MARCH 2014
Published by Kennington Community Forum
How’s that for progress! Kennington Cricket Club’s new pavilion should be completed by mid-March: See Back Page
Kennington Community Forum has launched a campaign to set up a Community Council to give residents a more powerful voice in local affairs.
Phil: Why I’ve joined the Tories
Community councils are democratically elected and represent the community. They have a number of statutory rights, such as being consulted on planning matters. They work towards improving community wellbeing and can help to provide and maintain a variety of important local services such as crime prevention measures, cycle and footpaths, community centres, leisure facilities and support for local groups. There are currently 39 Community or Parish Councils in Ashford borough who have these rights, but almost all are in rural areas.
TIME FOR A CHANGE Chris Morley, KCF’s Chair, said: “One of the Forum’s original purposes was to find out whether residents want to have more formal representation. “As rights and responsibilities continue to be devolved to local communities, we feel it is right to ask Ashford Borough Council to look again at representation across the town. “A great deal of work was done by KCF in 2006 and 2007, but funding from the Government’s New Councils Programme and assistance from the Kent Association of Local Councils has acted as a catalyst to take a fresh look. “We believe it is time our community had an equal voice, and hope that residents will support our campaign by signing our petition.” Community groups in Central Ashford, North Willesborough, and South Willesborough & New Town are also campaigning for community councils.
A class act Ralph Morley, 21, from Kennington, captained Trinity College Cambridge to a semi-final place in University Challenge. They beat the School of African and Oriental Studies by 280 points to 105. “Another very impressive score,” remarked Jeremy Paxman.
The campaign makes headlines in the Ashford Herald, above, and the Kentish Express, left
DON’T FORGET TO SIGN We need 1,000 signatures on our petition for the Kennington Campaign for a Community Council to succeed and ensure that ABC undertakes a Community Governance Review. Leaflets have been delivered to every home in the area, and more information can be found at
Phil Sims, Kennington Ward’s Independent councillor, has joined the Conservative group on Ashford council. He won the seat in 2011 from the Tories standing as a candidate for the Ashford Independent Group. Cllr Sims resigned from the group a year later to become an independent councillor, unaligned to any party. He said: “When I was elected I, and the Independent group, had grave concerns over the willingness of the Conservative Group on the Council to fully engage with residents in a practical and timely manner. “I have spent three years as Kennington Ward member and now understand that my initial impressions were not entirely correct. “Also, issues around the Council's engagement with residents has significantly altered since the implementation of the Localism Act. “I now believe I can best represent my constituents’ views and raise matters of concern from within the Conservative group rather than from outside it.”
Kennington Community Forum