Russell Grant Magazine – Feb22 (LOVE2022)

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Feb 2022












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MAKE EVERY DAY VALENTINE’S DAY Valentine’s Day is treated as the special day for love, where we may look forward to receiving flowers, cards and declarations from our special one. Whilst others are cynical of Valentine’s Day, viewing it as a ploy by retailers to sell over-priced cards, chocolates and meals. Yes, it might be lovely to lavish attention and gifts on our significant other, but why focus on just one day of the year to demonstrate how much you care? How can we demonstrate our love on Valentine’s Day and every other day of the year? Someone I know made a scrapbook of the wonderful times they’d shared so far in their relationship, with photographs, programmes, ticket stubs, fliers, dried flowers from the places they’d visited and enjoyed. Being thoughtful and sensitive, showing how important the relationship is to you, makes for a much valued, unique and treasured gift. Utilise your skills. Paint a picture, frame a special photograph, bake a cake, take the children out and give your love a few hours peace, valet their car, clear the garden; do something that would be appreciated by them. Making an effort to do something they’d really value makes your actions all the more relevant and special. Plan a day of special treats and pampering. Many people lead busy, stressed lives, so arrange for your love to have a comfortable, relaxing time; breakfast in bed, a lovely bath, time to read, their favourite meal or film, give them a massage. Revisit a place of special significance. If there’s somewhere that has special sentimental meaning, why not plan a trip around Valentine’s Day? Perhaps you were at school or university together, enjoyed walks on the beach, took weekends away when you first met. Pack a picnic and go and spend a romantic, nostalgic afternoon there together. Susan Leigh - Counsellor & Therapist

If you have children why not alternate child care with another couple? That way you both get the opportunity for a break. Even if you simply end up staying at home with a takeaway and the television at least you get lovely time together to relax and enjoy each other's company. Why focus on just Valentine’s Day for being romantic? A little forward planning could bring some of these suggestions into your lives, enabling every day to become a special day in your relationship. A few simple gestures could enhance the quality of your relationship, without breaking the bank.

JUICE CLEANSE With the right Juice cleanse, it’s possible to detoxify the body for more mental, emotional, and spiritual awareness. It’s also possible to feel more energised as the digestive system has been given time to rest. Whether you already have a healthy lifestyle or not. The benefits of a juice cleanse are endless! Detoxify your mind, body and soul. Why Juice Cleansing? As well as detoxifying the whole body, juice cleansing gives the liver a chance to reduce its workload. The liver is a primary organ for carrying out the process of detoxification. Giving it a rest now and again will only help it to help you keep a clean body. It’s important the juice you use is fresh and not pasteurised. Pasteurising is done using extreme heat which destroys the vital nutrients.

Health Benefits Juice cleanses have a number of health benefits. However, they can also sometimes have negative so do your research before you begin. Juice cleanse benefits include… Better Health – Drinking fresh juices will boost your intake of vitamins, minerals, and other anti-inflammatory compounds.

Side Effects Removes Toxins – Juice cleanses flush out toxins from the body. Although do It’s possible to experience some side effects your research as there is limited that although unpleasant are part of the scientific proof to support this! process. You may notice you have a stronger body odour and bad breath. Pimples may also Better Digestion – Raw juices contain appear on different areas of your body. This is enzymes that improve digestion. just your body trying to release any toxins. You Scientific research has been proven to may also experience more gas/bloating as show juice based diets can improve bacteria yeast or parasites die off. This is only temporary in the gut. This can also lead to substantial and a good indication your body is detoxing weight loss in a short space of time. well. Consuming nothing but juice for three or Use A Wide Variety Of Fruits more days is not advised. Your body needs other sources of food. Doing a juice cleanse Make sure when you’re juice cleansing you for longer than this could result in negative use a broad variety of fruits and vegetables. effects and isn’t recommended. This will ensure you’re still getting all the micronutrients your body needs.

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THE BEST SOURCE OF PROTEIN A common worry with people wanting to become vegan or vegetarian is that they won’t be able to get their desired amount of protein. However, did you know, protein actually doesn’t even come from animals! The animals eat the vegetation and we then eat the animals who have eaten the protein packed vegetation. Animals are merely the middle men when it comes to sources of protein. You can be just as healthy, if not more so, without eating meat! Humans can get ALL that they need nutritionally through plants, fruits and vegetables. However, some obviously carry a lot more vegan protein in them.

You can easily get the right amount of vegan protein in your diet, even if you don’t eat meat. In fact, by not having meat, the protein you are getting is much cleaner and at a higher concentration. It’s all about having a varied diet to ensure you’re getting a bit of everything in your diet.

What Is Protein? The body needs protein to repair and maintain itself. Every cell in the human body contains protein. It is a chief component of the skin, muscles, organs and glands. Protein is in all body fluids, except bile and urine. Protein is essential in the diet to help the body repair cells and make new ones. The nutrient is also important for growth and development during childhood, adolescence and pregnancy. When digested, only the amino acids remain. The human body needs a number of amino acids to break down food. Amino acids need to be eaten in large enough amounts for optimal health. Amino acids are in animal sources such as – meat, fish and eggs, plant sources such as – soy beans, legumes, nut butters and some grains – wheat germ. We do not have to eat animal products to get all the protein our bodies require. A nutritionally balanced diet provides the body with enough vegan protein, so healthy people rarely need protein supplements. The amount of recommended daily protein depends on your age and health. Two to three servings of protein-rich food will meet the daily needs of most adults.

