Russell Grant Magazine Feb21 (LOVE221X)

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Russell Grant

February 2021




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Joe Wicks - A Man on a mission

Seven Million People Joe Wicks recently informed a Guardian journalist that on just one day three point seven million people watched one of his videos. “It’s just growing, I’m over the moon. I feel quite overwhelmed by it.” The fact is dads, mums and kids are more than entertained by this young man. During down beat Covid times, following his short shrift body moves is the thing to do. Adults believe he is "the man" as they tighten their buttocks, and slim down their upper thighs. Kids prance around the front room, simply because he is so darned simpatico.

neighbours were mean to his mum. They used to say, “Your boys are going to end up on drugs.” Joe swallowed his tears and overcame his aggressive impulses. The ones he believes he inherited from his dad. ‘We had cheap plywood doors. My dad would punch through them or a wall when he and my mum were arguing. I don’t want to be that person.’

A Celebrity Type of Guy Joe is a busy celebrity who is in such a rush he only has time for a piece of toast for breakfast. Piece of toast or not, who the blazes IS Joe Wicks. What lies beneath that taut, muscle bound presentation. “handsome is as handsome does” clicks that particular button. Joe is the only fitness instructor who actually managed to keep the Brits on their toes during hard times, the kind of whiz kid who is awarded an MBE for his trouble. He might make everything look easy but he grew up on a challenging council estate, romping around life with his two brothers Nikki and George. The estate was a rough deal. The

The result? He made sure he wasn't. In fact, he told You Magazine he did all he could to escape that harsh reality ‘I’d always be out of the house running around, playing sport, climbing trees. That was me relieving stress and the frustration at my dad not being there, or being in and out of rehab.’

His Mission in Life After his sports science degree Joe became a teaching assistant but soon realised that was not his life mission. A bee in his bonnet began to buzz rather too loudly so he started posting his sports routines and healthy diets on Instagram. But then, one would expect nothing less than ingenuity from someone with their Sun in Virgo and Moon in Taurus. The double earthy influence ensures a utilitarian approach leads a guy in just the right direction. Focused on Creativity He knows if he does not hold his focus, his creativity will be wasted on feelings of stress and indecision, worry and uncertainty. After all exercise and diet helped him overcome his emotional challenges, he is so sure of it, he built his life around health and fitness. Jupiter in Pisces ensures he is compassionate. He wants to help people become aware of what they are truly capable of. He knows folks can change their lives with a bit of baseline self-discipline. Mercury in Libra encourages a chatty chap but also, a visionary with an inborn capacity to synchronise with folks of all sizes. In fact, he helps us all enjoy a multitude of health orientated ideas that activate physical and inner balance in the midst of the current world chaos.

Joe and Josie Joe is married to gorgeous ex page three girl Josie. ‘"When we got together, she knew women were making comments and she’d have guys saying things. Neither of us got jealous. We’re a unit. I wanted her to trust me; I worked hard on that from the start. I always let her know where I am. I care about her feelings. I want her to feel safe."

Credit: ITV

An honest Venus in Scorpio ensures those words ring true. But there is a hidden side to this man. His sensuality could only be described as "steamy" and he hides his true essence within layers of soul. He is in short, a classic “still waters run deep� type of fellow. Even though his surface presentation is charismatic and chatty, few people will get to know the real Jo, a Jo that will never forget his origins, as he rides the wave of success, but whose true being hides in a fascinating underworld only he is privy to.

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer

Too keen to fall in love?

I suspect we all know people who simply have to be in a relationship. If one relationship ends they're immediately on the alert, desperately on the look out for the next person to fill the vacancy in their life. Is this okay or do you think there's something wrong with being so keen to fall in love? Certain times of the year have the potential to be especially testing for single people; Christmas, Valentine's Day, birthdays, long weekends, events where couples are invited together can all accentuate the feeling of being alone and without a significant other. Some people don't feel complete unless they have a special someone in their lives, someone to look after, care for, think about. They may even experience a physical incompleteness when they're unpartnered, a deep emptiness inside, where their need to be needed defines who they are. Their relationship with their significant other gives meaning to their lives.

