Kennington News August 2012

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Phil quits Independent Party


Published by Kennington Community Forum

KENNINGTON councillor Phil Sims has resigned from the Ashford Independent Party. He will serve the rest of his term on Ashford council unaligned with any group. Phil won the seat last year from the Tories. He had campaigned against

plans to build homes in North Kennington and development which included the Hockey Club site in Ball Lane. He said: “This will make no difference to the way I represent the people in my ward, and I still support the Party’s manifesto."

Best-ever Fayre smashes records IT was the wettest June on record but the best-ever Kennington Summer Fayre. A record crowd, estimated at more than 2,500, enjoyed a great day of family entertainment. The final amount raised for local voluntary organisations and charities is expected to be nearly £10,000 — a record amount. Kennington PTA made £1,900, St Mary’s Church £1,000 and the Scouts £850. Early morning drizzle and a brisk breeze threatened to put a dampener on the day, but the sun came out and crowds poured in. Bell ringers rang a special peal from St Mary’s Church and then Towers Cheerleaders led the Mayor of Ashford, Cllr Bob Davidson into the arena for the opening ceremony and the dedication of an oak tree planted to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee by Kennington Community Forum. The Cheerleaders put on a thrilling display and were followed by the Downs View Infants choir, Hyung Je Martial Arts, the Reel Eire Dance Show Team, Fitness and Judo displays, Impact Dance and Cheer, and Soak the Vicar! Attractions included a children’s funfair, owls, rescued greyhounds, guide dogs and beat-the-goalie. There were long queues for hotdogs and ice creams. The 35 stallholders all did well and some had sold out by mid-afternoon. “The atmosphere was friendly, vibrant and fun, and there was something for all the family —

So cool: Nothing beats a nice ice cream whether it was books for me, plants for my wife or fairground rides for my little girl,” said Mark Street of Ball Lane. “The entertainment was also top-notch, made all the more enjoyable by knowing how much of the talent is drawn from Kennington.

£50,000 BOOST FOR CRICKET CLUB KENNINGTON Cricket Club has received £50,000 from Sport England towards the £100,000 needed to replace its ageing pavilion. Treasurer John Cunningham said: “After we have met potential contractors in August we will have a clearer idea of the timescale to complete this major project.”


“So many people value the Fayre as it give people a sense of belonging and community.” Natalie Grove of Kennington Cricket Club said: “We had a great day. We have never done anything like this before so we weren't quite sure what sort of money we could raise. As it turned out, we raised a lot more than we expected. I’ve lived in Kennington for 40 years and attended most of the Fayres. This was by far the best and I loved the layout.” Grand Draw winners: Back Page

CALL FOR CROSSING GAINS SUPPORT THE need for a pedestrian crossing in Canterbury Road where the footpath from Little Burton Farm emerges has been raised several times via Kennington Forum and is now gaining momentum. It has the support of county councillor Andrew Wickham He said: “An extension to the footpath is not going to happen so this is something to consider instead.” Cllr Wickham became involved after Ted Pragnell told a meeting of the Forum that it was agreed 80 years ago to extend the footpath on the Little Burton side of the road but nothing had ever happened. Andy Padgham, KCC traffic engineer, said: “It is a very tricky location for a zebra crossing. There are some possibilities, but we need to show there is sufficient demand for it.” If you support the idea of a crossing please contact Cllr Wickham or Forum chairman Chris Morley. Details in back page information panel.

BIN MEN WILL TAKE PLASTIC THERE could be big changes to rubbish and recycling collections in Kennington. From April, if all goes to plan, plastic, Tetra Pak cartons and cardboard will be collected along with paper, glass and metal. Domestic waste which cannot be recycled or composted is used to produce electricity. No waste will go to landfill. Further details when the contract is finalised by the council in the autumn.

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