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Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


partniori 2 014

saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palata

palatis angariSi

Chamber Report

Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Cven zustad viciT, ra We know what sWirdeba it takes to bizness businesses

interviu savaWroAn interview with samrewvelo the President of the palatis Georgian Chamber prezidentTan of Commerce and Industry


kvleva ra xdeba avejis qarTul bazarze

Research What happens to the furniture market


ra aris biznes inkubatori What is a Business Incubator 26

4 860100 022021




partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

www.incubator.com.ge daregistrirdi

საქართველოს სავაჭრო სამრეწველო პალატა

2014 | noemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


kaxa bainduraSvili

Kakha Baindurashvili

Cven zustad viciT, ra sWirdeba bizness saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis akademia ki maTi gadawyvetis yvelaze efeqturi instrumenti iqneba, romelic yoveldRiu足 rad dadgeba biznesis saWiroebebisa da nebismieri sxva dainte足resebuli piris interesebis gverdiT.

We know what it takes to businesses - the GCCI Academy will be the most effective tool to solve all the problems and will stand side by side with business needs and interests of any other interested party.

saofise avejis bazris kvleva / FURNITURE MANUFACTURING COMPANIES saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis kvleviTi centri Jurnalis yvela nomerSi warmogidgenT sxvadasxva sferoSi Catarebuli kvlevis zogad nawils. kvlevis es nawili biznesmenebs saSualebas miscems, warmodgena SeeqmnaT sferoSi arsebul viTarebaze.

The Chamber of Commerce - Research Center in each issue of the journal presents different trends in the general part of the survey. This research is part of the business will enable the broad understanding of the field NOVEMBER | 2014


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

gamomcemeli saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palata


redaqtori maia WuWulaSvili


aRmasrulebeli direqtori naTia mefariSvili


saredaqcio sabWo nino Ciqovani naTia mefariSvili nino Sengelia qeTevan gogitiZe beqa injia


dizaineri natalia Rlonti


fotografi Teo gurgeniZe aleqsandre gabelia mixeil WiWiboSvili


Targmani irine stanovova



Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Maia Chuchulashvili

Natia Meparishvili

Nino Chikovani Natia Meparishvili Nino Shengelia Ketevan Gogitidze Beka Injia

Natalia Glonti Teo Gurgenidze Alexandre Gabelia Mikheil Chichiboshvili Irene Stanovova PUBLISHER


vrceldeba ufasod


saavtoro uflebebi daculia. JurnalSi gamoqveynebuli masalebis nawilobriv an mTlianad gamoyeneba akrZalulia.

Copyright 2014 “Partner” All rights reserved

misamarTi Tbilisi. aRmaSeneblis gamziri 150 telefoni: +995 32 2 69 47 47


public@gcci.ge marketing@gcci.ge

2014 | noemberi

Tbilisi. Aghmashenebeli Avenue 150 Phone: +995 32 2 69 47 47 public@gcci.ge marketing@gcci.ge


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


sarCevi / CONTENTS

18 26 28

interviu savaWro-samrewvelo palatis prezidentTan


ra aris biznes inkubatori


ra aris GSI



biznes pres klubi


kulturis palatis Sesaxeb


saofise avejis bazris kvleva


is, rac ukve gakeTda (palatis saqmianobis angariSi)







partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

2014 | noemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


am Jurnalidan Tqven gaigebT informacias, romelic saqmianobaSi gamogadgebaT

In this magazine You will find the useful information

biznes pres klubi palatis axali proeqti

Business Press Club

The Chamber's New Project



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

rac biznes siaxleebidan gamogrCaT an ar iciT... imisTvis, rom darwmundeT, daelodeT pirvel nomers. imiT ki, rac axla xelSi giWiravT, ubralod dainteresdiT...

redaqtoris werili Editor’s letter maia WuWulaSvili Maia Chuchulashvili

Jurnali biznesmenebisTvis - Cems Jurnalistur karieraSi am proeqtis ganxorcieleba erT-erT yvelaze rTul saqmed mimaCnia. imis miuxedavad, rom biznesmenebi sxvadasxvanairebi arian, zogs meti aqvs wakiTxuli da nanaxi, zogs naklebi, zogma did warmatebas miaRwia, zogierTi ki mxolod axla iwyebs, yvela biznesmeni pretenziuli, ambiciuri da mudam gamarjvebis momlodinea. gamoimuSavo sakuTari fuli, Seqmna raRac, daasaqmo Tundac erTi adamiani – es yvelas ar ZaluZs. amitom am adamianebisTvis raRac iseTis Tqma, romelic daainteresebT, martivi ar aris. martivi arc am Jurnalis keTeba iqneba. Tqvens winaSe mxolod dasawyisia. es ar aris Jurnalis pirveli nomeri. mas ufro gacnobiTi xasiaTi aqvs da giyvebaT Cvens mTavar partniorze – saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palataze. ra aris palata, ratom unda gaxdeT misi wevri, raSi SeiZleba palatis servisebi gamogadgeT. aseve gaigebT, ras gegmavs savaWro-samrewvelo palata.

The creation of the business magazine is one of the most difficult projects in my journalistic career. Despite the fact that businessmen are different someone has read and seen more, someone less, someone has achieved great success, someone is only at the beginning of his way- all businessmen are pretentious, ambitious and always eager for a victory. Make own money, create something, employ at least one person - not everyone can do it. So, to tell these people something that might interest them is not an easy task. To make this magazine is not simple as well. This is only the beginning. This is not the first edition of the magazine. It has an introductory character and is dedicated to our main partners - the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. We will introduce you the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and its future plans. In this magazine you will find information that can be useful in practice.

am Jurnalidan Tqven miiRebT informacias, romelic saqmianobaSi gamogadgebaT.

I know that time is the most valuable commodity for you and whatever attractive was the cover of the magazine, you will not open and spend time on it, if you do not find something practical and useful for you.

vici, ramdenad ufrTxildebiT dros da rogor kargadac ar unda iyos SefuTuli Jurnalis yda, ar gadaSliT da masze dros ar daxarjavT, Tu raime praqtikul da gamosadegs ar gaigebT.

We care about your time - we tell you about everything that will be useful for your business; business news you may have missed or don’t know …

Cven vufrTxildebiT Tqvens dros - giyvebiT yvelaferze, rac biznesis keTebisas gamogadgebaT,

To be sure, wait for the first issue, now simply enjoy the edition you are reading.

2014 | noemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


საქაჽთველოს სავაჭჽო სამჽე ველო პალა ის მიეჽ შექნილი დამოუკიდებელი საექსპეჽ ო ოჽგანიზა ია

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მარტივი პროცედურები

მისამაჽთი: ქ.თბილისი, 0112 დ.აღმაშენებლის 150 ელეფონი: (+032) 2 69 68 62 info@geoexpertise.ge www.geoexpertise.ge www.facebook.com/geoexpertise


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

kaxa bainduraSvili/Kakha Baindurasvili


imedi gvaqvs, saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis prezidentis mimarTva

Acknowledgment of the President of the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry ▶ saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis

arseboba naxevar saukuneze mets iTvlis. Tumca, Cveni winamorbedebis savaWro gildiebis kultura, romlebic saqarTveloSi qarvaslebTan arsebobda, qveynis istoriis ganuyofeli nawilia. saerTod vaWroba, warmoeba, yovelTvis umniSvnelovanes rols asrulebda saqarTvelos arsebobasa da ganviTarebaSi. antikuri xanidan saqarTvelos teritoria cnobili iyo, rogorc saqaravne gzebis kveTis adgili. asrulebda savaWro habis funqcias. „abreSumis gza“ yvelam icis. amasTan, saqarTvelos Savi zRvis teritoriaze arsebobda mniSvnelovani savaWro centrebi. aseTebi mravlad iyo saqarTvelos mTianeTSi, samxreTiT. Tbilisi ki baTumTan erTad ukve me-19 saukuneSi Camoyalibda, rogorc regionaluri savaWro-ekonomikuri centri, daaxloebiT im saxiT, rogoric dRes magaliTisTvis dubaia. es mcire istoriuli gadaxveva... Cveni prioriteti qveynis ekonomikuri ganviTarebis xelSewyobaa da swored iseve rogorc 2014 | noemberi

Cveni Jurnali Tqveni ucvleli da sando partniori gaxdeba da Tavis wvlils Seitans Tqvens warmatebaSi: „Cveni biznesi Tqveni warmatebaa“.

We hope that our magazine will be your constant and reliable partner and will contribute to your success: “Your Success is our Business”.

▶ The Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has existed for more than half a century. However, the trade guilds culture of caravanserai existed in Georgia in the old times is an integral part of the history of the country. Generally, trading, manufacturing have always played the most important role in Georgia’s life and development. From ancient times, Georgia was known as a land criss-crossed with caravan routes and functioned as a trade hub. The Silk Road is known for everyone. Georgia became the center of the Black Sea


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

maSin, dResac amaSi udidesi roli swored vaWrobas, eqsports, lojistikas, warmoebas ekisreba. Sesabamisad Cveni, palatis mTavari amocanaa, xeli SevuwyoT qveynis ekonomikur zrdas konkretuli mewarme-subieqtebis saqmianobis mxardaWeriT. eqsportis da qarTuli produqciis ucxoeTSi popularizacia, sagareo vaWrobis, mcire da saSualo biznesis xelSewyoba, partnioris moZieba qarTuli kompaniebisTvis, konsultaciebi damwyebi Tu moqmedi kompaniebisTvis, maTi interesebis dacva, rogorc qveynis SigniT, ise mis farglebs gareT - es aris arasruli CamonaTvali im saqmianobisa, rasac palata am wlebis ganmavlobaSi axorcielebs. mniSvnelovania, rom wlebis ganmavlobaSi Camoyalibda mWidro kavSirebi ucxoel partniorebTan. saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palata warmodgenilia sxvadasxva saerTaSoriso gaerTianebis xelmZRvanel organoebSi. ase magaliTad, palatis prezidenti evropalatebis direqtorTa sabWos wevria, xolo palatis sabWos erT-erTi wevri azia-wynari okeanis palatebis konfederaciis prezidentia. palatis uaxloes gegmebSia ramdenime mniSvnelovani axali proeqtis ganxorcieleba, romelic miznad isaxavs axali Taobis maqsimalur CarTulobas biznes saqmianobaSi da aseve moqmedi biznesmenebis gamocdilebis gaRrmavebas da maT praqtikul informirebas saqarTvelosa Tu msoflioSi mimdinare ekonomikur procesebze. amisTvis gadavwyviteT, mxari davuWiroT Jurnalis gamocemas. realurad gvinda, SevqmnaT qarTuli gamocema, romelic asaxavs palatis saqmianobas, magram masSi metwilad saqarTvelosa da msoflioSi mimdinare mniSvnelovani ekonomikuri movlenebi gaSuqdeba. SevecdebiT, davsvaT aqcentebi da gasageb enaze avxsnaT, rogor aisaxeba esa Tu is procesi TiToeul Cvenganze - qarTvel biznesmenebze. da bolos, axali Jurnalis gamocemas vulocav, rogorc saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatas, aseve qarTul biznes sazogadoebas. imedi gvaqvs, Cveni Jurnali Tqveni ucvleli da sando partniori gaxdeba da Tavis wvlils Seitans Tqvens warmatebaSi: “Cveni biznesi Tqveni warmatebaa”.


commerce. In the 19th century, Tbilisi and Batumi were regional commercial and economic centers like Dubai nowadays. It was a little digression into the history... Our priority is to promote the country’s economic development and trade, export, logistics, manufacturing play a huge role as in those days. Therefore, the Chamber’s main task is to promote economic growth by supporting specific business entities. Promotion of Georgian products abroad, foreign trade, SMEs development, gaining foreign partners, consultations for startups or just established businesses, protection of their interests both inside and outside the country - this is an incomplete list of the activities carried out by the Chamber during these years. It is important that over the years the Chamber has developed close ties with foreign partners. The Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is represented in the governing bodies of various International Associations. For example, President of the Chamber is a Member of the Eurochambers’ Board of Directors and the Chamber’s member is President of the Confederation of Asia Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI). The Chamber plans to launch several major projects which aim to maximally involve a new generation in the business activities and enhance experience of established business as well as to keep them informed of the world economic situation. For this purpose, we decided to support this magazine. In fact, we would like to publish a Georgian magazine that will reflects the Chamber’s activities, but mostly will cover the ongoing economic situation in the world. We will try to highlight key points and explain in plain language how one or another process affects Georgian businessmen. In the end, I would like to congratulate the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as the Georgian business community on launching of the new magazine. We hope that our magazine will be your constant and reliable partner and will contribute to your success: “Your Success is our Business”. NOVEMBER | 2014


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

biznes biznes niusebi niusebi

BUSSINES BUSSINES NEWS NEWS ▶ samcxe-javaxeTSi faravnis hidroeleqtrosadguri gaixsna. 87 megavati dadgmuli simZlavris hesi Turquli “anadolu jgufis” investiciiT aSenda. sadguris mSeneblobisTvis 200 milion dolarze meti investicia Caido. faravanhesis saSualebiT eleqtroenergiis gamomuSaveba 410 milioni kilovatsaaTiT gaizrdeba.

▶ Paravani HPP was opened in Samtskhe-Javakheti ( a region of Georgia, which borders Northern Armenia to the south). A 87-megawatt power plant was built with the Turkish Anadolu Group investments. More than USD 200 million was invested in the project. Paravani HPP will allow to increase power production by 410 million kWh.

▶ 2014 wlis cxra TveSi saqarTvelos aeroportebis mier gatarebuli mgzavrebis raodenoba 13%iT gaizarda. samoqalaqo aviaciis saagentos informaciiT, 9 TveSi saqarTvelos aeroportebma milion 579 aTasi mgzavri gaatares. 2013 wlis analogiur periodSi milion 403 aTasi mgzavri dafiqsirda. 2012 wlis analogiur periodTan ki zrda 47,29%-ia.

▶ In nine months of 2014, the number of passengers

carried by the Georgian airports increased by 13%. According to the Civil Aviation Agency, in 9 months Georgian airports carried 1 million 579 thousand passengers while in the same period of 2013 the number of passengers amounted to 1 million 403 thousand . In comparison with the same period of 2012, a 47.29% increase is registered.

▶ Rvinis erovnuli saagento uZveles maranSi

ganTavsdeba. marani 1962 wels, saqarTveloSi gamarTuli Rvinis msoflio kongresis farglebSi aSenda. maranSi arsebobs enoTekac, sadac sxvadasxva saxeobis 25 000 boTli Rvino inaxeba, maT Soris yvelaze Zveli Rvinoc, romelic 107 wlisaa. Senobis rekonstruqciis Semdeg sardafis sarTulze dagegmilia samuzeumo sivrcis mowyoba. proeqtis farglebSi rekonstruqcia Cautardeba enoTekasac, sadac inaxeba unikaluri jiSis qarTuli Rvinoebi.

2014 | noemberi

▶ The Georgian National Wine Agency will be located in the building of the oldest wine cellar. The cellar was built in 1962 when the world congress of wine was held in Georgia. The cellar has the enoteca where 25 000 bottles of different types of wines are stored, including the most ancient- a 107-year -old wine. After the reconstruction, it is planned transform the basement floor into a museum. In the frames of the project, the rehabilitation of the


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

▶ sapartnioro fondis aRmasrulebeli direqtoris irakli kovzanaZis gancxadebiT, “riqsosis” 5 varskvlaviani sastumro likanSi 22-25 dekembers gaixsneba. misi ganmartebiT, mSenebloba ukve dasrulebulia. 5 varskvlaviani sastumro kompleqsi, romelsac sapartnioro fondi da yazaxuri kompania “yazmunaigaz-servisi“ erToblivad axorcieleben, likanSi yofili IV sammarTvelos teritoriaze Sendeba. kompleqsis mTliani sainvesticio moculoba 38,5 milioni dolaria. fondis Tanamonawileoba proeqtSi kapitalis 50%-ia. sastumros operirebas msoflioSi cnobili operatori RIXOS ganaxorcielebs.


▶ enoteca, where unique Georgian wines are stored,

will be carried out as well. Irakli Kovzanadze, Executive Director of the Partnership Fund (PF) says that Rixos 5-star hotel will open in Likani (health resort in Borjomi) on December 22-25. In his words, the construction has been completed. A 5-star hotel project, jointly carried out by the Partnership Fund and the Kazakh company KazMunaiGaz-Service, is built on the territory of the former IV Division. Overall investment value of the complex is USD 38,5 million. Contribution from the Fund in the project is 50% of the capital.

▶ In the near future, similar to an international tourist ▶ uaxloes momavalSi saqarTveloSi SesaZloa,

booking.com-is analogi saiti Seiqmnas, romelic turistebs qveyanaSi Camosvlamde maTTvis sasurveli sastumros dajavSnis saSualebas miscems. saits qarTuli domeni eqneba da saqarTveloSi arsebuli sastumroebis Sesaxeb monacemebs bevrad ufro nakleb fasad ganaTavsebs, vidre ucxouri portalebi. iniciativa sastumroebisa da restornebis federacias ekuTvnis.

▶ erovnuli bankis gadawyvetilebiT, komerciul bankebs araprofiluri aqtivebis floba

web portal booking.com , will appear in Georgia and will give visitors the opportunity to book accommodation before arriving in the country. The site will have a Georgian domain name and will place information about hotels in Georgia at a lower price than foreign portals. The initiative belongs to the recently established Georgian Hotel and Restaurant Federation.

▶ non-profile business activity to banks

According to Giorgi Kadagidze, President of the National Bank of Georgia (NBG), commercial banks will be restricted to do non-profile business. In Kadagidze’s words, the main task of the National NOVEMBER | 2014


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

SeezRudebaT. erovnuli bankis prezidentis gancxadebiT, aravin aukrZalavs bankis aqcionerebs investicia sxva industriebSi ganaxorcielon. saubaria imaze, rom meanabreebis Tanxebi, ar unda miemarTos iseT segmentebze, romelic ar aris klasikuri sabanko saqmianoba.

Bank is to ensure that depositors’ funds are not directed to a segment that have nothing in common with classical banking activity.

▶ In Tbilisi, a 100 -million investment project Royal ▶ TbilisSi 100 milioniani sainvesticio proeqti „samefo baRebi“ ganxorcieldeba. proeqtis ganmaxorcielebelia Sps „apolo g“, romelic „kempinskis“ savaWro niSnis qveS apirebs am investiciis ganxorcielebas.

▶ kaxeTis regionSi 170 aTasi tona yurZnis

realizaciis Sedegad miRebulma Semosavalma 155 milioni lari Seadgina. saqarTvelos premierma Catarebul rTvels uprecendento uwoda. irakli RaribaSvilis gancxadebiT, wels saukeTeso rTveli iyo. premieris informaciiTve, arian ojaxebi, romlebmac 10, 20, 50 da 100 aTasi laris Semosavali miiRes.

▶ dazRvevis saxelmwifo zedamxedvelobis samsaxuri

dafinansebis wyaros icvlis da TviTdafinansebaze gadadis. am mimarTulebiT dgindeba minimaluri da maqsimaluri zRvari - wliuri savaldebulo sazedamxedvelo safasuri TiToeulisaTvis ar unda iyos 300 aTas larze meti da 50 aTas larze naklebi. sazedamxedvelo safasuris kvartalurad gadaxdis wess Tavad dazRvevis saxelmwifo zedamxedvelobis samsaxuri daadgens.

