2 minute read
by Quan Xue (South China University of Technology, China), Wenquan Che (South China University of Technology, China), Jishun Guo (GAC Automotive R&D Center, China), Wei Wu (Skyworth Group Co., Ltd, China), Zhiqiang Xu (Guangzhou Hantele Communication Co. Ltd, China), Wenhua Huang (Southern Medical University, China) & Haibin Lin (Affliated Hospital of Putian University, China) Editor-in-chief: Quan Xue (South China University of Technology, China) Aim to capture new opportunities brought by 5G, this compendium set focuses on the key technologies, requirements, users’ experiences, industry applications, and industrial reforms from the perspective of experts, and comprehensively introduces the related knowledge of 5G. These reference volumes inform readers the essences of 5G, potential changes to the development of public life and society brought by 5G, as well as the potential security and risks such as the legal, moral and ethical aspects.
Featured Contents: Volume 1: Internet of Everything (Quan Xue & Wenquan Che):
Welcome the age of 5G Technology: The Internet of Everything Comes True; Volume
2: Intelligent Manufacturing (Jishun Guo):
The Call of the Times: Opportunities and Challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution; Volume 3: Intelligent Home (Wei Wu): Past and Present of Intelligent Home;
Volume 4: Intelligent Transportation (Zhiqiang
Xu): Empowering Smart Transportation with 5G Technology; Volume 5: Intelligent Medicine (Wenhua Huang & Haibin Lin): 5G Technology and Telemedicine; and others. Readership: Researchers, practitioners and general readers.
1050pp Mar 2022 978-981-125-017-0(Set) US$380 £335 Handbook HANDBOOK ON SMART BATTERY CELL MANUFACTURING
The Power of Digitalization
edited by Kai Peter Birke (University of Stuttgart, Germany & Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA), Germany), Max Weeber & Michael Oberle (Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA), Germany) This handbook provides a comprehensive and well-structured analysis of every aspect of the manufacturing process of smart battery cell, including upscaling battery cell production, accompanied by many instructive practical examples of the digitalization of battery products and manufacturing systems using an integrated life cycle perspective.
Featured Contents: Smart Manufacturing
in Battery Cell Manufacturing: Overview of the Battery Manufacturing Process; Current State of Digitalization in Battery Cell Manufacturing; Digital Planning in Battery Cell Manufacturing: A Toolbox for Digital Assisted Factory Planning; Multiscale Simulation of Battery Cell Manufacturing; Operating
Battery Cell Manufacturing Lines with Digital
Tools: Concepts for full Traceability — Establishing the Foundation for Smart Manufacturing within the Framework of the Digital Shadow; Optimization of Battery
Cell Manufacturing Lines with Digital Tools:
Optimization of Battery Cell Manufacturing Lines with Digital Tools; Optimization of
Battery Cell Manufacturing Lines with Digital
Tools: Digitalization — A Driver for Circular Economy Solutions; and others. Readership: Industry Practitioners, Researchers, Advanced Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students.