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Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


partniori 2 014

dekembris gamocema â„– 1

profesionalis kariera interviu meri dauSvilTan

Career Professionals Interview with Mery Daushvili

December Issue â„–1

navTobis fasebi Oil Prices 45

laris gaufasurebagamyarebis anatomia


the anatomy of depreciationappreciation




interviu prezidentis ekonomikur mrCevelTan giorgi abaSiSvilTan Interview with Giorgi Abashishvili, Advsor to the President in Economic Issues

4 860100 022021



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა



Georgian GeorgianChamber Chamberof ofCommerce Commerceand andIndustry Industry

www.gcci.ge www.gcci.ge

2014 | dekemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

isargebles benzinis biznesSi myofma kompaniebma, romelTac sazogadoebrivi wnexis Tavidan acileba SeZles im mizeziT, rom importirebul sawvavze kursis gamo, metis gadaxda uwevT. bareli ukve 60 dolaria, magram saqarTveloSi benzinis fasebze es pirdapir kvlav ar isaxeba.

THE COMPANIES ENGAGED IN PETROLEUM BUSINESS FOR whom the to avoid the social pressure which was revealed in decreasing the world prices was possible due to the reason that because of imported fuel rate they had to pay more. 1 barrel costs 60 dollars already, but in Georgia it has no direct impact on the process of petroleum.

19 weli Semosavlebis samsaxurSi imuSava, 19 wlis Semdeg statistikis samsaxuris xelmZRvaneloba SesTavazes. ambobs, rom kanoniT gaTvaliswinebuli yvela saWiro procedura gaiara da ise gaxda saqstatis xelmZRvaneli. yofili samsaxuridan amJamindel kabinetSi mxolod wignebi gamohyva.


offered to become the Head of National Statistics Office of Georgia. Several procedures and regulations were fulfilled until becoming the head of Geostat, she says. The books were the only items which she took from the old place to the current cabinet.


Tu ekonomikuri zrdis wlevandel da SarSandel maCveneblebs erT足 maneTs Sevada足rebT, progresi aSka足raa. bunebrivia, gvWirdeba meti. ganviTarebadi qve足 ynis ekonomikebs WirdebaT meti zrda da am mxriv gamonaklisi ar SeiZleba viyoT. Cven unda vifiqroT yvela im struqturul reformaze, romelic met ekonomikur zrdas Seuwyobs xels.


current one, progress is obvious. Naturally we need more. The economics of developing countries need more growth and from this point of view we cannot be an exception. We must think about all those structural reforms which will assist the more economic growth.

ruseTi mudmivad uars acxadebda gawevrianebuliyo kartelSi, radgan am SemTxvevaSi mas OPEC-s wesebis gaTvaliswineba mouwevda. saudis arabeTsa da kartelis sxva wevrebs miaCniaT, rom ruseTi da sxva arawevri qveynebi OPEC-is mier SezRuduli warmoebiT sargebloben.


OPEC, because it would have to accept OPEC's rules to control production.Saudi Arabia and other OPEC states believe that Russia and other non-OPEC states have exploited the organization to extract good prices when supply is short, but refuse to accept OPEC's discipline to limit supply when prices are falling. DECEMBER | 2014


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

gamomcemeli saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palata


redaqtori maia WuWulaSvili


aRmasrulebeli direqtori naTia mefariSvili


saredaqcio sabWo kaxa bainduraSvili nino Ciqovani naTia mefariSvili nino Sengelia qeTevan gogitiZe beqa injia


dizaineri natalia Rlonti


fotografi giorgi wiklauri


karikatura zaal sulakauri




vrceldeba ufasod


saavtoro uflebebi daculia. JurnalSi gamoqveynebuli masalebis nawilobriv an mTlianad gamoyeneba akrZalulia.

Copyright 2014 “Partner” All rights reserved

misamarTi aRmaSeneblis gamziri 150, 0112, Tbilisi telefoni: +995 32 2 69 47 47

ADDRESS 150, Agmashenebeli Avenue, 0112, Tbilisi

public@gcci.ge marketing@gcci.ge

2014 | dekemberi

Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Maia Chuchulashvili

Natia Meparishvili

Kakha Baindurashvili Nino Chikovani Natia Meparishvili Nino Shengelia Ketevan Gogitidze Beka Injia

Natalia Glonti Giorgi Tsiklauri Zaal Sulakauri


Phone: +995 32 2 69 47 47 public@gcci.ge marketing@gcci.ge


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


sarCevi / CONTENTS


laris gaufasureba-gamyarebis anatomia



xelisuflebam ar unda gansazRvros, sad jobia investireba


profesionalis kariera

28 32

IT’S NOT GOVERNMENT THAT HAS TO DETERMINE WHERE TO INVEST interviu prezidentis ekonomikur mrCevelTan giorgi abaSiSvilTan Interview with Mr. Giorgi Abashishvili, Advisor to the President in Economic Issues

CAREER PROFESSIONALS interviu saqstatis xelmZRvanelTan meri dauSvilTan Interview with Mary Daushvili Executive Director of National Statistics Office of Georgia

saqeqspertiza, rogorc Tqveni biznesis partniori


ra aris saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis akademia?

WHAT IS THE ACADEMY OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY? interviu akademiis xelmZRvanelTan sergo nozaZesTan Interview with the Head of Academy Sergo Nozadze


navTobis fasebi


2014 wlis mTavari movlenebi,ramac zegavlena iqonia Cvens cxovrebasa da ekonomikaze





partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

es nomeri mxolod dasawyisia – Cven ukve yo­ veli Tvis bolos SevxvdebiT erTmaneTs! vemSvidobebiT 2014 wels da vxvdebiT 2015-s. gvjera Cveni da Tqveni warmatebuli awmyosa da momavlis!

From the current edition the Partner starts establishing in your life and business as a reliable partner. This issue coincides with the end of the year and the begging of a new year. Therefore there is much to say.

maia WuWulaSvili

redaqtoris werili Maia Chuchulashvili Editor’s letter „partniori“ Tqvens cxovrebasa da saqmianobaSi damkvidrebas am nomriT iwyebs. es nomeri droSi erTi wlis dasasruls da meoris dasawyiss emTxve­ va. amitom saTqmeli, miT ufro bevria. Cveni qveynisTvis wlis bolo, politikur batalieb­ Tan erTad, laris gaufasurebiT aRiniSna. laris kursis vardnaze sakmarisze meti azri moismineT, waikiTxeT – amis miuxedavad, SevecadeT, TqvenTvis erTgvari analizi SemogveTavazebina. Cven giCve­ nebT, ras ambobdnen isini, visganac pasuxs iTxovT qveynis ekonomikur cxovrebaSi mimdinare procese­ bze da amasTan, ramdenime saintereso mosazrebas gaecnobiT – specialurad „partnioris“ mkiTxve­ lisTvis Seqmnils. imedi maqvs, es mosazrebebi su­ bieqturi, magram miukerZoebeli, obieqturad scems pasuxs kiTxvaze – ra gaxda laris gaufasurebis mi­ zezi. kidev erTi statia, romelsac Tqvens yuradRebas mivapyrob, navTobis fasebsa da mis Sedegebs exeba. am TemebTan erTad Tqven bevr saintereso statias gaecnobiT – Tvals gadaavlebT msoflio ekono­ mikur procesebs, gaigebT, risTvis SeiZleba gamo­ gadgeT savaWro-samrewvelo palatis akademia da ratom aris mniSvnelovani saqeqspertizis daskvna. am nomridan aseve SeityobT, rom momaval wels gve­ codineba saqarTvelos mosaxleoba ramdeni iqneba. nomris stumris, prezidentis ekonomikuri mrCe­ vlis TvaliT danaxul qarTuli ekonomikis dRevan­ delobasac gaecnobiT. 2014 | dekemberi

The end of a year together with the political battled has been marked with the national currency Lari (GEL) devaluation. We heard more than enough thoughts regarding the GEL deflation, however please read – we tried to offer to you some sort of an analyze. We will let you know what those are saying whom you ask to answer about the lives and economics in this country; also, you will read some interesting opinions specially for the Partner’s readers. I hope these ideas subjective however unbiased, answer the question objectiverly – what was the reason behind the recent currency depreciation. One more article which I want to draw your attention is about the oil prices and its implications. Together with these topics you will get acquainted with many interesting articles – you will look through the world economic processes; you will learn what the Academy of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry useful is for and why it is important to have the report of GeoExpertise. From this issue you will know also that from the next yearwe will all know how many we the citizens of this country are in real numbers. You will also get acquainted with the current situation of Georgian economy as it is seen by the special guest of the magazine – President’s Adviser in Economic Issues. The current issue is just abeginning – we will meet each other at the end of each month! The economical processes taking place in Georgia and throughout the world dorelate to us. We want to create the Georgian business edition Partner together with you! Hoping that we will make it by all means, we say farewell to the year of 2014 and welcome 2015! We believe in successful present and future of ours and yours!




Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Health from the very first days Catering program during the first 1000 days of life sicocxlis pirveli 1000 dRe – anu periodi Casaxvidan ba­ vSvis pirveli ori wlis ganmavlobaSi – warmoadgens ada­ mianis janmrTelobis safuZvels mTeli sicocxlis ganma­ vlobaSi da ganapirobebs mravali daavadebis ganviTarebis Tu prevenciis mizezs. amasTan dakavSirebiT, janmos uaxlema asambleam Semdgomi 20 weli gamoacxada janmrTelobis „programirebis“ wle­ bad da xazi gausva sicocxlis pirveli 1000 dRis mniSvne­ lobas. aRniSnul asambleaze janmos generalurma mdivanma aRniSna, rom planetis daavadebebis 80% Seuqcevadia. maTi prevenciis umTavres safuZvels ki swored Casaxvidan pir­ veli 1000 dRis ganmavlobaSi swori kveba gansazRvravs. amdenad, msoflio samedicino sazogadoebisTvis cnobilia sococxlis pirveli 1000 dRis - am yvelaze gamorCeuli periodis mniSvneloba. amitom, gamomdinare aRniSnuli Tematikis saerTaSoriso mniSvnelobidan da aqtualobi­ dan, saqarTvelos neonatologTa asociaciisa da kompania „nestles“ iniciativiT, momzadda eqimTa diplomis Semdgo­ mi uwyveti samedicino ganaTlebis programa „sicocxlis pirveli 1000 dRe“. programa Seqmnilia janmos masalebze dayrdnobiT da misi mizania, rogorc eqimTa, ise saSualo samedicino perso­ nalis profesiuli donis amaRleba mileniumis ZiriTad mimarTulebebSi. programis farglebSi, saqarTvelos eqi­ mebi da eqTnebi gaivlian regularul treningebs Tbilis­ sa da regionebSi. programam gaiara akreditacia Tbilisis saxelmwifo sa­ medicino universitetSi. 26 noembers Sedga misi prezen­ tacia Tbilisis saxelmwifo samedicino universitetSi. konferencias eswreboda 200-ze meti eqimi kavkasiis yvela qveynidan. konferenciaSi monawileobdnen qarTveli da ucxoeli eqspertebi, romlebmac samedicino sazogadoebas gaacnes sococxlis pirveli 1000 dRis programis arsi da isaubres swori kvebis Cvevebis formirebaze.

pativiscemiT, kompania „nestles“ warmomadgenloba saqarTveloSi

First 1000 days of life – that is period between women's pregnancy until the second birthday of her child, is the basis for human health during whole life and conditions the reason for developing or preventing numerous diseases. In relation to this, the latest Assembly of World Health Organization declared following 20 years as the years of “programming” health and emphasized the great importance of first 1000 days of life. The Secretary General of WHO during the mentioned Assembly remarked that 80% of the planet diseases are reversible. The major reason for preventing them is right nutrition during first 1000 days from the moment of pregnancy. So, world’s medical society is aware of the importance of first 1000 days of life – this most distinguished period. That’s why due to the international importance and actuality of the mentioned thematic, initiated by the Company “Nestle” and Association of Neonatologists of Georgia the continues medical educational program “First 1000 days of life” for health professions has been prepared. The program is created mainly relying on the materials provided by WHO and its aim is to increase the professional level of doctors’ and intermediate medical staff in main goals of millennium. In frames of the project, doctors and nurses in entire Georgia will be trained in Tbilisi and regions through passing above program. The program was granted accreditation at Tbilisi State Medical University and in November 26th, current year it was presented at Tbilisi State Medical University. The conference was attended by more than 200 doctors from all the countries of Caucasia. The Georgian and foreign experts took part in the conference who made medical society get acquainted with the content of the Program “First 1000 days of life” and talked about the formation of skills to give right nutrition.

Regards, Representation of the Company “Nestle” in Georgia



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

laris gaufasureba-gamyarebis anatomia GEL THE ANATOMY OF DEPRECIATION-APPRECIATION laris gaufasurebaze imdeni iTqva da daiwe­ ra, ramdeni adamianic cxovrobs am qveyanaSi. ratom gaufasurda lari – is, rom mTavrobas da opozicias am kiTxvaze sxvadasxva azri aqvs, ara mgonia, vinmesTvis moulodneli iyos. arc is, rom gaufasurebis kvireuliT bevrma isar­ gebla. arc is ukvirs vinmes, rom am procesiT bankebisa da mikrosafinanso organizaciebis klientebs sesxebi gauZvirdaT. erTaderTi, rac cxadia am gaufasurebisa da Semdgomi gam­ yarebis fonze, lari Zvel niSnuls aRar dau­ brundeba.

irakli RaribaSvili

The GEL devaluation was said for as many times as many people live in this country. What was the reason of GEL devaluation – the fact that Government and opposition have various opinions about it, is not an unexpected at all I think. Neither it is surprising the fact that many benefited from the week of devaluation, nor the point that with this devaluation the loans which were taken by the clients of banks and micro financial organization became dearer. The only thing which is clear on the basis of this devaluation and further appreciation, GEL will not return to the old exchange rate in forcible future.

Irakli Gharibashvili

(citata premieris preskonferenciidan - 9.12.2014)

(quote from Prime Minister’s press conference – 9.12.2014)

„Cveni oponentebi da zogierTi eqsper­ ti ambobda, TiTqos laris kursis gaufa­ sureba sagareo investiciebis Semcirebam gamoiwvia. Tumca, pirdapir ucxour inves­ ticiebTan mimarTebaSi gamoqveynebuli mo­ nacemebi cxadyofs, rom es iyo mizanmimar­ Tuli tyuili da mosaxleobis SecdomaSi Seyvanis mcdeloba. saqarTveloSi mcura­ vi gacvliTi kursia, rac ekonomikisTvis yvelaze optimaluri reJimia. Sesabamisad, kursis cvlileba xdeba xan erTi da xan meore mimarTulebiT, gaufasurebas mohy­ veba gamyareba da piriqiT. laris kursis meryeoba jdeba stabiluri valutebisTvis damaxasiaTebeli meryeobis parametrebSi. amas adastureben saerTaSoriso organiza­ ciebis warmomadgenlebi da eqspertebi“

“Our opponents and some experts used to say that as if the devaluation of exchange rate of GEL was caused by the decrease of foreign investments, though in relation to direct foreign investments the data published make clear that this was purposeful lie and attempt for misleading the population. In Georgia there is the exchange rate which is flexible which is the optimal regime for economics like ours, the exchange rate goes to one direction or another, the devaluation is followed by the appreciation and vice versa. The fluctuation of the Lari exchange rates within the normal variation of the world stable currencies.. This is proved so by the representatives and experts of the international organizations too.”

2014 | dekemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

giorgi kvirikaSvili


Giorgi Kvirikashvili

(5.12.2014 – gadacema „reaqcia“)

(5.12.2014 – TV show “Reaction”)

„yvela adamianis individualur qcevazea damokidebuli, is, Tu ra wonasworobis wertili damyardeba. minda, davamSvido mo­ saxleoba – pulsze xeli gviWiravs da ar­ cerTi movlena ar aris kontrolis gareSe. minda vTxovo yvelas, situacias Sexedon damSvidebiT“.

“To where the exchange rate balancing point will be established is very much based on individual behavior of all the people. I’d like to calm the population – we measure the pulsation and no circumstances are out from the control. I would like to ask anyone to keep calm.”

giorgi qadagiZe

Giorgi Kadagidze

(citata sagangebo preskonferenciidan – 5.12.2014)

(quote from special press conference – 5.12.2014)

„erovnuli valutis gaufasurebas hqonda rogorc Sida, ise gare faqtorebiT gamow­ veuli mizezebi. bolo 7 wlis ganmavlo­ baSi istoriulad gamyarebul dolarTan erTad saxeze iyo Sida savaluto Semo­ dinebebis ZiriTadi wyaroebis Sesusteba. yvela gaufasurebas mosdevs gamyareba. ami­ tom bazris is monawileebi da moqalaqee­ bi, romlebic iReben an miiReben impulsur gadawyvetilebebs konvertaciasTan dakav­ SirebiT, wesisamebr, yovelTvis zaralde­ bian. erovnuli banki dagegmilze met in­ flaciur zewolas ar elodeba. fulis masa SarSandelisgan gansxvavebiT ar gazrdila“

“The devaluation of national currency had the reasons caused by internal as well as external factors. During last 7 years together with the historically appreciated dollar we faced the weakening of main sources for foreign currency flows. All the devaluations are followed by the appreciation, that’s why those participators and citizens of the market which are taking or will take the impulsive decisions in relation to the convert, as a rule, always lose. The National Bank is not expecting more inflation than it is planned. The volume of the money in difference with that of last year has not been increased.”

levan kalandaZe ekonomisti (bpn)

Levan Kalandadze

„laris kursis vardnaze, Sida da gare faqtorebis garda, mniSvnelovani roli iTamaSa valutis gadamcvleli punqtebis spekulaciurma operaciebma. amis naTeli magaliTi iyo is, rom oficialur gacvliT kurssa da bazarze, valutis gadamcvleli punqtebis kurss Soris dafiqsirda didi sxvaoba. amas garkveuli obieqturi faqto­ ri axlavs – negatiuri molodini rogorc sazogadoebaSi, ise biznesSi“.

“Except the internal and external factors, significant role was played by the speculative operations of currency exchange kiosks in the process of falling the exchange rate of GEL down. The clear example of this was when the big difference was determined between the exchange rates of exchange kiosks and the central bank. This is followed by certain objective factor – negative expectation in society as well as in business.”

economist (bpn)



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

roman gocoriZe erovnuli bankis yofili prezidenti („kvira“) „pasuxismgebloba aseT mZime devalvaciaze mTavrobas ekisreba. aq erovnuli ban­ kis braleuloba ar Cans, vinaidan fulis masis zrda faqtobrivad nulis tolia. erovnulma bankma fulis masis kontroli normis farglebSi ganaxorciela. devalva­ cia hgavs insults, roca mis aRdgenas unda sakmaod didi periodi da Zalian iSviaTia, rom man raRac defeqti ar datovos“.

realurad ram iqonia gavlena laris gaufasu­ rebsa da gamyarebaze, ramdeni eqspertic aris, imdeni azria. „partniori“ ramdenime mosazrebs gTavazobT.

Roman Gotsiridze

former President of National Bank (“Kvira”) “The Government has to take responsibility on such devaluation. It is not National Bank’s fault because the increase in the volume of money itself factually equals to zero. The National Bank made control of the money mass within the norms. Devaluation is like insult, when it needs long period to restore it and is rarely leaves without defect.”

In real what was the reason behind the GEL fluctuation.There as many ideas as experts. Partner offers some of them below.

givi korinTeli sainvesticio fond „mwvane kapitali“-s direqtori

Givi Korinteli Director of the Investment Fund “Green Capital” amerikuli dolaris kursis gamyareba msoflioSi, mesame kvartalSi eqsportis kleba, ucxoeTSi mcxo­ vrebi Tanamoqalaqeebisgan Tanxis Camoricxvebis Semcireba, biujetis araTanabari xarjva, spekula­ ciuri garigebebi da mosaxleobis aJiotaJi. es aris laris dolarTan mimarTebaSi kursis vardnis Zi­ riTadi mizezebi, romlis Tavidan acileba albaT SeiZleboda. kursi 1,76-dan 1,83 niSnulamde 5 dRe­ Si avarda. mTavrobis da erovnuli bankis „siCumem“ gamoiwvia mosaxleobis aJiotaJi da laris oficia­ luri gacvliTi kursi ukve erTi kviris Tavze 1,95 niSnulze iyo, xolo gadamcvlel punqtebSi 2.04 niSnulze. seb-is prezidentis gamosvlis Semdeg la­ ris kursma dastabilureba daiwyo. 2014 | dekemberi

The strong US dollar, the decrease of export in third quarter, decrease of remittances from abroad, unevenbudget spending budget, speculative deals and panicking rush of the population. These are the main reasons why GEL fell down against USD, which could have been avoided. The exchange rate rose from 1.76 to 1.83 in 5 days. The “silence” of Government and National Bank caused the panicamong the population and the official exchange rate of GEL in one week was up to 1.9 and in exchange kiosks - 2.04. After speech was made by the President of National Bank of Georgia the GEL exchange rate started to stabilize. Who won? The financial institutes have won which made lots of deals (which were coming mainly from


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

vin moigo? moiges finansurma institutebma, ro­ melTac didi raodenobiT garigebebi (romlebic Zi­ riTadad maTi klientebis moTxovnebidan modioda) ganaxorcieles. mTavrobam, romelmac daadastura, rom miuxedavad ryevebisa, finansuri sistema mya­ ria. moigo saqarTvelos erovnulma bankma, romel­ mac mxolod ramdenime aTeuli milioni dolaris intervencia ganaxorciela da kursi dastabilurda. aseve moiges eqsportiorebma, romelTac Semosava­ li gaZvirebuli valutiT miiRes.

vin waago? – ZiriTadad mosaxleobam, romelmac jer Seqmna da mere ahyva aJiotaJs da yvela iman, vinc aSS dolaris yidva daiwyo 1,9 da 2.04 niSnu­ lis drosac. aseve didi zarali naxes iuridiulma pirebma, romlebsac am periodSi SesaZeni hqondaT ucxouri valuta da am operaciebs momsaxure banke­ bis meSveobiT axorcielebdnen. waago aseve im 61% TviTdasaqmebulma, romlebic ZiriTadad vaWrobi­ Ta da mcire importiT arian dakavebulebi, romel­ Tac gauZvirdaT SesaZeni saqonlis TviTRirebule­ ba, xolo gasayidi fasebis aweva am saqonelze ver moaxerxes an ubralod ver gariskes.

vin isargebla? – isargebles benzinis biznesSi myofma kompaniebma, romelTaTvisac sazogadoebri­ vi wnexis, romelic gamoixateboda sawvavis msoflio fasebis klebasTan dakavSirebul moTxovnebSi, Ta­ vidan acileba SeZles im mizeziT, rom importi­ rebul sawvavze kursis gamo metis gadaxda uwevT. bareli ukve 60 dolaria, magram saqarTveloSi ben­ zinis fasebze es pirdapir kvlav ar isaxeba.

ras velodoT? – dRes ukve aravin apelirebs imaze, rom kursi mainc gaufasurda 4%-iT da fasebma zogierT saqonelze moimata (magaliTad gazis fasi umravlesoba gazgasamarTebSi). Tumca, es zustad is 4%-iani gaufasurebaa, romlis drosac mediasa da sazogadoebaSi gaCnda panikis pirveli niSnebi. dRes ki es mowodebulia rogorc mocemuloba da aravin gaufasurebas yuradRebas ukve ar aqcevs. erovnuli bankis prezidentis gamosvla im dRes daemTxva, rodesac laris kursi aSS dolarTan mi­ marTebaSi 1,9527 iyo (gadamcvlel punqtebSi 2,04). seb-s prezidentma daasaxela yvela zemoT aRweri­ li parametri, romlebmac imoqmedes gaufasure­ baze da aseve aRniSna, rom yvela am parametris zemoqmedeba ukve asaxulia kursSi da Semdgom gaufasurebas aRar unda velodoT. Tu mivyvebiT am logikas, am parametrebis gamosworebis gareSe laris kursis logikuri niSnuli 1,95-a. msoflio bazrebze aSS dolari gamyarebas ganagrZobs, xolo


the requirements of their clients. The Government which certified that despite the fluctuations, financial system is stable. The National Bank of Georgia has won which made investments in only several tens of millions of dollar and exchange rate became stable. So the exporters won which gained the income in dearer currency. Who lost? – Mainly the population did which firstly created and then followed the rush and all those who started to buy USD for 1.9 and even for 2.04. Also legal entities lost who in this period had foreign currency and were making these operations through service banks. Also those 61% of population has lost who mainly is engaged in commerce and minor import, which had to pay dearer price for the goods to purchase and the price for sale could not manage to rise or just they did not take chances.

Who took the benefit? – the companies engaged in

petroleum business for whom the to avoid the social pressure which was revealed in decreasing the world prices was possible due to the reason that because of imported fuel rate they had to pay more. 1 barrel costs 60 dollars already, but in Georgia it has no direct impact on the process of petroleum. What to expect? – Today no one appeals that the exchange rate was yet devaluated in 4% and process of some goods increased (for example, the price for gas in the majority of gas stations). Though this is exactly 4% devaluation during which there were first signs of panic in media and society. Today this is delivered as what it is and no one pays any attention to the devaluation. The speech made by the President of National Bank coincided with the day when the exchange rate of GEL against USD was 1.9527 (2.04 was determined in exchange rate kiosks). The President of National Bank of Georgia named all above mentioned parameters which had impact on the devaluation and also it was noted that the influence ofthis parameter has already been reflected in the exchange rate and after devaluation we should not expect for improvement. If we follow this logic, without improving these parameters 1.95 is logic figure for the exchange rate of GEL. USD gets firm at world markets, and in November the money transacted from abroad in comparison with the analogous period of last year was decreased again by 16%. Export experienced also the decrease which in comparison with the analoDECEMBER | 2014


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

noemberSi ucxoeTidan Camoricxulma Tanxebma wina wlis analogiur periodTan SedarebiT isev 16%-T iklo. aseve iklo eqsportmac, romelic 2014 wlis analogiur periodTan SedarebiT 35%-iT daeca. anu yvela is parametri, romelic kurss unda amya­ rebdes – Semcirebulia. davelodoT noembris da dekembris inflaciisa da pirdapiri ucxouri in­ vesticiebis maCveneblebs da mxolod maSin gamoC­ ndeba, ianvris rogori meore naxevari gvelodeba. manamde ki fasebis mateba winasaaxalwlo cieb­ cxelebas mivaweroT.

gous period of 2014 was decreased by 35%. So all the parameters which have to make the rate firm is decreased. Let’s wait for the inflation of November and December and the figures of direct foreign investment and then we will see what month of January is preparing for us in its second half, before that let’s prescribe the increase of process to the preNew Year’s mass.

nuca ToxaZe arasamTavrobo organizacia „sazogadoeba da bankebi", ekonomikuri analitikosi

Nutsa Tokhadze Nongovernment organization “Society and Banks”, economical analyst

Tu SarSan laris gaufasurebis ZiriTadi mizezi biujetis araTanabri xarjviTi politika iyo, wels ZiriTadi mizezi es ar yofila. laris gau­ fasureba samma faqtorma ganapiroba; maT Soris ori Sida da erTi gare iyo.