▶ TbilisSi, e.w. “imelis” SenobaSi, xuTvarskvlaviani sastumro “mileniumis” mSenebloba 2015 wlis bolos dasruldeba. proeqts arabuli “dabi jgufi” axorcielebs. saqarTvelos premieri mas arabTa gaerTianebul saemiroebSi vizitis farglebSi gaecno. premieris vizitisas gairkva, rom “dabi jgufi” saqarTveloSi investiciebis gazrdas gegmavs.

2014 | noemberi

Gardens will be carried out. Apollo G, engaged in the project, will make investments under the brand name Kempinski .

▶ In Kakheti, an income from the sale of 170 thousand tons of grapes amounted to GEL 155 million region this year. Georgia’s PM called this year’s vintage unprecedented. According to Irakli Garibashvili, this year the best vintage was carried out. In the words of the Premier, there are families who received an income of 10, 20, 50 and even 100 thousand GEL.

▶ The construction of a five-star Millennium hotel

in the so-called “Imeli” building in Tbilisi will be completed by the end of 2015. The project is carried out by the Arab Dhabi Group. Georgia’s PM met with the company’s management while paying a visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). During the visit it turned out that Dhabi Group plans to increase investments in Georgia.


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

▶ saqarTveloSi amerikuli elituri yavis kafe-

maRaziebis qseli coffee bean Semovida. coffee bean-is qseli kaliforniaSi 1963 wels daarsda da dReisTvis msoflioSi 950 obieqts flobs. The coffee bean & tea leaf holivudis selebriTebis arCevania. saqarTvelo 25-e qveyanaa “kofi binisTvis”, romelic samomavlod unda gaxdes centraluri filiali azerbaijansa da somxeTSi.


▶ The oldest and one of the largest coffee-tea-

producing international company which establishes a coffee quality in several countries has entered Georgia. The coffee bean & tea leaf is the choice of the Hollywood celebrities. The coffee bean & tea leaf is the largest privately owned brand in America, which was founded in 1963 in Southern California. Georgia is the 25th country for Coffee bean which will become a central office in Azerbaijan and Armenia in future.

▶ kompania “TeTnuldi developmenti” TeTnuldis samTo-saTxilamuro kurortze 15,38-milionian proeqts iwyebs. am proeqtis farglebSi sabagiro-satransporto sistemebis montaJi da infrastruqturuli obieqtebis aSenebaa dagegmili. kompaniam ukve gaaforma 15,38 milioni laris kontraqti avstriul RMS Ropeway Maintenance Systems-Tan. kompaniaSi ganmartaven, rom Tu obieqturma faqtorebma xeli ar SeuSalaT, mestia saerTaSoriso donis samTo-saTxilamuro kurorti gaxdeba.

▶ 2014 wlis rva TveSi qarTuli Rvinis eqsporti wina wlis analogiur periodTan SedarebiT 69%-iTaa gazrdili. Rvinis erovnuli saagentos monacemebiT, msoflios 38 qveyanaSi Rvinis eqsportma 36 585 769 boTli Seadgina. qarTuli Rvino yvelaze didi raodenobiT ruseTSi gadis, meore adgilze eqsportis mimarTulebiT ukrainaa, Semdeg adgilebze gadanawildnen yazaxeTi, poloneTi da belorusi. saeqsporto qveynebis aTeulSia CineTi, latvia, litva, estoneTi da azerbaijani.

▶ The company “Tetnuldi Development” launches a

15.38 million project in Tetnuldi ski resort. In the frames of the project, it is planned to build a ski lift and transport systems as well as infrastructure facilities. The company has already signed a contract worth GEL 15.38 million with the Austrian company RMS Ropeway Maintenance Systems. The company says “if the objective factors don’t affect, Mestia will become an international level ski resort.

▶ Georgian wine exports increased by 69% in 8

months of 2014 compared to the same period of the previous year. According to the Georgian National Wine Agency, estimates that 36 585 769 bottles of wine were exported to 38 countries of the world. The largest quantity of Georgian wine is exported to Russia, followed by Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Poland and Belarus. China, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Azerbaijan are also in the top ten exporting countries.



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

▶ saqarTveloSi maRali teqnologiebisa da inovaciebis ganviTarebis centri aSendeba. dReisTvis teqnologiuri parki mowyobilia msoflios 70 qveyanaSi da saerTo jamSi, daaxloebiT 200 000 kompanias emsaxureba. ekonomikis saministros informaciiT, saqarTveloSi is Seqmnis erTian ekosistemas inovaciebisa da teqnologiebis mimarTulebiT da xels Seuwyobs inovaciuri ideebis ganviTarebas.

▶ “rakia jgufi” „Seraton metexi palasis” srulmasStabian renovaciaSi 25-30 milioni dolars Cadebs, „Tbilisi molis” pirveli etapis dasasruleblad ki wlis bolomde damatebiT kidev 8 milionian investicias ganaxorcielebs. “rakia jgufSi” amboben, rom gansakuTrebuli aqcenti gakeTda „foTis Tavisufal industriul zonaze” da mis perspeqtivebze evrokavSirTan asocirebis xelSekrulebis konteqstSi.

▶ High Technology and Innovation Development

Center (Technology Park) will be built in Georgia. According to the Ministry of Economy, to date various techno-parks operate in 70 countries serving over 200 000 clients. The techno-park will create an integrated ecosystem of innovation and technology and will contribute to the development of innovative ideas in the country.

▶ The Arab Rakia Group will invest USD 25-30 million in a full-scale renovation of “Sheraton Metechi Palace” hotel, while additional USD 8 million will be invested by the end of the year to complete the first stage of Tbilisi Mall project. According to Rakia Group, a particular emphasis was placed on the Poti free industrial zone (FIZ) and its prospect in the context of an Association Agreement with the EU.

▶ PMC Group Research Center has published a review ▶ kvleviTma centrma PMC Group sabanko seqtoris

mimoxilva gamoaqveyna. kvleva mimdinare wlis ianvar – ivlisis periods moicavs. 2014 wlis ianvar-ivlisSi komerciuli bankebis wminda mogeba 2013 wlis Sesabamis periodTan SedarebiT 11.6%–iTaa gazrdili da 214.9 milion lars Seadgens. 2014 wlis ivlisSi gazrdilia depozitebis naSTebis moculoba (19.1%). erovnul ekonomikaze gacemuli sesxebis moculoba ki 23.2%–iT aris gazrdili da 10 miliard lars aWarbebs.

of the banking sector. The research covers the January - July period. Net profit of commercial banks increased by 11.6% in January –July 2014 compared with the same period of 2013 and amounted to GEL 214.9 million. In July 2014, the balances of deposits increased (19.1%) compared to July 2013 and amounted to GEL 10,953 million. During this period, the volume of loans to the national economy increased by 23.2% and amounted to GEL 10.816 million.

▶ The EBRD has sold its 5% stake in Bank of Georgia Holdings Plc, the country’s largest bank.

▶ evropis rekonstruqciisa da ganviTarebis bankma Bank of Georgia Holdings Plc-is kuTvnili 5%-iani wili gayida. evropis rekonstruqciisa da ganviTarebis bankis urTierToba ”saqarTvelos bankTan” 1995 wlidan iwyeba. am droidan, igi ”saqarTvelos banks” sxvadasxva produqtebiT uzrunvelyofda, maT Soris mcire da saSualo biznesis sferoSi.

2014 | noemberi

The EBRD‘s relationship with Bank of Georgia dates back to 1995. Since that time, the EBRD has provided Bank of Georgia with a range of products, including SME and energy efficiency credit lines, co-financing facilities as well as subordinated convertible loans.


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

kaxa bainduraSvili/Kakha Baindurasvili


yvelaze metad saamayo ki,

interviu savaWro-samrewvelo palatis prezidentTan kaxa bainduraSvilTan

An interview with the President of the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) ▶ mkiTxvels saSualeba aqvs am nomerSive detalurad gaecnos palatis ganvlili periodis saqmianobas. Tumca, sainteresoa, imas, rac ukve gakeTda, rogor afasebs misi prezidenti. ganvlili wlebi SemiZlia, dadebiTad Sevafaso. yovelTvis SeiZleba imaze fiqri, rom metis gakeTebac SeiZleboda. magram faqtia, gaizarda palatis saqmianobis speqtri, efeqturoba da xarisxi. 2014 wels palatam pirvelad miiRo saerTaSoriso arbitraJis saqme gansaxilvelad.

palatis gegmebs rac Seexeba… wels kidev ramdenime saintereso proeqti xorcieldeba. maT Soris gamovyof „saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis akademias“, es gaxlavT programa, romelic iTvaliswinebs

2014 | noemberi

saqarTvelos saerTaSoriso saarbitraJo centris dafuZnebaa, da ara marto dafuZneba aramed is, rom centrma pirveli dava miiRo warmoebaSi

We are proud of the most important project - the Arbitration Center, moreover the center has already received its very first request for a dispute proceeding.

▶ Readers have the opportunity to get acquainted

with the activities of the Chamber over the years in this issue. But it is interesting to hear how the Chamber’s President evaluates its activities.


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

biznesmenebisaTvis da principSi sxva nebismieri dainteresebuli pirisTvis seminarebis, vorqSofebis Catarebas. es akademia Tavisi arsiT uprecendentoa, romelic Tavis TavSi aerTianebs instituciuri da adamianuri resursebis SesaZleblobebis ganviTarebaze mimarTul sxvadasxva saswavlo xasiaTis proeqts.


I can give a positive assessment to the past years. Sometimes we think that more could be done. But the fact is that a spectrum of the Chamber’s activity has increased as well as efficacy and quality.

What are your future plans...?

• sxvadasxva

This year a few interesting projects are being carried out. I would like to highlight the Academy of the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This is a program that envisages seminars, workshops for businessmen and any other interested persons. The Academy is unprecedented in its essence and combines various training projects focused on institutional and human resources capacity development.

• master-klasebi

The following are the Academy’s basic services :

akademiis ZiriTadi servisebia:

• brendirebuli

maRali donisa da xarisxis


• specialuri,

miznobrivi saserTifikato

programebi; Tematikis seminarebi da samuSao Sexvedrebi; da konsultaciebi dargis wamyvan eqspertebTan - biznes-sakonsultacio saxlis proeqtis farglebSi (mcire da saSualo biznesis ganviTarebis aqtiuri mxardaWerisa da ukve arsebuli biznesebis ganviTarebis xelSewyobis mizniT).

• sxvadasxva

Tematikis simpoziumebi, konferenciebi da mravali sxva, Zalian saintereso formatis aqtivobebi.

yvela es servisi biznesis sferoSi arsebuli TiToeuli kompaniis, am kompaniis TiToeuli TanamSromlis konkretuli saWiroebebis gadawyvetasa da maTi moTxovnebis dakmayofilebazea orientirebuli. Cven zustad viciT ra sWirdeba bizness akademia ki maTi gadawyvetis yvelaze ufro efeqturi instrumenti iqneba, romelic yoveldRiurad dadgeba biznesis saWiroebebisa da nebismieri sxva dainteresebuli piris interesebis gverdiT.

-vin arian samizne jgufebi? akademiis mier organizebuli da ganxorcielebuli programebi yvelasTvis saintereso da rac mTavaria, xelmisawvdomi iqneba. iqneba es damwyebi biznesi (Tundac rigiTi mewarmis doneze), Tu biznesis

• top-level brand trainings ; • special, targeted certification programs; • seminars and workshops on various topics; • master classes and consultations with field

leading experts – in the frames of busi ness-consulting house project (in order to support small and medium-sized businesses and promote the development of established ones).

• various topic symposiums, conferences and many other interesting activities.

All these services are focused on resolving the requests and needs of each business company and its each employee. We know what it takes to businesses - the Academy will be the most effective tool to solve all the problems and will stand side by side with business needs and interests of any other interested party.

Who are your target groups? Programs organized by the Academy will be interesting and, most importantly, available to everyone, whether it is a startup or just established



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

sferoSi warmodgenili kompaniebi. aqve unda aRiniSnos, rom akademia Tavisi arsiT Zalian saintereso iqneba studentebisa da nebismieri moqalaqisaTvis, romlisTvisac mniSvnelovania profesiuli codnisa da unarCvevebis ganviTareba - es akademia, rogorc axali SesaZlebloba biznesSi - yvela samizne jgufisaTvis Zalian mimzidveli gaxdeba.

akademiis programebis Sesaxebac gviambeT da riT aris es programebi gamorCeuli? akademiis brendirebuli programebi bazarze arsebuli sxva msgavsi saswavlo kursisagan gamorCeuli iqneba imiT, rom TiToeuli es programa modulur principze aigeba, romelSic biznesis yvelaze specifiuri moTxovna da saWiroebebi iqneba gaTvaliswinebuli. akademiis yvelaze Tanamedrove da srulyofili zrdasrulTa swavlebis meTodologiisa (romelic akademiis egreTwodebuli oqros gasaRebia) da saerTaSoriso standartebis Sesabamisi yoveldRiurad ganxorcielebuli biznesprocesebis meSveobiT, TiToeuli es programa gaxdeba Zalian moqnili da maRalxarisxian Sedegze orientirebuli. minda siamayiT avRniSno is, rac bevrma ver SeZlo dRevandeli treiningebis bazarze, es gaxlavT - programebisadmi Zalian praqtikuli midgoma. akademiis TiToeuli servisi da produqti, TiToeuli programa iqneba Zalian praqtikuli. yvela problebis, yvela saWiroebis praqtikuli gadawyveta - swored es sWirdeba rogorc bizness, aseve nebismier zrdasrul adamians.

company. It should also be noted that the Academy will be very interesting for the students and any individuals for whom it is important to develop professional knowledge and skills - the Academy, as a new opportunity for business, will be very attractive for all target groups.

Tell us about the programs provided by the Academy, please? Academy’s brand programs will differ from similar training courses offered on the market by the fact that each program will be built on a modular principle which will focus on the specific requirements and needs of business. Each of these programs will be very flexible and result-oriented, thanks to the most modern and perfect adult learning methodology developed by the Academy (the Academy’s so-called golden key) and business processes of the international standards carried out on a daily basis. I am proud to note a very practical approach to programs that many could not afford on the current training market. Each service and product, each program will be very practical. A practical solution to all the problems and requirements - that’s what both the business and any adult person need.

• merge and balance between theory and practice,

• packages of qualified consultations and prac

• Teoriisa

da praqtikis erTmaneTTan Serwyma da balansi

tical advice accompanying all programs,

• The assessment and analyze problems from a

• yvela

• praqtikuli

What gives you a reason to be so confident in the effectiveness of the program?

programis Tanmdevi, kvalificiuri konsultaciebisa da praqtikuli rCevebis paketebi

mxridan danaxuli, gaanalizebuli da Sefasebuli problematika. amas damatebuli - saswavlo procesebSi CarTuli sxvadasxva dargis wamyvani, saerTaSoriso praqtikosi

2014 | noemberi

practical point of view. A team of leading international practitioner experts in various branches involved in the learning processes is a guarantee of success of each training program!

The Academy plans to create very flexible tools, assessment systems that will enable each company


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

eqspertebis gundi - es ukve warmatebuli Sedegebis garantia akademiis yoveli saswavlo programisaTvis!

ra gaZlevT safuZvels aseTi darwmunebuli iyoT am proeqtis efeqturobaSi? akademia gegmavs Seqmnas Zalian moqnili instrumentebi, Sefasebis sistemebi, romelic saSualebas miscems akademiis programis momxmarebel TiToeul kompanias, TiToeul dainteresebul moqalaqes, Tavadve - realur droSi Seafasos maTi efeqturoba, miRweuli Sedegebi da progresi. swored es gaxlavT Cveni TviTmizani, rom akademiis mier ganxorcielebuli yvela servisi aucileblad unda iyos da iqneba mxolod maRal Sedegze orientirebuli.

treining-eqspertebis Sesaxebac gviTxariT yovelive zemoTTqmulis garanti, is kvalificiuri eqpertebis gundia, romelic uSualod warmodgenilia am programebis SemuSavebis procesebSi. treiningebisa da sxva servisebSi CarTulia saerTaSoriso donis, dargis wamyvani praqtikosi eqspertebi, romelic warmatebiT gauZRvebian yvela programas. TiToeuli es eqsperti dResdReobiT qmnis bizness saqarTvelosa da mis farglebs gareT, konkretuli mimarTulebiT qmnis politikas, CarTulia qveynis sakanonmdeblo da proceduruli regulaciebis SemuSavebis procesebSi, maT endobian da aRiareben rogorc adgilobrivi da saerTaSoriso biznes-kompaniebi, korporaciebi, aseve qveynis saxelmwifo institutebi. Cven, akademiam da eqspertebis gundma kargad viciT, rogor SevqmnaT kvalificiuri produqti. kidev erTxel minda ganvmeorde - Cven kargad viciT ra sWirdeba bizness, rogor davexmaroT biznessa da nebisier dainteresebul pirs maTi miznebis miRwevaSi. akademiis yvela programa da zogadad akademiis mier ganxorcielebuli proeqtebi iqneba axali sityva treiningebisa da zrdasrulTa ganaTlebis sferoebSi. akademiis brendirebuli programebi yovelTvis gamorCeuli iqneba misi xarisxis niSniT.


involved in the program, each interested citizen to assess its effectiveness in real time, as well as the achieved results and progress. The aim of Academy is to provide all services at high level.

Please tell us about business training experts. The team of qualified experts who are directly involved in developing the programs is a guarantee of all the abovementioned. All these experts advise business in Georgia and abroad as well as the policy, they are involved in developing the country’s legal and procedural regulations. They are trusted and recognized by both the local and international business companies, corporations, as well as the government institutions. The Academy and the team of experts know how to create a real product. I would like to reiterate once again - we know what it takes for businesses, how to help business and any interested person to achieve their goals. The Academy’s all programs and projects will be a new word in a field of trainings and adult education. The Academy’s brand programs will always be distinguished by its quality mark. Also, we have a very innovative project, the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Business Incubator.

How was the idea born? The market is devoid of IT technology-related business ideas, so an innovative concept born in this regard deserves attention. Our students often do not have the opportunity to implement the ideas on their own. For this reason, the Chamber of Commerce decided to implement a project that will promote innovative students. We believe that a participation of various organizations in this process will play an important role in the upbringing and development of the young generation.



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

aseve, Zalian saintereso proeqti gvaqvs „saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis biznes-inkubatori“

rogor daibada es idea? saqarTvelos bazari, moklebulia ai-ti teqnologiur biznes ideebs, Sesabamisad, am kuTxiT dabadebuli inovatoruli koncefcia yuradsaRebia. Cvens studentebs namdvilad ar aqvT fufuneba sakuTari xarjebiT moaxdinon ideebis realizeba. amitom gaCnda mosazreba, gangvexorcielebina iseTi proeqti, romelic xels Seuwyobs inovator studentebs. Cvens mizans, sworad rom axali Taobis ise aRzrda warmoadgens, rom maTi saxiT biznes seqtors profesionalebi moevlinon.

ras gulisxmobs biznes inkubatori? proeqti aris SesaZlebloba, studentebisaTvis usasyidlod isargeblon specialurad maTTvis Seqmnili infrastruqturiT. miiRon gamocdileba da daagrovon codna cnobil da gamocdil eqspertebTan urTierTobiT. praqtikaSi ganaxorcielon sakuTari ideebi, droulad moaxdinon problemebze reagireba da sworad daalagon prioritetebi.

ra dapirebebi gaqvT? konkursSi gamarjvebul monawileebs mieniWebaT inkubatoris rezidentis statusi, rac maTi warmatebis garantia. statusis farglebSi isargebleben specialuri sivrciT, romelic yvela saWiro inventariT aRiWurveba. maTTvis SevqmeniT saprezentacio da sakonferencio oTaxebi da komunaluri gadasaxadisganac ki gavaTavisufleT. Cven vcdilobT maqsimaluri komforti SevuqmnaT, raTa am erTi wlis ganmavlobaSi Seuferxeblad SeZlon sakuTari ideebis sisruleSi moyvana.

rogor Catradeba konkursi? konkursis pirobebze Cvenma gundma izruna. Seiqmna veb-gverdi, sadac amomwuravi informaciaa ganTavsebuli da registraciis procesi

2014 | noemberi

What is a business incubator? The project is an opportunity for students to benefit from the infrastructure designed specifically for them free of charge as well as to get experience and gain knowledge from well-known and experienced experts. To implement their own ideas in practice, timely and correctly respond to the problem and properly arrange priorities.

