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Museum Print Design
The soluti on was to design a whole new brand identi ty for the constructi on company, to encapsulate a modern quality to a constructi on brand that stood tall to the local competi ti on and was versati le to grow into an industry standard. I designed visual elements to unify all print and digital elements together. These elements were inspired by the intricate patt erns of a piece of wood.
Mütter Museum Print Design
Year: 2020 | Design Tools: Photoshop | Deliverable: Digital design, print design, adverti sing campaigns| Client: Mutt er Museum (Ficti onal Project)
The Museum needed a fresh new take on persuading a younger audience to visit the museum and its 25,000 specimens. The challenge was to design something capti vati ng through digital photomontage using photoshop, sourcing images from the web, and creati ng a unique piece that plays homage to the odditi es of the human body and the historical aestheti c of the museum.

This project consisted of a composite image created using Adobe Photoshop, the poster consists of a human skull with greenery, a rose, a human brain, and a syringe, paying homage to the medical nature and natural aspects of the specimens within the museum; the poster plays on typography and a focus on human anatomy.
Color & Typography
Use for H1, headline, ti tles, quote Rama Gothic E SemiBold
Use for H2, H3, sub-headline, body text Acumin Pro Medium
#812b2c #cfc8b8 #282828
I decided to use a darker maroon color, adding to the vintage qualiti es of the museum while signifying power and fearlessness. Furthermore, the color beige is used to ground the design, adding a sense of seriousness and earthiness to the human nature of the museum’s medical history. Gray and black are ti meless, bringing strength and balance to the palett e.
Rama E gothic is a vintage wood type, its anti que retro look add to the nostalgia of the museum’s medical history. Acumin Pro is a versati le sansserif typeface used in the body copy and maintains an excepti onal degree of formality and legibility in all sizes. 11