Slim Fit & Healthy

Page 1

NEW! launch issue

Secrets to sticking to your weight-loss plan




Ilove my e r u g i f m i tr


Make life fun again

Read Laura’s inside amazing story



lan p l a e m y il a d r u o y with

Get great legs with 5 easy moves GIVE YOUR MEALS A HEALTH BOOST



What you need in your kitchen

Joined a gym?

How to get the most out of your membership


meal planner

y h lt a e h r u o y r fo s e ip c e R meal plan are on pages 16-22

Day 1 Breakfast

Top tips for a healthier breakfast ● Intermittent fasting You don’t have to eat breakfast if you are not hungry. There is some fantastic research and results from those who intermittent fast, not just for weight loss, but it also gives your body time to repair and boost the immune system. This does not have to be restrictive. Eat your evening meal and then ‘fast’ naturally until mid to late morning to ensure around 12-16 hours without food. You don’t have to do this every day but it may become second nature. ● Embrace healthy fats Avocado is full of natural, healthy fats and is really filling. Mashed avocado on rye or low carb bread is delicious. 14 Slim, Fit & Healthy | Issue one

Greek yoghurt is packed with protein, keeping you fuller for longer – add a handful of berries and some chopped nuts for an instant but filling breakfast. ● Cereal Breakfast cereals can be full of sugar which can give you a sugar spike and leave you craving more mid to late morning, but we all think they are convenient. Think about a healthier option such as my On-the-run Mini Frittata Muffins which can be made in advance and can be frozen. Fill up with eggs – scrambled egg done in a non-stick frying pan can take less than a minute to prepare. Pancakes can be made in advance and heated when needed.

Mashed avocado on sourdough or rye toast


Tuna and egg salad


Chicken roasted with Mediterranean vegetable


● If you have any avocado left over from breakfast, add this to your lunchtime salad. Drizzle with lemon juice to help prevent it going brown. ● For the roast chicken, simply roast the chicken (whole or pieces) with a selection of courgettes, peppers and onions, drizzled with a little olive oil. You can also use cooked chicken for the Nutrient-rich Chicken Curry for day 3.

Day 2 Breakfast On-the-run Mini Frittata Muffins



Southern Fried Chicken Salad


Courgetti Bolognese

● Double or triple the Bolognese recipe and store in the freezer for other meals. ● Double the muffin recipe, using up any vegetables and cheese in your fridge. These freeze really well and are also perfect for a quick lunch with salad. ● Make Day 3’s Chia Porridge this evening and


Day 3 Breakfast

Chia Porridge topped with blueberries



Roasted Tomato Soup with sourdough or rye bread

Essential shopping list Dinner

Nutrient-Rich Chicken Curry with broccoli/ cauliflower rice

● Double up the Roasted Tomato Soup recipe and freeze in individual portions. This is a really delicious and filling soup. ● Double up the Chicken Curry recipe and freeze in portions. It freezes really well. Remember to defrost completely before reheating.


Natural yoghurt, berries and chopped nuts

Day 4 Lunch

Tuna and Egg Salad


Moroccan Chicken Tagine


● The Moroccan Chicken Tagine can be made in the slow cooker: simply add all the ingredients and cook on low for 6-8 hours. Double the recipe if you want to create more portions to freeze. ● Remember to soak the Chia Porridge overnight for tomorrow’s breakfast. ● Remember to take your Tomato Soup out of the freezer for tomorrow’s lunch

Day 5 Breakfast

Chia Porridge topped with raspberries or blueberries



Roasted Tomato Soup with sourdough or rye bread


Salmon Fishcakes with Hot Courgette, Red Onion, Chilli and Spinach Salad

● These Salmon Fishcakes are delicious and freeze well. Place parchment between each fishcake before placing in your freezer bag.

Fruit and vegetables 1 avocado Punnet of blueberries Punnet of raspberries 1 aubergine 4 chillies 1 fresh ginger 1 bunch of spring onions 2 lemons 6 courgettes 200g baby leaf spinach 100g green beans 1.5kg tomatoes 5 red onions 2 bulbs of garlic 7 peppers 5 carrots 7 sweet potatoes 75g mushrooms 1 head of broccoli or cauliflower Salad ingredients x 3 Coriander leaves Thyme sprigs Dill Tarragon Store cupboard 50g red lentils 400g tin of chickpeas Olive oil Balsamic vinegar Sundried tomato puree Tomato puree 2 x 400g tin of

tomatoes 2 tins of tuna Chia seeds Mixed chopped nuts Polenta Herbs and spices Curry powder Oregano Paprika Turmeric Cumin Cinnamon Ground ginger Parsley Chicken seasoning Tarragon Thyme Garlic granules Onion granules Celery salt Salt & pepper Meat, fish and dairy Milk Butter Natural yoghurt 12 eggs Pot of mascarpone 100g cheese 2kg chicken 100g lardons 400g mince beef 400g salmon fillets Loaf of sourdough

