Newsletter21 September 2014

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Dan’s their man

SEPTEMBER 2014 Published by Kennington Community Forum

Kennington Football Club have appointed 23-year-old former Ashford and Hythe defender Dan Scorer as manager. Dan’s career was ended by a knee injury. The club hopes he will lead them to promotion. See Back Page

Target in sight! More than 600 back our campaign for a Community Council There has been a tremendous response to Kennington Forum’s campaign for a Community Council. More than 600 have signed the petition calling for us to be given a more powerful voice in local affairs. But we still need another 300 signatures. To create a Community Council, a total of 10% of residents in Kennington, Bybrook, Bockhanger and Little Burton must sign the petition to be presented to Ashford Borough Council. At present we are effectively excluded from important consultations, especially over planning matters. Community Councils give residents a stronger voice. They are elected in the same way as parish

NOT SIGNED YET? See Page 2 councils and have the same responsibilities. They are consulted on issues such as planning and licensing and are able to seek protection for existing community facilities. PICNIC TIME: Tucking in at the Kennington Summer Fayre which A community council can take the lead in improvraised more than £11,500 for charities and local groups. See Page 5 ing play areas and street lighting, provide allotments, maintain community centres and contribute to crime prevention measures. Chris Morley, chair of Kennington Community Forum said: “In the rural areas of Ashford and newer developKennington will lose its post build single storey ground under pressure from the two ments such as Park Farm or Trinity office if a planning applicafloor side and rear extensions nearby schools, a nursery, Road, all residents are represented tion to convert it into an and a first floor rear extenresidents and post office by parish councils, but in the urban extended dental surgery is sion. The post office was users. The sub-postmaster areas we have no representation beapproved by the council. much reduced in size when says his lease runs until 2017 low the level of the borough council. Many residents say it will be a the building, at 225 Faverand he does not want to “That means if residents want a playserious loss to the community sham Road, was converted leave. There has been a post ground in our area refurbished or a — especially for elderly peointo a dental practice five office in Kennington for at community centre or sports facility ple who need to access its years ago. There are also least 150 years. If it closes improved, we have to convince the services. Letters and emails concerns about parking as the nearest one will be in borough council who will be considerobjecting to the proposal the car park at the rear of Bockhanger Square. Full ing competing request from across have been sent to the counthe building is for staff only. details of the planning applithe borough. We think it is time that cil. Chopra & Associates Den- Most patients have to park in cation are on the Ashford tal Surgeries also want to Upper Vicarage Road which is Borough Council web site. Continued on Page 2

Protest at plan to close post office

2 Nikki Relf, Kennington's Police Support Community Officer, is recovering after surgery to remove a lung tumour. Three years ago Nikki underwent surgery for sarcoma cancer After chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment she was able to return to work. Nikki hopes to be back on duty in a couple of months. PSCO Katie Scott is covering Nikki’s area.

A Friends of Bybrook Nature Reserve group is being set up to decide the future of the site. It will be run by the Kentish Stour Countryside Partnership with support from Ashford council. All the felled trees were due to be cleared from the Nine Acres site by the end of August. More details from Debbie Adams

Bockhanger dream fades as building costs soar


he plan to redevelop Bockhanger Square has become a victim of rising building costs.

Chris Morley, chair of Kennington Community Forum, said: “This is deeply disappointing. Many members of the community have put a great deal of time into this project. Community consultations clearly Residents who were promised “something very showed that residents want improvements to the special” have been told there is no likelihood of Bockhanger Square area and community facilities, anything happening for at least three years. which are looking very tired. Although construction The project requires a developer to make a profit costs have risen since the project was drawn up, from the sale of new homes on the site to pay for house prices have risen even faster and it is the shops to be moved and a new community centre surprising that ABC have only now found that there to be built. Ashford council cannot fund the project. is insufficient profit margin to take this forward.”

