Rga magazine aug 2016 re

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Psychic SPECIAL OFFERS Page 15

Celebrity Prediction Joan Collins

Russell Grant’s August Horoscopes Colour Therapy

Welcome to this months edition of my magazine full of Horoscopes, Celebrity predictions from Philip Garcia and lots of special offers so you can get guidance and enlightenment from my wonderful Psychics,Mediums,Tarot Card readers & Astrologers...




Your August Horoscopes from Russell Grant

PayForIt New Mobile payment service

10/11 4/5

Alternative Therapy Colour Therapy

Joan Collins-Celebrity Prediction from Philip Garcia

13 “Ask Russell� Your questions answered

15 Your August Psychic SPECIAL OFFER


New ways to pay for a Psychic Reading

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So can Joan Collins really be eighty one years old, “Oooh,” “Ahhh “ “Naaa” and other such expletives are regularly uttered by the astounded. As we watch Dame Joan Collins DBE move gracefully down the red carpet as if she were a young filly, the oft said words a “Miracle of Preservation”, come to mind. Really how does she do it? How can someone born on the 23 May 1933 in Paddington, London be more beautiful at 80 than she was at 30? “It’s all in the mind!” Joan would joke, her Gemini sense of humour standing her in good stead even when she had that awful“schoolgirl crush” on Marlon Brando. Her fun attitude to life could have something to do with her Moon in Taurus, in other words a solid “Devil May Care” individuality, a determination to enjoy life to the full, and that includes present delights with a much younger husband. Joan who grew up during the war and was evacuated countless times was never much of a dreamer; she sought “real”, in other words a solid career in show business. This would have been an impossible dream for even the prettiest fifties starlets, but her determination to bank on her looks and reach the top of the ladder ensured she can now stand on her very own mountain and look down on a lucky life.

”I refuse to be defined by my age. In 1913, 40 was old and most people were dead at 60. In 100 years’ time, centenarians will be a dime a dozen’ this Grand Old Movie Star told the Telegraph” 4

She told the Telegraph ‘I’m not one of those people who analyses everything, not at all,’ she says. ‘I don’t think where I’m going to be in five years, I think where I’m going to be in two weeks, because I’m going to be in New York. And I try to make each day like a mini-lifetime – to achieve something and to enjoy something. I live in the present totally – and the future: who knows what the future is? “ One could almost classify such perceptions as those of an enlightened Buddhist monk! The secret to Joan’s success is simple; call it Confidence with a capital C. She was always been beautiful enough, she never wasted time on comparisons, or nurtured unnecessary inferiority complexes, from the word go she reached for the best cookie on the plate, and through “thick and thin”, eventually got it! She did not have to yell too loud either, she was always devastatingly cute, who could resist her demands? Well Hollywood might have, just for a while, but not world wide fame! When she failed to make movie super stardom she did not suffer like the more sensitive, ageing gal actresses, she just got herself a “big hair”, mega bitch role in Dynasty instead. She was in short the archetypal “Vamp Camp, Big Bitch Alexis” in person. Yet again, she had picked herself up, brushed herself down gotten on with it and won through big time. Continually reinventing herself with the help of her fun Gemini persona, coupled with her go getting Aries ascendant, she shone even in the dark. Her quicksilver mercurial mind understood life’s complexities but refusing to be crushed by them she soldiered on. Even though her marriage to Anthony Newly was a disaster, in public she presented a winning image. Perfectly made up, hair never out of place Joan's smiled, her face luminous with hope, heart throbbing with a youthful love of life, a love that she has never given up on! She continues to attract men lie bees to honey! She is in short glamour incarnate. So is Joan Collins spiritual? Not on your life; her astro chart shows no metaphysical overtones, but perhaps Joan’s version of spiritual is not about paying lip service to a religious creed, but by living life with a spunky type of courage! Now that is the kind of paranormal magic only the ageless can weave!

Read more about Philip Garcia and his Celebrity predictions visit www.philipgarcia.com


Your August Horoscopes from Russell Grant Aries The beginning of August will be highly romantic. This is a wonderful time to embark on a love affair, get engaged or exchange wedding vows. The New Moon on the 2nd is perfect for declaring your devotion. Alternatively, you may decide to take a big risk. This gamble will pay off handsomely. Don't play it safe during the first half of the month, as it will be rife with growth potential. A Lunar Eclipse on the 18th will mark the end of a group project. You should be proud of your work with this organisation. Use it as a launching pad for bigger and better assignments. Resist the urge to discuss controversial subjects like religion, politics and race during the second half of August. It's better to maintain a tactful silence when these topics are being discussed. Your discretion could attract a lucrative job offer from a previous employer. This will be a great chance to earn extra cash.