The shopping list will provide: ● 6 Savoury Muffins ● 2 servings of Chia Porridge ● 6 servings of Roasted Tomato Soup ● 4 Servings of Southern Chicken ● 6 Servings of Bolognese ● 4 fishcakes ● 4 servings of Nutrient-rich Chicken Curry ● 6 servings of Moroccan Chicken Tagine ● 1 serving of avocado on toast ● 2-4 tuna and egg salads ● 2-4 servings of roast chicken and Mediterranean roasted vegetables.

Issue one | Slim, Fit & Healthy 15

worsening health problems motivated laura to lose weight

“There are just so s many advantage to being slim and that keeps me motivated.�

fact file Name: Laura Arnold Age: 57 Height: 5ft 4 inches Weight before: 16 stone 8lbs Weight now: 10 stone 8lbs Dress size before: 20-22 Dress sizae now: 12-14 Total weight loss: 6 stone

26 Slim, Fit & Healthy | Issue one

YOUR sUccess | slim dOwn

e n o t s x i s g n Losi really has ! e f i l y m d e g n cha YOUR S UCCESS STORIES

Laura Arnold had struggled with her weight all her life. Now she’s lost six stone and discovered how to keep herself slim


“I knew I needed to get my health back together.” It was a mounting pile of health concerns that prompted Laura to try slimming down again. “I had health problems, I wasn’t feeling right and I was the wrong side of 50 – I knew I needed to get my health back together.” “I was in town one day, looking around, and noticed the elderly

laura has found new confidence and zest for life to accompany her slimmer figure!

people that were out and about. All of them were slim. None of them were overweight. It sounds terrible but I thought to myself: ‘That’s because all the fat old people have passed away or they’re stuck indoors!’ I knew I had to do something.” Laura suffers from Achilles tendonitis and she knew the excess weight wasn’t helping her condition. “I kept being told losing weight would help, so I thought I’d try to lose some before my next appointment.” She decided to join weight-loss club Rosemary Conley Online, together with

her husband Steve. “It was a real help,” Laura explains. “He was very supportive and happy to do it with me. He had a bit of a beer belly, but now he’s a stone lighter than he was.”

“I had more motivation to lose weight” Despite having tried to lose weight on numerous occasions before, this time was different for Laura. “I was just able to keep going and was Issue one | Slim, Fit & Healthy 27

Make-up: Liz Beckett; Hair: Esther Sweeney-Rowe; Clothes: M&S

t the age of 57, Laura Arnold finally feels in control of her weight. “I’ve been overweight all my life,” she explains. “We moved to a new area when I was nine years old and that’s when I started being the ‘chubby’ girl.” Childhood was tough for Laura, and as the ‘chubby’ girl grew into her teens and early adulthood, her weight increased too. And increasingly, Laura used food to cope with any stress or unhappiness. “I dealt with everything through emotional eating.” At her heaviest, Laura weighed 18 stone. She tried numerous diets, but was never able to lose more than a couple of stone, and – inevitably – she would regain the weight.

Words: Tori Perrot Photographs: Ian Hooton

Broccoli and Watercress Soup Light and refreshing, this is an excellent vegan cleansing soup. The addition of cashew nuts gives the soup a creamy texture and provides extra protein and healthy fats too. ❤ HealtH benefits Cashew nuts have a delicious buttery flavour and are a rich source of energising nutrients including B vitamins, copper, zinc, magnesium and iron. Studies have shown that replacing animal fats and proteins with the mono-and polyunsaturated fats found in cashews is an excellent way to manage your weight and support heart health too. Broccoli and sprouting broccoli are incredibly nutrient rich vegetables. Adding broccoli which is rich in fibre, to your meals is an easy way to improve digestive health and keep hunger pangs at bay. Broccoli also provides iron, magnesium and B vitamins - all vital nutrients to boost energy levels.

