Kennington News May 2013

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Kennington Summer Fayre Saturday 29 June, Recreation Ground, Ulley Road, 12-4pm

MAY 2013

Published by Kennington Community Forum

Children’s Funfair, Fun Dog Show, Towers Cheerleaders, Maypole Dancers, Stalls selling a wide range of goods. Hot food, ice creams FUN FOR ALL THE FREE PARKING . . . FREE ADMISSION FAMILY! Grand Draw with many great prizes

Spearpoint project is shaping up nicely THE EXCITING prospect of a new community building on Spearpoint recreation ground has moved a step nearer. Ashford council expects to have the final figures and designs ready this month and will apply for grants in the summer. The building will provide firstclass facilities for football, rugby and tennis clubs. It will also be available to community groups. The project includes renovating the tennis courts and pitch levelling. Rugby is set return to The Ridge in September after more than

A fund-raising football tournament is planned for August says Geoff Stanborough

100 years. The newly-formed Ashford Barbarians will play on one of the six pitches on Saturday afternoons. The club is so delighted at obtaining a home ground that it has offered to refurbish and maintain the existing run -down pavilion until the new one is built — hopefully within two years. The main funder of the project is likely to be the Football Foundation and positive

meetings have been held with its representatives who are fully behind the plan. Additional funding is being sought from Sport England as well as from the county and local authorities. Kent County FA has made Spearpoint a priority project and it is hoped the rugby club’s involvement will lead to additional grants. ABC facilities manager Ben Moyle, who is leading a steering group to oversee the project, said: “This is a real community project with a partnership of the council, the Kennington Forum, and local sports clubs and leagues all coming together to deliver a great new facility.”

knocks but this has devastated me. I’ve hardly a personal possession left.” Among the items taken were family mementoes including a ceremonial clay pipe, believed to be 150 years old and given to Mrs Stace by her father, her wedding ring, a diamond brooch, jewellery and cash. The thief is described as 5ft 10in tall, thin, aged between 25 and 30 and wearing a long coat. Anyone who saw him in the area on Sunday afternoon 21 April or has any information is urged to phone Kent Police on 101 or Kent Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

Kennington Community Forum will be giving all the money it raises at the Summer Fayre on 29 June to the project. The Summer Fayre committee will also be contributing. The big attractions: Back Page

£10,000 boost for cricket club

Phyllis heartbroken as thief takes heirlooms A 97-YEAR-OLD woman is still heartbroken after a thief sneaked into her house while she was gardening and stole her family treasures. When Phyllis Stace went indoors she found a man in the hallway of her Canterbury Road, Kennington, home. He waved goodbye and said “Thank you.” Mrs Stace, who is partiallysighted, thought he was a neighbour. An hour later she went upstairs and found her bedroom had been ransacked. It was the third time she had been robbed. She said: “I can stand some

Geoff Stanborough, President of the Ashford and District Sunday League, said: “The Football Foundation and Kent County FA are fully supportive of schemes which include multi-pitch sites. “It will help with the bids if funders know the community is behind it.” A fund-raising soccer tournament at Spearpoint is being planned for August.

Keeping cosy PUPILS at Towers school have been knitting coats for rescued ex-battery chickens. Eileen Dixon from Kennington WI has shown them how to make outfits that keep the hens warm until all their feathers have re-grown.

KENNINGTON cricket club has received a grant of £10,000 from Ashford council towards the £100,000 needed to replace its ageing pavilion with a bigger community facility. Treasurer John Cunningham said: “The council was impressed with the presentation of the plans by our president Peter Grant — who was supported by councillor Phil Sims. It is now considering an application

from the club for a £25,000 loan.” Sport England has given the club a grant of £50,000 and it is hoped the building will be ready for the start of the 2014 season. It will be available for hire on weekdays and several groups have already expressed an interest. Call John Cunningham on 01233 612162 for more details or if you wish to join the club as a social or playing member.