If the main reason of devaluation of GEL last year was the uneven expenditure policy of budget, this year main reason was not this. The devaluation of GEL was conditioned by three factors; including two internal and one external.

Sida faqtorebi:

Internal factors:

1) Cven negatiur sagareo savaWro saldos (rac yvelam viciT, rom karga xania, uaryofiTia) dafi­ nansebis oTxi ZiriTadi wyaro arsebobs: 1) pir­ dapiri ucxouri investiciebi 2) gzavnilebi 3) turizmi da 4) sagareo vali. es aris ZiriTadi is oTxi wyaro, saidanac xdeba ucxouri savaluto nakadebis Semodineba da uaryofiTi savaWro sal­ dos dafinanseba.

1) There are four main sources for financing our negative trade account (which we all know that is negative for long time): 1) direct foreign investments; 2) transfers from abroad - remittances; 3) tourism income and 4) foreign debt. These are those four main sources from which foreign currency flows in and funds the negative trade account.

ianvar-oqtomberSi eqsporti 5%-iT, xolo impor­ ti 11%-iT gaizarda (wina wlis analogiur perio­ dTan SedarebiT); aseve bolo periodSi im oTxi wyarodan miRebuli savaluto nakadebis zogi­ dan Sesusteba, zogidan ki Semcireba moxda, ra­ mac kidev ufro metad gazrdili (uaryofiTisken) savaWro saldos dabalanseba, veRar SeZlo. anu

The export increased by 5% in January-October and import – 11% (compare to the analogue period of previous year); also during the last period some of those four sources were weekend however some factually decreased, that has fuelled the negative trade balance, thus the higher demand established for the dollars.

2014 | dekemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

gaCnda dolarze imaze meti moTxovna, vidre mi­ wodeba iyo. 2) meore Sida faqtori ukve panika iyo, rac am yvelafers daemata da rasac aseT SemTxvevebSi met-naklebad, TiTqmis yovelTvis aqvs adgili. panikam dolarze moTxovna kidev ufro gazarda, ramac laris metad gaufasurebas Seuwyo xeli.

gare faqtori: gare faqtorSi igulisxmeba dolaris zogadi gam­ yareba qveynis farglebs gareTac, ramac ra Tqma unda Cvens kurszec (gaufasurebis mxriv) garkveu­ li zemoqmedeba iqonia. Tumca, ZiriTad faqtore­ bad mainc Sidas miviCnev.


2) The second internal factor was already a panic, which was added to all these, which by the way always appears in such uncertain cases. Panic raised the requirement on dollar more which it assisted higher GEL depreciation.

External factor: The major external factor was the apraciation trend of USD worldwide, which certainly had an impact on our exchange rate. Though still we consider the internal factors as prime couses. The uneven spending of the state budget had certain impact as well, though in this given case – negligible.

biujetis araTanabar xarjvasac raRac garkveuli zegavlena hqonda, Tumca, am mocemul SemTxvevaSi umniSvnelo.

nodar WiWinaZe axalgazrda finansistTa da biznesmenTa asociaciis prezidenti

Nodar Chichinadze President of the Association of Young Financiers and Businessmen

problemis saTavidan Tu daviwyebT, laris kursis gansazRvris sistema ar aris srulyofili da ukeTe­ sis arsebobis survils tovebs. dRes kursi ganisazR­ vreba bankTaSoris savaluto bazarze, anu mxolod bankebis vaWrobis Sedegad dgeba kursi da ekonomi­ kis sxva agentebs am procesSi monawileobis ufleba ar aqvT. Sesabamisad, laris kursis dinamika ar aris mTlad adekvaturi ekonomikaSi mimdinare procese­ bis. am varauds amyarebs is makroekonomikuri sta­ tistika, romelic am droisTvis arsebobs. kerZod, 3 kvartalSi oficialuri monacemebiT Semosulia 924 milioni dolaris pirdapiri ucxouri investicia da 209 milionis portfeluri investicia (2 kvar­ talSi), es pirdapiri investiciebis 30%-iani matebaa. portfeluris nawilSi ki SarSan 127 milioni do­

If we start from the beginning of the problem, the system for determining the exchange rate of GEL is not perfect and leaves the desire for having better. Today, the exchange rate is determined at the market of inter-bank currency or the exchange rate takes place as a result of inter-bank tradeand other agents do not have right to participate in this process. Subsequently, the dynamics of exchange rate of GEL is not fully adequate to the processes taking current place in economics. This supposition is firmed by the current macro economic statistics. Namely, according to official data in 3 quarters 924 million dollar have been imported in the form of foreign direct investment and portfolio investment of 209 millions (in 2 quarter), this is 30% growth of direct investDECEMBER | 2014


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

laris gadineba iyo. amdenad investiciebis nawilSi mniSvnelovani ucxouri resursis Semodineba moxda, rasac lari unda gaemyarebina. Tumca, es efeqti gaa­ neitrala importis winmswrebma zrdis tempma eqs­ portTan SedarebiT, noembris mdgomareobiT impor­ ti gazrdilia 11%-iT, eqsporti ki mxolod 4%-iT, es niSnavs, rom sagareo vaWrobis struqturis msga­ vsma cvlilebam qveyanas daaxloebiT 600 milionam­ de dolari „waarTva“.

ments. In the part of portfolio, last year 127 millions of dollars were flown out. So we see the significant increase in investment flow which were supposed to impact the GEL appraciation not its depreciation as happened. Though, this effect was neutralized by the speed of increase of import compare to export rise. In November import increased by 11%, export – only by 4%, this means that this difference took away up to 600 million dollar from the country.”

garda amisa, umniSvnelod, Tumca, gazrdilia fu­ ladi gzavnilebic, ianvar-oqtomberSi qveyanaSi gzavnilebis sufTa Semodinebam 1,078 miliardi do­ lari Seadgina, rac gasuli wlis igive periodis maCvenebels 6 milioni dolariT aRemateba. es ar aris mniSvnelovani namati. Tumca, gaufasurebis mi­ zezad ver CavTvliT.

Despite this, negligibly though the money transfers are increased. The net flow in of the transfers comprised 1.078 billion dollars, which is 6 million dollar compare to last year same period. This is not important surplus. Though we cannot consider it as the reason for devaluation.

aseve, laris gamyarebaze dadebiTad unda asaxuliyo depozitebis formirebis procesi, erovnul valu­ taSi vadiani depozitebis zrdam bolo erT weli­ wadSi 53% Seadgina, rodesac drois igive periodSi ucxour valutaSi vadiani depozitebi mxolod 6%iT gaizarda. garda amisa, 74%-iT aris gazrdili 1 welze meti vadianobis depozitebi larSi, xolo 2%-iani klebaa igive kategoriis ucxour depozi­ tebze. depozitebis msgavsi cvlileba, sxva Tanabar pirobebSi, laris gamyarebaze unda asaxuliyo.

Also the process deposits formation should have been positively reflected on the stability of GEL, the increase of term deposits in national currency during one year comprised 53% when in the same period of time the term deposits in foreign currency were increased by 6%. Despite this the deposits having the validity term for more than 1 year are increased in 74% and 2% decrease is noticed in case of foreign deposits of the same category. The similar change in deposits in other equal terms should have been reflected on the firmness of GEL.

Tumca, amis, sapirispirod, laris gaufasurebaze unda moexdina zewola kreditebis gacemis dina­ mikas. bolo 2 weliwadSi larSi gacemuli sesxebi 71%-iT aris gazrdili, xolo ucxour valutaSi 20%-iT, es niSnavs sakredito arxiT ekonomikaSi laris miwodebis mniSvnelovan zrdas, rac laris gaufasurebis maprovocirebeli faqtoria. amdenad, yvela is makroekonomikuri parametri, romelic met-naklebad laris kursze gavlenas ax­ dens, erTmaneTs, faqtobrivad, abaTilebs. am pi­ robebSi rCeba 2 garemoeba, ramac, laris kursze pova asaxva. pirveli, dolaris globaluri gamyareba da meore, monetaruli politika. daviwyoT pirveli faqtoriT, msoflios masStabiT TiTqmis yvela valuta ufasurdeba dolaris mi­ marT, magaliTad bolo erT weliwadSi evro gaufa­ surebulia 13%-iT, iaponuri ieni 19%-iT, Turquli lira 10%-iT, funti 5%-iT, argentinuli peso 36%iT, somxuri drami 10%-iT da a.S. bunebrivia, verc saqarTvelo iqneba gamonaklisi.

2014 | dekemberi

Though in contradiction to this, the impact on the devaluation of GEL should be made by the dynamics of issuing the credits, loans issued in GEL during last 2 years increased by 71%, and by 20% in foreign currency. This means the important growth of supply of GEL in economics through the credit line which is the factor provoking the devaluation of GEL. So, all those macro economical parameters which more or less impact on the exchange rate of GEL annulling one another factually. In these terms 2 circumstances are left which had reflection on the exchange rate of GEL. First, the global appraciation of dollar and second, monetary policy. Let’s start with the first factor, almost all the currencies throughout the world are devaluade against dollar; for example during one year Euro has been devaluated in 13%, JPA in 19%, TRY – by 10%, British pound sterling – 5%, ARS – 36%, AMD – 10% and so on. Naturally neither Georgia will be an exception.


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

rac Seexeba monetarul politikas, empiriuli ana­ lizic cxadyofs, rom monetaruli politika aris mniSvnelovani mdgeneli valutis kursis. bolo 10 wlis statistikas rom gadavxedoT, rodesac mone­ taruli politika iyo mkacri, anu refinansirebis ganakveTi iyo maRali, kursi yovelTvis iyo myari, xolo rodesac ganakveTi iyo dabal doneze, lari yovelTvis gaufasurebuli iyo. bolo 2 welia, mone­ taruli politikis ganakveTi aris istoriul mini­ mumze da amis iribi Sedegi aris dasustebuli lari.

es kvleva ki politikis da marTvis konsalting jgufma (pmcg - policy and management consulting group) moamzada pikur periodSi 1 dolari daaxloebiT 2.05 larad iyideboda, rac laris gacvliT kursze moqmedi fun­ damenturi mizezebis miuxedavad (savaWro balansis gauareseba, fuladi gzavnilebis Semcireba, turis­ tebis nakadis Seferxeba) arabunebrivad maRali niS­ nulia. gacvliTi kursis mkveTri gauareseba bazarze moTa­ maSeebis spekulaciurma qmedebebma da rogorc mo­ saxleobis, aseve, biznesis panikurma konvertaciebma gamoiwvia. 2014 wlis noembramde laris gacvliTi kursi aSS dolaris mimarT stabiluri iyo. am periodSi do­ lari myardeboda sxva valutebis mimarT (evro, rusuli rubli, ukrainuli grivna, somxuri drami). aRniSnul periodSi laris realuri efeqturi ga­ cvliTi kursic (maT Soris, aSS dolarTan, rusul rublTan, ukrainul grivnasTan, evrosTan, Turqul lirasTan da a.S.) gamyarda (6.4%, oqtombris mdgo­ mareobiT). 2014 wlis 20 noembridan larma aSS dolaris mimarT gaufasureba daiwyo. Tu davakvirdebiT gasuli wlis tendencias, laris gacvliT kurss dolaris mimarT 2013 wlis bolo­ sac axasiaTebda moklevadiani ryevebi. es ZiriTadad aRniSnul periodSi damaxasiaTebeli sezonuri faq­ torebiT da saxelmwifo biujetis xarjebis zrdiT (20.7%, IV kv. 2013) iyo ganpirobebuli. gacvliTi kursis stabilurobaze gavlenas ase­ ve axdens Semdegi ZiriTadi faqtorebi: pirdapiri ucxouri investiciebi, fuladi gzavnilebi, saxel­ mwifos sagareo vali (axali vali da valis momsaxu­ reba), savaWro balansi (eqsporti da importi) da qveyanaSi Semosuli turistebis raodenoba, agreTve komerciul bankebs gareT arsebuli naRdi fulisa


As for the monetary policy, even the empiric analysis makes clear that the monetary policy is important element in setting up the exchange rate. If we look at the statistics of last 10 years, when the monetary policy was strict or the portion of refinancing was high, the rate was always at low level, GEL was always devaluated. It is last 2 years that the portion of monetary policy is at historical minimum and the indirect result of this is the weakened GEL.

This survey has been prepared by Policy and Management Consulting Group During peak period 1 dollar was sold for 2.05 GEL which despite the fundamental reasons impacting on the exchange rate of GEL (worsening of commercial balance, decrease of money transfers, prevention of tourists) is unnaturally high figure. The sharp worsening of exchange rate was caused by the speculative actions of market players and population as well as business panic convertible actions. Before November 2014 the exchange rate of GEL against USD was stable. During this period dollar used to get firm against other currencies (Euro, RUB, UAH, AMD). During the mentioned period the real exchange rate of GEL (including against USD, RUB, UAH, Euro, TRY and so on) became appraciated (6.4%, to October). Since November 20th, 2014 GEL started to devalue against USD. If we observe the tendency of last year, the exchange rate of GEL against dollar even at the end of 2013 was characterized by short-term fluctuation. This was mainly conditioned by the seasonal factors characterized for basically the mentioned period and growth of state budget expenses (20.7%, IV quarter 2013). Also the following main factors impact on the stability of exchange rate: direct foreign investments, money transfers, state foreign debt (new debt and debt service), commercial balance (export and import) and the number of tourists entering the country, also the sum of deposits in national currency being opened in commercial banks and cash being present at commercial banks. To the third quarter of 2014, direct foreign investments in their capacity (923.3 millions of USD) signifiDECEMBER | 2014


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

da komerciul bankebSi erovnul valutaSi arsebu­ li depozitebis erToblioba. 2014 wlis sami kvartlis mdgomareobiT, pirdapi­ ri ucxouri investiciebis moculoba (923.3 mln. aSS dolari) mniSvnelovnad aRemateba (29.1%) 2013 wlis Sesabamis maCvenebels (mesame kvartlis xarjze, 507.5 mln. aSS dolari). es miuTiTebs, rom aRniSnuli wya­ rodan Semodinebuli ucxouri valutis moculoba gazrdilia. 2014 wlis mesame kvartalSi investicie­ bis mniSvnelovanma zrdam (99.2%) xeli Seuwyo aR­ niSnul periodSi laris gacvliTi kursis stabilu­ robas. 2014 wlis mesame kvartalSi partniori qveynebis umsxviles xuTeuls warmoadgens: CineTi (29.3%), azerbaijani (18.7%), niderlandebi (17.7%), panama (8.7%) da gaerTianebuli samefo (5.4%). investicie­ bis yvelaze didi wili modis Semdeg seqtorebze: mSenebloba (35.7%), transporti da kavSirgabmuloba (21.4%) da uZravi qoneba (12.0%).

savaWro balansi 2014 wlis oqtomberSi eqsportis moculoba Semci­ rebulia (-5.1%; -14.7 mln. dolari), xolo importis moculoba gazrdilia (8.7%; 62.7 mln. lari) 2013 wlis Sesabamis maCveneblebTan SedarebiT. Sedegad gauaresda savaWro balansi (-17.9%; -77.4 mln. dolari). aRniSnuli miuTiTebs, rom Semcirda qveyanaSi ucxouri valutis Semodineba, xolo qvey­ nidan ucxouri valutis gadineba gaizarda.

ucxo qveynis moqalaqeebis vizitebis raodenoba qveyanaSi ucxouri valutis Semodinebis kidev erTi wyaroa ucxo qveynis moqalaqeebis vizitebis (turis­ tebis) raodenoba qveyanaSi. aRniSnuli maCvenebeli Semcirebulia, rogorc 2014 wlis noemberSi (-3.9%), aseve, oqtombersa (-2.5%) da seqtemberSi (-2.1%) 2013 wlis Sesabamisi Tveebis maCveneblebTan SedarebiT. es mianiSnebs, rom am wyarodan ufro naklebi mocu­ lobis ucxouri valuta Semovidoda.

fuladi gzavnilebi ucxoeTidan 2014 wlis ianvar-oqtomberSi ucxoeTidan Cari­ cxuli fuladi gzavnilebis moculoba (1 220 mln. aSS dolari) aRemateba (1.6%) 2013 wlis Sesabamisi periodis maCvenebels. oqtomberSi es maCvenebeli SarSandel analogiur periodTan mimarTebaSi Sem­ cirebulia. ZiriTadad klebaa fuladi gzavnilebis mxriv: ruseTis federaciidan (-11.1 mln. aSS dola­

2014 | dekemberi

cantly exceed (29.1%) the relevant figure of 2013 (on the expense of third quarter, 507.5 millions of USD). This indicates that the capacity of foreign currency flown from the mentioned source is increased. The important growth of investments in third quarter of 2014 (99.2%) assisted the stability of exchange rate of GEL during the mentioned period. Here are the top five largest investment partner countries in third quarter of 2014: China (29.3%), Azerbaijan (18.7%), Netherlands (17.7%), Panama (8.7%) and the United Kingdom (5.4%). The largest portion of investments comes over the following sectors: construction (35.7%), transport and communication (21.4%) and real estate (12.0%).

Trade Balance The export capacity of 2014, October is decreased (-5.1%; -14.7 millions of dollars), and the capacity of import is increased (8.7%; 62.7 millions of GEL) in comparison with the relevant figures of 2013. The trade balance was worsened as a result (-17.9%; -77.4 millions of dollar). It points at the fact that the foreign currency flow in the country decreased and the flow out of the foreign currency from the country increased.

Number of visits made by the citizens of foreign countries One more source for letting the foreign currency flow in the country is the number of visits made by the citizens of foreign countries (tourists) in the country. The mentioned figure is decreased in comparison with the figures of relevant months of 2013 with November (-3.9%), also October (-2.5%) and September (-2.1%) of 2014. This points at the fact that from this source even less foreign currency would flow into. Money transfers from abroad The rate of money transfers transacted from foreign countries in January-October 2014 (1 220 millions of USD) exceed (1.6%) the indicator of relevant period of 2013. The mentioned figure in October (123.9 millions of USD) is decreased in comparison with that of October 2013 (-6.5%). Mainly the money transfers from Russian Federation are decreased (-11.1 millions of USD), from Greece (-1.6 millions


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

ri), saberZneTidan (-1.6 mln. aSS dolari), ukraini­ dan (-1.5 mln.aSS dolari), gaerTianebuli samefodan (-0.2 mln. aSS dolari) da espaneTidan (-0.2 mln. aSS dolari). fuladi gzavnilebis gadaricxva ucxoeTSi qveyni­ dan ucxouri valutis gadinebis erT-erT wyaros warmoadgens. 2014 wlis ianvar-oqtombris jamu­ ri maCvenebeli (142.2 mln. aSS dolari) aRemate­ ba (13.6%) 2013 wlis Sesabamisi periodis monacems. gazrdilia, agreTve, oqtombris maCvenebelic (10%, 2.1 mln. aSS dolari) 2013 wlis oqtomberTan Seda­ rebiT.

saxelmwifo sagareo vali


of USD), from Ukraine (-1.5 millions of USD), from the United Kingdom (-0.2 million of USD and from Spain (-0.2 millions of USD). The transaction of money transfers out from the country to foreign one is one of the sources of foreing courrency ouflow. The total figure of January-October 2014 (142.2 million of USD) exceeds (13.6%) the indicator of relevant period of 2013. Also, the figure of October (10%, 2.1 millions of USD) in comparison with that of October 2013.

State Foreign Debt

qveyanaSi ucxouri valutis Semodinebis kidev erTi wyaroa sagareo valis aReba, xolo gadinebis – valis momsaxurebisa da dafarvisTvis gaweuli xarjebi.

One more source for letting foreign currency flow in the country is taking the foreign loan, and for flowing out – expenses made for covering the debt and debt service.

2014 wlis sami kvartlis mdgomareobiT, saxelmwi­ fom aiRo 519.4 mln. laris sagareo valdebuleba. aRniSnul periodSi sagareo saxelmwifo valdebu­ lebebis momsaxurebisa da dafarvisaTvis gaweul­ ma xarjebma 470. 1 mln. lari Seadgina, maT Soris, valebis momsaxurebisaTvis (procentebis gadaxda) gaweulma xarjebma 90.6 mln. lari, xolo valebis dafarvisaTvis – 379.5 mln lari Seadgina.

To the three quarters of 2014, Government took 519.4 millions of GEL in the form of foreign liability. During the mentioned period the expenses made for covering the debt and service of foreign state debt comprised 470.1 millions of GEL, including the expenses made for debt service (paying the interests) comprised 90.6 millions of GEL and those ones spent for covering the debts were 379.5 millions of GEL.

2014 wlis 9 Tvis mdgomareobiT, saxelmwifo saga­ reo valis naSTi Semcirebulia (-3.3%). aRniSnuli miuTiTebs, rom am wyarodanac ucxouri valutis Semodineba ufro naklebi iyo, vidre gadineba.

To 9 months of 2014, state foreign debt balance is decreased (-3.3%). The mentioned indicates that also from this source the foreign currency flows were less.

monetaruli maCveneblebi kidev erTi faqtori, romelic valutis kursis sta­ bilurobaze gavlenas axdens, aris mimoqcevaSi arse­ buli naRdi fulisa da komerciul bankebSi erovnul valutaSi arsebuli depozitebis erToblioba, sa­ banko da samTavrobo seqtorebis depozitebis ga­ reSe. 2014 wlis oqtomberSi aRniSnuli maCvenebeli gazrdilia (10.8%) wina wlis oqtomberTan Sedare­ biT. Tumca, zrda didi ar aris. Sesabamisad gacvliT kursze mniSnelovan gavlenas ver moaxdenda. aqve unda aRiniSnos, rom dolari/laris kursis swrafi zrda (da Sesabamisad, laris gaufasure­ ba), zrdis laris dolarSi konvertirebis xarjs da, aqedan gamomdinare, zrdis debitorebis mier dasafari sesxis momsaxurebis tvirTs. 2014 wlis oqtombris mdgomareobiT, erovnul ekonomikaze gacemuli sesxebis didi nawili (61.2%, 4.06 mlrd. aSS. dolari) ucxour valutaSia, romlis 35.5% fi­ zikur pirebzea gacemuli.

Monetary figures One more factor which impacts on the stability of exchange rate is the sum of deposits in national currency being opened in commercial banks and the cash ones, without the deposits of bank and government sectors. The mentioned figure in October 2014 is increased (10.8%) comparing to the October last year, though there is no big growth, relevantly it could not impact on the exchange rate significantly. Here it should be mentioned that the rapid growth of USD/GEL currency rate (and relevantly the devaluation of GEL), increases the expense of converting GEL into USD and due to this the debtors burden to service their debt. In October 2014 great part of loans issued to the national economy (61.2%, 4.06 billions of USD) are in foreign currency, 35.5% of which is issued for physical entities. DECEMBER | 2014


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

2014 | dekemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


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giorgi abaSiSvili/Giorgi Abashishvili


xelisuflebam ar unda gansazRvros, sad sjobia investireba

It’s not Government that has to determine where to invest interviu prezidentis ekonomikur mrCevelTan giorgi abaSiSvilTan Interview with Mr. Giorgi Abashishvili, Advisor to the President in Economic Issues

▶ Tqven uSualod eswrebodiT evroparlamentis mier saqarTvelo-evrokavSirs Soris asocirebis SeTanx­ mebis ratificirebas. pirveli seqtembridan ukve moqmedebs Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali vaWrobis SeTanxmeba – realurad ra Seicvala qar­ Tuli biznesisTvis? evroparlamentis mier am SeTanxmebis ratificire­ ba es aris umniSvnelovanesi movlena. iq imyofeboda saqarTvelos prezidenti. migvaCnia, evrokavSirisken mimaval gzaze, erTi Zalian didi nabiji gadaidga. ratificireba ar iyo Cveni mizani, aramed es aris erTi Zalian didi nabiji miznisken, rasac evrokavSi­ ris wevroba hqvia. Tumca, evroparlamentis mier Se­ Tanxmebis ratificireba damatebiT stimuls miscems evrokavSiris im wevrs qveynebs, romelTa sakanonm­ deblo organosac ar aqvs jer kidev es xelSekrule­ ba ratificirebuli. Cemi saqmianobidan gamomdinare es SeTanxmeba da is, rasac Rmra da yovlismomcveli 2014 | dekemberi

▶ You were personally present at the process of ratifying the Association Agreement between Georgia and EU by the European Parliament. From September the first the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement is already in place – what has changed since then for Georgian business? Ratification of this agreement by the European Parliamentis the most important event. The President of Georgia was attending the process. We think that one greater step was put forward to the road leading us to the European Union. Ratification was not our aim, but this is one the greatest step towards achieving our aim which is the EU membership. Though the ratification of agreement by the European Parliament will give additional incentives to those EU nations the legislative body of which has not ratified this agreement yet. Due to my occupation this agreement and


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Tavisufali vaWrobis xelSkruleba hqvia, asocirde­ ba Cemi qveynis ekonomikis gaZlierebasTan, eqsport­ ze orientirebuli warmoebis zrdasTan. is, rac am SeTanxmebidan yvelaze xelSesaxebia, ukve aris, rom yvela eqsportiori, romelsac gahqonda produq­ cia evrokavSirSi, sargeblobs dabegvris Tavisufa­ li reJimiT. xSirad mesmis, ra SeiZleba gavitanoT – Zalian martivi ricxvebia – 11 Tvis monacemebiT saqarTvelosa da evrokavSirs Soris savaWro brun­ va daaxloebiT 25 procentia. es SeTanxmeba niSnavs qveynis umniSvnelovanes savaWro partniorTan kidev ufro liberalur ekonomikur urTierTobebs. Tu vinme fiqrobs, rom evrokavSiris gansakuTrebul in­ teresSi iyo saqarTvelosTan nulovani tarifebiT vaWroba, albaT Zalian uxerxulia amaze saubari. garda imisa, rom es SeTanxmeba qarTvel eqsportio­ rebs exmareba, Zalian mniSvnelovania am SeTanxmebis meore sargebeli. Cven ekonomikuri zrdisTvis rac SeiZleba meti investori gvWirdeba, investorebs WirdebaT mimzidveli garemo. axla CvenTvis bevrad advilia es mimzidveloba davanaxoT.

that one which is called the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agrrement, is associated with the strengthening of my country’s economiy and exportorientedproductiongrowth. Something which is already feasible from this agreement is the benefit of trade duties free regime to all the exporters who have been exporting to the EU already. I often hear what we may export – just simple figures – according to 11 months’ data the tradeturnover between Georgia and the EU is about 25%. This agreement means even more liberal economical relations with the most important trading partner of the country. If anyone thinks that zero tariff tradewith Georgia was in special interest of the EU, it will be rather awkward to talk about. Despite the fact that this agreement helps the Georgian exporters, it is very important the other benefit of this agreement. We need as much as possible investors for our economic growth, investors need the attractive environment. Now for us it is much easier to show this attractiveness.

realurad Cans, rom investorebisTvis saqar­ TveloSi mimzidveli biznesgaremoa?

