in the form of grants or loans with principal forgiveness. If you are reading this article, you need to act! Access to these funds does require planning. A good portion of the funding will require planning within your community and will follow the traditional funding process through IFA. I’m excited about this funding opportunity and look forward to connecting with you, should you have any questions about the funding process. Best, Chris Harrison INAWWA Director

Drinking Water Appropriations • $50 million annually for WIFIA programs for FY2022-2026. • $11.713 billion for the drinking water SRF; 49% to be in the form of grants or loans with principal forgiveness; only 10% state match required in FY2022 and FY2023 (the wastewater SRF program got an equal amount). • $15 billion for lead service line






| SPRING 2022


District Reports

Northeast District Ben Eldridge, Trustee

District Officers President – Chad Plummer Vice President – Bill Carpenter Secretary – Brad Semon Trustee – Jeff Boyle

Two workshops are being planned for spring 2022: • May 5 – Decatur • June 23 – Location TBD Mark your calendar to be sure you can attend!

Mark your calendar to be sure you can attend!

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District Reports

Southwest District Shawn Kluesner, Trustee The Southwest District is working hard to offer an assortment of great training events in 2022. There are two events currently planned, with one additional training opportunity in the works for September: • March 29 – Huntingburg Tour the Huntingburg Water Treatment Plant Expansion and Solar Energy Project • September 14 – Location TBD District Fall Meeting • September (Actual date(s) to be determined) – Dubois Hands-on Valve Training workshop *Please note that attendance will be limited, so be on the lookout for workshop dates to be released in the near future.

We are water resource experts who help committed leaders make sure their water is safe + managed + future-proof.

Small Systems Trustee – South Mark Schmitter, Trustee Everyone in the water industry is being impacted by continued concerns of the labor shortage and difficulties in obtaining needed materials in a timely manner. Small systems with limited resources need to make sure to keep a close eye on inventory, and plan for longer lead times for supply delivery. Maintain good relationships with your supply house salesman. This can help you predict which items are most impacted and need to be ordered ahead. If you are interested in learning more about how all parts of the industry are being impacted by supply chain issues, please attend the Supply Chain Impacts session at our 2022 Annual Conference. This session will include representatives from many different sectors of the industry, who will discuss this issue and provide information about how you can plan for delays and maintain positive relationships through this challenging time.

More than 1,000 water systems across the U.S. have drinking water that fails safety standards for lead.

More than six million people living in rural communities have water contamination problems.

*facts via Imagine a Day Without Water/Value of Water Campaign

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| SPRING 2022


Committee Reports

Water For People Committee Emily Nelson, Chair The Water For People Committee is thankful for the volunteers, sponsors, and supporters who helped fundraise in 2021. During the 2021 fiscal year (ended as of September 30), the Indiana Section raised and donated a total of $111,429.53 to Water For People! Volunteers Needed We need additional volunteers to serve on our event committees. Our World Water Day Event Committee and Silent Auction Event Committee each have a very small group of volunteers who are responsible for planning and organizing, securing sponsors, spreading the word, and hosting. To keep these events occurring in 2022 and beyond, we need more help! Please share your time and talents with our committees in support of a great cause! If you are interested, please email us at, and to let us know which event(s) you would like to volunteer.

Upcoming Events The Water For People Committee has begun planning events for 2022! Below is our list of spring events. For more information, visit our webpage at or contact the Committee at World Water Day, Indianapolis, IN Celebration of the effect access to clean water has on people around the world.

March 2022

Silent Auction at the Indiana Section AWWA Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN A variety of items will be available for. The highest bidders will get to take home their item(s) that day!

April 2022

Visit our webpage at water-for-people or contact the committee at waterforpeople@ for more information.

26th Annual Indiana Section AWWA Golf Outing John Crist, Chair Save July 27, 2022, on your calendar for this year’s Golf Outing at Eagle Creek Golf Course in Indianapolis. Your involvement will help bring water and sanitation services to millions worldwide through the Water For People organization and help new Indiana water and wastewater utility operators obtain their licenses through the One AWWA Operator Scholarship. Look for more details at a later date.





Committee Reports

AWWA Competitions are Back Shaun Shifflett, Chair The AWWA National Competition Committee made big strides recently. One of the biggest changes is the name for the meter competition. Going forward, we will be hosting the AWWA Meter Challenge event. At all the Fall District meetings in Fall 2022, we will conduct the AWWA Meter Challenge competitions to decide who will go to French Lick and represent each District in the state-wide AWWA Meter Challenge at Water Institute in December. The winner at Water Institute will represent the Indiana Section at the 2023 ACE Conference in Toronto, Canada in June 2023. Hydrant Hysteria will be also held at Water Institute in

French Lick. The winners at Water Institute will go to the 2023 ACE Conference in Toronto, Canada in June of 2023 to represent the Indiana Section. Meters being used for the 2022 district competition will be provided by Zenner. Please be on the lookout after July 4, 2022, to see how you can get a practice meter. If you need any assistance, please contact me (Shaun Shifflett) at 219-462-6174 or Think you have what it takes to compete? All winners at the 2022 competitions must have a valid passport: ACE2023 will be taking place in Toronto, Canada.

Operator School Committee Chris Johnsen, Chair The Operator School Committee is planning to have Operator School up and running in 2022. The intention is to have classes starting at the beginning of August, and running through October. The exact dates, times and locations are to be determined. We are continuing to look at ways to make Operator School more accessible. Please watch the Indiana Section AWWA news releases and website for updates. In addition to the upcoming class, there are many other ways to study outside of the Operator School using the tools and resources available from the AWWA. There are many books and virtualresources available through AWWA's website all year. The Indiana Section also provides and

promotes the Exam Cram series to aid future operators. If you are interested in serving on the Operator School Committee, have questions about Operator School, or suggestions on how we can better serve, please contact me at

There are many books and virtual resources available through AWWA's website all year.

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| SPRING 2022



Committee Reports

Silent Auction and Raffle Committee For the Benefit of Water For People Judy Gripp, Chair Great news! We have some wonderful people that have stepped up and volunteered to help with the Silent Auction and Raffle at the Annual Conference. Thanks to Ryan Sidler, Citizens Energy; Carla Mann, MS Consultants; and Brian Neilson, HWC Engineering, we will be restoring our tradition of hosting a silent auction and raffle for the benefit of

Water For People at the Annual Conference. This year, the Silent Auction tables will be in the Exhibit Hall, so please stop by and bid on all the wonderful items. We look forward to seeing you there! Please contact me at to volunteer or for more information.

Please stop by the Exhibit Hall and bid on all the wonderful items.