What can you offer winners? The winner will be given a status of a business incubator resident, which is a guarantee of his success. The status will allow him to enjoy a special space equipped with necessary inventory. We arranged a presentation and conference rooms; they will be exempt from paying utility bills. We strive to create maximum comfort which will enable them to smoothly carry out their own ideas during this a year.

How will the contest be conducted? We launched a web page where detailed information was placed and the registration process is simplified. I will personally be a guarantor of the transparency of the competition. Upon my initiative, we’ve invited the country’s leading independent experts who will fairly select the incubator residents.

What do you expect from this project? Our primary goal is to find a way for young people in the world of business. We hope that this project will launch completely different trends supporting the youth. We look forward to many interesting innovative proposals. I think innovators will receive a lot of good from us and we will possibly gain a certain experience from them. The establishment of an international arbitration center is still something we are proud of, moreover, the center received the first request for a dispute proceeding.


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

gamartivebulia. piradad viqnebi konkursis gamWvirvalobis garanti. Cemi iniciativiT moviwvieT qveynis wamyvani damoukidebeli eqspertebi, romlebic samarTlianad SearCeven inkubatoris rezidentebs.

ras elis palata am proeqtisgan? Cveni umTavresi mizania axalgazrda TaobisaTvis gzis gakvleva biznesis samyaroSi. vimedovnebT, rom am proeqtis saxiT safuZveli Caeyreba axalgazrdebis xelSewyobis gansxvavebul tendenciebs. Cven veliT mraval saintereso inovaciur ganacxads da maT Soris saukeTesoTa gamarjvebas. vfiqrob, inovatorebi bevrs kargs waiReben Cvengan da SesaZlebelia Cvenc SeviZinoT maTgan garkveuli gamocdileba. yvelaze metad saamayo ki, saqarTvelos saerTaSoriso saarbitraJo centris dafuZnebaa, da ara marto dafuZneba aramed is, rom centrma pirveli dava miiRo warmoebaSi. TiTqmis orwliani kompleqsuri muSaobis Sedegad, palatam daasrula mis mier inicirebuli proeqti, ris Sedegadac seqtemberSi sabolood oficialurad gaixsna saqarTvelos saerTaSoriso saarbitraJo centri.

ratom gadawyviteT misi Seqmna? palatis iniciativa saerTaSoriso (regionaluri) arbitraJis Seqmnis Sesaxeb emyareboda saqarTveloSi pirveli saerTaSoriso saarbitraJo institutis Camoyalibebas, romelic aqamde Cvens qveyanaSi ar arsebobda. proeqtze momuSave jgufma saarbitraJo institutis arakomerciuli/arasamewarmeo samarTlebrivi formiT Camoyalibebaze aiRo orientiri, rasac saqarTveloSi dRemde precendenti ar hqonda. proeqtis ganxorcielebis procesSi umniSvnelovanesi iyo sxvadasxva saxelmwifo, arasamTavrobo da kerZo organizaciebis CarTuloba. palatis iniciativa swored sajaro proeqtis ganxorcieleba iyo, vinaidan mis mier Camoyalibebuli saarbitraJo instituti unda yofiliyo saqarTvelosa da aseve regionis masStabiT biznes subieqtebisTvis davebis gadawyvetis moqnili, sando da miukerZoebeli


After almost two years of a complex work, the Chamber has completed its project, as a result, the International Arbitration Center was officially opened in September.

Why did you decide to found the center? The Chamber’s initiative on the formation of the international (regional) arbitration was based on the establishment of the first Institute of International Arbitration in Georgia, which previously did not exist. A group working on the project took the landmark on the creation of a nonprofit / unentrepreneurial organization, which had no precedent in Georgia. It’s important that various government, non-governmental and private organizations were involved in the process , as the Chamber’s goal was to implement a public project since the Arbitration Institute was supposed to be a flexible, reliable and unbiased center for disputes resolution raising between business entities in Georgia and throughout the region. In order to share the best international practices when creating the Arbitration Institute, internationally recognized experts, leading arbitral institutions and legal firms were involved in the project at different stages. For example, the Haguebased Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), etc. As a result, we may say that the Arbitration Rules of the Georgia International Arbitration Center is the document created in light of the most modern and latest trends.

As for the Arbitration Institute’s current activities and future plans ... Apart from a dispute resolution, the Center is actively involved in various projects related to the development of arbitration in Georgia. Memorandums on Cooperation are scheduled to be signed with leading international institutions. We are actively engaged in talks with partners to carry out a conference and introductory activities in the field of arbitration throughout the region in the coming year. We also plan to arrange seminars and trainings.



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

centri. imisaTvis, rom srulad momxdariyo saarbitraJo institutis Seqmnisas saukeTeso saerTaSoriso praqtikis gaziareba, proeqtis ganxorcielebis sxvadasxva etapze CarTulebi iyvnen saerTaSorisod aRiarebuli ucxoeli eqspertebi, wamyvani saarbitraJo institutebi da iuridiuli firmebi. magaliTad, haagaSi mdebare mudmivmoqmedi sarbitraJo sasamarTlo da a.S. Sedegad, Tamamad SeiZleba vTqvaT, rom saqarTvelos saerTaSoriso saarbitraJo centris saarbitraJo wesebi aris erT-erTi Tanamedrove da uaxlesi tendenciebis gaziarebiT Seqmnili dokumenti.

rac Seexeba saarbitraJo institutis mimdinare saqmianobas da samomavlo gegmebs... garda Semosuli davebis ganxilvisa, centri aqtiurad aris CarTuli saqarTveloSi arbitraJis ganviTarebasTan dakavSirebul sxvadasxva proeqtSi. igegmeba urTierTTanamSromlobis memorandumebis gaformeba wamyvan saerTaSoriso institutebTan. aqtiurad midis molaparakebebi partniorebTan momavali wlisTvis didi konferenciisa da arbitraJis sferoSi regionis masStabiT gacnobiTi RonisZiebebis Catarebaze. aseve igegmeba sxvadasxva seminarebisa da treiningebis mowyoba. palatis mier sxva partnior organizaciebTan erTad ase vTqvaT think tank-is arasamTavrobo organizacia dafuZnda, romlis ZiriTadi mizani sxvadasxva ekonomikuri da biznes kvlevebis momzadeba, mdgomareobis Seswavlaanalizia.

konsultaciebisa da kvlevebis kuTxiT qveyanaSi deficitia? ratom gadawyviteT arasamTavrobo organizaciis Seqmna? misi ZiriTadi mizani iqneba sxvadasxva ekonomikuri, biznes da marketinguli kvlevebis mozadeba da analizi. organizacia sistematurad moamzadebs qveyanaSi aqtualuri ekonomikuri Temis analizs da sxvadasxva Sinaarsis kvlevebs. damuSavebuli informacia xelmisawvdomi iqneba biznes subieqtebisTvis beWdviTi formiT da oficialuri veb-gverdis saSualebiT.

2014 | noemberi

The Chamber together with other partner organizations has found the so-called “think tank” non-governmental organization whose main purpose is to prepare various economic and business surveys as well as to study and analyze a situation.

Is there a lack of high quality research and consultations in the country? What was the reason for starting the NGO? It will focus on preparation of various economic, business and marketing research and analysis. The organization will systematically prepare an analysis on topical economic issues and various kinds of research. The information will be available to business entities in printed editions and on the official website. The research center will be a non-profit organization, which will be staffed with qualified personnel, provided with proper technical and human resources. The strengths of the organization is an analysis of the object of study in the shortest time, a collaboration with non-governmental organizations, foreign companies, and the creation of a large-scale informative electronic research archive that will allow the business sector to find the interesting information in a short time and at a minimum cost. This project will allow the Georgia Chamber of Commerce to establish a high –credibility precedent in a research activity for international organizations and companies. I am glad that in the coming year the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry will take part in the International Innovative Projects contest organized by ICC WCF 9th World Chambers Congress that will be held in Torino where we’ll present our “Culture Chamber” concept. I hope we’ll win, I know that the Chamber of Culture is unique in its concept and performance. The main purpose of creating the Chamber of Culture was to promote our country’s rich cultural


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

palatis mier dafuZnebuli kvleviTi centri iqneba aramomgebiani organizacia, romelic uzrunvelyofili iqneba kvalificiuri kadrebiT, srulfasovani teqnikuri da adamianuri resursiT. organizaciis Zlier mxares warmoadgens minimalur droSi kvlevis obieqtis damuSaveba da analizi, TanamSromloba arasamTavrobo organizaciebTan, ucxour kompaniebTan da farTomasStabiani informaciuli eleqtronuli kvleviTi arqivis Seqmna, romelic saSualebas miscems biznes seqtors, moiZios misTvis saintereso informacia mokle droSi da minimaluri danaxarjiT. saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palata am proeqtiT daamkvidrebs saerTaSoriso organizaciebisa da kompaniebisaTvis maRali sandoobis precendents kvleviT saqmianobaSi. moxaruli var, rom saqarTvelos savaWrosamrewvelo palata momaval wels monawileobas miiRebs turinSi, rigiT „mecxe msoflio palatebis kongresis“ mier organizebul saerTaSoriso novatoruli proeqtebis konkursSi, sadac warvadgenT Cvens mier daarsebuli „kulturis palatis“ koncefcias. gamarjvebis didi imedi maqvs, vici ra, rom „kulturis palata“ erTaderTia Tavis arsiTa da saqmianobiT. „kulturis palatis“ Seqmnis idea ukavSirdeba Cveni qveynis mdidari kulturuli tradiciebis popularizaciis xelSewyobas qveynis SigniT da mis farglebs gareT. mniSvnelovania, rom „saqarTvelos kulturis palata“ arakomerciuli organizaciaa, romelic koncentrirebulia daakavSiros erTmaneTTan kultura da biznesi. proeqtis aqtualobis naTeli magaliTia ganxorcielebuli RonisZiebebi da xelovanTa mxardaWera. konkursSi gamarjveba kidev erTi saerTaSoriso aRiarebis momtani iqneba aramxolod saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatisaTvis, aramed mTeli qveynisTvis. gvisurveT warmateba... da bolos, warmateba vusurvoT Jurnals, romelic Tavis mxriv TviTon aris palatis erTerTi proeqti, romelic swored am gamocemiT gaeSveba.


traditions within the country and abroad. It is important that the Georgian Chamber of Culture is a non-profit organization that focuses on binding culture and business together. The performed activities and support of the artists is a striking example of the importance of the project. A victory in the contest will be another international recognition not only for the Georgian Chamber of Commerce, but for the whole country. Wish us have a good luck... And finally, I would like to wish success to the magazine, one of our Chamber’s projects, which begins with a release of this magazine.

moxaruli var, rom saqarTvelos savaWrosamrewvelo palata momaval wels monawileobas miiRebs turinSi, rigiT „mecxe msoflio palatebis kongresis“ mier organizebul saerTaSoriso novatoruli proeqtebis konkursSi, sadac warvadgenT Cvens mier daarsebuli „kulturis palatis“ koncefcias.

I am glad that in the coming year the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry will take part in the International Innovative Projects contest organized by ICC WCF 9th World Chambers Congress that will be held in Torino where we’ll present our “Culture Chamber” concept.



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

ra aris biznes inkubatori 2014 wlis 23 oqtombers savaWro-samrewvelo palataSi gaimarTa proeqtis „biznes inkubatori“ -s prezentacia. Seiqmna iseTi Tavisufali sivrce, romelic msurvelebs inovaciuri biznes gegmebis realizebaSi daexmarebaT. am proeqtis saxiT, yvelas eZleva SesaZlebloba sruliad usasyidlod isargeblos specialurad Seqmnili infrastruqturiTa da biznes garemoTi. yvelas, visac surs: • aimaRlos codna da daagrovos gamocdileba cnobil da warmatebul eqspertebTan urTierTobiT • praqtikaSi ganaxorcielos sakuTari ideebi da iswavlos kritikuli situaciebis marTva • droulad moaxdinos problemebze reagireba da biznesis keTebis procesSi sworad daalagos prioritetebi proeqtis slogani „ideidan biznesamde“ srulad gamoxatavs biznes inkubatoris arss. „biznes inkubatori“ niWieri axalgazrdebisaTvis Tavis warmoCenis saukeTeso saSualebaa. Tu xarT: • • • •

sainformacio teqnologiebis damamTavrebeli kursis studenti an axlaxans daamTavreT umaRlesi saswavlebeli gagaCniaT inovaciuri biznes idea ai-ti teqnologiebis mimarTulebiT ar gaqvT realizebisaTvis saWiro materialuri resursi

maSin, es proeqti TqvenTvis aris Seqmnili. proeqtisaTvis specialurad SemuSavebuli veb-portalis (www.incubator.com.ge) saSualebiT mona­ wileobis miRebis procesi imdenad gamartivebuli da moxmarebelze morgebulia, rom Rilakze erTi xelis daWeriT iRebT unikalur SesaZleblobas-gaxdeT proeqtis rezidenti. ra axal SesaZleblobebs gvTavazobs biznes inkubatori • • • • • • •

specialurad Seqmnili materialuri da teqnikuri baziT sargebloba; kvalifikaciis da codnis amaRleba warmatebuli eqspertebis daxmarebiT; ideidan - biznes proeqtis ganxorcieleba; strategiis gansazRvra da kritikuli situaciebis marTva; administrireba da analizi; sakomunikacio samuSaoebi; saWiro adamianuri resursis mobilizeba (gundis Seqmna);

„biznes inkubatori“ aris SemecnebiTi xasiaTis, sayovelTao proeqti - SesaZlebloba, miiRoT zogadi codna “aiti” teqnologiebis Sesaxeb da SeqmnaT da ganaxorcieloT biznes proeqtebi.

2014 | noemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

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What is a Business Incubator On 23 October 2014, the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) hosted a business incubator presentation. A free space was especially created for those who wish to implement innovative business plans. This project allows anyone to use a specially designed infrastructure and business environment completely free of charge. Those who wish to: • improve the knowledge and experience with the help of famous and successful experts • put into practice own ideas and learn to manage in crisis situations • timely respond to the problems and properly classify priorities while doing business The project slogan “From idea to business” fully reflects the essence of the project Business Incubator is the best way for talented young people to express themselves If you are: • graduate with an information technology • recently graduated from a higher education institution • have an innovative business idea in IT-technology • do not have the opportunity to implement the ideas at your own cost Then, this project is for you. A specially designed, user friendly web portal (www.incubator.com.ge) simplifies the participation in the competition and gives you a unique opportunity to become incubator resident. What new opportunities offers business incubator • specially designed material and technical base; • skills and knowledge upgrading with the help of successful experts; • realization of business ideas; • strategy determination and crisis management; • administration and analysis; • communication works; • mobilization of human resources (team building); “Business Incubator” is a universal cognitive project that give an opportunity to get a general knowledge about IT technologies, create and execute business projects.


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

giorgi laliaSvili/Giorgi Laliashvili


GS1 Tavis

GS1 ▶ GS1 aris organizacia, romlis mizans warmoadgens saerTaSoriso, mravalseqtoruli standartebis Seqmna da danergva, romelTa gamoyeneba uzrunvelyofs informaciis swraf da efeqtur gacvlas biznes partniorebs Soris da moTxovnamiwodebis jaWvis gamWvirvalobas.

1974 wlis 26 ivniss, GS1-is Strix-kodiT identificirebuli pirveli produqti Wrigley-is saReWi rezini, amerikaSi, Marsh-is supermarketSi daskanirda. amJamad GS1 Tavis saqmianobas axorcielebs misi wevri 111 organizaciis saSualebiT msoflios 150 qveyanaSi. GS1 sistema aRiarebulia, rogorc erTaderTi WeSmaritad saerTaSoriso saidentifikacio da sakomunikacio sistema.

GS1 axdens produqciis, momsaxurebis da adgilmdebareobis unikalur identifikacias globaluri saidentifikacio nomrebis saSualebiT, romlebic Semdeg warmodgenilia Strix-kodebis saxiT, raTa moxdes maTi eleqtronuli wakiTxva specialuri mowyobilobebis saSualebiT. EAN/

2014 | noemberi

saqmianobas axorcielebs misi wevri 111 organizaciis saSualebiT msoflios 150 qveyanaSi.

The GS1 system of standards is the most widely used supply chain standards system in the world, and is currently being used in 150 countries.

▶ GS1 is an international not-for-profit association

dedicated to the design and implementation of global standards and solutions to improve the efficiency and visibility of supply and demand chains globally and across sectors. The GS1 system of standards is the most widely used supply chain standards system in the world. On 26 June 1974, a pack of Wrigley’s gum became the first product to be scanned with a GS1 barcode in a Marsh supermarket in Ohio, United States. The GS1 system of standards is the most widely used supply chain standards system in the world, and is currently being used in 150 countries. The GS1 System is an integrated system of global standards that provides accurate identification and communication of information regarding products, assets, services and locations. It is the most implemented supply chain standards system in the world. It is the foundation of a wide range


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

UPC standartis Strix-kodi aris yvelaze farTod gavrcelebuli kodi GS1-is sistemaSi, romelic gamoiyeneba sacalod gankuTvnili produqciis saidentifikaciod. garda erTganzomilebiani Strix-kodisa, GS1 iyenebs organzomilebian DataMatrix da QR kodebs, romlebic ZiriTadad samedicino sferoSi gamoiyeneba. mravali mowinave kompania msoflioSi iyenebs GS1 standartebs, raTa mniSvnelovnad daaCqaros monacemTa gacvla komerciuli urTierTobebis dros da moaxdinos optimaluri kontroli, moTxovna-miwodebis jaWvis nebismier rgolSi.

GS1 standartebis gamoyeneba xels uwyobs lojistikuri operaciebis mowesrigebas, da amcirebs SromiT danaxarjebs. saqarTvelo saerTaSoriso asociaciaSi 1996 wels gawevrianda. Tavdapirvelad mas EAN saqarTvelo ewodeboda, xolo 2005 wlis 3 maiss dafuZnda registrirebuli kavSiri „GS1 saqarTvelo”. saqarTvelos, rogorc organizaciis wevr nebismier sxva qveyanas, saTao ofisis mier miniWebuli aqvs sakuTari saidentifikacio kodi, romelic aisaxeba Strix-kodis pirvel sam cifrSi. es cifrebia 486.

GS1 saqarTvelo aris erTaderTi organizacia saqarTveloSi, romelsac aqvs ufleba moaxdinos qarTuli produqciisa da momsaxurebis identifikacia GS1-is saidentifikacio sistemis mixedviT. zogierTi kompania sakuTari produqciis identifikaciisas iyenebs GS1-is standartebis Strix-kodebis araoficialur wyaroebs, rac zians ayenebs sistemis unikalurobas, iwvevs areulobas bazarze da qmnis nomrebis dublirebis albaTobas.

