Clumsy turtle class

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Umalas Daycare, Playgroup and Learning Center

REPORT BOOK Name Class Term

Clumsy Turtle

Attendance this term :

General observations :

Note: This report book contains your child’s development following our scheduled daily activities. Each topic is based on full year objectives that will be covered in 15 hours morning attendance per week and at the end of each term every parent will receive a new report book that is reviewed and updated. Below is the parameter on how your child is progressing on each objective: : learning towards : achieved

Personal, Social and Emotional development Self-confidence and self-awareness 12 Months

18 Months

Uses pointing with eye gaze to Enjoys finding own nose, eyes or tummy as part of naming games make request and to share interest

24 Months Demonstrates sense of self as an individual

Learns that own voice/actions has effects on others

Engages other person to help achieve a goal (e.g. to get an object out of reach)

Feels proud when doing things independently

Laughs and gurgles

Says "no" to adult

Expresses own preferences/interests

Imitates gestures like "wave" or "kiss"

Explores alone but with parents/teachers close by

Shows interest in stories about him/herself

Managing feelings and behaviour 12 Months

18 Months

24 Months

Reacts to other people's emotions (e.g. smiles when smiled)

Is aware that some actions can hurt/harm others

Seeks comfort from adults when needed.

Shows a range of emotions such as pleasure, fear and excitement

Can express own feelings (happy, sad,...)

Can inhibit actions/behaviours (stop doing something he/she should not do)

Cooperates with caregiving experiences

Learns that some things are theirs

Cooperates with some routines

Learns some things are shared Begins to understand "yes", "no", and some things belong to other and some boundaries people

Responds to the feeling and wishes of others

Personal, Social and Emotional development Making relationships 12 Months

18 Months

24 Months

Likes cuddles and being held

Interacts with others

Seeks out others to share experiences

Hands you a book when wants to hear story

Shows interest in the activities of others

Shows interest in others' play and starts to join

Plays alongside others Is wary of unfamiliar people Has favourite things and people


Plays cooperatively with familiar adult

Plays simple pretend, such as feeding a doll

Communication and language Listening and attention 12 Months

18 Months

24 Months

Turns towards a familiar sound

Moves whole body to music

Enjoys rhymes

Locates range of sounds with accuracy

Has strong exploration impulse

Recognizes/Responds to familiar sounds

Reacts by interaction with others by smiling, looking and moving

Concentrates intently on an object or activity for short periods

Demonstrates listening by trying to join in with actions and vocabulary.

Quietens/alerts to the sound of speech

Pays attention to dominant stimulus

Shifts to a different task if attention fully obtained

Listens to familiar sounds, words

Enjoys rhythmic patterns in stories.

Joins in singing favourite songs

Understanding 12 Months

18 Months

24 Months

Stops and looks when hears own name

Responds to different things when in familiar concept (Where's mummy?)

Identifies words by pointing the picture

Responds to simple requests (e.g. Through the ball, come Follows others body language, pointing and gesture

Distinguishes between commanding and question

Knows few parts of the body and can point to them when asked

Understands single words (cup, milk, daddy)

Understands simple concepts (big/small) Understands complex sentences (e.g. Put your toys away and then we'll play) Understands who, what, where in simple questions. (who's that? what's that?)

Communication and language Speaking 12 Months

18 Months

24 Months

Makes own sounds when talked

Puts two words together (e.g. more water)

Uses 2/3 words sentences to talk about and ask for things

Says "mama", "papa� (non-specifically)

Imitates words and sounds

Uses k, g, l, t, f and n sounds

Uses sounds in play (e.g. brrrm for car, Ăąam for apple)

Creates personal words, begins to develop language

Uses different types of everyday words (e.g. banana, go, hot, sleep)

Waves hello and bye bye

Copies familiar expressions (e.g. all gone)

Talks about people/things that are not present

Copies gestures


Mathematics development Numbers 12 Months

Notices changes in number of objects/images or sounds in groups of up to 3

18 Months

24 Months

Has some understanding that things exist, even when out of sight

Knows that thing exists, even when out of sight

Develops an awareness of number names through rhymes and songs

Says some counting words randomly

Begins to organise objects (e.g. cars with cars, teddies with teddies)

Selects small numbers of objects (e.g. Please, give me one/two pencil/s)

Shape, space and measures 12 Months Observes objects and their movements

Recognizes big things and small things


18 Months

24 Months

Attempts to fit shapes into spaces

Notices simple shapes and patterns in pictures.