Membership Committee Mark Brace, Chair New Member Update During the months of November, December and January, the Indiana Section AWWA added 44 New Members. Named Representative Members Jerry Austin – Huntingburg Utilities Anna Bogan – Kaiser Aluminum Warrick Alfed Cooper – City of Oakland City Kristen Guggenheim – Alcoa – Warrick Randy Hughes – Town of Wakarusa Roger Kelso – Columbus City Utilities Leonard Payne – Dublin Water Works Greg Shimansky – Indiana American Water Gregory Shook – Rushville City Utilities Roger Terry – Town of Bourbon Tena Woenker – Avilla Water Department Student Members Rasul Diop – Purdue University Chelsea Modlin – Lawson-Fisher Association Operations and Administrative Members Douglas Baird – Brown Co. State Park Tim Bertram – Straeffer Pump & Supply, Inc. Chad Blakely – Blackford Co. Sheriff Don Dietrich – Straeffer Pump & Supply, Inc. Scott Lee – Allen Co. Reg. Water and Sewer Tom Ramsey – Ramsey Water Company Steve Smith – Arcadia Water Steve Smith – University of Notre Dame Charles Tice – City of Fountain City


Individual Members Robert Benjamin – Danville Water Company Tim Browder – Danville Water Company Jacquelyne Byland – Indiana American Water Co. Leslie Day – Columbus City Utilities Marko Dodig – Acipo American Flow Control Jeff Dzurovcak – Town of Dyer John Gillard Paul Glotzbach – United Consulting Dan Halverstadt – Indiana American Water Co. Chris Hughley - M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. Alexander Indrutz – Indiana American Water Co. Sara Mamuska – Morris – Citizens Energy Group Stacie Meyers – Indiana American Water Co. Dave Pahl – Michigan City Department of Water Works Ricardo Paredes Robert Reynolds – LWG CPA’s and Advisors Joseph Shikany – 120 Water Audit Amrit Singh – Indiana American Water Co. Gene Tonetti – Water Systems Management Zach Wright – Ford Meter Box Co., Inc. Utility Member Kaiser Aluminum Warrick, LLC Indiana Section Membership Snapshot Utility Members – 309 Individual Members – 1,170 Service Providers – 14 Total Section Membership 1,493




Committee Reports

Hurty Awards Each year, the Indiana Department of Environmental Management presents the John N. Hurty Service Award to individuals having 25 or more years of service with one or more Indiana public water utilities. This Award is presented each year at the Indiana Section AWWA Fall District meetings. The Indiana Section Executive Board feels that this Service Award continue to be a valuable recognition to long-serving public water utility employees; therefore, the Indiana Section volunteered to provide administration of the John N. Hurty Service Award. Please review your records and advise us of your staff

who may qualify for the John N. Hurty Award. The Conditions Governing Presentation of the John N. Hurty Award can guide you in those qualifications. We will need the employee’s name, date of employment, years of employment, utility (or utilities) (and contact information) and Indiana Section AWWA District. Please review your records annually and submit this information to the Indiana Section AWWA or to Jeremy Beckner at, no later than June 1 of each year. Any nominations received after June 1 will be put on the list for the following year, unless the nominee has 30 or more years of service.

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| SPRING 2022


Committee Reports

Awards Committee We are pleased to invite you to attend the INAWWA's annual Awards Presentation. This event will take place immediately following the membership business portion of the 2022 Annual Conference Membership/Awards Lunch on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 from 12:00-1:30 p.m. at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown. Please join us to see your fellow members

recognized for significant achievements in the water industry. The following awards will be presented: • Besozzi Awardee • Gambold Education Fund Awardees • Hoosier Water Award • Bonna Burns Award

Nominations Committee Chris Harrison, Chair The Nominations Committee – consisting of Director, Chris Harrison; Past Director, John Seever; Chair, Jeff Cunningham; Past-Chair, Ed Nugent; Northwest Trustee, Derek Snyder; Northeast Trustee, Ben Eldridge; Central Trustee, Ryan Smith; Southwest Trustee, Shawn Kluesner; Southeast Trustee, Julie Berry; Small & Rural System Trustee North, Troy Elless; and Small & Rural System Trustee South, Mark Schmitter – met to review potential candidates to hold office on the 2022-2023 Board of the Indiana Section AWWA. After careful consideration, we are proud to present and recommend the following slate of Officers for the 2022-2023 Indiana Section AWWA Board: • Director (Continuing, year two of three-year appointment) – Mr. Chris Harrison, Commonwealth Engineers • Chair – Mr. John Crider, City of Berne • Chair-Elect – Ms. Jaimie Foreman, City of Carmel Utilities • Vice Chair – Ms. Cathy Lance, Peerless Midwest • Secretary-Treasurer –Mr. Neal McKee, City of Anderson • Assistant Secretary-Treasurer – Mr. Larry McIntosh, Jackson County Water


Small & Rural Systems Trustee North – Mr. Justin Shaffer, Town of Monroe • Small & Rural Systems Trustee South – To be announced at a later date *Moving to Past Chair will be Jeff Cunningham, M.E. Simpson Company. We anticipate a vote on this slate of officers at the Annual Conference Membership Business Meeting to occur on Tuesday, April 12, 2022, at approximately 12:25 p.m., during the Membership Lunch at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown (325 W Maryland Street, Indianapolis, IN 46225). This meeting will be held in Indiana Ballrooms E-H (located on the 1st Floor). Please try to attend this meeting. Each active member representative or Indiana Section Member will be allowed one vote. Conference registration is not required to attend. If you would like to be considered for future leadership opportunities, on either the Section or District level, please contact me at Thank you for participating in this important process – this is what makes the Indiana Section great.




There’s nothing quite like working with others to find solutions to shared challenges. AWWA members are a community of water professionals who are dedicated to the world’s most important resource. AWWA membership allows you to expand your network of industry professionals, access valuable resources, and advance your career. Take advantage of this opportunity and join for free today!

Committee Reports

Meet Jeremy Hardy, P.E. New Chair of the Small Systems Committee Jeremy Hardy is a Project Manager based out of Commonwealth Engineer’s Fort Wayne Office. He graduated from Trine University in 2007 with a B.S. in Civil Engineering and has 15 years of experience with the planning, design, and construction services of all aspects of water distribution and treatment facilities and wastewater collection and treatment facilities.

Jeremy is a company partner, heads Commonwealth’s Operations Assistance Team, and is a member of various water resource organizations, including the Water Environment Federation (WEF), Indiana Water Environment Association (IWEA), and the American Water Works Association (AWWA). Jeremy has been married for 14 years and has two pre-teen daughters (currently accepting prayers) who keep him busy coaching softball and basketball. The family also enjoys camping, horse-back riding, and time at the lake.

