Russell Grant VIP Magazine – April 2021

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Russell Grant

April 2021



















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Nicola Walker

A Girl Next Door Nicola Walker is the proverbial “girl next door”, pretty but not beautiful, sexy yet certainly not an outrageous flirt. She told the Guardian “people rarely recognise me. The embarrassing thing is that you’ll be on the tube and someone will say: “I know your face, what have you been in?” So, you very quietly have to say: “Well, did you watch Spooks?” “Nah, don’t watch Spooks.” “OK, um, do you watch Last Tango in Halifax?” “Oh no, I don’t watch much telly,” and then you’re left sort of just reading out your CV on the Central line. One woman threw her arms around me and said: “Oh god, I thought you were my friend, but you’re off Last Tango.” That was nice. Gobsmacked Does that “jokey” demeanor hide a hidden complexity, is the lady as intriguing as she seems? Your basic psychic would sense Nicola is not just a pretty face, but the only way Miss Marple could resolve the Nicola "crime scene" is to check in with the stars. This is a Taurus lady who oozes working class aplomb; her family emigrated to Essex . "I’m a proper Essex girl because my family was part of that great exodus from the East End. We’re gob smacked by how trendy it is now.” As trendy as you are Nicola? Chalk from Cheese Kismet, Fate, or Karma, call it what you will, ensured Nicola always knew she wanted to be an actress even though her family was as far from “the thespian ”as chalk is from cheese.“ Her dad is a

scrap metal merchant turned publican and her mother “did up houses before there were interior designers” – they encouraged their daughter.” Nicola was born with the Moon in Virgo; a combo that talks of determination, will power even down right obstinacy. The type of lass who emanates chutzpah. In fact, you can place all your bets on Nicola, she will never let you down... Ever! Add a smattering of her Scorpio in Neptune's ultra-perception and you have the makings of an award winning, BAFTA nominated actor who can communicate to everyone on screen and off, hence those weird conversations on the Central Line. From irritating folk singer in Four Weddings and a Funeral to a starring role in the super spy drama ‘Spooks’

“I feel quietly hopeful for this phase of my life. I’m really pleased that I feel like I’m in the right job – and I still love doing it!”


from 2003-11, Nicola has managed to keep her name up in lights. She can be anyone, and to boot she ensures peace reigns on set and off! Harmony is the key, love is her answer; she is protective of her private life, she has solid values. “I know my strengths, but I’m not comfortable talking about my family – I love them so much and it’s something I want to protect. My husband says I’m a grumpy lioness.” It must have been hard to spend time away from her actor husband Barnaby Kay and her son Harry, whilst filming “Last Tango in Halifax. “ She told the Express she felt guilty, and did not expect the show to run for three years. Could a grounded Mercury in Taurus be the reason Nicola is able to take on all the challenges of a committed acting career? Some would answer "without a doubt." She did Broadway in a View from the Bridge, a divorce lawyer in The Split, and a lesbian vicar in Collateral, a BBC Netflix crime drama alongside Carey Mulligan, and Billie Piper. Saturn, also in Taurus, ensures she has the stamina to fly high on that star-studded, hog. She told the Scotsman “There’s not been a plan,” she says. “It’s just being an actor, and I’m really grateful that in the last few years the parts have got really interesting. I love that it’s since I hit my forties. I’m getting involving parts because there are people out there that want to tell more complex stories about women and men.....” Positivity is obviously Nicola's “Raison d'Etre!” Yet, underneath that “together” exterior there beats the heart of a Taurus style Playgirl, the kind of dame who loves your basic joke, a barrel of laughs; the life and soul of the party whether it be with family or fellow thespians. Nicola knows she is lucky; she told the Express “I feel a sense of relief that there is still work out there for us!” But, hey Nicola it was your talent that won the Olivier Award in 2013 for best supporting actress in The Curious Incident Of The Dog in the Night-Time.” Nicola might not have "gotten the picture" yet? She apparently has not understood she is a legend due to her super performances in Spooks and Unforgotten, a crime drama Primadonna if you will, perfect as the star of UKTV channel's “Alibi” a six-part series, and more than a fitting role for the Olivier Award Winner. A show not to be missed of course, but really, who would want to miss out on Nicola? Philip Garcia - Celebrity Astrologer

Staycation Cruises We’re staying at home so you don’t have to… This year we're staying local so that we can whisk you away on the ultimate UK getaway. After months of lockdown life, you’ve earned a trip to a luxury hotel, a soothing spa break, dinner and a show… Luckily with us, you don’t have to choose just one. Everything you’ve missed and more is waiting on board. These new coastal cruises will sail around the UK coast “where the sun shines brightest.” Book now and choose from three and four night breaks and one six night holiday on our flagship Britannia. Or book a holiday on Iona, she’ll offer week-long escapes for her maiden season.