Is it really seen that the business environment is attractive in Georgia for the?

adre, sanam ar vmuSaobdi am Tanamdebobaze, maSinac miwevda investorebTan urTierToba da axlac Za­ lian intensiur reJimSi vxvdebi maT. Zalian didia gansxvaveba. umravles SemTxvevaSi kiTxvebi ismeba swored evrokavSirTan asocirebis SeTanxmebidan ga­ momdinare. Tu saqarTveloSi produqcias Seqmnian, rogor SeuZliaT maT evrokavSiris 500 milioniani bazriT isargeblon. amasTan erTad sxva mxrivac izr­ deba daintereseba. cota xnis win saqarTveloSi im­ yofeboda latviis prezidenti uprecendentod didi raodenobiT latviel biznesmenebTan. saqarTvelos prezidentis iaponiaSi vizitis dros ki msoflio gi­ gantebTan gvqonda Sexvedrebi. yvela am Sexvedraze detalurad iyo saubari evrokavSirTan SeTanxme­ baze. TurqmeneTSi yofnis drosac ki es SeTanxmeba saintereso saubris Tema iyo. me vxedav am sargebels – saqarTvelos xelisuflebas aqvs Zalian seriozu­ li berketi qveynis biznesgaremos popularizaciis­ Tvis.

Earlier before I would start working on this position, I still had to have relationship with investors and even now I work in intense regime with them. Really big difference. In most cases the questions are put exactly due to the Association Agreement with the EU. If the production is made in Georgia how will they be able to benefit from 500 million market of the EU? Also the other side causes the greater interest. Just recently the President of Latvia had official visit together with the record high number of Latvian businessmen. During the Georgian President’s visit in Japan we had meeting with world’s giants. At all these meetings there was the detailed conversation about the EU Agreement. Even during the visit in Turkmenistan this agreement was the topic of interesting conversation. I see this benefit – Georgian Government has the serious means for popularizing the business environment of the country.

qarTuli biznesi Tu aris mzad, rom evrokav­ Sirs maT standartebTan SesabamisobaSi myofi produqcia miawodon?

If Georgian business is ready to deliver the production being in line with the EU standards?

qarTuli biznesis erTi nawili amisTvis mzad aris da gaaqvs kidec es produqcia. amasTan, vxedavT mci­ re da saSualo biznesis warmomadgenlebis Zalian

One part of Georgian business is ready for this and they do even export this production currently. Also we see the increasing interest of the representatives of small and middle businesses. I have not noted the



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

mzard interess. skeptikuri damokidebuleba me ar SeminiSnavs. xSirad im adamianebisgan ufro mesmis, rom saqarTvelom evrokavSirTan riTi SeiZleba ivaWros, visac biznesTan Sexeba saerTod ar aqvs. mzaoba niSnavs, rom produqcia ukve evrokavSiris standartebTan SesabamisobaSi moiyvanos. am mimar­ TulebiT Tavad evrokavSiric Zalian gvexmareba. qarTuli soflis meurneobis produqcias aqvs Za­ lian seriozuli potenciali, rom evropul bazarze aqtiurad iyos warmodgenili.

qveynis ekonomikaze gkiTxavT – xelisuflebis oponentebi mudmivad amtkiceben, rom qveynis ekonomika Zalian cud mdgomareobaSia. ra ar­ gumentebi gaqvT am mosazrebis sawinaaRmdegod? Tu ekonomikuri zrdis wlevandel da SarSandel maCveneblebs erTmaneTs SevadarebT, progresi aS­ karaa. bunebrivia, gvWirdeba meti. ganviTarebadi qveynis ekonomikebs WirdebaT meti zrda da am mxriv gamonaklisi ar SeiZleba viyoT. Cven unda vifi­ qroT yvela im struqturul reformaze, romelic met ekonomikur zrdas Seuwyobs xels. dResac aris saubari laris kursis meryeobaze, gadmoricxvebis Semcirebaze... ra aris mTavari gamosavali, rom aman minimaluri dartyma miayenos qveynis ekonomikas – amis mkurnali aris ekonomikuri zrda, eqsportze orientireba. samuSao yvelas bevri gaqvs, raTa biz­ nesgaremos ewodes, kidev ufro kargi. arsebulic Zalian kargia, magram TviTkmayofilebas ar unda miveceT. biznesgaremos mudmivad ganaxleba Wirde­ ba. mudmivad unda veZeboT is naklovanebebi, ramac SeiZleba kiTxvis niSnebi gaaCinos. biznesTan kidev ufro aqtiuri komunikaciaa saWiro. biznesi dRes aris daculi da damoukidebeli sakuTar gadawyve­ tilebebSi da es aris Zalian mniSvnelovani. xelisu­ fleba ar unda sazRvravdes, sad jobia investireba. xelisuflebam SeiZleba SesTavazos, magram ar unda daaZalos. ver davijereb, rom romelime Cinovnikma SeiZleba, biznesmenze ukeTesad icodes, sad an raSi SeiZleba Caidos investicia.

ekonomikis gajansaRebisTvis gatarebuli re­ formebi ramdenad sakmarisia? reformebi xorcieldeba. magram piradad me meti liberalizaciis momxre var. magaliTad sagadasax­ do mimarTulebiT. vgulisxmob, rogorc dabegvras, aseve administrirebas. sul vambobdi da dResac ga­ vimeoreb, rom marTalia, Zalian bevri ram gakeTda sagadasaxado administrirebis gaumjobesebis ku­ TxiT, magram kidev ufro metia saWiro. sagadasaxa­

2014 | dekemberi

skeptic attitude. Often I hear from those people that with what Georgia can trade with the EU, who has nothing in common with business. The readiness means that production has to become relevant with the EU standards. In this the EU itself helps us greatly. The Georgian agricultural products have serious potential to be actively presented at the European market.

I will ask you about country’s economy – Government opponents constantly allege that the economy is in rather bad shape. What arguments do you have in opposition to this opinion? If we compare the figures of economic growth of last year and current one, progress is obvious. Naturally we need more. The economies of developing countries need more growth and from this point of view we cannot be an exception. We must think about all those structural reforms which will assist the more economic growth. Even today there are talks about the GEL exchange rate instability, decrease in transfers… What is the main solutionto minimize its impact on our economy? – the cure is economic growth, export orientation. We all have lot to do for business environment to call even better one. The existing one is also good, but we can’t let ourselves be self-satisfied. Business environment needs to be constantly regenerated. We always have to seek for the gaps which may raise the questions. Even more active communication is necessary with the business. Business today is protected and independent in its own decisions and this is very important. The government should not determine the field where it isbetter to invest, the directions might be offered by the Government, but it does not have to compel. I can’t believe that any of the officials may know it better than businessman where and what to invest in.

How sufficient are the reforms for economic recovery? Reforms are being carried out, but personally I am for more liberalization, for example, towards the taxation. I mean taxation policy as well as its administration. I used to say always and even today I will repeat that though many things have been made for improving the tax administration but more are to be done.Tax administration should be oriented on business partnership and not on making an ambush. Also


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

do administrireba orientirebuli unda iyos biz­ nesTan partniorobaze da ara Casafrebaze. amasTan Cven gvWirdeba, danaxarjebis sargeblianobis anali­ zi, rom zustad vicodeT, ramdenad iZleva Sedegs saxelmwifos mier daxarjuli Tanxebi. Tu gvinda, rom biujeti kidev ufro optimalurad daigegmos, gvWirdeba meti analizi.

saubris bolos, SevafasoT 2014 weli ekono­ mikuri TvalsazrisiT da ras unda velodoT 2015-gan? 2014 weli aris bevrad kargi 2013-Tan SedarebiT – 2013-Si biznesi mainc iyo molodinis reJimSi. magram ukve wels, Tundac investiciebis mesame kvartlis monacemebi bevr rameze metyvelebs. 2005 wlidan rom gamovyveT, mesame kvartalSi aseTi maRali in­ vesticia ar yofila. Tumca, arcerTi ricxvi ar unda iZleodes TviTkmayofilebis safuZvels. magram yve­ laze mTavari, es aris ekonomikis inkluziuri zrda – rogori gavlena iqonia qveynis ekonomikis zrdam mosaxleobaze. ekonomikur zrdas adamianebi sakuTar Tavze unda grZnobdnen. CvenTan wlebis ganmavlobaSi dagrovili problemebia, romelTac Secvla sWirde­ baT. erT-erTi yvelaze seriozuli problemaa e.w. jinis koeficienti – araTanabrad gadanawilebuli dovlaTi. meore Zalian seriozuli problemaa mci­ re da saSualo biznesis dabali wili mTlian Sida produqtSi. es aCens kiTxvas, ramdenad aqvs Sansi axal bizness gamovides bazarze. amis Sesacvlelad saWiroa resursebze xelmisawvdomobis zrda da Ta­ visufali konkurenciis gaZliereba. vfiqrob, rom 2015-Si Tavisufali konkurenciis kuTxiT politika gaZlierdeba, velodebi rom sul ufro naklebi ki­ Txva iqneba monopoliebze, oligopoliebze. Tumca, yvelaze saukeTeso maCvenebeli amis iqneba ricxo­ brivi monacemi, ramdenad gaizrdeba mcire da saSua­ lo biznesis wili. rac Seexeba lars, darwmunebuli var, raime seriozuli ryeva ar elodeba da qveynis makro-ekonomikur stabilurobas safrTxe ar emu­ qreba. ryevis zomas gaaCnia. amis erT-erTi mTavari problema aris dolarizaciis maRali maCvenebeli da yvela saerTaSoriso instituti am mimarTule­ biT viTarebis gaumjobesebas gvirCevs. 2015 wels am mimarTulebiT kidev ufro meti unda gakeTdes. procesi dawyebulia, magram rogorc Cans, sakmari­ si nabijebi ar aris gadadgmuli. erovnuli valutis stabilurobas aqvs gadamwyveti mniSvneloba inves­ torebisTvis. amasTan, meti saerTaSorsio msxvili proeqtis ganxorcieleba qveynis ekonomikas kidev ufro usafrTxos gaxdis. satranzito funqciis pa­ ralelurad qveyanam unda SeiZinos lojistikuri habis funqcia.


we need to make the analysis for usability of expenditures to exactly know how much efficient outcome is achieved by the state expenses. If we want to plan the budget optimally, we need more analysis.

At the end of the interview let’s evaluate the year of 2014 from the economic points of view and what should we expect from 2015? 2014 is much better than 2013 –in 2013 business still was in waiting regime. But this year even the data of third quarter of investments speak about many things. To start from 2005, there was no such high investment in third quarter. Though not a single number has to give the basis for self-satisfaction. But the most important is the inclusive growth of economy– what impact did the economic growth of the country have on population. People should experience the economical growth on themselves. Lots of problems have been accumulated during the years, which need to be changed. Theione of the most serious problemissocalled Gini coefficient unequally allocated wealth. Second very serious problem is the low share of small and middle business in gross domestic product. This does raise the question, is there a chance for a new business to appear at the market?. For changing it, it is necessary to increase access to resources and strengthening the free competition. I think that from the point of free competition in 2015 politics will be strengthened; I expect that fewer questions will be put about monopolies and oligopolies. Though the best indicator of this will be the figure showing the riseof share of small and middle size businesses in GDP. As for the GEL, I am sure that serious fluctuationis not expected and the macro-economical stability of the country is not threatened. The size of fluctuation matters. One of the main problems of this is the high dollarization rate and all the international institutes recommend us to improve the situation with it. In 2015 more has to be done in this field. The process has started but as it seems not enough has been done. The stability of the national currency has its decisive importancefor the investors. Also the implementation of more international large scale projects will make the country’s economyeven safer. In parallel with the transit function the country has to obtain the logistical hubfunction.



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

profesionalis kariera CAREER PROFESSIONALS interviu saqstatis xelmZRvanelTan meri dauSvilTan Interview with Mary Daushvili Executive Director of National Statistics Office of Georgia

▶ saqarTveloSi bevri profesionalia, maT Soris bevri saxelmwifo seqtorSi muSaobs da bevric qalbatonia. rubrikaSi profesionalis kariera gTavazobT intervius saqstatis xelmZRvanelTan qalbaton meri dauSvilTan. 19 weli Semosavlebis samsaxurSi imuSava, 19 wlis Semdeg statistikis samsaxuris xelmZRvaneloba SesTavazes. ambobs, rom kanoniT gaTvaliswinebuli yvela saWiro procedura gaiara da ise gaxda saqs­ tatis xelmZRvaneli. yofili samsaxuridan amJamin­ del kabinetSi mxolod wignebi gamohyva. qonebriv deklaraciaSic bevri araferi Secvlila. SeuZlia, Svidi dRe imuSaos, magram uyvars megobrebTan fin­ jan yavaze Camojdoma. politikur Temebze saubari ar xiblavs, kamaTSic ar monawileobs. samagierod didi siamovnebiT da enTuziazmiT mogiyvebaT, ra keTdeba saqstatSi. saqstati erTi Jurnalistis warmodgenaSi, romel­ sac biznesisa da ekonomikis mimarTulebiT yvela monacemi ainteresebs, arc Tu cudi megobaria. iyo wlebi, rodesac statistikis samsaxuris monacemebs aravin endoboda. arc Tu Soreul warsulSi infla­ ciisa da umuSevrobis parametrebs jer mTavrobis wevrebi asaxelebdnen, Semdeg ki statistikosebi iTvlidnen. evrokavSiris standartebTan miaxloe­ bis survilma da Sesabamisma rekomendaciebma mTa­ vroba (yofilic da amJamindelic) saqstatis damou­ kideblobis aucileblobaze aalaparaka. Znelad, magram mainc daiwyes mis damoukideblobaze zrunva. meri dauSvils miaCnia, rom dRes saqstati namd­ vilad damoukidebelia. statistikur monacemebs jer Tavad amuSaveben da aqveyneben, Semdeg ki mis Sesaxeb ukve xelisuflebis warmomadgenlebi sau­ broben. 2014 | dekemberi

▶ There are lots of professionals in Georgia, many of

them are employed in public sectors, and represent the female part of population. In our new section of “Career Professionals” the Partner’s December issue offers the interview with Mrs. Mery Daushvili, the head of Georgian supreme statistical agency – Geostat. She spent 19 years in the Revenue Service and after 19 years she was offered to become the Head of National Statistics Office of Georgia. Several procedures and regulations were fulfilled until becoming the head of Geostat, she says. The books were the only items which she took from the old place to the current cabinet. Neither the civil employee property and financial declaration has shown any changes. She can work for seven days per week but she loves to sit together with her friends for a cup of coffee. She does not like to speak about politics, she does not even argue. But she feels rather enthusiastic to tell you what Geostat does. For journalist mating the National Statistics office of Georgia is not a bad endeavor at all. There were times when nobody trusted the data produced by the statistical service. The days are not into the very past when the unemployment data were firstly announced by the Government officials and only after the statisticans were counting it. The wish to get closer to the standards of the European Union and relevant recommendations made Government (former and current one) to start speaking about the independence of statistical service. Slowly but still they started taking care of its independence. Mary Daushvili thinks that today the National Statistics office of Georgia is really independent. They re-process the statistical data first and then publish, afterwards the politicans speak about it.


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

meri dauSvili: nebismier ganviTarebul qveyana­ Si statistikis samsaxuris mier gamoqveynebuli in­ formacia aris zusti, sandoobis maRali done aqvs. Cvenc igives miRwevas vcdilobT. Cven vmuSaobT amaze. rac mTavaria, im biznes struqturebs, romle­ bic Cvens gamokvlevebSi iReben monawileobas, ima­ Tac gaiTavison ramdenad mniSvnelovania is kiTxva­ rebi, romelsac avseben.

arsebuli ndobis xarisxiT kmayofili xarT? ra Seicvala Tqveni da biznesis urTierToba­ Si? maxsovs, Tqveni winamorbedi Riad ambobda, rom biznesi rTulad urTierTobda Tqvens uw­ yebasTan, Seicvala viTareba? jer kidev Cems mosvlamde am uwyebaSi, kvleva Ca­ tarda. saqstati namdvilad maRali ndobis maCvene­ bliT sargeblobs. ra Tqma unda, dResac aris gark­ veuli problemebi, magram biznesTan urTierTobis kuTxiT bevri ram gaumjobesda. Tumca, am mxriv yve­ laze kargi gamosavali aris kanonmdeblobaSi cvli­ lebebis Setana. es aris saerTaSoriso organizacie­ bis rekomendaciac. Cven vmuSaobT amaze

anu, biznesis mxridan saqstatisTvis informa­ ciis mowodeba savaldebulo iqneba? iniciativa ukve momzadebulia, jer mTavrobaSi, Semdeg ki parlamentSi ganixileba. vvaraudobT, rom ukve momavali wlidan es cvlileba kanonmde­ blobaSi aiasaxeba.

Tu gaqvT informacia, ramdenad aqtiurad iye­ nebs Tqven informacias momxmarebeli? momxmarebeli sakmaod aqtiuria, Zalian bevr Set­ yobinebas viRebT, konkretul werils, konkretuli informaciis moTxovniT, aseve mkveTard aris gazr­ dili Cvens vebgverdze SemomsvlelTa raodenoba. vcdilobT, iseTi formiT mivawodoT momxmarebels statistikuri informacia, rom maTTvis gasagebi iyos.

erT-erTi yvelaze TvalsaCino problema, rac wlebis ganmavlobaSi arsebobda, statistikuri informaciis gamoqveynebis vadebia? vcdilobT, am vadebis Semcirebas, magram realobis farglebSi vakeTebT amas. yovelTvis gvinda, rom ramdenime dRiT, magram mainc gaumjobesdes gamo­ qveynebis periodi. magram statistikur monacemebs mopovebis garda, damuSaveba sWirdeba. Tumca, Cven kargad gvesmis im erTi dRis fasic, romelsac ga­ vlenis moxdena SeuZlia biznesze, sazogadoebaze.


Mary Daushvili: In any developed country the infor-

mation published by statistics agency is very accurate and highly credible. We also try to achieve the same in Georgia. We work on this issue. The most important is that those business structures which are involved in our surveys have to foresee how important those questionnaires which they fill in are.

Are you satisfied with the quality of existing reliability? What had changed between you and business? I remember that before you used to say that business had difficulties in having relationship with your authority, has anything changed since then? Before I occupied this position, a survey was done, it should by that time the National Statistics office of Georgia has been already enjoying pretty high credibility. Certainly, we are not perfect, even today we have some problems including the relations with the businesses. The international practice shows that the best solution could be if we amend the legislation and put some up-to-date modification accoding to the best international standarts.; this is recommended also by the international organizations. We work on this issue.

Does it mean that the provision of necessary statistical data to you will be mandatory for the companies? The initiative has been prepared already; it will be discussed within the Government first and after it will go to the Parliament. We presume if everyone agrees the necessary changes will be enacted from the coming year.

Do you analyze the actual use of your information by your customers? How active they are? Customers are rather active, we receive lots of notifications, letters asking for some specific information. Gladly the number of visitors to our official web page has increased as well. We try to provide the customers with the useful, accurate and reliable data.

One of the most noticeable problem which has been existing for years was the timing of publishing of statistical data. Data users were complaining it was taking too long for the statistics department to publicize the information. How is it now? We try to limit these terms but we do this in terms of real circumstances. We always want to improve the period even for several days. But statistic data except the need of obtaining them are in need of processing. Though, we understand the value of even one day quite well which can impact on any business, society. DECEMBER | 2014


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

biznesma Tqven konfidencialuri informacia unda gandoT? – ramdenad daculebi arian? am dReebSi yvelaze didi miTqma-moTqmis sagani pir­ dapiri ucxouri investicia iyo (2014 wlis mesame kvartalSi rekordulad maRali investicia dafiq­ sirda - avtori). diax batono, Semovida amdeni in­ vesticia. rac Seexeba konkretul investorebs – zo­ gadad Cven SegviZlia qveynebis, dargebis mixedviT gamovaqveynoT monacemebi. magram ar gvaqvs ufleba, romelime kompaniis individualuri monacemi gava­ sajarooT. Cven mkacrad vicavT konfidencialobas. igive principi moqmedebda sayovelTao aRweris drosac.

2015 wels saqstatis dafinanseba gazrdilia. 2014s ver Seedreba. Tumca, amas obieqturi safuZveli aqvs – 2014-Si qveyanaSi sayovelTao aRwera Catar­ da. saqstatis pirveli qalbatoni aRweris Catarebas dadebiTad afasebs. miaCnia, rom iyo xarvezebic. Tumca, ambobs, rom Tundac is kiTxvarebi, romel­ Tan dakavSirebiTac arsebobda pretenzia, saer­ TaSoriso meTodologiis yvela standartiT iyo Sedgenili da srulad Seesabameboda Cveni qveynis realobas.

meri dauSvili: mosaxleobis aRwera ar aris marto informacia, ramdeni varT. aRweris procesSi mTe­ li demografiuli monacemi damuSavda, aRwerasTan mibmuli iyo soflis meurneobac. es Zalian mniSvne­ lovani informaciaa. Zalian masStaburi samuSao Catarda. pirveladi monacemi 2015 wlis aprilSi gamoqveyndeba. saboloo monacemebi ki aRweris Ca­ tarebidan 18 TveSi gaxdeba cnobili, rogorc amas kanonmdebloba iTvaliswinebs. 2015-Si mosaxleobas winaswari monacemebis saxiT, magram mainc ecodineba, ramdeni varT. bizness ki sxvadasxva geografiuli monacemis saSualebiT war­ modgena eqneba, sad da ra aqtivoba SeuZlia, gana­ xorcielos. aqtiuri, sakuTar saqmeze Seyvarebuli, Jurnalis­ tebisTvis misi kari xSir SemTxvevaSi Riaa. ambobs, rom arcerTi Sesuli werili upasuxod ar rCeba, 2015 –Si sakuTar TanamSromlebTan erTad sazoga­ doebisTvis bevri siaxlis SeTavazeba surs. erTerT maTgans biznes sazogadoeba partniorisgan ukve dRes igebs – saqstatisTvis informaciis miwo­ deba savaldebulo gaxdeba.

2014 | dekemberi

We try to minimize the time needed for the publishing the data but within the possibility. We do always want to speed up it even with a few days upfront. However it is not an easy job, not only the data processing is needed but its actual collection which takes time. Still, we clearly understanmd the price for that single day too which may have an impact to the business and society.

Does business have to trust you the confidential information? How protected are they in such case? You know these days the subject of the most disputes was the foreign direct investment (In 3rd quarter of 2014 the record high FDI figure has been reported - author), indeed, such a huge investment was made. As for the specific investors, we may generally publish the data according to the sectors, countries, but we do not have a right to make available the individual data of any company. We strictly keep the confidentiality. The same principle applies to the ongoing country wide census update. 2015’s finding of Geostat has been increased. Nothing to compare to 2014. Howver it has the clear ground – the Geostat were in process of country wide population census update. The first lady of Geostat appraises the census sampling process positively. She speaks of some bottlenecks, however she mentiones the questionnaires those were criticized were done in accordane to the international methodology and standards and were in line with the Georgia’s specific peculiarities. Mery Daushvili: the update process of the population censuss does not only determin the number of citizens, however the whole demographical data has been processed, the agricultulre was also linked to it. It is very important information. The massive works have been done. The first initial data will be published in April 2015 and the final outcomes will be known in 18 month after the completion as it is prescribed by the law. People will know how many we are already in 2015, it will be the rough figures but still. Business will have a chance to project what and where to do through the geographical data allocation. Mary Daushvili is a person who loves ones job, she is active and highly motivated, her door is open for the journalists as much as she can taking into account her overscheduled work. She says no letter is left without response. Mery with her colleges intends to offer many novelties in to the public 2015. Some of them she already relieved in this interview and more good news will be coming.




Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

saqeqspertiza, rogorc Tqveni biznesis partniori



▶ saqeqsperti, kvalificiuri eqspertis daskvna – si­ tyvebi, romelic biznessazogadoebisTvis saWiro da gamosayenebeli cnebebia. maT vinc jer kidev ar icis, ra igulisxmeba am sityvebs ukan, es statia dagexmarebaT.

istoria saqeqspertiza saqarTvelos savaWro samrewvelo palatis mier Seqnili saeqsperto organizaciaa, romelsac am dargSi muSaobis 50 wliani gamocdi­ leba gaaCnia. saqeqspertizis saqmianoba eqspertis damoukideblobis da gamokvlevis obieqturobis principebs efuZneba. saqeqspertiza uzrunvelyofs profesionalebis mier dasabuTebuli eqspertizis aqtisa da daskvnis gacemas, romelic aris oficia­ luri iuridiuli dokumenti da utyuari mtkicebu­ leba saarbitraJo, sasamarTlo da samarTaldamcav organoebSi. saqeqspertizis momsaxurebiT sargebloben rogorc saxelmwifo, aseve kerZo struqturebi, komerciuli da arakomerciuli dawesebulebebi, fizikuri pirebi ras gTavazobT saqeqspertiza? saqeqspertiza axorcielebs damoukidebel saeqs­ perto momsaxurebas sainJinro, samSeneblo–teqni­ kuri, sasaqonlo, dokumentebis teqnikuri, xelnawe­ 2014 | dekemberi

▶ GeoExpertise Ltd is the expertise organization estab-

lished by the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry which has 50 years’ experience. The activity of GeoExpertise is based on the principles of experts independency and objectiveness for survey. GeoExpertise provides the expertise acts and reports made by the professionals; theseare the official legal documents and evidence for arbitrage, court and law enforcing bodies. GeoExpertise provides the public as well as private entities, commercial and non-commercial institutions, also physical the individuals with the relevant services. It is important to note that during the years close co-operation rather than contractual relations has been established with the partner organizations. What does GeoExpertise offer to you? Wide range of services – GeoExpertise carries out independent expert services in following fields: Expertise of engineering, construction-technical, commodity, technical documentations, check of handwriting and signature; evaluation of real estate and movable assets; preparing the project documents for the agreements and their expertise and etc. These expertise services are accompanied with the consultation services from high level experienced professional. We do not only expertise but also we show the way how to improve your case. Professionalism and Objectiveness - Experienced and qualified experts are the core of GeoExpertise the aim of who is to establish the high quality of expertise abd investigation of objective truth. Being operative and specified – the leading experts of the field without any bureaucratic procedures issue the documents and expertise acts which represent the official legal papers and evidence for the court, law enforcing bodies or to other entities.




Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

risa da xelmoweris eqspertizis mimarTulebiT. aseve moZravi da uZravi qonebis Sefasebas; sameu­ rneo xelSekrulebebis proeqtebis momzadebasa da sxva saxis eqspertizas. sakonsultacio momsaxureba iuridiul, samewarmeo da sameurneo sferoSi – es kidev erTi servisia, romelsac bizness saqeqsper­ tiza sTavazobs. opertiuloba da sizuste – dargis wamyvani eqsper­ tebi, yovelgvari biurokratiuli procedurebis ga­ reSe gascemen dasabuTebul eqspertizis aqts, rome­ lic warmoadgens oficialur uridiul dokuments. konkurentuli fasebi – saqeqspertiza momxmare­ bels momsaxurebis profesionalizmsa da maRal xa­ risxTan erTad konkurentul fasebs sTavazobs.

Competitive prices – The expertise offers professionalism and high quality together with the competitive prices to the customer.


The GeoExpertise’s core strength is its staff, which consists of highly professional and motivated employees, “GeoExpertise’ takes care of each of its workers to create the best possible working environment and assist their personal growth. At the same time the GeoExpertise understands the role of constant HR enrichment with the new fresh workers to keep its institutional stability.

mimdinare wels saqeqspertizaSi ganxorcielda re­ brendingi, ris Sedegadac Seiqmna sruliad axali logo da brendis koncefcia. axali dizaini, wiTel da TeTrferebSia gadawyvetili – ZiriTadi amoa­ cana, servisebis farTo arCevanis saSualebisa da profesionalizmis imijis Seqmna iyo. amasTan, Seiqmna korporatiuli veb-gverdi www. geoexpertise.ge, sadac momxmareblebs saqeqspertizis servisebis Sesaxeb sruli informaciis miReba Seu­ ZliaT.

pirveli oficialuri staJiorTa SesarCevi konkursi – saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palataSi saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis Sps sa­ qeqspertizaSi sajaro staJiorTa SesarCevi konkur­ si 2014 wlis seqtemberSi gamocxadda. konkursi 2 etapad Catarda da Semosuli 500 ganacxadidan konkursis orive etapi mxolod 6-ma studentma gadalaxa. arCeuli staJiorebi ukve muSaoben sa­ qeqspertizaSi saerTaSoriso donis dargis wamyvan eqspertebsa da specialistebTan erTad. saqeqsper­ tizis mizani axali kadrebis imgvarad aRzrdaa, rom maTi saxiT organizaciam eqspertTa axali profe­ sionalebis gundi SeiZinos. saqeqspertizis gegmeb­ Sia ramdenime axali proeqtis ganxorcieleba, maT Soris saqonlis aRricxvisa da sasawyobe meurneo­ bis mowyobis axali servisi, romelic bazars inova­ ciur momsaxurebas SesTavazebs. am yvelafris garanti ki im kvalificiur eqspertTa gundi da is gamocdilebaa, romliTac dakompleqte­ bulia saqeqspertiza.

2014 | dekemberi

RE-BRANDING Current year GeoExpertise made re-branding, as a result of which new logo and concept of brand has been created. New design, red and white colored sign draws the attention and focus to the details. Also, the corporate website www.geoexpertise.ge has been established where the customers may receive full information about the GeoExpertise services and offers. GeoExpertise INTERNSHIP

In September 2014 the GeoExpertise announced its first internship selection competition for the individuals willing to work as interns within the GeoExpertise.The competition was held in 2 stages and from 500 applications both stages of competition were passed by only 6 students. The selected interns are already employed at GeoExpertise and they work together with the leading experts and specialists of international level. The aim of “GeoExpertise’ is to train the new staff so that through them organization obtains the team of new professional experts. For 2015 GeoExpertise offers some new services to its customers. Specifically, the company together with the GCCI Service Ltd starts the joint project assisting the representatives of small and middle size businesses in implementing the internal accounting and effective stock management systems. It gives the companies possibility to organize their warehouse operations and have real time picture of the existing stocks as well as follow on the after sale servicing operations to fulfill the clients’ needs efectively. It reduces the labor and administrative significantly and minimizes the human factor caused mistakes. The guarantee for this and such innovations is our team of qualified experts and the institutional experience we have.


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


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partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

sergo nozaZe/ Sergo Nozadze


akademia gegmavs dargebis, fakultetebis mixedviT, studenturi klubebis Camoyalibebas

ra aris saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis akademia?

What is the Academy of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry? interviu akademiis xelmZRvanelTan sergo nozaZesTan Interview with the Head of Academy Sergo Nozadze

The Academy plans to establish the student clubs according to the fields, faculties

▶ gaxdi profesionali – profesionalebi marTaven!

▶ Become professional – professional rule! – All the stu-

savaWro-samrewvelo palatis akademia saqmianobas ori ZiriTadi mimarTulebiT aviTarebs: pirveli – zrdasrulTa ganaTleba (uwyveti ganaTlebis sis­ tema) treiningebi, samuSao Sexvedrebi, seminarebi, master-klasebi da sxva saswavlo xasiaTis proeq­ tebi, romlis Sedegadac viTardeba konkretuli mimarTulebiT codna, unar-Cvevebi da zogadad kompetencia. meore profesiuli ganaTlebaa. am mi­ marTulebiT, pirvele tapze Cvens saqmianobas Zi­ riTadad profesiuli ganaTlebis popularizacia da profesiuli ganaTlebis xarisxis ganviTarebis mxardaWera warmoadgens. samomavlod gamoricxuli ar aris, akademiam sakuTari, miznobrivi profesiu­ li saganmanaTleblo programa ganaviTaros. iseve, rogorc aqtiurad CaerTos profesiuli ganaT­ lebis mimarTulebiT, araformaluri ganaTlebis aRiarebis procesebSi.

The Academy of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry expands its activity in two main trends. The education of adults (incessant educational system), trainings, work meetings, seminars, master-classes and other learning projects, as a result of which the specific directions are developed, the skills and generally competence. Second is professional education. In this direction at first stage our activity is basically the popularization of professional education and the assistance of professional educational quality. Further it is not exclusive that Academy develops its own purposeful professional educational program as well as actively involves in the professional education in the processes of acknowledging the unofficial education.

akademiis yvela students es devizi amoZravebs. savaWro-samrewvelo palatis akademiam ukve aqtiu­ rad daiwyo funqcionireba...

2014 | dekemberi

dents at Academy are motivated by this. The Academy of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry has actively started to function…




Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

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partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

samizne jgufebi vin arian, viszec mimarTulia akademiis servisebi?

Which are the target groups, towards which the Academy services are directed to?

akademiis servisebi xuT ZiriTad samizne jgufzea mimarTuli. TiToeul maTgans akademia konkretul, eqskluziuri servisebis paketebsa da miznobriv ga­ dawyvetilebebs sTavazobs:

The Academy services target five groups. Each of them is offered by the Academy the specific, exclusive service packages and purposeful decisions:

• biznesseqtori – biznesseqtori Tavis mxriv sam mimarTulebas moicavs. es gaxlavT: mcire, saSualo da msxvili kompaniebi, mewarmeebi da biznesis sfe­ roSi dasaqmebuli profesionalebi. biznesseqtoris resursebis gaZliereba, organizaciuli da adamia­ nuri SesaZleblobebis ganviTarebis mxardaWera – es akademiis umTavresi amocana da ZiriTadi stra­ tegiuli mimarTulebaa. • saerTaSoriso organizaciebi da proeqtebi – akademia saerTaSoriso organizaciebs, ucxoeTis samTavrobo miznobriv programebs, saerTaSoriso proeqtebs sxvadasxva mimarTulebis servisebsa da gadawyvetilebebs sTavazobs. • saxelmwifo instituciebis SesaZleblobebis ganviTareba da zogadad saxelmwifo seqtorSi dasaqmebuli pirebis profesiuli codnisa da unar-Cvevebis ganviTarebis xelSewyoba. yvelas­ Tvis cnobilia is faqti, rom biznesi ver ganvi­ Tardeba, Tu saxelmwifo servisebi, zogadad ka­ nonmdebloba da procedurebi ar iqneba moqnili da daxvewili. swored am mizniT, saxelmwifo se­ qtorSi dasaqmebuli profesionalebis ukve arse­ buli codnis donis kidev ufro amaRleba, saWiro unar-Cvevebis daxvewa da kidev ufro ganviTa­ reba, aseve saerTaSiroso saukeTeso praqtikis, gamocdilebebis gaziareba, saxelmwifosa da biz­ ness Soris aqtiuri dialogis ganviTareba – es is mimarTulebebia, sadac akademia sxva, maT Soris saxlmwifo uwyebebis arsebul saswavlo centreb­ Tan da sxva treining-provaiderebTan erTdad aq­ tiurad mimarTavs Zalisxmevas. Cven vfiqrobT, rom es yvelas sakeTebli saqme da Cveni erTgvari movaleobaa. erTni amas saxelmwi­ fos mxridan danaxuli saWiroebebis kuTxiT gana­ viTareben, xolo Cven, biznesis kuTxiT arsebuli saWiroebebis WrilSi da biznesidan danaxuli auci­ lebeli garemoebebis gaTvaliswinebiT. • studentebi da zogadad axalgazrda Taoba – Cven gvjera, rom profesionalebad Camoyalibeba, mxo­ lod zrdasrul asakSi ar xdeba. konkretuli mi­

2014 | dekemberi

• Business sector: Business sector in its part includes three directions. These are: small, middle and big business companies, entrepreneurs and professionals engaged in the field of business. Strengthening the resources of business sector, assistance for developing the organizational and human possibilities – this is the basic task of the Academy and main strategic direction; • International organizations and projects: For the purpose of realizing the activities addressing the assistance of developing the institutional and human possibilities of organizations, state institutions as well as business field possibilities, Academy offers various trended services and decisions to the international organizations, foreign government target programs, international projects; • Development of state institutional possibilities and generally the assistance of developing the professional knowledge and skills of people employed in government sector. Everybody knows the fact that business will not be developed if the state services, generally the legislation and procedures are not flexible and sophisticated. Exactly for this purpose the increasing the level of professional knowledge already existing among the professionals employed in government sector, sophisticating the necessary skills and more development, also the sharing of best international practices and experience, development of active dialogue between the state and business – these are the trends where the Academy together with the Training Centers and other Training providers existing with state bodies actively uses its effort. We think that this has to be done by everyone and it is our duty that some develop the necessities seen from Government’s side and we see the mentioned from business point of view and foreseeing the necessary circumstances seen from business point. • Student and generally young generation – we believe that professional establishment does not take place only in adultery. Increasing the consciousness


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


marTulebebiT cnobierebis amaRleba, codnisa da unarebis ganviTareba skolis asakidanve iwyeba, studentobis periodSi ufro metad konkretul mimarTulebas iZens da Semdgom ukve dasaqmebasTan erTad yalibdeba. zrdasrul asakSi SeZenili cod­ na da unar-Cvevebi Tavis mxriv mTeli sicocxlis ganmavlobaSi, uwyetad saWiroebs ganviTarebasa da srulyofas.

towards specific directions, development of knowledge and skills start from school age, it obtains rather specific trends during the student hood and afterwards gets established already with employment together with the specific trend. In their turn the knowledge and skills gained in adultery during the whole life incessantly needs the development and perfectness.

savaWro-samrewvelo palata saqarTvelos ganaT­ lebisa da mecnierebis saministrosTan erTad pi­ loturi proeqtis ganxorcielebas iwyebs, romlis mizanic skolis moswavleebisaTvis mewarmeobis mi­ marTulebiT cnobierebis amaRleba. azronebis mi­ marTulebebis Camoyalibeba da adreuli asakidanve mewarmeobisa da zogadad biznesis, biujetirebis, finansebis, gadasaxadebisa da sxva bevri saintere­ so mimarTulebiT damokidebulebebis ganviTareba warmoadgens.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia starts the implementation of pilot project the aim of which is the increase of consciousness towards the entrepreneurship for pupils, the formation of thinking and generally since early age the development of generally business, budgeting, finances, taxes and many other interesting directions to be developed.

rac Seexeba studentebs – maTi profesiuli cod­ nis donisa da unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba akademiis erT-erTi umTavresi prioritetia. Cven zustad vi­ ciT, ra sWirdeba bizness. zustad viciT, rogori komptenciis momaval TanamSromlebs saWiroeben kompaniebi da mewarme subieqtebi. am ori mxaris – studentebisa da damsaqmeblebis interesebis daaxloeba, biznesis saWiroebebis gaTvaliswine­ biT sxvadasxa fakultetis studentebis, magistre­ bis, doqtorantebis codnisa da unarebis ganviTa­ rebis maqsimalurad xelSewyoba Cveni umTavresi amocanaa. am miznisTvis akademia gegmavs aqtiurad iTa­ namSromlos umaRlesi saswavleblebis, iseve ro­ gorc profesiuli saganmanaTleblo dawesebulebe­ bis menejmentTan, fakultetebis xelmZRvanelebTan, raTa maqsimalurad moxdes biznesis saWiroebebTan – saganamanaTleblo programebis daaxloeba da ar­ sebuli programebis daxvewa da harmoniazaciaSi mo­ yvana. Cveni rolia, SevasruloT xidis fuqcia biz­ nessa da saganmanaTleblo dawesebulebebs, biznessa da studentebs Soris. samomavlod akademia gegmavs dargebis, fakultete­ bis mixedviT studenturi klubebis Camoyalibebas, romelSi CarTvac nebismieri dainteresebuli, aq­ tiuri studentisaTvis iqneba SesaZlebeli. klubu­ ri sistema da klubebis formatSi TanamSromloba es kidev erTi, Zalian praqtikuli da moqnili ins­ trumenti iqneba studentebisa da biznesis, Tavis mxriv potenciuri damsaqmeblebis dasaaxloeblad.

As for the students – the development of their professional knowledge and skills is one of the main priorities of the Academy. We know exactly what the business needs and we exactly know of what competence do the companies and entrepreneurial subjects are in need. Making the interests of these two sides – students and employees, considering the business necessities assisting the development of skills and knowledge for the various faculty students, students for Master’s degree, PhD is our main task. For carrying out this assignment Academy plans to actively cooperate with higher institutions as well as the management of professional educational institutions, Heads of faculties, for making the educational programs come closer to the business necessities maximally and the sophistication of existing programs and harmonizing with these necessities. Our role is to fulfill the function of bridge between the business and educational institutions, business and students. Further the Academy plans to establish the student clubs according to the fields, faculties, where any interested active student may be involved. The club system and cooperation in club formats this is one rather practical and flexible instrument will be used for getting students and business and in its turn potential employments closer. Here I want to remark those youngsters who due to various reasons they are not able to be involved in similar projects. Maybe it could be the social condi-



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

aqve minda aRvniSno is axalgazrdebi, romlebic sx­ vadasxva mizezis gamo ver axerxeben msgavs proeq­ tebSi CarTulobas. SeiZleba es iyos socialuri mdgomareoba, an SezRuduli SesaZleblobi. pira­ dad me, iseve rogoc saqarTvelos savaWro-samrew­ velo palatisa da akademiis gundi, miviCnevT, rom erT-erTi mizani, valdebuleba da udidesi survi­ li gaxlavT swored am uniWieresi adamianebis gver­ diT dgoma. Cveni survilia am adamianebis akade­ miis programebSi sxvadasxva formiT CarTulobis uzrunvelyofa. • nebismieri dainteresebuli piri, romlisTvisac mniSvnelovania sakuTari profesiuli codnisa da unar-Cvevebis, sakuTari kompetenciis amaRleba. profesionali, romelis mizania, mudmivad miiRos praqtikuli codna, arsebuli gamocdileba srul­ yos praqtikuli mimarTulebiT. nebismieri, visac surs dasaqmeba, arsebuli saqminobis sferos Sec­ vla an Tundac ufro meti warmatebebis miRweva, TiToeul am jgufs akademia saintereso, praqti­ kul da moqnil servisebs SesTavazebs.

ZiriTadi servisebis Sesaxebac gviambeT… servisebis sakmaod grZeli CamonaTvali gvaqvs. maT So­ ris aris brendirebuli treiningebi; saSua­ lo da grZe­ lvadiani miznobrivi sasertifikato programebi; Tematuri seminarebi; master-klasebi – saerTaSoriso da adgilobrivi, dargis wamyvani eqspertebis CarTulobiT; Tematuri konferencie­ bi, simpoziumebi da forumebi; diskusiebi, mrgvali magidis formatis Sexvedrebi; miznobrivi saswavlo kursebi; sazafxulo programebi; Tematuri dReebi; konsultaciebi; kvleviTi prezentaciebi da sxva Za­ lian bevri saintereso formatis aqtivobebi. maTi mizani praqtikuli codnis miReba, unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba da saukeTeso gamocdilebebis gaziare­ baa.

Tematika rogoria? principSi yvelaferi is, rac bizness da ara mxolod mas sWirdeba. sferoebi mravalmxrivia, TiToeuli es mimarTuleba Tavis mxriv gamomdinareobs dRe­ vandeli saWiroebebis gaTvaliswinebiT – organiza­ ciuli ganviTarebis prcesebidan da individualu­ ri interesebidan da saWiroebebidan. aqve gvsurs msoflioSi popularuli Tanamedrove trendebis, miznobrivi profilis treining-programebis saqar­ Tvelos bazarze Semotana.

2014 | dekemberi

tion, or maybe these are the disabled young people who have great wish to master various professions. Personally me as well as the team of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Georgia and Academy, we think that one of our aims, our duties and greatest wish is to stand beside exactly these talented people. Our wish is to provide the involvement of these people in Academy programs in various forms. • Any interested person for whom it is important to increase the own professional knowledge and skills, own competence. Any professional the aim of whom is to constantly receive the practical knowledge, existing experiences to be provided with the rather practical trends; any person wishing to be employed, to change the existing activity or even achieving more success, each of this group will be offered by the Academy the interesting, practical and flexible services.

Tell us about main services as well… We have very long list of services, including the branded trainings; middle and long-term purposeful certification programs; thematic seminars; master classes – whether international and local, inclusive with leading experts of the fields; thematic conferences, symposiums and forums; discussions, round table format meetings; purposeful learning courses; summer programs; thematic days; consultations; research presentations and other very many interesting format activities, the aim of which towards specific trends is to gain the very practical knowledge, developing the skills and sharing the best practices.

What are the topics? Actually, all that needs business and not only it. The fields are diverse, each of these trends come due to its current necessities in consideration of organizational development processes and individual interests and needs. Also we’d like to make the world’s popular modern trends; targeted training-programs appear at Georgian market. The basis trends coming due to the existing needs and requirements are as follow: • Field of services and communication • Management systems


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

ZiriTadi mimarTulebebi arsebuli saWiroebebidan da moTxovnebidan gamomdinare iqneba:

• Marketing

• servisebisa da komunikaciis sfero

• Human system management

• menejmentis sistemebis

• Finances and Budgeting

• marketingis sfero

• Audit and Quality Management Systems

• sazogadoebasTan urTierToba

• Purchases

• adamianuri sistemebis marTvis mimarTuleba

And so on – rather long list.

• finansebi da biujetireba • auditi da xarixis kontrolis sistemebi • Sesyidvebi da. a.S. – sakmaod grZeli CamonaTvalia

akademia, rogorc saganmanaTleblo institu­ cia axlaxans Camoyalibda. Tumca, ukve arseb­ obs warmatebuli proeqtebi… akademia sul ramdenime kviraa, rac instituciuri saxiT Camoyalibda, Sesabamisad yvelaferi razec vsaubrob, Cveni momavali miznebi da strategiuli mimarTulebebia. Tumca, rogorc Tqven aRniSneT Cven ukve gvaqvs xelSesaxebi warmatebebic! bolo xuTi kviris ganmavlobaSi saqarTvelos savaWro samrewvelo palata yovelkvireulad paraskevs da SabaT dRes dargis wamyvan eqsperts maspinZlobs, romelic biznesis sferos warmomadgenlebs, stu­ dentebsa da ubralod dainteresebul pirebs xv­ deba. es ukve tradiciad iqca palataSi, romelic Zalian sainteresod viTardeba Sexvedridan-Sexve­ dramde. es Sexvedrebi master-klasis formatSi mim­ dinareobs. master-klasis formatis Sexvedra, swavlebisa da Sexvedrebis erTgvari formatia, rodesac konkre­ tuli problemuri an mniSvnelovani sakiTxis gar­ Semo eqsperti Sexvedris monawileebs acnobs pro­ blematuri sakiTxis arss, mniSvnelovan aspeqtebs. uziarebs mis praqtikul gamocdilebas – problemis gadaWris saukeTeso gzebs, rogorc sakanonmdeblo, aseve procedurul WrilSi. Sexvedris pirveli nawili mTlianad eTmoba problemis, mniSvnelovani sakiTxis aRweras, mis garSemo msjelobas, sakuTari gamocdilebis gaziarebas, xolo Sexvedris meore nawili ukve mTlianad monawileebis winaSe mdgari


• Public Relationship

Academy as the educational institution has been established just recently, though successful projects are present as well.. It’s just several weeks that Academy which has been established in institutional form, relevantly everything we talk about is our future aims and strategic trends. Though as you have already mentioned we have success to rely on! During the last five years the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Georgia weekly on Friday and Saturday the leading expert of the field is hosted which meet the representatives of business field, students and simply the people interested in. This has already become the tradition in the Chamber which is developed very interestingly from meeting to meeting. These meetings are being held in the format of master class, the meeting in the format of master class is the format of teaching and meetings, when an expert makes the participants get acquainted with the idea of problematic issue around the problematic or important matters, as well as important aspects. It shares its practical experience – towards the direction of finding best ways to solutions in legislative as well as procedural aspects. The first part of the meeting is entirely dedicated to the description of problem, important issue, discussion around the mentioned, sharing own experience, and the second part of the meeting is fully dedicated to the examination of the specific tasks, currently actual or past experiences faced by the participants for the purpose of solving them. So master class in its second part of the meeting is being added by the format of case studies, where each part is given the opportunity of being provided with the highly competent consultation around solving the problem and discussion. The master class meetings have been held on various themes: human resource management, business



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

konkretuli amocanebis, dResdReobiT aqtualuri an warsuli gamocdilebebis ganxilvas eTmoba – maTi gadaWris kuTxiT. anu master-klass, Sexvedris meore nawilSi ukve qeis-sTadis formatic emate­ ba, sadac TiToeul monawiles sakuTari SemTxvevis ganxilvis, mis garSemo diskusiisa da problemis ga­ daWris irgvliv maRalkompetenturi konsultaciis miRebis SesaZlebloba eZleva. master-klasis msgavsi Sexvedrebi sxvadasxva Temaze Catarda: adamianuri resursebis marTvis, biznesis ganviTarebis, biznes-ideebis – biznesad gardaqmnis, sagadasaxado sferos da sxva mimarTulebebiT. in­ teresi monawileTa mxridan, rogorc mosalodneli iyo – maRalia da Sedegebic aSkara da Zalian sain­ tereso. miuxedavad erTdRiani Sexvedris formati­ sa, es saukeTeso SesaZleblobaa, sakiTxis irgvliv moismino eqspertuli Sefasebebi da paralelurad miiRo kompetenturi rekomendaciebi SenTvis sain­ tereso mimarTulebebiT. minda aRvniSno amerikeli eqspertis, mewarmis da dargis saukeTeso specialistis – gari Soenigeris Catarebuli Zalian saintereso master-klasebi. mT­ lianad es proeqti, mieZRvna mewarmeobis sakiTxe­ bis irgvliv sakuTari gamocdilebisa da msoflio praqtikebs. master-klasebze daswrebis SesaZle­ bloba hqondaT, rogorc ukve warmatebuli bizne­ sis warmomadgenlebs, aseve biznesiT da mewarmeobis sferoTi dainteresebul studentebs. minda visar­ geblo SemTxveviT da madloba gadavuxado saqar­ TveloSi amerikis SeerTebuli Statebis saelCos, maT sazogadoebriv saqmeTa ganyofilebas gaweuli daxmarebisaTvis.

samomavlo gegmebis Sesaxebac gviamebT

development, transformation of business ideas into business, tax field and other. The interesting from participants’ side is as expected rather high and the results are clear and rather interesting. Despite the one day meeting format, this is the best possibility to listen to expert’s evaluations around the issue and in parallel with the mentioned be provided with the competent recommendations in the fields you are interested in. I’d like to remark that the master classes delivered by the best specialist of the field and entrepreneur, American expert – Gary Shoeniger are very interesting. The whole project has been dedicated to the process of getting acquainted with the own experience and world practices, modern techniques around the issues of entrepreneurship. The already successful business representatives as well as the students interested in business and field of entrepreneurship were given the possibility to attend the master classes. I want to use chance and thank the embassy of the United States of America in Georgia and their Social Cases Department for the assistance provided.

