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China specialist sets up UK offices


An organisation that launched in Barcelona nearly two decades ago to provide industrial sourcing from China has set up a UK subsidiary, S3UK Ltd, with offices in London and Northampton.

During the past 17 years, the S³ Group has extended to other markets and activities, including market development and export services as well as training in cross-cultural relations and international business.

It has established itself as a partner of excellence for clients, with an extensive range of internationalisation services from offices in Barcelona, Hong Kong and Shanghai, and now the UK.

One of the directors is Northamptonshire deputy lieutenant Adrian Pryce (pictured, inset), who is well-known as an associate professor and deputy director of the China and Emerging Economies Centre at the University of Northampton. Adrian has helped old MBA friend, S³ founder and CEO Tom Van der Heyden, set up the UK subsidiary. Adrian said: “With years of experience and a presence in Hong Kong and mainland China, S³ is a China specialist. While relations with China are somewhat strained at the moment, in the long run it is expected that British businesses will continue their fast growth in trade with one of the world’s largest and fastest growing economies.

“S³ also works in other countries, such as Vietnam and Malaysia, especially for products like PPE nitrile gloves, as these countries have the rubber plantations to produce the quantities now being demanded as a result of the Covid19 crisis.

“S³ has also been asked to source glass jars, line paint, paint dispersal canisters, mattress components, fencing tools, emotorbikes, speciality components for medical cameras and solar energy installations.”

Tom added: “The value of S³ is in the supplier selection and negotiation, quality assurance and logistics management. We take the risk out of doing business with Asia.”

S³ Group team members, from left: Tom Van der Heyden, CEO; Sarah Zhi, China manager; Montse Botinas, logistics manager; and Miguel Angel Burges, operations manager

Visit: www.S3UK.com Email: info@S3UK.com Call: 0203 961 0055

Heather Shipton (right) with managing director Wendy Hayward


When Heather Shipton joined the Aircare team in 1999, she never imagined she would still be working for the same company over 20 years later.

Over the years, Heather has been a true ambassador for Aircare which is known for its wealth of experience in the compressed air and vacuum industries.

When Heather joined in October 1999, Aircare was located in Darwin Court, Corby, a far cry from the custom-built premises it now occupies in Crucible Road.

Working alongside colleagues and close friends, Sue Bennett and Wendy Hayward, they were an intrinsic part of the company’s growth. In 2003 Heather was promoted to sales ledger and purchase ledger manager and she remains in this trusted role today.

Managing director Wendy Hayward said: “Heather has grown with Aircare as the business has developed. Heather has been a trusted employee and friend to our family for over 20 years. She’s a true ambassador for Aircare, always the first volunteer at our charity fundraising events and staff social gatherings. More recently, Heather has been a great support through the challenges of Covid-19. We can’t thank her enough.”

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