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A county firm has trained staff at more than 1,000 organisations to protect them from the dangers of asbestos.
Acorn Analytical Services’ trainers have more than a decade of experience in the asbestos industry and are accredited by UKATA (UK Asbestos Training Association).
Their UKATA approved asbestos awareness training course has been designed to promote awareness and reduce accidental disturbance for anyone who may come into contact with the potentially lethal material during the course of their work.
In particular, asbestos awareness training should be given to employees in the refurbishment, maintenance and construction trades.
However, company director Ian Stone (pictured) said other organisations should also consider whether their staff are at risk from asbestos and in need of awareness training.
He explained: “When you think about those in danger of being exposed to asbestos, electricians, plumbers, gas fitters, demolition and construction workers, architects, building surveyors and maintenance staff all spring to mind.
“The truth is so many people are in danger of being exposed to asbestos in their every day lives.
“Although the use of asbestos in construction here was banned in 1999 it’s still in many buildings which are over 20 years old, including many workplaces and schools.
“As part of our campaign work to raise awareness about asbestos we met an ex-RAF pilot who lost his wife to the asbestos-related cancer mesothelioma at 51. She didn’t work in any of the professions I’ve mentioned – she was a teacher who had been exposed to asbestos simply by pinning up schoolwork on display boards with asbestos fibres in them.
“Around 5,000 people die in the UK from asbestos-related diseases every year. Company bosses and managers have a large role to play in reducing these numbers by making sure their staff receive the appropriate training.”
Visit: www.acorn-as.com/ukataasbestos-awareness-training/
A firm that runs energising coaching, training and wellbeing programmes that take the stress out of managing yourself and others, has developed a new course to support employees.
Northampton-based Power2Progress launched its Mind Matters – Leadership Skills for Life program in April which aims to help individuals build resilience and to prevent or minimise mental health issues in the workplace.
As part of the course, Power2Progress is offering free places on the introductory workshop which will be held on a monthly basis throughout the year.
Director Anjana Rajani said: “The course aims to equip delegates with all the life skills they need to live a meaningful and purposeful life. It includes leadership skills for life that help people to selfregulate and self-manage.
“The programme is full of tools and techniques that will help to build resilience, self-awareness, re-wire unhelpful patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving and develop habits to support positive mental change.”
The two-day programme can be delivered on consecutive days or over four weeks in half-day modules or as part of an open program for individuals joining a coaching programme.
The course is ideal for managers that are finding it difficult to deal with their own or their staff’s emotions or behaviours and businesses that have noticed more stress leave. It will also help individuals lacking confidence and firms going through organisational change that is impacting workloads and expectations of staff.
For further information call 01604 510066, email info@power2progress.co.uk or visit www.power2progress.co.uk
Employers can now claim up to £4,000 for taking on an apprentice aged between 16 and 18 and apprentices of any age can attract £3,000 of funding.
The news has been welcomed by The Bedford College Group which can guide companies through the apprenticeship process.
Head of business development Julie Hoult explained: “It requires a commitment to allow the individual to spend 20% of their time in training but that doesn’t have to be a day release to college, it can be online learning or mentoring in the workplace.
“The new Government Incentive of £3,000 can be used for any apprentice starting employment between 1 April and 30 September.
“In addition, there’s an employer grant, that is agerelated, of £1,000 for employers that take on, or put existing staff aged between 16 and 18 through an apprenticeship.
“So, if an employer signs up an apprentice aged 17 they could claim £4,000. If they take on a 25-year-old they could claim £3,000.”
On top of this if the employee has additional needs and an educational, health care plan in place, there are extra funds available for them as apprentices, if they are aged under 25.
Larger companies which are Apprenticeship Levy payers, can use their levy to put existing staff through apprenticeships to upskill them at no extra cost.
Non-levy payers only have to contribute 5% and the Government will pay the remaining 95% of the apprenticeship cost. For organisations with fewer than 50 employees, the Government will fund 100% of course fees for 16 to 18-yearolds
The Bedford College Group is the largest provider of apprenticeship training in the South East Midlands region.
To discuss the funding options available to businesses email training@bedford.ac.uk or call 01234 291747.
Visit: www.bedford.ac.uk/ apprenticeships/apprenticesh ips-we-offer
A business that helps aspirational leaders to deliver exceptional customer experiences and operational change is running a series of transformational online workshops.
Specific Learning & Coaching is running two exciting workshops in June and July on Leading Teams Remotely and Managing Your Workload alongside Northamptonshire Chamber.
It has also put together three two-hour workshops which will be running in June, focusing on Improving Your Bounce Back Ability; Conflict – How to Manage Your AAPE (Awareness, Assumptions, Perceptions and Expectations) and Managing the Office Overwhelm and a bitesize course on Presenting with Confidence.
To support other organisations further, the business is also offering bespoke facilitation and workshop events focused on growth and customer experience improvement.
The workshops will be delivered by learning and coaching directors Lindsey Marriott and Charlotte Green.
Lindsey said: “We’ve been running these workshops virtually since October and they’ve proved to be very popular with businesses that want to support their staff through these challenging times and deliver the best possible customer experience. Therefore, we decided to continue with shorter, bitesize workshops throughout 2021.
