Lions Roar July 2014

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JULY 2014

2014 -15 TRI-COUNTY LIONS OFFICERS INSTALLED On July 14, Lion Ray Valentine was installed as the new president of the Tri-County Club by Past Council Chair Jim McFarland, West Knox Lions Club. Other officers included Vice Pres. Keith McCord, Secretary Ken Moffett, Treasurer Judy Moffett, Lion Tamer Richard Russell, andTailtwister Buddy Greene. Members of the Board of Directors include Bill Mantooth (2 year), Juanita Mantooth, (1 year), and Moe Greenwood (2 year). Membership committee members include Peggy Russell (Chair), Connie Emmons, Joyce Wooliver, and Paul Boyer. Lion Jim used the analogy of running an airline to running a Lions Club, and each officer was compared to a similar position for a successful Flight 14-15. We wish on-time flights and smooth landings to all as we serve! As his first major action, President Ray named Lions Judy Moffett (treasurer), Buddy Greene, and Moe Greenwood (immediate past treasurer) to the Finance Committee, and asked them to prepare a budget for the Lion Year.

Left to right: Lions Buddy Greene, Ken Moffett, Peggy Russell, Judy Moffett, Bill Mantooth, Connie Emmons, Joyce Wooliver, Keith McCord, Jim McFarland, Richard Russell, Ray Valentine, and Paul Boyer.

About our new masthead: Lions International President Joe Preston's theme for 2014-15 is “Strengthening the Pride�, and he has also composed and performed a song of that title, downloadable from the Lions International Facebook page and website.

CLUB REPRESENTED IN TORONTO AT 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION Lions Ken and Judy Moffett recently returned from the early July LCI Convention in Toronto, where Ken worked campaigning for the election of Murfreesboro Lion Bob Corlew as 2nd International Vice President. As a certified delegate, he was also pleased to vote for his successful candidate. Lion Bob will serve as LCI president during the 100th Anniversary of Lions! On the first day of the event, Ken and Judy watched the International Parade, a colorful event with Lions from around the world participating. Look forward to a club presentation on the convention in the not-to-distant future. At right, MD-12 (Tennessee) Council of Governors and Tennessee Past Int'l Pres. Austin Jennings lead the Tennessee Delegation in the parade. District 12-N Governor Ed Gibbons is closest to the camera in this photo.


For the 3rd consecutive year, Tri-County Lions gathered for a winning combination of catered allyou-can-eat picnic and Tennessee Smokies ballgame at Smokies Ballpark in Kodak. This past June 23, twenty-two Lions, family, and friends watched under increasingly threatening skies as the Smokies lost to Chattanooga. Nevertheless, it is an all-American fun way to unwind and relax at the close of a year of service. At left are Lions Juanita and Bill Mantooth, Lion Buddy Greene, and Brenda and Lion Ray Valentine.

GREENWOOD LATEST MELVIN JONES FELLOW Congratulations to Lion "Moe" Greenwood (shown on right) who received the Melvin Jones Fellow Award from District 12-N Lions Clubs International Foundation Chair Ron Riehn. This highest award from LCIF is a testament to Lion Moe's humanitarian service over roughly 17 years as a dedicated Lion. The District award includes a $1000 donation to LCIF in his name. Moe is the fifteenth club member (alive and deceased) to have been presented this prestigious award. Congratulations!

All it takes is asking one person…get started today! Just Ask. Recruit new members and effectively manage our club growth. Lions Clubs International has a guide on their website to do just that. Promote our next meeting. Spread the good word about our club all year long to your family, friends and business colleagues.

MEMBER PROFILE: 2014 KING LION It was nice to have Lion Ray and Brenda Valentine both present at the first July meeting (July 14) when officers were installed, and Ray became Tri-County Club President for this year. He and Brenda have been married for 45 years, and recently celebrated their anniversary with a renewing of wedding vows. Lion Ray is a Melvin Jones Fellow, and served as club president in the past. For many years he served on the Board of Directors of the East Tennessee Lions Eye Bank at UT Hospital. He transferred into the Tri-County Club from the Downtown Lions Club, and has been a Lion since 1971, with 43 years of service to his credit. Lion President Ray Valentine presides at the first meeting of the new Lion Year following the installation of officers. Let's all support Lion Ray's efforts to “Strengthen the Pride” this year!


Have a few colorful pixels hanging around? Then enter your favorite environmentally themed photo in the Lions Environmental Photo Contest! This is a way for you to portray, through an original photo,your pride and commitment to improving, protecting and preserving our environment. Every Lion can enter a photograph into the club's Photo Contest. Categories this year include animal life, urban or natural landscape, plant life, weather phenomenon, and a special theme: Lions’ Pride in our Environment: Capturing the magnificent beauty and grandeur of our natural environment. Lions Clubs International will display the best entries at the annual convention in Hawaii! PDG Ken Moffett, District Photo Contest Chair, encourages you to submit 8x10(s) for club selection by November. Identify (on back) with name, address, club, and category. For identification, a self-adhesive printed label works well, and won't imprint through the photo paper.

TRI-COUNTY LIONS DONATE $500 TO LVBI “PROJECT PAYCHECK” Lions Volunteer Blind Industries in Morristown uses the Project Paycheck funds to offset some of the difference between what some visually impaired employees are paid and their level of productivity. Not all are able to produce efficiently, but still LVBI provides them a liveable wage. In June a donation to the fund was authorized in the amount of $500. Lion Ken Moffett, a former member of the LVBI Board of Directors, delivered the check. The Club supports this effort annually. REMEMBERING PDG FRED SHERROD Past District Governor Fred Sherrod became a Lion in 1958, and served as District Governor in 1978-79. He was a member and past president of the Downtown Club before transferring to the Tri-County Lions Club. He was past president of the East Tennessee Lions Eye Bank and was serving as a Board member until his passing Friday, June 13. He served in the European Theatre in WWII, and received a Bronze Star. He achieved the rank of Colonel in the Corps of Engineers, and Brigadier General, 3rd Brigade, Tennessee Defense Force. He was preceded in death by Katie, his wife of 60 years. He was 89. A $50 donation to LVBI was made in memory of PDG Fred. SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS FROM PAST PRESIDENT KEITH MCCORD”S YEAR 2013-14

 On My Own: a hands-on, real-life simulation in Sevier County schools that encourages youth to make healthy and wise lifestyle choices similar to those adults face on a daily basis. Besides participation in the programs, the Tri-County Lions sponsored the program again this past year.  Optometry Student Assistance: We helped support an optometry student on an overseas mission.  Eye Exams and Glasses: an on-going project providing vision assistance to the less fortunate.  Litter Pickup: another on-going project where club members clean along a 2-mile section of Chilhowee School Road.  Easter Baskets: seventy-five local seniors received baskets prepared and delivered by club members, family, and friends. This was a club “Family and Friends: event.  Summer Reading Program: annual financial support through Friends of the Seymour Library.  White Cane Days: annual fundraiser supporting multiple District 12-N Lions projects, including Tennessee Schools for the Deaf and Blind, Lions Volunteer Blind Industries, East Tennessee Lions Eye Bank, Leader Dog School, and more.  Paper Recycling: collection bins for collecting newspapers and other papers; while this has resulted in less funds for the club, it provices an environmentally sound way to keep tons of material out of local landfills.  Other Fundraisers: Chili Supper, Pumpkin Pie Sales

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