Tell us about your future plans Society, business companies, students, international society discuss about the projects oriented on the very innovative, very interesting and the most important, result planned gradually with the active effort of the Academy and initiative. Though one thing is what will be considered as important and other is in real what is important to the society. Also it is important to make each of this groups, students, state organizations, business, project society initiated by us involve in this processes.

sazogadoeba, kompaniebi, studentebi, saerTaSori­ so sazogadoeba akademiis aqtiuri ZalisxmeviTa da iniciativiT dagegmil etapobrivad Zalian inova­ ciur, Zalian saintereso da rac yvelaze mTavaria Sedegze orientirebul proeqtebs ixilaven. Tum­ ca, erTia, ras miviCnevT Cven mniSvnelovnad da meorea – realurad ra aris mniSvnelovani sazo­ gadoebisaTvis. aseve aucilebelia, nebismier Cvens mier inicirebuli proeqtis sazogadebaSi, biznesSi, saxelmwifo organizaciebSi, studentebSi mitana da TiToeuli am jgufis Cveni proeqtebis momzadebis procesebSi maqsimalurad CarTva.

That’s why we start to implement, use such flexible instruments which will give us chance to daily receive the information about the existing challenges, needs, problems, difficulties, interesting fields and issues. After the received information gets analyzed we will have opportunity to reflect all this in our services, programs. Our motto “We create the Golden Standard” exactly includes one of these elements, which means that any of our services, products are oriented on individual needs and are adjusted to the most specific interests of the customer.

amitom, viwyebT iseTi moqnili instrumentebis da­ nergvas, gamoyenebas, romelic saSualebas mogvcems

If we want to develop business, it is necessary to bring the problems to those state institutions which

2014 | dekemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


yoveldRiurad miviRoT informacia arsebuli ga­ mowvevebis, saWiroebebis, problemebis, sirTulee­ bis, saintereso sferoebisa da sakiTxebis mimarTu­ lebiT. miRebuli informaciis analizis Semdgom SesaZlebloba gveqneba yovelive es sworad avsa­ xoT Cvens servisebSi, programebSi. Cveni lozungi „Cven vqmniT oqros standarts“, xom swored erTerT am elements moicavs, rac gulisxmobs imas, rom nebismieri Cveni servisi, produqti individualur saWiroebze orientirebuli da damkveTis yvelaze specifiur interesebze morgebulia.

as minimum start to think about these problems and with the effort from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry will necessarily try to solve them.

Tu Cven gvsurs ganvaviTaroT biznesi, aucilebelia, maTi prolemebi mivitanoT im saxelmwifo institu­ tebamde, romelic rogorc minimum daiwyebs am pro­ blemebze fiqrs da savaWro-samrewvelo palatis ZalisxmeviT, aucileblad Seecdeba maT gadaWras.

Often it happens so that when practical discussion about specific problem, the legislative and procedural activities addressing to the solution of this problem are taking place independently from business. The whole effort is possibly to result in nothing, because those whom this or that business is related to have very often the practical receipts for solving this problem, because they are ones who mostly think about this.

aseve mniSvnelovania, saxelmwfios mier inicirebu­ li reformebis implementirebisaTvis, siaxleebis, inovaciuri da axleburi gadawyvetilebebis, axle­ buri midgomebis, sakanonmdeblo da proceduruli siaxleebis, zogadad reformebis arsis warmoCineba da mitana mis saboloo momxmareblebamde – biznes­ Tan, moqalaqeebTan, anu maTTan, visac es uSualod exeba. xSiria SemTxvevebi, rodesac konkretul probleme­ bze praqtikuli msjeloba, am problemis gadaWraze mimarTuli sakanonmdeblo da proceduruli aqti­ vobebi biznesisagan damoukideblad mimdinareobs. mTeli Zalisxmeva am dros SesaZloa uSedegod das­ ruldes, radgan maT visac exeba es anu bizness, Za­ lian xSirad aqvT am problemis gadaWris Zalian praqtikuli receptebic, radgan isini yvelaze me­ tad fiqroben am mimarTulebiT. am dialogis da zogadad am proeqtis arsi swored is iqneba, rom davexmaroT yvela im adamians, iq­ neba es biznesis konkretuli sferos warmomadge­ neli, Tu adamianebis jgufi, romeli sakanonmde­ blo da procedurul reformebs gegmavs, moxdes am ori mniSvnelovani mxaris mrgvali magidis garSemo gaerTianeba. mcire da saSualo biznesis, mewarmeobis ganviTa­ reba – erT-erTi strategiuli mimarTuleba da masStaburi proeqti iqneba, romelsac vfiqrobT saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis, mcire da saSualo sawarmoTa asociaciis, sxva daintere­ sebuli nebismieri samTavrobo organizaciebisa da biznesgaerTianebebis mxardaWeriT ganvaviTaroT.

Also it is important that for implementing the reforms initiated by the government, the promotion of novelties, innovative and new way decision making, new approaches, legislative and procedural novelties, generally the promotion of ideas of reforms and bringing them to end customer – business, citizens or those which it is directly related to.

The idea of this dialogue and generally this project lies in that to help those people whether representing the specific field of business or the group of people that plans the legislative and procedural reforms, to unite these two important sides around the round table. The development of small and middle business, development of entrepreneurship – are one of the strategic trends and scaled project which we think to develop with the assistance of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Georgia, Association of small and middle enterprises. Development of small and middle business, generally the entrepreneurship – represents the part of our country’s strategic action plan. This gives us hope that we will be joined by lots of supporters on this way including the international organizations and projects. We have planned to create the club of experts, this will be locally as well as internationally; it will be the project of uniting the leading experts of various fields around the Academy. Exactly the involvement of these experts conditions for future the implementation of very interesting projects, Academy services, programs initiated by us which have to be accomplished with rather high quality. Certainly we can’t forget the young friends – students and generally talented young generation. Exactly for



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

mcire da saSualo biznesis, zogadad mewarmeobis ganviTareba – es Cveni qveynis strategiuli samoq­ medo gegmis nawilsac warmoadgens. es imeds maZle­ vs, rom Cven am gzaze bevri mxardamWeri gamogviCn­ deba. maT Soris saerTaSoriso organizaciebisa da proeqtebis saxiT. Cven dagegmili gvaqvs eqspertTa klubis Camoya­ libeba, es iqneba rogorc adgilobriv, aseve saer­ TaSoriso doneze, sxvadasxva dargis wamyvani eqs­ pertebis akademiis garSemo gaerTianebis proeqti. swored am eqspertebis CarTuloba ganapirobebs samomavlod Cvens mier inicirebuli Zalian sainte­ reso proeqtebis, akademiis servisebis, programebis Zalian maRali xarisxiT ganxorcielebas. raRa Tqma unda ar gvaviwydeba axalgazrda mego­ brebi – studentebi da zogadad niWieri axalgazr­ da Taoba. swored maTTvis Cven vgegmavT akademiis axalgazrda ambasadoTa klubis Camoyalibebas, sa­ dac Tavs moiyris yvela is aqtiuri studenti, ni­ Wieri axalgazrda, romelTac warmatebebis miRweva surT. 2015 wlidan bizness, sazogadoebas SesaZlebloba eqneba, gaecnos bevr Zalian saintereso treining da sasertifikato programas. es iqneba Zalian mizno­ brivi saswavlo kursebi Cven popularul mimarTulebebs ar virCevT, vir­ CevT mniSvnelovan, problematur da aucilebel mi­ marTulebebs da amas saswavlo kursebis, programe­ bis da proeqtebis saxiT vTavazobT dainteresebul organizaciebsa da pirebs. es iqneba akademiis bren­ direbuli programebi, romlis analogic trenin­ gebis dRevandel bazarze, ar aris. es programebi Tavisi arsiT – Cveni eqskluzivi iqneba. Cven vqmniT oqros standarts! es standarti xuT Zi­ riTad elements efuZneba da akademiis specialuri formuliT erTiandeba 1) individualur, specifiur saWiroebebze mor­ gebuli servisebi – yvela Cveni programa dargis, mimarTulebis, biznesisa da ara marto, yvelaze kritikul da specifiur saWiroebebze iqneba orien­ tirebuli, rac mis Zalian maRal Sedegebs – dasaw­ yisSive garantirebuls gaxdis! 2) saukeTeso praqtikaze dafuZnebuli, swavle­ bis Tanamedrove meTodebi – Cveni programebis swavlebis procesSi gamoyenebuli iqneba yvelaze

2014 | dekemberi

them we plan to establish the “Club of Young Ambassadors” of the Academy for them, where all those active, talented young person will be gathered who wants to achieve the success. From 2015 business, society will be given the opportunity of getting acquainted with many very interesting training and certification programs. These will be much targeted learning courses. We do not choose the popular trends, we select important, problematic and necessary directions and we offer the mentioned in the form of learning courses, programs and projects to the organizations and people interested. These will be branded programs of the Academy the analogue of which at the current training market has not. These programs with their ideas will be our exclusive. We create the Golden Standard! This standard is based on five basic elements and is formed under special formula of the Academy. 1) Services adjusted to the individual, specific needs – all our programs will be oriented on field, trend, business and not only, most critic and specific ones, which will make is rather high results guaranteed from the beginning! 2) The modern methods of teaching based on the best practice – during the process of teaching our programs the most modern teaching methods for adults based on the best practices and international methodologies will be used; 3) The leading experts and specialists of the field – each of our teaching course, program, and project will be led by the experts being the leading practitioners of international level and practitioner training experts. Our approach is to examine the problems in practical aspect by the practitioner experts and their solution! 4) Unique evaluation system – all our programs, courses, projects will have the special evaluation system which will make it possible to receive the practical evaluations in the end, which will be similarly interesting for organizational management as well as course participants themselves. Also it will be possible to receive the recommendations from the expert which will give the chance of analyzing the future professional development needs to the listeners and


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Tanamedrove, saerTaSoriso meTodologiebsa da saukeTeso praqtikebze dafuZnebuli zrdasrulTa swavlebis meTodebi. 3) dargis wamyvani eqspertebi da specialistebi – TiToeul Cvens saswavlo kurss, progamas, proeqts gauZRvebian saerTaSoriso donis, wamyvani praqti­ kosi eqpertebi. Cveni midgoma – eqspertebis mier problemebis praqtikul WrilSi ganxilva da ga­ dawyvetaa. 4) Sefasebis unikaluri sistema – yvela Cvens pro­ gramas, kurss, proeqts eqneba Sefasebis gansaku­ Trebuli sistema, romelic SesaZlebels gaxdis da­ sasruls miviRoT praqtikuli Sefasebebi, romelic erTnairad saintereso iqneba rogorc organizaci­ is menejmentis, aseve Tavad kursis monawileebisa­ Tvis. SesaZlebeli iqneba aseve eqspertis mxridan rekomendaciebis paketebis miRebac, rac momavali profesiuli ganviTarebis saWiroebebis gaanalize­ bis SesaZlebobas miscems msmenelebs da daexmareba ukeTesad dagegmon saWiroebebze mimarTuli aqti­ vobebi. 5) miRebuli codnisa da gamomuSavebuli praqti­ kuli unar-Cvevebis efeqtianoba da mdgradoba – TiToeuli Cveni kursi ar moicavs ganyenebulad mxolod codnisa da/an unar-Cvevis gamomuSavebis SesaZleblobas. Cven, kursis dizainis SemuSavebi­ sas, swavlebis meTodebTan erTad vagebT iseT sis­ temas, romelic SesaZlebels xdis, miRebuli codna da gamomuSavebuli unar-Cveva avsaxoT TiToeuli monawilis RirebulebebSi. amasTan, kursis monawi­ le akademiasTan urTierTobas kursis dasasruls ar amTavrebs. isini amiT mxolod iwyeben CvenTan TanamSromlobas. savaWro-samrewvelo palatis didi mxardaWera, pa­ latis saerTaSoriso doneze – msoflios sxva pa­ latebTan Zalian warmatebuli TanamSromloba da kontaqtebi, Tavad palatis roli – xidi biznessa da saxelmwifos Soris, yvela Cvens miznebs, stra­ tegiul mimarTulebebs, erTi SexedviT SesaZloa, Zalian ambiciur miswrafebebs – absoluturad realurs, ganxorcielebads da SesaZlebels xdis! dasasruls, kidev erTxel ganvmeordebi, Cven vqmniT oqros standarts! gaxdiT profesionalebi. profe­ sionalebi marTaven!


help in better planning the activities addressed to the needs. 5) Efficiency and stability of practical skills and knowledge gained – each f our courses does not include separately only knowledge and/or skill improvement opportunities. We, when working on the course design together with the learning methods set up such system which makes it possible to deeply reflect the knowledge gained and the skills on each participant’s values. Also the participant of the course does not terminate the relationship with the Academy at the end of the course. They just start cooperation with thus from that very moment. Great assistance of the Chamber of Commerce and industry, the very successful cooperation with world’s other Chambers and contacts, the role of the Chamber itself – bridge between business and state, makes it possible to make the very ambitious strives, strategic directions, all the above mentioned reasons from one glance absolutely real, nurtured and possible! In the end I will repeat once again, we create the Golden Standard! Become professionals. Professionals rule!

Cven gvjera, rom profesionalebad Camoyalibeba, mxolod zrdasrul asakSi ar xdeba

We believe that professional establishment does not take place only in adultery



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

2014 | dekemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


msoflio 2014 2014 weli aravis daamaxsovr deba misi ekonomikuri winsvl iT Tu biznes warumate­ blobebiT. es weli ufro mni Svnelovani politikuri movlen ebis weli iyo, ramac milionobiT adamianis cxovre baze iqonia gavlena. es gavlen a sav araudod SenarCun­ deba da momaval wlebSi gagrZe ldeba kidec. samwuxarod, 201 4 wels Cveni regioni kidev erTxel gaxda globaluri cvlilebebis obieqti da isic uaryofiT konteqst­ Si. aman ki Tavis mxriv gavlen a iqonia Cvens mezoblebze. wel s mom xdarma movlenebma gamoiwvia ekonomikuri krizis i qveynebSi, romlebic geogra fiu lad saqarTvelos­ Tan Zalian axlos arian. ukr ainis krizisma gaauaresa, rog orc am qveynis ekonomika, iseve misi metoqe ruseTis. mZi me procesebi ganviTarda aRm osavleTSic – sisxlism­ Rvreli dapirispireba islamu r saxelmwifoSi da Setakebeb i. wlis bolos ki msof­ liom yuradReba miapyro nav Tobze fasebis dacemas, rac ase ve negatiurad aisaxa Cvens regionze.

World 2014 2014 will definitely not be remembered for the economic boost or business failures, what’s true for this year is that it’s been rich in significant political developments all over the world, effectingthe lives and living conditions of hundreds of millions of people. The impact is likely to be maintained and further continued in the coming years. Unfortunately, in 2014 our region has once again become the subject of global discussions, and in a negative way. Those affected most of our neighbors. A number of developments that took place this year have caused economic damages in the countries that are geographically very close to us, both from south and north. For instance, Ukrainian crisis has worsened the economyof the country itself as well as of its rival Russia, bloodsheds resulted in ISIS and Syrian attacks have reflected in the newly emerged threats in Middle East, which on its side became the reason for slowed down economic development in our neighboring countries. In the end of the year the world focus turned towards the falling prices on oil, which also is a negative development for our region.



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

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2014 | dekemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


navTobis fasebi

OIL PRICES momzadebulia biznes kvlevebis palatis mier, mkvlevari-redaqtori kaxa bainduraSvili Prepared by the Chamber of Business Research, Kakha Baindurashvili researcher-editor

▶ wlebis ganmavlobaSi navTobze SenarCunebuli ma­ Rali fasebis Semdeg, bolo eqvsi Tvea, nedli na­ vTobis fasi erT barelze 115 aSS dolaridan 70 dolaramde da qvemoT daeca. ufro zustad, 2014 wlis ivnisidan, maRali xarisxis (ICE Brent) nedli navTobis fasma 40%-ze metad iklo, ianvarSi erT bareli 115 dolari Rirda, noembris bolosken – 67-s qvemoTac Camovida. es maCvenebli 2009 wlis recesiis Semdgomi periodidan yvelaze dabali fasia. aseTma vardnam ara mxolod yvela molo­ dins gadaaWarba (tradiciulad perioduli kore­ qtirebis reJimSi). aramed, rogorc Cans, is ukve mxolod droebiT movlenas ar warmoadgens. zo­ gierTi eqsperti varaudobs, rom msoflio navTo­ bis fasi barelze 60 dolarze qvemoTac Camova (2015-Si) da SesaZloa, 40 dolaramdec ki daeces, – riTac 2008-09 wlebis recesiisas dafiqsirebul kolafss mogvagonebs.

▶ After years of high oil prices, the price of crude oil

has fallen from about $US115 to less than $US70 a barrel over the past six months. More specifically since June 2014, the price of high grade (ICE Brent) crude oil has fallen more than 40 percent, declining from around USD$115 a barrel, in January 2014, to just USD$67 a barrel at the end of November. That’s the lowest since the bottom of the 2009 recession. The price decline has not only been deeper than expected in a normal cyclical correction, but also appears more than just a temporary event. Some predict global oil prices will fall below USD$60 a barrel in 2015, and could potentially fall as low as the USD$40 a barrel collapse that occurred during the 2008-09 recession.

What is going on? Like other commodities, the crude oil price is basically driven by supply and demand.

ra xdeba?

For decades, the environmental movement has been insisting that non-renewable fossil fuels are running out, that we have passed "Peak Oil", and that the world is on the brink of shortages.Contrary to this Doomsday scenario, despite the steady increase in oil consumption, new reserves of oil and gas are being discovered and, depending on cost, brought on line.

sxva samomxmareblo produqtis msgavsad, nedli nav­ Tobis fasi moxmareba-miwodebis kanoniT regulir­ deba. aTwleulebis ganmavlobaSi, garemos damcve­

High prices of crude oil had the effect of encouraging further exploration and the expansion of production from fields which would otherwise be economically DECEMBER | 2014


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

lebi daJinebiT acxadebdnen, rom araganaxlebadi, wiaRiseuli navTobi iwureba; rom Cven ukve „pikuri navTobis“ odenobas ganvicdiT da rom dRes mso­ flio wiaRiseulis deficitia. Tumca, „am meored mosvlis dRis“ sapirispirod, miuxedavad navTobis moxmarebis zrdisa, navTobisa da gazis axali ma­ ragebi aRmoaCines da eqspluataciaSi gauSves, rac mopovebis teqnologiebis ganviTarebam da wlobiT energomatareblebze maRalma fasma ganapiroba. nedl navTobze maRali fasi stimuls warmoad­ gens axali maragebis mosaZieblad da produqciis gasafarToveblad im resursebis gareT, rac dRes ekonomikuri TvalsazrisiT ukve wamgebiania. es mc­ delobebi aSkarad warmatebulia, gansakuTrebiT fiqalidan nedli navTobisa da bunebrivi airis miRebiT – axali teqnologiuri meTodebis gamoye­ nebis saSualebiT. am faqtma aSS-is damokidebule­ ba saerTaSoriso navTobis bazarze mniSvnelovnad Seamcira. aSS-is mezoblebmac navTobis mopoveba mniSvnelovnad gazardes; kanada kupris qviSis mo­ povebiT da meqsika – imiT, rom bolos da bolos ucxour kompaniebze sakuTar teritoriaze navTo­ bis moZieba-mopovebis nebarTva gasca. am yovelives emateba isic, rom bevri qveyana dRes gaTxevadebul bunebriv airs iyenebs, romelic mso­ flios sxvadasxva kuTxeSi moipoveba. am process CineTis ekonomikis zrdis Senelebac emateba, ro­ melic navTobis kidev erT umsxviles momxmarebels warmoadgens aSS-sTan erTad. es faqtorebi navTobis fasebze negatiur zemoqme­ debas axdens. Tumca, arsebobs kidev erTi friad mniSvnelovani aspeqti, romelic navTobis fasze ai­ saxeba – politika.

OPEC: aSS - saudis arabeTi - aizisi-siriaukraina - ruseTi samocdaaTianebis dasawyisSi, navTobis fass navTo­ bis saeqsporto organizacia (OPEC) akontrolebda – msoflio istoriaSi umsxvilesi karteli. OPEC -is wamyvan qveyanas saudis arabeTi warmoadgenda (sparseTis yuris sxva qveynebTan erTad). saudis arabeTs dRemde SeuZlia msoflio moamaragos ise, rom dRevandeli navTobis fasi gaanaxevros da amiT mainc moigos. rogorc Cans, is amas apirebs kidevac. ra dgas amis ukan? upirvelesad saudis arabeTi aSS-sTan TanamSroml­ obs, msoflioSi navTobis yvelaze did momxmare­ belTan da fasi am urTierTobiT regulirdeba.

2014 | dekemberi

marginal.These incentives have been spectacularly successful, particularly as a result of the expansion of oil and gas production from shale, using new extraction techniques. It has ended the United States drastically reducing its dependence on foreign energy sources, largely to the expansion of the shale oil industry. America’s neighbors have also greatly expanded their oil production; Canada, through the development of tar sands extraction and Mexico, by finally allowing foreign oil companies to develop its offshore fields. To this can be added the shift by many countries to using liquefied natural gas being found in various places around the world, together with the slowdown of the Chinese economy, one of two largest consumers of oil. These factors put downward pressure on oil prices. However there are some other strong forces too affecting prices negatively – the Politics.

OPEC: USA-SAUDIS-ISIS-SYRIAUKRAINE-RUSSIA Since the early 1970s, the price of crude oil has been controlled by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), the most successful cartel in the history of the world.OPEC is dominated by Saudi Arabia, along with the oil producing states of the Persian Gulf. Saudi Arabia can continue to supply oil profitably to the world at half today's prices. And it seems it is set to do so. Now what might be its motives behind? Firstly Saudi Arabia works with the United States, the world's largest consumer of petroleum, to regulate the price of oil. This ensures that the oil producing countries get a fair price for crude oil, but that oil prices do not rise in a way which would damage the world's economy. And the States have many reasons to be happy with the declining oil prices which may give relief to its customers, may decrease the dependence of Europeans from Russia and after all to help restoring the World order through punishing Russia.

How that acts? OPEC controls oil prices by imposing production quotas which are designed to keep supply and de-


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

aqedan gamomdinare, navTobis mwarmoebeli qveynebi nedli navTobisTvis samarTlian fass iReben. amas­ Tan, fasi ar unda gaizardos ise, rom msoflios ekonomika dazaraldes. aSS-sac bevri mizezi gaaCnia navTobze klebadi fasis gamo kmayofili iyos, rac imas niSnavs, rom misi momxmareblebisTvis es faqti erTgvar „Svebas“ warmoadgens, evropelebis ruseT­ ze damokidebulebis Sesustebas niSnavs da yvela­ ferTan erTad – ruseTs sjis.

rogor unda moxerxdes yovelive es? OPEC-i navTobis fasebs dawesebuli kvotebiT akontrolebs, romelic imisTvis moqmedebs, rom miwodeba-moxmareba daabalansos. Tu navTobis fasi moulodnelad Zalian gaizarda, OPEC-is qveynebi mopovebas gazrdian da amiT fasebs daweven. Tumca, Tu navTobis fasi klebas daiwyebs, kartelis mier navTobis gakontroleba SeizRudeba. ruseTi mudmivad uars acxadebda gawevrianebuli­ yo kartelSi, radgan am SemTxvevaSi mas OPEC-is wesebis gaTvaliswineba mouwevda. saudis arabeTsa da kartelis sxva wevrebs miaCniaT, rom ruseTi da sxva arawevri qveynebi OPEC-is mier SezRuduli warmoebiT sargebloben (roca fasi maRalia). Tum­ ca, roca fasi ecema, kartelis wess SezRudvasTan dakavSirebiT Tavad ar iziareben. garda amisa, saudelebi amerikaSi dawyebulma fi­ qalis navTobis mopovebam SeaSfoTa, Tan iseT do­


mand in line.If oil prices rise unexpectedly, the OPEC states increase production, thereby pushing prices down. However, if oil prices start to fall, OPEC's ability to cut production is limited by the fact that 60 per cent of the world's production comes from countries outside OPEC, including the United States, the world's largest consumer, and Russia which is one of the world's largest producers. Russia has consistently refused to join OPEC, because it would have to accept OPEC's rules to control production.Saudi Arabia and other OPEC states believe that Russia and other non-OPEC states have exploited the organization to extract good prices when supply is short, but refuse to accept OPEC's discipline to limit supply when prices are falling. Additionally, the Saudis are alarmed by the expansion of US shale oil production which is squeezing them out of the lucrative American market.Over the past six months, as prices have been falling, OPEC responded by maintaining production, and called on the non-OPEC countries to curb their output as a condition for cuts by OPEC. The effect of this has been to accelerate the decline in spot prices, to the point where some observers consider that crude oil prices could fall to $US50 a barrel. This has had a dramatic and damaging effect DECEMBER | 2014