Follow the Forum at and on Facebook

2 STAGECOACH has promised to improve bus services in Kennington. Paul Southgate, managing director of Stagecoach South East, said: “We are aiming to put more buses on the C-Line to keep it running to time. It has been remiss of us not to have looked at the problem before.” If you have any complaints call Dutch Docherty on 01233 614490.

Great news for Street fighters CAMPAIGNERS who have been fighting plans to demolish Little Acre, 80 The Street, Kennington, and build six homes on the land were delighted when they heard the application had been withdrawn. A spokesman for Skillcrown Homes of Bromley said: "It's the end of the line as far as we are concerned. We feel we have spent enough money on it and it's one we are not going to pursue." The

developer’s first scheme, three years ago, was for 11 homes. This was rejected by Ashford council. A planning application for six homes was dismissed after an appeal hearing. A third proposal was declared invalid by the council because of the lack of an ecological survey and incomplete plans. More than 100 residents, local councillors and Kennington Community Forum objected to all the proposals.

Phoenix shows the way Lots has been going on at Phoenix Community Primary school since Frances Nation took over as head teacher in January. Here is her end of term report OVER the last few months I have been getting to know the parents, children and community. The new website has been launched and it holds information, photos as well as updates on all the “goings on”. We also have a Twitter account and are keen to get as many followers as we can so please follow us @Phoenix_Ashford. Information goes on daily. Our new Phoenix logo has literally been under our feet since the school was built as it forms part of the floor at the entrance to DOWNS VIEW Parent and Toddler Group runs on Mondays, 1.30-3pm, term time only and is free. Call 632339.

ing and sound experts. Auditions have been held, parts assigned and lines are being learnt. It will be performed on 4 and 5 July at 7 pm. Tickets can be bought from the school reception. We are keen to own a small minibus so we can take children to sports fixtures and the newly formed FOPS (Friends of Phoenix) have been raising money through a Mother's Day market, Easter face painting and a jumble sale. Reception class. We have We urgently need help with our re-designed our light and airy wildlife garden and pond so would reception area to incorporate the welcome anyone who might be logo and our new display plinth. interested in reviving this small Kennington's answer to the Tate corner of Phoenix. Modern! (pictured above). If it was possible to get it up Shakespeare will feature for Year 6 and running by the summer the this term as they will be perform- children could use it for many ing Romeo and Juliet (The Musical) areas of the curriculum. in July. Towers are kindly allowing We welcome all visitors. You will us to perform this on their stage find a friendly and warm welcome and giving us access to their light- awaits. Call 01233 622510.

LINES DRAWN DOUBLE yellow lines have been put on roads near Downs View Infants and Kennington Junior school to stop dangerous and obstructive parking. But there are fewer lines than proposed outside St Mary’s Church. The situation will be reviewed in a year’s time. A NEW garden recycling collection begins in June. Ashford council is launching the service at a cost of £30 a year. Garden waste will be picked up once a fortnight — but only if you opt in. Those who sign up to the scheme at gardenrecycling will receive a new garden waste container. MASSIVE amounts of litter in Kinney’s Lane, near the Rugby Club, were cleared by Community Payback, run by the Probation Service. It has been suggested that Community Payback could be used in other areas, such as Nine Acres. PLANTS reported stolen from the Kennington Garden of Remembrance were found stuffed into bushes and have been replanted. Roses donated by the WI have been planted. THE appalling state of the footpath in Bockhanger Lane, has been reported to the KCC footpaths officer.