Sources of Protein: ● Tofu ● Lentils ● Soya ● Beans & Chickpeas ● Nutritional Yeast ● Hemp Seeds ● Spirulina ● Quinoa ● Oats ● Chia Seeds ● Wild Rice ● Nuts & Nut Butters ● Fruits – bananas, mulberries, blackberries and nectarines

The Functions Of Protein include Enzymatic catalysts, transports and stores molecules, is needed for mechanical support (skin and bone contain collagen, which is a fibrous protein) mediate cell responses and antibody proteins are essential for immune protection. The amount of protein required for effective function will vary significantly from person to person. It’s very difficult to get it right with a simple calculation, and it takes some trial and error and fine-tuning to find what works best for an individual. The Lifestyle Blogger UK

WHY KEEP A JOURNAL OR DIARY? Some people can’t be bothered to keep a journal or diary. They’re not interested in writing things down, regarding it as a waste of their time. They’d much prefer to keep their appointments in their heads, their thoughts about their feelings to themselves and not bother themselves with maintaining an ongoing record of their lives. There are others who see the value in keeping a journal or diary. They view it as a good way to manage their time, to reflect on how they spend their days, to monitor their emotional health and wellbeing and to plan their ongoing journey and the direction in which they’re heading. So, why keep a diary? I know of several busy business people who, at one time, resisted using a diary, in either paper or digital format, instead preferring to keep everything, all their plans and appointments, in their heads. When they discovered that updating their diary took only moments and freed them from the stress of having to remember everything, they rapidly started to see it as a beneficial way to support their efficiency and manage stress. It can be a useful exercise, at the beginning of each year to add significant dates, from birthdays to anniversaries to your diary. From then on, keeping it nearby enables new appointments and additional information can be added immediately. Notes can be made next to entries, with relevant prompts, phone numbers, addresses and key pieces of information. A well-kept diary can be an important aide memoir, assisting with better time management and supporting a busy life. Efficiently managing time is important, especially when there’s a lot going on, so using your diary to note meetings and appointments can ensure that you apportion time as required, better able to plan well and give yourself time to travel, have food and schedule breaks in-between each entry. It can also be a valuable point of reference if bookkeeping and accounts are needed.

Using a diary can serve to motivate you and after a session; a time perhaps to reflect on keep you on track, recording both business things that have happened, maybe even long and personal goals; how far you’ve run, how ago. Journal time may be about exploring the much weight you’ve lost, how well you’re nuances and subtleties of feelings triggered, moving towards your next target. When your patterns that have typically been repeated. goals are set out in Re-reading entries at a future date can be an front of you, written interesting exercise, as insights may have been down to see each made about particular patterns of behaviour. time you log on or Keeping a regular date with your journal can open your book it help you become more self-aware, perhaps can motivate and even coming to smile as you reflect on how inspire. much you’ve grown over time. Some people like Often a journal is viewed as an intensively to keep mementoes in private piece of writing, preferably being kept the diaries, from ticket stubs in a place safe away from prying eyes. Some to dried flowers, programmes and menus. people like to buy a quality, hard-backed They serve as a sentimental record of both notebook, maybe with a lock, to signify that major and minor events, acquired over time, it’s very special to them. Some may choose to providing an enjoyable interlude at year share an entry or two, perhaps to explain end, as you’re reminded of what’s themselves or to prompt a conversation, but happened over the past year or years. And that should be an important personal choice. how often, when flicking back through a diary, do you smile as you suddenly recall Keeping a regular appointment with your occasions that brought you joy, dates and journal helps you process your thoughts and times spent with lovely people, successes feelings. Your journal entries may, in the that meant so very much and special beginning, be a jumble of words, moments that you’d forgotten about. A diary overwhelming and full of mixed emotions. But, is often about more than the entries it over time, your thoughts will become clearer, contains. as a better understanding evolves. This is why it’s often best to handwrite your journal. Thoughts flow freer when you’re A journal is usually kept as a personal, inwriting in longhand, rather than with a depth record of feelings and thoughts which keyboard. Your journal can become your reliable trusty friend, your can be dated, like a diary, but is more often confidante in times of distress, an account of how situations made you feel uncertainty or even in times of great and your reactions to events. Some days joy and happiness. It’s good to may prompt in-depth deliberation, have a regular date, with your observation and reflection, whilst others may journal, a time when you’re able have less to record. A journal can sometimes to open up about things you be used as an adjunct to therapy, a deeper may not want or care to share with anyone else. dive into the emotions experienced, perhaps Why keep a journal?

Susan Leigh - Counsellor & Therapist

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WALK AWAY FROM NEGATIVE PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE? As we progress through life, we come to learn that not everyone shares our views, tastes and outlook on life. And indeed, this past 2 years has seen people's frustrations, anger and intolerance levels escalate, about even the smallest things. Road rage, annoyance at other people's lifestyle choices, irritations & frustrations seem to be bubbling close to the surface in some people. How do we protect ourselves when so much negative emotion and judgement may be encroaching into our world? At vulnerable times it's important to be vigilant about good self-care. Healthy living, good food choices, fresh air, exercise, speaking to positive friends, enough sleep, a little laughter; all are ways to detach a little if you're starting to feel overwhelmed by other people's stuff! Where might we experience negative people? Trolling is where people post rude, hurtful or offensive comments, often anonymously, on social media. It’s being taken more seriously by these platforms, with trolls often being sanctioned and deleted. We, too, can protect ourselves online by blocking trolls, reacting quickly to report offensive comments and by maybe limiting access to our social media posts. Work colleagues may appear to have an issue with us, causing a tense, uneasy atmosphere. Could it be that they suspect we’ve received special treatment or that we’re responsible for any of their missed opportunities?