Setting sail from Southampton, you’ll get the chance to enjoy a British break with the chance to enjoy a British break with a serious upgrade. Gourmet dining and poolside pizza, cocktail bars and coffee spots, boutique shops and cinemas, whirlpool spas and hi-tech gyms, live music and theatre shows – your ship offers it all. Plus that much-needed holiday feeling… You’ll wake each morning with a new view beyond your balcony. You’ll drink in shimmering sea views. You’ll sunbathe (here’s hoping) by the pool. Credit: P & O Cruises

Keeping women safe

A recent survey by UN Women published the week beginning 8 March 2021 has revealed that 97% of women aged from 18-24 in the UK have been sexually harassed in public places. It's a harrowing statistic. So, should women closet themselves away as night falls, treat every man as a potential threat, never risk dressing in a way that could be misconstrued as sexually provocative? That's no way to live and besides, not all attacks happen after dark. One recent suggestion, to curfew men after 6pm, is not a reasonable solution either. I'm guessing many women of a certain age have past experience of unpleasant; a hand on their leg or breast in a crowded place, a threatening look or comment, a feeling of being trapped. I certainly have. From walking into an office at my place of work and seeing pictures plastered on the walls which looked like gynie examinations, to having a black cab driver climb through the hatch to get at me, to being attacked walking home at night. Add in a few dodgy lifts home after nights out and it makes for some unnerving times.

But should women have to accept But equally, there was the man who abuse as part of life, shrug it off as stopped and insisted on giving me a safe lift home as I walked alone late at night; I 'normal', have to adopt these safety guidelines, be careful how they dress, couldn't get a taxi. He said he hoped someone would do that for his girlfriend. never venture out unaccompanied? What needs to happen for women to Or, the many men who've supported feel safe? and defended myself and women I knew from unwanted male attention. This is not about blaming or shaming There's so much focus on what women women. It's important for boys and should do to protect themselves in order men to accept responsibility for their to minimise risk; behaviour and be clear about their role in their community. Appropriate Don't travel alone, and even share your education comes from both home and taxi. Maybe stay overnight at your friend's, rather than risk travelling alone. school. As children, we learn from the behaviour being modelled by parents, Take the taxi's registration and even teachers, friends, celebrities and we photograph the driver so that there's a absorb it. record on your phone. Be careful when driving yourself to places. Ensure that the carpark is well-lit, both for when you're arriving and leaving. Have your keys in your hand. They make a good weapon and also enable you to enter home quickly. Be constantly alert when walking alone, checking behind, avoiding the use of earphones, not using dark pathways, watching out for rows of hedges and shadows. Many women report walking a longer route or even doubling back at times to find a better lit or busier route. Have your mobile phone in your hand so you can call if you're alarmed or deter someone by appearing to be already on a call. Agree to text your friend when you're safely home. And if something does happen, report it to the police!

Speak to your boys and say to them; Call it out. If you observe lewd behaviour, bullying, name-calling, derogatory language, stand up and say it's not okay. Too often bad behaviour is witnessed but then ignored, with no consequences. Choose not to stay silent. If you see a woman being hassled, bothered, in distress, go over and support her. Find out what she needs and offer to help. If you're walking behind a lone woman leave some distance between you and her, or even cross the road so that it's clear that you're not following her. Avoid walking at the same pace, as that can be unnerving. If you're out running, let her know of your presence from a little distance. Ensure she hears you coming by maybe saying a friendly 'hello' as you near, or even cross to the other side of the road. Keep your face uncovered, especially at night. Wearing a hoodie, mask, scarf, whilst wearing dark clothes can be a disconcerting sight. If a woman discloses to you that she's been attacked listen in a supportive way, whilst encouraging her to report it to the authorities. Her sharing of this will have taken a lot of trust and courage, so be respectful of that. With 50.61% of the UK population being female* it's important to learn positive ways to co-exist. Let's find ways to value and enjoy each other's company. *(World Bank collection of development indicators, 2019)

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham,Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor,writer & media contributor who offers help with relationship issues,stress management,assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients,couples and provide corporate workshops and support.

It’s been such a strange few weeks/months for the world lately, with everything we knew and took for granted being taken away from us due to the Coronavirus. Is that silly little argument you were having with a family member really worth it? Is it so important that your kids keep their rooms immaculate all the time?! Although what’s happening all around us is terrible, it’s things like this that make you stop and re-evaluate your life. Surely happiness and health is the most import thing in life! Staying positive and thinking to the future, life after lockdown. I’ve worked from home for the last 6 years, so for me, not that much has changed. I’m used to spending most of my day in my super cozy dressing gown), but I know for some it’s completely different. Especially the social butterflies who love to be around people all the time. I do feel for these people as this must be so hard for them to deal with.