Watch out, Alex is about ALEX HARRINGTON says 30 years as a police officer enabled her to “hit the ground running” when she took on her new role as Neighbourhood Watch and Volunteer Co-ordinator for East Kent. She was involved in investigations, training and managing large-scale operations before retiring last October. Alex said: “I am conscious that due to changes East Kent has not been well served in the past few months. “I hope my arrival will give everyone confidence that you now have someone who will take forward the vital work done by Neighbourhood Watches and work with you to drive down crime and anti-

social behaviour. I live in Ashford and am passionate about keeping it safe and secure for everyone. I hope I will have the opportunity to meet some of you in my travels and listen to your concerns.” NHW inquiries 01303 289083



Teachers’ very special mission SEVEN teachers from Downs View Infant school will fly to Romania in August to deliver a “fun activity week” for deprived children. The school is working with Cry in the Dark, a charity which cares for orphaned, sick and neglected children. Head teacher Fran Rusbridge went to Bacau in north east Romania with the charity last year as a volunteer and Year 2 teacher Michelle King (left) flew out just before Christmas with 100 Gift Shoe Boxes collected by

children of Downs View. Ms Rusbridge said: “The link with the charity has developed into a very real learning and development programme for the children. They were delighted to see photographs of our shoe boxes being received.” Teacher from other Ashford schools are joining the August mission, including two from Repton Manor primary. To find out more about the charity go to or visit them on Facebook.

Bockhanger’s big decision

SAFER CYCLING IF YOU are going cycling and don’t want to use public roads a website can plan your route. Les Gosden writes: “I cycle to work from Kennington to the Stour Centre. I have to cross one public road but there is a crossing with traffic lights. Simply type in your postcode and where you want to go at www.ashford” DON’T leave valuables inside parked vehicles! Thieves have broken into cars and vans in Rylands Road, Beecholme Drive and Grasmere Road. NIKKI RELF has returned as a Kennington Police Community Support Officer following her illness. PCSO Jason Brett has left to join British Transport Police.

MORE than 100 people had plenty to say about proposals to redevelop Bockhanger Square when the four options went on display last month. The two that seemed to find most favour were: REFURBISH the existing community hall with redevelopment of the square, including moving the shops. This would be paid for by building up to 19 homes. BUILD a new hall, half the size of the existing one, with redevelop-

ment of the square including moving the shops. This would also be paid for by building homes. Ashford council has been working with a steering group on the proposals for 18 months. They consulted with community groups, shopkeepers, Phoenix school, Sure Steps, the library and residents. Once all the questionnaires have been analysed, further work will be undertaken to arrive at a final proposal that will be submitted as a planning application.

IT HAS been just over two years since I became Minister at St Mary’s Kennington. I love it here! It is such a privilege to be a Minister to such a great community and church family. Many good things have happened. At Easter, years 5 and 6 children from Kennington Junior and Phoenix Community Primary schools

Councillor Aline Hicks, ABC’s portfolio holder for housing, said: “The proposals are intended to breathe new life into the area and are the result of seriously hard work from the council’s officers, the steering group and other stakeholders. “We have been encouraged by the constructive views that have come forward as they show that people are passionate about this community and what can be achieved.”

came and enjoyed ‘Experience Easter’ – a series of displays about all that Easter means with which they could interact, discuss and ask questions. We are currently running our first ‘Alpha Course’. ‘Alpha’ is the internationally renown course that seeks to explore the deep questions of Life. It is going well and we are enjoying it immensely. RICHARD KING

THE WI is putting on a Murder Mystery evening at the hall on Friday 24 May. Summer trips: Sat 15 June, Bruges. Thurs 8 August, Broadstairs, theatre at Margate and a fish and chip supper. Contact Ursula Jones 620620 A TREE has been planted on the Phoenix primary school and Sure Steps Children’s Centre site to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Councillor Michael Claughton said: “I was delighted to be able to use my Jubilee Allowance and plant a really lovely golden weeping willow which should give pleasure for many years to come”. STEP BY STEP pre-school nursery in Upper Vicarage Road, Kennington, has funded places for eligible three and four year olds. Open 9am-2pm, Monday to Friday, 38 weeks a year. For more information call Maggie on 07989149141.

