Who will fill Phil’s shoes?
FEBRUARY 2012 Published by Kennington Community Forum
WANTED: a volunteer to take over the role of chair of the Kennington Summer Fayre committee. Phil Sims, who has done a magnificent job organising the event, has reluctantly stepped down owing to his workload since becoming a councillor. Last year the Fayre attracted
more than 2,000 visitors and raised a record £9,500 for local charities and organisations. Anyone interested in the position should attend the AGM on 8 Feb at 8pm in the Scout Hall, Lower Vicarage Road, or contact Phil on 627603. He said: “I’ll still be around to help.”
Dismay as dispute delays new school MANY parents are upset that the new Goat Lees primary school will be delayed for a year because of a legal dispute over ownership of the land. The desperately-needed school, due to open in September, is the subject of a High Court case between Kent County Council and a developer who claims to own the site, near the Community Hall. As a result the school is expected to open in September 2013, a year later than planned. Ashford county councillor Elizabeth Tweed said: “KCC has always maintained that it owned the land as part of an agreement where the land would revert to the developer after a given number of years if no attempt had been made to build the school.
Robust defence “KCC and Ashford council officers were quite clear that the process to start building the school started well before the expiry date, and therefore a robust defence of KCC's position has been lodged with the High Court. “While we are confident of our position, we could not award the building contract until the outcome of the case is certain. This is expected shortly. Because of the delay, phase 2 of Repton Manor Primary School has been brought forward which will accommodate the extra places needed.” David Adams, Area Education Officer, said: “In short the developers and the KCC disagree about the date the development commenced, and thus the return date for the
Disco in the dark brings a warm glow TOWERS Interact Club got its 2012 fundraising efforts off to a great start with a “Glow in the Dark” disco. More than £640 was raised for the Pilgrims Hospice which will go towards a new media
centre. Local DJ Money B performed and 200 students from years 7, 8 and 9 attended. The club’s next event is a charity sleepover. Community Youth Tutor Marie Boniface said: “We
would welcome any new members from years 9 and above. Being a volunteer will look great on CVs and both job and university application forms.” Call Marie on 07774 554207.
Community centre site ‘could be something special’ TALKS to decide the future of Bockhanger community centre site have begun. A steering group has been set up to explore ways of regenerating the area. It plans to hold a public meeting in the spring to ask residents how they want the area improved. The group aims to put forward options which include building a new community hall and
new shops. The present building is falling rapidly into disrepair and is likely to close in a few years. Views are also wanted on what should happen to the library, the shops, the flats above them and the surrounding land. Although the site is earmarked for regeneration Ashford council stresses there are no pre-conceived designs or ideas.
Councillor Gerry Clarkson, deputy leader of Ashford BC, who is in charge of the regeneration project, has told residents: “This is an opportunity to have something really special.” Speaking at a meeting of the Kennington Forum he said: "The project will be driven by what you want, not by the council or the housing department." Some residents CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE
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