Incase you’re in need of some Thinking Ahead inspiration to keep you going through Now’s the BEST time to start thinking these difficult times, here are a few about what you want to do with your things I have been doing to keep busy… life after lockdown is over. If you could DIY – I’ve pretty much done EVERY bit of be anywhere right now, with anyone – DIY I possibly can in our home – rewhere would you go and who would painted walls and skirting boards, ripped you see? Ask yourself what’s important out old shelves, re-painted the fence to you. Your health and your happiness and decking, fixed a flower bed… perhaps?! Make it happen while you Decluttering – We actually don’t have have the time to plan ahead. Plus, by much stuff to declutter as I’m big on not keeping your mind busy and focusing having STUFF lying around. If it isn’t used, on life after lockdown, might help it goes! However, I did have a huge relieve some of your anxiety! declutter of our garage and laundry Foodies room which I had great fun in doing! Baking – It’s a great way to get your Perhaps you’re a bit of a foodie and mind off what’s going on around you have been really missing a certain type and really focus on something else for a of food? You could plan the ultimate while. foodie weekend away with your Exercise – Before all this happened, I partner. Go from restaurant to would go to the gym 4 or 5 times a restaurant eating all your favourite week. Plus, I would walk EVERYWHERE! meals, sampling foods you’ve never Since the lockdown has started, I do tried before. some kind of home workout in the garden most days. It makes me feel energised afterwards (even if I don’t feel like it beforehand). Reading – This is something I NEVER used to do! I always felt reading was a waste of time and always felt so guilty doing it. Now however, it Websites such as Square Meal can help almost seems you do this. It allows you to search for we’ve been restaurants and venues by specific given the OK areas to help you find the perfect to stop and place. They even have sections on their take a break. website where you can look Like it’s specifically for places that deliver food, suddenly OK to just do nothing for a bit. or that have a takeaway option.

Trips If you’ve always dreamt of going on a trip around the world, or to a far off destination, get planning! OK, so you might not be able to go for a while but you can certainly get planning. Research all the places you’d like to stop off at along the way. Plan your route and look up hotels or places to stay. Think about what you’ll need to take with you. Who you’d go with, how you can afford to make it happen? If anything, it’s a good excuse to do some online shopping – new bikini, sunglasses, suitcase…etc. Will you need to take your laptop for work while you’re out there? There is SO much more to think about than even you might think. Will you need to get a visa for example – or insurance? Now is the time to do all this. Once things are back to normal, life after lockdown is full steam ahead! People Or, maybe it’s just people you miss. You could organise a big party with all your friends and family for when this is over. Make it one that everyone will remember. OK, so you won’t be able to book anything yet. However, you can do all the prep and behind the scenes work until you can get something scheduled in. This really won’t last forever so it’s good to start thinking positively about what the future might hold and get planning things that make you feel happy – and it helps that by doing this it will take you to a more positive place and forget about the not so nice things going on right now. Things always do get better and there is life after lockdown. The Lifestyle Blogger UK

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Who looks after you?

Are you one of those people who everyone turns to in a crisis? You're calm, confident, together and never seem to flap under pressure. People trust that when they turn to you for answers, you'll be there for them, ready to help, able to find solutions to problems, all the while providing reassurance and comfort. But what about you? Who looks after you on your tough days and gives you the comfort and support you sometimes need? - Would people be incredulous to discover that you sometimes have down days? Perhaps you come across as someone who never needs anything, as a person who doesn't have 'off' days. Do you always remain calm under pressure, stay even-tempered when things go wrong or don't go to plan, able to quietly assess what needs to happen next? There are no histrionics, just a measured assessment of what's going on and what needs to happen to put things right again. So, people understandably assume that you're fine, relaxed and coping well.

-- Might it be that you're a very private person and prefer for people not to see a vulnerable side to your personality, fearing that you could appear weak or unable to cope? In reality, many people are fine, even happy to see an occasional vulnerability in someone they respect. It humanises them and gives others an opportunity to reciprocate and be helpful in return.

as does letting others with greater expertise take care of the more specialised tasks like accounts, web design, PR and advertising. Doing this maximises opportunities for the best outcomes. Even hiring domestic help with cleaning, gardening, ironing is often money well spent, ensuring that your home is well looked after, feels good and leaves you with time and space to comfortably relax.