Meet Kurt Wanninger New Chair of the Utility Management Committee Kurt Wanninger is a Senior Engineering Project Manager at Wessler Engineering assisting communities with their water, wastewater, and stormwater needs. He has over 30 years of project management and utility experience within the State of Indiana with both private and public professional experience. Prior to joining Wessler Engineering, Kurt was an Operations Manager in the Center of Excellence and Sr. Engineering Project Manager for Indiana American Water Company in Greenwood, Indiana. Additionally, he served in government for 16 years and was a Public Works Director for one of the fastest growing communities in Indiana. He earned an MBA from Indiana Wesleyan University in 2006 and earned his bachelor’s degree in Biology from Indiana State University in 1992. In addition to his education, he is certified through the Indiana Department of Environmental Management with a DSL Water Works Certificate and a Wastewater Class II Certification. Interest in the Utility Management Committee My interest in this Committee is providing knowledge and resources for those, not only new to the utility industry, but also to help utility managers that have been in this industry for years keep up with the ever-changing challenges associated with water and wastewater industries. Management at any level in this industry carries significant responsibility and mangers need to have a set of complex skills and abilities in their toolbox. Whether the challenges are related to a changing work force, evolving regulatory changes, asset management, or financial; utility managers continually need to expand on their personal knowledge, refine management skills, and share knowledge. I look forward serving on the Utility Management Committee to


help provide value added learning opportunities and resources for utility managers across Indiana to improve their management skills and expand on their personal knowledge.





Committee Reports

Meet Ginger Davis New Chair of the Source Water Protection Committee Research Geologist, Indiana Geological & Water Survey, Do you remember when you were a kid and every time it rained? It was like you were in a whole new world. The sky changed. Your favorite spot in the backyard turned into a completely different place with puddles to slosh around and areas to dam or move water. Even the grass and ground changed. You felt like you were sinking into the land with every step. The creeks swelled with new colors and more energy that created excitement. Once the rain was over, where did it all go? Well, I guess I never really grew up, because all those aspects of water still fascinate me along with all the other remarkable characteristics. My name is Ginger Davis, and I am a research geologist with Indiana Geological and Water Survey. I work with water resources because I have always been impressed by water, the fact that it is essential to all life, its impressive erosive powers, its mysterious paths it takes across land and below the surface, and how it can be cleaned just by moving through the ground along with all the advances in science and engineering. Water is part of me and so I have dedicated my life to studying it, creating methods to clean it, and working with people to care for it. I started my career in geology at Indiana State University so I could understand where water comes from, how it moves, and what it picks up along the way. After finishing a master’s in geology with a focus on hydrology from Indiana University, I was dedicated to helping people understand their impact on the

water resources from everyday activities. That only whetted my appetite to further my understanding of water resources. I realized that there was so much more to learn and understand. I decided that I would also like to learn how to clean water to provide that essential quality we all seek. This led me to a master’s degree in Civil Engineering where I worked with water and wastewater treatment, along with stormwater runoff, mine drainage, and other contaminated water concerns. In my early career, I worked with the DNR Division of Water developing water resource information for the state and being part of the early groundwater monitoring program. I moved to work for the Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District, where I started one of the first private well resource networks in the state. Through that network, I could help guide property owners in methods to safeguard their own water by caring for what they did on land. I was able to talk with agricultural producers about protecting water resources, and with industries to help them address stormwater runoff. Now with the Indiana Geologic and Water Survey, I will be adding significant content to our understanding of groundwater resources and working on a better way to address water run-off and erosion at the surface. I look forward to working with the real heroes, those who provide clean drinking water to my fellow Hoosiers around the state. I am excited about chairing the Source Water Protection Committee and look forward to working with you. On those occasions where you want to bounce an idea of someone about water, I invite you to contact me at

Water is part of me and so I have dedicated my life to studying it, creating methods to clean it, and working with people to care for it.

Find us online 20

| SPRING 2022


Agency Updates

IDEM Drinking Water Updates If you are a certified drinking water operator and would like to become a certified Level 2 Assessor for the Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR), you can now complete an online Level 2 Assessor training course by registering at RTCR Level 2 Assessment Training Registration ( If you complete the training, pass the test, and receive confirmation from IDEM in writing with an individual RTCR Assessor certification number, you may then perform Level II Assessments at facilities equal to or below your level of certification (For example, a WT3 operator may assess WT1, WT2, and WT3 level facilities). *If you are not currently an active certified drinking water operator in the State of Indiana, but you still want to be considered for approval as an RTCR assessor, contact 317-234-7430 and request to speak to someone about your applicable qualifications. If you are submitting Monthly Reports of Operation (MRO) be sure they are attached as a PDF file and titled correctly. There has been a change in how you are to name the file. MRO File Naming Protocol: PWSID#_01_YYYYMM • *The _01_ is the Entry Point number. • If you have multiple entry points under the same PWSID they will now need to be submitted as separate PDF files, each with their individual Entry Point number (_01_ or 02 or 03, etc.). No additional characters are allowed. Please be aware that MROs are considered public documents. Do not include any sensitive information in them such as well location/addresses, flow schematics/plant drawings, or any other potentially sensitive information. Only include what is required by 327 IAC 8-11-1. MROs must be sent to You may download a fillable MRO form at our Forms website ( and search using form number 34609. IDEM’s Drinking Water website has free continuing education opportunities listed at IDEM continues to conduct educational outreach concerning the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR). Initial inventories will need to be provided to public stakeholders, as well as IDEM by October 16, 2024. Water systems should be mindful of the major requirements of LSLI as they continue development:


1. LSLI must be publicly accessible and include location identifiers (e.g. 52nd Street #1 – Confirmed non-lead). 2. Service line material categories must include lead non-lead and unknown but may also include any other service line materials. 3. If a galvanized service line is, or ever was, preceded in the distribution system by a LSL, then it must be considered a LSL for the purposes of LSLI. 4. Both the water system, and customer-owned portions of the service line must be included in the LSLI. 5. Lastly, the LSLI will be a dynamic resource, as it must be updated at a frequency that matches a water system’s lead and copper compliance monitoring schedule. Given the amount of information needed to develop LSLI, IDEM has emphasized that proactive work on this by water systems will be essential for success. The inclusion of both the utility and customer-owned portions of the service line in the LSLI is indicative of a major shift in strategy by EPA towards proactive measures to get the lead out. Further, collaboration between water systems by sharing successful strategies will add to the robust materials concerning LSLI best management practices. If you have any questions, please contact Hayden King at or 317-234-0893 or Stacy Jones at or 317-234-7454. Electronic Submission of Drinking Water Results: In 2021 IDEM mandated that all Indiana State Certified Drinking Water Labs submit all sample results electronically, either through the Compliance Monitoring Data Portal (CMDP) or Electronic Sample Entry (ESE). • After you submit your samples for analysis, it is imperative to review if your sample was received by IDEM by utilizing the Drinking Water Watch website ( • IDEM begins running compliance determinations on the 10th day of the following month after each monitoring period. • If your sample(s) do not show received on Drinking Water Watch, please contact the lab that analyzed your sample(s) and request that they submit the results to prevent monitoring and reporting violations. • If you have any questions or are experiencing issues with CMDP or ESE, please contact Jennifer Campbell at 317-234-7457 or