Uses blocks to creates simple structures

Begins to use the language of size

Enjoys filling and emptying containers

Begins to sort shapes and colours

Physical development Gross motor skills 12 Months

18 Months

24 Months

Rolls over from front to back

Walks upstairs holding hand

Runs safely on whole foot

Rolls over from back to front

Comes downstairs backwards on knees

Can kick a large ball

Walks alone

Can lean forward to pick up small toys when sitting.

Pulls toys while walking

Leans over to pick up something without falling

Sits unsupported on the floor

Pushes toys while walking

Stands on tiptoe

Scoots and crawls

Dance to music

Throws ball overhand into a box

Stands up without holding anything

Can help undress self

Walks backwards

Fine motor, visual and sensory skills 12 Months

18 Months

24 Months

Passes toys from one hand to the other

Removes socks and place hats on head

Makes/Copies straight lines and circles

Drops and picks-up toys

Holds crayon using a hold hand grasp

Builds small towers 4 or more blocks

Bangs two objects together

Starts scribble with pencils/crayons

Might use one hand more than the other

Pokes and point with index finger

Puts things in a container and takes them out

Turns pages in a book, sometimes several at ones

Picks things with pincer grasp

Enjoys making marks in damp sand

Enjoys pasting or painting

Finds hidden things easily

Knows what ordinary things are for (e.g. telephone, brush, spoon)


Finds things even when hidden under 2/3 covers Recognizes self in the mirror

Feeding development, Health and self-care Feeding development 12 Months Holds own bottle or cup

18 Months

24 Months

Holds cup with two hands Drinks without much spilling

Grasps finger food and brings them to mouth

Develops own likes and dislikes in food and drink

Attempts to use spoon (food often falls off)

Feeds self with spoon (some spilling occur)

Drinks well without spilling

Feeds self with a spoon (some spilling may occur)

Health and self-care 12 Months

18 Months

24 Months

Cooperates actively with nappy changing.

Starts communicate urination, bowel movement

Communicates wet or soiled nappy/pants

Expresses discomfort

Shows awareness of what a potty or toilet is used for

Begins to recognize danger and seeks support of significant adults for help


Songs & Rhymes Mr. SUN

Mr. Rooster

Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, Please shine down on me.

Good morning. Good morning. Good morning to you. Good morning, Mr. Rooster. Cock-a-doodle-doo.

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, Hiding behind a tree These little children are asking you To please come out so we can play with you. Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, Please shine down on, please shine down on, Please shine down on me.

Good morning. Good morning. Good morning to you. Good morning, Mr. Rooster. Cock-a-doodle-doo. Cock-a-doodle-doo. Cock-a-doodle-doo! Good morning to you!

Good morning Good morning Clumsy Turtles how are you? I'm fine Good morning Clumsy Turtles how are you? I'm fine Good morning to you, good morning to me, good morning Clumsy Turtles how are you? I'm fine! Good morning Chirpy Chicks how are you? I'm fine Good morning Chirpy Chicks how are you? I'm fine Good morning to you, good morning to me, good morning Chirpy Chicks how are you? I'm fine! Good morning Busy Butterflies how are you? I'm fine Good morning Busy Butterflies how are you? I'm fine Good morning to you, good morning to me, good morning Busy Butterflies how are you? I'm fine!

Jalan Umalas Lestari 28 Kerobokan - Bali 0361-8499441 0361-8499442

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