- Ask yourself if you present an, 'I'm - Learn to let others know that you tough, I'm coping, leave me alone', appreciate their looking after you. almost aggressive front at times of crisis. Acknowledge the kindnesses; the bath If you become angry, hostile or run for you after a tough day at work, belligerent when things go wrong, the drink made for you without being pushing potential help away, others asked, the meal ready for you, the car may quickly learn to leave you to sort washed or filled with petrol. Your being things out alone. It's important to be gracious and respectful when people appreciative encourages others to look after you. It shows that you value their offer help. Be polite and acknowledge thoughtfulness and attention. Changing their efforts with a 'thank you', even if your approach may take a little time to you choose to decline. filter through, but it's worth it and can - Remember, though, that doing gradually introduce a more balanced everything yourself is not always the dynamic to the relationship. most efficient way to function. There are bound to be areas where you could delegate tasks that others are better equipped to do, so enabling your time to be used more effectively. Also, letting others share the load helps them feel valued, develop their confidence and skills whilst potentially allowing you to focus elsewhere and maybe even have time off for fun and recharging your batteries. - In a business scenario there are many ways that you could let others look after you. Delegating mundane tasks frees your time to be used more productively,

- But, ultimately looking after you has to start with you. Many of us learn in childhood to expect others to automatically take care of us, look after our health, education, give us guidance and provide structure to our lives. As we get older, we need to recognise the importance of monitoring our own wellbeing, take responsibility for our exercise, nutrition, hydration levels, and healthy sleep patterns. Our mental and emotional wellbeing is also important, where we learn to regularly schedule breaks, manage stress and support our commitment to positive relationships. When you demonstrate that you're worth caring for and expect to be treated well, people will respond to your level of confidence. Being appropriately assertive, positive about yourself and your efforts, okay about saying 'no' sometimes, others will be influenced by your lead. You'll find that they'll then automatically invest more in the relationship and be happy to look after you, as they appreciate you more and more.

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham,Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor,writer & media contributor who offers help with relationship issues,stress management,assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients,couples and provide corporate workshops and support.

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April Horoscopes from Russell Grant

n o o M w Ne

New M oon Full M oon

ARIES Railing against cancelled plans will be a waste of valuable energy in early April. Instead of trying to put things back on track, move in a different direction. You're brimming with great ideas and can easily attract a loyal audience for them during the first half of the month. On the 12th, the New Moon will find you adopting a fashionable look that turns heads. Don't be surprised when people who were once indifferent to your charms become passionate interested in you. Clashes with authority could occur in the middle of April; don't overestimate your power. The Full Moon on the 26th could put strain on an intimate relationship. Resist the urge to put so much emphasis on the physical part of your union.

TAURUS Solitude is bliss during the opening days of the month. Take this opportunity to daydream, develop creative projects and connect with your spiritual side. The New Moon on the 12th will heighten your intuition; pay careful attention to your dreams. A fabulous concept for a business, service or product could occur to you while sleeping; it would be wise to develop this brainstorm. Your charisma will skyrocket in mid-April; use it to attract romantic, financial and creative opportunities. On the 26th, the Full Moon warns against making whimsical demands on your partner, or a breakup could be imminent. The final days of April are ideal for getting a radical makeover that turns heads and heightens your allure.


GEMINI Your social side will be in full evidence at the start of April. It's important to keep in continual, even if you can't meet with loved ones personally. Video conferences and online chats will keep your spirits high and creativity flowing. Don't feel compelled to convert other people to your belief system, though; it's best to adopt a live and let live approach to work relationships. On the 12th, you may decide to join a support group or artists' collective, thanks to the outgoing New Moon. Covering expenses can be challenging during the middle of the month; don't beat yourself up if you're struggling. Like the ocean, finances ebb and flow. The Full Moon on the 26th may prompt you to leave a job that bothers your conscience.

Occupying the spotlight will be a good use of your charisma at the start of the month. It's a great time to go on auditions and job interviews. Stop worrying so much about making a good impression and just be yourself. You'll get a warm reception for your quirky humour and emotional intelligence. The New Moon on the 12th could drop a fabulous career opportunity in your lap; don't hesitate to accept a leadership role. Your social life should sparkle during the middle of the month; if you can't meet in person, it will be fun connecting with friends via Zoom or FaceTime. On the 26th, the Full Moon will prompt you to abandon a romance or creative project that no longer thrills you.

LEO April begins with a powerful desire to expand your horizons. Scheduling a long-distance trip or enrolling in an advanced course will fill you with excitement. It's possible your business or romantic partner won't approve of your plans, fearing they will be a distraction from your relationship. Do your best to reassure your other half of your loyalty. On the 12th, the New Moon could prompt you to embark on a spiritual journey. You could adopt a belief system or take up a sacred practice. Attending a family reunion in mid-April will be lots more fun than expected. Don't despair of a career path dries up on the 26th; the Full Moon will connect you with bigger and better professional opportunities.

VIRGO Passions will be running high at the beginning of the month. If you're in love, you'll want to spend every second with your amour. Are you single? You could meet someone special through a competition. Don't let an authoritarians break your spirit with petty criticism; they're just threatened by your talent. The New Moon on the 12th could attract a financial windfall. Use this money to buy a car, computer, or electronic device that makes life easier. A wonderful chance to expand your horizons will arrive soon; let an accomplished teacher take you under their wing. Disappointing news about a family or community matter could reach your ears on the 26th, due to a tense Full Moon.

