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Community Library Poster Triptych



Community Library Poster Triptych
Year: 2020 | Design Tools: Illustrator, Photoshop | Deliverable: Print Design | Client: Pima Community Library (Ficti onal)
In this project, the local community library needed a poster triptych series to capture younger viewers’ att enti on to read more and visit the community library. The client wanted the posters to contain a book quote from some of the books they have and incorporate it into the design. As well as the library’s logo and “see the world diff erently.”

I created preliminary drawings from keywords within the quote, for example, the third poster. I knew that the word “mind” was something I wanted to capture and maybe create some kind of iconography within the design, so I decided to make a silhouette of a person and have my mind read within it while keeping the quote intact. Seemingly all three posters highlight the author and library logo.
Color & Typography
Use for H1, headline, titles, quote
Roboto Bold
Use for H2, H3, sub-headline, body text Roboto Regular
#f3c94c #000000
0,0,0,100 #fffff
Halant is a serif typeface used for its readability; it is distinctive and is used for the title and headlines. In contrast, Nunito Sans Semibold is a sans-serif typeface with well-balanced non-rounded forms allowing for readability and grounds the typeface from the serif of the headlines and titles.
Blood is a significant part of the book, as there is violence, abuse, and more. Red signifies aggression, pain, and danger, essential themes within the story. The color is used for the cover, along with white and black, to contrast and bring themes of isolation, emptiness, and menace. 17
With this ad campaign, I found a way to incorporate quotes from three of my favorite books that the client provided. I created preliminary drawings of keywords that come to mind, for example, the third poster. I knew that the word “mind” was something I wanted to capture and maybe create some kind of iconography within the design, so I decided to make a silhouett e of a person and have my mind read within it while keeping the quote intact. Seemingly all three posters highlight the author from the books in which the quotes come. Originally the library logo was in color, but I felt that white would best fi t with the black backgrounds of the posters.

Thank You

Kevin G rijalva
G raphic Desig n