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Actros astounds VOLVO’Sastounds ALL-NEW FH Read the paper online at www.truckingmag.co.uk
OCTOBER 2012 • ISSUE No. 302 28/11/2012 09:32
Truckstop News went to press, the Mercedes-Benz he industry put its has latest new tech Artist’s German manufacturer said the design is on display Arocs, at the Commercial impression announced a as unusual the complete New as Eurocargo took truck, centrewhich Vehicle Show, which took place at of the new features steel elements on the bumpers, stage at Iveco’s stand in Hall 5 new specialist truck AlsoArocs of benefit to drivers are improved seats and driving – Merc Birmingham’s NEC during April 26-28. a robusta radiator guard androad. optically view of the This is position, optimised to provide better promises Volvo Trucks hasfocus lifted Vans were the main thisthe year,lid on its for construction work, integrated folding new aided bytrucks an increase in the cabʼsconstruction-specifi usable window areac and an but although there was little support all-new FH series of heavy trucks, Also benefit to drivers are improved seats and driving entry step. will beoftough innovative slimmer rear-view mirror design. which is manufacturers set toTrucks follow from truck at the event – the lid on its position, optimised to provide a better view of the road. This is Volvo has lifted New for the Arocs are the product designed with the driver in mind Stalks and controls are arranged in priority so area the most aided by an increase in the cabʼs usable window and an onlyall-new Italian commercial vehicle FH series of heavy trucks, onindeed, the heels of the new groups Loader and Grounder. The important ones are now closest to the driver, and the The new Mercedes-Benz Actros premium and a focus on fuel economy. innovative slimmer rear-view mirror design. maker Iveco took a stand on the show The new Mercedes-Benz Actros premium steering wheel has aare neck tilthas function – another Arocs Loader been fully optimised the driver in mind Stalks andnow controls arranged in priority so the most floorlong-haul this for yeardesigned –long-distance there waswith plenty ofrange Actros tractor unit was the star world-first in theto truck reduce its kerb weight, important ones are nowworld. closest to the driver,and and the long-haul tractor unit range was the star and a focus on fuel economy. Details were scarce when we went to trucking technology for visitors to get Safety is high on agenda, Anthe all-new cab attraction for some of steering wheel now hasthe a neck tiltsaid function – another transport the Antos Mercedes-Benz result provides press ahead the official launch on stuck into. of and attraction for some of the theNorth-West’s North-West’s structure more upright4x2 A-pillars, which world-firstfeatures inpayload-optimised the truck world. tractor units September 5, but the Swedish Details were scarce when we went to leading road transport operators, at a Of course, safety was high on the operators, at a for heavy-duty shortisan high on the agenda, all-newspace. cab give Safety the cab additional 1 m3 ofAninterior leading road press of transport theNews official launch on manufacturer told ahead Truckstop which are among the lightest vehicles agenda. Numerous firms were in the by leading structure features more upright A-pillars, which launch event staged an extra 300 litres (10.5 cu ft) of This means September 5, but thestaged Swedish new FHs will be available in both Euro incab thean construction sector – as well as from radius distribution. 3 of interior launch by leading give the additional m space. attendance to peddleevent aftermarket storage capacity, as well as 1greater comfort on told Truckstop News the 5 and 6 form,manufacturer and pack a dealer vast amount Enza. 8x4/4 concrete mixers with 32-tonne This means an extra 300 litres (10.5 cu ft) of accessories that boost load security, board.“The cab is optimised both for work and dealer Enza. new FHs will be available in both Euro of upgrades and improvements. storage capacity, as well as comfort on rom 2013 onwards, the German maximum permissible weight. leisure time,” Nilsson said. “Agreater better bed, cameras and alarms thatand improve 5 and 6 form, pack aavast amount Leading the charge for fuel board.“The cab is optimised both work and vehicle manufacturer said all its The Arocs Grounder is for designed of upgrades and improvements. integrated parking cooler, new lighting and low driver’s awareness of their surroundings, efficiency is Volvoʼs new I-See leisurefor time,” Nilsson said. extremely “A better bed, trucks tractor units used for operating under difficult Leading the charge for fuel noise levels among other features, all increase Held at theand Oulton Park circuit in Cheshire, the plus other equipment torace enable hauliers function (Truckstop News, issue 301). integrated parking cooler, new lighting and low Centres efficiency is Volvoʼs new I-See Held at the Oulton Park race circuit in Cheshire, the onand off-road applications in the conditions. According to Mercedes, the chance of pleasant relaxation and a good event gave invited guests their first chance to put the to ensure compliance in an increasingly noise levels among other features, all increase The system, function which works alongside the across the (Truckstop