But when a relationship ends it's often good to allow some time for the 'dust to settle', to have a period of adjustment, reflection, even grieving, followed by recovery and healing taking place. Whatever the reason for the breakup there can be some benefit in taking time to mull over what went on, what went wrong, the lessons learned, and, importantly, what is wanted and not wanted from future relationships. It can be can be good to have some time to learn to cope alone, even if it feels strange or awkward. It's important to allow time for oneself, to learn from past experiences and commit to becoming reacquainted with who you are. Post breakup we can become so highly aware of what we don't want from our next relationship that we react by focusing on the desirability of traits and characteristics that are the exact opposite of what we've previously had and become blinded to other considerations, consequently noticing little else, good or bad, that fall outside of that criteria. Thus, having an ex who is highly organised, fit and sporty or a dedicated fashion follower might prompt us to react by seeking a new partner who is more casual and relaxed, the opposite of what we've grown away from, only to eventually become irritated at their apparent lack of care, realising that somewhere in-between is a good compromise. When we're too keen to fall in love it's tempting to see what we want to see, where we only notice the glossy packaging that's being presented. It can be seductive to blank out the occasional uneasy feelings and niggles, to justify or excuse their off-days, irritability or lack of motivation because we're so keen for this new relationship to work out. It's easy to forget that we're seeing the best version of someone at the beginning of a new relationship, the kind, friendly, eager to please person who may also be keen to fall in love. They're easy-going, happy to like the same things, are nice to our children, our elderly relatives, don't mind being inconvenienced if we change our plans. In the early days of a new relationship everyone's on their best behaviour, it's the honeymoon stage of the relationship. That's fine if we're able to enjoy it, but also appreciate that this is the time when we

meet the best version of the person we're dating. Ultimately, at some point in the future it's only normal that things will go wrong, inconveniences and disagreements will arise and have to be dealt with. Relish the good times but also keep a healthy perspective. Enjoy the buzz and excitement of getting to know someone new; the sexual chemistry, the flutter when you receive a text or are due to see them. But also be realistic and know that all relationships require work, tolerance and patience, plus a good sense of humour at times to succeed. Start as you mean to go on and set good habits in place. Be clear about having some time for yourself, about maintaining existing friendships and interests, even if you choose to include them sometimes. Establish good channels of communication and discuss any 'touchy subjects', issues or disagreements that may arise. Share your feelings and be prepared to compromise on occasion.

Then being in love may well remain a wonderful part of your life.

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham,Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor,writer & media contributor who offers help with relationship issues,stress management,assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients,couples and provide corporate workshops and support.


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During my career I’ve conducted many celebrity readings. Some good, some no more than you’d expect, but I must say one of the most pleasurable card spreads I’ve seen for a long time belongs to the lovely Ms Willoughby. And what made my nose twitch uncontrollably this year and encourage me to have a look at her cards is that this year, not only does this gorgeous lady reach the ripe young age of 40, (yes, you read that right!), but she will also be celebrating 14 years of marriage to husband Dan Baldwin, whose name might not be too familiar but he’s worked on TV shows such as Ministry of Mayhem, Through the Keyhole, Virtually Famous and Celebrity Juice. Now, regulars on this page may remember that I’ve talked about 7 year cycles before, and how the end of a cycle can bring about a few unwanted problems. This is due to the vibrational element of planetary activity, which although they always settle eventually but as they say – forewarned is forearmed . With Holly and Dan coming up to their second cycle it will be interesting to see what the cards have to say about this. So, without further ado, let’s turn a few cards over! Well, this is an interesting spread: The Hanged Man, Justice (reversed) Strength, Queen of Cups, The Chariot, (reversed) and the Ace of Wands. Wow! This is an amazing spread. Not just because of who it’s for but because of what they represent. This year Holly can expect work being thrown at her. The Hanged Man sitting comfortably next to the Justice card shows her popularity is going to continue to sky rocket. This lady is going to be popping up on shows throughout the year. (Not that she isn’t already doing that)! There may even be voice work and book writing. This work is going to bring about travel and further contract signing. The Chariot being reversed and placed next to the

