University Student Affairs Student Handbook
43 2021-22
members of the University community acting in their personal capacities, remain free to interact with governmental representatives as they deem appropriate.
G. Student Conduct Process 1. Reporting Misconduct a.
Any member of the public or University community may report a complaint against a student for alleged misbehavior. Different types of reports have different reporting processes including: •
Emergency/Urgent/Immediate safety situation – Campus Safety (714-992-7892)
Title IX (discrimination/harassment/sexual misconduct involving student or employee) – (See Section I of this document for more information)
Student Code of Conduct Violation – Program Conduct Officer
University Policy Violation – University Student Affairs
Complaint against a Program Policy – Program Dean/Director, or designee
Employee as Respondent (non-Title IX) – Human Resources
General Concern for student or employee wellbeing – Report a Concern Form
Unsure – University Student Affairs –
b. Each complaint and conduct process is unique and may not always follow this outline precisely. The Program Conduct Process section is intended to provide general guidance in resolution to potential Code violations. All conduct processes shall begin under the assumption that the Respondent has not violated Program or University policy.
2. Program Conduct Process
(See respective Program Handbooks for details. Below are general procedures for all Programs.) a.
Complaint Intake - ALL complaints about potential violations of the Code should initiate through the Program Conduct Officer (PCO) who will ensure appropriate intake of complaint, determine basic validity of complaint (is/is not a potential violation of the Code), open case file, and prepare for next steps. i.
Support Measures – The PCO will involve the VPSA if, at any point throughout the case, the PCO believes Interim Support Measures may be required due to concerns for the personal safety, health, well-being, or fear of confrontation by involved parties while the case is being investigated. Interim Support Measures include, but are not limited to: o No Contact Orders o Campus Safety presence at meetings o temporary schedule adjustments o brief removal from class or campus o Interim Suspension – Outlined below
PCO will immediately forward the case to the University Conduct Process if at any point the PCO determines the case: o is serious in nature o involves complicated facts o may have community impact o involves students/groups with previous disciplinary violations o may lead to suspension, dismissal, or expulsion as a sanction
b. Initial Investigation – The PCO shall conduct an initial investigation, including appropriate interviews with complainants and/or respondents, presentation of initial charge letter if necessary, and review of respondent options for next steps of process including forwarding to University Conduct Committee Process. i.
If respondent admits and accepts responsibility, PCO may resolve with consideration of the admission. Back to Title Page