“It’s no-one’s fault except the economy,” said Cllr Graham Galpin, ABC Cabinet member for Finance. “Everyone has worked really hard and we will

look at some options. But nothing will happen for at least three years.” A statement from the council said: “During the consultation period we were advised that construction companies were operating on small profit margins to stay afloat, making the project feasible. Now the economic situation is changing and construction costs are rising the project is less viable financially to a private developer

as things stand. We have reviewed the project again recently and even adding a further six homes to the initial proposal the scheme only produces a return of 4%, not the 15% a private developer would be looking for. We hope that the situation may improve further and that the opportunity arises to take forward these plans.” early three years ago Cllr Gerry Clarkson, who is now leader of Ashford ABC, came to a meeting of Kennington Community Forum when the future of the Square was discussed. He told those present: “This is an opportunity to have something really special . . . the project will be driven by what you want, not by the council.” A steering committee chaired by local architect Derek Standing spent 18 months looking at ways of regenerating the area and put forward options including building a new community centre and new shops. Views were sought on what should happen to the library. At an exhibition a year ago four options were displayed. The majority of those who responded to a questionnaire favoured demolishing the hall and redeveloping the entire site including the shops and building a smaller hall. It would be funded by building 11 houses on the site with 12 flats above the four new shops.


Campaign Continued from Page 1 residents in Kennington had the same rights as the rural parts of the borough when it comes to decisions on planning, or leisure facilities, or crime prevention measures — and many other aspects of local living.” To raise money for a community council a precept is added to the council tax bills for everyone who pays council tax in the community. In the Kennington area this would be about 50p a week per household.

F you have Isigned not yet the petition it is available on the Forum’s website kennington You can print it off, fill it in and return it to: Chris Morley, 47 Broadhurst Drive, Kennington; Robin Britcher, 169 Faversham Road, Kennington, or Bockhanger Library. Or you can ring 01233 634410 to receive a form. You must be on the electoral roll in Kennington, Bybrook, Bockhanger or Little Burton to sign the petition. Community groups in Central Ashford, South Ashford, North Willesborough, and South Willesborough & New Town are also campaigning for community councils. If sufficient residents respond Ashford Borough Council will initiate the process that could lead to the establishment of one or more Community Councils in May 2015. SURFACING work has been carried out in Bockhanger Lane to the Kingswood Centre access drive.

Kennington Community Forum

ASHFORD BATTERY COMPANY After trading in Ashford for 35 years as Beaver Batteries we are now proud to re-introduce ourselves as Ashford Battery Company. It’s the same location and the same familiar faces, just a new name. Great range of batteries for cars, vans, motorcycles, caravans, mobility scooters and lawnmowers. We provide a call out for battery fitting, just give us a ring. We stock many vehicle parts and accessories. We can arrange MOTs and can provide car servicing, repairs, maintenance and computer diagnostics for most vehicles.

156 Faversham Road, Kennington, Ashford 01233 640835

Clarkson’s tirade stirs up a storm Jeremy Clarkson’s outburst over speed humps in Ulley Road found little sympathy from local people. The TV presenter took to Twitter to tell his 3.5million followers: “People of Ulley Road, Ashford. With all those stupid speed humps I hope you never need an ambulance.” Clarkson and his colleagues James May and Richard Hammond were on their way to Eastwell Manor after filming Top Gear on Romney Marsh. Several were quick to point out on Facebook that the humps were essential to slow traffic near the two schools. Sara Atkinson wrote: “That idiot Clarkson should have visited Ulley Road when the school run is on and he would

have seen the real problem for ambulances is the people who park on double yellow lines causing gridlock.” Another said: “Good, perhaps the speed humps will keep Clarkson out of Kennington.” Road safety campaigner Ted Prangnell said: “Normally I would ignore anything Jeremy Clarkson has to say, but I welcome the publicity this has generated because it illustrates those humps are doing their job and slowing drivers down.” The 16 sets of humps which run