Taurus Your home life will be a great source of joy in the opening days of August. Hosting a family reunion is advised on or around the 2nd, when the New Moon will favour such gatherings. Avoid playing mind games with a potential partner during the first half of the month; it's better to take a straightforward approach. Money for a deposit on a home could become available during August, thanks to a generous relative. The Lunar Eclipse on the 18th brings an end to a stressful career matter. This will give you an opportunity to operate independently. You might decide to take another job or work on a freelance basis. Performing work that seems like play is a strong possibility at the end of the month. A former lover may try to tempt you back into a relationship at the end of July. Be wary about giving your heart to this manipulator.

Gemini Your gift with words will be at its strongest in early August. Use the power of the New Moon on the 2nd to launch a writing project or promotional campaign. If you're single, think about posting an intriguing profile on an Internet dating service. You're sure to get lots of responses. Home life could get stressful during August. It will be difficult to connect with a workaholic who spends every waking moment at the office. Instead of waiting around for their company, it may be better to enjoy some solitary pleasures. The Lunar Eclipse on the 18th brings an end to a course of study. It will be a pleasure to escape looming deadlines. An intimate partnership will experience growing pains at the end of August. The two of you will have to make some compromises if you're going to stay together. You might have to revise some stubborn opinions and rigid rules. 6

Your August Horoscopes from Russell Grant Cancer An unexpected windfall will give you more money for luxuries in early August. This would be a wonderful time to upgrade your car, computer or phone. You might also buy some new appliances for your home. The New Moon on the 2nd attracts an exciting moneymaking opportunity. Your new employer will offer you some advanced training. Acquiring these skills will greatly increase your value to the job market. It's possible you may decide to move home during August. Moving closer to your job will save time, money and aggravation. Your gift for leadership will earn fame and acclaim during the second half of August. Don't be surprised if you're given an award or bonus. A Lunar Eclipse on the 18th will bring an end to a business alliance, allowing you a greater measure of freedom. Heavy responsibilities at work will keep you busy as August turns to September. Spending time with friends in your free time can keep stress at bay. Leo It will be easy to find love, money and adventure in the early days of August. Take risks and be bold; it's time to realise your full potential. The New Moon on the 2nd is perfect for investing in your appearance. Go for a different image or style, splash out on fashionable clothes and treat yourself to some high quality toiletries. All this pampering will give you an attractive glow that is impossible to resist. Moneymaking opportunities will abound in the first half of the month. Try to put a little aside every month into a savings account. The Lunar Eclipse on the 18th will allow you to put your ego aside and learn something new. A respected expert will take you under their wing, provided you treat them with the proper respect. Don't sign any contracts around the end of the month, as the terms will be confusing. This also won't be a good time to buy electronic equipment.

Virgo You'll have a welcome opportunity to rest, relax and recuperate in the opening days of August. The New Moon on the 2nd is ideal for taking a solitary holiday. Visiting a spiritual mecca will uplift and inspire you. Your powers of attraction will be second to none during the first half of the month. If you keep an open mind, you'll attract lots of admirers. Release standards of perfection and embark on a relationship with someone who seems to be your polar opposite. The two of you can balance each other nicely. If you're already in a relationship, be extra accommodating to your amour's needs. A Lunar Eclipse on the 18th could bring a satisfactory end to a work assignment. This will give you more time for a fitness programme. Splash out on some fashionable clothes and luxury products towards the end of the month. You're long overdue for some pampering. 7

Your August Horoscopes from Russell Grant Libra Expanding your social network should be your first priority at the beginning of August. The New Moon on the 2nd will help you make a great impression at a party. Take this opportunity to befriend an influential business leader in your community. Be realistic about finances during the first half of the month. The more resourceful you are, the easier it will be to cover any emergency expenses that arise. If you're looking for love, you could find it with a wild rebellious type this August. The two of you will emit showers of sparks together. A Lunar Eclipse on the 18th helps you bring a creative project to its successful conclusion. You can win fame and acclaim from this work. Moneymaking opportunities will increase by the end of the month. You might decide to go back to work for a former employer during the final days of August. Do whatever you can to improve your financial prospects.

