Russell Grant Magazine – April 2021 (Lock3421)

Page 37

Lucas asks “I’d really like to learn a new hobby, what do the stars suggest.?” Lucas is looking for something of a challenge; something to get his teeth into and as a Virgo he will also want to feel he is being productive. That’s why learning a skill that might also come in useful in the future will appeal strongly to him. Hobbies that are hands on and tactile such as painting, sculpture, woodwork and cooking might appeal. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, planet of the mind, suggesting an enjoyment of intellectual pursuits like chess, photography or horticulture. Learning a language or how to master a musical instrument might also be fun and any newfound knowledge could help advance his professional interests.

Louise asks “My work colleague is married, but blushes every time I speak. I believe he’s a Leo. Is there trouble on that front.? Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you! With planets in Scorpio Louise often picks up intuitively on other people’s feelings but she can also convince herself that her feelings are intuitive to hide her own desire for her Leo workmate. People bush involuntary when they feel embarrassed or threatened and it could be that her Leo workmate feels self-conscious or slightly intimidated when he speaks to Louise. She might misinterpret his blushes as attraction for her and if she anticipates trouble this again could be her over-active imagination. There will be no problems unless she is the one to cause them.

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