Easy Way to Play a Electric Guitar - Play The Guitar Instructions Playing guitar like a rock star may take years of practice, but learning to play the guitar well isn't all that difficult. Numerous methods are available in books and on CD and DVD to help you learn to play guitar. There are also free Internet websites that offer simple guitar-learning methods. Playing guitar can be a fun, relaxing hobby, and if you enjoy it, maybe even a career. It all begins with practice. Take advantage of the many easy ways available to learn guitar and maybe you'll find yourself playing in your own band in a short time.
Hal Leonard Fast Track
• Use the Hal Leonard "Fast Track" method to learn guitar. This guitar method series is the leading quick guitar method for beginning guitarists. It differs from other methods in that it offers information in an easy-tounderstand format and incorporates a lot of popular songs into the lesson plan to get you playing quickly and as easily as possible. The method works well with private instructors, but it's ideal for self-taught players.
Video Lessons • Using video lessons is one of the easiest ways to learn how to play guitar. With video lessons, you have the opportunity to pause and rewind until you get it right. No matter how well a text is written, there's no substitute for seeing a technique performed while an instructor explains how to do it. Popular websites such as Youtube offer a wide range of free video lessons. A simple "guitar lessons" search brings up numerous videos that teach everything from guitar basics to advanced technique. You can also purchase "Easy Guitar Now," which is an easy DVD approach to playing guitar that incorporates a color fretboard system with DVD instruction.
Guitar Websites • Take advantage of the numerous guitar websites online that offer free lessons. Cyberfret is one such website. It offers an extensive library of guitar instruction that's laid out in logical categories to make learning how to play guitar easy for newbies. Cyberfret is completely free and extensive in content. You can learn to play guitar at your own pace, and if you have questions, there's a wellmanned forum where you can get answers. Cyberfret and other web-based guitar methods are ideal for beginners because you can review the material as often as you like and work at your own pace. Play by Ear • It isn't easy in the beginning to play a song by ear. Until you have played long enough to train yourself to hear notes, what you play will sound pretty bad. Still, attempting to play along with your favorite songs, especially in conjunction with one of the other methods, allows you to work on your technique and train yourself to hear the music you want to play. Playing by ear is as easy as picking up your guitar, turning on the radio and playing along. The bad notes you hear in the beginning will get better with practice. Easy Way to Play a Electric Guitar - Play The Guitar Instructions Click here Guitar Rhythm