Scorpio Your professional prospects are excellent at the beginning of August. Take this opportunity to apply for a high profile job. You can also negotiate a pay rise, promotion or both. The New Moon on the 2nd will find you adopting a different role at work. This change of pace will be rewarding. More money for luxuries will become available during the first half of the month. Don't take this extra income for granted; put it in a savings plan. Having a nest egg will give you more freedom to do the things you love. Launching a fitness regime in mid-August will bring great results. Physical activity will give you an attractive glow that's hard to resist. The Lunar Eclipse on the 18th brings an end to a set of heavy responsibilities. Go out and celebrate with friends. Use your newfound freedom for a creative hobby that you've been neglecting. Devote the final days of August to things that make life meaningful.

Sagittarius An exciting opportunity to travel for pleasure will arrive in early August. You will find excellent deals on hotel rooms and plane fares on the 2nd, thanks to the New Moon. If you're looking for work, you could find it during the first half of the month. Be selective about the position you ultimately select. Unless you hold out for the perfect offer, you could get stuck in a dead end position. Opportunities related to education, publishing and travel are worth exploring. The Lunar Eclipse on the 18th brings an end to a group creative project. Use this achievement as a springboard to bigger and better assignments. Getting paid to teach an advanced course will greatly appeal to you. Family may not be very supportive of your career move. Turn a deaf ear to their warnings and listen to your heart. It's important to do what you love, even if it defies people's expectations.


Your August Horoscopes from Russell Grant Capricorn A passionate love affair will make early August an exciting time. The New Moon on the 2nd is ideal for embarking on a romance, making a commitment or satisfying physical desire. Avoid discussing sensitive issues like race, religion and politics during the first half of the month. It's easy to be misunderstood. The last thing you need is to have your reputation tarnished by an angry colleague or neighbour. The Lunar Eclipse on the 18th brings an end to a professional role. This will give you an opportunity to venture into a different field. Opportunities involving publishing, travel and education are all worth exploring. You need a career that will give you plenty of intellectual stimulation. Put out feelers towards the end of August. A well connected friend could arrange a job interview at a religious or cultural institution. Alternatively, you may decide to go back to work for a former employer.

Aquarius A romantic relationship will be a profound source of pleasure in early August. The New Moon on the 2nd could prompt you to get engaged or married. If you're already in a serious relationship, your amour will encourage you to pursue a cherished dream. Take their advice and accept their support. Money will be rather tight during the first half of the month. Your first priority will be to pay bills as quickly as possible. Fortunately, your romantic or business partner can help you cover expenses. A Lunar Eclipse on the 19th will bring an end to a period of obscurity. Take this opportunity to make bold proposals and share exciting ideas. Thinking outside of the box could put you on a whole new path. Don't pay attention to friends who urge you to spend money on expensive status symbols. You'd rather conserve your resources for travel, music and sporting activities.

Pisces At the beginning of August, you'll have an exciting opportunity to embark on your dream career. Be sure to accept a creative assignment on the 2nd, when the New Moon will help you find a fulfilling job. A romantic partner will have mixed feelings about your new direction. Be receptive to their support and ignore their words of caution. You have to take a calculated risk if you aim to move ahead. The middle of August is a good time for all financial negotiations because your perceptive powers of persuasion are peculiarly potent. The Lunar Eclipse on the 18th is perfect for finding some private time. Although your amour's attention is flattering, you are still a solitary creature. Sneak off to a private hideaway where you can read, reflect and build castles in the air. Hard work and discipline will impress an authority figure during the second half of August. Be prepared to put in long hours and go the extra mile. 9

Colour Therapy

Are you feeling off-colour? Do you see red, feel blue or go green? Are you yellow-bellied or having a purple patch? Colour is an integral part of all our lives, affecting our emotions and according to some therapists, our health too.

RED Scientific tests have shown that being exposed to red significantly increases the pulse rate and raises blood pressure. Red can bring you strength, energy and warmth. It can make you feel motivated, stimulated and energised but it can also make you more aggressive. Physically, it can increase your appetite and can affect the bowel, legs, joints and the base of the spine. It is also good for liver problems and cold relief and is closely related to sexuality. In the home, red could be introduced into any kind of activity areas.