34 Slim, Fit & Healthy | Issue one

Per serving 230 kcal, 14g fat (2.6g saturates), 10.6g carbs, 5.5g sugars, 11.7g protein, 7.8g fibre Serves 2 Prep time 15 minutes Cooking time 13 minutes ingredients  2tsp olive oil  1 garlic clove, chopped  1 white onion, chopped  300g broccoli, broken into florets  500ml vegetable stock  Pinch of sea salt  Freshly ground black pepper to taste  30g watercress  1tbsp lemon juice  40g cashew nuts  To serve: 2tbsp yoghurt or coconut yoghurt

MetHod 1. Heat the coconut oil in a medium pan over medium heat. Add the garlic and onion and sauté for 2 minutes or until just soft. 2. Add the broccoli and cook for 3-4 minutes, coating in the oil. 3. Pour in the stock and season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, lower the heat and cover. Cook for 6-7 minutes or until the broccoli is just tender. 4. Pour the soup into a blender with the watercress, lemon juice and cashew nuts and puree until smooth. 5. Reheat in the pan. Spoon into bowls and swirl with a little yoghurt to serve if wished.

Pomegranate Lamb Tagine with Cauliflower Rice Making your own cauliflower rice is easy and a healthy way to reduce carbohydrates in a dish while providing additional bulk and fibre to keep you feeling satisfied. This is a fabulous slow cook dish which can be prepared ahead of time and reheated when needed. A handful of dried apricots provides a little natural sweetness which complements the richness of the lamb. ❤ HealtH benefits Lamb is a wonderful, energising, protein-rich food. Consuming sufficient protein at each meal will help you feel fuller for longer and help stabilise blood sugar to prevent energy dips later in the day. Lamb is also rich in energising iron, B vitamins and zinc to keep your brain sharp.


Per serving 374 kcal, 18g fat (8.3g saturates), 22.8g carbs, 18.4g sugars, 27.2g protein, 5.8g fibre Serves 4 Prep time 20 minutes Cooking time 1 hour 40 minutes ngredients  450g lamb, cut into chunks  Cornflour for dusting  Pinch of sea salt  Black pepper to taste  1tbsp coconut oil or olive oil  1 large red onion, chopped  2 garlic cloves, crushed  1/2 tsp fresh root ginger, grated

 2tsp ground cumin  1/2 tsp turmeric  1 1/2 tsp ras el hanout spice mix  200g butternut squash, cut into cubes  500ml lamb or beef stock  1 x 400g can chopped tomatoes  60g ready to eat dried apricots  2tbsp pomegranate molasses  Chopped parsley  2tbsp pomegranate seeds  1tsp red wine vinegar For the cauliflower ‘rice’  Head of small cauliflower, cut into florets  1tbsp olive oil  2tbsp vegetable or meat stock  Sea salt to taste  Black pepper to taste MetHod 1 Dust the lamb in cornflour and season. Heat the coconut oil in a large casserole dish. Sear the meat until golden, for about 5 minutes. Remove from the pan. Fry the onions, garlic and ginger for 5 minutes then add the remaining spices. 2 Return the meat to the pan and add the butternut squash, stock and tomatoes. Bring to the boil then add the apricots and molasses. Cover and simmer for 1 1⁄2 hours until the meat is very tender. Sprinkle over the herbs and pomegranate seeds. Drizzle with the red wine vinegar. 3 While the tagine is cooking make the cauliflower rice. Place the florets in a food processor and pulse to break up the cauliflower into rice sized pieces. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Add the cauliflower and cook for a few seconds to coat in the oil. Add a splash of stock. Cover and cook for 5 minutes. Season to taste. 4 Serve the tagine with the cauliflower rice. Issue one | Slim, Fit & Healthy 35

My fitness week Personal trainer and mum-of-three Helen Delaney shares her approach to fitness My weekly exercise consists of three HIIT and Insanity classes, which I lead. I go for a long

jog once a week either on my own or with a friend but never with music! I love having that time to think and clear my mind. I also do two strength training sessions a week. These are either bodyweight exercises or with actual weights.

I love kettlebells. They are an

I became a personal trainer in 2012. I’d gone back to work as a

Working up a sweat in one of Helen’s classes

amazing workout. HIIT sessions are so energising and satisfying. And my run – I love being out in the fresh air with no interruptions. It’s just you and your thoughts.

marketing manager after babies one and two and they got to a certain age where it just became too difficult. I’d be in a board meeting in London and get a call from nursery saying one of them was ill and could I pick them up. I decided it was time for a change, so turned my hobby into a career.