Bella thanks customers for 30 years of loyal support Bella Patel celebrated 30 years running Savers Newsagent by thanking her loyal customers “Without their support I wouldn't be here”, she said. Bella had thought about moving when her husband John died 11 years ago from a brain tumour. “It was a struggle,” she said, “but people would say to me ‘John would like you to continue.’ Bella and John bought the Faversham Road shop in June 1984 after they were made redundant from their jobs in London. While they found their feet they were helped by Daphne Stevens who had been working there for 12 years. Bella said: “She is still very good and has worked here for 42 years. Daphne was the youngest member when we took over and now she is the oldest.” Over the years the shop has grown from a newsagents to a mini market, selling groceries, fruit, vegetables, alcohol and Lottery tickets. Hard working Bella has only one day off each year: Christmas Day. Her son and daughter helped in the shop during John’s illness. Devan, 33, is now a doctor and Ronika, 28, works as a pharmacist in London.

along the length of The Street and Ulley Road were installed more than 10 years ago to make it safer for children to walk to school and reduce congestion. Ulley Road had become a heavilyused cut-through between the A251 and the A28. A KCC spokesman said: “The traffic calming scheme was supported by local residents.” Robin Beresford says heavy lorries driving over the humps are slowly destroying his Grade II listed home. Mr Beresford, who runs a goldsmith and silversmith business in The Street, says cracks have started appearing in his walls and roof tiles, objects in the house move and his windows vibrate.


He told the Kentish Express: “I agree with Jeremy Clarkson and congratulate him.” Mr Beresford said he had instigated traffic calming because of speeding lorries. “We asked for 30mph signs but they installed the humps saying it was a two year trial. But they never came back.” KCC’s Lorry Watch scheme allows community volunteers to record details of lorries that are using unsuitable roads. KCC can then contact the company and advise them to use the Kent Freight Gateway journey planner. At least two volunteers are needed for a Lorry Watch team. email or call 03000 412457 for more details.

She’s a very special lady Praise for Bella poured in to the Kentish Express after the story of her 30 years in Kennington appeared. Cecil Horn, of Nettlefields wrote: “She is an extraordinary woman, caring, compassionate, good humoured and a dynamic and efficient organiser.” Beryl Baker of Beauchamp Close said: “I’ve never seen her without a smile. The shop is at the heart of the community. She is a very special lady.” Ted Prangnell wrote: “I’ve been a customer all those 30 years. The shop has always been spotlessly clean and the service excellent It’s always service with a smile from Daphne and Bella Picture: KERRIE WILSON and friendly.”

Bella said: “We have a lot of loyal and regular customers and I think this is a good community store. I enjoy the banter I have with my customers — although I don’t really refer to them as customers they are more like friends.” MEMORY MAKING PHOTO TAKING Weddings - Portraits - Christenings, Special events. Call Kerrie 07979 917486 or ask at Bella’s newsagents

THIRTY people were taken on a fascinating tour of Grosvenor Hall, now the Kingswood Activity Centre. It was arranged by Simon Ludbrook, for members of Facebook’s Ashford Kent Remembering The Way It Once Was. The Hall, originally called Bockhanger, was built in 1875 for Ashford banker James Burra. In 1913 Percy Jones bought it and it was redeveloped into a TB sanatorium. It closed in 1955 and became a police training centre until 2006. New centre manager Rob Ainsley would be happy to show groups over the building. His number is 01233 618250.


Nigel’s WW1 research ends in an amazing find Nigel Adam’s research into his great -uncle’s death in the First World War resulted in a remarkable discovery. A friend who accompanied him to France to visit the grave of Charles Edward Adams later spotted the soldier’s service medal and bronze commemorative plaque for sale on the website eBay. Without telling Nigel he drove to Chelmsford and bought them. Then he waited for the perfect moment to give them to his friend. “He presented them to me as a birthday present,” said Nigel, a lay preacher at St Mary’s Church, Kennington. “I was really thrilled.” Lance Corporal Charles Adams was wounded on the Somme on 25 March 1918 and died in a field hospital that day. He was 18. He was born in High Halden on 11 November 1898 and served

with the 2nd Battalion, West Yorkshire Regiment. Nigel, a retired nurse who now works part-time at Singleton Nursing Home, travelled to the Brie British Cemetery in northern France with his wife Sue and friends Alan and Janine Hover. He said: “We went with a guide and found the grave. It was very, very moving. It was a beautiful day and we held a commemorative service and I laid some poppies. “I’m still searching for Charles’ missing Victory medal, but I’ve had a replica made and had them both mounted.” There was one more surprise for Nigel. After the story appeared in the Kentish Express a distant relative phoned to say she was sending him a photograph of Charles and his two brothers.