LIBRA A close relationship will be a profound source of pleasure at the start of April. If you're single, you could meet someone special through a cultural, religious, or educational organisation. Do you have a partner? Undertaking an advanced course of study together could draw you closer. The New Moon on the 12th is ideal for signing a contract, exchanging vows, or entering a creative collaboration. Your finances could pick up during the second half of the month, thanks to an inheritance or legal settlement. Don't hesitate to spend your additional income on luxury items that appeal to your sensual side. A crisis of conscience could occur on the 26th, due to a conflicted Full Moon. Take the high road in all matters.

SCORPIO Pouring your energy into a fitness regimen will be a great use of your time at the beginning of the month. Having an outlet for your restless energy will be good for you. Without it, you might put too much emphasis on the physical aspect of a romantic relationship. A demanding but rewarding job will be offered to you near the 12th, thanks to an upbeat New Moon. Not only will you enjoy your duties, but the perks will be great, too. You could find yourself enjoyably immersed in a romantic relationship. If you're single, ignore your family's input and pursue the object of your desire. Follow a selfish impulse on the 26th, when the Full Moon shines its light on you.

SAGITTARIUS Love, romance and adventure will characterise the first half of April. Put responsibility on the back burner and take a few risks; you could use a few thrills. Your best friend, romantic partner or business contact won't be happy with your wild behaviour, but that shouldn't stop you from having fun. On the 12th, the New Moon will urge you to start a creative project that speaks to your heart. Don't worry about rendering a perfect performance on the first try; just let your ideas flow unchecked. You might attract a lucrative job during the second part of the month; take this opportunity to save some cash. The Full Moon on the 26th may bring a shocking secret to light; brace yourself.

CAPRICORN Sticking close to home will make you feel grounded at the beginning of April. Resist the temptation to work overtime during this period; your nearest and dearest need you more. The New Moon on the 12th could prompt you to launch a renovation project; it's a good time to upgrade your kitchen, bathroom or both. Alternatively, you might find a better place to live. Love could find you during the middle of the month. If you're single, your dating profile could get lots of hits. Are you in a relationship? Your amour will have difficulty keeping their hands off you. By the time the Full Moon rises on the 26th, you may grow tired of a social group and leave its ranks.

PISCES AQUARIUS Don't be so quick to turn a casual romance into a serious commitment at the start of the month. It's best to develop this relationship slowly. The more you know each other, the stronger your bond will become. The New Moon on the 12th could prompt you take a class or begin a writing project; exercising your intellect will be the priority. Turn a deaf ear to your inner critic during the middle of the month; you don't want to talk yourself out of a marvellous plan. Moving to a beautiful part of the world is a distinct possibility during the second half of April. On the 26th, the Full Moon may make you question your career path. Be ready to try something different.

Opportunities to increase your income will abound at the beginning of April. Landing a job or contract with a university, hospital, or government agency is a strong possibility. If you'd like to start your own business, the New Moon on the 12th is an ideal time to do so. You could get some start-up cash from a generous relative. Don't let peer pressure prompt you to take an undesirable path during the middle of the month; it's critical to listen to your heart. During the second half of April, you'll be busy running errands and conducting meetings. The Full Moon on the 26th may bring disappointing news about an application, test, or legal decision; look for the silver lining to this cloud.

How To Stop Procrastinating So Much

You have a deadline looming and you’re scrambling at the last minute to get it done on time. Why, when you’ve had so much time to get it ready? How did this happen? Where did the time go? How do you stop procrastinating when you don’t even know you’re doing it? Procrastination is a trap that we ALL fall into at times. Whether it’s putting off a task you really don’t want to do. Or, perhaps you just can’t stay focused on the task at hand. Some of us just fall in to a rut of getting bored, and find it impossible to climb or way out.

Is Procrastination The Same As Being Lazy? Procrastination can often be confused with being lazy. However, they are very different. Procrastination is actually a very different thing. It’s a process you generally choose to do, instead of doing the task you should be doing. On the other hand, laziness is a process of in-activity and general bum-ing around. Procrastination usually involves completely ignoring one task, in favour of one that’s more enjoyable – such as scrolling through social media!

You might think having a quick scroll through your social media channels is harmless. However, this intent to have a QUICK scroll generally ends up being much longer than you think. We can become so focused on the social media rabbit hole of endless images, we become de-motivated and disillusioned.

If you’re avoiding a task because you find it boring or unpleasant, why not do it first thing that day. Get it out of the way so you no longer have to think about it. That way you’ve got the rest f the day to enjoy other things. You can put your energy in to something more productive.