News, issue 301). event gave invited guests their first chance to put the nightʼs sleep, which in turn means drivers are less construction sector will be known under it is extremely stable and resilient vehicle through its paces on UK roads. UK tough operating environment. the chance of pleasant relaxation and a good I-Shift automated transmission, is claimed Theissystem, which works alongside the vehicle through its paces on premium UK roads. tired and more alert.” New Actros ultimate for longthe name Arocs. andwhich has been idling speed. Maximum tractive power a four-axle vehicle with all-wheel drive nightʼs sleep, in turnmanufactured means driversto arebe less Lowering totalthe cost of operation to cut consumption by five per cent was by truck I-Shift automated transmission, is claimed We give £5 to Newnew Actros is the ultimate premium truckranges for longProduction of uncompromising thealert.” Volvo FH will start in spring distance transport. From the outset, designers and tired and more The dump trucks, all-wheel drive and robust for2013 the and two steering front axles. Fourabout the route the truck storing information once again hotconsumption topic, and telematics toa cut by five per cent byand from 1000 to 3000 Nm and will charity for distance transport. From the designers engineers were determined tooutset, provide the best possible for the Europeantoughest market. Production of the Volvo FH will start in spring 2013 dump trucks, concrete mixers, tractor jobs on the construction site. be achieved by the four engine sizes: axle versions with one front and three drives along. “The next time the truck uses about route thepossible truck storing information companies in particular weretokeen tothethe every medical engineers were determined provide best comfort, driving dynamics, safety, productivity and for the European market. the same route, I-See operates the time drives along. “The next units andthe drop-side chassis vehicles willthe truck The Arocs will premiere at the Bauma 7.7,uses 10.7, 12.8 and 15.6 litre. The latter rear axles, a wide range of air-sprung show latest advances. comfort, driving dynamics, safety, productivity operating economy, as well as a sweeping rangeand of cab the same route, I-See operates theis completely new and comes in the accelerator, gears and brakes to ensure besizes, available as two-, threeand fourtrade fair in April 2013. vehicles, or a load-optimised concreteTrailer-makers were also very visible in operating economy, as well as a sweeping range of cab engine ratings and options, allowing customers to accelerator, gears and brakes said to ensure progress is with as economical as variants possible,” axle with 16 output form of thetonew OM 473 engine. mixer chassis with single-tyred drive thevehicles, halls, a range of new launches sizes, engine ratings and options, allowing customers tailor vehicles perfectly for any application. progress is asVolvo economical as possible,” said Claes Nilsson, president, Truck ranging from 238 bhp to for 625 bhp. Mercedes said the Arocs will also be tandem are examples of the variety of onThe show toClaes visitors alongside tailor vehicles perfectly anynews application. current Actros holds the Guinness Nilsson, president, VolvoWorld Truck Record Corporation. The current Actros holds the Guinness World Record for economy at 40 tonnes gvw, but road tests have The engines have been designed setting an example with its drive system. new Arocs versions available straight off or 0870 6091540 of afuel particularly surprising partnership Corporation. An fuel additional fiveatper cent saving in new istonnes seven per cent cent more frugal for economy 40 butfuel roadThe tests have power will be transmitted toshown meet the future Euro 6 emissions between Cartwright and Transdek for engine’s the production line. Anmodel additional five gvw, per saving in fuel use is possible with Volvo Trucksʼ new Fuel when specified to meet 5new emissions regulations, shown the new model isEuro seven per cent more frugal use is with Volvo Trucksʼ new Fuel the production ofpossible innovative fixed standard, and the trucks will be by the PowerShift 3 automated The Arocs has seven cabs available Package. This package encompasses while the ultra-clean Euro 6 version shows a transmission, four per when specified to meet Euro 5 emissions regulations, Package. This package encompasses double-deck trailers. available for order as a Euro 6 fi tted as a standard. Drive in 14 different versions. As supplements training andultra-clean monthly assistance – Fuel cent improvement. while the Euro 6 version shows four per training and monthly assistance –aFuel There was plenty more on display too, version only. programs are available which have been to the compact 2.3 m cabs in L, M or Advice – and its aim is to cut fuel costs by Cotswold Medicals Ltd Theimprovement. 