Queen of Cups indicate that Holly is well and truly in charge of her career, I mentioned earlier that this was one of and despite her soft face and gentle the most enjoyable spreads I’ve had the exterior she doesn’t suffer fools gladly pleasure to work on. Many celebrity and woe betide anyone who tries to marriages unfortunately fall by the take advantage of her! wayside very early, and most don’t even There is success surrounding a business get off the ground. I mentioned the fact venture and it’s this success that’s going that Holly and Dan will be celebrating to encourage her to think about other their second 7 year cycle this year? ventures as well. You’ve heard the saying ‘ain’t no stopping me’? Well, it wouldn’t be out of place tattooed on Holly’s forehead! There’s showing a slight issue around a female friend. The Ace of Well, with the position of the Wands placed next to a Justice (reversed) card, strength reversed Chariot indicates that all is not and Queen of Cups I’m happy to say as it seems and Holly should exercise a that as far as this spread is concerned, if certain amount of caution around anything, their union will continue to someone who would be considered a grow from strength to strength. This friend. There may be jealousy rearing its couple really do complement each ugly head and Holly would be well other. They ‘get’ each other. They know advised not to divulge too much each other back to front, upside down personal information to this lady. and inside out as well. They know and understand each other’s moods and Family life looks absolutely wonderful. know exactly how to bring each other The Strength card positioned perfectly back to earth or leave alone. next to the Queen of Cups indicates that this is a perfect household with the Holly was once reported as saying that all relationships have to be worked at. perfect family and 2021 shows no sign Well, she was right. But it helps if the of this changing. There may be some consideration given to the family home. person you’re with is workable and these two definitely are. This could be a complete move to a 2021 is going to be a wonderful year for new home or changes to the current Holly, Dan, their family and careers. home. This spread tells me that both I wish them all the best and a very Holly and Dan like to change the physical home. This could be to avoid Happy 40th Birthday to Holly and a energy blocks or they just love new Happy double cycle Anniversary when it surroundings - and who doesn’t?! comes.

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February Horoscopes from Russell Grant

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New M oon Full M oon

ARIES Friendships will be a little strained as January gives way to February. Your focus will be on making money, which could keep you from spending as much quality time with loved ones as you should. On February 11, the New Moon will force you to put greater emphasis on your social life. When it comes to increasing your income this month, who you know is just as important as what you know. A work opportunity involving a cultural or charitable organisation could arrive during the second half of the month. It's possible you'll be working from home and earning a great deal of money in the process. The Full Moon on the 27th will find you reaping the rewards for a job well done. Buy new equipment.

TAURUS February has lots of career opportunities for you, but you must be flexible when considering them. Taking a job in an industry that has never appealed to you could be a blessing in disguise. You might find you have a hidden talent for this kind of work. The New Moon on the 11th could be the catalyst that forces the issue. Be open to exploring influences and ideas contrary to the image you want to project; you will be pleasantly surprised. Friends can be an enormous comfort during the middle of the month. When you're not sure which direction to take, call someone with a sympathetic ear. The Full Moon on the 27th could find you getting a job, raise, or promotion. Buy yourself a handsome reward for your hard work.

GEMINI Legal matters could occupy most of your time and attention this month. There's a chance you'll be disappointed by a an official decision. If you experience a setback, keep your chin up. The New Moon on the 11th will force you to go public with a secret. After your initial embarrassment, coming clean will be a relief. Giving a professional presentation during the second half of February is likely to go very well and bring exactly the results you are hoping for, even if it's just via video conference. Your audience will be uplifted and inspired by the rosy picture that you paint. If you're unemployed, you could have a successful interview. A firm offer to work from home will arrive near the 27th, courtesy of the Full Moon. This is a cause for celebration.

CANCER Beware of mixing friendship and romance in early February. Although you may be irresistibly attracted to someone you've known for years, you aren't well suited as partners. It's best to keep things platonic. On the 11th, a financial windfall will come your way, but it will have strings attached. Carefully consider whether you want to be connected to someone who will manage the dispersal of a group fund. An opportunity to expand your horizons could arrive around the middle of the month; it's also a good time to take an advanced course, teach a class, or publish some writing. The Full Moon on the 27th brings good news about a community matter. Additional amenities or services in your area could make daily life much easier.

LEO Striking a healthy balance between your personal and professional lives will be challenging at the beginning of February. Although your best friend or romantic partner will want to spend more time together, you'll feel compelled to put more hours into your work and longer-term professional prospects. Don't make the mistake of neglecting your loved one on the 11th, when the New Moon will compel you to refresh your commitment. If you don't, there's a good chance the relationship will end. Your allure will be heightened during the second half of the month; use it to get favours and win hearts. After a series of false starts, you can sign a contract that gives you more creative freedom. The Full Moon on the 27th will bring a big payment.