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

nemde, rom zogierTis TqmiT, nedli navTobis fasi SesaZloa, barelze 50 dolaramde Semcirdes. es ki kartelis zogierT wevrze (vinc maRali fasebiT gamoirCeva), fiqalis navTobis mompoveblebsa da arawevr qveynebze (gansakuTrebiT ruseTze) serio­ zul gavlenas moaxdens. navTobze fasis vardnis win, ruseTis ekonomikaze evropis mier dawesebulma sanqciebmac imoqmeda – yirimis aneqsiisa da ukrainis aRmosavleT nawilSi destabilizaciis mxardaWeris sapasuxod. axla ki, navTobis fasebis uecari vardna ruseTSi ekono­ mikur recesias uwyobs xels. ruseTis sabirJo in­ deqsi vardnas agrZelebs, iseve rogorc erovnuli valutis gacvliTi kursi. kidev erTi mizezia ruseTis mier asadis reJimis mxardaWera. saudelebi, vinc aseve suniti musulmane­ bi arian, siriaSi sunitebis opoziciur frTas uWeren mxars, romelic siriaSi baSar al-asadis alavitebis reJims upirispirdeba, moskovi ki asadis ZiriTadi mxardamWeria da sunitebis ajanyebis Casaqrobad mis­ Tvis iaraRis umsxvilesi mimwodebeli. droTa ganmavlobaSi, sirielebis winaaRmdegoba su­ nitTa dajgufebebis gamo Sesustda. maT, vinc Tav­ dapirvelad al-qaedasTan iyvnen kavSirSi da axla „islamur saxelmwifos“ emxrobian, erayisa da siri­ is rig regionebSi genocidi moawyves; maT Soris dasavlel tyveebs Tavi mokveTes. yovelivem aSS-s islamuri saxelmwifos qmedebebis asalagmad Zale­ bis Semokrebisken ubiZga. sabolood, mimdinare omSi navTobis fassze, saudis arabeTs sami samizne hyavs: aSS da kanadeli navTo­ bis momwodeblebi, ruseTi da axlo aRmosavleTSi misi moqiSpe saxelmwifoebi iranis, erayisa da siri­ is CaTvliT. is, Tu risi mosmena ar surdaT ZiriTad navTob­ mwarmoeblebs iyo ambavi, romlis mixedviT, wlebis ganmavlobaSi arsebuli dapirispirebis fonze, era­ yis mTavroba qurTistanis regionalur mTavrobas specialuri xelSekrulebiT daTanxmda, rom era­ yis CrdiloeTiT navTobmompovebeli regionebi ga­ nawildes. qurTebi yoveldRiurad samxreT erayis navTobsadenis saSualebiT 300,000 barel navTobs miawvdian, Tavad ki saerTaSoriso bazarze maT mier mopovebul 250,000 barel navTobs gayidian mezobel TurqeTSi sxvadasxva navTobsadenebis amoqmedebiT. es SeTanxmeba ZiriTadad „islamur saxelmwifosTan“ mimdinare brZolebis Sedegad daido, ramac erayul armiaSi kolafsi da qurTuli samxedro dajgufebis

2014 | dekemberi

on some of the high cost OPEC nations, on shale oil producers, and on the non-OPEC oil producers, particularly Russia. Even before the slide in oil prices, Russia's economy had been severely hit by Western sanctions over Moscow's annexation of Crimea and continued destabilisation of eastern Ukraine, whose territorial integrity Moscow had promised to respect.Now the sudden collapse of oil prices has plunged the Russian economy into recession. The Moscow stock market is in free-fall, as is the exchange rate for the Russian ruble. A further issue is Russia's support for Syria's Assad regime.The Saudis, who are Sunni Muslims, have been bankrolling the Sunni opposition to Syria's Alawite Muslim leadership of Bashar al-Assad.Moscow has been the principal international supporter of Assad, and has been crucial to supplying him with the weapons needed to defeat the Sunni insurgency. Over time, the Syrian resistance has fallen increasingly under the control of Sunni terrorists, originally linked to al Qaeda, and more recently, to Islamic State (IS) which has perpetrated genocide in areas of Iraq and Syria it controls and executed Western captives by beheading.This led the United States to lead a multi-national force to degrade and destroy IS, indirectly assisting Assad to remain in power in Syria. In summary, Saudi Arabia has three targets in the current oil price war: US and Canadian shale oil producers which it wants to drive out of business; Russia; and its rival states in the Middle East, including Iran, Iraq and Syria. If there was one piece of news the main oil exporters did not need, it was the announcement on Tuesday that after long years of often acrimonious negotiations, the Iraqi government had signed an agreement with the Kurdistan Regional Government on the division of the output of the oil fields in the Kurdish areas on Northern Iraq. The Kurds agreed to send 300,000 barrels of oil a day south through the Iraqi pipeline while being allowed to independently sell on the international market 250,000 barrels of their own through a different pipeline to neighboring Turkey. The agreement was reached largely due to the ongoing fighting with the Islamic State (ISIS) which led to


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

– feSmergas Camoyalibeba moitana (romelic erayis CrdiloeTiT wamyvan Zalas warmoadgens). baRdadis mTavrobas ukve ar Seswevs Zala, aukrZa­ los qurTebs sakuTari navTobi gayidon. maT ki imis garda, rom SeTanxmebaze xeli moeweraT da sakuTa­ ri maragebi dasavluri kompaniebisTvis gaexsnaT, sxva gza ar rCebodaT. Sedegad, msoflioSi Warbi navTobis raodenobas iafi da xelmisawvdomi nav­ Tobi daemata. bazrebmac swrafad upasuxes da fasma kidev ufro daiwia. am siaxleebis gaTvaliswinebiT, navTobze fasebis vardnas msoflioSi arsebuli politikuri viTa­ reba (da ara mxolod navTobis xelmisawvdomoba) uwyobs xels. ase rom naklebad savaraudoa, es si­ namdvile swrafad Seicvalos, radgan politikose­ bi iseTi pragmatulobiT ar gamoirCevian, rogorc bazris moTamaSeebi. unda aRiniSnos isic, rom navTobis fasTa gantole­ baSi politikuri cvladi axali ar aris. Tumca, zus­ tad es is Zalaa, romelic istoriulad uecari fas­ Tacvlilebis ukan dgas da rasac es grafikac asaxavs.


the collapse of the Iraqi army and the re-emergence of the Kurdish militia Peshmerga as the dominant force in the north. The Baghdad government is no longer capable of preventing the Kurds from exporting their own oil and had no choice but to sign the agreement, opening up the way for the entrance of Western oil companies eager to develop new oil fields in the region. A new source of cheap available oil added to the growing global surplus. The markets were quick to react with another dip in the price of oil. With all this news seems the collapse in oil prices is driven by politics not availability, thus it is unlikely to end any time soon because the politicians are not as pragmatic as market forces are. It has to be noted the political part of equation of oil price formula is not new, however exactly that force has been behind the sudden shifts in many cases throughout the history showed on the graph below:



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im dros, roca msoflios udidesi politikis Sem­ qmnelebi msoflioSi navTobis fasze TavianT prog­ nozs akeTeben, vin aris is Zala, romelic am TamaSSi moigebs? unda aRiniSnos, rom aq gamarjvebuli ori­ ve mxarea. zogierTi mosazreba, romelic sxvadasxva Ria wyaros efuZneba, mxolod moklevadian gavlenas aCvenebs, maSin roca grZelvadian perspeqtivaSi ink­ luziuri gavlena SesaZloa, sruliad gansxvavebuli aRmoCndes. yvelaze metad dazaraldebian kongos respublika, ekvatoruli gvinea da angola – saxelmwifoebi, ro­ melTa ekonomika da Semosavlebi TiTqmis mTlianad navTobis gayidvebs efuZneba. bareli nedli navTo­ bis fasis daaxloebiT 40 dolaramde vardna, maT­ Tvis miliardobiT dolaris zarals udris. seiSelis, yirgizeTisTvis da Tundac saqarTvelos­ Tvis, romelTaTvisac navTobproduqtebis imports maTi ekonomikis sakmaod didi wili miaqvs, navTobze fasis vardna sagrZnob pozitiur ekonomikur biZgs niSnavs. es am qveynebis mosaxleobas saSualebas mis­ cems gamoTavisuflebuli fuli sxva saqonelsa da momsaxurebaze daxarjon, rac ekonomikur aRmavlo­ bas Seuwyobs xels. rasakvirvelia es im SemTxvevaSi moxdeba Tu navTobproduqtebze fasebi navTobze fasebis klebis adekvaturad Semcirdeba. saudis arabeTisTvis navTobze fasis vardna 117 mi­ liardi dolaris zarals udris, es im SemTxvevaSi, Tu navTobis mimdinare fasi momdevno eqvsi-rva Tvis ganmavlobaSi SenarCundeba. ruseTi, romelic ukve recesiaSia, Semosavlebis nawilSi TiTqmis 100 mi­ liards dakargavs, rac misi mSp-s 5% udris. iranis SemTxvevaSic msgavsi realoba ikveTeba – saerTaSo­ riso sanqciebisa da valutis gaufasurebis gamo, fa­ sis vardna mis mSp-s 5% Seamcirebs. ras niSnavs es yovelive saqarTvelosTvis? navTobze fasis vardnas rogorc saqarTvelos ekonomikaze, iseve investorebze rogorc dadebiTi, ise uaryofi­ Ti gavlena eqneba da rac mTavaria amasobaSi saqar­ Tvelos mTavrobam yvelaferi unda gaakeTos imis­ Tvis, rom uaryofiTi Sedegebi Serbildes. dadebiT Sedegebs SesaZloa, evrokavSiris ekonomikis gamoco­ cxlebaSi velodoT, romelic Tavis mxriv, germanii­ sa da safrangeTis ekonomikur winsvlas daemyareba. navTobze fasebis vardna niSnavs fasis klebas sxva resursebzec, rac erToblivad dabal sawarmoo fa­ sebSi gamovlindeba – es ki momxmareblebis angariSze dadebiTad aisaxeba da adamianebs meti danaxarjebis­ ken (investiciebisken) ubiZgebs. mosalodnelia uaryofiTi efeqtebic, rac dakav­ Sirebulia aSS dolaris gamyarebasTan – erovnul valutaze zewola SenarCundeba. ruseTis ekonomi­

2014 | dekemberi

As the world’s top policy makers rewrite their forecasts for global growth on oil’s price-plunge, who are the biggest winners and losers? One should note that there are both indeed. Moreover the accurate impact cannot be predicted as such and some predictions below brought from different open sources show short-term exclusive impact only while in longer term and inclusive impacts might be very different. The Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and Angola–three West African nations that rely on oil to fund the lion’s share of their economy and state revenues–will likely be hit the hardest. The near-$40 a barrel fall in crude prices represents billions of dollars in lost revenue equivalent to roughly 20% of their gross domestic product. For Seychelles, Kyrgyzstan, and Georgia too whose net oil imports take a huge chunk out of their economies, the decline in prices means positive economic boost. This will allow the consumers to spend the freed money on other goods and services that can fuel economic growth. Of course it will happen only if the prices of oil-products will decrease adequately together with the declining oil prices. In dollar terms, the price drop translates into a $117 billion loss in revenues for Saudi Arabia if oil prices hold for another six to eight months, based on that country’s massive exports of crude. Russia, already in recession, could lose nearly $100 billion in revenues, almost 5% of the country’s GDP. Iran’s also in similar straits, injured by international sanctions and a falling currency, with the price drop slicing off 5% of its GDP in revenues. What that all would mean for Georgia? The oil prices drop will have positive and negative impacts both on Georgian economy and the investors and most importantly the Government has to take careful steps to mitigate the negative impacts. The positive impact may come from possible acceleration of EU’s economic growth which in turn will be affected from the German, French economic gains. Dropping oil prices will mean the dropping other resource prices too which in combination will lead to lower production prices, which may cut the consumer bill and enable people to spend/invest more. There will be negative effects too, with the strengthening USD the pressure on national currency will be


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


mogebulebi da wagebulebi 2015 wels, Tu navTobze dabali fasebi SenarCunda (mSp %)

Winners and losers if the oil prices remain low in 2015 (% of GDP)



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

kis daRmasvla niSnavs nakleb fulad gzavnilebs, rac aseve uaryofiTad aisaxeba erovnul valutaze. Tumca, es negatiuri mxare SesaZloa, ganeitraldes Tu eqsportiorebi isargebleben evrozonaSi gamo­ cocxlebuli ekonomikiT da mTavrobac investicie­ bis mosazidad ufro energiul nabijebs gadadgams. aRsaniSnavia, rom savaWro urTierTobebma Se­ saZloa, ara mxolod evrokavSirTan asocirebuli SesaZleblobebi moitanos, aramed garkveuli pro­ blemebic Seqmnas, radgan fasi bunebriv resurse­ bze navTobze fasis klebasTan erTad daRmasvlas gaagrZelebs. jamurad ki saqarTvelo SeiZleba, saga­ reo-savaWro deficitis gamoc dazaraldes. am scenaris gaTvaliswinebiT, qveyanaSi riskebis Semcirebis erT-erTi yvelaze kargi gza, pirdapiri ucxouri investiciebia. mTavrobam mzardi nabijebi unda gadadgas imisTvis, rom qveyanaSi biznesgaremo gaumjobesdes da bizness saqmianobis SeuzRudavi potenciali hqondes. amasTan, navTobze samomavlod fasis gansazRvra riskiani saqmea. erTi wlis win dasavleTSi axlo aRmosavleTSi gardauvali omis Sesaxeb azri iyo gamefebuli. kerZod ki iransa da israels Soris da­ pirispireba. navTobze fasebs mkveTrad gazrdida da amiT globalur kriziss gamoiwvevda. bareli navTo­ bi 120 dolarad iyideboda da zogierTi analitiko­ si arc imas gamoricxavda, rom samomavlod misi fasi 200 dolaramdec avidoda. es xels ara mxolod axlo aRmosavleTSi navTobis mwarmoeblebs miscem­ da. ruseTis ekonomika mTeli aTwleulis ganmavlo­ baSi bumis periods ganicdida, ramac saSualeba misca vladimer putinis reJims subsidiebi gaezarda. maT Soris socialuri transferebi, xelfasebi sajaro seqtorSi da iseTi masobrivi proeqtebi wamoewyo, rogoricaa, magaliTad, soWis olimpiada. sxva qvey­ nebic, romelTa ekonomika navTobiT miRebul Se­ mosavlebs emyareboda (magaliTad venesuela), aseve ekonomikur aRmavlobas ganicdidnen. fukuSimas ka­ tastrofis Semdeg (2011), roca calkeulma qveynebma birTvuli programebis Semcireba daiwyes, TiTqos cxadi gaxda, rom msoflios damokidebuleba navTo­ bze kidev ufro gaizrdeboda. energo-analitikosebisTvis rTulia, gansazRvron, kidev ramdeni xani gagrZeldeba navTobze fasis kleba da ra niSnulamde Semcirdeba. garkveul eta­ pze, moTxovna kvlav moimatebs, radgan globalu­ ri ekonomika TandaTanobiT recesiidan gamodis. navTobze dabali fasebi zogierT mwarmoebels in­ frastruqturis ganviTarebisa da axali maragebis moZiebisTvis stimuls daukargavs, ramac SesaZloa

2014 | dekemberi

kept, and the decrease in Russian economy may signal the lower remittances which will again pressure the currency, this negative side might be offset if the exporters leverage on EU economic recovery and the Government accelerate investment attraction. It has to be noted the trade may bring not only EU opportunities but some disadvantages too because the natural resource prices will be falling together with the oil prices, thus in total Georgia may suffer from increasing trade deficit as well. With such scenario the only prudent force to decrease the country risks those may affect the national currency at first is the foreign direct investment, the Government will need to take some drastic steps to improve the business climate and open untapped potential. However the prediction of oil prices is a tricky job. A year ago, the accepted narrative in the West was that an imminent war in the Middle East, particularly between Israel and Iran, will push oil prices skyhigh, causing a global economic crisis. Oil was selling at $120 per barrel and there were analysts who wouldn’t rule out the possibility of it reaching $200. The Mideast oil producers were not the only ones well served by this scenario. The Russian economy was going through a decade-long boom allowing Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin to enlarge subsidies, social transfers, government salaries and embark on massive development programs including the exorbitant Sochi Olympics. Other countries with oil-based economies such as Venezuela were also in the ascendant. After the Fukoshima disaster in 2011, with many countries scaling back plans to invest in nuclear energy, it seemed that the world’s dependency on oil would only increase. Energy analysts are finding it difficult to predict how long oil prices will continue to go down, and how low they will drop. At some stage, demand will increase again as the global economy emerges from recession. Lower oil prices will prevent some of the producers from investing in infrastructure and developing new oil fields, which could cause shortages. In addition, if oil goes below $50 per barrel, it will make shale production in the United States, which was only worthwhile due to high oil prices, no longer profitable (by comparison, in the Middle East, where oil is easily accessible close to the sur-


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

garkveuli deficiti warmoqmnas. garda amisa, Tu navTobis fasi barelze 50 dalaris qvemoT Camovi­ da, es aSS-Si fiqalis warmoebas aramomgebians gax­ dis, radgan igi mxolod maRali fasebis pirobebSia mizanSewonili (rom SevadaroT, axlo aRmosavleT­ Si, sadac navTobi zedapirTan axloa da misi mo­ poveba advilia, saSualod erTi barelis warmoeba mxolod 5 dolari jdeba). yvela es faqtori navTo­ bze fasis kvlavindebur matebas gamoiwvevs. Tumca, amas, savaraudod, ramodenime weli dasWirdeba. zo­ gierTma reJimma, romelic navTobzea damokidebu­ lia, SesaZloa, amdeni xani verc gastanos.


face, a barrel costs on average only five dollars to produce). All these factors could lead to an increase in oil prices again but that will probably take a few more years. Some of the regimes which rely on oil may not survive that long.

GEORGIA’S NORTH: RUSSIA saqarTvelos Crdiloeli mezobeli: ruseTi erTi wlis win suraTi sul sxvagvari iyo. ruseTis lideri, vladimer putini, msoflioSi uZlevel fi­ gurad warmoCindeboda, roca igi mezobeli saxel­ mwifoebisgan teritoriebis mitacebas ganagrZobda, romlebic amjerad ukrainas ekuTvnoda. protestis niSnad dasavleTma – aSS-s liderobiT – ruseTs sanq­ ciebi dauwesa, rac mas yovelwliurad 20 miliardiT azaralebs. putinma es yurad ar iRo. misi mTavroba fulSi curavda, romelic wlebis ganmavlobaSi gayi­ duli navTobis Sedegad dagrovda (barelze rusuli navTobis fasi 100 aWarbebda). axla ki, roca navTobis fasi 70 dolarze qvemoT Camovida, ruseTze ekonomikuri wnexi xuTjer Zlie­ ria, vidre sanqciebis Sedegad – saSualod weliwad­ Si 100 miliardi dolaris odenobiT. ekonomistebi moaxloebul recesias varaudoben, romelic ruse­ Tis mSp-s 8%-iT Seamcirebs. amerikaSi ekonomistebi amboben, rom navTobze fasis dacema ekonomikur ayvavebas moaswavebs, radgan is momxmareblebs met fuls dautovebs, rac maT saSua­ lebas miscems benzinis garda, sxva produqtebze meti daxarjon. ruseTis SemTxvevaSi es ase ar aris. ruseTi importzea damokidebuli (kvebis produqte­ bi da bevri sxva) da gacvliTma kursma rublsa da dolars Soris imdenad aiwia, ramdenadac daiwia nav­ Tobis fasma. dRes, roca rubli 40%-iT gaufasurda, yvelaferi, rac ruseTSi Sedis, ufro Zviria. putins SeeZlo “mSvidi, msuye“ wlis ganmavlobaSi ekonomikis diversificireba ecada, imisTvis rom navTobisa da gazis garda sxva ekonomikuri seqto­ rebi ganeviTarebina. msoflio ekonomikasTan Serwy­ ma iseTi biznesgaremos SeqmniT moexdina, romelic ucxoeli investorebis mozidvas Seuwyobda xels. amis nacvlad, man fuli samxedro manqanis gasaZlie­

It didn’t look that way about a year ago. Russian President Vladimir Putin looked like the world’s tough guy as he continued grabbing neighbor’s lands this time belonging to Ukraine. In protest, Western powers – led by the United States – imposed sanctions which cost Russia $20 billion a year. Putin shrugged them off. His government was awash in cash, accumulated over years of steady sales of Russian oil at prices in excess of $100 a barrel. Now, however, with the price down below $70, the economic squeeze on Russia is five times greater than that of the sanctions – an estimated hit of $100 billion a year. Economists are predicting a coming recession that could drop Russian gross domestic product by as much as 8 percent. In America, economists are saying that the drop in oil prices will bring prosperity as it leaves consumers with more money to spend on things other than gasoline. That won’t be true in Russia. She must rely on imports for food and many other products, and the exchange rate between rubles and dollars has gone up as much as oil prices have gone down. With a ruble is now worth 40 percent less than before, everything imported into Russia is more expensive. Putin could have taken steps to try to diversify the economy during the “seven fat years” by using the windfall from high oil prices to strengthen sectors other than oil and gas. He could have tried to join the world economy by creating a business climate that would have attracted foreign investment. Instead he used the money to build up his military and embark



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reblad gamoiyena, maT Soris iseTi mcdelobebis ga­ movlinebiT, rac yofili sabWoTa respublikebis Ca­ gvriT garkveuli saxis geopolitikur kavSirs unda moxmareboda. aqve unda aRiniSnos, rom navTobze maRalma fasma mas saSualeba misca ruseTSi elcinis prezidento­ bis Sedegad gamefebuli anarqia daeZlia da wesrigi daemyarebina. Sida politikur areulobebs bolo moeRo da saxelmwifomac Zala moikriba. kremlma saxelmwifo energoresursebze kontroli daibruna da mzardi Semosavali reJimis SesanarCuneblad ga­ moiyena – sajaro seqtorSi milionobiT dasaqmebul­ Ta anazRaurebisa da pensiebis matebiT. saerTo jamSi, Cans, rom dairRva balansi piradi Za­ lauflebis ganmtkicebasa da saxelmwifos saerTo gaZlierebas Soris da dRes ruseTi saamisod did fass ixdis. zogierTi ekonomisti ambobs, rom sa­ bWoTa kavSiris kolafsi zustad imave gamowvevebis Sedegi iyo, rasac dRes putinis ruseTi xvdeba – na­ vTobze fasebis vardna. mixeil gorbaCovi, im dros sabWoTa lideri, cdilobda „sabWoTa eri“ ufro produqtiuli gaexada. Tumca, misi gadarCena ver SeZlo. ruseTis mier navTobsa da bunebriv airze da­ mokidebulebam, rogorc misi ekonomikis upirveles mamoZravebel wyaroze, igi im navTobsaxelmwifod aqcia, visi Semosavalic yovelTvis navTobis fasze arsebul ryevebze iqneba damokidebuli. erTaderTi, ra saSualebiTac (sabWoeTis) centraluri xelisu­ fleba gadarCenas moaxerxebda, roca ssrk-s ekonomi­ ka CamoiSala, uxeSi Zalis gamoyeneba iqneboda, rac gorbaCovs ar surda. berlinis kedeli erTi gasro­ lis gareSe Camoingra – da mas Semdeg msoflioc Sei­ cvala.

on efforts to reconstruct some kind of geopolitical alliance together with bulling its former peers. However one shall note the petrol dollars allowed him and indeed he restored order to Russia after the period of near-anarchy under Boris Yeltsin; the internal fights have put an end the state affirmed itself. The Kremlin retook control of the state’s energy resources and used the growing income to prop up the regime by raising salaries and pensions of tens of millions of employees in the public sector. Overall it seems the balance was breached at some point towards strengthening personal power more than the state and now Russia is paying a steep price. Some economists say that the collapse of the Soviet Union came from exactly the same situation Putin is facing – falling oil prices. Mikhail Gorbechev, the Soviet leader at the time, tried to make the nation more productive, but he couldn’t pull it off. Russia’s heavy reliance on oil and gas as its primary economic driver had turned it into a petro-state whose fortunes would always rise and fall in lockstep with the price of oil. The only way the central government could have survived as the economy imploded would have been through the use of brutal force, which Gorbechev wasn’t willing to do. The Berlin Wall fell without a shot being fired – and the world has not been the same since. Coming months will show which path will be chosen by Mr. Putin and clearly that will be his choice.

momdevno Tveebi gviCvenebs, ra gzas airCevs batoni putini da es udavod misi arCevani iqneba.

GEORGIA’S SOUTH: IRAN saqarTvelos samxreTiT: irani bolo periodia, iraneli liderebi birTvuli Se­ Tanxmebis dadebas dadebiTi molodiniT pasuxobd­ nen. es aris is, rac iranis bazarze arsebul panikas faravs – iranuli valutis rialis gaufasurebisa da purze fasebis matebis gamo. iranis navTobze damokidebuli ekonomika birTvuli sakiTxis mi­

2014 | dekemberi

Over the last week and a half, Iranian leaders have been optimistically predicting that a nuclear agreement will be signed very soon. This is a thin façade covering the panic in Tehran’s markets over the drastic devaluation of the rial and even the rise in bread prices. Iran’s oil-dependent economy is already heavily injured by the nuclear-related sanctions. To bal-


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

zeziT dawesebuli sanqciebis Sedegad kidev ufro zaraldeba. biujetis dasabalanseblad mTavrobas sWirdeba navTobis fasi barelze 130 dolarze Se­ narCundes. rogorc Cans, sanqciebma irani navTob­ mompovebeli qveynebis rigSi meoTxe adgilidan mervemde CamoaqveiTa. irani imedovnebda, rom OPEC-i navTobmopovebas Seamcirebda da amiT fass gazrdida. axla, roca misi imedebi gaqarwylda, xolo birTvuli sakiTxi jer kidev gadauWrelia, sanam dasavleTi molaparake­ bis momdevno raundze damatebiT daTmobebze ar wava, iraneli politikosebis Widili – erTis mxriv dasavleTTan urTierTobebi daalagon da meores mxriv, konservatorul frTas Soris – met ekono­ mikur zewolas gauZlon, birTvuli Wurvis ocne­ bis asaxdenad, kidev ufro gaRrmavdeba. maT Soris, sakvebi produqtebis gamo mosalodneli amboxe­ bis SesaZleblobasTan erTad. irans aseve naklebi saSualeba gaaCnia imisTvis, rom regionaluri moka­ vSireebis mxardaWera ganagrZos – asadis reJimi siriaSi, erayis Siituri mTavroba (romelic aseve navTobze dabalis fasis gamo zaralobs) da libanSi hezbolas dajgufeba. sparseTis yuris meore mxares ki, saudelebi, romlebmac ukve dakarges pirveli navTobmompo­ veblebis statusi rusebTan da Semdeg ukve ame­ rikelebTan, aseve zaralis miRebas ganagrZoben. saudis arabeTis biujeti barelze 106 dolaris Rirebulebazea dabalansebuli. magram, ruseTisa da iranisgan gansxvavebiT, misi infrastruqtura metnaklebad ukeTes mdgomareobaSia, aseve udi­ desi rezervebic aqvs (800 miliardi aSS dolari), romelic man „karg wlebSi“ daagrova. saudelebis ganacxadi, uari Tqvan navTobmopovebis Semcireba­ ze aris imis aRiareba, rom OPEC-i energo bazars ukve veRar akontrolebs da aseve mzadaa, dakargos fuli moklevadian perspeqtivaSi manam, sanam misi ZiriTadi moqiSpe – Siituri irani, kidev ufro met zarals miiRebs.


ance its budget the government needs some say to sell oil at $130 a barrel. As it is, the sanctions have already pushed Iran’s ranking among the oil-exporting nations from fourth place to eighth. Iran clung to the hope that OPEC would cut output, pushing the prices back up. With its hopes dashed and the nuclear talks still unresolved, unless the West make more concessions in the next rounds of talks, the tension between Iranian politicians in favor of reestablishing relations with the West and the hardliners prepared to risk even greater financial hardship to keep the dream of a nuclear weapon, will greatly intensify, together with a greater potential for food riots. Iran will also have less ability to continue supporting its regional allies, the Assad regime in Syria, Iraq’s Shiite government (also suffering from the low oil prices) and Hezbollah in Lebanon. On the other side of the Persian Gulf, the Saudis who have already lost their primacy as number-one oil producers to the Russians and then the Americans is also hurting. It’s budget is based on a $106 per barrel. But, unlike Iran and Russia, its oil infrastructure is in a relatively good state and it holds a massive reserve fund of $800 billion accumulated during the heady years. The Saudi refusal to cut output is an acknowledgment that OPEC no longer controls the energy market, but it is also prepared to lose money in the short-term as long as its major Shiite rival, Iran, is hurting much more. These trends will not contribute to the States and the European willingness to end sanctions soon thus Iran is facing lots of uncertainty in coming year.

es tendenciebi ar Seuwyobs xels aSS-sa da evropis mzaobas SemoRebuli sanqciebi maleve gaauqmos, ase rom irans momaval wels bevri moulodneli siur­ prizi elis.



moamzada qeTipartniori tabataZem Prepared By Kate Tabatadze სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა საქართველოს

2014 wlis mTavari movlenebi, ramac zegavlena iqonia Cvens cxovrebasa da ekonomikaze

2014 Major Events Effecting our Lives and Economy ianvari


latvia xdeba meTvramete saxelmwifo, romelic evrozonas SeuerTda

Latvia Becomes 18th State t o Join the Eurozone

latviam 2014 weli evrozonaSi gawevri­ anebiT daiwyo, gaxda ra evrokavSiris me-18 wevri saxelmwifo, romelic evros erovnul valutad iyenebs. yofilma sabWoTa respub­ likam sul axlaxans sZlia finansur kriziss da gaxda evrokavSiris uswrafesad mzardi ekonomikis mqone qveyana. evrokomisarma oli renma ganacxada, rom „evro zonaSi gawevrianebam daasrula latvi­ is mogzauroba Cveni kontinentis politikur da ekonomikur centrSi da aris raRac, rac Cven yvelam unda vizeimoT.“ mTavroba da biznesmenTa umetesoba moxaru­ li iyo, rom evrozonaSi gawevrianeba gaaum­ jobesebs latviis sakredito reitings da moizidavs met ucxoel investors.