81 guests took turns to head 17-mile Advice – and its aim is toout cut on fuela costs bytest cent Coverdale House and you can find all theand details in our The BlueTec 6 engines are designed specifi cally developed for the vehicle’s S versions, the new Arocs can also be changing styles increasing drive, chosen to simulate a out variety typical changing styles and increasing Thecarefully 81driving guests tookdriving turns to head on aof17-mile test Little Sodbury End special CV Show Roundup which begins Bristol BS37 6QE asdriving in-line six-cylinder engines with varied range of applications. fi tted with spacious 2.5 m variants with knowledge of how to drive for maximum knowledge of how to drive for maximum conditions. The route included singleand dualdrive, carefully chosen to simulate a variety of typical reckons the new Mercedes-Benz Actros is ʻbrilliantʼ. over onconditions. page 2. Each fuel-efficiency. exhaust-gas turbocharger Thedualdrive configurations offered for Mark aMay level cab floor. fuel-efficiency. carriageway roads. ofand the four demonstrator Charges include VAT driving The route included single- and Volvoʼs new I-Torque Euro 6the driveline reckons the new Mercedes-Benz Actros is ʻbrilliantʼ. Volvoʼs new I-Torque Euro 6– driveline trucks provided for the event made 10demonstrator journeys a–totalrange from the 4x2 two-axle Mark May Although release images of intercooler to provide good tractive the-Arocs carriageway roads. Each of four which for production ofproduction which for the European of almost 700 miles covered on thethe day. the Arocs were not available as power atprovided little more the engine’s version with rear-wheel drive to 8x8/4, trucks forthan theof event made 10European journeys - a total see our
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market get under way in autumn 2013 – and at the end of the day the winner was Craig Stewart, market will get under way in autumn 2013 – recorded each trip, thewill mpg figure achieved was of On almost 700 miles covered on the day. should make forfuel additional fuel savings. “Isee our should for additional “Ilogistics manager Widnes-based Ray Stewart Haulage, who impressive 11.4 mpg the 510 ACCIDENT On make each trip, theatmpg figure savings. achieved was recorded and at averaged the end ofan the day the winner wasinCraig Stewart, Torque reduces fueland consumption up450 to bhp Actros 2545 model. Between journeys, guests also Torque reduces fuel consumption by upmpg to bhp V8-powered Actros 2551, 11.8 inbythe With its new Volvo FH series, Volvo is ʻpushing logistics manager at Widnes-based Ray Stewart Haulage, who averaged an impressive 11.4 mpg in the 510 ACCIDENT see our With its cars newpiloted Volvo by FHprofessional series, Volvo is ʻpushing see our enjoyed ‘hotfour laps’Actros of the Oulton Park circuit inintwo-seater racing drivers. four bhp V8-powered 2551,with and 11.8 mpg theminor 450 bhp Actros 2545 model. Between journeys, guests also the envelopeʼ in re-defining what a premium feature on page 8 per cent. Together I-See and other the envelopeʼ in re-defining what a premium ACCIDENT PERSONAL INJURY SPECIALISTS Transport manager Mark May of food waste and animal by-products recycling specialist John Pointon & per cent. Together I-See andPark othercircuit minorin two-seater racing cars piloted by professional ACCIDENT enjoyed ‘hot laps’with of the Oulton drivers. truck can offer. improvements, the result is fuel consumption feature truck can offer. S PonOpage T 8 Sons, summed up result the feelings many when he said: “It was a great day,recycling very informative and enjoyable, improvements, the is fuelofconsumption PERSONAL INJURY SPECIALISTS Transport manager of food animal by-products specialist John Pointonand & can drop byMark up toMay 10 per cent. waste For theand average superbly organised. The new Actros is brilliant. The driving experience was fantastic and if the fuel feature on page 8 can drop by up to 10 per cent. For the average Sons, summed upthis thecan feelings when “Itlitres was aofgreat very informative and enjoyable, and PERSONAL INJURY SPECIALISTS continued. truck, equateoftomany a saving of he up said: to 4100 fuel aday, year,” Nilsson feature on page 8 performance figures are to be Actros believed it will belitres an unbeatable all-round package. The previous Actros is a PERSONAL INJURY SPECIALISTS continued. truck, this can equate to a saving of up to 4100 of fuel a year,” Nilsson superbly organised. The new is brilliant. The driving experience was fantastic and if the fuel On-road manners have received much attention, and Volvo is claiming the new trucks offer exceptional very goodmanners truck - but thisreceived new is a huge step an forward.” On-road have much and Volvo isall-round claimingwe thecan new trucks offer exceptional performance figures are to be one believed itattention, will unbeatable package. The previous Actrosfront is a handling thatʼs much like a car. “To be put things into perspective, even offer independent ARE YOU SUFFERING BECAUSE OF AN ACCIDENT? handling thatʼs much a new car. one “To puta things into perspective, we can This evenworld-first offer independent frontto unsurpassed very good truck - butlike this is huge step forward.” suspension, although initially only on left-hand drive vehicles. takes handling ARE YOU SUFFERING BECAUSE OF AN ACCIDENT? suspension, levels although initially only onNilsson left-hand drive vehicles. This world-first takes handling to unsurpassed We in the truck world,” said. All enquiries are immediately passed to a offer a completely free, no risk service no matter what the outcome of the claim levels in the truck world,” Nilsson said. solicitor - who can usually say straight
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