VIRGO Take good care of your health throughout the first half of the month. Practicing relaxation techniques can alleviate persistent aches and pains. Instead of over analysing problems, learn to release your anxiety. Cultivating contentment may be easier than you think, especially after the New Moon on the 11th. A dream job will be yours for the asking in late February. This is your big chance to earn a living in a field that draws on your creative ability. A partnership will assume an increasing importance as the month draws to a finish. If you're looking for love, you could find it with someone who seems to read your mind. The Full Moon on the 27th will prompt you to do something special for yourself.

LIBRA Your love life could be a little chaotic throughout early February. If you've recently embarked on a romance, resist the urge to speed up the courtship process. It's best to let your relationship develop gradually. Do you already have a partner? Caring conversations can pave the way to passion; don't jump straight to physical gratification. A wonderful idea for a creative project will occur to you on or around the 11th, thanks to a stimulating New Moon. Don't worry about selling your work at this stage; just focus on finishing it. Embarking on a fitness regimen is strongly advised for the second half of the month. Taking more exercise will release tension. On the 27th, a handsome payment will finally arrive.

SCORPIO Family interactions will be stressful at the beginning of February. It's possible several of your relatives won't approve of someone who has entered your life and seems to have a deep effect on your thoughts and feelings. By the time the New Moon rises on the 11th, you'll be ready to take a stand. If that means enacting a temporary separation from your kin, so be it. Your love life will sizzle with excitement during the middle of the month, providing a welcome distraction from all the in-fighting. If you're looking for romance, you could find it with a gifted artist. Flirting over the phone will be very exciting. Use the power of the Full Moon on the 27th to connect with influential people. Attending an online conference could pave the way to a stimulating creative collaboration.

SAGITTARIUS A demanding schedule will exhaust you during the first two weeks of February. Take every opportunity to rest, relax and recharge your batteries during this busy time. On the 11th, the New Moon will put you in contact with someone who seems to deliberately misunderstand you. No matter how many times you try to explain your intentions, they will attribute bad motives to you. Instead of trying to build a bridge between you and this troublemaker, it may be better to go your separate ways. Your home life will be rewarding during the middle of the month; dedicate yourself to domestic pursuits like cooking, cleaning and decorating. The Full Moon on the 27th could attract a fabulous job offer that makes your heart sing. Give yourself a reward.

CAPRICORN February's financial opportunities won't be what they appear. Resist the temptation to put all your eggs in one basket. Several jobs will fall through the cracks, but one or two could turn out to be money makers. The inspirational and energising New Moon on the 11th brings a potential packed patch for all financial matters, but you'll have to be creative and share your forward-thinking enthusiasm with others to build a team of like-minded go getters. You'll become much busier during the second half of the month; this is a good time to stock up on supplies and carry out appointments. Your powerful charisma will attract at least one romantic opportunity in the final days of the February. Falling in love with someone from a foreign country is a distinct possibility near the 27th, courtesy of the Full Moon.

PISCES AQUARIUS At the beginning of the month, family will pull you one way while you attempt to move in quite another direction. Hold your ground. Anyone who tries to make you feel guilty for pursuing a dream doesn't have your best interests at heart; they're acting from selfish motives. The New Moon on the 11th will give you the courage to break away from a stifling situation; striking out on your own will be glorious. It may be necessary to spend lots of money during the second half of February, especially if you're setting up a household. Priorities will become clearer in the final days of the month. The Full Moon on the 27th could find you making a down payment on a home or car.

You might have to keep your thoughts to yourself at the beginning of February. Being entrusted with a big secret will make you worry about divulging sensitive information to the wrong person. It will be necessary to keep your thoughts organised and for most of the time, under wraps. The New Moon on the 11th will prompt you to undergo a spiritual journey. Regularly connecting with your higher power will help you put worldly matters in proper perspective. Your natural charm will be evident to everyone during the final two weeks of February. This is a great time to join an online dating service. If you have a romantic partner, they might not be able to keep their hands off you. Use the power of the Full Moon on the 27th to make a serious commitment.