Nigel, second from right, with his wife Sue and friends Alan and Janine Hover

Charles Adams’ medal and plaque were for sale on eBay St Mary’s Church, Kennington was full for the special service on Sunday 3 August to mark the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War A RECORD number of people visited Ashford Museum’s WW1 exhibition on 4 August. The total of 160 was the largest for one day. More than 1,000 people have visited since April. Exhibits include a replica trench, personal kits and picture of men who did not return home. The Museum in Ashford Churchyard is open Tuesday to Saturday, from 11am to 2pm. It is run entirely by volunteers. If you wold like to become a steward please call Lynne Sharp on 01233 501372.

Kennington at War 1914-1918 tells the story of the village during the First World War and of all those who are remembered on the War Memorial. Robin Britcher’s book is on sale at Bella’s Newsagents in Faversham Road and at Bockhanger Post Office, price £3.

Kennington Memorial at 10pm on 4 August, the centenary of the day Britain declared war on Germany. The memorial is not on Ashford Borough Council’s maintenance schedule and there are hairline cracks in several places; there could be severe cracking in frosty conditions. Kennington Forum is hoping to find a qualified surveyor who understands concrete. Community Payback Service worked in the Garden of Remembrance during August.

HAYESBANK SURGERY SET TO EXPAND New Hayesbank Surgery wants to build a twostorey extension to provide additional consulting rooms. It will enable the practice to continue to register patients in the Kennington area and provide easy access to healthcare including community clinics. The proposed extension, to the rear of the building, would also contain a suite for carrying out minor operations, reducing the need for hospital attendance. For more details see planning application 14/00975/AS on the Ashford Borough Council website. THE Ashford Branch of Guide Dogs meets in Dobbies Garden World restaurant, Eureka Leisure Park, on the second Monday of every month at 10am. Anyone interested in volunteering, or simply wanting to meet the dogs, and puppies, is welcome.

Follow the Forum on the web at

Fayre raises £11,500

Teddies and a tuba all added to the fun for 2,000 visitors at the Summer Fayre Kennington Summer Fayre was another huge success and raised more than £11,500 for the 35 charities and community organisations that took part. St Mary’s Church and Kennington Scouts each made £1,450, Kennington Juniors PTA £1,140, Kennington Cricket Club £920 and Friends of Downs View School £680. Kennington Forum raised £534. In spite of a poor weather forecast the Fayre enjoyed an almost uninterruptedly fine afternoon and attracted more than 2,000 visitors. They were entertained by the Towers Cheerleaders, the Ashford Concert Band, the DreamDragons Theatre Group, Kennington Junior maypole dancers, Downs


View Infants choir, and Phoenix School. The Fun Dog Show attracted 30 pets and they all went home with a prize. First prize in the Grand Draw, A Big Cat Encounter for two at the Wildlife Heritage Foundation Sanctuary, Smarden, was won by Jenny Carver. Prizes for the draw were donated by local businesses and organisations. Organiser Jill Britcher said: “The Fayre is always a very friendly community event and it was a real pleasure to see so many people enjoying themselves, at the same time knowing that local groups were able to attract much needed funds. “Well done to everyone who worked so hard to make it a success.”


CUNNING PLAN THE Local Development Plan has been revised and dates have changed. The draft Local Plan will now be published in July 2015 and will be open for consultation until November 2015. It will then go to the Secretary of State in December. This is six months later than previously stated. COGS CLUB helps people experiencing problems with memory. It encourages members to participate in purposeful activity to develop or maintain active minds. A Cogs Club is running at St Mary's Community Centre, Rylands Road, Kennington every Wednesday from 10am to 3pm. To book a place call 0845 0956700. KENNINGTON Forum is working with Neighbourhood Watch, Police Community Support Officers and Community Wardens to tackle anti-social behaviour at Little Burton. THE CHURCH clock has been repaired thanks to a fund-raising fish and chip supper, a £250 donation from Kennington Forum and a private contribution.


