NOVEMBER 2012 Published by Kennington Community Forum
HOODED raiders smashed their into the home of a 97-year-old woman in Canterbury Road, Kennington, and stole a chequebook and her housekeeping money. It happened about 8pm on 3 October just after she had gone to bed because she was
Plan to ban all parking in road’s danger zone
Hunt for former head’s attacker POLICE have made a new appeal for witnesses following the brutal attack on one of Kennington’s most respected residents. Michael Thompsett suffered a serious eye injury, a broken wrist and a head wound when he was pushed to the ground and kicked in the face in Broadhurst Drive. Mr Thompsett, 70, was headmaster at Kennington Junior School from
1989 to 1995 and is chairman of the Friends of St Mary’s Church. He was making his way to his car after visiting a friend at 8.30pm on Tuesday 21 August when he was approached from behind and asked for money. He then felt a blow to the back of his head and fell to the ground. He
was kicked several times in the face and head before the attacker ran off towards Faversham Road. Mr Thompsett managed to drive home and was later taken to hospital. The wound to his head needed several stitches and he was in hospital for several days. Det-Con Heather Moore, of Kent Police, said: “His serious injury will have a long-term effect on his life, and all for nothing. No money was handed over. We are appealing for any witnesses or information — maybe they did not see the attempted robbery, but perhaps they saw a man running away near the junction of Broadhurst Drive and Faversham Road.” Anyone with information should call DC Moore on 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111. Many messages of sympathy have been posted on the “Ashford Kent Remembering the Way it Was” Facebook page. Tom Dickens wrote: “He was my headmaster and one of the nicest people I have ever met.”
feeling cold. The back door was battered down. A neighbour saw two heavily built men coming out of her drive — near the Conningbrook roundabout — and raised the alarm. If you have any information please call Kent Police on 101.
ALL parking in Faversham Road between Lower Vicarage Road and Towers School could soon be banned. A plan by KCC to make the stretch of road safer follows many accidents, three of them serious. Under the proposals double yellow lines would be extended to run from Lower Vicarage Road to the school, on both sides of the road. Several accidents have been caused by drivers crashing into parked cars. New speed surveys were carried out in October. The safety plan was drawn up by KCC traffic engineer Steve Darling after a campaign by
Kennington News: August issue
Best behaviour: Mrs Stace with pupils and staff
A real old sweetie CHILDREN dressed up as Victorians as Kennington Junior School celebrated 140 years. Mrs Phyllis Stace, who started at the school in 1921, bought old-fashioned sweets for all the 350 pupils. Head teacher Steve Ive dressed as a Victorian schoolmaster,
complete with cane, and conducted an assembly with a reading from the Bible and the singing of the National Anthem. Events to celebrate the opening of the school in 1872 included an open day and a highly successful re-union party for former pupils and staff.
residents, Kennington Forum, and county councillors Andrew Wickham and Elizabeth Tweed. Mr Darling said: “Funding is available in the current financial year.” Letters have been sent to residents immediately affected. A consultation period will run until 19 November. If the plan is approved the work is likely to be carried out in the spring. PLANS to ease parking problems near the junior and infant schools are being prepared. ANYONE interested in taking part in a community Speed Watch should contact Chris Morley on 01233 611196.
NEW VENTURE IS GETTING GOOD REVIEWS IN THESE hard times it’s good to report on a new local business that’s thriving. The Kennington, formerly the ExServicemen’s Club in Ulley Road, has been a big success since it opened earlier this year as a modern, relaxed venue. The Sunday carvery is very popular and is
getting good reviews on the TripAdvisor website, and event nights are attracting enthusiastic audiences. The Kennington can also be booked for functions. Coming up: a comedy night for the Multiple Sclerosis Butterfly appeal campaign (15 Nov) and an Abba tribute night (16 Nov).
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