GS1 saqarTvelo sistemis gamoyenebis msurvelebs aerTianebs nebayoflobiTi wevrobis principiT. GS1 saqarTvelo mis wevr kompaniebs aniWebs unikaluri nomrebs, romlebic Semdeg Tavsdeba GEPIR ( Global Electronic Party Information Registry) globalur monacemTa bazaSi. GEPIR-is saZiebo sistema saSualebas iZleva gavigoT GS1-is wevri kompaniebis ZiriTadi sakontaqto informacia. amJamad GS1 saqarTvelo-Si gawevrianebulia 600ze meti kompania, romlebic srulad sargebloben yvela im xelsayreli pirobebiT, rasac GS1-is saqmianoba uqmnis wevr organizaciebs.


of efficiency-building supply chain applications and solutions. The GS1 System provides several types of bar code for use by GS1 members depending on the application. The reasons for this vary but because different bar code types have different strengths and weaknesses, GS1 selects the bar code that best fits the application. The bar codes used by GS1 include EAN/UPC, GS1 DataBar, GS1-128, ITF-14, GS1 DataMatrix, GS1 QR Code and Composite Component. GS1’s products and solutions are used across a wide range of industry sectors. GS1 also works with a wide range of national and international organizations. In 1996, Georgia became the EAN International Association member. Initially it was called EAN Georgia. On May 3, 2005 according to the Georgian civil law, the registered union “Global Standards 1 Georgia” was founded. It is the legal successor of EAN Georgia. The Union is a voluntary association, which introduces modern information technologies, e-business standards and systems in Georgia to interested parties. As any other member country, Georgia has its own identification number assigned by the head office, which is reflected in the first three digits of a bar code. Only GS1 Georgia is authorized to provide GS1 barcode numbers with prefix 486, the prefix reserved for Georgia within the GS1 system. Some companies use unofficial sources for GS1 bar code standards for product identification that undermines the uniqueness of the system, causing confusion in the market and creates a risk of duplication of numbers. GS1 Georgia brings together those wishing to use the system on the principle of voluntary membership. Georgia GS1 allocated unique numbers to member companies which are then placed in GEPIR (Global Electronic Party Information Registry) global database. GEPIR search engine gives access to basic contact information for companies that are members of GS1. GS1 Georgia includes more than 600 companies, which fully enjoy all favorable conditions created by GS1 for its member organizations. NOVEMBER | 2014


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

biznes klubi -biznes pres presklubi savaWro-samrewvelo savaWro-samrewvelo palatis palatis axali axali proeqti proeqti ▶ savaWro samrewvelo palatam biznesmenebs kidev erTi proeqti - biznes pres klubi SesTavaza.

es aris pirveli SemTxveva, rodesac saqarTveloSi adgilobrivi da saerTaSoriso kompaniebisTvis Tavisufali media sivrce gaixsna. „biznes pres klubiT“ sargeblobis saSualeba aqvs mcire, saSualo da msxvil mewarmeebs. maT SeuZliaT am tribunidan gaaxmovanon problemuri Tu sadavo sakiTxebi. biznes seqtoris warmomadgenlebs SeuZliaT, isaubron maT winaSe arsebul gamowvevebze, sazogadoebas gaacnon axali iniciativebi, konkretul sakiTxTan dakavSirebiT mimarTon aRmasrulebel Tu sakanonmdeblo xelisuflebas da sakuTari Sexedulebebidan gamomdinare gamoiyenon „pres klubis“ sivrce da SesaZleblobebi. „biznes pres klubiT“ sargebloba SeuZlia nebismier dainteresebul mewarmesa da biznes organizacias.

pres klubi: • presisa da mediis warmomadgenlebs miawvdis informacias biznes seqtorSi mimdinare procesebTan da ekonomikur siaxleebTan dakavSirebiT

2014 | noemberi


offers businessmen another new project named the Business Press Club. This is the first time in Georgia when a free media has become open for the local and international companies. Small, medium and large businessmen as well as business organizations will be able to use a tribune of the Business Club to talk about problematic or disputed issues. Business representatives will have an opportunity to speak about the challenges they face, to acquaint the public with their initiatives, to address to the executive and legislative authorities on a particular issue and use the Press Club space and opportunities at their discretion.


• provides information and economic news to press and media representatives on current developments in the business sector


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


• misi meSveobiT Jurnalistebs saSualeba eqnebaT daukavSirdnen pres klubis wevrs da miiRon misgan sasurveli informacia.

• allows journalists to communicate with Press Club members and get the desired information.

„biznes pres klubSi“ gamarTuli preskonferenciebi pirdapiri eTeriT gadaicema da daarqivdeba specialurad am proeqtisTvis Seqmnil veb-gverdze, aseve nebismieri sainformacio saagentosTvis, Tu sxva media saSualebisTvis xelmisawvdomi iqneba preskonferenciis dros gadaRebuli video da foto suraTebi.

Business Club press conferences will be broadcasted live and archived on the web-site created specially for this project, as well as video and photo materials shot during the news conference will be available for any news agency and other media outlets.

saqarTveloSi pirveli „biznes pres klubi“ yvela mis xelT arsebul resurss gamoiyenebs imisaTvis, rom biznesis warmomadgenlebs, mTavrobasa da sazogadoebas Soris Seqmnas efeqturi sakomunikacio arxebi, Seasrulos mediatoris funqcia da xeli Seuwyos maT Soris efeqtur komunikacias.

Georgia’s first Business Press Club will use all the resources to create effective communication channels between representatives of business, government and the public, as well as to act as a mediator and facilitate effective communication between the parties.



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

kulturis palatis Sesaxeb ▶ rogor da ratom warmoiSva kulturis palata? ideis warmoqmna dakavSirebulia saqarTveloSi, rogorc postsabWoTa qveyanaSi, memkvidreobiT miRebuli ekonomikuri mdgomareobidan. qveyana, romelsac aqvs uZvelesi saxelmwifoebriobisa da kulturuli TviTmyofadobis tradiciebi, saWiroebda sabazro ekonomikuri urTierTobebis aRdgenas da biznesis mowinave meTodebis danergvas. Sedegad, qarTuli kulturis popularizaciis niadagze qarTuli biznesis warmoCenis mizniT, Seiqmna struqtura saqarTvelos savaWro samrewvelo palataSi, romlis funqciasac warmoadgens biznesisa da kulturis koordinacia; proeqtis ZiriTadi arsi - kultura warmoaCens bizness, biznesi uzrunvelyofs kulturas. proeqtis miznebis Sesabamisad Camoyalibda arakomerciuli struqtura - „saqarTvelos kulturis palata“, romlis damfuZnebelia „saqarTvelos savaWro samrewvelo palata“. proeqtis aqtualoba gamyarebulia misi miznebiT: • qarTuli kulturis popularizaciis xelSewyoba qveynis SigniT da mis farglebs gareT. • kulturisa da biznesis partnioruli urTierTobebis gaRrmaveba • xelovnebis dargis warmomadgenlebis institucionaluri da kerZo investorebTan, agreTve im biznesmenebTan, romlebic dainteresebulni arian am sferoSi sainvesticio an/da mecenaturi saqmianobiT kavSir-urTierTobebis damyareba. • xelovnebis dReebis, gamofenebis da sxva kulturuli RonisZiebebis, agreTve kulturis da biznesis erToblivi forumebis organizeba. 2014 | noemberi

▶ How was the project idea originated and why? The origin of the idea is related to the economic condition inherited in Georgia as in the country of post-Soviet leadership. The country which has the oldest state and cultural self-being traditions needed the revival of market economic relations and implementation of business advance methods. As a result on the basis of popularization of Georgian culture for the purpose of promoting the Georgian business the structural division has been created in the Commercial Industrial Chamber of Georgia the function of which was the coordination of business and culture; The description of the project in relevance with the selected category (context, innovative character, invested sources, difficulties) The basic idea of the project lies in the following – culture promotes the business, business provides the culture. In relevance with the project objectives the non commercial structural division - “Georgian Chamber of Culture,” has been created the founder of which is “Commercial Industrial Chamber of Georgia.” The project actuality is based on the following aims:


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry



• kulturis popularizaciis mizniT masalebis, videorgolebis, sareklamo katalogebis da bukletebis gamocema. • qarTuli kulturis ganviTarebisTvis sakanonmdeblo sferoSi monawileobis miReba da winadadebis wardgena. • ucxouri da adgilobrivi investiciebis mozidvis mizniT kulturis obieqtebis materialuri bazis ganviTarebis xelSewyoba. • saerTaSoriso praqtikis gamoyenebiT Seqmnas xelovnebis nimuSebis Sefasebis sistema. rac gamoiwvevs qarTuli xelovnebis nimuSebSi danazogebis dabandebas.

• The assistance of popularizing Georgian culture

inside the country and abroad

• Deepening the partner relations of culture and


• Establishment of investment and/or tycoon activity

contacts-relations of representatives of the field of Art with institutional and private investors, also with those businessmen who are interested in this field.

• Organization of joint forums of culture and

business, art days, exhibitions and other cultural events

• For the purpose of cultural popularization the

publishing of materials, video shots, advertising catalogues and booklets

• Participation and bidding in the field of legislation

for developing Georgian culture

• kulturis dargis muSakTa socialuri pirobebis amaRlebisaTvis RonisZiebebis gatareba.

• For the purpose of attracting the foreign and local

• kulturis dawesebulebebisaTvis biznes gegmebis Sedgenis, safinanso da iuridiuli momsaxurebisa da konsultaciebis gaweva.

• Using the international practice create the system for evaluating the art samples which will

investments assisting the development of material base and cultural objects



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

„saqarTvelos kulturis palatis“ organizebiT Catarebulma RonisZiebebma mniSvnelovni gamoxmaureba hpova mewarme subieqtebSi, rac aisaxa am RonisZiebebis sponsorobaSi sxvadasxva formiT - finansuri, ufaso, maTi momsaxurebiT, zogierTi produqtis mowodebiT da sxva. amasTan, RonisZiebebis mimdinareobis procesSi palatis mier xdeboda mxardamWeri kompaniebis deklarireba sareklamo klipebsa da beWdviT masalebSi maTi logoebis CarTviT; kiTxvaze SesaZlebelia Tu ara aRniSnuli ideis msoflios sxva wertilebSi ganxorcieleba, pasuxi aseTia: analogiuri proeqtis realizacia rekomendirebulia sxva, rogorc ganviTarebul, aseve mdidari kulturis mqone, ganviTarebis SedarebiT biznesis dabal doneze mqone qveynebisaTvis;

cause the investment of savings in Georgian art samples. • Making events for increasing the social conditions

for those working in the field of culture

• For cultural institutions providing the financial

and legal services and consultations, making the business plans

What impacts did the mentioned project have and what were the results (short term and long term impact, measuring data, benefits); “The events organized by the “Georgian Chamber of Culture” have caused important reactions within entrepreneurs which then was reflected in sponsoring these events in various forms – financial, providing free service, delivering some products and other. Also, during the events Chamber used to declare about the above mentioned companies and engaging them in commercial breaks and printed materials including their logos;

analogiuri praqtika sxva qveynebis savaWro samrewvelo palatebis egidiT ar warmoebs. garda amisa, mniSvnelovani rgoli iqneba kulturis mecenatobis gansaviTareblad, saidanac sargebels biznesic miiRebs misi brendis da produqciis reklamirebis saxiT;

Is it possible or not to nurture the mentioned idea in other parts of the world? (Describe how and why?)

saqarTvelos kulturis palatis weliwadnaxevriani funqcionirebis periodSi sxvadasxva saxelmwifo da biznesis subieqtebTan TanamSromlobis Sedegad, Catarda kulturuli, saganmanaTleblo da saerTaSoriso mniSvnelobis RonisZiebebi.

Document why should be your project selected in final stage and presented at 9th Congress of World Chambers?

saqarTvelos kulturis palata warmoadgens „axalgazrda pianistTa Tbilisis saerTaSoriso konkursis“ erT-erT damfuZnebels da organizators. wels konkursi Catarda 1-8 maiss m.berZeniSvilis saxelobis kulturis saerTaSoriso centr „muzas“ bazaze. masSi monawileoba miiRes sxvadasxva asakis musikos Semsruleblebma saqarTvelodan, ukrainidan, litvidan, latviidan, yazaxeTidan, azerbaijanidan da somxeTidan.

2014 | noemberi

The implementation of analog projects is recommended for the developed countries, also for the ones having rich culture, having low level of business in comparison with the development


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

2014 wlis 16-18 marts, saqarTvelos kulturis palatis organizebiT qalaq mainis frankfurtSi gaimarTa qarTuli ekonomiuri forumi da kulturis dReebi germaniaSi. programis mixedviT Sedga arnold gegeCkoris fotoebis gamofenagayidva frankfurtis internacionalur TeatrSi, mixeil TumaniSvilis saxelobis Teatris dasis speqtakli „Tavisufali wyvili“-s Cveneba, agreTve nino CxeiZis wignis prezentacia. frankfurtis filmis muzeumSi gaimarTa vaxtang kuncevgabaSvilis fotoebis gamofena-gayidva, iqve moxda kote verulaSvilis dokumenturi filmis Cveneba-premiera rezo CxeiZis bavSvobaze da kompania „mifasis“ mier Seqmnili qarTuli animaciuri filmebis Cveneba zurab diasamiZis xelmZRvanelobiT. dasasruls frankfurtis „Commerzbank“- Si gaimarTa qarTul-germanuli ekonomikuri forumi. kulturul programasTan erTad, ekonomikuri forumis farglebSi Sedga Sexvedra qarTvel biznesmenebsa da frankfurtis mersa da sxva saxelmwifo moxeleebs Soris. Sexvedraze biznesmenebma dasaxes samomavlo TanamSromloba da sainvesticio gegmebi. wlis dasawyisidan palatis organizebiT Catarda qarTuli kulturis gamoCenili moRvaweebis SemoqmedebiTi saRamoebi, romlis uzrunvelyofaSi, garda saxelmwifo struqturebisa, mniSvnelovani wvlili Seitanes


As we are aware, the analog practice has not been implemented under the leadership of other countries’ Commercial Industrial Chambers. Despite important shot will be for developing the cultural tycoon from where the business also will be beneficial in the form of promoting its brand and production; The application is possible to be attached to the letter certifying the success achieved in frames of project. The letter may be submitted by the State Agency of National Committee of ICC, of Commercial Chamber and or that of the company. During the one year and half period of Georgian Chamber of Culture’s function as a result of cooperating with various state and business entities the cultural, educational and internationally leveled events took place. Georgian Chamber of Culture is one of the founder and organizer of “Tbilisi International Competition of Young Pianists”. The competition was held on 1-8th of May at M. Berdzenishvili International Cultural Centre “Muse”. Different age Musicians took place in the competition from Georgia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Armenia. The competition aims to reveal talents among the young artists and create principles for establishing new generation of professional pianists. The jury which is comprised of famous musicians and pedagogues from Ukraine, Germany, USA and Georgia revealed the winners and their pedagogues have been awarded with the Diplomas and monetary prizes.



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

The competition is traditional event and the programs of competitors are set up from the works of Georgian composers which significantly assists the tense connection and contact of them with the Georgian art of performance, including piano, also other countries’ musicians with the Georgian national composer’s creative work. It is remarkable that two young pianist taking part in the competition for the purpose of probation will be allowed to leave for France.

saqarTvelos biznesis sferos warmomadgenlebma. aseTi RonisZiebebis ricxvs miekuTvneba momRerlebis Temur wiklauris da irma soxaZis, ansambl „simis“, pantomimis Teatris damaarseblis amiran SalikaSvilis, quTaisis l. mesxiSvilis saxelobis dramatuli Teatris msaxiobebis lamara vaSakiZe da naTela saRaraZis, JansuR da mamuka Carkvianebis saRamoebi, xelovnebis cnobili saxeebis monawileobiT. saRamoebis dasrulebas Tan axlda aRniSnul moRvaweTa „varskvlavebis“ gaxsna. aseTi RonisZiebebi dadebiTi emociebis matarebelia, rogorc sazogadoebis mniSvnelovan nawilSi, aseve TviT nominantebSic, rac sicocxleSi maT Semoqmedebis dafasebis magaliTs warmoadgens. 2014 wlis 24-31 agvistos baTumSi da 1 seqtembers TbilisSi Catarda klasikuri musikis saerTaSoriso festivali „Ramis serenadebi“, romlis samxatvro xelmZRvanelia saxelganTqmuli qarTveli musikosi liana isakaZe. festivalSi monawileoba miiRo msoflios 10-mde qveynis saxelganTqmulma musikosma. festivalis mimdinareobis dros xdeboda qarTuli warmoebis produqciis prezentacia-reklamireba, xolo festivalis mediasaSualebebSi gaSuqebisas, festivalis xelSemwyobi firmebis reklamireba. saqvelmoqmedo fond „lirasTan“ TanamSromlobiT 10-16 ivliss baTumSi, Catarda „saerTaSoriso musikaluri festivali Batumi MusicFest“ festivalis samxatvro xelmZRvanelia cnobili qarTveli pianisti eliso bolqvaZe. festivalis programa moicavda ara mxolod msoflioSi 2014 | noemberi

On 16-18th of March 2014 with the leadership of Georgian Chamber of Culture, Georgian Economic Forum and Cultural Days in Germany have been held in the city of Frankfurt on Mein. According to the program the exhibition of Arnold Gegechkori’s photos was held in the International Theatre of Frankfurt. The performance of Mikheil Tumanishvili Theatre - Company of Actors was performed, also Nino Ckheidze’s book was presented. In the Frankfurt Film Museum the exhibition of Vakhtang Kuncev-Gabashvili’s photos has been held, followed by the performance-premier of Kote Verulashvili documentary film about the Rezo Chkheidze childhood. Also, Georgian animated films created by the company “MIFASI” under the leadership of Zurab Diasamidze were shown. At the end Georgian-Economic forum was held in Frankfurt’s Commerzbank. Together with cultural program in the framework of economic forum the meeting was held between Georgian businessmen and City Mayor of Frankfurt and other state officials. During the meeting the future cooperation and investment plans were discussed. In the beginning of the year the Chamber organized the Evenings with the participation of famous Georgians. Besides governmental bodies, important contribution was made by the representatives of Georgian business sphere. To the number of such events the concert of Georgian singers Temur Tsiklauri and Irma Sokhadze, Ensemble “SIMI” were held; also the actors of Kutaisi L. Meskhishvili Dramatic Theatre Lamara Vashakidze and Natela Saghiradze performed, the evenings of Jansugh and Mamuka Charkvianis were held with the participation of other famous faces of art field. The evenings were ended by the opening of the “stars” for the mentioned creative workers. Such events carry


