LUX Vol. 03

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Lux VOL . 03

December 2017 The lux (symbol: lx) is the SI unit of illuminance and luminous emittance, measuring luminous flux per unit area. One lux is equal to one lumen per square metre: 1 lx = 1 lm/m2 = 1 cd•sr/m2 Wikipedia


AFGHANISTAN Photography by Kennet Islandi Havgaard


A woman outside of Herat, near a refugees camp.


Afghan buisnessman near his garden in Herat’s suburbs from where he was kidnapped. Now he alway carry a gun.

Life in Afghanistan 16 years after the international coalition invaded Afghanistan, peace remains elusive. The country has undergone dramatic change. Women have gained more equality since the days of the Taliban, though cultural norms still restrict their freedom considerably. The economy has grown, but not in any way commensurate with the vast amounts of international aid injected into the country since 2001. And the Taliban no longer rule, but neither are they beaten. On the contrary, the Taliban now control their largest territory since being forced from power and have no shortage of recruits.

Kennet Islandi Havgaard in Herat 2015

Life in Afghanistan, as witnessed in Kennet Islandi Havgaard’s photos in this issue, is volatile. The existence of most Afghans is riddled with fear, trauma and uncertainty. But Afghans are also tremendously resilient people, having sustained nearly four decades of armed conflict. Hundreds of thousands of Afghans leave the country every year to pursue a future in neighbouring countries or the West. Yet, many stay, out of necessity or choice, striving as best they can to build a country that will need to accommodate most of its citizens, no matter their political and ideological persuasions, if Afghanistan is ever to find peace. Sune Engel Rasmussen Correspondent for The Guardian in Afghanistan & Pakistan. Currently livining in Islamabad Pakistan.

Sune Engel Rasmussen in Kabul 2015


Darul Aman Palace

Is a ruined palace located about sixteen kilometers outside of Kabul. The palace is build in the 1920 by King Amanullah Khan.It was made a ruin in the early 90 by the Mujahideen fighting for control of Kabul.


Everybody who has ever been to Kabul, knows that the entire center of town is covered in blastwall. This destruction is never shown on TV nor in magazines. The reality is that photographers risk looking into the eye of an AK47, should they attempt to cover the highly secured area.

View of Kabul

Kabul seen from the top of Wazir Akbar Khan hill.


The meat marked in Kabul.



A young man at twighlight on Wazir Akbar Khan hill.


Holy book

Reading the Koran and praying is a duty, a priotirity and a requirement for devout afghans. This man is taking a holy break at the market in downtown Kabul.


A moneydealer with a big stack of Afghani which is the local currency. Currently, the exchange rate is about 1 USD to 68 Afghani.


Visiting Ka Faroshi bird marked, situated behind the Pul-e Khishti Mosque, is like going into a timepocket, where life has been as it has always been, over centuries. It is a oasis untouched by time and war.


Next to the Kabul river is the marketplace. Notice the only female in this picture is the girl behind the man with the bike.


Friday Evening

Friday evening is kite night in Kabul. It is a night when it appeats as if every male in Kabul is present and determined to be best kite-flyer. The mood in the air is relaxed with everyone enjoying themselves.

Kite hill

With a lot of upwind, Wazir Akbar Khan hill is the perfect location for kite flying.

Anisette All dressed Koppel up ∙ South Habour

Lead Girls like singer kites in Savage too. Rose is leading against the road Girl don´t sign at need the to corner wearof headdresses the Allé named untilafter puberty. her late husband Thomas Koppel.

Can it fly

A plastic bag must do in lack of a real kite


A lot of afghans spend their friday afternoon on Wazir Akbar Khan hill, discussing wind, life and everything else in between.

Mushroom shape ∙ Big Island

Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope at sunset on top of Mauna Kea. 4207 meter above sea level on “The Big Island” or Hawaii.

The sign

Please notice the billboard.

All Colors

The kites are made off wooden sticks and multi-colored silk paper.



Looking in

The only window in the entire refugee camp is an old broken car screen.

Internally displaced

All of the refugees are fleeing the Taliban. So they are refugees in their own country and lost everything.

Missing ∙ Hillerød

When the scandal about con artist Stein Bagger was at it’s peak, I couldn’t find this image. It was shot for Ernest & Youngs magazine and then surfaced a few months ago.

Domestic Violence

Seventeen months after Setara’s husband cut her face and chest with a knife, disfiguring her for life and only narrowly failing to kill her, the laws of her native Afghanistan have still not allowed her to divorce him. See the whole story here:

HERAT Big Bang ∙ Copenhagen

Comedian Andreas Bo shoots himself in a sticky way.

Janet Ghazizadeh is a young afghan girl living in Herat.

Time for a chat

Grocery shop on the main street of Herat.

Afghan high fashion

A man sells the most common womans dress, the Burqa. It completely covers the woman from head to toe with only a mesh section to allow her to see.

A farmer just outside Herat

Reborn ∙ KGS. Lyngby

Lars Elvstrup, former national team soccer player and EM champion in 1992, is reborn under water, in Lyngby, as seen in Euroman 25-anniversary issue Feb 2017.

Old man at Clan meeting


A young boy searches the trashcans for useable stuff.

Need a gun?

Ice scream - afghan style.

Afghan man Bird’s at Clan Nestmeeting. ∙ Beijing

National Stadium, also known as the Bird’s Nest stadium in Beijing. The stadium was designed for use throughout the 2008 Summer Olympics and Paralympics and will be used again in the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics. Located at the Olympic Green, the stadium cost US$428 million. The design was awarded to a submission from the Swiss architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron in April 2003 after a bidding process that included 13 final submissions.

Herat Citadel

The town seen from the Citadel with Herat’s main street in the middle.

En Vouge

Safety glasses are the new black.





See the video




For several years and without incident, Mohammad Khan had been driving the same road to his gardens on the outskirts of Herat. Though known as one of the wealthiest men in the city, Khan was never afraid something might happen to him. Read the full story


VOL . 03


Copyright 2017 All rights reserved Publised by Photographer Kennet Islandi Havgaard Fælledvej 16D, 2 2200 Copenhagen N Denmark +45 4053 3940

At the market

2 men fighting at Kabul´s market

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