It’s important to detach a little from these situations and not feel guilty or compelled to justify or constantly explain ourselves. Otherwise. this might escalate into bullying or harassment. If negative treatment and remarks become a regular pattern commit to keeping a log with dates, times and details of what’s happened. This helps you feel more in control, plus gives an evidence-based record if things get too bad and you need to speak with management or HR. Close relationships and family. There are many sad stories of relationships breaking down and families being pulled apart because of decisions and lifestyle choices made throughout the pandemic. Heightened tensions means that both sides are often firmly entrenched, fully convinced that their views are correct and that others are wrong, immoral, unethical and perhaps even criminal. This situation has been stressful for everyone. No one has been unaffected by it. The ongoing social, financial, emotional and health-related impact has meant, that with new information coming out almost daily, old routines and security have been replaced by stress and uncertainty. Daily life, for many, entails taking it one day at a time. It’s not easy. Be patient, tolerant and remember that the people closest to you are essentially good. Arguing your point, trying to bully or coerce others into doing what you think is best is unfair in any situation, but especially after a fraught, disruptive two years. Agree to accept that we’ve all tried to make the best decisions for ourselves and those closest to us. Live and let live rather than become preoccupied with what we feel others should or ought to be doing. It’s time to focus on the positives and rebuild our relationships. Random people in our social circle may at times feel that it’s acceptable to make negative or unpleasant comments about us. That can be disappointing, when they’re people we like, see reasonably often, but are not inner-circle friends. Our paths may cross fairly frequently but those relationships have occurred through other connections. It can be disconcerting to be made aware of their comments or opinions of us. Do we stop socialising with the group because of this unpleasantness or might we be making too much of it? It’s possible to doubt ourselves when something like this happens, but should this culminate in us limiting our social life and restricting our freedom? First ensure that your closest social relationships are solid and then avoid turning any comments into a big deal by limiting who you discuss them with. Cherry-pick the outings you go on until sufficient time has passed for it all to blow over.

What about neighbours or even strangers, people we perhaps know only slightly or not at all? If they feel inclined to make nasty, disparaging comments or throw dirty looks our way, why not try a cheery smile or oblivious, ‘hello, what a lovely day!’. That can sometimes be enough to throw them off-guard and defuse any tension. It’s unlikely they were expecting that response and by ‘not noticing them’, by refusing to react to their behaviour it loses any power, so wasting their time. Your unexpectedly pleasant response may force them to reflect on their behaviour and subsequently stop.

resulting in a fuller, more successful life. A mediator can help, if a situation needs outside input to be resolved. A third party can act effectively as referee, allowing both parties to have their say, keeping discussions relevant and respectful, whilst steering towards viable, Ways to walk away from negative people; positive outcomes. We may choose to hire a Sometimes it’s possible to ignore hurtful trained professional mediator, a relationship comments by simply refusing to listen, be counsellor or spiritual adviser or even ‘book’ a aware or notice what’s being said or done. Or respected family friend or neighbour; we can ‘act thick’ and behave as if no someone who’s perceived as neutral, sarcastic or biting undertones are coming our respectful and able to keep order. way, pretending instead to hear only positive Learning how to communicate regularly and or non-confrontational remarks. Doing this effectively is an important skill, valuable in removes the power from the other person. keeping relationships healthy and nurtured. Detaching can result in the option to walk Remaining quiet due to fear of confrontation, away from difficult or unpleasant situations, laziness or lack of confidence may result in but that isn’t the most productive way to live relationships becoming out of balance, and isn’t always a viable option. Having which can eventually fester and keep us in therapy, coaching or language classes to relationships with negative people. Is now the improve thinking and communication skills time to reflect and walk away from those can help in overcoming doubt and hesitancy, negative relationships?

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham,Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor,writer & media contributor who offers help with relationship issues,stress management,assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients,couples and provide corporate workshops and support.


NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS This is a romantic time for you, but it is also a time of momentous responsibilities. You are feeling the pressure of having to make decisions about your future, and you may even feel enmeshed by circumstances in numerous ways. If you have been working hard on your relationships, this is the time to push forward and ask tough questions like: where do you see this relationship going? The cosmos is in your corner and wants to help you out! There is nothing more important than your happiness; go ahead and give yourself the swift kick in the seat that you need to get going! Just know, if you decide to tie the knot now, you will only drive yourself crazy attempting to plan for a summertime wedding; there is nothing like the beautiful fall foliage to make a dazzling colourful backdrop to your special day.

MERCURY GOES DIRECT cue the music and get ready for Mercury to change directions again! In short order, it has a dazzling effect on your life! Just when you thought the world could not get any stranger, the universe takes that as a challenge. While the extra assistance from above may appear useful, it is supportive in the way a tornado helps to rearrange a trailer park. This shift in direction will not only work to change everything bad about your life, but it will also help you to find the beneficial things if you know where to look. While changes in Mercury have a greater effect on your life than most planetary movements, they are the easiest to counter if you take the time needed to think through the

LUNAR OCCULTATION OF URANUS As the moon moves in front of Uranus, you enter a time of reflection and the urge to organise areas of your life. While this can be a momentous event to help you prepare for upcoming spring cleaning, it can also cause you emotional stress as you try to balance the need to get rid of unused items, while not wanting to discard gifts and items which bring back memories of a happier time. When deciding what to keep and what to get rid of, make it a rule that if you keep it, you must display it. Items left sitting in a box in storage are never going to remind you of anything or anyone special. It is only the items you are willing to put on display that will hold the most intrinsic value. Other items, need to find a new home!

