2 minute read
Book Cover
Print Extensions


Business cards expand the campaign further using the same composite image featuring the museum’s informati on for visitors. Furthermore, a book is represented here featuring the science behind the museum’s medical odditi es.
A book is represented here featuring the science behind the museum’s medical odditi es. It is furthermore adding to the museum’s new and improved print material.
Violet Book Cover
Year: 2022 | Design Tools: Photoshop| Deliverable: Book Cover Design | Client: Devyn Leal (Author)

The author Devyn Leal of the book Violet needed a book cover design for his newly writt en book that will soon be published. The story brings violence, abuse, and drugs to the primary character, Violet, where some explicit themes from the book need to be translated to the cover.
The client wanted the woman’s hand, blood, a razor blade, and a bathroom fl oor. He provided a sketch of the idea he wanted.
Color & Typography
Use for H1, headline, ti tles, quote Halant
Use for H2, H3, sub-headline, body text Nunito Sans SemiBold Halant is a serif typeface used for its readability; it is disti ncti ve and is used for the ti tle and headlines. In contrast, Nunito Sans Semibold is a sans-serif typeface with well-balanced non-rounded forms allowing for readability and grounds the typeface from the serif of the headlines and ti tles.
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Blood is a signifi cant part of the book, as there is violence, abuse, and more. Red signifi es aggression, pain, and danger, essenti al themes within the story. The color is used for the cover, along with white and black, to contrast and bring themes of isolati on, empti ness, and menace.