Agency Updates

IDEM Wastewater Compliance and Water Enforcement Branch Updates IDEM’s Office of Water Quality’s Compliance and Enforcement Branch is engaged with IDEM’s Information Services team on a complete overhaul of the system for permittees and reporters to submit Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) and bypass reports to IDEM. The new system is being designed as a website portal-based system where permittees and reporters can log in to submit SSO/bypass reports. The system will seamlessly upload reports to IDEM’s Virtual File Cabinet and will also populate the data into a database tracking system. This system may go live mid-spring 2022. Wastewater Operator Renewals will be mailed by April 29, 2022, for all expiring on June 30, 2022. Alert: Wastewater Operators who expired June 30, 2021 have

until June 30, 2022 to complete their requirements, or they will have to pass the exam to obtain another license. Letters were mailed to those who are still expired as of January 2022. Contact hour requirements are based on three years, not two years. Any questions, contact Tonja Fuller-White or 317-233-0479. Pam Grams, the Compliance Data Section’s manager for NPDES compliance at municipal and domestic dischargers has retired after 33 years of dedicated service to the State of Indiana. Her last day was January 28, 2022. If you frequently contact Pam for compliance reporting purposes, please be aware that her email is longer be active. Please email your compliance reports that you would have otherwise emailed to Pam to this general email inbox:

The new system will seamlessly upload reports to IDEM’s Virtual File Cabinet and will also populate the data into a database tracking system.

Indiana Department of Natural Resources Updates Deferral of Continuing Education Hours by the DNR Due to past restrictions on in-person continuing education programs, the requirement for submittal of continuing education hours by the end of 2020 for the renewal of 2021 Indiana water well driller and pump installer licenses has been deferred for two years by the DNR, Division of Water. This deferral provides well drillers and pump installers the opportunity to obtain and submit their continuing education hours for renewal of their 2021 licenses by the end of calendar year 2022. Please be aware that contractors will still be required to obtain their continuing education hours during the 2021-22 cycle to renew licenses for 2023. As a result of this deferral, licensed contractors will need to demonstrate completion of double the amount of required continuing education hours obtained during the four-year period of 2019 through 2022, in order to renew 2023 licenses.

Please be aware that no other license requirements have been deferred by the DNR, and well driller and pump installer licenses must still be renewed each year at a cost of $100.00. DNR, Division of Water Welcomes Elizabeth Adkins Elizabeth Adkins has recently been hired as an Environmental Scientist with the DNR, Division of Water and will be administering Indiana’s water well driller and pump installer licensing program, as well as completing other duties. Elizabeth obtained her bachelor’s degree in Biology from Ball State University in 2014 (Go Cards), and has worked several summers as a Seasonal Keeper at the Indianapolis Zoo. For information regarding licensing and continuing education for drillers and pump installers, please contact Elizabeth at or 317-234-1085.

Please be aware that no other license requirements have been deferred by the DNR.


| SPRING 2022


INAWWA Annual Conference April 11-14, 2022 Indianapolis Marriott Downtown

CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS (a.k.a. Blue Coats) Blue Coats are needed on Tuesday and Wednesday from 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. each day* *For as long as you are available; you don’t have to commit to the entire day. To volunteer, please contact Cara Lance-Emerick at

INAWWA Annual Conference Technical Program TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 2022 INDIANA BALLROOM A-D



8:00 to 8:15 a.m.

INAWWA Annual Conference Opening Session, sponsored by 120Water

8:15 to 8:45 a.m.

Visiting AWWA Dignitary Randy Black, AWWA Vice President

8:45 to 9:30 a.m.

Keynote: Dr. Andrew Whelton, Purdue University Water System Impacts: The 2021 Marshall Fire, Colorado's Most Destructive Fire in History

9:30 to 10:15 a.m.


Break – Visit the Exhibit Hall


Operations and Maintenance


Financial Management

Safety and Communication

10:15 to 10:45 a.m.

Restoration of Obsolete Pumps to Like New Condition

Technology within AMR/AMI Systems – Practical and Real-Life Applications

Utility Federal Funding Update and Planning Strategies

Indiana Dig Law

10:45 to 11:15 a.m.

Presented by Jim Kennedy and Terry Thorne, Horner Industrial Group

Presented by Ben Christiansen, Utility Supply Company

Presented by Jeff Rowe, Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC

Presented by Steve Baker, Baker Utility Partners

11:15 to 11:45 a.m.

Corrosion Protection for Water Mains

Large Meter Shared Risk Contract, Meter Selection, and Results

Credit Ratings Post-Pandemic: Factors and Strategies to Maintain or Strengthen Your Rating

The Important Role of Communication and Relationships During a Fiber Build Project

Presented by Pete Wamsley, Beam, Longest and Neff

Presented by Ben Groeneweg, Fort Wayne City Utilities

Presented by Jessica Eckerle Lynch and Susan Reed, Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC

Presented by Chuck Muller, MetroNet

12:00 to 1:30 p.m.


Membership Lunch/Awards Presentation, sponsored by Beam, Longest & Neff




INAWWA Annual Conference


INAWWA Annual Conference Technical Program continued TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 2022 continued INDIANA BALLROOM A-D





Addressing Contamination

Lead and Copper

Planning for Success

Wastewater and Stormwater

1:30 to 2:00 p.m.

Water Softener Hydrocarbon Contamination and Decontamination by Flushing

Innovative Techniques for Advancing the City of Bloomington's Service Line Materials Inventory

The Importance of Good As-Built Drawings

IDEM Wastewater Updates

Presented by Caroline Jankowski, Purdue University

Presented by Tyler Steury, City of Bloomington and Rebecca Slabaugh, Arcadis

Presented by Brian Mundy, Beam, Longest and Neff

Presented by Becky Ruark and Rob McLaughlin, IDEM

Strange Geographies and Water Models: Master Planning Tool to Predict Needed Water System Improvements

The Value of Wastewater Collection System Modeling

Presented by Nathan Kassebaum, Kimley-Horn

Presented by Yan Duan, Greeley and Hansen

Let's Talk TANKS... Infrastructure Asset Management

Reality Check: Optimize and Save

2:00 to 2:30 p.m.

2:30 to 3:00 p.m.

Water Contamination Response and Recovery: Lessons from the Field and Gaps You Should Expect

The Countdown Begins – Preparing to Meet the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions

Presented by Dr. Andrew Whelton, Purdue University

Presented by Tom Bruns, 120Water

Presented by Gregory CJ Stein III, Tank Industry Consultants 3:00 to 3:45 p.m.