MOON AT FIRST QUARTER This is a time of growth and action. If you have been holding on to problems from the past, it is time to let them go, and move on with your life. Seek out things to instil jubilation and fulfilment into your every day, instead of following your current social circle. Individual happiness is your primary goal; find something you choose to do! Clear away obstacles and people who are in your way with quick and decisive measures. This is not the time for you to spend it lingering on the past. If you have not finished a personal project or dream, then now is the time to pursue it. Lay the foundation out now for a happy and healthy month. Book your appointments and ensure you have gotten all your monthly “have to dues” done; make quick order of it! The rest of the month is yours if you get organised now.

MERCURY ENTERS AQUARIUS You are going to want to do your best to remain neutral and not let your feelings get in the way of the truth. Although you are known for being the brainy one in your bunch, there comes a time when you need to let others figure things out for themselves; there is a fine line between being helpful and being bossy. While others often appreciate your ability to look at things from all sides and make the best choice, your words tend to upset others and bring out their obstinacy. Spend this time thinking about your future and what you want out of it. Asking engaging questions is the first step in finding a way to move forward in an exciting and fulfilling manner. When it comes to making a choice in your love life, you may want to consider just how much of a demanding personality you really want to deal with in the future.

FULL MOON IN LEO Now is all about finding a balance between your personal interests and the sacrifices you must make to earn a living. Everything has a cost, even if you do not see it. While some of the costs of employment have changed over the years, you are still at the beck and call of others, even if you do not work in an office. This is the time to think about those costs and how they may be keeping you from reaching your dreams. You may find that you are also in the mood to look at things in their current state. Ask yourself, “Should I be doing more to help those around me?” Social justice issues tug at your heartstrings; they will no longer allow you to sit by and let others do all the work towards change! There are a whole lot of evils in this world and while you may not be able to solve them all, you could resolve some of them.

SUN ENTERS PISCES As the sun enters the last house of the zodiac, it signals the ending of one cycle and asks for you to take the time needed, to evaluate your contribution to the universe over this last phase. While it has been a rough two years for the world, there have been some bright areas as well – although they may have been harder to see. This is the time to care for wounds and injuries which you have been putting off. Take the time needed to heal and regain your strength before starting off on new and exciting journeys. If you lack a specific destination, let your intuition be your guide. Your spirit knows which is the best path for you to follow and your instincts will help you to overcome any obstacles along the way. This is the time to dream big and think about things greater than yourself.

MOON IN LAST QUARTER You have entered into a time of closing and deep consideration. Make sure you are on course to complete the projects you started at the beginning of the month. You will want to make sure you have all the facts, figures, and reports needed to close out any outstanding projects without difficulties. If others have been dragging their feet and lagging on their duties, then now is the time to help them finish up their assignments. Once you have put all the information together, then take a moment to look it over to confirm you have not missed anything and to ensure you completely understand what has happened. If there is a choice to be made, this is the time to make it. Although leaving something you love behind can be difficult; if you have outgrown where you are, then the only real thing you can do is to move on to new and exciting challenges!

Conjunction of Moon and Venus What is it that you really want to do for a living? Are you happy where you are, or do you feel you would be better off someplace new? No matter what choice you make, keep in mind that you are not the only one who needs to feel comfortable with what happens in your life. Your family, either the ones you live with or those with whom you may live in the future, need to feel just as comfortable with what you do for a living as you do. It does you no good to be happy at work and miserable at home. If you are not working, then this is your time to work around the home to make it a safe, happy, and healthy environment to live in. Organise your spaces and you will find comfort and prosperity in both your professional and personal life.

Conjunction of Moon and Mercury It is time to put your professional work aside and instead focus on making friends and family happy. Others are more interested in you as a person, not what you do for work, but what makes you tick. What was the most exciting adventure you have ever been on? Where did you go to school? And most importantly, what are you looking for in a romantic partner? Those around you are interested in you and your life. While you may normally what to keep some personal secrets, be warned, the universe is out to get you to tell all! If you have been hiding a secret crush or something shameful, you may find that you just cannot keep yourself from talking. While this may sound scary; they say confession is good for the soul, so do not try and fight it! Just say what you have to say and let others make their choice about how they really feel about you.