What your glasses say about your personality

When interacting with others, it’s only natural to want to put your best foot forward. Everything from your composure to your speech patterns gives off an impression. The broad strokes of your personality are discernible within the opening moments of a first meeting. So making sure you carry yourself off well is vital. From the clothes you wear, to what glasses say about your personality. It all speaks volumes! Even the glasses resting on the bridge of your nose can communicate something about yourself. But how exactly do they bring your personality into focus? Well, your choice of eyewear can tell people that you are any of the following: Stylish Yes, glasses are now the perfect style statement, lending finesse to any ensemble that you throw together. Your eyewear is the ultimate accessory, the final full stop or bow tie to an exquisite outfit. They show that you not only dress to impress, but that you also have other things to do. Your glasses are a device, a tool to be used, and not something that’s just there for show. There’s a real power and authority in that, and of course, to land the right impression, you’ll need to work with the right optician or frame manufacturer. Glasses can be cool, after all, but not all of them are! For a guaranteed selection of elegant eyewear, browse

International Eyewear. This company have affordable frames for every occasion, whether you’re going for the wise scholar look or the cool cruiser with a pair of slick sunglasses. With their guidance, you’ll look whatever part you wish to fulfil.

Self-caring These days, it’s fashionable to care about yourself and your own wellbeing. Some people get glasses just because they want to see better, and that’s the start and end of the process. That’s completely fair, but glasses can provide an in-depth overview of how well you look after yourself. For example, it’s been claimed that some glasses can help combat screen fatigue, so your eyewear might be not only helping you to see, but protecting your health also! As a wearer of glasses, you will be communicating to others that your health is important to you, and that you keep it all in check. The details in your life matter, your wellbeing matters, and you thrive on being as present as possible at every waking moment. Wearing glasses tells people that you have standards. Nothing less than perfect vision will do, and you settle for no half measures.

Intelligent While it’s something of a stereotype to assume that those wearing glasses are smarter, the science may well back up this consensus… In 2018, a University of Edinburgh study found that intelligent people were 30% more likely to have genes related to poor eyesight, which bodes well for you as a wearer. Of course, one should never abide by stereotypes too much, but when the studies swing things in your favour, you should absolutely run with it. Wearing glasses is no guarantee that you’re a brain box, but if you can quote the statistic above in the face of any teasing, you’ll certainly look smart even if you’re not! If you appear intelligent, people gravitate toward you, looking to you for guidance and wisdom. You’ll become someone who is ought to be trusted and confided in. Who knows what kinds of friendships or relationships can come to fruition from all of this? Other people must fight to look smart overtime, but if you can land that impression early on, great things will follow all the sooner. What do your glasses say about your personality?

The Lifestyle Blogger UK

Self Care & Mental Health

Self-care techniques and general lifestyle changes can help manage the symptoms of many mental health problems. They may also help prevent some problems from developing or getting worse. Here are some tips for looking after yourself that you might find helpful. Be self aware

Feel Connected

Spot your early warning signs. If you can, try to be aware of how you're feeling, and watch out for any signs you might be becoming unwell. These will be individual to you, but it can be useful to reflect on what these may be so you can get support as soon as possible.

Feeling connected to other people is important. It can help you to feel valued and confident about yourself, and can give you a different perspective on things. If you can, try to spend some time connecting with friends and family – A text, phone call or online video chat can make a difference.

Keep a mood diary. Tracking your moods can help you to work out what makes you feel better or worse. You can then take steps to avoid, change or prepare for difficult situations. You can create your own mood diary or find one online – there are many freely available on the internet and as apps for your phone. Build your self-esteem. Taking steps to increase your self-esteem can help you to feel more confident & able to cope.

If you don't have supportive friends and family around you and are feeling isolated, there are other ways you can make connections. For example, you could try joining online events with other people who share a common interest such as books, sports, chess, television, films and more..

Make time for yourself Relaxation – you may already know what helps you relax, like having a bath, listening to music or taking your dog for a walk. If you know that a certain activity helps you feel more relaxed, make sure you set aside time to do it. Mindfulness – mindfulness is a therapeutic technique that involves being more aware of the present moment. This can mean both outside, in the world around you, and inside, in your feelings and thoughts. Practising mindfulness can help you become more aware of your own moods and reactions, but not everyone finds mindfulness helpful. Getting into nature – getting out into a green environment, such as a park or the countryside, is especially good for you. Even if you don't have a garden or aren't very mobile, caring for plants or animals indoors can still help you get some benefits from nature. Regular exercise doesn't have to be very strenuous or sporty to be effective – to start with you could try gentle exercise like going for a short walk, yoga or swimming. The important thing is to pick something you enjoy doing, so you're more likely to stick with it. Avoid drugs and alcohol While you might want to use drugs or alcohol to cope with difficult feelings, in the long run they can make you feel a lot worse. Make time for personal care When you're experiencing a mental health problem, it's easy for personal care to not feel like a priority. But small everyday things, such as taking a shower and getting fully dressed, can make a big difference to how you feel. Eat healthily What you eat & when you eat, can make a big difference to how well you feel.