Presented by Jeremy Hardy and Natalie Schelling, Commonwealth Engineers

Break – Visit the Exhibit Hall The State of the Industry (the Business)


Storage Solutions

Water Quality: Utility and Customer-side

AWWA Standards and Manuals Supporting Water Storage Tank Inspection and Cleaning

When You Install a New Water Softener, How Much Chemical Does it Leach into Your Drinking Water?

Presented by Colleen Burrows, Tank Industry Consultants

Presented by Lauren Gustafson, Purdue University

3:45 to 4:15 p.m.

Impacts of Supply Chain Disruption Across the Water Industry Presented by Jeff Jones, Bargersville Utilities; Chris Durnil, Bowen Engineering; Steve Gress, Donohue & Associates; Tom Drown, EJ; and Jason Fraser, Utility Supply Company

4:15 to 4:45 p.m.

4:45 to 5:15 p.m.

Using Machine Learning to Optimize Water Treatment in Preoxidation and Coagulation

The Role of Smart Tanks in Distribution Water Quality Management

Presented by Carlos Williams, Hach Turbidity History, Measurement Principles, and Current Technologies

Presented by Tom Caulfield, UGSI Solutions

Presented by Kevin Forsman, Swan Analytical USA 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Fuller Reception – Indiana Ballroom, sponsored by Bastin Logan Water Services and Wessler Engineering

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 2022 INDIANA BALLROOM A-D Track 8:00 to 8:30 a.m.



Lead and Copper

Source of Supply

Emerging Contaminants – Keeping up with the Regs

Cybersecurity and Requirements for IDEM Sanitary Surveys

Revised Lead and Copper Rule Case Studies

Water Availability in Central Indiana

Briefing on EPA's PFAS Strategic Roadmap

Presented by Travis Goodwin and Lucio Ternieden, IDEM

Presented by Dr. Emily Tummons, Black & Veatch

Presented by Dr. Jack Wittman, INTERA

Presented by Yan Duan, Greeley and Hansen

Cybersecurity and Emergency Preparedness


8:30 to 9:00 a.m.

9:00 to 9:30 a.m.

INWARN/Emergency Preparedness Committee: Pandemic Response and Recovery

GIS and GPS Resources for Revised Lead and Copper Rule Compliance

Presented by Dawn Keyler, Wessler Engineering and Jaimie Foreman, City of Carmel Utilities

Presented by Joe Madej, Seiler Instruments

From Pit to Plentiful: Transforming a Quarry to a Water Reservoir

Presented by Jordyn Marshall and Stéphane Jousset, Arcadis

Update on PFAS Analytical Methods and UCMR5

Presented by Nathan Trowbridge, Eurofins Eaton Analytical U.S. EPA Regulatory Process Presented by Stacy Jones, IDEM

9:30 to 10:15 a.m.


Break – Visit the Exhibit Hall

| SPRING 2022



Case Studies

10:15 to 10:45 a.m.

Damming Solution for the 33rd Street Water Intake Presented by Joseph Teusch and Amanda White, Greeley and Hansen

10:45 to 11:15 a.m.

The Water Line that Couldn't Be Forgotten Presented by Chris Kuhn and Tina Wolff, Kokosing Industrial

11:15 to 11:45 a.m.

Partnering with the U.S. Navy: A Guide to Effective, Long-Term Water Storage Tank Maintenance on a Global Scale





Innovating to Increase Efficiency and Save Money

Planning for Success

Hello, I am with the FBI. Can we Talk? The Reality of Cybersecurity Presented by Chris Johnsen, Michigan City Department of Water Works; J.D. Henry and Steven Broniarczyk, Cyber and Infrastrucutre Security Agency

Asset Management – Going Beyond Your AMP

Sustainability and Resiliency

Presented by Joseph Feathers Jr., Elkhart Public Works and Utilities

Presented by Robert Page, HNTB Corporation

Your Favorite Tool You Didn't Know You Needed: Using a Digital Work Order System to Get More Done

Easement Acquisition 101

Presented by Steve Unger, Bose McKinney & Evans, LLP

Presented by Josh Hawley, Ziptility

Presented by Aman Anand, Tank Industry Consultants 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.

Lunch – Exhibit Hall, sponsored by S & K Equipment Company


Water Quality

Regulatory Insights

Innovating to Increase Efficiency and Save Money

1:30 to 2:00 p.m.

Enhanced Process Optimization, Both In and Outside the Fence

Lead Service Line Inventory Requirements

FlexiRiser Drop Pipe – Saving Money Pumping Groundwater

Keeping It Clean: How Watershed Protection Through the 319 Nonpoint Source Pollution Program Protects Our Drinking Water Sources

Presented by Amanda Canida and Dr. Emily Tummons, Black & Veatch

Presented by Stacy Jones and Hayden King, IDEM

Presented by Angelica Rogers, Hose Solutions, Inc.

Presented by Maggie Sullivan, Lake Monroe Watershed Coordinator

Distribution System Water Quality Improvements with Implementation of Active Tank Mixing


Presented by Tom Caulfield, UGSI Solutions

Presented by Mitt Denney, IDEM

How a Microgrid Can Make Water and Wastewater Utilities More Sustainable

For-for-Purpose Guidance for Conducting Pipe Studies to Inform Corrosion Control Treatment

IDEM Drinking Water Updates

One Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Treatment: Source Water Protection Programs from Beginners to Seasoned Programs

2:00 to 2:30 p.m.

2:30 to 3:00 p.m.

Presented by Jim Shaw, Solential Energy, LLC; David Berty, Trane; and Greg Martz, GM Development Companies

Source Water Protection

Presented by Ginger Davis, Indiana Geological and Water Survey

Presented by Rebecca Slabaugh, Arcadis

Presented by Matt Prater, Liz Melvin, Anthony Tobias and Lucio Ternieden, IDEM


Recovering Water Loss

Small Systems Forum

Capital Planning

Managing Assets

3:45 to 4:15 p.m.

A Case Story of Improved Water Metering, 6% Monthly Gain in Revenue

Understanding the True Cost Pricing of Water

Sustainable Tank Inspection Considerations

Presented by Chuck Gray, City of Mount Vernon and Matt Brown, HydroCorp Meter Sales

Presented by Doug Baldessari, Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC

Presented by Todd Schaefer, Dixon Engineering, Inc.

3:00 to 3:45 p.m.

Break – Visit the Exhibit Hall

Small Systems Forum

4:15 to 4:45 p.m. Using Your Utility's Water Audit to Make Operational Decisions 4:45 to 5:15 p.m.

Presented by Jeff Cunningham, M.E. Simpson Company, Inc.