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DON’T WANT TO BE SINGLE ANYMORE? There are certain times of the year when being single can be especially tough. Long Bank Holiday weekends, Valentine's Day, family holidays and key social events can often appear to be cosy twosome or family arrangements and at those times being single can feel particularly lonely and unloved. The fact that the days and weeks post-Christmas and holidays are two of the busiest times of the year for divorce lawyers can do little to provide comfort or alleviate the loneliness and sense that we're missing out on something special. Sometimes we can sigh and feel that we really don't want to be single any more. - Many people who don't want to be single choose to join online dating sites and these can be an efficient way of finding someone with similar tastes and interests who fits our criteria. These sites often offer good practical advice when making their introductions. For example, be careful how much personal information you disclose and limit a first meeting to an hour so that neither person feels trapped for an indefinite period of time. If you hit it off your next date can last as long as you like. - Stay safe. Trust your gut instincts if something feels wrong and arrange for the first meeting to be in a public place. An increasing number of people use these sites successfully, but it's still a good idea to tell a friend where you're going and maybe get them to phone you after an hour to ensure that you're okay. - Accept if friends, colleagues or someone in your circle offers to introduce you to someone they know. The person may be a good fit for you so why not agree to meet them. Even if nothing comes of it you've met someone new and done something different. Being able to mix and talk to new people is an important skill which can be quickly lost if we're out of practice and haven't dated for a while. - Manage your expectations. It might be exciting if fireworks go off when we meet someone for the first time, but don't invest all your hopes and dreams in a new relationship from the outset. Having a pleasant hour or two over coffee, lunch or a walk can be a great way to initially meet someone and may lead to you making a special new friend even if they don't become a lover. - Make invitations. Be proactive and get on mailing lists for what's happening locally. Then you can organise trips to shows, exhibitions and events. Join in when others do the same and invite you to join them. Circulate regularly so that you're adding to your network of contacts whilst having a good social life and keeping in touch with what's happening around you.

- Do things you enjoy. Volunteering, joining a class, walking group or undertaking an activity you enjoy keeps you occupied and also enables you to mix and meet with people who have similar interests to yourself. Enjoy meeting, sharing activities, becoming friends and gradually you may develop a loving relationship with someone you've already established a fun connection with. - Don't try too hard. Relax and be yourself. And remember that being single isn't the end of the world! Many people in unhappy relationships no doubt envy you your freedom and ability to do whatever you want whenever you choose. APPRECIATE EACH STAGE OF LIFE AND ENJOY THE OPPORTUNITIES THAT COME YOUR WAY. SINGLE OR PARTNERED, EACH SITUATION HAS ITS PROS AND CONS. BEING COMFORTABLE WITH YOURSELF AND YOUR LIFE TAKES THE PRESSURE OFF FINDING A NEW PARTNER AND OFTEN LEADS TO A NEW RELATIONSHIP COMING YOUR WAY WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT TO.

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham,Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor,writer & media contributor who offers help with relationship issues,stress management,assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients,couples and provide corporate workshops and support.

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VEGAN NEWS Veg News have confirmed the launch of its new vegan pepperoni pizza comes after Domino’s reported a 73-percent spike in vegan orders. Domino’s is one of several fastfood chains that have updated their UK menus this week to take advantage of Veganuary-driven interest in plant-based options. Others include McDonald’s (which expanded its McPlant to all UK locations this week); Wagamama (which added a vegan fish and chips option); Subway (where a Image: Dominos vegan Tikka Masala Chicken sub is now on the menu); and Burger King (where vegan chicken nuggets, also made by The Vegetarian Butcher, just hit the menu UK-wide). “After much experimenting in the Domino’s kitchens, with taste tests a plenty, we can’t wait to bring Vegan PepperoNAY to the masses,” Melanie Howe, Domino’s UK Communications Manager, said in a statement. “These smoky PepperoNAY slices are going to go down a treat. With deals to suit every budget, there is no excuse to not try something new.” Kinnerton Confectionery’s free-from brand NOMO has won a major honor at the Vegan Food UK awards – widely regarded as the nation’s largest vegan food event, reported by Totally Vegan Buzz. NOMO’s Caramel Chocolate Bar has scooped the title of ‘Best Vegan Chocolate’. The annual award, which prides itself on a completely transparent award selection, is now in its fourth year with thousands of people getting the opportunity to not only vote on their favourite products, but also nominate them too. This year more than 42,000+ UK vegans voted for their favourite vegan products of the year.

Image: NOMO

Image: Jude’s

Plant Based News have reported that British ice cream brand Jude’s is making huge vegan-friendly promise. It’s committing to making half its retail range plant-based by 2025. Jude’s, said to be the first carbon-negative ice cream company in the UK, is set to massively increase its vegan offerings. This is part of an overall carbon reduction plan, though details of all the new editions are yet to released. Currently, vegan options available include vanilla bean, vegan honeycomb, salted caramel, and chocolate brownie. All are made with an oat base.

Image: Starbucks

After the success of oat milk in stores, Veg News have confirmed that Starbucks is extending the sustainable milk option to its ready-to-drink Frappuccinos. Starbucks is finally launching its first bottled Frappuccinos made with oat milk. The new ready-to-drink Starbucks Frapuccino with Oatmilk beverages will be available in two indulgent flavors: Caramel Waffle Cookie and Dark Chocolate Brownie. “Starbucks has been a leader in the ready-to-drink coffee category since 1994 and we continue to focus on beverage innovation with the highest quality coffee and ingredients,” Chanda Beppu, Vice President of Channel Development Americas at Starbucks, said in a statement. “This year, we’re excited to provide customers with their favorite readyto-drink Starbucks beverages in new flavors and formats, like Starbucks Cold & Crafted on Tap and the new Starbucks Frappuccino with Oatmilk.” In addition to the new oat milk Frappuccinos, Starbucks is releasing bottled cold brew made with oat milk in a dark chocolate flavor—all of which are expected to hit retailers by the end of the year. The oat milk Frappuccinos and oat milk cold brew will be rolling out alongside Baya Energy, Starbucks’ first energy drink line available in Mango Guava, Raspberry Lime, and Pineapple Passionfruit flavors. In the United Kingdom, Starbucks recently dropped its plant-based milk upcharge at all 1,000 locations to remove cost barriers to making climate-friendly choices. However, activists argue that making this move a system-wide policy that applies to all of its more than 32,000 global locations would make the biggest impact.