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

cnobili xelovanebis gamosvlebs, aramed axalgazrda musikosebTan master klasebis Catarebas da baTumis simfoniur orkestrTan SemoqmedebiTi gamocdilebis gaziarebas. festivalis mizani iyo axalgazrda musikosebis motivaciis amaRleba, axali meTodebis danergva musikaluri Janris sxvadasxva mimarTulebiT, regionSi da mTlianad saqarTveloSi turizmis ganviTarebis xelSewyoba da biznes kompaniebis mozidva sxvadasxva qveynebidan. festivalis aqtiuri mxardamWerebi iyvnen amerikis SeerTebuli Statebis, safrangeTisa da italiis saelCoebi saqarTveloSi, agreTve qarTuli biznesis warmomadgenlebi. festivalis warmatebiT Catarebaze metyvelebs is faqtic, rom festivalis saerTaSoriso standartebis Sesabamisobaze ganacxada msoflioSi avtoritetulma organizaciam „evropis festivalebis asociaciam“. cnobilma solistebma garda festivalis programiT gaTvaliswinebuli koncertebisa, Caatares masterklasebi saqarTvelos sxvadasxva regionebidan festivalis organizebiT Camoyvanil axalgazrda musikisebTan. Sedegad, festivalis rekomendaciiT da daxmarebiT safrangeTis saelCo da diumas centri afinansebs 12 wlis quTaisel mevioline gvanca bucxrikiZes 2015 wels saerTaSoriso festivalSi monawileobis misaRebad. garda amisa, festivalis masterklasebSi gamarjvebuli 11 wlis barbare TaTaraZe da lia lomTaTiZe masterklasebs gaivlian parizSi cnobil frang profesor miSel signisTan fond „SOS Talants Foundation“-is farglebSi, romelic maT iwvevs 2014 wlis 11 dekembers parizSi da 2015 wlis 5 Tebervals amsterdamis cnobil darbaz „Concergebouw“-Si, gala koncertSi monawileobis misaRebad. aseve mniSvnelovania, rom prestiJulma frangulma Jurnalma „Classica“ seqtembris nomerSi moamzada specialuri reportaJi festivalis Sesaxeb, raSic asaxulia festivalis mimdinareobis detalebi. 2014 wlis marti-aprilis periodSi momzadda proeqti „Jurnalistebi kulturisaTvis“,


the positive emotions in the important part of the society as well as among nominees which is the clear example of appraisal of their creative work in their lives. On 24-31st of August 2014 in Batumi and on 1st of September in Tbilisi the Classical Music International Festival “Evening Serenades” were held. The art leader is the famous Georgian musician Liana Isakadze. The famous musicians from about 10 countries from the world took part in the festival. During the festival Georgian production was presented. As soon as media spread information about the festival, the organization assisting companies of the festival were named. With the cooperation of Charity Fund “LIRA” on 1016th of July in Batumi the International Music Festival Batumi Music Fest has been held. The art leader is famous Georgian pianist Eliso Bolkvadze. The festival program included not only the performances of world known artists, but the master classes with young musicians and sharing of the creative experience of Batumi Symphonic Orchestra. The aim of the festival was to increase the motivation for young musicians, to implement new methods in various trends of music genres, to assist the development of the tourism in Georgia at regional or entire level and to attract the business companies from various countries. The festival has been actively supported by the Embassies of the United States of America, France and Italy, also the representatives of Georgian business. The fact that the authorized organization – “Association of European Festivals” has made declaration about the relevance of the festival standards to those of international level speaks about the success of the Festival. Famous solo performers organized not only the concerts foreseen by the festival program but they also delivered master classes with the young musicians who were invited to take part in the Festival from various regions of Georgia. As a result of the above mentioned, with the recommendation and assistance of the Embassy of France and Dumas’ Centre, 12 year old violin player from Kutaisi Gvantsa Butskhrikidze will be financed to take part in the international festival in 2015. Moreover 11 year old Barbare Tataradze, winner of master classes in festival and Lia Lomtatidze will be given master classes in Paris by famous French Professor Michel Sign in frames of Fund “SOS Talents



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

romelic iTvaliswinebs konkurss JurnalistikaSi, kerZod mediaSi kulturis Jurnalistikis mimarTulebiT arsebuli donis amaRlebis mizniT satelevizio da radio proeqtebis SemuSaveba kulturis politikis problematikaze. SemuSavda proeqtis programa da menejmenti, ganisazRvra konkursis pirobebi, agreTve proeqtSi monawile JurnalistebisaTvis treningebis Catarebis procedurebisa da mTlianad proeqtis uzrunvelyofisaTvis saWiro resursebis moculobebi. kvalificiuri axalgazrda kadrebis gamovlenisa da aRzrdis samTavrobo programis farglebSi, saqarTvelos kulturis palatis bazaze aprilmaisis ganmavlobaSi, romelic gagrZeldeba wlis bolomde, tardeba treningebi ilias universitetis studentebTan kulturis sferoSi menejmentis sakiTxebze. treningebs daeqvemdebara 25 studenti, rasac safuZvlad daedo palatasa da universitets Soris dadebuli xelSekruleba. studentebs Soris gamovlindeba perspeqtiuli specialistebi, romlebic programis Sesabamisad SesaZlebelia dasaqmdnen kulturis dargis sxvadasxva mimarTulebiT. amJamad palatis mier Catarebul festivalebsa da RonisZiebebSi dasaqmebulia ekonomikisa da biznesis specialobis 10 studenti, romlebic praqtikul gamocdilebas iZenen specialobiT kulturis menejmentis ganxriT. qvelmoqmedebis mimarTulebiT palatis mier materialuri daxmareba gaewia ozurgeTis miusafar bavSvTa saxlis aRsazrdelebs, sul 15 bavSvs. aseve materialuri daxmareba profesiuli ganviTarebisaTvis aucilebeli saSualebebiT gaewia axalgazrda perspeqtiul mxatvrebs. palatis SesaZleblobebis farglebSi mudmivad mimdinareobs Semoqmedi personaliebisaTvis daxmareba maTi Semoqmedebis samsjavroze gamotanis saqmeSi. urTierTTanamSromlobis gaRrmavebisa da qarTuli kulturisa da turizmis ganviTarebisa

2014 | noemberi

Foundation” which will invite them for December 11th, 2014 and February 5th, 2015 in Amsterdam, gall Concergebouw to take part in the Gala Concert. Also it is important that prestigious French magazine Classica prepared special reporting in September about the festival where the details of Festival were elucidated. During March-April of 2014 project “Journalists for Culture” has been prepared which foresees the competition in Journalism, namely for the purpose of increasing the level existing in the field of cultural journalism in media and re-processing of radio projects related to the problems of cultural policy. The project program and management system has been worked out, the competition terms have been determined, also the necessary resources for providing the project entirely and procedures of organizing the trainings for journalists taking part in the project. In frames of revealing the young qualified staff and government program for bringing up them on the base of Georgian Chamber of Culture in April-May will be held which will last till the end of the year. The trainings will be made with the students of Ilia University in the fields of culture, on issues related to management. The training were provided to 25 students under the agreement signed between the University and Chamber. Among the students the perspective specialists will be revealed who in relevance with the program are possibly to become employed in the field of culture. Now 10 students from economical and business education have been employed in the festivals and events organized by the Chamber who will get the practical experience in the fields of cultural management. The material assistance was provided by the Chamber to Ozurgeti Homeless Children’s House, totally for 15 children. Also the material assistance was given to young prospective artists with the means necessary for professional development. In frames of Chamber’s possibilities the assistance to creative workers always takes place for the purpose of promoting their world. For the purpose of developing the Georgian culture and tourism and popularization and deepening the relations and cooperation, memorandum was signed


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

da popularizaciis mizniT, saqarTvelos kulturis palatasa da turizmis administracias Soris gaformda memorandumi. saqarTvelos sagareo saqmeTa saministrosTan TanamSromlobiT mimdinareobs proeqtis „msoflio kulturis dReebi saqarTveloSi“ realizacia, romelic Tavs uyris msoflios sxvadasxva qveynis warmomadgenlebs, raTa maT warmouCinon qarTul sazogadoebas TavianTi qveynis kultura, tradiciebi da RirsSesaniSnaobebi. msoflio kulturis dReebi Catardeba TbilisSi da masSi wamyvan monawileobas miiRebs saqarTveloSi akreditebuli diplomatiuri warmomadgenlobebi. monawile saelCoebs/sakonsuloebs saSualeba eZlevaT warmoaCinon sakuTari qveyana maTTvis sasurveli gziT. agreTve RonisZiebaze saSualeba miecemaT maTi biznesis warmomadgenlebs awarmoon molaparakebebi adgilobrivi biznesis warmomadgenlebTan maTTvis saintereso Temebze. programa iTvaliswinebs ordRiani RonisZiebis gamarTvas ZiriTadad SabaT-kviras, romelic dilidan saRamomde daeTmoba warmodgenili qveynis RonisZiebebs, xolo saRamos gaimarTeba gala koncerti, sadac monawileobas miiReben qarTveli da ucxoeli momRerlebi, mocekvaveebi da musikosebi, axalbeda da cnobili Semsruleblebi. RonisZiebis mizania ganvamtkicoT urTierToba sxvadasxva qveynebTan, davainteresoT isini kulturiTa da tradiciebiT da vaCvenoT maT Cveni mxare. gaRrmavdes urTierTobebi biznesis wreebs Soris. kulturis palatiT sazogadoebis dainteresebasa da popularobaze metyvelebs is faqtic, rom palatis saitze dadebiTi gamoxmaureba gamoxata 40 000-ze metma pirma.


between Georgian Chamber of Culture and Tourism Administration. With the cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia the project – “World Cultural Days in Georgia” takes place which gathers the representatives from various countries of the world for promoting their country’s culture, traditions and sightseeing for Georgian society. The world cultural days will be held in Tbilisi and there will be participating diplomatic representatives accredited in Georgia. The participant Embassies/Consular departments are given the opportunity to promote their own country according to their wish. Also their business representatives will be given the opportunity to handle the negotiations during the event with the local business representatives around the topics they are interested in. The program foresees two day events mainly on weekends from the morning till evening which will be dedicated to the country events, and in the evening Gala Concert will take place where Georgian and foreign singers, dancers and musicians, newcomer and famous performers will take part. The aim of the event is to deepen the relationship with various countries, get interested in their culture and traditions and promote them ourselves, to deepen the relationship between business circles. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia takes obligation for being the mediatory agency between the Embassies and Representations in frames of the project and the Chamber of Culture will be responsible for solving the organizational issues, Chamber will take care of Georgian business interest. It is planned that the project to be transformed in annual events which will significantly close the diplomatic representatives accredited in Georgia with the cultural and business representatives of Georgia. The fact that more than 40 000 persons expressed their positive attitude on the website of Chamber speaks about the society interest and popularity towards Chamber of Culture.


40 mogesalmebiT,

partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

9 sruliad gansxvavebuli stilis,

gemovnebis, samuSao Tu cxovrebiseuli gamocdilebis mqone qalbatonis mier Seqmnili saqarTvelos qalTa biznes asociaciis saxeliT, romlis prezidentic gaxlavarT me, nino qoCiaSvili. Cven miznad davisaxeT saqarTveloSi mcxovrebi qalebis socialuri da ekonomikuri mdgomareobis gaZliereba, maTi biznesSi CarTvis xelSewyoba, unar-Cvevebis amaRleba, profesiuli gadamzadeba, TviTSefasebis amaRleba, niWierTa warmoCena da maTi popularizacia, aseve biznesmen qalTa reestris Seqmna da maT Soris kontaqtebis gaRrmaveba qveqnis SigniT da mis sazRvrebs gareT. rogor vfiqrobT amis gakeTebas? martivad, mniSvnelovania Tqveni Tanamonawileba. periodulad gamova asociaciis orenovani Jurnali. es Jurnali iqneba axali sivrce saqmiani qalebisaTvis, raTa gauziaron TavianTi gamocdileba danarCenebs. asociaciis wevrebi miiReben monawileobas sxvadasxva oficialur Sexvedrebsa da RonisZiebebSi, rogoricaa saukeTeso biznesmeni qalis dajildoeba. wlis ganmavlobaSi Tavdadebuli moxalise, gamorCeuli sponsori, gaTamaSdeba lataria, moewyoba auqcionebi, Catardeba mravali saxis treningi, iqnebian partniori universitetebi da profesiuli saswavleblebi. es yvelaferi mogvcems saSualebas, erTad davexmaroT SezRuduli SesaZleblobis mqone adaminebs, martoxela dedebs, moxucebs gavuxalisoT darCenili cxovreba, mzrunvelobamoklebul bavSvebs movuwyoT zeimi da avusruloT ocnebebi, SevuqmnaT sasjelmoxdil qalebs reabilitaciisTvis mniSvnelovani minimumi.

sikeTe gadamdebia, megobrebo, SemogvierTdiT!!!

saqarTvelos qalTa biznes asociaciis prezidenti

vin varT Cven? arasamTavrobo organizacia „saqarTvelos qalTa biznebs asociacia“ warmoadgens saqarTvelos samoqalaqo kodeqsis Sesabamisad Seqmnil arasamewarmeo (arakomerciul) iuridiul pirs, romlis mizanicaa qalTa ekonomikuri mdgomareobis gaumjobeseba, qalebis biznesSi gaaqtiureba, genderuli balansis dacvis xelSewyoba, sxvadasxva kategoriis qalTa da bavSvTa humanitaruli daxmareba. 2014 | noemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


organizaciis miznebi da amocanebia: • saqarTveloSi qalTa unar-Cvevebis amaRleba, xelSewyoba da profesiuli ganTlebis uzrunvelyofa • qal biznesmenTa Soris kavSirebis damyareba • saqmian qalTa reestris Seqmna da maTi Sekrebebis organizeba • qalTa biznes kavSirebis xelSewyoba qveynis SigniT da mis farglebs gareT • dasaqmebul qalTa uflebebis da genderuli balansis dacva • samuSaos anazRaurebisas genderuli Tanasworobis dacva • dasaqmebul qalTa karieruli zrdis xelSewyoba da lider qalTa gazrda • qalebis mier biznesis dawyebis xelSewyoba da zogadi principebis gacnoba • qalebisaTvis finansur resursTan xelmisawvdomoba • axalgazrda qalTa motivaciis Seqmna • studentebis motivaciis xelSewyoba • mravalSviliani dedebisa da siRaribis zRvars qvemoT myofi diasaxlisebis daxmareba • arasrulwlovani dedebis daxmareba • moxucebul qalTa cxovrebis pirobebis gaumjobeseba • sasjelmoxdil qalTa sazogadoebaSi integracia • qalTa daavadebebis prevencia • mzrunveloba moklebul bavSvTa daxmareba

organizaciis saqmianobis formebi • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

saerTaSoriso gacvliTi programebi profesiuli ganaTlebis kursebis Catareba; treiningebisa da seminarebis uzrunvelyofa monacemTa Segroveba, damuSaveba da bazebis Seqmna sxvadasxva forumebisa da Sekrebebis organizeba biznes kontaqtebis damyareba genderuli statistikis warmoeba genderuli balansis aRdgenisa da Tanasworobis Sesaxeb rekomendaciebis momzadeba da gaziareba saganmanaTleblo programebis ganxorcieleba alternatiuli dagrovebis meqanizmis e.w. „latareis“ popularizacia studentebTan samotivacio Sexvedrebis gamarTva da samuSao praqktikis uzrunvelyofa yovelTviuri Jurnali sxvadasxva konkursis Catareba masmediasTan urTierToba huminataruli tvirTis darigeba moxaliseTa institutis popularizacia donorebTan da potenciur mecenatebTan urTierTobebis damyareba kvlevebisa da monitoringis ganxorcieleba sagamomcemlo da mTargmnelobiTi saqmianoba saTanado literaturisa da sxva informaciis gavrceleba NOVEMBER | 2014


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

I am Nino Kochiashvili, President of the Women's Business Association, let me greet you on behalf of the organization created by nine women of completely different style, tastes, work or life experience. Our goal is to improve social and economic situation of Georgian women, to support their involvement in business, to raise their skills and self-esteem, vocational training, to promote the talented women as well as to create a register of businesswomen and to deepen contacts between them inside and outside the country. How are we going to do it? To do this, your complicity is essential. The Association’s bilingual magazine will be issued quarterly and will become a new space for women in business to share their experience with others. The Association members will participate in various official meetings and events, such as the Best Business Woman of the Year Award. During the year a dedicated volunteer, the best sponsor will be revealed, as well as the lottery will be drawn, auctions will be held, various trainings will be conducted, we’ll collaborate with partner universities and professional schools. All of this will enable us to help people with disabilities together, single mothers, to brighten the lives of the elderly, to arrange holidays for the homeless children and fulfill their dreams, to create conditions for the rehabilitation of women serving punishment. Kindness is contagious, friends, join us !!!

saqarTvelos qalTa biznes asociaciis prezidenti

Join us! To do this, you must select a desired membership type, and fill in a simple application form, according to which we’ll know the reasons why you became the member of our big team. Membership application form must indicate the name, ID number, date of birth, home address, city, country, telephone number, place of employment and position. Filling in the application form and membership fee payment can be done by internet website. 2014 | noemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


THE ORGANIZATION GOALS • Capacity building for women in Georgia, supporting women’s higher and vocational education • Establishing relations among business women • Creation of an appropriate register, providing assistance in the organization of business women gatherings • Providing assistance in connecting business women inside and outside the country • Protecting the rights of employed women, gender balance at workplace • Achieving gender equality in terms of salaries and career development of employed women • Providing information on general business principles • Motivating Young Women, revealing and promoting talented women • Motivating students and raising women leadres • Helping mothers of many children, increased birth, providing information on fetal care, helping housewives below poverty line • Helping teenage mothers • Improving life quality of elderly women • Social integration of women being jailed • Prevention of women deseases • Helping vulnerable children

ORGANIZATION ACTIVITIES • Promotion of international exchange programs • Holding vocational education courses, training and workshops • Data collection, processing and building up data bases • Organizing various forums and gatherings • Establishing business contacts • Providing gender statistics • Preparation and sharing of reccomendations on gender balance and equality restoration • Implementing educational programs • Promotion of the Lottery savings mechanism • Holding motivational meetings with students, providing students with work practices • Edition of a monthly magazine • Holding competitions • Media Relations • Distribution of humanitarian aid • Facilitation of voluntary assistance • Collecting statistical information • Establishing relations with potential donors and philantropists • Conducting researches and monitoring activities • Conducting literature related, publishing and translation activities; Sharing related materials and information NOVEMBER | 2014


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

saofise avejis bazris kvleva „saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis - kvleviTi centri“ Jurnalis yvela nomerSi warmogidgenT sxvadasxva sferoSi Catarebuli kvlevis arasrul, zogad nawils. kvlevis es nawili biznesmenebs saSualebas miscems warmodgena Seeqmnas sferoSi mimdinare suraTze, xolo Tu mis interesSi Sedis gamoqveynebuli kvlevis sruli nawili, SeuZlia daukavSirdes „kvleviT centrs“ Semdeg misamarTze. research@gcci.ge 2014 wlis agvisto–oqtomberSi Catarda „saofise avejis bazris kvleva“. kvlevis mizans warmoadgenda 2012–2013 wlebSi saqarTveloSi saofise avejis bazris moTxovna, miwodebis struqturis Seswavla.

avejis mwarmoeblebi kompaniis zomis mixedviT

avejis mwarmoeblebi

2012–2013 wlebSi avejis mwarmoebeli moqmedi sawarmoebis % biznes seqtoris mTlian r–basTan



















kvlevis Sedegebi saofise avejis importis kvlevisas moxda Semdegi parametrebis Seswavla:

 saofise avejis wliuri importis moculobis dadgena  saofise avejis importiori qveynebis identificireba  saofise avejis msxvili importiori kompaniebis identificireba  saofise avejis importis wilis adgilobriv bazarze dadgena

2014 | noemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


avejis importi saqarTveloSi (aTasi lari)




aTasi lari


aTasi lari


aTasi lari


saqarTvelos importi sul




saofise avejis importi







dawesebulebaSi gamosayenebeli tipis liTonis aveji







dawesebulebaSi gamosayenebeli tipis xis aveji









partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

avejis importi saqarTveloSi (procentuli maCveneblebi)




aTasi lari


aTasi lari


aTasi lari


saqarTvelos importi sul







saofise avejis importi




dawesebulebaSi gamosayenebeli tipis liTonis aveji







dawesebulebaSi gamosayenebeli tipis xis aveji














rac Seexeba saofise avejis importis cvlilebas, kvlevis Sedegad dadginda, rom 2012 wlidan 2013 wlamde Rirebulebis mixedviT saofise avejis importi saqarTveloSi 75%–iT Semcirda, xolo moculobis mixedviT – 58%–iT.