5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Presented by Vicki Perry and Mike Novac, Indiana Rural Community Assistance Program

Decision Framework for Optimizing Capital Expenditures of Aging Facilities Presented by Amanda Canida, Black & Veatch

Valve Exercising and Assessment

Financial and Capital Planning

Presented by Aaron Horbovetz, M.E. Simpson Company, Inc.

Presented by Deen Rogers and Scott Hadler, Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC Social Hour Meet and Greet – Indiana Ballroom, sponsored by Lochmueller Group

THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2022 MARRIOTT BALLROOM 7-10 7:30 to 8:30 a.m.

Breakfast, sponsored by 120Water


Updates, Meet the IDEM Commissioner!

8:30 to 10 a.m.

Legislative and Regulatory





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Code Updates In-Service Cleaning NEW TANKS — Rick DiZinno (270) 826-9000 ext. 2601

EXISTING TANKS — Jordan Pyles (270) 826-9000 ext. 4601

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STEEL PIPE INTERIOR COATINGS for Transporting Potable Water – Types and Considerations By Lake H. Barrett Jr., Corporate Business Development Manager, KTA-Tator Inc.

INTRODUCTION Potable water frequently traverses through steel pipe so that it’s delivered safely and economically; however, since steel will corrode over time, when in contact with water, the interior of the pipe is coated or lined. This article discusses testing procedures and the types of coatings that are frequently used to line water pipe, including their inherent advantages and limitations. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN AN INTERIOR COATING AND A LINING The McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms generally defines a coating as any material that will form a continuous film over a surface. A lining is described as a material used to protect inner surfaces as of tunnels, pipe, or process equipment. In the pipe industry vernacular, the term “coating” is often referenced for the exterior surface of the pipe and “lining” is the term used


to distinguish material on the internal pipe surface. With that being said, an interior coating may suggest a thinner applied material compared to a lining that is often a thicker applied material; therefore, an interior coating can be applied as a lining, and a lining is a type of coating. INDUSTRY STANDARDS FOR INTERIOR COATINGS FOR POTABLE WATER In North America, water treatment and distribution products are required to comply with National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) International – The Public Health and Safety Organization. 48 U.S. states have legislation, regulations, or policies requiring potable water system components to comply to NSF/ANSI 61; meanwhile, 11 Canadian provinces/ territories have similar compliance regulations. NSF/ANSI 61 sets health effects criteria for many water system components, including:

• Protective barrier materials (cements, paints, and coatings). • Joining and sealing materials (adhesives, caulks, lubricants). • Pipes and related products (pipe, hose, fittings). • Mechanical devices (water meters, valves, filters). • Plumbing devices (faucets, drinking fountains). • Process media (filter media, ion exchange resins). • Non-metallic potable water materials. NSF SE 9857 is a specification for special engineered products and requirement for internal epoxy pipe coatings produced specifically for use on the interior of metallic potable water pipe as applied by a mechanical means. The specification establishes the minimum testing, marking, and in-plant Quality Control (QC) requirements for epoxy coatings to be used on the internal surfaces of potable water pipe.




Specifications written to protect owner assets often include requirements of material conformance to American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards for coating systems to be used on the interior of water transmission pipe. Currently, there are 23 approved standards under the auspices of AWWA’s Steel Pipe Committee. Of these standards, 14 deal with coatings and linings that are available for the protection of metallic pipe, and five are applicable to linings of water transmission pipe. Distinct AWWA testing standards exist for each type of lining: C203 – Coal-Tar Enamel Lining for Steel Water Pipelines. C205 – Cement–Mortar Protective Lining and Coating for Steel Water Pipe 4-inch (100 mm) and larger – Shop Applied. C210 – Liquid-Epoxy Coating System for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines. C213 – Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines. C222 – Polyurethane Coatings for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipe and Fittings. All AWWA steel pipe coating standards are based on the maximum service temperature of potable water. The purpose of the standards is to provide the minimum requirements for coating systems for the interior of steel water pipelines, including material, application, inspection, testing, handling, and packaging requirements. TESTING REQUIRED TO DETERMINE SUITABILITY FOR CONTACT WITH POTABLE WATER NSF/ANSI 61 is a health effects standard that evaluates the level of contaminants that leach from the products into drinking water, rather than setting prescriptive limits on content. This differs from U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements that are based on prescriptive content requirements. NSF/ANSI 61 requires analysis for any chemicals that leach from a material into drinking water and it requires a toxicological evaluation of chemical


| SPRING 2022

concentrations to ensure that they are below levels that may cause potential adverse human health effects. The toxicological evaluation criteria are based on lifetime exposure to the concentration of contaminants in drinking water. NSF toxicologists perform a formulation review of each water contact material to determine any possible ingredients, contaminants or reaction by-products that may potentially leach from the material into drinking water. This formulation review then determines the battery of chemical analyses that will be performed on a particular material. The testing of the finished product is performed by exposing the product to pH 5 and pH 10 waters and analyzing for regulated metals such as antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium (including chromium VI), copper, lead, mercury, selenium, thallium and nickel. The product is also exposed to pH 8 water which is tested for organic chemical contaminants that could leach out into the water. The certification process covers two separate applications: ambient/cold water use, which is tested at 23°C, and domestic or commercial hot water use, which is tested at 60°C or 82°C.

COMMON INTERIOR COATING TYPES There are five common types of interior coating or lining material for steel potable water transmission pipe: coal tar enamel, cement mortar, liquid-applied epoxy, fusion bonded epoxy (FBE), and polyurethane (PU). Each of these lining technologies have inherent advantages and limitations. Additionally, each interior coating type has installation requirements for surface preparation and application.

Coal Tar Enamel – The coal tar pitch, which forms the basis for the coal tar enamel (CTE), consists of stable molecules that are formed during cooking operations at about 1,300°C. The fillers and coal add flexibility and strength to the product. The strong molecular arrangement provides CTE with the characteristics necessary to produce pipeline corrosion protection. These can be summarized as follows: • Water resistant – negligible water absorption and vapor transmission. • Stable chemical structure – resistant to acid and alkali. • Resistant to cathodic disbonding – most pipelines are protected using impressed current or sacrificial metal anodes; CTE is resistant to the alkaline environment formed at exposed metal surfaces. • High electrical resistance – even after two years’ immersion in water, the electrical resistivity remains 1014 -ohm cm3. • Adhesion – forms a strong permanent bond to the steel surface. • Resistant to attack by bacteria, marine organisms and root penetration. Shortages in the availability of qualified applicators, increasing costs, challenges of worker exposure during application, concerns of leachability of trace contaminants into the potable water, and effects on human health have contributed to the decline in usage of coal tar enamel, specifically in the United States. Application considerations: Surface preparation is critical to CTE performance, and application of the CTE requires an understanding of its limitations during cold-weather and high humidity. Coal tar enamels generally require heating and continuous agitation of the material during application, and the enamel is required to be maintained moisture and dirt-free during application. Cement Mortar – Cement mortar linings provide long-term protection at a low cost, and remain one of the standard linings for potable water pipes.