February Horoscopes from Russell Grant

ARIES Prioritise and take time to reflect. You've reached a point in life where you need to decide about certain relationships and situations. If other people's demands and expectations of your behaviour are too high, don't be afraid to set boundaries. A little reflection at the beginning of each month can help you see what in your life is not serving you and which relationships work for you. Learn from experience, be prepared to let go and release anyone in your heart that is holding it back. You'll settle into new routines by the 2nd. The more you love, the more love will you experience. Your hard work has paid off. You can look ahead to some free time for fun activities. Take an adventure trip. You have overcome many hurdles and your hard work has helped you build a solid foundation for your future. The 20th will see financial issues come into focus when you look to invest money in a vehicle, computer, or beautiful art. You realise you cannot do everything. It's not weakness to ask others for help. Your co-workers can help you, so delegate your workload. This will leave you with more time to be present and enjoy the results of your labour. As February winds down, you will need to have some time for yourself. Your family and friends can help you relax and feel rejuvenated. You will receive an award for your hard work around the 25th.

TAURUS You have given away too many of your powers to other people. It's now that you have the power to take control of your life. You've made commitments that were too big for you and you find it difficult to say no. You feel trapped in either your career or in a relationship. Now you're looking at the value of friendships. Too many people have had too big an impact on your life, so it is important to establish boundaries. After all, you are the one who is giving the most. It's okay to remind family, friends, or partners of your needs. Being in nature can help you feel better about yourself. It doesn't matter if you're looking for work or money. Look at where you currently stand and where it will take you in six months. Be open to the suggestions and advice you receive. If you have given loans to someone else's hobby, habits, or business, insist on full repayment. You have to give your energy where it's likely to be reciprocated. That means that you should also ask your employer to pay you more or to look for a different job. Your job might be something you love so much that you want to get involved in work projects. However, if your salary isn't enough to meet your needs, you will need to find a solution. You can get so wrapped up in your work, you don't realise how much it drains your energy. Don't be distracted by anyone who suggests you are being selfish.

GEMINI Clear the air before February begins. Take this opportunity to be kind and generous with colleagues and friends who have been in conflict. Strange events are taking place now. While these might seem alarming, it could be just what you need to get rid of stagnant energy at your home and workplace. You're starting to seriously consider the value of some friendships. It might appear that your mutual hopes and desires have been put on the back burner for several months when you are in a committed relationship. Be confident that your goals will be realised. It doesn't matter whether you're buying a house or getting married. Are you single, or are you married? It's a good idea to join groups that have like-minded people. This will help you find a compatible date. You are looking at your world with a new, more innovative perspective. You want to feel you're making better decisions and achieving a better future. Being awarded a bonus, funding or other form of compensation from the government can give you more autonomy. This is a good time to think about buying a home for your family. Your income will increase. Use this opportunity to open a saving/investment account. Take full advantage of the time as February begins to make changes and declutter. You can get rid of unnecessary items, file your papers correctly and free yourself from any situation that is preventing you from reaching your full potential. Explore new possibilities and build relationships. It's possible to achieve your personal goals with the help of people you meet around the 16th. You're ready for new beginnings and can handle any challenges. Don't be ashamed of the achievements made thus far, and continue to dream big.

CANCER When you think about all you've gone through, all the accomplishments you've achieved and all the times you've had to overcome, you should be so proud. There are still people who believe that they can impact you. It's time to take initiative and change the direction of your life. Take responsibility for your own life. Be more assertive in your relationships. Take the initiative to address any issues you are having with your partner or yourself. You'll be amazed at how others view you once you after the 10th. If you are direct and positive, your friends and partner will begin to show you renewed respect. You might have to put money into safety equipment if you take up a sport. This investment will pay off in the long-term, as it is good for your health. You may agree to work on a contract basis for a job around the 13th. This money will help you build financial security. You are the master of your decisions. If you feel that a colleague is able to make prudent decisions, you should show them through your words and actions. Don't quit if it makes you unhappy. Change is imminent and you'd be better off being unemployed than enduring it. There are many ways to improve your workplace situation. Consider changing your job title on the 20th. There are always new opportunities.

LEO You're ready to have some good times as February begins. You've been working hard. Your responsibilities have been taken seriously. Now is the time for your inner child. Your days should be filled with activities that you find enjoyable and enjoy. You need some time for yourself. You're worthy of this. If you are more involved in pleasure, your relationship will benefit. This is the time to inject some spice into your romance. It's time to plan a special trip for you both. Your charisma will rise to a new level mid-February. You bring out all the best in people, no matter where they are. Are you single and lonely or are you looking for love? Remind yourself of how beautiful and worthy you are of true love. When a friend introduces someone to you, you'll instantly realise that you have found the perfect partner. Being more relaxed this month means you're open to new concepts and ideas. By focusing your attention away from your problems, you will suddenly see the bigger picture. Money is not everything. Living beyond what you can afford is bad for your health and your happiness.