Lifetime honour as couple call ‘time’ at The Rose Grove Ferry Inn in Canterbury. Before we took on the Rose Inn, I was landlord at The Railway in Walmer for six years. “I have always loved my work, and we have made some fantasThey received a Lifetime tic friends over the years. I won’t Achievement Award in a ceremony at the Conningbrook Hotel. be giving it up entirely — I have already said I will do some partThe couple were presented Shepherd Neame chief executive Jonathan Neame presented the award time bar work for a few people with a pair of crystal glasses after I retire!” KENNINGTON WI ty. The day was rounded off with and a magnum of Taittinger The couple have two sons and is linked with a an evening at the Walnut Tree Champagne. WI in Manchester pub in Aldington. The next Peter said: “I turn 65 in October, two grandchildren. After leaving the Rose, Peter and and recently meeting is on Monday 8 September so we will be retiring then. Glenice will spend a couple of welcomed seven at 7pm when Paul Harris from I have always worked in the months at their house in Alicanof its members for a weekend Radio Kent will be speaking licensed trade, since starting te, Spain, before returning to stay. On the Friday 80 of our on “Humorous Landladies”. as a steward at the Police find a new home in the Ashford members and guests enjoyed an Visitors are always welcome. headquarters’ staff bar in area. Peter said: “We have really “Evening of Burlesque”. The next GILL WHITLING Maidstone at the age of 18. enjoyed our time at the Rose, day the visitors and some of our BYBROOK WI meets on the It has been a varied career, members went by coach to Faver- second Tuesday in the month working in lots of different plac- and will definitely keep in touch (except August) from 7.30-10pm sham for a tour of the Shepherd es, including as a bar manager at with everyone there — sitting Neame Brewery, with lunch, then at St Mary's Community Centre, the Tudor House in Bearsted and on the other side of the bar!” Rylands Road, Kennington. New visited Whitstable where the WI A SEVEN MILE Forest Trek organised by the Friends of King’s Wood ladies served us a tea fit for royal- members are always welcome. starts at 10am on Saturday 6 September from the main forest car park off White Hill Road, Challock. It will be led by Wendy Hogg. THERE is very little room for IF YOU have difficulty using or Some of the terrain is rough and quite steep. On Sunday 21 Septemwheelchair users and pushchairs accessing public transport a car ber 21 Amy McDermott will lead the Photography in Focus walk. to pass the bus stop sited on the service is available. Call VolunteerMeet in the lower car park on White Hill Road, Challock at 10am. pavement in Bybrook Road — ing Ashford on 01233 633219. Events cost £3 on the day but are free to members. especially when people are Details 07523 203458 or waiting for buses. But Ashford

Peter and Glenice Dowsett who are retiring after 19 years at the Rose Inn, Kennington, were honoured in the annual Shepherd Neame Pub Awards.

Council has told Pat Boorman of the Bybrook and Bockhanger Community Group that the cost of moving it onto the grassed area would be prohibitive. Please trim back hedges and branches that overhang pavements as they are a hazard for guide dog owners and partially sighted people.

CHANGE TO FUNDING The grant system for county councillors has changed. Previously councillors had three ‘pots’ and a Highways grant which alone was for £23,000. These have now been amalgamated into one community and highways grant of £25,000. Any groups seeking funding should contact Annette Haigh (KCC Community Engagement officer)

BLOOD donor sessions will be held on Thursday 4 September, 1.30pm-4pm and 5pm7.30pm, at the Scout Hall, Lower Vicarage Road. For more details and times see

Tai Chi For Health Beginners’ Class

Saturday fortnightly St Mary’s Community Centre, Kennington 9.30am 13th & 27th Sept Only £3 (£6 thereafter)