A major benefit with cement mortar is the ease of application. The mixing and application of mortar is straight forward, leading to low risks in application. Cement mortar linings provide active protection of the steel pipe by creating a stable hydroxide film at the steel-mortar interface. The corrosion protection is referred to as active, because it provides protection even where there are discontinuities in the lining. Cement mortar linings have a track record of conveying water for extended periods to required water quality standards, and currently meets all applicable standards throughout the world. Cement mortar does not support microbiological growth. The actual cement application of cement-mortar linings is performed by pumping or pouring a high slump cement mixture onto a slowly rotating length of pipe. The rotating speed is then increased, creating centrifugal forces that level out the wet mortar to a uniform thickness. Continued spinning removes the excess water and compacts the mixture to a dense and solid surface. After the spinning process, the lining is cured either by moist air at ambient temperature or by an accelerated process using steam. Like concrete, cement-mortar linings can develop drying cracks, but these cracks will self-heal when the lining is wet. Wetting the cement lining also causes the lining to swell, which increases strength and adherence. Cementmortar linings can add significant stiffness for resistance to deflection forces. The strength of the mortar lining may be added to the strength of the steel when calculating stiffness. Soft, aggressive waters, as well as prolonged contact with heavily chlorinated water, may be detrimental to cement-mortar linings. Cementmortar linings perform best when flow velocity is 20 feet per second or less. In situations where the conveyed water is aggressive and the flow rate is low (resulting in a long residence time), a high pH can develop with cement mortar lined pipe. Cement-mortar linings add considerable weight and


reduce the available flow volume of a transmission pipe. Liquid Applied Epoxy – The liquid applied epoxy lining systems may consist of any of the following three types: • A two-part, chemically cured epoxy primer and one or more coats of a different two-part, chemically cured epoxy topcoat; • Two or more coats of the same two-part, chemically cured epoxy coating; or • a single coat of a two-part, chemically cured epoxy coating. Epoxy linings have excellent water and chemical resistance properties. They can be applied at various thicknesses and are factory applied to provide a dielectric lining. Bonded dielectric lining systems can be applied as either a single or a multiple-coat process. They are tough, resilient, and extremely abrasion resistant, making them a lining choice for high internal velocity service environments. Epoxy linings do have some limitations that must be considered prior to application. A critical performance factor to all linings is the surface preparation of the metal. In most cases, SSPC-SP 10/ NACE No. 2 near-white blast with a nominal surface profile of 2-3 mils) is required for proper adhesion. Minimum curing times and temperatures must also be closely followed, and can range from hours to days depending on the formulation. Epoxies are typically applied by airless spray or brushed on to the pipe. They are considered barrier linings, requiring 100% continuity to achieve corrosion protection. Any discontinuity can result in corrosion; unless a cathodic protection system is employed on the pipeline. With proper surface preparation, controlled application, and conformance to strict curing procedures, thin-film epoxies can provide a strong, resistant, durable lining. Fusion Bonded Epoxies – Fusion bonded epoxies are a one part, heat curable, thermosetting epoxy. FBEs are applied to heated parts in a powder form (10-40 mils) that rapidly gels from liquid to

a solid, have excellent adhesion to the steel surface, and are very resilient coatings that resist damage during handling. FBEs are considered environmentally friendly since they contain no volatile organic compounds (VOCs). FBE should be applied immediately following the heating process to avoid excess pipe cool down (if the pipe cools below 450°F the FBE may not fully cure). The powder is generally applied using semi-automated application rings, electrostatic guns or flocking units to a minimum thickness of 14 to 16 mils. The FBE material is generally applied in several passes of 2 to 5 mils and should always be completed in an expedient manner to avoid lamination. The FBE will usually be dry to the touch in less than a minute and be fully cured within three minutes or less depending on the formulation of the material. Handling and testing commences once the applied coating cools to approximately 200°F. Polyurethane – The aromatic polyurethanes are 100% solids materials that contain no VOCs. Polyurethane linings are typically applied at 20 mils minimum thickness; however, thicker lining applications are possible. Specific to the internal surface of potable water pipes, polyurethane materials have the following advantages:

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• Fast curing – ensures economy of high production rates and efficiency. • Excellent adhesion to ferrous and properly prepared steel surfaces. • High impact resistance. • Effectively protects pipe from corrosion. • Lower lining thickness is required compared to other technologies, and hence pipe design can be more efficient, reliable and economical as the wastage factor will be reduced, and pipeline capacity is higher for the same size of pipe. • Reduced head loss and pumping losses due to a smoother internal surface of the pipes. • Longer economic life as deterioration due to erosion cavitation is low. There are some limitations associated with polyurethane material when used for lining steel water transmission pipe. Polyurethanes require heated, pluralcomponent equipment and qualified, experienced applicators. Polyurethane

coatings require that the host pipe be thoroughly cleaned and for in-service pipe that includes removal of hard deposits, nodules, scale, corrosion and other debris and be substantially dry prior to application of the coating to ensure good adhesion between the liner and the pipe wall. Voids and blisters may form if the pipe is not properly prepared and there is a potential for uneven liner thickness due to inconsistencies in dual material component pumps associated with the application equipment. SUMMARY In an effort to provide safe drinking water, coating materials intended for contact with potable water are evaluated for of the level of contaminants and chemicals that leach from the products into drinking water. The coatings products typically are coal tar enamel, cement mortar, liquid-applied epoxy, fusion bonded epoxy (FBE), or polyurethane (PU) and all are initially


required to have a toxicological evaluation of chemical concentrations. NSF toxicologists then perform a formulation review which determines the battery of chemical analyses that will be performed. Lastly, the finished product is tested by exposing the product to pH 5 and pH 10 waters and analyzing for regulated metals. Each of the coating types have inherent performance and application advantages and challenges which should be considered when selecting a coating for the intended service environment. KTA-Tator Inc. is an employee-owned consulting engineering firm founded in 1949. We specialize in providing quality assurance services within the water, chemical and transportation market. These services include analytical, physical and NDE testing labs; engineering design and support; cathodic protection; coatings and welding inspection review. Office locations: IN, KY, TN, & WV 317-347-3650