VIRGO Your efforts are beginning to show results. It's possible to achieve the goals that you have been working towards. Your hard work will begin paying off in many ways. It's about more than the money. It's all in the passion, the energy, the effort and the hard work that you put into building a foundation for your life. Romance is the best way to express your love and appreciation to your partner. If you aren't seeing anyone right now, it could be because you've been too focused on your career and other responsibilities. You can feel therapeutic by taking a quick getaway for pleasure in mid-February. You may meet someone special on your journey. The romance journey will provide you with excitement for your future. You will receive money as February begins from any inheritance or refund you received. It's not a good idea to rush to spend money if your primary goal is to ensure your long-term financial security. The opportunity to use your creativity is great when you purchase a piece of art or launch a home improvement project. You'll feel great knowing you can invest in your life. The 20th is an excellent opportunity to sign contracts or make long-term financial commitments. The future is bright for a career.

LIBRA You may have struggled with making big decisions in the past so February could be an overwhelming month. The more you think it through, the more confusing you'll become. Retire. Clear your mind. You won't make the right decision if your mind is running at high speed all the time. An intimate relationship can lead to confusion. A person you love may expect too much. There are times when they may have experienced a difficult time. Now is the time to go back to normal. You will need to allow yourself more time for independent interests. You have doubts about joining a group project or going out with your friends, but you still want to be there. You have bills to pay and your funds are running out. You need to find a way to replenish your bank balance. If you allow others to control how your cash is spent, it will make it difficult to pay your bills. You may have to be strict about your budget. Consider your career goals. The 10th will allow you to step back and contemplate your future. Don't feel pressured to take action immediately. If you feel that your current job will change and it won't suit you, you should look for another job. It's better to accept changes than to have them forced upon your life.

SCORPIO Talking to family members can help you relieve any anxiety you have. It is a time of big changes. This makes it easy to be both excited and nervous. February is a powerful period for healing family wounds. The challenges you face in your own home could help you learn valuable lessons. There may be many opinions between you and your partner on an issue of morality, education or medical. Arguing about the same issue will drain your energy. You must resolve this issue to move on to other important areas. There's excitement in trying new things around the 13th. It's normal for people to be anxious about embarking on a new adventure. Are you single, or are you married? Valentine's Day can be a wonderful opportunity to meet someone you love. The positive effects of the past choices are showing. All the work you have done will finally come to an end. For the extra effort that you have put in to make this happen, don't be surprised if a bonus is given. This is not just about making money. It was also about passion. You've had the chance to show your creative side and are realising that it's a good way to make money.

SAGITTARIUS You had been intending to spend less over Christmas only it may not have quite worked out as you had hoped. If money is causing problems at home, face up to the issue and decide what you’re going to do about it as the year begins. It’s a New Year, make a new start with finances. When you feel in control of your financial situation, life may not necessarily get easier but you will worry less and have more time to devote other things. With Mars in your sign for most of the month, working with an innovative and energetic team will be a welcome change of pace. An opportunity to take the helm of an important project will fall into your lap. Through some frank talks with loved ones around the 21st, you could discover some profound truths. On evaluating recent years you will decide you no longer want to live your life according to other people’s expectations. From now on you intend to be true and honest in all you are doing and to be your authentic self. If you have given your power to someone else, now is a perfect time to reclaim it. You might find yourself in a difficult position as the month begins. Although you are likely to prefer your own solutions, there is one situation where you might benefit from the advice of another person.

CAPRICORN As the month begins, it seems like your sensitivity levels have gone on overload. Don't believe every word you hear. Avoid drama, in particular the drama of others. If you're having difficulty coping emotionally, get support from a friend. Romance is not about pretending you don't feel affected by your best friend's or partner's actions. You may feel as though they are intentionally trying to upset or hurt you. Maybe they didn't mean to cause you pain but they are sending conflicting signals which makes it difficult to keep your emotions in check. Give them the benefit of doubt if they are being honest with you and you will be able to move on. Make it romantic for the 14th. Reconnect over a candlelit dinner. You can set boundaries and make sure you are in good standing with your loved ones as February ends. A friend will often ask for financial advice. Don't get involved. You have enough going on in your life. The last thing you want is to be drawn into other people's problems. Mid-February is a great time for a spa treat as your body craves pampering. You will feel loved and appreciated as February ends. Giving someone a gift of appreciation for all they have done will bring you to tears. You will soon be recognised for your hard work, dedication and perseverance by those in high places.

AQUARIUS The 1st of February marks the end of a cycle in your life. It can feel like your life has been on an emotional rollercoaster. But you find that the next few weeks will be more peaceful. As you get over this, you will be able to open new doors. It's time for you and your partner to let it go. Old situations, ties, people or habits. New things are waiting for them. If a relationship feels stale, boring or uninteresting, but you keep holding on to it because it feels familiar, then you are trading your happiness for security. You have the power to end the relationship now or make it better. Get over past hurts and disappointments. Do not retell your past stories. It's time for a fresh story. Financial matters can be stable and settled but they can also change rapidly. It is important to protect your financial future by making a budget, controlling your spending, and saving money for an emergency. Be careful who you confide in. Make sure to protect your valuables and money. Avoid comparing yourself with your friends or colleagues. The most important thing is to keep your sights on your own path and your own progress. Keep in mind that the Universe is vast and there are plenty of opportunities for everyone to succeed. In many areas of your life, new beginnings are possible. Be kind and loving to yourself. Be confident that success is possible if your goal is to achieve it.