I usually work out six times a week. I’m lucky as I run classes as well

as personal training sessions, so these form part of my own workout sessions. 72 Slim, Fit & Healthy | Issue one

of day I’m working out. This is called exercising in a fasted state and has some fat burning health benefits. I wouldn’t advocate it for everyone though – we’re all different and it depends what works for you. Otherwise, I’d have a protein shake, handful of nuts or a banana.

A typical day’s food for me when I’m training would start

with a protein shake in the morning as it’s quick and easy, then home-made soup or a roasted vegetable salad at lunchtime. I might have some nuts if I need a snack, then an evening meal like chicken and vegetable stir-fry or salmon and roasted vegetables.

The best thing about my work is the incredible job satisfaction I get. You’re helping

people achieve their goals and changing how they feel about themselves. It’s fantastic seeing people’s confidence grow as they get back in shape, or see someone who’s completely unfit get the fitness bug. My clients are so appreciative but I always tell them that they’re the ones who have done all the hard work!

I specialise in pre and post-natal fitness and weight-loss. I remembered after I’d

had my first child it was so difficult to find somewhere to work out with a baby – you don’t necessarily want to leave them in a crèche or they might be too young for it. So I created The Fitness Room, a private gym where people could come and bring their little ones, or just enjoy exercising somewhere in private. A lot of people don’t feel confident going to a public gym after having a baby or if they want to lose weight. They don’t want people looking at them or they find it intimidating – especially all the men grunting in the weights section!

I often exercise on an empty stomach, depending on the time

My biggest fitness challenge

My top fitness tip

Get a pedometer or fitness watch and make walking and counting your steps part of your everyday life. It’s really motivating tracking how many steps you’ve taken and you can get competitive with yourself as you try to beat yesterday’s total! Anyone can do it and there are no excuses for not walking more. ● Helen Delaney runs The Fitness Room in Reigate,

was running the London Marathon which has to be up there with one of the best days of my life. It was an amazing experience. Next up, I’d like to beat the personal best I achieved in this year’s Run Reigate 10k race. It’s going to be a tough one!

I love to have people over for dinner with good food and wine. I

absolutely adore cooking and do eat well. If clients see me in the supermarket they sometimes make excuses for what’s in their shopping trolley, but I don’t have a really strict approach to food. I’m just conscious about what I eat rather than mindlessly eating rubbish, plus I work out a lot to keep in shape. It’s all about balance.

Gym kit essentials

Comfortable footwear

Leggings or shorts

Well-fitting sports shoes can help prevent injuries, as well as keeping smaller problems (like blisters) at bay. It’s worth investing in a pair fitted at a specialist store, but if that’s a step too far, just make sure you’ve got a thumb’s width at the end, and that they’re a comfortable, snug fit from the start.

Which tribe do you belong to – classic black or colourful prints? Luckily there’s plenty of choice for everyone, from full-length leggings to bumskimming shorts

Sports socks

Easily forgotten, these little beauties are actually pretty important. As the protector between your trainers and your feet, they can help cushion the impact and protect your feet as you work out.

D30 Excel 2 Ladies running shoes, £29.99, Karrimo Nine by Savannah Miller, £28, Debenhams

Caroline leggings, £29, Monsoon

Sports leggings, £17.99, New Look

2-pack running socks, £11.99, Karrimor

dhb No Show training socks, £8,

Women’s Guide ISO, £120,

Water bottle

Women’s UA Threadborne Fortis 3 running shoes, £100, Under Armour

Biba Body jungle print short £25, House of Fraser

Cathy Cross shorts, £45, Animal

T-shirts In truth, any top will do. But choose one that wicks away sweat to keep you cooler and you’ll be much more comfortable. Check it’s long enough to avoid riding up when you don’t want it to.

78 Slim, Fit & Healthy | Issue one

Pink open back sports vest, £9.99, New Look

X Racer Running T-shirt, £24.99, Karrimor

Exercising will make you lose more water through sweat and heavier breathing, so take plenty of water along with you to keep well hydrated.

Run Water bottle, from £3, Karrimor

Water bottle, £6.99, New Look

NEW! launch issue

Secrets to sticking to your weight-loss plan




Ilove my trim figure


Make life fun again

Read Laura’s inside amazing story



l plan

with your daily mea

Get great legs with 5 easy moves GIVE YOUR MEALS A HEALTH BOOST


plus What you need Joined a gym? in your kitchen

How to get the most out of your membership


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