07587 167756


DAVE RECHARGES HIS BATTERIES A new name, but the same familiar faces. Beaver Batteries in Faversham Road is now the Ashford Battery Company. The business has been re-branded after 35 years. Apart from supplying and fitting a wide range of batteries, motor parts and accessories, Dave Everett can service and repair all makes of vehicles using the latest computer diagnostic equipment. Labour rates are a very reasonable £30 an hour. Dave began work as a car mechanic when he was 15 and the

ACTRESS Patsy Byrne who played Nursie in TV’s Blackadder grew up in Kennington. Patsy went to Ashford School for Girls and studied drama at the Rose Bruford School before joining the Royal Shakespeare Company. She died in June aged 80. THE Fair Trade Shop in The Street closed at the end of June. Martin Turner said trade had fallen steadily since the recession. Martin and his wife Frances plan to move to Yorkshire and open another shop.

first Beaver Batteries opened in Kingsnorth Road, Ashford, in 1979. Ten years later he opened the Kennington branch. The south Ashford shop closed in April when Dave’s brother-in-law retired. “I should have retired by now,” said Dave, who is 67 and runs the business with his wife Dee. “But we would lose touch with hundreds of people. Customers are our friends and we do our best to satisfy everyone. I want to stay here as long as I physically can.”

Scouts want to extend opening hours at new HQ

St Mary’s office supremo heads for Australia

Kennington Scouts’ new headquarters has finally been finished with the completion of the landscaping scheme. The Scouts raised half of the cost of the landscaping project. Grants of £5,000 were received from The Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation and The Roger DeHaan Charitable Trust and a further £2,000 came from The Godinton Trust. The Group now wants to extend the use of the premises to other community groups and private individuals. However, current planning restrictions only allow the premises to be used by others between 10am and 6pm on weekdays. Local residents are being consulted about the Group’s intention to seek a relaxation of the current embargo. Group Chairman, the Reverend Canon Roger Martin, would welcome comments on the proposal to make the Hall

St Mary’s Kennington says goodbye to a key member of its team this month. Lynne Lucas who has been the administrator for seven years is moving to Australia. “Lynne has been ‘the voice’ of the church office,” said the Rev Richard King. “Whenever contact was made with St Mary’s about baptisms, weddings, the summer or Christmas fayres, Lynne was the one who answered the phone. “But she did more than that. She has exemplary administration skills and has paid a key role in the growth and development of St Mary’s. We will miss Lynne and wish her well for the new adventure that awaits her.” Harvest Mingle and entertainment, Community Centre, Rylands Road, Sat 27 Sept, 7pm

Kennington Community Forum takes an active role in looking after the interests of the people and the environment of our area and enables the community to voice opinions on local matters which affect their lives and wellbeing. We hold six public meetings a year and publish the quarterly Kennington News supplemented

by web and social media sites. The Forum is run by volunteers. For more details contact Chris Morley 01233 611196 or visit our website NEXT MEETING: AGM 30 SEPTEMBER, St Mary’s Community Centre, Rylands Road, 7.30pm

To advertise in the December Kennington News please call 01233 634410 or email

Kennington News is printed by Geerings Print Ltd, Ashford 01233 633366

more readily available. Comments can be sent to him at The Kennington Scout Group Community Hall, Lower Vicarage Road, TN24 9AS. or by email to To publicise an event on Kennington Forum’s Noticeboard in Upper Vicarage Road send details as an A5 document to


KENT CALL UP BATTING STAR MARIA by JOHN CUNNINGHAM uch has happened to Kennington Cricket Club this year. In May we saw the opening of the new pavilion and in the following three months the focus of activity was very much on the Junior section. The club now operates teams in all four age groups in the Ashford & District Junior Cricket League and provides opportunities for 90 local children to take part. Partic-


ularly successful this year were the Under 11 Hawks and the Under 13 teams. Rhys Johnson, Sam Grove, Wisdom Danns and Oliver Matthews played for the Ashford District Under 14 team. Batting star Maria Harriman (above) represented the county

and played for the Kent Girls Under 13 team. We are still looking to expand and we hope that the free cricket sessions that were provided in three local schools will encourage more young children to join the club next year. In the adult teams the 1st XI were mid table in August and the 2nd XI were fighting relegation. Anyone interested in joining, either adult or junior, please call me on 01233 612162.