2014 | noemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


saofise avejis importiori qveynebi

saofise avejis umsxvilesi 10 importiori qveyana importirebuli saqonlis moculobis Rirebulebebisa da moculobebis mixedviT






aSS dolari

aSS dolari














































gaerTianebuli samefo






























CexeTis respublika

























partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

avejis umsxvilesi importiorebi

avejis umsxvilesi 10 importiori kompania brunvis moculobis mixedviT

sawarmoos dasaxeleba

sagadasaxado kodi


Sps „meno interneiSnl“



Sps „arqTreidi“



Sps „senatror panci“



Sps „instra jorjia“



Sps „visti“




Sps „beluqsi“




Sps „ofis 1“




Sps „embavud jorjia“




Sps „retro 2009“




Sps „golbi“




Sps „verona“



Sps „galanti“



Sps „interbildingi“



2014 | noemberi




Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


avejis umsxvilesi mwarmoeblebi saqarTveloSi kvlevis miznebis Sesabamisad, aseve moxda yvelaze msxvili adgilobrivi avejis mwarmoeblebis, kerZod yvelaze msxvili sawarmoebis identifikacia, romlebic brunvebis moculobis mixedviT liderobdnen, 2012–2013 wlebSi

2012–2012 wlebis avejis umsxvilesi mwarmoeblebi brunvis moculobis mixedviT

sawarmoos dasaxeleba

sagadasaxado kodi



Sps embavud jorjia




Sps magTivini




Sps randi




Sps savarZeli




Sps evrostili - XXI




Sps modern-vila


Sps op-arti




Sps jeostili




ss Tbilisis saskolo inventaris fabrika




Sps ifani






,+ 6





partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

moTxovna – saofise aveji saxelmwifo seqtorSi kvlevis miznebis Sesabamisad, dadginda saxelmwifo institutebis mier zemoaRniSnul kategoriebSi Sesyidvebis sixSire (r–ba) da Rirebuleba (lari). kvlevis miznebisaTvis, aseve gakeTda 2012 da 2013 wlebis am monacemebis saSualo maCveneblebis kalkulacia

saxelmwifo seqtorSi avejis Sesyidvebi kategoriebis mixedviT 2012



sixSire (r–ba)

fasi (lari)

sixSire (r–ba)

fasi (lari)

sixSire saSualo (r–ba)

fasi saSualo (lari)








sabavSvo baRebi







samedicino-saoperacio laboratoria




























kvlevis Sedegad aseve dadginda, rom 2012–2013 wlebSi, saxelmwifo seqtorSi Sesyidvebis saSualo moculoba iyo 6,617,887 lari, xolo Sesyidvebis saSualo sixSire – 102.

2012-2013 wlebSi saxelmwifo seqtorSi avejis yvelaze msxvili Semsyidvelebi Sesyidvebis Rirebulebis mixedviT kategoria


fasi (lari)


saganmanaTleblo da samecniero infrastruqturis ganviTarebis saagento


sabavSvo baRebi

baTumis sabavSvo baRebis gaerTianeba


samedicino-saoperacio laboratoria

saqarTvelos sasjelaRsrulebis, probaciisa da iuridiul daxmarebis sakiTxTa saministro



Sinagan saqmeTa saministros gansakuTrebul davalebaTa departamenti



saqarTvelos erovnuli banki


2014 | noemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


2012-2013 wlebSi saxelmwifo seqtorSi avejis dakveTis yvelaze msxvili Semsruleblebi Sesyidvebis Rirebulebis mixedviT (kategoriebSi da jamurad)



fasi (lari)


insta jorjia


sabavSvo baRebi

b-b jgufi-2009


samedicino-saoperacio laboratoria




b-b jgufi-2009



texo jorjia limited


2012–2013 wlebSi biznes seqtoris moqmedi sawarmoebis raodenoba sawarmoTa zomis mixedviT






















partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

Furniture manufacturing companies The Research Center of the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) will present a basic, incomplete part of the research conducted in various fields in each issue of this magazine. This information will allow businessmen to have an idea of a situation in a field, and if interested in the full version of the study, they will be able to contact the Research Center at the following address. research@gcci.ge The office furniture market research was held on August-October 2014. The aim of the research was to study a demand in the office furniture market in Georgia in 2012-2013, as well as the supply’s structure.

Furniture manufacturers, according to a company size

Furniture Manufacturers

In 2012-2013, share of the furniture manufacturing enterprises in the total business sector (%)



















Survey Results  During the research on the office furniture imports, the following parameters were studied:  annual volume of import of office furniture  office furniture importing countries  major office furniture importing companies  a share of office furniture imports on the domestic market

2014 | noemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry






Thousand GEL


Thousand GEL


Thousand GEL


Georgia’s total imports




Office furniture imports







Metal office furniture







Wooden office furniture









partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა




Thousand GEL


Thousand GEL


Thousand GEL


Georgia’s total imports







Office furniture imports




Metal furniture used in offices







Wooden Furniture used in offices














When it comes to changes in office furniture import, the survey revealed that from 2012 to 2013, a value of Georgia’s office furniture import decreased by 75%, while a volume reduced by 58%.

2014 | noemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Office furniture importing countries






















































The United Kingdom






























The Czech Republic






Hong Kong



















partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

The largest furniture importers


Company name



Meno International Ltd.



Archtrade Ltd.



Senator Pants Ltd



Instra Georgia Ltd.



Whist Ltd




Belux Ltd




Office 1 Ltd




Embawood Georgia Ltd




Retro 2009 Ltd.




Golbi Ltd




Verona Ltd



Galant Ltd



Interbuilding Ltd



2014 | noemberi




Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


The largest furniture manufacturers in Georgia The survey also revealed the biggest local furniture manufacturers led by turnover in 2012-2013.


Company name




Embawood Georgia Ltd




Magtiwin Ltd




Randi Ltd




Savardzeli Ltd




Eurostyle – XXI Ltd




Modern Villa Ltd


,+ 6





Geostyle Ltd




JSC Tbilisi School Inventory Factory




Ifani Ltd









partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

Office furniture in the public sector The research also determined the frequency and cost of procurement (GEL) by state institutions. For research purposes, the average indices of the data for 2012- 2013 was calculated.




Frequency (quantity)

Price (GEL)

Frequency (Quantity)

Price (GEL)

Average frequency (quantity)

Average price (GEL)











































The study also found that in 2012-2013 the average volume of procurement in the public sector amounted to GEL 6 617887, while the average purchase frequency totaled 102.



Price (GEL)


Educational and Scientific Infrastructure Development Agency



Batumi kindergarten union



Ministry of Corrections and Legal Assistance of Georgia



The Interior Ministry's Special Tasks Main Division



The National Bank of Georgia


2014 | noemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry





Price (GEL)





B-B Group 2009



Georgian Medi



B-B Group 2009



Techo Georgia Ltd
























partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

is, rac ukve gakeTda WHAT HAS BEEN DONE (palatis saqmianobis angariSi) (Report of Activities) ra aris saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palata? savaWro-samrewvelo palata wevrobaze dafuZnebuli sajaro samarTlis korporaciaa. misi mizania, xeli Seuwyos qveynis ekonomikur zrdas mewarme subieqtebis saqmianobis mxardaWeriT. palata mewarmeebs konsultacias uwevs maT saqmianobasTan dakavSirebiT: • warmoadgens da icavs biznes subieqtebis interesebs sazRvargareT • marTavs biznes-forumebs da gamofenebs biznesis saqmianobis popularizaciis mizniT biznesforumebis garda, palata aqtiurad monawileobs mTavrobaTaSorisi komisiebis muSaobaSi. 2014 wlis pirvel naxevarSi palatam gamarTa 7 biznesforumi, iyo 6 saerTaSoriso delegaciis, 2 saerTaSoriso konferenciis organizatori • gexmarebaT biznes-gegmebis SedgenaSi • gTavazobT kerZo samarTlis subieqtebs Soris warmoSobili qonebrivi davis mogvarebis alternatiul saSualebebs

berZnul-qarTuli biznes forumi 17-18 marti, Tbilisi saberZneTis biznesdelegaciaSi umsxvilesi saqmiani wreebis warmomadgenlebi Sediodnen. isini qarTvel biznesmenebTan saqmianobiT iyvnen dainteresebulebi. forumis farglebSi qarTul da berZnul kompaniebs Soris ormxrivi Sexvedrebi gaimarTa. forumSi monawile kompaniebi samSeneblo masalebis, santeqnikisa da sayofacxovrebo avejis sferoebs warmoadgendnen.

2014 | noemberi

What is the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI)? Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a membership-based corporation of public law. Its aim is to promote the country’s economic growth and support the activity of the business entities The Chamber advices entrepreneurs in their activities: • represents and protects the interests of business entities abroad • organizes business forums and exhibitions in order to promote business activities Apart from business forums, the Chamber actively participates in intergovernmental commissions work. In the first half of 2014, the Chamber held 7 business forums , organized the visit of 6 international organizations and 2 International Conferences • helps in writing business plans • provides alternative disputes resolution arising between private law subjects

Greek-Georgian Business Forum was held in Tbilisi on 17-18 March The Greek business delegation included representatives of the major business circles who were interested in the activity of Georgian businessmen. Within the Forum, bilateral meetings were held between the Georgian and Greek companies. The participating companies worked in the construction materials, plumbing fixtures and household furniture sectors.


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

qarTul-germanuli ekonomikuri forumi 18 marti, frankfurti. germaniaSi saqarTvelos sapatio konsulis klaus hipis iniciativiT, qarTul-germanuli ekonomikuri forumi gaimarTa. RonisZiebis organizatori frankfurtis qarTul-germanuli ekonomikur- kulturuli asociacia iyo, mxardamWeri ki, saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palata. palatis organizebiT, warmomadgenlobiT forumze saqarTvelodan 14 kompania gaemgzavra. forumis monawileebs saSualeba miecaT, germanel investorebs Sexvedrodnen. forumze warmodgenilebi iyvnen kompaniebi soflis meurneobis, uZravi qonebisa da mSeneblobis, turizmis, transportisa da lojistikis, aseve safinanso sferodan.

saqarTvelo-yataris biznes forumi 2 aprili, Tbilisi. forumSi 18 yataruli kompania monawileobda. maTi interesis sferoebs warmoadgenda – infrastruqtura, mSenebloba, transporti da lojistika, uZravi qoneba, turizmi. forumSi qarTuli mxridan 46 kompania monawileobda. forumis farglebSi 36 Sexvedra gaimarTa. 10ma qarTulma da yatarulma kompaniam ki ukve daiwyo saqmiani urTierTobebi. yataris mxarem saqarTveloSi sagamofeno centris mSeneblobis interesic gamoTqva.

saqarTvelo-israelis biznes forumi 12 aprili, Tbilisi. saqarTvelosa da israelis biznes palatis TaosnobiT qarTveli biznesmenebisa da ebraeli eqspertebis dialogi Sedga. mTavar Temas qarTul turistul industriaSi israelis investiciebis ganxorcieleba warmoadgenda.


Georgian-German Economic Forum 18 March. Frankfurt. Upon the initiative of Honorary Consul of Georgia to Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg Claus Hipp, the Georgian-German Economic Forum was held in Germany. The event was organized by Frankfurt Georgian - German Economic and Cultural Association and supported by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Georgia. Forum was attended by 14 Georgian companies running in the sphere of agriculture, real estate and construction, tourism, transport and logistics, as well as the financial. Forum participants were given the opportunity to meet with German investors.

Georgia-Qatar Business Forum 2 April. Tbilisi. The event was attended by Qatar’s 18 biggest companies engaged infrastructure, construction, transport and logistics, real estate, and tourism. Georgian side was represented by 46 companies. Within the framework of the Forum, 36 meetings were held. 10 companies based in Georgia and Qatar have already started to build working relationship. The Qatar side has expressed a desire to build the exhibition center in Georgia.

Georgia-Israel Business Forum 12 April. Tbilisi. Under the leadership of Israel -Georgia Chamber of Business, a dialogue took place between Georgian businessmen and Jewish experts. The main theme of the meeting was making Israeli investments in Georgia’s tourism industry.



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

saqarTvelo-belorusis biznesforumi 17 aprili, minski

Georgia-Belarus Business Forum 17 April. Minsk

savaWro-samrewvelo palatis xelmZRvanelobiT SeirCa da minskSi gaemgzavra qarTuli biznesdelegacia 13 kompaniis SemadgenlobiT. gaimarTa saqarTvelo-belorusis biznes-forumi. masSi monawileoba 50-mde belorusulma kompaniam miiRo. 6-ma qarTulma kompaniam daiwyo saqmiani urTierTobebi belorus partniorebTan. daiwyo muSaoba TbilisSi avtobusebis gamoSvebis proeqtze. kompania „gudvilma” ki gaaforma kontraqti belorusuli saTamaSoebis kompaniasTan „polesie”.

Business Forum in Minsk was attended by 13 Georgian and up to 50 Belarusian companies. Six Georgian companies went into business partnership with their colleges in Belarus. A join work began on bus manufacturing project that will be carried out in Tbilisi. “Goodwill” signed a contract with the Belarusian toys company “Polesie”.

indoeTi-saqarTvelos biznes-forumi 29 aprili, niu deli

India –Georgia Business Forum 29 April. New Delhi

forums induri mxridan wamyvani kompaniebis 19 warmomadgeneli eswreboda. warmodgenili kompaniebi energetikis, sainformacio teqnologiebis, rkinisa da samSeneblo masalebis, aseve farmacevtikis sferoebidan iyvnen. forumSi qarTuli mxridan erovnuli sainvesticio saagentos, energetikisa da soflis meurneobis saministroebic monawileobdnen.

saqarTvelo-TurqeTis biznes forumi 6 maisis, Tbilisi TurqeTis prezidentis TbilisSi vizitis farglebSi saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis, TurqeTis savaWro palatis, safondo birJebis gaerTianebis da erovnuli sainvesticio saagentos organizebiT saqarTvelo-TurqeTis biznes-forumi gaimarTa. palatam uzrunvelyo qarTuli kompaniebis mowveva forumze. masSi monawileoba 215-ma qarTulma kompaniam miiRo. forumis farglebSi Sedga saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis da TurqeTis respublikis savaWro palatebis, aseve safondo birJebis gaerTianebis prezidentebis Sexvedra. Sexvedraze ori qveynis palatebs Soris urTierTTanamSromlobis sakiTxebi ganixiles da

2014 | noemberi

The Forum was attended by representatives of 19 leading companies in India engaged in the energy, information technology, iron and building materials, as well as pharmaceutical sectors. The Georgian side was represented by the Georgian National Investment Agency, Energy and Agriculture Ministries.

Georgia-Turkey Business Forum May 6. Tbilisi Georgia-Turkey Business Forum was held in Georgia in the framework of Turkish President’s visit to Tbilisi. The event was organized by the Georgian Chamber of Commerce, Turkish Chamber of Commerce, Stock Exchanges Union and the National Investment Agency. The Chamber invited Georgian companies to participate in the Forum. A total of 215 Georgian companies took part. Within the framework of the Forum, meetings were held with the Presidents of Georgian Chamber of Commerce and the Chambers of Commerce of the Republic of Turkey, as well as Presidents of the Stock Exchanges Unions. The meeting focused on the issues of cooperation


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


gadawyda, rom Seiqmneba saqarTvelo-TurqeTis regionuli saarbitraJo instituti, romelic xels Seuwyobs ori qveynis kerZo seqtoris warmomadgenlebs Soris sadao sakiTxebis swraf da efeqtur gadaWras. gadawyda saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis warmomadgenlis daniSvna TurqeTis respublikaSi. Turquli mxaris miwveviTve daigegma da ganxorcielda saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis prezidentis samuSao viziti ankaraSi.

between the chambers of the two countries and it was agreed to form Georgia-Turkey Regional Arbitration Institute which contribute to quick and efficient solving of disputes between private sector representatives of the two countries. It was decided to appoint a representative of the Georgian Chamber of Commerce in the Republic of Turkey.



saqarTvelos savaWro-sainvesticio potencialis gacnobis mizniT 2014 wlis pirvel naxevarSi ucxouri biznes-delegaciebis 6 viziti ganxorcielda.

President of the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry paid a working visit to Ankara

To become familiar with Georgia’s trade and investment opportunities, six foreign business delegations visited Georgia in the first half of 2014.

induri farmacevtuli kompaniebis delegaciis viziti 6 Tebervali, Tbilisi

A visit of the delegation of the Indian pharmaceutical companies February 6, Tbilisi

indoeTis vaWrobisa da mrewvelobis saministros farmacevtuli produqciis eqsportis xelSewyobis sabWos xelmZRvanelobiT 41 induri farmacevtuli kompaniis warmomadgenlis viziti daigegma da uzrunvelyo savaWro palatam. Catarda biznes forumi da ormxrivi Sexvedrebi, sadac monawileoba 30 qarTuli kompaniis warmomadgenelma miiRo. indoeli biznesmenebisaTvis daigegma gasvliTi Sexvedrebi qarTul farmacevtul sawarmoebSi. 4 qarTul da indur kompanias Soris mimdinareobs molaparakeba erToblivi farmacevtuli sawarmos gaxsnis Taobaze.

The Chamber of Commerce organized a visit of representatives of 41 Indian pharmaceutical companies led by India’s Trade and Industry Ministry’s Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council. Business Forum and bilateral meetings were held with the participation of representatives from 30 Georgian companies. Negotiations were underway between four Georgian and Indian pharmaceutical companies regarding the opening of the joint venture.

avRaneTis respublikis biznes delegaciis viziti 26-28 Tebervali, Tbilisi

Afghan business delegation’s visit February 26-28, Tbilisi

palatis mowveviT saqarTvelos avRaneTis respublikis warmomadgenlobiTi biznes delegacia ewvia, romelsac gaeroSi amerikis SeerTebuli

A business delegation of the Republic of Afghanistan headed by Zalmay Khalilzad, who served as U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq and the United



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

Statebis yofili elCi, xolo amJamad kompania „Gryphon Partners”-is prezidenti zalmai xalilzadi warmoadgenda. delegaciis SemadgenlobaSi iyvnen 6 wamyvani avRanuri kompaniis xelmZRvanelebi, romlebic warmoadgendnen telekomunikaciebs, energetikas, wiaRiseulisa da samTo gadamamuSavebeli mrewvelobis, sabanko da sadazRvevo seqtorebs, aseve samomxmareblo produqciis importsa da distribucias. palatam dagegma da organizeba gaukeTa Sexvedrebs, rogorc saqarTvelos mTavrobis, ise kerZo seqtoris warmomadgenlebTan. gaimarTa Sexvedrebi vicepremier kaxi kalaZesTan, Tanainvestirebis fondis, erovnuli sainvesticio saagentos, sapartnioro fondis, aseve „saqarTvelos rkinigzis“, „navTobisa da gazis korporaciis“ xelmZRvanelebTan. Sexvedrebi gaimarTa msxvili kompaniebis xelmZRvanelebTan: „magTikomi“, „axali qselebi“, „Ti-bi-si“, „aldagi“, „ji-pi-ai“, „saqarTvelos industriuli jgufi“, „visoli“, „qarTuli manganumi“. ordRiani vizitis farglebSi, romelsac organizeba gaukeTes saqarTvelos savaWrosamrewvelo palatam da sagadasaxado ombudsmenma. gaimarTa 14 Sexvedra. am vizitis Sedegad gamoikveTa qveynisTvis prioritetul dargSi (soflis meurneoba) investiciebis Semosvlis, aseve qarTuli kompaniebisa da specialistebis saerTaSoriso proeqtebSi CarTvis perspeqtivebi. vizitis farglebSi gamoiTqva mosazreba swrafi kvebis obieqtis erT-erTi saerTaSoriso qselis (rogoricaa mag. KFC) saqarTveloSi Semoyvanis Sesaxeb.

