Lions Roar November 2014

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HAPPY THANKSGIVING -- HAVE SOME PIE As the Thanksgiving Holiday approaches, it is time once again for Tri-County Lions to bake lots of pumpkin and pumpkin cheesecake pies Monday, November 24 at the Sysco facility in Knoxville, beginning at 8:00am. This is the third consecutive year club members have baked these delicious pies, and the success of this fundraiser continues to grow.

All Lions please let Lion Connie Emmons know the number of pumpkin and pumpkin cheesecake pie pre-sales by Friday, November 21! What a great way to kick off the holiday season, preparing pies for the enjoyment of so many people and at the same time boosting our funds for ongoing community service projects. Pies are $8 each this year. Help ensure success of the fundraiser this year by not only pre-selling, but also participating in the baking and delivery of pies. Numerous members have already pitched in to provide supplies, keeping costs to the club down. A special thanks to Lion Connie Emmons for spearheading this event each year. She recently promoted the event while appearing on WBIR-TV, Knoxville, during her cooking segment. Thank you, WBIR, for helping promote this activity. We also extend heartfelt appreciation to Sysco for allowing Lions to use their modern, clean, and well-equipped commercial kitchen facitilities once again this year. Thanks to Club President Ray Valentine who printed promotional flyers for posting at area businesses. And thanks in advance to all the Lions who break eggs, mix pie filling, wash cookware, load and empty the ovens, perform all the other culinary tasks, and clean up afterward. Pies will be available at the regular meeting of the club Monday evening at Connie's Kitchen. Plans are to deliver pies Tuesday that have not been picked up or delivered earlier. Everyone who orderd pies should have them in time for Thanksgiving dinner! FRIENDLY REMINDER: Member fees for January - June, 2015 are due now. Please bring to next meeting.

'Tis The Season To Be Jolly! Fa-La-La-La-La, La-La-La-La Lion Judy Moffett confirmed the Tri-County Lions Christmas Dinner is scheduled for December 8, 6:00pm at Puelo's Grill (Strawberry Plains Pike at I-40 Exit), followed by desserts and gag gift exchange at the home of Lions Ken and Judy Moffett, 1909 River Shores Drive (just off Strawberry Plains Pike). For the gift exchange, each person participating should bring a gag gift marked for male or female. Please use discretion in selecting gifts that, while hilariously unsettling, still would not cross the line so to be in conflict with a club member's or guest's “proper Southern upbringing�. As is our custom, this will be the only club meeting in December. Activities will ramp up in January.



Due to inclement weather—rain in October, snow in November—interfering with scheduled fundraising for White Cane Days, the club is planning to take action at the November 24 meeting to make a WCD contribution from the treasury this year. This is only the second time in recent memory this has been necessary. A couple of years ago, fog was the culprit. Let's try recruiting a meteorologist as a new club member.

ON MY OWN NOVEMBER ACTIVITY ANNOUNCED On My Own needs volunteers for an activity scheduled for 1126 Wagner Road in Sevierville this Friday, November 21 at 8:00am. The On My Own program continues to be sponsored by the Tri-County Lions through the University of Tennessee Extension Service. On My Own is a hands-on, real-life simulation giving students the opportunity to experience their futures in a fun and exciting way. They are encouraged to make healthy and wise lifestyle choices similar to those adults confront every day. For more information on how you can help, contact Lion Buddy Greene.

LION GRUBB ORGANIZING LMU CAMPUS LIONS CLUB District Governor Ed Gibbons, during recent remarks to the Tri-County Lions Club, noted that Lion Jim Grubb, a long-time and much beloved member of the Tri-County Lions Club, is working to organize a new Lions Club on the campus of Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate, TN. There are no active Lions Clubs in that area, so there is much such a club could do to serve the LMU campus and Harrogate community. Lion Jim moved to the area late last year. We wish him much success in his endeavors there.


DG Ed Gibbons spoke to the club November 10. After presenting Lion Ken Moffett, PDG, with a 35 year Milestone Chevron Award from LCI President Joe Preston, he asked the Club for a net increase in membership and asked the club to undertake a new service project. Also, he encouraged participation in the Club Excellence Process (CEP).

Certainly a highlight of his visit was his official induction ceremony for recent new member Sonya Rogers, shown in the photo (above, 2nd from left) with her sponsor, Vice President Keith McCord. DG Ed noted the District 12-N Convention will be held in Johnson City at the elegant Carnegie Hotel, across from East Tennessee State University, February 20-21, 2015. He encouraged members to attend. Following his remarks, Tri-County Lions Club President Ray Valentine presented the governor with a check for $200, the Club's contribution this year to Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF).

Here is an artist's concept for the LCI float in the Tournament of Roses Parade on New Years Day. Be sure and watch for it!

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