Here it is! The new building planned for Spearpoint Rec


lans for the new Spearpoint Community building have been submitted to Ashford Borough Council. The project has been held up by planning and cost issues. “Hopefully they have now been resolved,” said Ben Moyle, ABC Facilities Manager who heads the steering group overseeing the venture. The planning application was submitted following his meeting with the architect and representatives of the FA, Kent FA, and the Football Foundation. The project will be funded by a combination of council, Sport England and Football Foundation grants. The community has raised £3,100 towards the building which will provide first class facilities for football, rugby and tennis clubs.

It will also be available to community groups. Plans to replace the existing dilapidated pavilion were announced in January last year following pressure from the Kennington Community Forum. Over the years the councilowned pavilion has been vandalised and used only as changing rooms by Sunday soccer sides. Several clubs no longer play there because of the poor facilities. The new pavilion will have six changing rooms, two large enough for rugby teams; officials’ changing rooms; spectator facilities and storage areas. There will be a kitchen and bar area. Roller shutter doors will secure all access points. It is envisaged the building will be available on weekdays,

Dan’s challenge


ennington FC have appointed their youngest-ever first team manager, 23-year-old former Ashford United and Hythe defender Dan Scorer. His playing career was ended by a knee injury. Club Chairman Graham Oxley hopes Dan will lead them to promotion to the Premier Division of the County League after finishing fourth in the last two seasons. Kennington’s Sunday League side also have a new boss. Last year’s assistant manager Richard Johnson steps into the hot seat with Mike Hodges as his number two. The Saturday Reserve side will be managed again by Andy Worthington. Both Saturday sides play their home games at the Julie Rose Stadium. It has a café and bar and spectators can sit in comfort in the main stand — and it’s free. The Sunday side play their home games at Sandyacres Sports and Social Club in Sandyhurst Lane. You can get all the fixtures and up to date club news by visiting the club’s website and also follow the links to Facebook and Twitter pages.

weekends and Bank Holidays from 9am to 9pm for local sports clubs and private hire. The new pavilion will not be on the same footprint. It will face the rugby pitch to provide a better outlook for spectators. Kennington councillor Phil Sims said: “The proximity of the building to residents on The Ridge means their opinions should be taken into account as they will be affected by the new building and its users.” For further details see planning application 14/01016/AS on the Ashford Borough Council website. Ashford Barbarians Rugby Club have made improvements to the interior of the existing building and invite members of the community to attend home matches and enjoy the club’s hospitality.

Information COUNTY COUNCILLORS: Andrew Wickham (Ashford Rural East) 01233 840902 Jim Wedgbury (Ashford Central) 01233 503272 BOROUGH COUNCILLORS: Kennington: Phil Sims 01233 627603 Bockhanger: Michael Claughton 01233 635969 Bybrook: Andrew Buchanan 01233 627696 Little Burton: Marion Martin 01233 628811 marionmartin168 Boughton Aluph: Winston Michael 01233 636644 NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE : PCSO Katie Scott. Call 101 to be put through to the neighbourhood officer best placed to deal with your call PARKING PROBLEMS: 01233 330641 KENT HIGHWAYS: 08458 247800 NEW HAYESBANK SURGERY: 01233 624642 LATE NIGHT CHEMIST: Sainsbury’s, Simone Weil Avenue 01233 662819 MEDICAL HELP BUT NOT AN EMERGENCY: 111 (available 24/7) A&E OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY: William Harvey Hospital 01233 633331 REV RICHARD KING: 01233 623334 STAGECOACH BUSES: 08456 002299 KENNINGTON FORUM: Chris Morley, chair, 01233 611196 Sandra Dunn, secretary 01233 634165 Kennington News is published in March, June, September and December. Editor Robin Britcher 01233 634410


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