Nations, and now is President of “Gryphon Partners” visited Georgia at the invitation of the Chamber. The delegation consisted of heads of 6 leading Afghan companies, which are engaged in the telecommunications, energy, natural resources and mining, food processing, banking and insurance activities, as well as the import and distribution of consumer products. The Chamber planned and organized meetings with both the government and private sector representatives. Meetings were held with the Vice Prime Minister Kakha Kaladze, CEOs of the Georgian Co-Investment Fund, the National Investment Agency, Partnership Fund, as well as the “Georgian Railway”, “Oil and Gas Corporation” as well as a leadership of large companies such as “Magticom”, “Akhali kselebi”, “TBC”, “Aldagi”, “GPI”, “The Georgian Industrial Group”, “Wissol”, “Georgian Manganese”. A total of 14 meetings were held during a two-day visit. The visit helped outline prospects of attracting new investments and participation of Georgian companies and specialists in the international projects carried out in the country’s priority sector (agriculture ). It was decided to bring the international network of fast food restaurants (such as KFC) in Georgia.

avstriis biznes delegaciis viziti 31 marti, Tbilisi

Austrian business delegation’s visit March 31, Tbilisi

saqarTvelos samuSao vizitiT ewvia avstriis biznes delegacia 16 kompaniis warmomadgenlobiT. palatis organizebiT gasvliTi Sexvedrebi gaimarTa qarTul kompaniebSi. Sedga Sexvedra palataSi, romelzec mxareebma or qveyanas Soris savaWro da ekonomikuri TanamSromlobis perspeqtivebi ganixiles. qarTulma mxarem avstriel biznesmenebs saqarTvelos sainvesticio SesaZleblobebi gaacno.

2014 | noemberi

The Austrian business delegation of representatives of 16 companies paid a working visit to Georgia. The Chamber organized retreats to the Georgian companies. A meeting was held in the Chamber, the sides discussed the prospects of trade and economic cooperation between the two countries. The Georgian delegation briefed the Austrian businessmen on Georgia’s investment prospects.


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


tomskis biznes delegaciis viziti 8-11 aprili, Tbilisi, quTaisi, rusTavi

Tomsk business delegation’s visit April 8-11, Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Rustavi

samuSao vizitis farglebSi saqarTvelos ewvia 13 kompaniis warmomadgeneli. gaimarTa biznesforumi erovnuli sainvesticio saagentos, Semosavlebis samsaxuris da 37 qarTuli kompaniis monawileobiT. palatam uzrunvelyo ucxouri kompaniebis gacnobiTi xasiaTis vizitebi qarTul kompaniebSi, rogorc TbilisSi, aseve rusTavsa da quTaisSi. 4-ma qarTulma da rusulma kompaniam daamyara saqmiani urTierToba da mimdinareobs molaparakebebi.

The Russian delegation which included representatives of 13 companies paid a working visit to Georgia. Business Forum was held in the Georgian capital with participation of 37 Georgian companies, the National Investment Agency and the Revenue Service. The Chamber organized foreign companies’ introductory visits to Georgian companies both in Tbilisi, Rustavi and Kutaisi. Business relations were established between four Russian and Georgian companies which are holding negotiations.

CexeTis biznes delegaciis viziti 4-5 ivnisi, Tbilisi

Czech business delegation’s visit June 4-5, Tbilisi

CexeTis respublikis sagareo saqmeTa ministris vizitis farglebSi CexeTis biznes delegaciis viziti Sedga. delegaciis SemadgenlobaSi iyvnen CexeTis savaWro-samrewvelo palatisa da 8 Cexuri kompaniis 11 warmomadgeneli. maTi interesebis sferoebs warmoadgenda energetika, soflis meurneoba, teqnologiebi, transporti, rkinigza, mSenebloba, dazRveva da sabanko saqme. vizitis farglebSi gamarTuli oficialuri Sexvedrebis garda, palatam uzrunvelyo CexeTis sagareo saqmeTa ministris Tanmxlebi biznes delegaciis Sexvedrebi ekonomikisa da mdgradi ganviTarebis da energetikis saministroebSi, saxelmwifo da kerZo fondebis, aseve qarTuli kompaniebis warmomadgenlebTan (sul 13 Sexvedra).

The Czech business delegation arrived in Georgia within the framework of the visit of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. The delegation consisted of 11 representatives of the Czech Chamber of Commerce and 8 Czech companies involved in energy, agriculture, technology, transport, railways, construction, insurance and banking sectors. Apart from official meetings, the Czech business delegation held meetings at the Ministries of Economy and Sustainable Development and Energy, public and private foundations, as well as with representatives of the Georgian companies (a total of 13 meetings).

iaponiis vaWrobis asociaciis ROTOBO-s delegaciis viziti 5 ivnisi, Tbilisi

ROTOBO delegation’s visit 5 June, Tbilisi

saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatisa da ekonomikis da mdgradi ganviTarebis saministros organizebiT, sastumro „vere palasSi“ iaponuri delegaciis warmomadgenlebisTvis moewyo mrgvali magida. iaponiis mxridan warmodgenili iyo umsxvilesi kompaniebi, rogorebicaa: Mitsubishi Heavy

The Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development organized a round table for the Japanese business delegation in “Vere Palace” hotel. Japan was represented by the largest companies, such as: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, ltd, ITOCHU Corporation, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Toyota



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Industries, ltd, ITOCHU Corporation, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Toyota Motor Corporation, Sojitz Corporation, Marubeni Corporation, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation. saqarTvelos mTavrobis wevrebma iaponel stumrebs saqarTvelos sainvesticio da ekonomikuri garemos mimoxilvasTan erTad konkretuli proeqtebic warudgines, maT Soris axali saxelmwifo proeqti - „awarmoe saqarTveloSi.“

saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

Motor Corporation, Sojitz Corporation, Marubeni Corporation, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation. The Georgian government officials briefed the Japanese guests on Georgia’s investment and economic environment and presented a new governmental project “Produce in Georgia”.

Georgia and the EU

saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis mimdinare wlis saqmianobis erT-erT ZiriTad mimarTulebas Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali vaWrobis sivrcis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebis popularizacia warmoadgens. kerZod, am SeTanxmebiT gaTvaliswinebuli pirobebis gacnoba qarTuli biznes seqtorisaTvis, qveynis SigniT misi popularizacia da sakonsultacio Tu teqnikuri daxmarebis aRmoCena. palatis mier ganxorcielebuli proeqtebi:

The activities of the Georgian Chamber of Commerce will focus on promotion and raising awareness of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement (DCFTA). Specifically, Georgian business sector‘s familiarization with the terms of this agreement, its promotion inside the country as well as consulting services and technical assistance. The projects carried out by the Chamber:

▶ Tanaorganizatori 2 saerTaSoriso konferenciis; „Invest in Georgia“ da „International

conferences: “Invest in Georgia” and “International Investment Conference” , ▶ two large-scale meetings with representatives of regional businesses ▶ The Chamber created and carried out a student project “Meet and Introduce DCFTA”

Investment Conference” ▶2 farTomasStabiani Sexvedra regionuli biznesis warmomadgenlebTan ▶Seqmna da ganaxorciela studenturi proeqti „gaicani da gaacani“ DCFTA saerTaSoriso konferencia da biznes forumi - „ekonomikuri integracia evrokavSirTan perspeqtivebi da SesaZleblobebi“, qarTuli produqciis gamofena

27-28 marti, Tbilisi evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi saxelmwifo ministris aparatis, erovnuli sainvesticio saagentosa da savaWro-samrewvelo palatis organizebiT saerTaSoriso konferencia da biznes forumi gaimarTa. palatam uzrunvelyo RonisZiebaSi qarTuli da ucxouri kompaniebis

2014 | noemberi

▶ The Chamber is a co-organizer of two international

International Conference and Business Forum “Economic Integration with the EU - Prospects and Opportunities”, an exhibition of Georgian products

March 27-28, Tbilisi The Office of the State Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic structures, the National Investment Agency and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized an international conference and the Business Forum that was held in Tbilisi. The events were attended by Georgian and foreign companies.


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


monawileoba. kerZod, moiwvia da umaspinZla biznes delegacias litvidan (14 kompania), bulgareTidan (2 kompania), poloneTidan (2 kompania), didi britaneTidan (4 kompania). qarTuli mxridan monawileoba miiRo 86-ma qarTulma kompaniam, gamofenaze produqcia waradgina 17-ma qarTvelma mewarmem. forumis farglebSi qarTvel da ucxoel biznesmenebs Soris 28 ormxrivi Sexvedra gaimarTa. litvis biznes delegaciis interesebis gaTvaliswinebiT palatam organizeba gaukeTa Sexvedrebs saqarTvelos ganaTlebisa da mecnierebis saministros, garemosa da bunebrivi resursebis dacvis saministros, Tavdacvis saministrosa da saxelmwifo usafrTxoebisa da krizisebis marTvis sabWos warmomadgenlebTan. organizebuli ormxrivi Sexvedrebis farglebSi gamarTuli molaparakebebis dros 6-ma qarTulma da litvurma kompaniam miaRwies SeTanxmebas samomavlo TanamSromlobis Sesaxeb. qarTulma kompaniam “Caucasus Power” da litvurma kompaniam “Agava” TbilisSi erToblivi warmomadgenloba gaxsnes. saqarTvelos savaWro samrewvelo palatam da litvis biznes konfederaciam xeli moaweres urTierTgagebis memorandums.

In particular, business delegations from Lithuania (14 companies), Bulgaria (2 companies), Poland (2 companies), the UK (4 companies). The Georgian party was represented by 86 companies; 17 Georgian entrepreneurs exhibited their products. 28 bilateral meetings were held between the Georgian and foreign businessmen within the Forum. Given the interests of the Lithuanian business delegation, the Chamber organized a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Ministry of Defence and the State Security and Crisis Management Council. In the frames of bilateral meetings, six Lithuanian and Georgian companies reached an agreement on future cooperation The Georgian company “Caucasus Power” and the Lithuanian company “Agava» opened a joint representation in Tbilisi. The Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Lithuanian Business Confederation signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

saqarTvelo - evrokavSiris saerTaSoriso sainvesticio konferencia 27-28 marti, Tbilisi

Georgia - EU International Investment Conference Tbilisi. 27-28 March.

saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris sainvesticio konferencia saqarTvelos mTavrobis iniciativiTa da evrokomisiis mxardaWeriT Catarda. savaWro-samrewvelo palata konferenciis Tanaorganizatori iyo. konferencias eswrebodnen evrokomisiis prezidenti Joze-manuel barozo, saqarTvelos premier-ministri irakli RaribaSvili, aRmasrulebeli da sakanonmdeblo xelisuflebis warmomadgenlebi, evrokomisiis, saerTaSoriso safinanso institutebis, aseve adgilobrivi da saerTaSoriso biznesis warmomadgenlebi. palatis mier konferenciaze miwveuli iyo qarTuli biznesis 200-ze meti warmomadgeneli. konferenciis msvlelobis paralelurad savaWro-samrewvelo palatam organizeba gaukeTa qarTuli nawarmis

Georgia-EU International Investors’ Conference was organized by the Government of Georgia and the European Commission. The Chamber of Commerce was a co-organizer of the event. The conference was attended by Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Garibashvili and the President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso as well as representatives of the executive and legislative authorities, the European Commission, international financial institutions, local and international businesses. The Georgian Chamber invited more than 200 business representatives to participate in the conference. During the conference the sectoral sessions were held where the business and investment opportunities in Georgia were discussed with a focus on the following sectors: finance,



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gamofenas, sadac warmodgenili iyo 12 qarTuli kompania. palatam uzrunvelyo konferenciis monawileTaTvis sainvesticio gzamkvlevis da sainvesticio proeqtebis katalogis damzadeba. katalogSi 40 qarTuli kompaniis mier warmodgenili proeqti soflis meurneobis, turizmis, sainformacio teqnologiebis, msubuqi mrewvelobis, alternatiuli energiis, transportisa da lojistikis, aseve mSeneblobis sferodan.

proeqti „gaicani da gaacani DCFTA” evrokavSirTan Rrma da Tavisufali vaWrobis sivrcis SeTanxmebis Sesaxeb popularizaciis mizniT saqarTveloSi niderlandebis samefos saelCos iniciativiT da savaWro-samrewvelo palatis partniorobiT 11 proeqti „gaicani da gaacani DCFTA” ganxorcielda. proeqtis farglebSi mTeli saqarTvelos masStabiT (Tbilisi, marneuli, gori, axalqalaqi, quTaisi, zugdidi) SerCeul 16 umaRles saswavlebelSi gaimarTa erTdRiani sainformacio saxis seminarebi, romelsac atarebdnen saqarTveloSi akreditirebuli evrokavSiris qveynebis elCebi da evrokavSiris warmomadgenlobis eqspertebi. palatis mier ganxorcielebuli proeqti „gaicani da gaacani DCFTA” dadebiTad Sefasda da Sevida sxvadasxva sadamkvirveblo warmomadgenlebis angariSSi, rogorc asocirebis xelSekrulebis mzadebisTvis qveynis SigniT ganxorcielebuli erT-erTi proeqti.

regionuli Sexvedrebi: DCFTA gamowvevebi da perspeqtivebi qarTuli biznesisTvis

qveynis SigniT evrokavSirTan Rrma da Tavisufali vaWrobis sivrcis SeTanxmebis Sesaxeb cnobadobis amaRlebisa da popularizaciis mizniT, savaWro-

2014 | noemberi

tourism, energy, agriculture, food industry and manufacturing industry.

“Meet and Introduce DCFTA” In order to promote and raise awareness of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) with the European Union, the project “Meet and Introduce DCFTA” initiated by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, with the partnership of the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, was carried out. In the frames of the project, one-day informational seminars were conducted in 16 institutions of higher education throughout Georgia (Tbilisi, Rustavi, Gori, Akhaltsikhe, Kutaisi, Zugdidi). The seminars were conducted by the experts of the representations of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the European Union. During the seminars, students were informed about the strategic importance of the DCFTA. The Chamber’s project “Meet and Introduce DCFTA” was positively assessed as one of the projects inside the country aimed to prepare and facilitate the implementation of the Association Agreement.

Regional Meetings: DCFTA Challenges and Prospects for Georgian Business

In order to promote and raise awareness of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) with the European Union , the Chamber


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

samrewvelo palata kidev erT proeqts axorcielebs, romelic gulisxmobs qveynis masStabiT regionuli biznesis warmomadgenlebTan farTomasStabian Sexvedrebs. regionuli biznesi ganicdis informaciis naklebobas, msgavsi Sexvedrebi xels Seuwyobs regionuli biznesis ganviTarebas da maT umtkivneulo adaptacias SeTanxmebaSi gaTvalsiwinebuli regulaciebis mimarT. am mizniT ekonomikis saministrosTan erTad Catarda 2 farTomasStabiani Sexvedra quTaissa da TelavSi, romelsac daeswro regionuli biznesis 300-ze meti warmomadgeneli.


of Commerce is implementing a project that involves large-scale meetings with representatives of regional businesses across the country. Regional businesses are experiencing a lack of information and such meetings will promote regional business development and painless adaptation to the regulations prescribed under this Agreement. For this purpose, The Chamber held two large-scale meetings in Kutaisi and Telavi jointly with the Ministry of Economy which were attended by over 300 representatives of regional businesses.

palata warmodgenilia yvela ormxrivi ekonomikuri mTavrobaTSorisi komisiebis SemadgenlobaSi. palatis mizania, mTavrobis ekonomikur gundTan koordinacia, samTavrobo sainvesticio proeqtebis kerZo seqtorisTvis gacnoba, ama Tu im qveyanasTan vaWrobis dros qarTuli kompaniebis winaSe Seqmnili problemebis gadaWra da maTi interesebis gaTvaliswineba. palatam monawileoba miiRo ormxrivi ekonomikuri mTavrobaTaSorisi komisiebis muSaobaSi:

PARTICIPATION IN THE WORK OF THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL COMMISSION ON BILATERAL TRADE AND ECONOMIC COOPERATION The Chamber is represented in all intergovernmental commissions on bilateral economic cooperation. The Chamber aims to perform coordination with the government’s economic team, to introduce the governmental investment projects to the private sector, to solve problems faced by the Georgian companies when trading with this or that country The Chamber participated in the intergovernmental commission on bilateral economic cooperation:

▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

ormxrivi ekonomikuri mTavrobaTSorisi komisiebis muSaobaSi monawileoba

saqarTvelo-israeli saqarTvelo-CexeTi saqarTvelo-somxeTi saqarTvelo-indoeTi

urTierTTanamSromlobis memorandumebi da araRiarebis politika

ori qveynis bizneswreebs Soris saqmiani urTierTobis xelSewyobis mizniT palata aqtiurad muSaobs sxvadasxva qveynebis savaWrosamrewvelo palatebTan. yoveldRiur reJimSi xdeba rogorc qarTuli, aseve ucxouri kompaniebis savaWro-sainvesticio winadadebebis da sxva biznes-informaciis gacvla. zogierT qveyanasTan mWidro sainvesticio-savaWro urTierTobebi ar arsebobs. savaWro-samrewvelo palata mizanSewonilad miiCnevs partnior

Georgia-Israel Georgia-Czech Republic Georgia - Armenia Georgia-India

Memorandums of Understanding and the non-recognition policy

In order to facilitate business relations between the businessmen of the two countries, the Chamber is actively working with Commerce and Industry Chambers of different countries. Exchange of trade and investment proposals as well as business information takes place with both foreign and Georgian companies every day. Georgia doesn’t have strong investment and trade relations with some countries. The Chambers of Commerce and Industry considers necessary to help



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

palatebTan aqtiuri TanamSromlobis gziT xeli Seuwyos qarTuli kompaniebisTvis axali bazrebis moZiebasa da saqmiani urTierTobebis arealis gafarToebas. palatis mier sxva qveynebis biznesgaerTianebebTan gaformebuli memorandumebi mniSvnelovan berkets warmoadgens afxazeTis aralegitimuri savaWro palatis qmedebebis SezRudvis kuTxiT. e.w. afxazeTis palata cdilobs, urTierTobebi daamyaros sxva qveynis palatebTan. amis prevenciisTvis urTierTTanamSromlobis memorandumebSi Caiwera specialuri muxli, romlis Tanaxmadac mxareebi aRiareben da TanamSromloben mxolod qveynis iurisdiqciis Tanaxmad registrirebul subieqtebTan. am kuTxiT palata aqtiurad TanamSromlobs sagareo saqmeTa saministrosa da saqarTvelos diplomatiuri korpusis warmomadgenlebTan sazRvargareT. molaparakebebisa da urTierTSeTanxmebis Sedegad palatam 2014 wels gaaforma TanamSromlobisa da urTierTgagebis memorandumebi: ▶

urTierTgagebis memorandumi saqarTvelos savaWro samrewvelo palatasa da israelis savaWro samrewvelo palatebis federacias Soris (28 ianvari)

▶ urTierTgagebis memorandumi saqarTvelos savaWro samrewvelo palatasa da litvis biznes konfederacias Soris (19 marti) ▶ TanamSromlobis memorandumi saqarTvelos savaWro samrewvelo palatasa da qarTul- britanul savaWro palatas Soris (1 aprili); ▶

TanamSromlobis memorandumi saqarTvelos savaWro samrewvelo palatasa da belorusiis respublikis savaWro samrewvelo palatas Soris (4 aprili);

urTierTgagebis memorandumi saqarTvelos savaWro samrewvelo palatasa da indoeTis savaWro samrewvelo palatebis federacias Soris (29 aprili)

mewarme subieqtebisaTvis sainformaciosakonsultacio momsaxurebis gaweva produqciis, momsaxurebisa da saqmiani informaciis Sesaxeb

2014 | noemberi

Georgian companies find new markets and expand business relations through active cooperation with partner chambers. Memorandums signed by the Chamber with other countries’ business associations represent an important leverage in terms of limiting the illegal actions of the Chamber of Commerce of Abkhazia. The so-called Chamber of Abkhazia is trying to establish relationships with the Chambers of Commerce of other countries. To prevent this, a special article is written in Memorandums on Cooperation, according to which, the parties acknowledge and cooperate only with the subjects registered under the country’s law. In this regard, the Chamber is actively cooperating with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Georgian diplomatic corps abroad. As a result of negotiations and mutual co-operation, in 2014 the Chamber signed Memorandums of Understanding and Cooperation with the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce and Industry (January 28); ▶ Memorandum of Understanding with the

Lithuanian Business Confederation (March 19),

▶ Memorandum on Cooperation with the British

Georgian Chamber of Commerce (BGCC) (April 1);

▶ Memorandum of Cooperation with the Belarusian

Chamber of Commerce and Industry (April 4);

▶ Memorandum of Understanding with the

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) (April 29).