Water Well Design & Installation Well & Pump Testing/Maintenance Well Cleaning & Rehabilitation Well Field Testing & Exploration Water Filter Plant Services Hydrogeological Services Fire Wells




| SPRING 2022


In Memory

Eugene "Gene" L. Amlin OCTOBER 5, 1931-FEBRUARY 3, 2022


ugene “Gene” L. Amlin passed away on Thursday, Februay 3, 2022, at his winter residence in Leesburg, FL. He was born on Octobrt 5, 1931, in Bascom, the son of Francis and Esther (Hohman) Amlin, and was a 1949 graduate of Calvert High School, Tiffin. He married Wilberta Ann Hamilton, also of Tiffin, on October 7, 1954. They moved to Muncie in 1964. Eugene graduated from Heidelberg College in Tiffin with a B.A. in biology and B.S. in math. His senior year he captained the football team and was named an all-Ohio tackle. He was inducted into the

Heidelberg Athletic Hall of Fame in 2008. Mr. Amlin acquired a Professional Engineers Certificate and held utility managers positions in Newark, Ohio, and Muncie and Marion, Indiana. He joined HNTB an environmental engineering firm in Indianapolis before retiring in 1998. Until recently he continued part-time employment as a consultant for the Muncie Sanitary District and the city of Portland, IN. He served as president of the Indiana Section of the American Water Works and Water Pollution Association. He served on the Water Federation Executive Board in Washington, D.C. He served as president

of Muncie United Way and chairman of their fund drive. He was also a Rotary Club member and he received the Jaycees Distinguished Service Award in 1968. He received the Gold Water Drop Award in 2010 for 50-plus years of membership in AWWA. Eugene made a tremendous impact on the industry and was loved and respected by all who knew him. He will be dearly missed in the water community.

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Upcoming Events & Activities Please visit our website – – for details and registration information. Water and Wastewater contact hours to be approved by IDEM. Well Driller and Pump Installer hours to be approved by IDNR, as applicable. Professional development hours (PDHs) for engineers are available, as applicable. Other workshops are being planned, so please check our website regularly, or call our office at 866-213-2796 for updates. If you are interested in conducting or hosting a webinar or workshop, please let us know. March 29, 2022

Southwest Spring District Meeting – Huntingburg, IN

April 11 – 14, 2022

Indiana Section AWWA’s 114th Annual Conference – Indianapolis, IN

April 12, 2022

INAWWA Membership Business Meeting – Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN

April 26, 2022

Joint Utility Management Conference – Indianapolis, IN

April 28, 2022

Southeast Spring District Meeting – Lawrenceburg, IN

May 5, 2022

Northeast District Workshop: New Water Plant – Decatur, IN

June 2, 2022

Operator Symposium North – Winchester, IN

June 21, 2022

Exam Cram, Part 1 – Virtual

June 23, 2022

Exam Cram, Part 2 – Virtual

June 23, 2022

Northeast District Workshop – Location TBD

June 28, 2022

Exam Cram, Part 3 – Virtual

June 30, 2022

Operator Symposium South – Huntingburg, IN

July 7, 2022

Water: What Do You Know – Virtual

July 27, 2022

INAWWA Golf Outing – Eagle Creek Golf Course, Indianapolis, IN

July 30, 2022

Water For People Sunset Cruise – Syracuse, IN

August 10, 2022

Annual Operator Bootcamp – Peru, IN

August 27, 2022

Water For People 16th Annual 5K Run/Walk

September 8, 2022

Northeast Fall District Meeting – Kendallville, IN

September 14, 2022

Southwest Fall District Meeting – Linton, IN

September 21, 2022

Work Zone Safety Training Workshop – Chandler, IN

September 27 – 28, 2022

SW District Workshop: Control Valve Training (Singer Valve) – Dubois, IN

October 11, 2022

Work Zone Safety Training Workshop – New Castle, IN

December 6 – 8, 2022

Indiana Section AWWA’s Annual Water Institute – French Lick, IN

To host an event, please contact Staci Orr Gardner (








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| SPRING 2022


Advertiser Product & Service Center NewsLeaks is made possible by the companies below who convey their important messages on our pages. We thank them for their support of INAWWA and its publication and encourage you to contact them when making your purchasing decisions. To make it easier to contact these companies, we have included the page number of their advertisement, their phone number, and, where applicable, their website. You can also go to the electronic version of NewsLeaks at and access direct links to any of these companies. COMPANY

AMERICAN Ductile Iron Pipe American Structurepoint, Inc. Arcadis U.S., Inc. Bastin-Logan Water Services Beam, Longest and Neff, LLC Commonwealth Engineers, Inc. Curry & Associates, Inc. Dixon Engineering, Inc. E.J. Prescott Ford Meter Box Company George E. Booth Co., Inc. Gripp, Inc. GRW Engineers, Inc. Hawkins Hi-E-Dry Store / Alden Pool HWC Engineering Jones & Henry Engineers, Ltd. Kokosing Industrial, Inc. M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. McMAHON Midwestern Engineers, Inc. Mission Communications, LLC Oldcastle Infrastructure Ortman Drilling & Water Services Peerless-Midwest, Inc. Pittsburg Tank & Tower Group, Inc. Preload, LLC S & K Equipment Company, Inc. Strand Associates, Inc. SUEZ Advanced Solutions (Utility Service Co., Inc.) Waller's Meter, Inc. Water Solutions Unlimited, Inc. Wessler Engineering


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205-325-7701 317-547-5580 317-231-6500 317-738-4577 317-849-5832 317-888-1177 317-745-6995 616-374-3221 800-357-2447 260-563-3171 317-247-0100 317-896-3700 317-347-3650 765-288-8930 877-242-7156 317-347-3663 419-473-9611 317-891-1136 800-255-1521 219-462-7743 812-295-2800 877-993-1911 888-965-3227 765-459-4125 574-254-9050 270-826-9000 888-PRELOAD 812-886-0245 812-372-9911 855-526-4413 888-485-7018 800-359-3570 317-788-4551


NewsLEAKS To reach water quality professionals through News Leaks magazine and its targeted readership, contact Dave at your earliest convenience to discuss your company’s promotional plan. Dave Gill, Marketing Manager Toll Free: 866-985-9791,





TIME RUNNING OUT FOR YOUR AGING INFRASTRUCTURE? Kokosing turns the clock back by repairing, rebuilding and upgrading critical water assets while keeping your system online.

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CURB SERVICE BOXES Covers available in cast iron or injection molded plastic

VALVE PROTECTION Non-conductive solid plastic injection molded base with Polyiron top section will not damage or chip the coating on mains or valves. White interior reflects light for clearer visibility.

Marking options available Magnetically locatable

LIGHTWEIGHT & HIGH-STRENGTH Components are one-third the weight of cast iron, reducing installation time and risk of injury. Material is easy to modify and cut to length in the field and will not crack, rust or seize.

Screw type or slip type designs for curb stops through 2 1/2”

MADE IN THE USA For further information contact:

Utility Solutions, Inc. | 740-369-4300 |


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