PISCES You're learning to control your emotions so they don't get the better of you. You will set goals for the month and be focused on what you want to do. You're making good progress and the more you learn the skills you need to succeed, the more confidence you will have. Romance is about you feeling more confident and independent with your partner. You don't need the other's approval to pursue the things you want. You will be grateful for your family's support and love, but they'll also see how stubborn you really are. It will bring you a sense of balance in your life by embracing a new spiritual practice based around the 10th. Are you single and looking for love? It is possible to find a companion while on an advanced course. Clearing out clutter from your life can help you feel less stressed and overwhelmed. Holding onto items you don't use can cause you to get stuck. Give up on items that are expensive, even if they once held sentimental significance. If someone is experiencing financial hardship, they will be grateful to you for your kindness. You have the courage and determination to take on any challenge you face in February. You know you can get results by remaining calm and in control.

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THERAPY COUCH Your dilemma’s answered.. Many people decide to make resolutions at New Year. They carefully select what they are going to give up, berate themselves for their old, bad habits and put themselves under increasing pressure to stop doing things that they have often enjoyed. Many of those resolutions last a week or two before stress, desire for comfort and simple forgetfulness propel them back into their old ways. Let's look at another approach that may have a better chance of success. Positive resolutions are supportive, encouraging and gentle. They encourage us to improve with kindness, especially kindness to ourselves. Let's look at some of the best positive resolutions, taken from my postbag:

Many of my slimming clients know lots about different diets, having tried them all to no avail. When I ask if they would lose weight if they ate three healthy meals a day they usually say 'Yes'. The problem is that food often equates to relaxation and comfort. Some thoughts for resolutions: ● Give yourself treats and rewards that contain no calories. Have a relaxing, scented bath, play music, buy a lovely bunch of fresh flowers or that book you keep meaning to read. Relax and enjoy calorie free treats. ● Plan nutritious meals in advance so that food is readily available. Have a cooking session, prepare and freeze several portions of each meal so that it simply needs heating when required. Set the slow cooker in the morning so that a meal is ready for you upon your arrival home. ● Use smaller plates. Many people hate wasting food. I ask clients 'would you rather waist it or waste it?' One could say that food is already finished with when it's been cooked, but using smaller plates avoids feeling guilty at not eating a massive portion because it's been served. ● Sit and focus on each mouthful as you eat. Savour the smell, taste and texture of the food. Put your cutlery down until you've swallowed each mouthful. There is a twentyminute delay between swallowing and registering how much food has been eaten so eating until you feel full means that there is a further twenty minutes worth of food to be added. That's why people who eat really quickly are often over full after a meal.

● Alcohol contains calories that we often forget to take into account. Try to have a day or two each week, preferably together, where you consume no alcohol. This has the advantage of also giving your liver a break. ● Eat without distractions. Many people eat and read or watch television. Often, they are completely unaware of what they've eaten, how much, even whether they have finished their meal or not. Sit at a table and enjoy your food. ● Identify triggers for eating. Stress and comfort eating often go together. Notice what your triggers are. Try to avoid food shopping at these vulnerable times. Learn to treat yourself with kindness when you're feeling tired or jaded. ● Recycle unwanted, inappropriate gifts. My mother and I laugh that there is a single box of gift-wrapped chocolates going around our family. The minute a person receives them they are passed on quickly, like red-hot coals. No one wants to open them because they know that there are always chocolates left in an opened box. It would be too tempting to finish eating them. ● Display a photograph of how you want to look, put motivational stickers on the fridge door, maybe buy clothing in a smaller size and hang it on the outside of the wardrobe. All these can be ways to maintain the commitment to eat healthily. ● Some people enjoy losing weight with friends. They enjoy the encouragement and motivation, maybe even the challenge of losing weight as part of a group. They may exercise together, go for walks, use the gym together. This is good if everyone remains motivated. It can prove fatal if someone loses heart. ● Reward yourself when targets are reached along the way. Acknowledging achievements is an important way of maintaining the enthusiasm to continue.

Instead of going on a diet and doing without, why not look at ways to treat yourself better, more gently. A little forethought can help you become less stressed, more organised and lose weight all at the same time.


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IPriya asks “Is 2022 a good year for me to take risks in my career? Can I expect a promotion and when's a good time to push for a pay rise? A: As a Capricorn, Priya would be willing to make sacrifices for their career if there is promise of longterm security. Priya will prefer a stable career that brings in a steady flow of money even if this means having a structured work schedule. It might come as a surprise therefore when occasionally Priya starts feeling restless and in need of change and variety. With Venus and Mars in Aquarius, they also need some independence and a promotion could be the answer that allows Priya more freedom. Getting the timing right to ask for a pay rise is important and Priya should watch for the right opportunity between the end of June and 31st August when a promotion at this time is also a strong possibility.

Lu asks ““I have been having money trouble recently. I lost my job in the pandemic and I’m uncertain about my future. What do the stars say?” A: Lu and all Cancerians can feel anxious and uncertain when there are changes in their working life especially if these might affect their family life too. Losing their job will have felt like the rug had been pulled from under their feet and yet, with the slow moving planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto making some supportive links with planets in Lu’s chart during the pandemic, it is likely they have found other ways to feel purposeful, helpful and able to make a difference in other people’s lives. Volunteer work will have felt empowering. It gives Lu great pleasure in being a force for good in their community and it is possible that Lu will find work in a charity organisation.


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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay

“All dreams are within reach. All you have to do is keep moving towards them…” VIOLA DAVIS

For advertising enquiries please email Photo Credits: Dominos, NOMO, Jude’s, Starbucks and Refuge

Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg, and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. © RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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