Credit: MIND

Samantha asks “I've been very busy at work, while my sister has had a difficult time in her life. Her birthday is in early September, and she feels I've neglected her. How can I make it up to her..?” It's 'all or nothing' for Samantha who has a strong Scorpio influence in her chart. When she takes on a commitment, she throws herself wholeheartedly into it and this can cause her to neglect other areas of her life. Samantha acknowledges this and also feels guilty because she hasn't been there when her Virgo sister needed her. At the same time, Virgo too is dedicated and a perfectionist. Her sister will respect Samantha's hard working nature but there is a limit to how patient even a Virgo can be. There is only one way to make up for it now and that is for her to spend more time with her sister. It is time for Samantha to reconsider her priorities.

Zoe asks “I've been having very vivid dreams regarding my childhood sweetheart recently. I can't tell if this is a sign to let the past back in, or let it go. What do the stars say..? Cancerians like Zoe are nostalgic souls. Memories of the past can bring them comfort when times are tough. Zoe's dreams have been taking her back to childhood, a time when life was more carefree and love was magical and exciting. Zoe can't control her dreams but she can control her actions and while her subconscious is finding solace through returning to the past, in reality Zoe needs to keep moving forward. She might find journaling will help her get to the root of her feelings. Writing her dreams down and how she feels about them can also be therapeutic.

Vegan News

Ben & Jerry’s Release ‘Climate Conscious’ Vegan Ice Cream Urging Political Action Ben & Jerry’s has released a new vegan ice cream flavour with the climate in mind across the UK. To combine with the release, the company is urging customers to sign a declaration calling the government to step up its response to the climate crisis. The dairy-free flavour is a combination of coconut ice cream with chunks of chocolate and a cookie swirl. In coalition with the new flavour, Ben & Jerry’s teamed up with lobby group, The Climate Coalition. The 130-year-old company also sells vegan sausage rolls and steak bakes. The company urges customers to sign the declaration calling on British prime minister Boris Johnson to ‘lead the UK towards a healthier, greener, fairer future’. The call focuses on protecting green spaces and boosting clean energy. If successful, it is hoped the call will help the UK reach net-zero emission goals. Via its website, the company stated: “We need a resilient recovery, we need a clean energy revolution. We need jobs, housing, and transport which are fit for the future. “We need to ensure those most vulnerable to the impact of climate change are supported, we need to ensure this recovery keeps global warming in check.”

Vegan Doctors Launch UK’s First-Ever Online Plant-Based Healthcare Service

Oatly Launches ‘Whippable’ Vegan Cream And Range Of ‘Creamy’ Spreads

The Swedish version of Oatly's vegan Two vegan doctors have created an double cream has a climate footprint online plant-based healthcare service. Dr. Laura Freeman and Dr. Shireen that is 88% lower than its dairy Kassam launched Plant Based Health counterpart. Online (PBHO) earlier this year. They The Swedish brand’s oat-based spreads describe it as the ‘UK’s first CQC are available from Tesco in three registered online multidisciplinary different flavours: Tomato & Basil, lifestyle medicine service’. Cucumber & Garlic, and Plain. Two of PBHO aims to ‘improve the health of the variants (Plain and Garlic & the nation and reduce the impact of Cucumber) are also available in select COVID-19’. It offers access to doctors, Sainsbury’s stores, retailing at £1.80. dietitians, nutritionists, personal trainers, and health coaches. Moreover, Oatly’s ‘whippable’ creamy oat product retails for £1.20 and will be Moreover, the duo says a lifestyle exclusively sold at Tesco. medicine approach has the potential to ‘prevent and treat the majority of General Manager at Oatly UK Ishen chronic conditions affecting people in Paran said “This opens up the potential the UK’. These include health issues for a variety of new plant-based recipes such as high blood pressure and and meals for our consumers. We’re cholesterol, heart disease, type 2 increasingly looking for ways to give diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers. people a great tasting alternative to Dr. Shireen Kassam is the founder of use throughout the cooking process. Plant Based Health Professionals UK and a Consultant Haematologist said “PBHO “We want to make it as easy as possible for people to make the plant-based will be using plant-based nutrition as switch without having to sacrifice on one of the tools to help patients regain taste, or miss out on their favourite their health. Because, we recognise meals.” that unhealthy diets are one of the top causes of ill health in the UK – and adopting a plant-based diet is one of the healthiest choices there is. “However, this service is not just for vegans. It’s a service for everyone who wants to improve their personal health, the health of their family members and of course the health of the planet.“ Patients can book an appointment here Credit: Planet Based News