Latvia began year 2014 by joining the eurozone, becoming the 18th member of the group of EU states which uses the euro as its currency. The former Soviet republic on the Baltic Sea recently emerged from the financial crisis to become the EU's fastest-growing economy. There is a hope that the euro will reduce dependency on Russia. EU commissioner Olli Rehn said joining the eurozone marked "the completion of Latvia's journey back to the political and economic heart of our continent, and that is something for all of us to celebrate". The government and most business owners also welcomed the single currency, saying it would improve Latvia's credit rating and attract foreign investors.

2014 | dekemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry



soWis zamTris olimpiuri TamaSebi

Sochi Olympic Winter Olympics

2014 wlis zamTris olimpiuri TamaSebi mTavari saerTaSoriso sportuli RonisZieba iyo, romelic Catarda soWSi da Catarda zamTris olimpiuri Ta­ maSebis tradiciebis dacviT. TamaSebi 2014 wlis 7 Tebervlidan 23 Tebervlamde imarTeboda. soWi, rogorc maspinZeli qalaqi, 2007 wlis ivlisSi, saerTaSoriso olimpiuri komitetis 119-e sxdo­ maze airCies, romelic gvatemalaSi Catarda. es iyo pirveli olimpiuri TamaSebi ruseTSi sabWoTa ka­ vSiris dangrevis Semdeg. sabWoTa kavSirma 1980 wlis zafxulis olimpiur TamaSebs moskovSi umas­ pinZla. mzadebisas, oranizatorebma yuradReba gaamax­ viles telekomunikaciebis, eleqtroenergiisa da satransporto infrastruqturis gaTanamedroveo­ baze. Tavdapirveli biujeti 12 miliardi dolar­ iT ganisazRvra. Tumca, sxvadasxva faqtorebma biu­ jeti 51 miliardamde gazarda. am Tanxam bevrad gadaaWarba pekinSi 2008 wels Catarebul TamaSebs, romelic 44 miliardi dajda. swored pekinis zafx­ ulis olimpiuri TamaSebi iyo soWis olimpiadamde yvelaze ZviradRirebuli TamaSebi. am TamaSebis momzadebebis procesSi xSiri iyo korufciaze saubari. Tumca, TamaSebis damTavre­ bis Semdeg soWis olimpiada mainc warmatebulad Sefasda.

Tebervali ukrainam gadaayena prezidenti ukrainis politikuri movlenebi dramatulad gan­ viTarda. samkvdro-sasicocxlo Setakebebi prezi­ dent ianukoviCis qveynidan gaqceviT dasrulda. dainiSna saprezidento arCevnebi. Tavad ianuko­ viCma momxdari saxelmwifo gadatrialebad gamoa­ cxada. sami Tvis ganmavlobaSi kievis mTavari moe­ dani demontraciebisa da samoqalaqo dakavebebis adgili gaxda. yvelaferi ki 2013 wlis 21 noembers saprotesto gamosvlebiT daiwyo. misi monawilee­ bis mTavari moTxovna evropasTan meti integracia iyo. saprotesto gamosvlebma piks 18 Tebervals miaRwia. momdevno dRes ki, parlamentma impiCmenti mouwyo ianukoviCs, Caanacvla ra mTavroba proe­ vropuli saxelisuflebo gundiT da gaica brZane­ ba iulia timoSenkos cixidan gaTavisuflebis Tao­ baze. am procesebs yirimis krizisi mohyva.


The 2014 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XXII Olympic Winter Games, were a major international multi-sport event held in Sochi, Russia, in the tradition of the Winter Olympic Games. The Games were held from 7–23 February 2014, with opening rounds in certain events held on the eve of the opening ceremony, 6 February 2014. Both the Olympics and 2014 Winter Paralympics were organized by the Sochi Organizing Committee (SOC). Sochi was selected as the host city in July 2007, during the 119th IOC Session held in Guatemala City. It was the first Olympics in Russia since the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991. The Soviet Union was the host nation for the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. In preparation, organizers focused on modernizing the telecommunications, electric power, and transportation infrastructures of the region. While originally budgeted at US$12 billion, various factors caused the budget to expand to over US$51 billion, surpassing the estimated $44 billion cost of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing as the most expensive Olympics in history. The lead-up to these Games was marked by several major controversies, including allegations that corruption among officials led to the aforementioned cost overruns. However, following the closing ceremony, commentators evaluated Games to have been overall successful.

FEBRUARY Ukraine Dismisses President Ukraine’s political landscape changed dramatically. Days of deadly clashes between anti-government protesters and police have culminated in parliament voting to oust President Viktor Yanukovych. MPs voted for new presidential elections on the 25th of May.



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

24 Tebervals ianukovi­ Cis dakavebis brZane­ ba gaica. mas bralad mowinaaRmdegeTa ma­ sobrivi mkvleloba edeba. ianukoviCma kievi 2014 wlis 21 Tebervals, am brZa­ nebamde datova. ru­ seTis mxardaWeriT is xarkovSi pirad da­ cvasTan erTad gaemgza­ vra, Semdeg ki iqidan ru­ seTSi gadavida. 26 Tebervals rusulma sainformacio saagentom „rosbizneskonsaltingma“ informacia gaavrcela ianukoviCis moskovSi yofnis Sesaxeb. is jer sas­ tumroSi, Semdeg ki barvixas sanatoriumSi dabi­ navda, romelic ruseTis prezidentis kurorts warmoadgens. sanatoriumSi ianukoviCis iq yofnas kategoriulad uaryofdnen. mogvianebiT informa­ cia gavrcelda, rom ianukoviCma barvixaSi 52 mi­ lion dolarad Sefasebuli saxli iyida. ukve 27 Tebervals gavrcelebuli informaciiT, ianukoviCma sTxova ruseTis federaciis ufleba­ mosil organoebs, misTvis pirovnuli xelSeuxe­ blobis garantia miecaT, rac dakmayofilda. socialur qselSi gavrclebuli informaciiT, vi­ qtor ianukoviCs ruseTis moqalaqeoba vladimer putinis „saidumlo brZanebis“ Tanaxmad mieniWa. ruseTis prezidentis spikeri dimitri peskovi ki amtkicebda, rom es brZaneba saerTod ar enaxa.

Tebervali yirimis aneqsia prorusuli SeiaraRebuli Zalebi yirimis deda­ qalaq simferopolSi, mTavar administraciul Se­ nobaSi SeiWrnen. mogvianebiT, putinma daadastura, rom yirimis aeroportebSi ganlagebuli SeiaraRe­ buli pirebi ruseTis samxedro danayofs warmoad­ gendnen. maTi „zedamxedvelobis qveS“, yirimSi 16 marts ukrainidan gamosvlis da ruseTTan mierTebis Taobaze referendumi gaimarTa. dasavleTma refe­ rendumis Sedegebi ar cno. momdevno dRes evrokav­ Sirma da SeerTebulma Statebma sanqciebi daaweses da qoneba dauyadaRes ramdenime oficialur pirs ruseTsa da ukrainaSi. 18 marts prezidentma putin­ ma xeli moawera kanons yirimis mierTebaze.

2014 | dekemberi

Although Yanukovych denounced the act as a coup d'etat, the capital Kiev and his presidential administration got out of his hands. For three months, anti-government protesters were involved in a stand-off with the authorities that oscillated between calm and violence. Euromaidan was a wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Ukraine, which began on the night of 21 November 2013 with public protests in Maidan Nezalezhnosti ("Independence Square") in Kiev, demanding closer European integration. The protests ultimately led to the 2014 Ukrainian revolution. The protests reached a climax on February 18 when the worst clashes of Euromaidan broke out after the parliament did not accede to demands that the Constitution of Ukraine be rolled back to its pre2004 form, which would lessen presidential power. The next day, the parliament impeached Yanukovych, replaced the government with a pro-European one, and ordered that Yulia Tymoshenko be released from prison. In the aftermath, the Crimean crisis began amid pro-Russian unrest. A warrant for Yanukovych's arrest was issued on 24 February, accusing him of mass murder of protesters. Due to the Crimean crisis he was put on the US sanction list, 17 March 2014. Yanukovych left Kiev during the night of 21 February 2014. Assisted by Russia he fled initially to Kharkiv with bodyguards and personal effects. On 26 February the Russian information agency RosBusinessConsulting reported Yanukovich's presence in Moscow. According to RBC sources, Yanukovich arrived at the Radisson Royal Hotel, Moscow on the night of February 25, 2014. Then he moved to the Barvikha Sanatorium, the health resort of the President of Russia in Moscow Oblast. The Press Secretary of the Department that manages Barvikha Sanatorium denied the report, stating that he had no information of Yanukovich settled in Barvikha Sanatorium. According to Russian politician Oleg Mitvol, Yanukovych bought a house in Barvikha for $52 million on 26 February 2014. On 27 February a report stated that Yanukovych had asked the authorities of the Russian Federation to guarantee his personal security in the territory of Russia, a request that they accepted. Several news agencies reported that according to a Facebook post made by the aide to the Ukrainian


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

27 marts, gaeros generalurma asambleam miiRo re­ zolucia, romlis Tanaxmadac yirimis referendu­ mi Zaladakargulad gamocxadda, xolo ruseTTan yirimis SeerTeba ukanonod. 15 aprils ukrainis parlamentma yirimi ruseTis mier droebiT okupi­ rebul teritoriad gamoacxada.

marti reisi 370 gauCinarda MALAYSIA IRLINES-is reisi 370 gauCinarda. kua­ la-lumpuris aeroportidan is pekinisken miemar­ Teboda. sadispeCero samsaxurma sahaero xomal­ dis bolo Setyobineba maSin miiRo, rodesac is samxreT CineTis zRvis Tavze imyofeboda. afreni­ dan am dros naxevr saaTze naklebi iyo gasuli. is bolos samxedro radarma andamanis zRvis Tavze Crdilo-dasavleT nawilSi daafiqsira. sahaero xomaldze, ekipaJis 12 wevri da 227 mgzavri imyo­ feboda 15 qveynidan. samZebro samuSaoebSi mravali qveyana CaerTo. es iyo yvelaze didi da Zviri samZebro procesi is­ toriaSi, ramac indoeTis okeanis samxreTi nawili da avstraliis dasavleTi moicva. 2014 wlis 5 oq­ tombers wyalqveSa samZebro procesi daiwyo, rac 56 milioni dolari dajda. Tumca, verc TviTmfrinavis narCenebi da verc Ca­ movardnis adgili ipoves. aman Zalian bevr arao­ ficialur informacias daudo safuZveli TviT­ mfrinavis gauCinarebis Sesaxeb. Zalian bevrma analizma ki aCvena, rom reisi samxreT indoeTis okeanSi dasrulda.

aprili evrosabWos saparlamento asambleis pasuxi yirimis krizisze evrosabWos saparlamento asambleam ruseTis de­ legacias xmis micemis ufleba CamoarTva. momxre 145 adamiani iyo, winaaRdegi 21, 22-ma Tavi Sei­ kava. ruseTis delegaciam plenarul sxdomaze debatebs boikoti gamoucxada. somxeTis oTxive delegatma gadawyvetilebis wi­ naaRmdeg misca xma, iseve rogorc oTxma TurqeTis cxrawevriani delegaciidan. azrTa sxvadasxvaoba iyo serbeTisa da safrangeTis delegaciebSi - ser­ beTis Svidi delegatidan samma da safrangeTis


Interior Minister, Anton Gerashchenko, Viktor Yanukovich had been granted Russian citizenship by a "secret decree" of Vladimir Putin. Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented on this news saying that he didn't know anything about this and hadn't seen such a decree.

FEBRUARY Annexation of Crimea Pro-Russian gunmen seized key buildings in the Crimean capital, Simferopol. Unidentified gunmen in combat green uniforms appeared outside Crimea's main airports. Later Mr. Putin has confirmed the gunmen to be the part of Russian military. Under their ‘monitoring’ Crimea's March 16 secession referendum on joining Russia was backed by 97% of voters, but vote was condemned by West as a sham. Next day The EU and US imposed travel bans and asset freezes on several officials from Russia and Ukraine over the Crimea referendum. On March 18 President Putin signs a bill to absorb Crimea into the Russian Federation. On March 27, the UN General Assembly passed a non-binding Resolution 68/262 that declared the Crimean referendum invalid and the incorporation of Crimea into Russia illegal. On April 15, the Ukrainian parliament declared Crimea a territory temporarily occupied by Russia. On April 17, Russian president Vladimir Putin confirmed Russian involvement in Crimea, remarking that "Of course, Russian servicemen backed the Crimean self-defense forces." Crimea is populated by an ethnic Russian majority and a minority of both ethnic Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars, and thus demographically possessed one of the Ukraine's largest Russian populations.

MARCH Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Disappears Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia to Beijing Capital International Airport, People's Republic of China. DECEMBER | 2014


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rva delegatidan samma aseve gadawyvetilebis wi­ naaRmdeg misces xma. maT SeuerTdaT ori fineli delegati da TiTo-TiTo wevri germaniis, saberZ­ neTis, ungreTis, islandiisa da moldovas delega­ ciebidan. amgvarad, moskovma xmis micemis ufleba 2014 wlis bolomde dakarga. delegaciam aseve dakarga ufle­ ba, rom yofiliyvnen warmodgenilebi asambleis biuroSi, evrosabWos saparlamento asambleis sa­ prezidento komitetSi, evrosabWos saparlamento asambleis mudmivmoqmed komitetSi, da CamoerTvaT ufleba arCevnebze sadamkvirveblo misiebSi mie­ RoT monawileoba.

marti ebola daavadebaTa kontro­ lisa da prevenciis centrebma pirveli gancxadeba gaakeTes ebolas gamoCenaze gvineaSi da gaavrce­ les informacia gar­ kveul SemTxvevebze, romelic liberiasa da sieraleoneSi dafiqsirda. sanam virusi gaanadgurebda dasavleT afrikas da Sesabamisad sanam aTasobiT adamiani Seewireboda mas, sanam xsenebuli gaxdeboda globaluri safrTx­ is momtani, ebolas patara emil uanamuno emsxver­ pla. manamde aravin icoda 2 wlis bavSvis saxeli. axla ki mis Sesaxeb msofliom icis. ar aris garkveuli, rogor dainficirda biWi, rome­ lic cxovrobda tropikuli tyis sofelSi, samxreT gvineaSi. ebola SeiZleba gavrceldes cxovelebidan adamianebze dainficirebuli garemos an qsovilis saSualebiT. 2013 wlis dekemberSi, emili gardaicvala. erTi Tvis ganmavlobaSi ki igive bedi ewia mis umcros das, dedas da bebias. ojaxi cxovrobda meliandu­ Si, sadac yavisferi qoxebis garSemo Txebi da wi­ wilebi daiarebodnen. sofeli axlos aris siera leonesa da liberiis sazRvrebTan. ebola Zalian swrafad gavrcelda. gvinea – gar­ dacvalebis 1454 faqti, liberia – 3222, mali – 6, nigeria – 8, senegali da sieraleone - 1857, espane­ Ti, SeerTebuli Statebi – TiTo SemTxveva, sul gardacvalebis 6548 faqti.

2014 | dekemberi

Air traffic control received the aircraft's last message when it was over the South China Sea, less than an hour after takeoff. It was last plotted by military radar over the Andaman Sea in northwestern Malaysia. The aircraft, a Boeing 777-200ER, was carrying 12 Malaysian crew members and 227 passengers from 15 nations. A multinational search effort, which became the largest and most expensive in history, was shifted to the southern part of the Indian Ocean, west of Australia. The underwater search of this area began on 5 October 2014 at a cost of US$56 million. There has been no confirmation of any flight debris, and no crash site has been found, resulting in many unofficial theories about its disappearance. Analysis of these communications by multiple agencies has concluded that the flight ended in the southern Indian Ocean. On 24 March, the Malaysian government, noting that the final location determined by the satellite communication was far from any possible landing sites, concluded that "flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean."

APRIL PACE Response to Crimean Crisis The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) deprived the Russian delegation of its voting rights in the body. PACE passed a resolution on April 10 making the recommendation, with 145 votes in favor, 21 against, and 22 abstentions. The Russian delegation boycotted the debate in plenary session. All four of the Armenian delegates voted against the resolution as did four of Turkey's nine delegates. Three of Serbia's seven delegates also voted against the resolution and three of France's eight delegates. Others who voted against the resolution were two Finnish delegates and one member each from the German, Greek, Hungarian, Iceland, and Moldovan delegations. Thus, Moscow lost its voting rights until the end of the 2014 session. The delegation also lost the rights to be represented in the Bureau of the Assembly, the PACE Presidential Committee, the PACE Standing Committee, and the rights to participate in election-observation missions.


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

adamianebSi pirveli SemTxveva 1976 wels dafiq­ sirda. erTi CrdiloeT zairSi (axla kongos de­ mokratiuli respublika) da meore – samxreT su­ danSi. viruss im mdinaris saxeli ewoda, sadac is pirvelad aRmoaCines. msoflio bankma gaavrcela informacia ebolas ekonomikur Sedegze. im qveynebSi, sadac asobiT adamianis sicocxle Seiwira, zaralma 500 milion dolars gadaaWarba. organizacia yvelaze metad dazaralebul regionebs 1 miliardiT exmareba. es Tanxa moicavs 518 milion dolars epidemiasTan ga­ samklaveblad. mas emateba sul mcire 450 milioni, romelic unda moxmardes vaWrobis ganviTarebas, investiciebis mozidvasa da dasaqmebas gvineaSi, liberiasa da siera leoneSi.

aprili SeerTebuli Statebis sanqciebi ruseTis winaaRmdeg SeerTebulma Statebma ruseTs axali sanqciebi daa­ kisra, sanqciebi gansakuTrebiT oTxi miliarders Seexo, romelTac vladimer putinis finansuri wris nawilad ganixilaven. obamas administraciam mizanSi 17 banki, energokom­ paniebi, sainvesticio angariSebi amoiRo. miuxeda­ vad imisa, rom es zomebi ar iyo gamiznuli piradad putinis winaaRmdeg, amerikis SeerTebuli Statebis xelisuflebam mianiSna, rom nebismieri qoneba Sei­ Zleba, sabolood sanqciebis qveS moqceuliyo. damatebiT obamas administraciam sanqciebi Svid sxva rus biznesmenze gaavrcela. maT Soris ori maTgani putinis mrCeveli iyo didi xnis ganmavlo­ baSi: igor seCini, saxelmwifo sakuTrebaSi arsebu­ li kompania „rosneftis“-is prezidenti, da sergei Cemezovi, „rostekis“ xelmZRvaneli. evrokavSirma ki ruseTis 15 moqalaqis qonebaze gaavrcela sanqciebi.


MARCH Ebola Outbreak Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued its initial announcement on Ebola outbreak in Guinea, and reports of cases in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Before the virus ravaged West Africa, before the deaths soared into the thousands, before the outbreak triggered global fears, Ebola struck a toddler named Emile Ouamouno. Virtually no one knew the 2-year-old by name. Now the world knows him as patient zero. It's not clear exactly how the boy, who lived in a rainforest village in southern Guinea, got infected. Ebola can be spread from animals to humans through infected fluids or tissue. In December 2013, Emile died. Within a month, so were his young sister, his mother and his grandmother. The family lived in the village of Meliandou, where goats and chickens roam around simple brown huts. The village sits close to Guinea's borders with Sierra Leone and Liberia. It didn't take long for Ebola to spread like wildfire. It caused deathes in:Guinea (1454 deaths), Liberia (3222), Mali (6 deaths), Nigeria (8 deaths), Senegal , Sierra Leone (1857), Spain, United States (1 death), in total 6548deathes. The first human outbreaks occurred in 1976, one in northern Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo) in Central Africa: and the other, in southern Sudan (now South Sudan). The virus is named after the Ebola River, where the virus was first recognized in 1976, according to CDC. World Bank reported economic impact in worst-hit countries to exceed $500 million in 2014. The organization is mobilizing nearly $1 billion in financing most affected regions. This includes $518 million for the epidemic response, and at least $450 million to enable trade, investment, and employment in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

maisi donecki da luganski damoukideblobas acxadebs ukraianis aRmosavleT teritoriebze TviTgamo­ cxadebuli referendumebi Catarda, pro-rusulad ganwyobili separatistebi amtkicebdnen, rom mo­ saxleobis 90%-ma xma doneckis damoukideblobis sasargeblod misca.

APRIL US Sanctions against Russia The United States added new sanctions against Russia, expanding the list of targets but concentrating on the myriad holdings of four billionaires viewed as part of President Vladimir V. Putin’s financial circle.



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ruseTma mxari dauWira am referendums, miuxeda­ vad imisa, rom rogorc ukrainis gardamavali mTa­ vrobis, aseve dasavleTis mxridan kenWisyris Sede­ gebi ukanonod gamocxadda. referendumi meamboxeebsa da ukrainis oficialur samxedro Zalebs Soris brZolebis paralelurad Catarda.

ivnisi erayisa da levantes islamuri saxelmwifo CrdiloeT eraySi ieriSs iwyebs erayisa da levantes islamurma saxelmwi­ fom, romelsac islamuri saxelmwifos saxeliTac moixsenieben, erayis mTavrobis winaaRmdeg Crdi­ loeT eraySi ieriSi miitanes. SeerTebuli Statebis xelmZRvanelobiT koaliciam agvistos Semdeg islamuri saxelmwifos mebrZolTa winaaRmdeg 600-ze meti sahaero ieriSi ganaxorcie­ la. 23 seqtembris Semdeg ki SeerTebulma Statebma, bahreinTan, iordaniasTan, yatarTan, saudis arabeT­ sa da arabeTis gaerTianebul saemiroebTan erTad TiTqmis 500-mde ieriSi miitana mezobel siariaze. SeerTebuli Statebis Zalebma mizanSi amoiRes al-qaedas veteranebis qseli xorasani, alepos da­ savleTiT. gaerTianebulma samefom ki misi pirve­ li sahaero dartymebi 30 seqtembers daiwyo. Seer­ Tebuli Statebis saxelmwifo departamentis mier Sedgenili siis mixedviT, sul mcire 62 qveyanaa koaliciis wevri. Tumca, am qveynebis umetesoba sa­ haero ieriSebisas ZiriTad rols ar TamaSobs. 3 dekembers pentagonma ganacxada, rom aqvT mtkice­ bulebebi, romlis Tanaxmadac iranma erayze sahae­ ro ieriSi miitana, magram iranis xelisuflebam es informacia uaryo. SeerTebuli Statebis prezidentma barak obamam gaafrTxila misi mokavSire koaliciis wevrebi, rom maT win „xangrZlivi kampania“ eliT. obamam piroba dado, rom daSlida islamuri saxel­ mwifos „sikvdilis qsels“. 24 seqtembris Rames, SeerTebuli Statebis xelmZRvanelobiT koaliciam mizanSi siriaSi mdebare 12 navTobgadamamuSavebe­

2014 | dekemberi

Accusing Russia of failing to live up to its agreement to defuse the crisis in Ukraine, the Obama administration took aim at 17 banks, energy companies, investment accounts and other firms controlled by the four men, in what amounted to an attempt to constrain the assets available to Mr. Putin’s close associates and perhaps to the president himself. Although the measures do not explicitly target Mr. Putin, American officials indicated that the choice of targets was intended to send a message to him that any hidden assets he might have could ultimately be affected. In addition to the firms, the administration imposed sanctions on seven other prominent Russian figures, including two longtime Putin advisers: Igor I. Sechin, president of the state-owned Rosneftoil company, and Sergei V. Chemezov, the director general of Rostec, the Russian state corporation overseeing high-technology industries. The European Union said it would follow with sanctions on 15 Russians.