REQUESTS have been made for benches to be provided at The Ridge, especially for carers who bring wheelchairs. Councillor Phil Sims is investigating. POND DIPPING: Sure Steps children will find what’s lurking in the water when they go dipping in the school pond on Friday 31 May, at 10.30am. To book a place call 01233 624857 DID YOU KNOW? Free poop scoop bags are available from the Civic Centre in Tannery Lane, Ashford.

Come to the Fayre!

Kennington Forum’s Core Group needs extra members to help plan and carry out the activities of the Forum. Our meetings are friendly and informal and held every other month. If you would like to join us please contact Chris Morley 01233 611196.

PREPARATIONS for this year’s Kennington Summer Fayre are well under way. It will be on Saturday 29 June at the Recreation Ground, Ulley Road, from 12 noon-4pm. The children’s funfair will be even bigger this year. There will be stalls with games, competitions, cakes, books, plants, refreshments and much more. PLUS: owls, rescued greyhounds and guide dogs. A new arena event this year is a Fun Dog Show. It is open to family dogs of all shapes and sizes. Just come along with your pet on the day. Maypole dancers from Kennington Junior School will open the Fayre followed by Towers Cheerleaders, the Downs View Infants choir, Irish dancing, Family Games, and

Romeo and Juliet: the musical, performed by Phoenix school. Prizes in the Grand Draw include an annual family ticket to Leeds Castle and a magnificent hamper. We are grateful to the local businesses, clubs and organisation who donate prizes to the raffle. The Fayre is run to raise money for local charities and voluntary organisations. This year’s profits from the Fayre will go to the Spearpoint building project.

JILL BRITCHER, chair, Summer Fayre Committee 2013 IF you have any books, CDs or DVDs that Kennington Forum could sell on its stall, please bring them to the next meeting on 28 May or call 01233 634410.

KENNINGTON FC had a successful season, challenging for promotion in the league and reaching the final of the Weald of Kent Charity Cup, only to lose in a penalty shoot-out. The Reserves won the Sheber Trophy.



28 MAY 7.30pm 30 JULY 7.30pm IF YOU could help deliver the Kennington News in Canterbury Road, between Spearpoint and Faversham Road, or in Towers View, please call 634410.

CHILDREN from the Tiny Tots pre-school and Busy Bees Nursery were shown where their classroom will be during visits to the site of Goat Lees primary school. Head teacher Teresa Adams said: “The building is progressing well, although the weather hasn’t helped. The contractor WW Martin has been particularly generous and gave all the children a colouring pack and allowed them to keep their hard hats and high-vis jackets.” The school opens in September.

Information COUNTY COUNCILLORS: Andrew Wickham (Ashford Rural East) 01233 840902 Jim Wedgbury (Ashford Central) 01233 503272 BOROUGH COUNCILLORS: Kennington: Phil Sims 01233 627603 Bockhanger: Michael Claughton 01233 635969 Bybrook: Andrew Buchanan 01233 627696 Little Burton: Marion Martin 628811 marionmartin168 Boughton Aluph: Winston Michael 636644 NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE : Tom Knight and Nikki Relf. Call 101 to be put through to the neighbourhood officer best placed to deal with your call PARKING PROBLEMS: 330641 KENT HIGHWAYS: 08458 247800 NEW HAYESBANK SURGERY: 624642 LATE NIGHT CHEMIST: Sainsbury’s, Simone Weil Avenue 01233 662819 MEDICAL HELP BUT NOT AN EMERGENCY: 111 (available 24/7) ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY SERVICE OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY: William Harvey Hospital Kennington Road, Willesborough 01233 633331 REV RICHARD KING: 623334 WASTE RECYCLING CENTRE: Brunswick Road, Cobbs Wood Industrial Estate. Temporary facility until the main site re-opens in July. KENNINGTON FORUM: Chris Morley, chair, 01233 611196 Sandra Dunn, secretary 01233 634165 Kennington News is published quarterly. Editor Robin Britcher 01233 634410 @kenningtonnews

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