Recognise You’re Procrastinating As with anything, it is VERY possible to overcome procrastination, you just have to recognise you’re doing it. If you’re briefly delaying a task because some thing more urgent has come up, then you aren’t necessarily procrastinating. However, if you’re putting things off because you just can’t be bothered, then yes, you are procrastinating!

Why Are You Procrastinating If you don’t know why you’re procrastinating, then you’ll probably never stop. So, first of all you need to understand this.

Organisation Even something like poor organisation can lead to procrastination. You might half start one thing, then half move on to another. Not really completing anything with your focus all over the place. Not having a solid focus can make it hard to be productive and will often lead to procrastination. Whereas organised people often overcome this because they have a plan of action they can stick to. Even the most organised of people can be overwhelmed by certain tasks. However, there is a way around this. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try breaking down the task in to smaller, more manageable chunks. This way you can keep your focus better and concentrate on the task at hand without feeling the need to do something else.

Fear People who fear failure or success, and even perfectionists are also procrastinators. Those who fear success will think that being successful will lead to them being overwhelmed with more tasks and responsibilities. People who fear failure will be consumed with the doubt they’ll be able to complete the task to their best ability. Then there are the perfectionists who fear they won’t be able to do the task as perfectly as they’d like to. Not forgetting about those people who are poor at decision making. If you can’t decide what you want to do, you could spend hours worrying about it. Not actually doing anything in the process, and wasting time.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK

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As young as you feel?

Recently a top sportswoman was quoted as saying that she felt the same in her fifties as she did in her thirties; I'm guessing many people would echo her sentiments. And as the baby boomer generation hit their fifties, and 34% of the population are now aged fifty or more, we're all anticipating living longer, fitter, fulfilling lives. For many of us the way we experience ageing and middle age has become a more fluid and relaxed affair. Getting older appears to have fewer defined parameters and stereotypes associated with ageing. How many of us now look in the mirror and see an elderly person looking back at us? With the ready availability of hair colouring, access to improved diet and health care, and the choice of many non-invasive surgical treatments we're able to chase the years away with relative ease. Remaining interested and keeping in touch with what's happening in the world keeps us young in outlook, connected and it's never been easier. Fashion, too, is more inclusive as fashion houses appreciate that older people are a lucrative market to target. Leisure activities and sportswear geared to people with a surfeit of leisure time and disposable income is a valuable source of custom. Many older people are inclined to take up sport, golf, are keen to travel more and enjoy a full social life. There's demand for an attractive wardrobe to support that lifestyle. An increasingly large percentage of the population are self employed, which allows for greater freedom in planning their diaries, with the option to adapt and change how they apply their commitment to work. It means that retirement does not have to occur at a pre-determined age or time in life; winding down can be incorporated as and when required.

Then, there are those people who have perhaps waited until their fifties for their children to leave home or to start the process of ending an unhappy relationship. This decision will prompt significant financial and domestic upheaval, but often provides an eagerly anticipated new start to life. For some, financial pressure may have eased as they've become older, with the mortgage paid off, the children's education finished and perhaps a pension starting to pay out. Others may still need or want to work; earning money might be an important consideration, plus the routine and social side of work brings structure and social interaction into their life. Feeling younger than our years is about both mental and physical activity and stimulus. The University of the Third Age is one organisation that provides interesting courses and events for older people, but many training courses which support hobbies, arts and crafts as well as retraining for professional qualifications are all available to people of a certain age. They provide routine, purpose, challenge, as well as opportunities for social interaction and friendship. Mental and physical exercise, from walking, yoga, sport to quizzes and stimulating conversation are all crucial in helping to keep us young.

As we get older some people may have started to experience physical or health-related limitations, but this does not need to necessitate closing the door on a satisfying and fulfilling life. Different levels of support in the home can be tailored to suit each individual's needs, from meal delivery, cleaning services, through to companionship and overnight care. Access online can bring so much, including family, friendship, shopping, work, training courses and entertainment readily into the home, as and when required. Down-sizing is an attractive option for many once their children have left home and are committed to living their lives independently. Doing this may well release some capital and bring less responsibility in terms of maintenance and overheads. Reducing financial stress is an important way to keep us young, healthy and engaged in living an active life. Some people may use later life to revisit an interest from their earlier years that they chose to abandon or were unable to follow through. Or later in life may be a good time to set up a new business interest, a consultancy maybe where there's the freedom to pursue a new, satisfying route to success. For others, they've drawn up a bucket list of things they want to do, places they want to visit whilst they're still fit and able to enjoy them. Many tour operators have adventure trips or long-stay options for those who have the time, money and inclination to take up these opportunities and it's a lovely way to fill the colder months with activity, warmth and a comfortable lifestyle. The saying 'health is wealth' is especially true as we get older, with many people being fitter, having more disposable income, ready and able to enjoy the freedom that comes with less responsibility. Caring for grandchildren may be one way to enjoy some days, but many in their later years also have busy diaries, filled with plans, clubs and social events. Keeping active and interested, being open and receptive to new opportunities in life is a major antidote to ageing.