Improving your confidence

These days, with the rise of social media, self confidence is taking a major hit with most people. Looking your best every day seems to be the top of everyone’s to do list! For some, it can be hard to look in the mirror each day and not like what you see. However, what you look like on the outside is totally irrelevant. It’s what’s on the inside that counts more. However, this is harder said than done when you come face to face with beautiful people filling up or feeds. Now is the time to figure out what actions you can be taking to boost your inner confidence. Some elements are in your power that you can change and work on. You’ll soon have a new zest for life and will want to be out and about in public presenting and taking pride in your new found confidence. Smile More Try A New Hairstyle Exercise Frequently Something as simple as I’m not really one to Exercise is great for so smiling more in your day to talk here as my hair is many different things. It day life can have a huge 99% of the time in can make you feel better impact on your mental health some kind of up-do. about yourself from the and our confidence. You’ll I’d rather get it up inside out. Feeling stronger, come off as friendlier and and out of the way! fitter and more toned. more approachable, and My hairstyles, unless Watching your confidence you’ll feel happier on the going to an event, are grow in the gym as you inside. all about practicality. learn more exercises, or start to lift heavier weights. If you’re embarrassed about However, if you take Not to mention that fact your smile and perhaps your more pride in your hair exercise is great for your teeth and need some work than me, perhaps a mental health as well. It done then consider visiting an visit to your stylist gets the blood flowing and orthodontist. However, try to might make the world the heart racing. It might see the beauty in what you of difference. feel like torture while you’re have naturally first. Getting Consider a new doing it but afterwards any kind of work done (unless hairstyle if the one you you’ll feel amazing! for medical reasons), isn’t have is a bit old or advised as a first step. It might boring. You could Working out is also an make you look better but the even consider getting excellent way to reduce root cause hasn’t been it coloured or your stress levels and boost addressed. highlighted. your energy levels.

Update Your Wardrobe & Style Take the time to go through your closet and update your wardrobe and style. Get rid of or donate old items that don’t make you feel amazing, or that don’t fit right. Replace the items you remove with pieces that show off your figure and make you feel good about yourself. Also, shop around for accessories and pieces you can use to embellish a plain or boring outfit, and that’ll bring out your personality. Don’t be afraid to experiment with bold colours, patterns, or anything that YOU love. Don’t worry about what others are wearing, or what’s trending. Do what YOU love and ignore other people’s styles!

The Lifestyle Blogger UK


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Lockdown 3.0 has been so much harder than the rest. My once positive mindset started to wain slightly (OK, a lot) over the last few weeks. I found i was focusing on the things i couldn’t do, instead of what i could still do. So, after a quick talk to myself and a change of mindset, i began thinking of the positives. One thing lockdown has given me is more time. So, after a bit of thinking, i decided i would use this extra time to refine my baking skills. I want to perfect my bakes so after about 4 attempts of tweaking and refining the recipe, here is the PERFECT White chocolate and raspberry blondie recipe. Method 1. 160 c Fan 2. Whisk melted butter & sugar 3. Add vanilla, egg & lemon extract 4. Fold in the flour 5. Add chocolate chunks & raspberries 6. Bake 27 Mins 7. Leave to cool in tin 8. Add icing sugar to a little water and mix to a stiff consistency 9. Place into a piping bag and drizzle over the top 10.Any leftover raspberries, sprinkle over the top to decorate These can be kept for approx 5/6 days in a sealed container, but the fresher the better! Also, warmed for 30 seconds in the microwave, topped with some ice cream is amazing! Due to the lower amount of sugar in this recipe, it isn’t too sweet. This is such a simple traybake recipe, perfect for anyone of any baking ability.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK

Ingredients *145g melted butter *150g light muscovado sugar *2 tsp vanilla extract *1 egg *200g plain flour *Handful of freeze drie d raspberries *100g white chocolat e chunks *1 tsp lemon extract *4 Tbls icing sugar * 1/2 Teaspoon Nutmeg