MAY Donetsk and Luhansk Declare independence after Unrecognised Referendums "Self-rule" referendums were held in Ukraine's easternmost areas, with pro-Russian separatists claiming nearly 90% voted in favour in Donetsk region. Russia backed two self-rule referenda, despite both the interim Ukrainian government and Western powers blasting the polls as illegal. Ballots in the Donetsk and Luhansk provinces received a 90 percent turnout, with rebels saying the results showed citizens backed their regions' sovereignty. The referendum was held in parallel with the continuing fights between the rebels and the Ukrainian official military forces, causing thousands of people to fled the conflict affected areas.

JUNE ISIS Begins an Offensive through Northern Iraq The Northern Iraq offensive began.The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), sometimes referred to as The Islamic State (IS), and aligned forces started a major


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

li qarxana amoiRo. maT winaaRmdeg sabrZolo rea­ qtiuli TviTmfrinavebi da upiloto vertmfrenebi gamoiyenes. sahaero dartymebi mcire zomis gadamamuSavebel qarxnebzec ganxorcielda. am gadamamuSavebel qar­ xnebSi iwarmoeboda dReSi 300-500 bareli gafil­ truli benzini, rac yoveldRiurad 2 milioni dolaris Rirebulebis iyo. es ki islamuri saxel­ mwifos Semosavlis ZiriTad wyaros warmoadgens. erT-erTi ZiriTadi brZolis veli mosulTan iyo. siriaSi, islamuri saxelmwifos mebrZolebma alya Semoartyes qalaq kobanas, sadac isini basras mebr­ Zolebs ebrZodnen. aTasobiT rezidents Seqmnili viTarebis gamo TurqeTSi gadasvla mouxda.

ivnisi ivlisi FIFA-s msoflio Tasi 2014 wels fexburTSi msoflio Cempionati Catarda. is braziliis sxvadasxva qalaqSi imarTeboda. msoflio Cempionati germaniam moigo da es Tasi meoTxed moipova, pirveli 1990 wlis Semdeg, rodesac dasavleT da aRmosavleT germaniis gaerTianebis wels argentina 1-0 daamar­ cxa. igive SedegiT dasrulda 2014 wlis finalic. Sejibri 12 ivniss jgufuri etapiT daiwyo da 13 ivliss finaluri matCiT dasrulda. 1950 wlis Sem­ deg braziliam am turnirs meored umaspinZla. msoflio Cempionatis finalur etapze 64 matCi gai­ marTa. TamaSebi braziliis 12 qalaqSi axal an ga­ naxlebul moednebze Catarda. pirvelad am msoflio Cempionatze karis xazis ga­ dakveTis teqnologia gamoiyenes, iseve rogorc spe­ cialuri qafi sajarimo dartymebisas. 2014 wlis FIFA-s msoflio Cempionatis dros, maspin­ Zeli qveynis qalaqebSi 5 milioni adamianis monawi­ leobiT FIFA FAN FEST Catarda. brazilias msoflios 202 qveynidan milioni stumari ewvia. braziliis msoflio Cempionati yvelaze ZviradRi­ rebuli iyo. 14 miliardiani biujetidan yvelaze meti Tanxa stadionebsa da infrastruqturul proeqtebze daixarja.


offensive in northern Iraq against the Iraqi government. The US-led coalition launched more than 600 air strikes against Islamic State (IS) militant targets in Iraq since August. The US, with Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, has also carried out almost 500 attacks on IS in neighbouring Syria since 23 September. As part of the coalition campaign, US forces have also targeted an alleged network of al-Qaeda veterans named Khorasan, based west of Aleppo, who were reportedly plotting imminent attacks against the West. The UK launched its first air strikes against IS targets in Iraq on 30 September - four days after Parliament approved military action. According to a list compiled by the US state department, at least 62 countries are members of the coalition, although most play no direct role in the air strikes. On 3 December, the Pentagon said the US had received indications that Iran had conducted its own air strikes in Iraq - but this was denied by Iran. US President Barack Obama has warned his coalition allies they are facing a "long-term campaign". President Barack Obama vowed to dismantle the IS "network of death" and overnight on September 24, the US-led coalition targeted 12 oil refineries in Syria using fighter jets and drones. The air strikes hit "small-scale" refineries in remote areas in the vicinity of Syrian cities such as Mayadin and Hassakeh, according to a US Central Command statement. These refineries were believed to be producing "between 300-500 barrels of refined petroleum per day", generating as much as $2 million (£1.2m) per day for the militants, a key source of revenue for IS. One of the key battlegrounds in mid-August was around the Mosul Dam - a key strategic site seized by IS fighters but subsequently re-taken by Kurdish and Iraqi forces, supported by American air attacks. In Syria, Islamic State militants have besieged the border town of Kobane, where they are battling Kurdish fighters. Thousands of residents have been forced to flee the fighting into Turkey.

JUNE – JULY FIFA World Cup The 2014 FIFA World Cup was the 20th FIFA World Cup, the tournament for the association football



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ivnisi espaneTis axali mefe espaneTis axali mefe felipe VI taxtze naklebad pompezuri ceremonialiT avida. monarqebi ime­ dovneben, rom amiT problemebSi gaxveuli samefo karis popularoba gazardon. 46 wlis felipe mefe misi mamis xuan karlosis Sem­ deg gaxda, romelic taxtidan Tvis dasawyisSi ga­ dadga, rasac win uZRoda araerTi skandali. man ki bevri espaneli monarqiis saWiroebaze daafiqra.

ivnisi evrokavSiri xels awers asocirebis istoriul xelSekrulebas ukrainasTan, saqarTvelosa da moldovasTan asocirebis xelSekru­ lebasTan erTad xeli Tavisufali vaWrobis Se­ Tanxmebasac moewera. am ceremonialma evrokav­ Sirsa da sabWoTa kavSiris yofil respublikebs Soris TanamSromloba gaamyara. ukrainis yofili prezidentis viqtor ianukoviCis uars, SeTanxmebaze xeli ar moewera, saprotesto gamosvlebi da misi qveynidan gaqceva mohyva. moqmedi prezidentis, petro poroSenkos SemTxve­ vaSi ki sakiTxi sxvagvarad dgas. xelmoweris ce­ remonialze is ityvis: „me movawer xels asocire­ bis xelSekrulebas im kalmistriT, romelsac aqvs warwera: „verokavSir-ukrainis asocirebis xelSe­ kruleba, vilniusi, 29 noemberi.“ maSin es ar momx­ dara, magram kalmistari darCa, rogorc simbolo, rom istoriuli movlenis Tavidan acileba Seu­ Zlebelia. SeTanxmeba, rasac xels vawerT, ar aris mxolod politikuri da ekonomikuri datvirTvis. es aris rwmenisa da erTianobis simbolo. es eZRvne­ ba im adamianebs, romelTac TavianTi sicocxle da janmrTeloba am wuTis dadgomas Seswires.“ evropis sabWos prezidentma herman van rompaim ki Tqva, rom evrokavSiri mxars uWers ukrainas imaze metad, vidre odesme. Tumca, es SeTanxmeba ruseTis interesebs ar azianebs. Tavad moskovi ase darwmu­

2014 | dekemberi

world championship, which took place at several venues across Brazil. Germany won the tournament and took its fourth title, its first since the reunification of West and East Germany in 1990, by defeating Argentina 1–0 in the final – the same result as the 1990 FIFA World Cup Final. The tournament began on 12 June with a group stage and concluded on 13 July with the championship match. It was the second time that Brazil hosted the competition, the first being in 1950. The national teams of 31 countries advanced through qualification competitions to participate with the host nation Brazil in the final tournament. A total of 64 matches were played in 12 cities across Brazil in either new or redeveloped stadiums. For the first time at a World Cup finals, match officials used goal-line technology, as well as vanishing foam for free kicks. The winner of 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup became Germany. During the 2014 FIFA World Cup, the FIFA Fan Fest in the host cities in Brazil received 5 million people, and the country received 1 million guests from 202 countries around the world. The costs of the 2014 FIFA World Cup tournament in Brazil were the highest in the history of the FIFA World Cup- $14 billion. This expenditure has largely been on stadium works and infrastructure projects.

JUNE New King in Spain Spain’s new king, Felipe VI, has been sworn in in a lowkey ceremony which monarchists hope will usher in a new era of popularity for the troubled royal household. Felipe, 46, becomes king after his father, Juan Carlos, abdicated earlier this month following a series of scandals that led many Spaniards to question the role of the monarchy itself.

JUNE The EU signs a landmark association agreement with Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova The European Union signed far-reaching trade agreements with Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. The cere-


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

nebuli ar aris da acxadebs, rom is miiRebs yvela Sesabamis zomas, Tu am faqts ruseTis ekonomikaze uaryofiTi gavlena eqneba.

ivlisi – agvisto daZabuloba israelsa da hamass Soris brZola israelsa da pa­ lestinas Soris Razas seqtorSi amJamad Sewyve­ tilia, radgan orive mxare SeTanxmebulia grZelva­ diani periodiT cecxlis Sewyvetaze. orive mxare Tanxmdeba, egviptis monawileobiT miRweuli SeTanxmeba Seasrulos. Tumca, is Sesasru­ leblad Zalian rTulia. es ar aris cecxlis Sewyve­ tis pirveli SeTaxmeba mas Semdeg, rac israelma 8 ivliss ieriSi miitana. adrindeli zavisgan gansxvavebiT bolo SeTanxme­ ba droSi SeuzRudavia. 50 dRiani brZolis Semdeg saxezea omiT daRlili ori mxare da imis imedi, rom konfliqtis dasrulebisTvis gamosavali moi­ Zebneba. palestinis xelisuflebis warmomadgenelTa gan­ cxadebebis Tanaxmad, gamartivdeba israeli-Razas sazRvrebze gadaadgileba humanitaruli miznebis­ Tvis, aseve pirveladi moxmarebis sagnebis miwode­ bis mizniT. moixsneba SezRudvebi TevzWeraze. cecxlis Sewyvetaze SeTanxmebis formula msgavsia imisa, rac 2012 wels iyo, magram SedarebiT mSvidi periodis Semdeg, kvlav daiwyo omi. ram gamoiwvia bolo eskalacia? israelis sahaero ieriSebma mas Semdeg imata, rac ivnisSi sami ebraeli arasrulwlovani mokles, ra­ Sic israelma hamasi daadanaSaula. hamasma uaryo, rom am mkvlelobebis ukan idga, magram mogvianebiT misma politikurma liderma xaled meSaalma gana­ cxada, rom es misi wevrebis mier iyo Cadenili. daZabulobam kidev ufro mas Semdeg imata, rac 2 ivliss ierusalimSi palestineli arasrulwlova­ nis mkvleloba moxda SurisZiebis mizniT, ris Sem­ deg eqvsi ebraeli eWvmitanili daakaves. 7 ivliss hamasma pasuxismgebloba aiRo cecxlsas­ roli raketebis gamoyenebaze. bolo 7 kviriani br­ Zolis Sedegad 2100 palestineli da 71 ebraeli daiRupa. donorebma Razas seqtoris rekonstruq­ ciisTvis 5,4 miliardi gamoyves.


mony formalised relations between the West and the former Soviet Republics, despite Russian anger. The refusal of Ukraine’s former leader, Viktor Yanukovitch, to put pen to paper on the deal led to protests and his eventual downfall. That was not lost on current President Petro Poroshenko who said: “I will sign up to the association agreement with the pen which marked ‘EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, Vilnius, 29 of November’. It didn’t happen then, but the pen is the same, demonstrating that historic events were unavoidable. The documents that we will sign today are not just political and economic. It is a symbol of faith and of unbreakable will. It is a tribute to people who gave their lives and health to make this moment happen.” European Council President Herman van Rompuy said the EU stands by Ukraine more than ever and the deal will in no way harm Russian interests. Moscow is not so sure, saying it will take measures if the pact has a negative effect on the Russian economy.

JULY – AUGUST Tensions between Israel and Hamas Fighting between Israel and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip is currently on hold after both sides agreed to a long-term ceasefire. Both sides have agreed to an Egyptian-sponsored deal, which has been painstakingly difficult to arrive at. It is not the first ceasefire since Israel launched its offensive on 8 July - indeed there have been numerous and they have been short-lived. However, unlike earlier truces which were for intended to last for hours or days, the latest ceasefire is open-ended. After 50 days of fighting, there is more impetus - and war-weariness on both sides - to find a way bring an end to the conflict to a conclusion than at any time before. According to officials from the Palestinian factions, restrictions on Gaza's crossings with Israel would be eased and humanitarian supplies and desperately-needed materials for reconstruction allowed in. Fishing limits will also be extended, they said. Discussions about other issues, like Hamas' demand for an airport and a sea terminal, will be put off for a month, they added. The ceasefire formula is similar to the one which ended a 2012 conflict between Israel and Hamas - but fol-



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ivlisi MH Malaysia – is TviTmfrinavi ukrainis konfliqtur teritoriaze Camoagdes aviakatastrofas 298 adamiani emsxverpla. TviTmfrinavi aRmo­ savleT ukrainaSi, ruseTis sazRvarTan axlos Ca­ movarda. reisi MH17, romelic amsterdamidan kuala lum­ puris mimarTulebiT mifrinavda, saomari kofliq­ tis Sedegad yvelaze metad dazaralebul region­ Si, radaridan gauCinarda. bortze 283 mgzavri, maT Soris 80 bavSvi da ekipaJis 15 wevri imyofeboda. Camovardnili TviTmfrinavi Boeing 777-200ER iyo, imave modelis, romelic martSi gauCinarda. 1997 wels warmoebuli sahaero xomaldi teqniku­ rad gamarTuli iyo da misi bolo Semowmeba 11 ivliss ganxorcielda. malaiziis premier-minis­ tris gancxadebiT, aranairi avariuli signali TviTmfrinavis dacemamde ar yofila. dasavleTi darwmunebulia, rom ufro realuri mizezi, vidre ajanyebulTa mxridan ruseTis mier miwodebuli yumbarmtyorcnis moxvedraa, ar ar­ sebobs. ruseTma momxdarSi Tavis mxriv ukrainis SeiaraRebuli Zalebi daadanaSaula.. SeerTebuli Statebis oficialurma pirebma sadaz­ vervo samsaxuridan ganacxades, rom „yvelaze misa­ Rebi axsna“, rasac SeiZleba TviTmfrinavis Camog­ deba gamoewvia, aris is, rom meamboxeebs is sxva sahaero xomaldSi SeeSalaT. mtkicebulebad mohyavdaT suraTebi, sadac dadas­ turebiT iyo naCvenebi zedapiridan haerSi gasro­ lili Wurvi. pro-rusi meamboxeebis xmis Canaweris analizi calsaxad adasturebs avialaineris daSve­ bas. aseve gavrcelda satelituri gamosaxulebebi im mowyobilobisa, rac meamboxeTa wvrTnebisaTvis ruseTis qalaq rostovSi gamoiyenes. ruseTma braldebebi uaryo da sapasuxo braldeba ukrainis xelisuflebas wauyena. holandiuri mxridan winaswar gakeTda daskvna, rom MH17 haerSi mas Semdeg afeTqda, rac masze dartyma „mravalricxovani sagnebiT“ ganxorciel­

2014 | dekemberi

lowing a period of relative quiet after that, cross-border fighting started up again. What caused the latest escalation? Rocket fire from militants in Gaza and Israeli air strikes on the territory increased after the abduction and killing of three Israeli teenagers in June, which Israel blamed on Hamas and which led to a crackdown on the group in the West Bank. Hamas denied being behind the killings but later on its political leader Khaled Meshaal said members had carried them out. Tensions rose further after the suspected revenge killing of a Palestinian teenager in Jerusalem on 2 July, after which six Jewish suspects were arrested. On 7 July, Hamas claimed responsibility for firing rockets for the first time in 20 months, after a series of Israeli air strikes in which several members of its armed wing were killed. In the end, in 7 weeks of fighting, 2,100 Palestinians and 71 Israelis are killed. Donor conference pledged $5.4 billion for Gaza reconstruction.

JULY MH Malaysia Plane shot in air over Ukraine’s conflict affected area All 298 people on board a Malaysia Airlines plane died after the airliner crashed in eastern Ukraine, close to the border with Russia. Flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was travelling over the conflict-hit region when it disappeared from radar. A total of 283 passengers, including 80 children, and 15 crew members were on board. The crashed plane was a Boeing 777-200ER, the same model as Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which disappeared while travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March. The aircraft, manufactured in 1997, had a clean maintenance record and its last check was on 11 July, Malaysia Airlines said. Malaysia's prime minister said there was no distress call before the plane went down. Western nations said there was growing evidence that the plane was hit by a Russian-supplied missile fired by rebels. Russia blamed Ukrainian government forces. US officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said there was a "solid case" that a SA-11 missile - also known as Buk .They said the "most plausi-


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

da. amave daskvnis mixedviT, „aranair teqnikur an adamianis mxridan zemoqmedebis faqts adgili ar hqonia.“ evropis usafrxoebisa da TanamSromlobis orga­ nizaciis damkvirveblebi katastrofis adgilze imyofebodnen, Tumca, maT gadaadgileba polici­ leTa gareSe mkacrad hqondaT akrZaluli. reisis mgzavrTa sia aCvenebs, rom resize MH17 holandiis 193 moqalaqe imyofeboda (maT Soris erTi ormagi moqalaqeobiT – aSS-s moqalaqe), 43 malaizieli (maT Soris 15 iyo ekipaJis wevri), 27 avstralieli, 12 indonezieli da 10 britaneli (maT Soris erTi ormagi moqalaqeobiT – samxreT afrikis moqalaqe). aseve iq imyofeboda oTxi ger­ maneli, oTxi belgieli, sami filipineli, erTi ka­ nadeli da erTi axali zelandieli. daRupulTagan eqvsi delegati iyo, romlebic saerTaSoriso kon­ ferenciaze miemgzavrebodnen avstraliaSi.

ivlisi gaeros uSiSroebis sabWos rezolucia uSiSroebis sabWom gamoZiebis Catareba moiTxova, raTa dad­ geniliyo ukrainaSi malaiziuri TviTm­ frinavis Camogdebis realuri mizezi. amasTan, erT-erTi mTavari mo­ Txovna iyo, specialistebs katastrofis adgilas Tavisuflad Sesvlis ufleba miscemodaT. amasTan, erTxmad miRebul rezoluciaSi momxdari mkacrad dagmes. sabWos wevrebma msxverplTa cxedrebTan mimarTe­ baSi „Rirseuli da profesiuli“ mopyroba moiTxo­ ves. aseve moiTxoves, rom yvela samxedro qmedeba, maT Soris ganxorcielebuli SeiaraRebuli jgufebis mier, dauyovnebliv Sewyvetiliyo, raTa sagamoZie­ bo jgufs muSaoba mSvidad da usafrTxo pirobebSi SeZleboda. sabWom aseve moiTxova, yvela saxelmwifos srulad eTanamSromla gamoZiebasTan.


ble explanation" for the shooting down of the plane was that rebels mistook it for another aircraft. Evidence included images purportedly showing a surface-to-air missile launcher in the area, analysis of voice recordings of pro-Russian rebels apparently admitting bringing the airliner down and social-media activity pointing to rebel involvement. The evidence also included satellite images of a facility allegedly used to train rebels near the Russian city of Rostov, which were later tweeted by Geoffrey Pyatt, US ambassador to Ukraine. Russia, however, denied all allegations it supplied weaponry to the rebels and has instead suggested a Ukrainian military plane had flown within firing range of the airliner just before it came down. The Ukrainian government rejected the claims. The preliminary report from the Dutch team said MH17 broke up in mid-air after being hit by "numerous objects" that "pierced the plane at high velocity" from outside the cabin and above the level of the cockpit floor. There was "no evidence of technical or human error", it added. Observers from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - whose job it is to observe the site ahead of the arrival of investigators were the first team to visit the debris zone, however their movements were restricted by militiamen. Malaysia Airlines' passenger list shows flight MH17 was carrying 193 Dutch nationals (including one with dual US nationality), 43 Malaysians (including 15 crew), 27 Australians, 12 Indonesians and 10 Britons (including one with dual South African citizenship). There were also four Germans, four Belgians, three Filipinos, one Canadian and one New Zealander on board. At least six of those killed were delegates on their way to an international conference on Aids in Melbourne, Australia.

JULY UN Security Council Resolution on Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 The Security Council called for an international investigation into downing of a Malaysia Airlines passenger flight in eastern Ukraine, and demanded that armed groups allow unfettered access to the crash site and ensure that its integrity is maintained. In a unanimously adopted resolution, the 15-member body condemned “in the strongest terms” the



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agvisto SeerTebuli Statebis samxedro Zalebi CrdiloeT eraySi islamuri saxelmwi­ fos mebrZolebi, Cr­ diloeT erayis rac ufro met teritorias ikavebdnen, miT ufro met adamians aiZulebdnen, gaqceuliyvnen. prezi­ dentma barak obamam msoflio genocidis saSiSroe­ baze gaafrTxila. SeerTebuli Statebis samxedro Zalebma moqmedeba daiwyes. es niSnavda, rom sakvebi da wyali unda miewode­ binaT iZulebiT gadaadgilebuli pirebisaTvis, iseve rogorc mietanaT sahaero ieriSebi jihadis mimdevrebze, Tuki gaiwevdnen irbilisken, sadac SeerTebuli Statebis diplomatiuri personali da samxedro bazebi iyo ganlagebuli. „dRes gaveci brZaneba, ganexorcielebinaT ori operacia eraySi – mizanmimarTuli sahaero ieri­ Sebi amerikeli personalis dasacavad da amasTan aTasobiT erayis moqalaqis dasacavad, romlebic mTaSi arian gaxiznulebi sakvebisa da sasmeli wylis gareSe da sikvdils uyureben TvalebSi,“ – ganacxada obamam TeTr saxlSi gamosvlisas. gaeros uSiSroebis sabWom moiwvia sagangebo sxdoma da imsjela erayis uZvelesi ezidi umciresobis war­ momadgeneli aTasobiT adamianis mZime mdgomareo­ baze, romlebic gaixiznen mTebSi mas Semdeg, rac maTi mSobliuri qalaqi sinjari islamuri saxel­ mwifos dajgufebis wevrebma daikaves.

oqtomberi pro-dasavluri partiebis gamarjveba ukraianis saparlamento arCevnebSi pro-dasavluri partiebi ukrainis parlamentSi arCevnebis Semdeg dominanti Zala gaxda. arCevneb­ Si wamyvani sami politikuri Zala iyo, maT Soris prezidentis da premieris. „arCevnebis Sedegma mtkice gamarjveba moutana yvela demokratiul, pro-evropul, pro-ukrainul Zalas. es gvaZle­

2014 | dekemberi

downing of flight MH17 on 17 July in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine, which resulted in the tragic loss of 298 lives. It supported efforts to establish “a full, thorough and independent international investigation” into the incident in accordance with international civil aviation guidelines. Council members also insisted on the “dignified, respectful and professional” treatment and recovery of the bodies of the victims. Further, the Council demanded that the armed groups in control of the crash site and the surrounding area “refrain from any actions that may compromise the integrity of the crash site, including by refraining from destroying, moving or disturbing wreckage, equipment, debris, personal belongings, or remains, and immediately provide safe, secure, full and unrestricted access to the site.” It also demanded that all military activities, including by armed groups, be immediately ceased in the immediate area surrounding the crash site to allow for security and safety of the international investigation. The Council also demanded that those responsible for this incident to be held to account and that all States cooperate fully with efforts to establish accountability.

AUGUST US military begins an air campaign in northern Iraq As Islamist militants seized more territory in northern Iraq, forcing people from religious minorities to flee, President Barack Obama warned of the risk of genocide and authorised US military action. It meant air drops of food and water to the displaced as well as air strikes on the jihadists if they advance on the Kurdish capital Irbil where US diplomatic and military staff were based. “Today I authorised two operations in Iraq – targeted airstrikes to protect our American personnel and a humanitarian effort to help save thousands of Iraqi civilians who are trapped on a mountain without food and water and facing almost certain death,” Obama told reporters at the White House. “When we face a situation like we do on that mountain, with innocent people facing the prospect of violence on a horrific scale, when we have a mandate to help, in this case a request from the Iraqi government and when we have the unique capabilities to help avert a massacre, then


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

vs bevr SesaZleblobas, raTa SemuSavdes da ga­ tardes reformebi,“ ga­ nacxada poroSenkom. ruseTis mTavrobam aRia­ ra Sedegebi. es realu­ rad daadastura kidec sagareo saqmeTa ministr­ ma sergei lavrova saku­ Tar gamosvlaSi: „vfiqrob Cven vaRiarebT am arCevnebs, radgan Za­ lian mniSvnelovania CvenTvis is, rom ukrainas ro­ gorc iqna eyoleba is xelisufleba romelic ar gamarTavs brZolas meoresTan, ar waiyvans ukra­ inas dasavleTisken an aRmosavleTisken, magram gaumklavdeba realur problemebs, romelTa wi­ naSec axla dgas qveyana.“ saparlamento arCevnebi saxalxo mRelvarebidan rva Tvis Semdeg Catarda.


I believe the United States of America cannot turn a blind eye.” The UN Security Council held an emergency session earlier amid alarm at the plight of thousands from Iraq’s ancient Yazidi minority who have fled to the mountains after their hometown of Sinjar was captured by the self-proclaimed Islamic State group.

OCTOBER Pro-Western Parties Win Ukraine's Parliamentary Elections Pro-European parties dominated Ukraine’s parliament after elections across most of the country. Election leaders put President Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc in the lead, followed by Prime Minister ArsenyYatsenyiuk’s People’s Front. A third pro-Western party came in third. “The results of the election bring firm victory of all democratic pro-European, pro-Ukrainian forces. And that gives us a lot of opportunities to develop, to provide the reform,” said Poroshenko at a media conference. The Russian government has recognised the results, according to the RIA news agency, which quotes Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as saying: “I think we will recognise this election because it is very important for us that Ukraine finally will have authorities which do not fight one another, do not drag Ukraine to the West or to the East, but which will deal with the real problems facing the country.” The parliamentary elections took place just eight months after the revolution that ousted former president Viktor Yanukovych.


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