Susan Leigh - Counsellor & Therapist

The Centre for Ageing Better has released a series of ten age-positive icons, designed to replace the limited and stereotypical selection of icons and symbols commonly used to depict ageing and older people in public life. The new range of icons was developed as part of a competition Ageing Better launched with Public Health England last year. SwaG Design won the bid to design the new icons with its ‘dancing couple’ entry, which gave the classic road sign featuring hunched over stickmen a makeover, replacing them with an older couple dancing.

The new range of icons has been designed in consultation with people in later life and aims to show the diversity of later life in a positive and realistic way. They were inspired by the eight World Health Organization (WHO) domains which make an Age-friendly Community, including transport, housing and social inclusion. They include images of cycling, gardening and doing the shopping.

Lucas asks “I’d really like to learn a new hobby, what do the stars suggest.?” Lucas is looking for something of a challenge; something to get his teeth into and as a Virgo he will also want to feel he is being productive. That’s why learning a skill that might also come in useful in the future will appeal strongly to him. Hobbies that are hands on and tactile such as painting, sculpture, woodwork and cooking might appeal. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, planet of the mind, suggesting an enjoyment of intellectual pursuits like chess, photography or horticulture. Learning a language or how to master a musical instrument might also be fun and any newfound knowledge could help advance his professional interests.

Louise asks “My work colleague is married, but blushes every time I speak. I believe he’s a Leo. Is there trouble on that front.? Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you! With planets in Scorpio Louise often picks up intuitively on other people’s feelings but she can also convince herself that her feelings are intuitive to hide her own desire for her Leo workmate. People bush involuntary when they feel embarrassed or threatened and it could be that her Leo workmate feels self-conscious or slightly intimidated when he speaks to Louise. She might misinterpret his blushes as attraction for her and if she anticipates trouble this again could be her over-active imagination. There will be no problems unless she is the one to cause them.

Vegan News

Tesco launches cookie dough and birthday cake-flavoured vegan ice cream Vegan ice cream lovers, rejoice, Tesco’s vegan Wicked Kitchen brand has expanded its ice cream range with six new flavours - including cookie dough and birthday cake. The new line launched in stores earlier this week and the ice creams substitute dairy for coconut oil and lupin protein. The birthday cake flavour has vegan cake pieces scattered throughout while the cookie dough flavour boasts chunks of cookie dough and chocolate chips. The new range also sees the introduction of a chai latte ice cream (in stores early April) alongside new “Ice Dream” sticks and cones which come in berry white, chocolate and red berry and chocolate and almond - the latter also available in early April. Each of the new offerings retail for £2.50 per tub and £2.50 for three sticks and four cones. Credit: Tesco

Costa Rica Welcomes Its First-Ever Vegan Boutique Hotel Mother Earth Vegan Hotel describes itself as the first-ever 100 percent plantbased boutique hotel in the beach town of Tamarindo. The family-run establishment features 14 guest rooms and a culinary plant-based restaurant. It also has rooftop yoga, a healing studio and a natural saltwater pool.

Credit: Neat Burger

Everything at Mother Earth Vegan Hotel is vegan-friendly including the wine served at its bar and restaurant, as well as cleaning products and amenities.

Lewis Hamilton To Expand His Vegan Burger Chain To 7 More London It is also powered by solar energy and Locations. has committed to a zero-waste pledge Formula 1 legend Lewis Hamilton plans in its restaurant Off The Grid. Moreover, to open seven more London locations of his vegan burger chain, Neat Burger, it has a water conservation system that along with 20 delivery-only outposts to recycles grey water into clean water for irrigation. meet a growing demand for convenient and taste plant-based food. London-based Neat Burger was started by world champion race car driver and vegan advocate Lewis Hamilton in partnership with the hospitality group The Cream Group and Beyond Meat investor Tommaso Chiabara. In a recent announcement, Hamilton will expand his vegan burger chain to seven additional locations in London along with 20 ‘dark’ kitchens that offer delivery-only options. The locations will include shops in Ealing, Victoria, Bishopsgate, Finsbury Park, on the King’s Road and at “two major shopping centres” which aren’t disclosed yet. Credit: Mother Earth Vegan Hotel


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Vegan Orange & Chocolate Chip Cookies With more than 1.5 million of Brits now turning to the vegan way of life, we thought you might like to try our delicious Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies. These cookies are refined sugar free (depending on the chocolate you go for) and taste just as good as ‘normal’ cookies. They’re super easy to make and can be prepared ahead of time and kept in the fridge ready to go.