“We’re thrilled to once more be working alongside Northamptonshire Chamber to provide courses which will help delegates to manage their workloads more effectively and teach leaders how to help their teams thrive in a world of remote or blended working.
“We’re also incredibly proud to have recently added Project Management to our suite of accredited skills so that we can support businesses to follow up their plans by project managing their changes through growth projects or customer experience improvement projects.”
Local training consultancy Beyond Theory is now offering the latest version of a top-rated personality profiling tool – the SDI 2.0.
Beyond Theory have been providing the Strength Deployment Inventory in their leadership and customer excellence training ever since they established in 2012.
But they have only been offering this exciting, upgraded new version since December last year.
Director Paul Beesley (pictured) said: “The new SDI 2.0 offers a real step-change in personality profiling. Our many satisfied clients will recognise how the SDI identifies and plots people’s motivational values on a triangle and how their behaviour changes in conflict.
“Participants can now compare profiles online and even receive tips on how to adapt their communication styles with others.”
The new SDI 2.0 has already caught the eye of many forwardthinking organisations. Paul added: “Companies and organisations from all over the UK and overseas are contacting us and now using the new SDI. For example, a large Government department has invested heavily with us to support their growth as a newly formed team. And one local company is using the SDI to re-integrate their team as the lockdown eases. The SDI is attracting lots of interest and business far and wide.
“The SDI 2.0 is a really flexible and fun way of learning about how to build and strengthen relationships at work. What’s more it can help describe your working culture by highlighting the strengths and overdone strengths of your team. This is so important now, particularly now our economy is looking to rebuild following lockdown.”
Lindsey Marriott and Charlotte Green
For further information about the four workshops Specific is running in-house visit www.specificlc.com/ learning-zone/#workshops To discover more about the Leading Teams Remotely and Managing Your Workload workshops that are being delivered in partnership with the Chamber visit www.northantschamber.co.uk/training
For more information about bespoke workshops, email info@specificlc.com or call 01604 212734.
Training experts at The Development Company have partnered with a fellow Chamber member that is at the cutting edge of the communications industry.
The Development Company has created and implemented a programme of upskilling workshops designed around the key values of dbfb’s business and to create a leadership team to future proof the organisation.
Kay Buckby, co-founder of The Development Company, said: “dbfb has grown during a very difficult time, and their directors wish to raise their service excellence to maintain their reputation as a market leader providing outstanding service.
“dbfb are communications experts, and pride themselves on their reputation of providing leading edge solutions in the mobility and technology sectors –this programme is the next step in developing their staff to be the best they can be.”
Jess Ansell, of dbfb, added: “We chose to partner with The Development Company, as their approach was unique, and like us, they enjoy a superb reputation. We liked the bespoke tailoring, starting with getting to know every member of staff in the company. As partners, The Development Company align with our business philosophy, values and approach.”
Jess Ansell and Kay Buckby
For more information about bespoke training and development, call The Development Company on 01604 810801, email training@thedevco.com or visit www.thedevco.com
For information about mobile, internet, cloud services and landlines, contact dbfb on 0800 158 5660 or email discover@dbfb.co.uk
Northamptonshire-based Learning and Skills Academy CIC is proud to be part of a regionwide, free-to-use project called Digital Future First.
The project is helping SMEs in the area to access grants, funded training programmes and a range of financial incentives that help businesses grow, upskill existing employees and provide employment opportunities for the next generation in these difficult times.
Learning and Skills Academy CIC managing director Tony Knaggs said: “Digital Future First offers SMEs guidance and support to help them understand what is available. It helps them access up to £1,500 for each placement through the Kickstart Scheme, up to £4,000 per Apprenticeship provided, up to £3,000 grant in match funding and £1,000 for each trainee placement offered.
“There is also a range of support available to upskill existing staff and help them gain valuable qualifications – many of which are fully funded.
“We also help with accessing advice and support for entrepreneurs and self-employment, funded one-toone business advice, webinars and workshops, access to business start-up services and specialist social enterprise support for new organisations.
“Whilst there is some eligibility criteria for these programmes, since starting the project over 60 SMEs have so far taken up the opportunity to find out more about Digital Future First.”
To find out more and how the project, visit https://digitalfuturefirst.co.uk and register. There are no charges for the services as Digital Future First is partfunded by the European Social Fund.
Learning and Skills Academy CIC’s managing director Tony Knaggs is interviewed by the BBC in Wellingborough
For more information about the Learning and Skills Academy CIC visit www.learningandskillsacademy.org.uk
Staff and students at Moulton College are celebrating a 99.8% pass rate for vocational exams sat this year.
A total of 370 students sat 488 papers in Animal Welfare, Business, Land-based subjects and Sport and 67% achieved a merit or distinction grade.
John O’Shea, vice principal, curriculum said: “These amazing results are testament to the hard work and resilience shown by all our students and staff through this difficult time.”
The college is also celebrating excellent results for students who resat their GCSE English and maths exams in November. All students who do not achieve a grade 4 (C) in their GCSE English or maths while at school study these subjects alongside their main qualification at college. Moulton College students achieved a 99% pass rate in GCSE English and 100% pass rate in GCSE maths with 52% and 23% of students achieving higher grades.