Information and consulting services for business entities about products, services and business information, creation of information systems and banks. To provide services to business entities registered in Georgia is the Chamber’s basic function. Taking into consideration interests of registered business entities and statistics of companies’ appeals, the Chamber improved existing services and developed new ones. The Chamber offers Georgian business entities the needs-oriented services such as: information on important legislative changes for the business


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

sainformacio sistemebisa da bankebis Seqmna saqarTveloSi registrirebuli mewarme subieqtebisTvis momsaxurebis gaweva palatis ZiriTad funqcias warmoadgens. registrirebuli biznes-subieqtebis interesebis da kompaniebis momarTvebis statistikis gaTvaliswinebiT, moxda arsebuli servisebis srulyofa da axali servisebis SemuSaveba. qarTvel mewarme subieqtebs palata sTavazobs maT moTxovnebsa da saWiroebebze orientirebul iseT servisebs, rogoricaa: ▶ informacia biznes seqtorisTvis mniSvnelovani sakanonmdeblo cvlilebebis Sesaxeb ▶ tenderebis/saxelmwifo Sesyidvebis Sesaxeb ▶ sagadasaxado kanonmdeblobasTan dakavSirebuli konsultaciebi ucxoeli da damwyebi qarTveli biznemenebisaTvis. palatis erT-erTi ZiriTadi servisia biznes partnioris moZieba. palata sagareo saqmeTa saministrosTan aqtiurad muSaobs sazRvargareT saqarTvelos diplomatiur misiebSi Sesuli ucxouri kompaniebis momarTvebis damuSavebis da maTi winadadebebis qarTuli kompaniebisaTvis gacnobis kuTxiT. zogadad, saqarTveloSi biznespartnioris moZiebis TxovniT, TveSi saSualod 10 moTxovna Sedis.


sector, tenders / public procurement, consultations relating to tax legislation for foreign businessmen and beginning Georgian businessmen. Finding Business partner is among the Chamber’s main functions. The Chamber is actively working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in terms of processing appeals submitted by foreign companies to Georgia’s diplomatic missions abroad and familiarizes Georgian companies with their proposals. In general, an average of 10 applications are received a month to find a business partner in Georgia. In the first half of 2014, more than 60 foreign companies applied to the Chamber with a similar request, the Chamber set up the Georgia Exporter Directory which introduces Georgia exporters of products and services to buyers around the world, while helping Georgia companies increase their presence in the global marketplace. Certificates of Origin (CO), procedure of verification of documents and authentication of force majeure circumstances, certificates of origin for exported products are issued by the Chamber of Commerce of Georgia and territorial chambers of commerce and industry. Regional offices allow companies operating in the region receive services on site. In addition, to avoid a disruption in work of exporting companies, territorial chambers perform this service around the clock.

2014 wlis pirvel naxevarSi palatas msgavsi moTxovniT 60-ze metma ucxourma kompaniam mimarTa

Along with a certificate of origin, the exporters are provided with the following services:

palatis mier Seiqmna qarTvel eqsportiorTa direqtoria-2013. direqtoria moicavs:

Consultations concerning customs procedures, export and import of goods.

▶ monacemebs yvela eqsportiori qarTuli kompaniis Sesaxeb ▶ eqsportirebuli saqonlis CamonaTvals, raodenobas da qveynebis dasaxelebas, sadac 2013 wels qarTuli produqciis eqsporti ganxorcielda.

As a result of additional consultations on customs procedures, export and import of goods, a demand for the certificates issued by the Chamber increased by 250% in 2014.

warmoSobis sertifikatebis, sabuTebis damowmebas da fors-maJoruli garemoebebis dadasturebas, saeqsproto saqonelze warmoSobis sertifikatebis gacemas palata axdens rogorc TbilisSi, aseve regionul palatebSi. regionuli warmomadgenlobebis arseboba mniSvnelovnad umartivebs regionebSi ganlagebul kompaniebs adgilze servisis miRebas. amasTan, regionuli

Based on the problems and appeals from business, the Chamber set up the Business and Economic Affairs Committee to represent and protect the individual and common interests of resident business entities inside the country and abroad. The Committee has studied the problems in the sector of tobacco importing and insurance, conducted the analysis and prepared the appropriate conclusions for submission to the Government.



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

palatebi eqsportiori kompaniebisTvis Seferxebebis Tavidan asacileblad am serviss 24 saaTian reJimSi axorcieleben. warmoSobis sertifikatis miRebasTan erTad eqsportiors palatis mier miewodeba: ▶

sabaJo procedurebTan da saqonlis eqsportimportTan dakavSirebuli konsultaciebi. kompaniebisTvis damatebiTi konsultaciebis SeTavazebis Sedegad 2014 wels 250 %-iT gaizarda kompaniebis moTxovna palatis mier gacemul warmoSobis sertifikatze.

samewarmeo saqmianobasTan dakavSirebul sakiTxebSi, maT Soris, sazRvargareT, rezidenti biznes subieqtebis saerTo da individualuri interesebis warmodgena da dacva. kerZo seqtoris mier warmodgenili problemebisa da momarTvebis safuZvelze palataSi Seiqmna biznes da ekonomikur sakiTxTa analizis komiteti. komitetma dargobrivad Seiswavla Tambaqos improtiorTa da sadazRvevo seqtorSi arsebuli problematikis Seswavla, Caatara analizi da moamzada Sesabamisi daskvnebi mTavrobisTvis warsadgenad. sajaro da kerZo seqtors Soris dialogis xelSewyobis mizniT saqarTvelos savaWrosamrewvelo palatis organizebiT Catarda Semdegi RonisZiebebi: ▶ finansTa ministrisa da saministros warmomadgenlebis Sexvedra biznes seqtoris warmomadgenlebTan. (21 Tebervali, 2014). Sexvedras eswreboda 230 kompaniis warmomadgeneli. Sexvedris monawileebma qveynis socialur-ekonomikuri ganviTarebis strategiis „saqarTvelo 2020” proeqti ganixiles. ▶

palatis organizebiT gaimarTa samuSao Sexvedrebi okupirebuli teritoriebidan iZulebiT gadaadgilebul pirTa, gansaxlebisa da ltolvilTa saministrosa da developeruli kompaniebis warmomadgenlebs Soris. mimdinareobda erToblivi muSaoba saministros mier inicirebuli devnilTaTvis sacxovrebeli saxlebis mSeneblobis proeqtze.

2014 | noemberi

In order to facilitate the dialogue between the public and private sectors, the Chamber of Commerce has organized the following events: A meeting of the representatives of the Ministry of Finance with a business sector. (February 21, 2014). The meeting was attended by 230 companies. The participants of the meeting discussed the Socio-economic Development Strategy of Georgia “Georgia 2020”. Working meetings of the internally displaced people from the occupied territories and officials of the Ministry of Accommodation and Refugees as well as representatives of development companies. The sides worked on the refugee house construction projects initiated by the Ministry.


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

proeqtebi: 1. konkursi: jildo genderuli TanasworobisTvis. 2 Tebervali, 2014 gaeros programis „genderuli Tanasworobis xelSewyobisTvis saqarTveloSi“ farglebSi, saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatis TanaorganizebiT Catarda konkursi, romlis mizani iyo iseTi organizaciebis warmoCineba, romlebic Tanabar samuSao pirobebs uqmnian orive sqesis warmomadgenlebs. 2. treiningi Temaze “Project Management Cycle”. 11-13 Tebervali; 2014 palatisa da partniori organizaciebis TanamSromlebis kvalifikaciis amaRlebis proeqtebis werasa da marTvaSi da am kuTxiT kompaniebisTvis momsaxurebis gawevis mizniT palatis mier Catarda treiningi Temaze “Project Management Cycle”. treiningi Caatares evrokomisiis eqspertebma, monawileobda 4 qarTuli biznes asociaciis 22 warmomadgeneli.


Projects: 1. Contest Gender Equality Award. February 2, 2014 Within the frameworkst of the UN program “Gender Equality in Georgia” project, the Chamber organized a contest aimed to reveal organizations which create equal working conditions for both sexes. 2. Workshop “Project Management Cycle”. 11-13 February; 2014 In order to improve the qualification of the Chamber’s and partner organizations’ staff in drawing up and managing projects and to provide these services, the Chamber organized the “Project Management Cycle” courses. The training was conducted by experts from the European Commission and was attended by 22 representatives from four Georgian Business Associations.

3. seminari: „Business & Vendor Registration“. 4 aprili, Tbilisi

3. Workshop: “Business & Vendor Registration”. April 4, Tbilisi

gaero-s Sesyidvebis sistemis Sesaxeb qarTuli kompaniebisTvis informaciis miwodebis mizniT palatam organizeba gauwia Sesabamisi dargis 31 warmomadgenlis monawileobas.

For the purpose of providing information to Georgian companies on the UN procurement services, the Chamber organized a meeting with 31 representative of the relevant field.

4. „oqros brendi 2013”

4. “Golden Brand 2013”

2014 wlis 29 aprils saqarTvelos savaWrosamrewvelo palatis mxardaWeriT, sastumro Seraton metexi palasSi gaimarTa wlis warmatebuli kompaniebis dajildoebis ceremonia „oqros brendi 2013”

On 29 April 2014, with the support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Georgia, Golden Brand Awards Ceremony revealing the companies with a successful branding business was held at “Sheraton Metechi Palace” hotel.

5. „mewarmeoba saSualo ganaTlebis sistemaSi”. seqtemberi, Tbilisi

5. “Entrepreneurship in the secondary education system”. September, Tbilisi

saqarTvelos premier ministris iniciativiT, momaval TaobebSi samewarmeo unarebis ganviTarebis da samewarmeo kulturis amaRlebis mizniT, daigegma proeqti „mewarmeoba saSualo

To foster entrepreneurship in the secondary schools of Georgia, Prime Minister initiated a project “Entrepreneurship in the secondary education system”.



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

ganaTlebis sistemaSi“. am proeqtis farglebSi, saqarTvelos savaWro-samrewvelo palatas gaaCnia valdebulebebi: maT Soris mewarmeobis swavlebisTvis moswavlisa da maswavleblis saxelmZRvanelos momzadeba, rac gulisxmobs: ganaTlebis saministrosTan SeTanxmebiT Sesabamisi avtorebis daqiravebas, saswavlo masalebis teqnikur redaqtirebas, masalebis dizainsa da dakabadonebas; sapilote saxelmZRvaneloebis Sesabamisi raodenobiT beWdvas, akinZvas da sapilote skolebSi distribucias. palatis mier davebisa da sapretenzio sabWoSi wevris daniSvnisas ganxorcielebis wesis dadgena msoflioSi miRebul praqtikas warmoadgens savaWro-samrewvelo palatebis mier sxvadasxva davebisa da sapretenzio organoebSi/sabWoebSi wevrebis kandidaturis SeTavazeba da daniSvna. savaWro-samrewvelo palatam gaiTvaliswina es praqtika. mimdinare wels palatis mier ganxorcielda erTwevriani davebis sabWos wevris daniSvna, aseve meore SemTxvevaSi mxareTa moTxovnis Sesabamisad garkveuli kandidatebis SerCeva. kerZod, saqarTvelos saavtomobilo gzebis departamentis moTxovniT maT mier dadebuli saerTaSoriso kontraqtis pirobebis Sesabamisad davis ganmxilvel sabWos Sesaqmnelad SesTavazes sami eqspertis kandidatura. kompania „sinohidros” moTxovnis safuZvelze davebis sabWoSi dainiSna wevri, maTsa da saqarTvelos gzebis departaments Soris gaformebuli kontraqtis safuZvelze.

qarTuli kompaniebisTvis fors-maJoris dadasturebis wesis gaadvileba da gamartiveba daixvewa fors-maJoris dadasturebis wesebi. Semcirda sabuTis gacemis maqsimaluri vada. 2014 wels palataSi Semovida sami gancxadeba - ori dakmayofilda. informaciisTvis - gasul wels Semovida 4 gancxadeba, romelTagan yvela dakmayofilda. kerZo samarTlis subieqtebs Soris warmoSobili qonebrivi davis mogvarebis xelSewyoba davis gadawyvetis alternatiuli saSualebebis SeqmniT 2014 wlis ianvarSi palatam daafuZna saqarTvelos saerTaSoriso saarbitraJo centri.

2014 | noemberi

In the frames of the project, the Chamber undertakes the following liabilities: to prepare teacher’s, pupil’s guide/training manuals, which means hiring the authors agreed with the Ministry of Education, technical editing of educational materials, design and layout of materials; printing of pilot manuals, distribution in pilot schools. The facilitation and simplification of the procedure of verification of force majeure have improved rules of authentication of force majeure circumstances. The maximum time envisaged to issue the documents has reduced. IN 2014, THE CHAMBER RECEIVED THREE APPLICATIONS - TWO OF THEM HAVE BEEN SATISFIED Note: Last year four applications were submitted, all of them were satisfied. In January 2014, the Chamber founded the Georgian International Arbitration Center to promote alternative property disputes resolution arising between private law subjects. The Georgian International Arbitration Center is the first non-profit unentrepreneurial arbitration institute and also the first international arbitration in Georgia which plays an important role in developing alternative dispute resolution mechanisms both in Georgia and throughout the region. It will help to develop arbitration practices and expand the scope of legal services in Georgia; to attract foreign investors to discuss the disputes in Georgia, which raises the prospect of additional financial inflows; to enhance an interest of internationally known law firms in Georgia; to support the growth of qualified personnel and competitiveness; to boost Georgia’s image as a country with transparent, equitable and competitive environment and free business; to relieve the overloaded court system from private civil disputes; to help Georgian businesses to find significant leverage to resolve the disputes with foreign partners in Georgia; In order to raise awareness on the Georgian International Arbitration Centre at the international and regional level, on March 11 the Chamber


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

saqarTvelos saerTaSoriso saarbitraJo centri aris pirveli arakomerciuli arasamewarmeo saarbitraJo instituti da aseve pirveli saerTaSoriso arbitraJi saqarTveloSi, rac mniSvnelovan rols iTamaSebs, rogorc saqarTveloSi, aseve regionis masStabiT davebis gadawyvetis alternatiuli meqanizmebis ganviTarebaSi. igi xels Seuwyobs: ▶ saqarTveloSi saarbitraJo praqtikis ganviTarebasa da iuridiuli momsaxurebis sferos gafarToebas; ▶ ucxoeli investorebis dainteresebas, raTa saqarTveloSi ganixilon warmoSobili davebi, rac qveynisTvis damatebiTi finansebis Semodinebis perspeqtivas zrdis; ▶ xels Seuwyobs saerTaSoriso doneze cnobili iuridiuli firmebis mier saqarTveloTi dainteresebas; ▶ kvalificiuri kadrebis gazrdasa da konkurentunarianobis xelSewyobas; saqarTvelos, rogorc gamWirvale, miukerZoebeli, konkurentuli garemos da biznesis Tavisuflebis mqone qveynis imijis gazrdas; ▶ gadatvirTuli sasamarTlo sistemis gamoTavisuflebas kerZo xasiaTis davebisgan; ▶ daexmareba qarTul bizness, rom gaaCndeT mniSvnelovani berketi ucxoel partniorTan arsebuli dava gadawyviton saqarTveloSi; ▶ saxelmwifos ki ucxoel investorebTan dadebul xelSekrulebebSi davebis gadawyvetis meqanizmad gamoiyenos mniSvnelovnad iafi saqarTveloSi moqmedi saarbitraJo instituti


organized the International Conference devoted to the development of regional arbitration system in Georgia whose goal was to familiarize the public with the activities carried out by the Chamber for the arbitration development as well as to raise awareness on an arbitration center. In 2014, the number of the Chamber member companies has significantly increased, as well as the number of members of the Supervisory Board of the Chamber.

saqarTvelos saerTaSoriso saarbitraJo centris cnobadobis amaRlebis mizniT saerTaSoriso da regionaluri masStabiT 11 marts palatis organizebiT gaimarTa Tbilisis saerTaSoriso konferencia Temaze „saqarTveloSi regionaluri arbitraJis ganviTareba“, romlis mizani iyo palatis mier arbitraJis ganviTarebisTvis ganxorcielebuli RonisZiebebis sazogadoebisTvis gacnoba, dafuZnebuli saarbitraJo centris cnobadobis amaRleba. 2014 wels mniSvnelovnad gaizarda palatis wevrikompaniebis raodenoba, aseve palatis sabWos wevrTa raodenoba



partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

2014 | noemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


â–ś GS1 aris organizacia, romlis mizans warmoadgens saerTaSoriso, mravalseqtoruli standartebis Seqmna da danergva, romelTa gamoyeneba uzrunvelyofs informaciis swraf da efeqtur gacvlas biznes partniorebs Soris da moTxovna-miwodebis jaWvis gamWvirvalobas. GS1 is an international not-for-profit association dedicated to the design and implementation of global standards and solutions to improve the efficiency and visibility of supply and demand chains globally and across sectors. The GS1 system of standards is the most widely used supply chain standards system in the world.

GS1 saqarTvelo aris erTaderTi organizacia saqarTveloSi, romelsac aqvs ufleba moaxdinos qarTuli produqciisa da momsaxurebis identifikacia GS1-is saidentifikacio sistemis mixedviT. GS1 Georgia brings together those wishing to use the system on the principle of voluntary membership.

www.gs1.ge.org NOVEMBER | 2014


partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

Kindness is contagious!

სიკეთე გადამდებია!

www.gwba.org.ge info@gwba.org.ge +995 32 299 69 59


Georgian Women Business Association ĔăĘăēĊĈćčĐĔ ĘăčĊă ĄċĉďćĔ ăĔĐĝċăĝċă

2014 | noemberi


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry




partniori საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატა

2014 | noemberi

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