Kevin Grijalva GRAPHIC DESIGN 2022
1 Table of Contents About Me ......................................................................... 3 NOW Poster Triptych ....................................................... 4 Brand Identity .................................................................. 7 Museum Print Design ................................................... 10 Book Cover..................................................................... 13 Community Library Poster Triptych ............................... 16
Contact: (520)kevin@kevingrijalva.com261-0130
Expertise: I am a graphic designer based in Tucson, Arizona.
Illustrator, Photoshop, Adobe XD, Dreamweaver, Indesign, Premiere Pro
I think of design not as a single practice but as several interlocking ones. Logos are inseparable from a brand’s identity, typography is inseparable from design, and improving human relationships is the ultimate goal of any project. Aesthetic movements come and go, but I have found these principles timeless. My first job is to understand the client’s vision and needs, not present my own. I value timeliness, direct communication, and prototypes over presentations. Over the years, I have been fortunate to collaborate with some excellent clients on beautiful projects, but I believe it is still too early to weigh in on the work’s success. A design exists in time, and its usefulness is directly related to how well it continues to perform.

Year: 2022 | Design Tools: Illustrator | Deliverable: Print Design | Client: Personal Project A wellness triptych series highlighting quotes emphasizing the importance of your environment, belief, andconsciousness. Ultimately, focusing on overall presence, this message is further brought up with a concise color palette and bubbly illustrations with human characters in a state of presence and being. 01 NOW Poster Triptych NOW Poster Triptych Series

Josefin Sans is both elegant with a vintage feeling, and it is excellent when used in larger formats such as the titles and quotes within the poster not only for legibility but its geometric forms further play upon the illustrative style of the series. 0,55,100,68#522500 0,54,78,6#ef6d34 0,17,41,3#f8cd93
In the message of mindfulness, earthy tones and colors like orange and yellow bring forth friendliness, confidence, optimism, and creativity. A spot of purple on each poster signifies the spirituality and wisdom the series speaks about.
Color & Typography Process Work
5 Use for H1, headline, titles, quote Josefin Sans Semibold Use for H2, H3, sub-headline, body text
Josefin Sans Bold
#fbcfba 0,18,26,2 0,56,18,24#c1549f
Here, is a mood board inspired by the keywords “Environment, Habit, and Mindfulness.” I wanted to capture this essence and create the triptych in an illustrative style, highlighting the characters’ peaceful feelings. The challenge was for all three posters to work together with a unifying theme and aesthetic. Accessibility was a significant factor as the poster would be seen from afar and upfront. Mood Board

A construction company located in Tucson, AZ needed a rebrand; its original name was Ironwood construction. The brand lacked a design system and visual consistency. There were no brand elements and print media present and lacked visual interest. Ironwood was common and found as business names worldwide and even locally and was changed to BURS as it had no presence online and was a unique four-letter word making it memorable. Grijalva
02 BURS Construction Corp. Year: 2022 | Design Tools: Illustrator, XD, Photoshop, Google Slides| Deliverable: Branding, digital design, print design, advertising campaigns | Client: Juan
Brand Identity

Use for H1, headline, titles, quote Josefin Sans Use for H2, H3, sub-headline, body text Rokkitt Old NewLogoLogo#f267390,57,76,5 64,66,0,63#22205f #d6d6d60,0,0,16 Color & Typography
The previous logo felt outdated with its muted colors and generic feeling typeface. Overall, it lacked visual connections with the rest of the brand’s material.
The new logo is bold and precise, defining the brand’s true identity with its modern qualities, adding a unifying color palette that seemingly connects the brand’s material and construction qualities. Its primary typographical treatment is bold with a white color contrasting with the brand grounding blue, while the orange brings an energetic quality to the brand’s elements and logo.
Josefin Sans is a geometric sans-serif typeface with an elegant, almost vintage feel. The typeface is perfect when used in larger sizes. Rokkit contains unique geometric forms. This typeface is excellent for displaying large bodies of text and can also be used in headlines.
The orange brings an energetic feeling to the brand and a confident mood, while the blue grounds the brand signifying loyalty and security. The white, gray, and black add to the palettes’ overall sophistication and clarity within elements and the brand’s color palette.

The solution was to design a whole new brand identity for the construction company, to encapsulate a modern quality to a construction brand that stood tall to the local competition and was versatile to grow into an industry standard. I designed visual elements to unify all print and digital elements together. These elements were inspired by the intricate patterns of a piece of wood.

03 Mütter Museum Print Design Year: 2020 | Design Tools: Photoshop | Deliverable: Digital design, print design, advertising campaigns| Client: Mutter Museum (Fictional Project)
Museum Print Design
The Museum needed a fresh new take on persuading a younger audience to visit the museum and its 25,000 specimens. The challenge was to design something captivating through digital photomontage using photoshop, sourcing images from the web, and creating a unique piece that plays homage to the oddities of the human body and the historical aesthetic of the museum.