ORANGE Orange is a very cheerful colour and is related to independence and happiness. It is therefore a good colour to combat depression, fear or loneliness. It is good for health, vitality, joy and creativity and in the body it can increase your calcium levels. It is also a soothing colour for the digestive, and circulatory systems and also for the liver, pancreas, bladder and the lungs. In the home, it is particularly well suited to

YELLOW Yellow is related to mental activity and general cheerfulness so in the home it is a good colour for wherever you are studying! It is also great for kitchens. In the body it helps the nervous system, skin, stomach, circulation and gall bladder and is helpful in treating conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism and gout, and easing water retention and constipation.

GREEN Green is a good balancing colour and can really help to soothe the emotions. It offers a sense of freedom, harmony and renewal and is good for the nervous system and cell regeneration. Use it in your kitchen or conservatory.

TURQUOISE Turquoise stands for calmness and purity and is the colour of change. It is helpful for any inflammatory conditions like headaches, swellings, cuts and bruises or burns and skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and eczema. It can also clear the sinuses and refresh the brain. Kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms are good rooms for this colour.

BLUE Blue relates to peace, harmony, communication and sleep and has been shown to relax the body and lower the pulse and blood pressure. It is therefore a good colour to use in bedrooms or offices. In the body it is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and is soothing for irritations. It can therefore help to alleviate sunburn, throat problems, stress, migraine and menstrual problems. Blue light has also been shown to reduce period pains. VIOLET Violet standing for mysticism and hope, violet is the colour of psychic energy and vision and can help glandular and hormonal problems, neuralgia, eye, nose and ear problems and can help skin conditions. It is also thought that it may stop snoring. Decorate you bedroom or study in pale violet.

MAGENTA Magenta The colour of 'letting go' and going with the flow, it represents spiritual love. It can help to increase the blood supply to the brain, stimulate the nervous system and stabilise aggressive behaviour and increase energy levels. A light magenta colour is good to put in entrance halls and bedrooms.

Although our sensitivity to colour is usually unconscious, it has long been recognised that different colours can affect our moods and have a profound effect on us. Some can energise us while others are more calming. Research has backed this up and shown that exposure to certain colours may even change the chemical balance in the blood. Colour Therapy uses these ideas and goes even further, employing colour to heal both mental and physical ailments and also to keep you healthy in the first place. Colour Therapy is based on the fact that, because colours originate from light, a form of energy, they have their own wavelengths and frequencies. Colour Therapists believe that all matter within our bodies, from individual cells to entire organs, al so has vibrational frequencies. If a part of the body isn't functioning well, its vibration and therefore colour will either drop or increase, so creating an imbalance. These imbalances can be corrected by using a colour with a corresponding frequency.

Our bodies need a balance of colour, all vibrating at different frequencies in order to make us feel healthy in mind, body and spirit.

Visit www.russellgrant.com to read more about Body & Spirit..

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Anita from Meath, Ireland My job and finances - do you see financial stability coming for me please? Ideally Anita needs security in work that allows her challenge and variety. With Venus and Mercury also in the adventurous sign Sagittarius, she’ll be on the right track if that track gives her freedom of choice. Anita has unusual artistic tastes and with Mars in Aquarius she will work well in groups. A true test of character is how someone deals with setbacks and Anita has tackled a number of issues over the past few years. This independent lady has refused to be beaten down by difficulties. Financial-wise she could almost spin straw into gold. Anita wants to see job and financial stability ahead but she doesn’t need a future mapped out for her. All she needs to know is that with Saturn close to her Sun, her job situation will improve. There will be fewer financial worries, she’ll enjoy her duties and although the pay won’t be fantastic, it will be regular.

NR from Norwich Does he have the same feelings for me as we seem to get on really well and we do like the same music. I am a Virgo and he is a Cancerian? As a love match, a Cancer/Virgo relationship has great potential. Ideally it should begin as friendship with bonds building over time. Both can be perceptive and intuitive and NR seems to have an intuitive feel about this cab driver. The big question is: is he in the market for romance? NR is about to undergo a transitional period in their relationships and this will need patience and perseverance. Not everything will work out as expected. An intense flirtation might be a welcome diversion but is this only in their fantasies? Both Cancer and Virgo appreciate reliability in romance but Saturn’s link with Venus in NR’s chart later in 2016 suggests they could be heading for a disappointment. It could be a great journey of fantasy and friendship but the dream will be over by the end of the year.

Ask Russell Grant your questions www.russellgrant.com / www.russellgrant.mobi 11

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