Method Preheat oven to 180c Fan. Add the sugar, molasses, salt and coconut oil in a bowl and combine. Once combined, add the milk and vanilla extract and mix together well. Then sift in the flour, baking soda and cacao powder and mix into a dough. Finally add in the chopped dark chocolate and leave in the fridge to cool for 30 minutes. Roll in to balls and place on a baking tray. Bake for 12 minutes and leave to cool. They will still look under cooked but they do harden up once cooled.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK

Ingredients ● 1/2 cup of coconut sugar ● 3/4 cup molasses ● 1 tsp salt ● Half cup melted coc onut oil ● 1/4 cup milk of choic e ● Half tsp vanilla extra ct ● 1 1/2 cups of plain flo ur (could also use spelt or buckw heat flour) ● 1 tsp baking soda ● 3 tbsp cacao powd er ● 1 bar dark chocolate of choice ● Zest half an orange

TV News

Stellar cast confirmed for major new Steven Moffat drama Inside Man, for BBC One and Netflix David Tennant (Des; Staged; Doctor Who), Dolly Wells (The Pursuit Of Love; Dracula; Can You Ever Forgive Me?) and Lydia West (It’s A Sin; Years And Years; Dracula) will lead the cast of a major new thriller from BAFTA and Emmy award-winning writer Steven Moffat (Dracula, Sherlock, Doctor Who), alongside Stanley Tucci (Feud; The King’s Man; Spotlight) in the title role of the Inside one place. The captivating four part mini-series follows a prisoner on death row in the US, a Vicar in a quiet English town, and a maths teacher trapped in a cellar, as they cross paths in the most unexpected way. The series will premiere on BBC One and BBC iPlayer in the UK and on Netflix outside of the UK and Ireland. Filming will take place later this year.

JJ Chalmers to join Money For Nothing JJ Chalmers will join Sarah Moore and Jacqui Joseph as a presenter on hit BBC Daytime programme Money For Nothing, when it returns to BBC One for the 10th series later this spring. JJ, who is fresh off the Strictly dancefloor, will waltz on - to recycling centre forecourts across the UK in search of unwanted items that have the potential to be transformed and sold on for cash. JJ has had a passion for making and mending from a young age and loves using his skills to give old or damaged items a second chance in life. He taught craft, design and technology skills to high school students before joining the Royal Marines full time and serving in Afghanistan, where he survived a catastrophic bomb blast.

Clive Myrie announced as new Mastermind host Clive will be the fifth host of the BBC’s popular quiz show which marks its 50th anniversary next year. Clive is a BBC news journalist and a regular presenter of the BBC News at Six and Ten since 2010, as well as the BBC News Channel. Prior to that he has been the BBC’s Asia, Africa, Washington, Paris and Brussels correspondent. Clive has also appeared as a guest on hit BBC One Entertainment shows Have I Got News For You and Would I Lie To You. He recently won the RTS Television Journalism award for best presenter, with one judge noting his “versatile, measured, compelling, relaxed but reassuring and empathetic” style. Clive Myrie says: “What a privilege it is to take on this new role. Mastermind with Magnus Magnusson formed the backdrop to my youth, and now to be at the helm is a dream come true. I’m excited and can’t wait to get stuck in.” Alan Titchmarsh: Spring Into Summer ITV have commissioned a brand new nine part primetime show, Alan Titchmarsh: Spring Into Summer. Set in the heart of Hampshire, Alan Titchmarsh will be celebrating the great outdoors and the joy of getting back into the fresh air and our green and pleasant land. With the warmer months on the horizon and lockdown soon to be lifted the series will focus on our beautiful countryside, nature and being able, once again, to take advantage of our outdoor spaces, no matter how big or small. Alan Titchmarsh said: “Spring into Summer is the most glorious time of year to be outside, so I'm delighted to be presenting this new show that celebrates our gardens and our countryside. The weather is getting warmer so it's a great time to start growing things, to take a closer look at wildlife and farm animals and to meet the folk who look after our land and our landscape.”

The Happy Hour from Radio 1 One hour of tunes that have their own dance routine, so get practising your dance moves!

Keep 'Em Laughing: 100 Years of Tommy Cooper Mike Bubbins celebrates the life of iconic Welsh comedian and magician Tommy Cooper Wheel of Misfortune Fern, Alison and Katherine confess their funniest and freakiest experiences with religion Ross Noble's Newcastle Sheridan chats to the Local lad Ross Noble brings us the best in Geordie humour from the banks of the Tyne.

Teach Me A Lesson with Greg James and Bella Mackie How do you say "I have five red apples" in a language without words for colours or numbers? Greg James and Bella Mackie get a language lesson from one of the UK's best teachers.

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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email Photo Credits: BBC, P & O Cruises, Next, The Centre for Ageing Better, Tesco, Neat Burger, Mother Earth Vegan Hotel, Mango, Urban Outfitters and ITV

Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg, and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. © RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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