TV News Filming on the sixth, and final, series of BBC One’s critically acclaimed Peaky Blinders has begun. Creator and writer, Steven Knight, says: “Peaky is back and with a bang. After the enforced production delay due to the Covid pandemic, we find the family in extreme jeopardy and the stakes have never been higher. We believe this will be the best series of all and are sure that our amazing fans will love it. While the TV series will be coming to an end, the story will continue in another form.” Peaky Blinders first aired on BBC Two eight years ago, quickly becoming one of the channel’s most popular dramas broadcast to huge critical acclaim and ratings quickly growing from over two million for the first series to more than four million for series four. It made the transition to BBC One for the fifth series in 2019, again garnering rave reviews, and achieving audiences of over seven million. It has been broadcast elsewhere across the world on Netflix. Throughout its run, the drama has won many awards including NTAs as voted for by the public, Bafta Craft Awards and a Bafta for best drama series in 2018..

Romesh Ranganathan’s Bafta-nominated topical comedy show The Ranganation will return to BBC Two this February to bring a dose of optimistic entertainment to the nation. Romesh has traded his garage in for a studio but will once again be joined virtually by his focus group, the Ranganation - 20 loveable, outspoken characters who represent a cross section of modern Britain. Romesh Ranganathan says: “Working with The Ranganation is always a highlight for me, so I’m looking forward to being virtually reunited with them all and unpicking the week’s events together. We are also back in the studio, which is partly because we have figured out a way to do it safely but mainly because my marriage wouldn’t have survived doing the show from my house again.”

Fans of Ant and Dec don’t have too much longer to wait until the presenting duo are back on our screens with series 17 of Saturday Night Takeaway. With the upcoming series set to feature “big showbiz guests, high-octane challenges and hilarious hidden-camera set ups”, it sounds as if Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway is exactly what we’ll need to get us through the current lockdown. Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway returns February 2021 After a lifetime of travels that have taken her across the globe, Joanna Lumley is making her most personal journey yet. Over three episodes, she’ll travel from the Yorkshire Dales to St Michael’s Mount, from the Highlands of Scotland to the cobbles of Coronation Street, retracing old steps, meeting inspiring people, and exploring the wonders of the country she calls home. Joanna said “I seem to have spent a lifetime travelling the world, but as I get older, I realise there’s so much of my own country I haven’t seen. So, I decided that using my traveller’s eyes…I’m going to turn that vision onto this country, the place that I now call home.” Interior Design Masters with Alan Carr The eight-part series hosted by Alan Carr, sees ten talented new designers all looking for their big break in the fast-paced world of commercial interior design. Every week, the designers will be set a new commercial design challenge, to take on the interiors of show homes, offices, hotels, shops, beach huts, salons, restaurants and luxury holiday villas. Their skill and expertise will hopefully create design magic to impress the discerning judges.

Online Fun

Chester Zoo's live virtual tours are back to let families see their favourite animals from home. The online events were massively popular during last year's lockdowns and are back. The zoo will host its 'virtual zoo day' live on its Facebook page starting at 10am, broadcasting animal action from various habitats around the zoo at different points in the day. The full line-up includes everything from pandas and crocodiles to its much-loved elephants. And viewers will get a good look at Monsoon Forest, the UK's biggest indoor zoo building, which reopened in October following a devastating fire at the zoo in 2018. Chester Zoo also has more than 100 activities you can access online - on all things animals, science and conservation. Monsoon Forest is now home to nearly 70 different animal species including silvery gibbons, rhinoceros hornbills, Sunda gharial crocodiles and tentacled snakes - a reptile that cannot be seen anywhere else in the UK.

The LGBT Sport Podcast Taking a look at LGBTQ+ issues in sport. Hosted by Jack Murley, BBC Radio Cornwall.

The Happiness Half Hour Hack your happiness: simple strategies proven by science. Most of us chase happiness in all the wrong ways, but Professor Bruce Hood knows what’s proven to work. Emma, Lillie-Mae and Jason test it out.

The Gemma Collins Podcast is a no-holds barred look inside the life of The GC, with plenty of candid chat, laughs and insider gossip direct from the diva herself.

Inside Health The podcast series that demystifies health issues, separating fact from fiction and bringing clarity to conflicting health advice.

The Countyside Hour Farmer and nature lover Chris Skinner shares wildlife recordings and answers questions.

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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email

Photo Credits: Instagram, Ben & Jerry’s, Oatly, Next, Mango, Urban Outfitters, BBC, ITV and Chester Zoo Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg, and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. Š RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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