0,67,66,49#812b2c 0,3,11,19#cfc8b8 #2828280,0,0,84 Use for H1, headline, titles, quote Rama
I decided to use a darker maroon color, adding to the vintage qualities of the museum while signifying power and fearlessness. Furthermore, the color beige is used to ground the design, adding a sense of seriousness and earthiness to the human nature of the museum’s medical history. Gray and black are timeless, bringing strength and balance to the palette.
This project consisted of a composite image created using Adobe Photoshop, the poster consists of a human skull with greenery, a rose, a human brain, and a syringe, paying homage to the medical nature and natural aspects of the specimens within the museum; the poster plays on typography and a focus on human anatomy. Gothic
E SemiBold Use for H2, H3, sub-headline, body text Acumin Pro Medium Color & Typography
Rama E gothic is a vintage wood type, its antique retro look add to the nostalgia of the museum’s medical history. Acumin Pro is a versatile sansserif typeface used in the body copy and maintains an exceptional degree of formality and legibility in all sizes.

A book is represented here featuring the science behind the museum’s medical oddities. It is furthermore adding to the museum’s new and improved print material.
Business cards expand the campaign further using the same composite image featuring the museum’s information for visitors. Furthermore, a book is represented here featuring the science behind the museum’s medical oddities.
Print Extensions

The author Devyn Leal of the book Violet needed a book cover design for his newly written book that will soon be published. The story brings violence, abuse, and drugs to the primary character, Violet, where some explicit themes from the book need to be translated to the cover. The client wanted the woman’s hand, blood, a razor blade, and a bathroom floor. He provided a sketch of the idea he wanted. Devyn Leal
04 Violet Book Cover Year: 2022 | Design Tools: Photoshop| Deliverable: Book Cover Design | Client:
(Author) Book Cover

0,0,0,100#000000 #ffffff 0,0,0,0 Use for H1, headline, titles, quote Halant Bold Use for H2, H3, sub-headline, body text Nunito Sans SemiBold 0,82,68,61#631220 Color & Typography
Halant is a serif typeface used for its readability; it is distinctive and is used for the title and headlines. In contrast, Nunito Sans Semibold is a sans-serif typeface with well-balanced non-rounded forms allowing for readability and grounds the typeface from the serif of the headlines and titles.
The client wanted the woman’s hand, blood, a razor blade, and a bathroom floor. He provided a sketch of the idea he wanted.
Blood is a significant part of the book, as there is violence, abuse, and more.
The author Devyn Leal of the book Violet needed a book cover design for his newly written book that will soon be published. The story brings violence, abuse, and drugs to the primary character, Violet, where some explicit themes from the book need to be translated to the cover.
Red signifies aggression, pain, and danger, essential themes within the story. The color is used for the cover, along with white and black, to contrast and bring themes of isolation, emptiness, and menace.


06 Community Library Poster Triptych Community Library Poster Triptych
Client: Pima Community Library (Fictional) In this project, the local community library needed a poster triptych series to capture younger viewers’ attention to read more and visit the community library. The client wanted the posters to contain a book quote from some of the books they have and incorporate it into the design. As well as the library’s logo and “see the world differently.”
Year: 2020 | Design Tools: Illustrator, Photoshop | Deliverable: Print Design

Blood is a significant part of the book, as there is violence, abuse, and more.
I created preliminary drawings from keywords within the quote, for example, the third poster. I knew that the word “mind” was something I wanted to capture and maybe create some kind of iconography within the design, so I decided to make a silhouette of a person and have my mind read within it while keeping the quote intact. Seemingly all three posters highlight the author and library logo.
170,17,69,5#f3c94c #fffff 0,0,0,00,0,0,100#000000 Use for H1, headline, titles, quote Roboto Bold Use for H2, H3, sub-headline, body text Roboto Regular Color & Typography
Red signifies aggression, pain, and danger, essential themes within the story. The color is used for the cover, along with white and black, to contrast and bring themes of isolation, emptiness, and menace.
Halant is a serif typeface used for its readability; it is distinctive and is used for the title and headlines. In contrast, Nunito Sans Semibold is a sans-serif typeface with well-balanced non-rounded forms allowing for readability and grounds the typeface from the serif of the headlines and titles.

With this ad campaign, I found a way to incorporate quotes from three of my favorite books that the client provided. I created preliminary drawings of keywords that come to mind, for example, the third poster. I knew that the word “mind” was something I wanted to capture and maybe create some kind of iconography within the design, so I decided to make a silhouette of a person and have my mind read within it while keeping the quote intact. Seemingly all three posters highlight the author from the books in which the quotes come. Originally the library logo was in color, but I felt that white would best fit with the black backgrounds of the posters.

Thank You

Kevin G r ijalva G raphi c Desig n